I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1699 Seven-tone Mantra

The first generation leader of the Incarnation of Justice, President Chao, died, and Captain Carrot, the bunny superman from the animal universe, became the second generation. After returning to the Dome, Dachao offered to join the team of the "Incarnation of Justice" and replace Calvin in the battle. character of.

In addition to Super, the old Flash Jay was also taken to the Dome. His main identity was a messenger. After meeting Superboy Supreme and the Anti-Monitor, he immediately returned to the main universe and then took Harley through the invasion. world.

In order to make it easier for Jay to travel through time and space in the Blood Realm, Barry and Cisco also helped install a set of cosmic treadmills on the Dome.

The Flash travels through time by changing his vibration frequency by running.

The blood realm is in the gap between parallel universes, similar to the lubricating oil between mechanical parts.

When traveling from parallel universe A to universe B, you have to pass through the blood domain, so you can also achieve the crossing by changing the vibration frequency in the blood domain.

When returning to the main universe, Jay needs to run on the cosmic treadmill to speed up in order to change his own vibration frequency.

When he meets Harley and travels from the main universe to the invaded universe, he does not need to enter the blood realm anymore. He can just run in the main universe, take Harley with him, and directly enter the invaded universe. With Harley here, he is not afraid of the package being invaded. Earth's antimatter energy tide.

It sounds complicated from time to time, but in fact the whole process is very fast and can be completed within half a minute.

With Da Chao and Diana here, and dozens of other superheroes with S-level abilities and above helping, it is not difficult to hold on for half a minute.

"The next time you encounter Superboy Supreme teaming up with the Anti-Monitor, Diana, you go deal with the Anti-Monitor. You are responsible for blocking the Anti-Monitor's anti-matter energy attack and creating a safe output environment for other attackers.

Superboy is left to Superboy to deal with.

Chao, I know that you, like Old Superman and Old Lois, don't want to kill Superboy, but you have to understand the current situation.

If you hold back for a moment, you may not be a match for Xiao Chao, who is wearing anti-supervision armor and possesses powerful divine power. If you are a little careless, he will really beat your companions to death. "

Harley stared at Diana and Da Chao respectively and warned.

Now it seems that the old Batman's strategy of letting Diana deal with Superboy and letting Carlisle focus on anti-surveillance was actually a bit problematic. Of course, based on the information the old Batman got at the time, there was no problem with this arrangement.

Although Superboy-Prime is strong, he has been defeated by Superboy and Old Superman respectively - in the multi-restart crisis, only half of them were defeated. At the last moment, the two showed mercy, but Superboy killed him without any scruples, and the ending appeared. In reverse, he almost killed Da Chao and Lao Chao.

"Will the divine power in Superboy's body affect his 'explosive seed'?" Dachao asked.

"It's hard to say." Harley said hesitantly: "You also know Xiaochao's character. He is almost half-Luther, extremely conceited and proud, and has a strong belief in his own power.

He has had divine power for several years, but has never developed magic. He has always used his divine power as a plug-in power for the Man of Steel.

No matter how many external forces he borrowed, he always regarded the body of steel as his only way.

The key to influencing the explosion is belief. His paranoia and arrogance are exactly in line with the 'right way of superman'. "

Although they are both called "Clark" and are both serious "Supermen", Superboy-Prime is obviously the biggest anomaly among the "Supermen", even more abnormal than the Speedmaster of Universe 3.

It's true that Superhero is full of evil, but the more evil he is, the more it shows that his "superhuman essence" has not been lost.

Only good people touching Pandora's box will inspire evil thoughts.

When an evil person touches the magic box, the evil thoughts are suppressed and the good thoughts hidden in the corner come to the fore.

The abnormal thing is Universe 3, not Super. If the laws of Universe 3 become normal in the future, Super 80% will return to his true nature and become no different from Big Super, Old Super, Black Super, and Rabbit Super.

Superboy Prime was not affected by the environment and laws, and his native family was also very "superhuman". He met the old superman when he just became an adult, and received the words and deeds of the old superman. As a result, he grew crooked.

But Superboy is not as evil as Superboy. After he returned to the Origin Earth, he stayed at home and read comics. At most, he bullied his parents and girlfriend, forcing them to still love him as before, and then in order to change " Public Image” made a big fuss over the comics company.

Superboy has killed many people, but he never thought about using his superpowers to bully men, dominate women, plunder wealth, and dominate the world.

Such a heterogeneous Superboy cannot be judged by the general situation of Superman.

However, his explosive power is indeed a little weaker than that of old Superman and Big Super. Perhaps his stupid and bad character still affects the use of Superman's "thinking talent".

Facing him, as long as Dachao doesn't restrain himself too much, he won't be at a disadvantage and can at least hold on for half a minute until she arrives.

In the next half month, the main universe will receive messages from the Qiongji every three days, which are basically three points happy and seven points worried.

Happiness is that every battle must be won, and sacrifices are rare.

The worry is that their victory accounts for too small a proportion of the entire battle.

After Superboy joined, they never encountered Superboy Prime again. During the battle, the Anti-Monitor King also blasted through the material universe with antimatter energy many times, but he was never able to cause a tragedy like Calvin's.

Diana's instant burst is a bit worse than Super, but as the Olympian God of War, she can continue to explode in battle. As long as the Anti-Monitor cannot severely damage her in a short period of time, Diana can always increase her power to Almost on an equal footing with him.

Thanks to Diana's continued extraordinary performance, not only were there no major tragedies these days, but she was able to eliminate anti-monitors every time and protect the invaded universe.

"In the past 12 days, we have rescued 35 parallel universes, and we have been successful every time. The efficiency has increased ten times compared with before the incarnation of justice.

But our rescue speed can never match the speed at which the Anti-Monitor devours the universe.

If this continues, sooner or later a second Crisis on Infinite Earths will occur. "Neptune returned to the main universe and reported to everyone.

"In addition." He looked at Harley with a strange look and said, "The Anti-Monitor also asked us to bring you a message. He said that he has given you a lot of face and deliberately gave up the main universe and only swallowed other parallel universes. Don't be shameless.

Well, when he saw us, familiar faces from the main universe, he thought you were controlling everything behind the scenes and were specifically targeting him. "

"Listen to what he means, he doesn't regard the main universe as a target, is he doing favors to Harley and us?" Dinah sneered.

"That's what he meant. Diana taunted him that if he had the guts, he would invade the main universe in person. Anti-Supervisor became even more angry and swore that if this was what 'Witch Harley' meant, he would definitely not let us go." Poseidon said.

Barry said excitedly: "If Harley taunts him in person and makes him furious, will he immediately invade the main universe? Then we will annihilate him in one fell swoop and end the 'Second Crisis on Infinite Earths' early?"

All the heroes looked at Harley expectantly.

Harley shook her head and said: "Although I don't understand the reason why anti-monitoring triggered the second crisis on infinite earths, I can guess his goal at this stage - to swallow as many parallel universes as possible, return the universe to its origin, and turn it into himself The source of antimatter to enhance one's own strength.

Before he thinks he is strong enough to invade the main universe, no matter who scolds him or how he scolds him, it will be of no use. "

"Are we just waiting for him to destroy the universe and accumulate energy?" Cyborg frowned.

"Currently, this is all we can do." Harley sighed: "Unless Monitor Wu Tan determines the location of the anti-monitor body, or we solve the threat of the Eclipse Lord, we can't do anything more."

Poseidon was puzzled: "Also the Creator, Wan Tianyi is still the supervisor's territory, why is he so powerless every time he faces an anti-supervisor?

Or is it that the anti-monitors' uprising was inevitable and that Wu Tan was deliberately letting things slip? "

"With great abilities comes great responsibilities. Our current abilities can only reach this level, as long as we have a clear conscience. We don't need to be too anxious or think too much." Harley said.

"Having said that." A complex look of sadness and helplessness appeared in Neptune's eyes, "The feeling of sitting here talking about the 'Second Crisis of Infinite Earths' is completely different from experiencing the crisis of the parallel universe in person.

In the invaded world, you can hear with your own ears the helpless wails of the people, and you can see that people in the entire city, regardless of gender, old or young, are burned into charred and oily skeletons by the flames of antimatter energy."


Without any warning, a deafening loud noise suddenly swept through the entire Hall of Justice, and everyone was dazzled. They felt that the huge hall was shaking violently, and the ground under their feet was beating like chaff.

"What's going on? There's a big earthquake in Metropolis?"

The heroes staggered and hurriedly reached out to support the tables and chairs nearby.

Harley looked up, her eyes flashing with strange light, and the scenes in her pupils were like layers of stage curtains, rapidly opening one after another.

Finally, her eyes landed on the source of the vibration.

"Fake, Lord Eclipse has entered the main universe." She said in surprise.

As soon as the words fell, a great malice fell on everyone's heart fiercely and arrogantly.

They felt like a weak child who was now being targeted by a hungry lion. Their spines trembled and the hairs stood on end. Fear quickly filled their hearts like athlete's foot after taking off their boots.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, have you seen me? It's a pity that it's too late. Now I have finally become complete, flesh and blood, and can exert 100% of my power!"

When Harley saw the Eclipse Lord who crossed the dimensional barrier and entered the main universe completely, the Eclipse Lord also noticed her "eyes" and followed her line of sight and sent his will to the Hall of Justice.

"Stand there and don't move, wait for me to go over and fight you to the end of the universe." Harley shouted, and the figure disappeared in the Hall of Justice. The next moment, accompanied by cyan light, it appeared over Gotham Long Island.

"Witch Harley, do you think I'm still afraid of you now?"

The Eclipse Lord did not run away, nor did he directly expose his newly acquired body. He still faced Harley with a giant python composed of black smoke.

Those black smokes are all materialized sins, which are richer and darker than when they were at the bottom of Limbo Hell.

The python is tens of thousands of meters long and hovers at an altitude of two thousand meters. Most of Long Island is shrouded in its shadow.

Above the python, there is no blue sky and white clouds, but a huge gray hole with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers.

Behind the hole is Limbo.

The barrier of the material world was directly penetrated.

From the bottom of Limbo Hell to the material world, a steel rod penetrates straight through it, and that steel rod is the main body of the Corruption Lord.

"Hoo ho ho!" A strong wind blew near the hole, forming a gray vortex visible to the naked eye.

The material world is very "heavy", and Limbo has no time, space and quality, it is very "empty" and nothingness.

Drilling a hole between the material world and Limbo is like opening a hole in a spaceship traveling in outer space, and the material in the spacecraft is ejected into space through the hole.

Theoretically, it should be a massive object on Earth that erupts into Limbo, but the Eclipse Lord's size is too large.

The Lord of Eclipse is the sum of the negative spiritual matter at the bottom of Limbo Hell. Being able to sink into the bottom layer of Limbo Hell already means that the negative spiritual matter is very "heavy".

Excluding the eight major divine realms and many divinely created planes, the total amount of spiritual matter at the bottom of Limbo Hell is almost equal to 90% of the total volume of Limbo Hell, or even more.

If Limbo is a star system, the Eclipse Lord is the sun, the eight divine realms are the planets in Limbo, and the various magic planes are the large and small meteorites in the galaxy.

Previously, the Eclipse Lord sank to the bottom of Limbo Hell without moving, and the planets and meteorites moved according to established trajectories.

Now the sun has fallen into the material world through a hole, and the huge gravity has also sucked meteorites, planets and even "light" into the hole.

The huge vortex formed above Gotham at this time is not ejecting, but pouring in.


Harry first saw one after another magical beings screaming and struggling falling from the top of the hole.

They were originally in Limbo, but now they were attracted by the huge size of the Eclipse Lord into the hole in the dimensional wall, and fell into the earth involuntarily.

Harley even saw Zha Kang and Zatanna among the "falling" people.

Limbo Hell caused tornadoes all over the eight divine realms because of the Eclipse Lord's departure, and the earth also shook violently because of the Eclipse Lord's arrival.

As far away as the Hall of Justice in the metropolis, everything was beating like chaff, showing the wide range and strong intensity of the vibrations.

If it were any other planet, it might have been torn apart by now.

At this time, the surface of the earth was only covered with a hazy golden light, and not even a crack in the ground was cracked.

"Harley, the alien VIP's spacecraft approaching the earth's orbit is losing control and falling to the ground uncontrollably. Please think of a solution." Martian Manhunter's anxious voice came into Harley's mind.

"Call the Green Lantern of Earth for help. I have to concentrate on dealing with the Eclipse Lord now."

As Harley replied, the blue light on her body kept flashing, and she caught the familiar mages who fell from the holes in the sky one by one.

"Harley, what happened? Why were we forcibly sucked into the material world?" Zatanna asked blankly after taking a breath.

"Where were you before?"

"Constantine's House of Mystery." Zatanna said.

Harry frowned slightly. The House of Mystery stayed in Limbo, and theoretically it would be affected. But the House of Mystery is almost equivalent to an alien dimension. Even the House of Mystery was sucked in. Will there be another world falling on that day?

If another world falls and hits the earth

Just when she thought of this, she suddenly realized that an existence with huge energy response was slowly approaching the material world.

"Fake, what are you afraid of? Xiao Zha, you are responsible for rescuing people. Several 'worlds' are falling from the sky. I have to close the 'door' quickly."

Harley casually threw the mages dragged by the golden film to the ground, and turned into a beam of blue light, heading straight towards the Lord of Erosion.

"Little loach, try my 'Seven-note Mantra'."

Harley was flying in the air, her face was solemn, her hands were making fast gestures, and seven words came out of her mouth: "The emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, I am the only one who respects you!"

When the word "up" was pronounced, the sound resounded throughout the sky. The aliens on the earth and spaceships in outer space, the many gods and demons behind the Limbo holes, as well as several small worlds attracted by "gravity" all " Hear” Harley’s voice.

The moment they heard the sound, they fell into an extremely humble emotion.

Some people who have always been arrogant even feel regret and shame in their introspection.

After the word "emperor", benevolence and charity fill the hearts of those who "hear" the voice.

After the word "zi", the contented happiness made everyone smile.

After the word "下", everyone is full of energy, hardworking, optimistic and positive, and full of motivation to work hard to change themselves and the world.

After the word "I", the jealousy and dark curses they felt towards their colleagues and friends were all replaced by appreciation and blessings.

After the word "independence", both men and women are devoid of desires and distractions. Their brains are like being poured a basin of ice water, and they suddenly wake up and calm down. The skin of the opposite sex is peeled off, and the resonance of the soul becomes the source of desire and love.

After the word "respect", even the addicts who were completely ruined on Kensington Street in Philadelphia began to downplay their desire for Du Ping; even the gamblers who were so crazy that they exchanged photos of their girlfriends for gambling funds also regained their composure at this moment and stopped treating Du Ping. I woke up from the intoxication of gambling and felt ashamed and regretful.

The Seven Deadly Sins of "Gluttony" do not narrowly represent the desire for food. Excessive indulgence in any form of "pleasure" falls under the original sin of gluttony.

Harley's "Seven-tone Mantra" represents seven positive emotions that are in opposition to the Seven Deadly Sins.

Each positive emotion corresponds to her seven positive emotions.

The voice she shouted with her mouth was actually not loud, and even the mages such as Zha Kang and Xiao Zha below could not hear clearly, Feng Datai.

What they heard was the voice of her heart, the voice of her soul.

Every time she pronounces a word, she will activate a positive emotional fantasy that is opposite to original sin, and use her own fantasy emotions to infect the lives that can be perceived by the power of her soul.

Of course, she is not preaching at the moment, and her positive emotional resonance with ordinary people is just incidental, to prevent them from getting lost in the evil atmosphere of the coming Lord of Eclipse.

The Lord of Eclipse is the main target of the "Seven-tone Mantra".

Every syllable of Harley's words hit it like a cannonball.

The essence of the Eclipse Lord is a collection of negative consciousness, and the Seven Deadly Sins are the "leaders" of negative emotions and constitute the skeleton of the Eclipse Lord.

The Seven-note Mantra fired seven cannons in a row, shattering the Seven Sins skeleton of the Lord of Eclipse.

The black python let out a painful howl, and its body collapsed into black smoke, completely losing its python form.

"Witch Harley, today is different from the past. Your emotional resonance from the phantom is just noise in my ears."

From the center of the collapsing black smoke, a young man in snakeskin armor walked out.

It was like pulling out the flesh of a white-scaled python and crawling into the snake's skin.

His hands, feet, and body were wrapped in snake skin, and his entire head was hidden inside the snake's head. The lower jaw of the snake's mouth was tightly clamped on his chin, and the upper jaw was close to his nose.

As the man in snakeskin armor appeared, the black smoke shattered by the Seven-tone Mantra suddenly gathered towards his body, and finally all penetrated into his body, and the sky suddenly became much cleaner.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look really ugly now?"

But before he showed his face, Harley had already passed through the black smoke and arrived at the center of the gray hole.

“I am honored before God, I am honored before God, I am honored before God!”

Harry only said nonsense, and then activated the "Seven-note Mantra" with all his strength, bombarding the Eclipse Lord over and over again, and at the same time opened the ninth-level space defense force field, and his hands seemed to be holding two invisible gates. Slowly closing the hole between Limbo and the material world with great effort.

"Come together!" Finally, with her loud shout, the crack narrowed into a line and finally disappeared completely.


,"Vaguely, she seemed to hear fierce collisions and explosions coming from behind the "gate".

The whole process was not too fast, but the man in snakeskin armor was also absorbing the dispersing black smoke, and was being bombarded by the "Seven-tone Mantra" in turns. He was unable to get close to Harley even if he tried to stop her.

"Uh-huh!" The man in snakeskin armor held his head and roared, "This kind of trick is useless to me, it's useless!"

"Screaming loudly does not prove that you are confident." After closing the door of Limbo, Harley used the yellow light energy for the first time in a long time. The yellow light turned her into a beam of light and went straight towards the snake-skin armored man.

The Eclipse Lord has now absorbed all the black smoke representing the origin of the Eclipse, and his strength has reached its peak. His reaction, speed, and strength are all at the top of the high school. Naturally, he is not afraid of Harley who rushes over.

"Let's have a fist fight!"

It roared, made a classic Superman flying move, and rushed towards Harley at an even faster speed.

The next moment, the two collided.


The Eclipse Lord's punch hit the air, and Harley's right fist, wrapped in a cone-shaped defensive gold film, stabbed firmly into his heart.

Harley uses the power of the yellow light as energy, and her speed and strength are barely 90+, while the Eclipse Lord has a real extreme value of 100 points, with both speed and strength being 100 points.

The two collided with each other, and the strength was superimposed. The gold film on Harley's right hand was shattered layer by layer, and a hole as big as a plate was opened in the Eclipse Lord's chest, and the back could be seen from the chest.

With just one move, Eclipse Master was defeated in seconds.


However, the Eclipse Lord did not die. He just let out an incredible scream and flew several hundred meters upside down, spraying a large amount of black smoke along the way - the origin of the Eclipse.

"What trick did you use?" it shouted angrily, covering its heart.

Harley was a little speechless, "I wanted to use a trick, but you were so stupid that you didn't even give me a chance to use a trick."

She had planned it all, and when the two sides got closer, she suddenly used a defensive gold film to trap the Eclipse Lord, and used the Immobilization Technique on him - using the ninth-level space defense force field to solidify the space around him.

With his strength, he could finally break free from the shackles of the golden film and the "body fixation technique", but there must be a process, and she could take this opportunity to kill him severely.

Unexpectedly, the eclipse master's movements were as stiff as a wooden stake, and he rushed straight forward, using ten percent of his strength.

For the King of Martial Gods, such a move with no technical content was simply thrown at her doorstep.

She didn't use the golden film or the "fixing technique". She just avoided his fist with a clever move and took advantage of the situation to send her fist to his heart.

The Lord of Eclipse could not understand her moves and power techniques, so he said that she was engaging in conspiracy.

"In the face of absolute power, no tricks are of any use!" The Eclipse Lord couldn't figure it out and stopped thinking. He roared, turned into a black light again, and rushed towards Harley.

This is true, as long as the speed and strength can crush the enemy, making it impossible for the opponent to react, and even reacting without the skill of moving a thousand pounds, no matter how high the martial arts level is, it is useless.

But the Lord of Eclipse is the supreme, and Harley is also the God-King.

In addition to the power of the yellow light, she also has various powerful specialties, and he cannot crush her in terms of speed.

Unable to crush her physically, his skills began to take effect.

"Boom!" Harley punched his chest again, almost at the same location.

After crushing her chest this time, she did not stop. She pressed her body against the Eclipse Lord, followed him back, and penetrated his body with her right hand. The power of her soul blasted the "Seven-tone Mantra" against the wound.

"I am the only one under God!" The voice of the heart does not need to be shouted with the mouth, and the effect is better when combined with the seal to activate the power of God.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The wound in the Eclipse Lord's chest exploded seven times in a row, erupting into a large amount of black smoke.

"Ah, ah, it's useless, Witch Harley, I am immortal!"

After the Eclipse Lord screamed, he roared angrily and struggled with his hands.

Harley's right hand inserted into his heart, which meant that she was close to his arms. He raised his hands, intending to beat Harley's head hard like a drum. Unfortunately, a layer of gold film bound his hands, and he could only struggle hard.

"Wow, you are so powerful. You actually have an immortal body. It scares me!"

Harley screamed strangely, and under the influence of the life connection power speciality, her right palm opened a mouth and inhaled fiercely at the black smoke that burst out of the body of the eclipse.

Black smoke is essentially the source of Eclipse Lord's power.

When the origin is in his body, it is completely under his control, and she will definitely not be able to suck it.

Now the Seven-note Mantra shattered his body, and the essence flowed out. He had no time to recover it, so this was her chance.

"Witch Harley, you are so shameless, you are stealing my origin again." The Eclipse Lord yelled angrily, and slapped Harley's head harder with both hands.

The defense of the golden film is already 138 points. Although the effect is the extreme value of 100 points in the material world, its toughness is very strong. If one layer is torn by him, another layer will immediately cover it.

"You're wrong, I didn't steal, I robbed openly." Harley teased him, while the "Seven-tone Mantra" continued in her mind, and her hand movements became more and more fierce.

"Harley, the team has been assembled. Do you want us to help?" Martian Manhunter asked via voice transmission.

When Harley was about to speak, the Eclipse Lord suddenly roared, and his body suddenly exploded, turning into a ball of flexible black smoke. It once again formed the form of a black python, but did not attack Harley. He only plunged into the air, and the python grew long. The body disappeared quickly.

Only the spiteful voice remained, "Witch Harley, just wait. When I get used to this body, I will let you understand the true power of the 'Angry Spirit'."

"You angry spirit of shit, I think you are a useless spirit."

Harley yelled and scolded, and also got into Limbo, chasing the black python and sinking to the bottom of Limbo. The seven-note mantra bombarded the black python's body one after another, leaving a large black smoke that was absorbed by her.

But once it sank to the bottom of Limbo, Harley completely lost track of it.

"Lord Eclipse, come out and fight me for 300 rounds. Forget it. You stinky piece of shit. You didn't even last for three rounds. You only have two moves and you're gone. You're crying for mercy after just two moves. Do you want to Face?"

Harley cursed for a while, but didn't get any response, so she could only return to the main universe in dismay.

When we returned to Gotham Long Island, most of the magical beings that fell to Earth from Limbo had already left. Most of those who had not left were Earthlings or acquaintances of Earthlings.

"Bobo, how come you are also attracted here?"

Harley looked at the orangutan detective and said in surprise: "Is the Dark Night Bar still there?"

The Dark Night Bar is the "crossroads" of Limbo, which is theoretically "a bit far" from Earth.

The orangutan picked his head and said blankly: "I don't know what happened. At that time, the dark night bar suddenly turned from a solid building into a phantom-like smoke. We screamed and fell into a whirlpool, spinning and spinning, our heads were spinning. When I woke up again, I was already on Earth.

But I can still sense the presence of the Dark Night Bar, and it can probably continue to function. "

"The same goes for my Mysterious House. It suddenly turned into illusory smoke, and the human body inside was involuntarily sucked into a passage. Now it has returned to normal." Zha Kang frowned and said: "This is the characteristic of Limbo Hell, Limbo All matter in prison is not real matter, but the embodiment of thoughts and imaginations.

The entire arrival of the Eclipse Lord in the material world blurred the legal boundaries between Limbo and the material world, causing the buildings in Limbo to reveal their true colors and turn into illusory thoughts. "

"Harry, you are so awesome. Although I didn't see it clearly, you actually beat the complete eclipse master like a sandbag." Harley's old lover Helen Surtain said with admiration.

After she broke up with Harley, she went to the Dark Night Bar to work as a magic apprentice and part-time bartender, and now she has become an archmage.

"It's a pity that it got away."

Harley felt regretful and didn't think defeating Lord Eclipse was much of an achievement, but she still had a proud look on her face.

If you are happy in life, you must have all the fun, don't pretend to be too small.

The one or two hundred magicians present looked at her with admiration. In the days to come, the story of her torturing a vegetable and losing her master will surely be spread everywhere. This is not a small thing.

"Why does the Eclipse Lord have a body?" Zatanna asked doubtfully.

"I'm wondering too." Harley shook her head.

Zha Kang's eyes flashed and he said, "That must not be his own body."

Detective Bobo asked in surprise: "You mean, the Eclipse Lord chose a special 'Celestial Eclipse' that can withstand its full power?"

Zha Kang nodded slightly, "No human being has ever been able to contain the full power of the Eclipse Lord before, let alone all the power, not even one ten thousandth.

Therefore, it can only release the Celestial Eclipse Crystal into the human world and cause trouble in the material world in the form of Celestial Eclipse.

Now that it is blessed with destiny, there may not be a person of destiny who can accommodate all its power. "

"Who is the Destined One?" Barry the Flash asked.

Harley glanced at the stranger behind the crowd from the corner of her eye.

He was with the Justice League Dark and had been in the House of Mystery before.

Now he was standing silently in the corner, his head drooping slightly, and the shadow cast by the wide brim of his hat covered most of his face, leaving only a section of his chin exposed, making his expression unclear.

Zha Kang didn't notice anything unusual about the stranger, nor did he see the change in Harley's eyes.

He took out his lighter, lit a Silka cigarette, and while feeling the warmth the smoke brought to his chest, he thought: "The first place where the Complete Body Erosion Lord came was Gotham, but he didn't go to Quinn Villa to find him. Li, it’s on Long Island by the sea, what do you think it’s for?”

"The man of destiny is on Changdao!" Everyone suddenly exclaimed.

"Nightwing" Dick said confidently: "As long as we investigate who is missing on Long Island, we can determine who is possessed by the Eclipse Lord.

This task is entrusted to us, and we guarantee a definite answer within two hours. "

After saying this, he said hello and quickly left the scene with Damian, Jason and other Teen Titans heroes.

Zha Kang turned to Harley and asked curiously: "The Lord of Eclipse was obviously destined to be born. He was very impressive when he first appeared. The earth was beating like a pellet on a sieve, and Limbo was blowing up a tornado that affected the operation of the eight major gods. How did it end up here? Are you powerless to fight back?"

These words scratched Harry's itch, "So what if destiny comes to me? I specialize in defeating destiny BOSS."

Oliver said: "The Master's movements are very stiff. He doesn't seem to know how to fight. He only relies on his physical strength to fight. Harley is the god of martial arts and has enough experience to crush him."

"It's impossible for Lord Eclipse to not understand combat skills." Zha Kang frowned.

The predecessor of the Eclipse Lord was the Angry Spirit. Even if the Angry Spirit's combat experience and talent were worse than Harley's, they would not be able to completely overwhelm her.

"Maybe he hasn't adapted to the new body, or the consciousness in the new body is resisting his occupation." Harley guessed.

"Actually, you can defeat him, martial arts is only second. What does 'I am the only one under God' mean? It seems to be very restrained by the Lord of Eclipse." Zha Kang asked.

Harley put her hands behind her back, raised her chin slightly, and said with a proud smile: "My original 'Seven-note Mantra', a trick specially prepared for Lord Eclipse.

The seven characters represent the opposites of the seven deadly sins: pride, wrath, greed, sloth, envy, lust, and gluttony.

Similar to Buddhism's "Om Mani Padme Hum", Taoism's "Those who are facing battle are all arrayed in front".

Now we Christians also have our own seven-character mantra! "

Everyone nodded and said: "When I heard your 'Seven-note Mantra', I did have emotions that were opposite to the original sin. It was very contagious and had a strong effect."

Zha Kang thoughtfully said: "The essence of the Eclipse Lord is a collection of negative consciousness. The Seven Deadly Sins are his lifeblood and the Seven-note Mantra really restrains him."

Zatanna asked curiously: "Ordinary believers can recite the mantras of Buddhism and Taoism, but can others learn your seven-note mantra?"

"Of course." Harry looked around and asked with a smile: "Do you want to learn? I can teach you. However, when you recite the Seven-note Mantra, you must say, 'I am the only one who respects Harry.'"

All the mages were eager to try it at first, and then they were confused, "Why are there so many kinds of Seven-note Mantra?"

"I definitely don't need to call myself 'aunt'. The latter one is specially prepared for others." Harley said.

"In other words, as long as you want, the mantra can be changed at any time?" Zatanna's expression twisted: "What kind of mantra is this?"

"Any words spoken by others can be changed. The key is the meaning, not the words. No matter what words are changed, the meaning will always remain the same." Harley said.

Zha Kang said: "There must be some harsh conditions for learning the Seven-note Mantra."

Harry said: "It's not difficult to say, as long as you become my believer, surrender to me wholeheartedly, worship me, respect me, follow my way, let your soul frequency get closer to my soul, thus forming spiritual resonance.

Just like the tuning fork resonance experiment, two tuning forks vibrate at the same frequency. When one tuning fork is struck, the tuning fork next to it also vibrates. "

"Excuse me for disturbing you." Zha Kang waved his hand with a look of disgust on his face, "You can go and enjoy yourself."

Everyone also looked disappointed and had no expectations.

Harry smiled leisurely and said: "The Seven-note Mantra is not only for the Lord of Eclipse, it restrains all the negative effects related to original sin. For example, if someone is high, you can recite the Seven-note Mantra to him to help him get rid of his drug addiction."

All the mages were unmoved.

Harry continued with a smile: "For example, if a mage enters the terminal transformation and the phantoms lose control, reciting the seven-note mantra can suppress most of the phantoms.

Not only can you use it yourself, but you can also use it on others. "

All the mages' eyes shone.

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