I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1698 Superman’s Faith

As soon as the Hall of Justice received the message from the Dome, Harley left the material world and entered the Blood Realm, and found the Blood Realm mothership parked in the Blood Realm at the "gate" of the main world.

"Who killed Calvin?"

Harley looked around. There were many people on the deck, all of them depressed and sad. However, it was different from the "meat grinder-like rout" she had expected. Except for the black president Chao, everyone else was present and there was no sign of a black president. No heroic sacrifice.

"Anti-Monitor." Old Batman whispered.

He is used to seeing life and death, and has also experienced the tragedy of the Earth 51 True Alliance team being wiped out. Now he has the most normal expressions and emotions among the incarnations of justice.

Harley looked at Diana from the main universe, whose face was a mixture of sorrow and anger, "Are you there? Or have you split into two groups and Kal-El met the Anti-Monitor himself?"

"Before we had time to separate our forces, Universe 98 was our first stop for rescue. We were not sure whether the Anti-Monitor was the original body or a clone, but an accident did occur at the scene, and we met Superboy Prime.

Although it's hard to believe, he did once again defect to the Anti-Monitor. "Diana said.

"Superboy-Prime?" Harley was both surprised and unsurprised.

She has been unable to feel "Reader Superboy" through the fourth wall for several days recently, and the comics company on Origin Earth also reported that Superboy was missing.

She then suspected that Superboy Supreme had probably left the Origin Earth again.

Now that he has left the Origin Earth, it is not surprising to meet him elsewhere in Wan Tian Yi.

But Superboy-Prime betrayed the Anti-Supervisory King last time in battle and beat him to death. Only the remains of his body and soul were picked up by the Black Death Emperor. They were made into wicks and placed in the central energy battery of the Black Lamp, where they were crazily squeezed.

Can such deep hatred be easily resolved?

Or do both sides have common interests that are huge enough to give up hatred?

Diana said: "If Calvin and I join forces, no matter whether the anti-monitor is the real person or the clone, we can deal with it calmly.

In fact, we had the upper hand before Superboy-Prime showed up and the Anti-Monitor showed signs of weakness.

However, Superboy Super suddenly burst out, like a poisonous dagger, piercing our hearts.

On the spot, a righteous hero from Universe 19 was hit by him at the waist and broken into two pieces.

We were shocked and angry, and the originally orderly team fell into chaos in an instant.

Because the heroes of the main universe have fought against Superboy-Prime many times and are relatively familiar with his power, Batman divided the team into three. Some of the heroes of the main universe and I dealt with Superboy-Prime.

Calvin leads another group of heroes to fight the Anti-Monitor.

The remaining heroes, together with the Zhenglian of Universe 98, formed an array on the outside to guard against a second unexpected appearance. "

Harley nodded slightly, the old Batman's arrangement was quite safe, "Have you ever recorded the battle process?"

"There's always been a record."

The old Batman turned on the holographic projection and projected the battle scene on Earth 98 in front of Harley.

The moment she saw the picture, Harley frowned.

It's too awful.

The battle took place on Earth, but the city in which it was located was no longer identifiable. The skyscrapers that were once as dense as a steel forest were all bulldozed, and not a single iconic building was left. All that could be seen was a city shrouded in flames and thick smoke. Ruins in smoke.

Only huge pits can be seen in the ruins, and no raised buildings can be seen.

The sky was obscured by dust and black smoke, and the light was very dim, as if it happened in the evening.

No matter the environment or atmosphere, it is all in a doomsday style.

As Diana said, at first she and Calvin pushed the Anti-Monitor to the ground and beat him violently. The Anti-Monitor was not a wooden stake, and he knew how to fight back, but his strongest trick - an antimatter energy blast like an in-situ nuclear explosion. To the two heroes in "Hallelujah" state, it was just a biting gust of wind.

Harley's anti-matter defense expertise has reached level nine. Even if the "divine special effects" of the God's Beloved are one or two levels lower than Harley's own, they are still enough to be immune to most damage.

Blocking the anti-monitor energy attack, the superhero gained the upper hand. But just as the anti-monitor armor was about to be shattered, Superboy made a sudden sneak attack. Like a sharp black arrow, he suddenly shot into the battlefield from behind and stepped on A "Sea King" midfielder stepped on him in two.

The stump of the limb turned into fine pieces of flesh under the powerful impact, like an ordinary person crushing a ripe tomato with all his strength.

It was so cruel that it made Harley's blood pressure rise, and she wanted to immediately kick through the fourth wall and crush Superboy-Prime's head.

But Superboy-Prime has left the "comic universe". Now he is no longer a reader and has become a "comic character" like her.

When Superboy-Prime was led to another battlefield by Diana, Harley's high blood pressure not only did not go down, but continued to soar rapidly.

President Superman can't beat the Anti-Monitor!

The two sides fought in a classic Hollywood tough guy style - stand face to face, you punch me, I punch you, whoever falls first loses.

Theoretically, "Superman" will never lose in a purely physical attack.

Because their strength, speed, and defense are the limits of the universe, and they have no shortcomings.

Regardless of the God King or the Creator, the physical attributes are also limited by the environment. In the material universe, the extreme value is 100 points, and in the high-dimensional Limbo Hell, it is 120 points.

The God King's advantage over Superman is divine power and magic, while the Anti-Monitor's advantage is creation-level antimatter energy.

Without their energy advantage, they are probably no match for Superman in pure hand-to-hand combat, because Superman can explode!

However, in the holographic projection screen, President Superman was repeatedly punched by the anti-monitor to break the protective gold film on his body. His own fist fell on the anti-monitor, but he appeared weak and weak, as if he had eaten and had diarrhea and had no strength.

The whole process was about him being counter-monitored and breaking through the defense, but he couldn't break the counter-monitor's defense. It was like a person with an average physical attribute of 98 or 99 points fighting against a person with an extreme physical value of 100 points.

In other words, President Superman has never been able to explode and increase his power to the extreme 100 points.

"Why can't Calvin still defeat the Anti-Monitor even after possessing your divine power? Is the Anti-Monitor the real person?" asked the "Indian version" of the black-skinned Diana.

"Do you think something is wrong with Calvin?" Harley paused the screen first, then turned to look at the hero who was the embodiment of justice.

"What do you mean?" Old Batman asked.

"I haven't seen Calvin's previous battles, but" Harley thought for a moment and said, "You guys wait a moment, I'll call Superman from the main universe."

She was very fast, and returned to the Qiongji in two minutes with Da Chao with an unacceptable expression on his face.

"How did Calvin die? He just separated from us, and he has the power of thick skin." He glanced at the heroes with sad eyes.

"Don't get excited, watch the battle process first." Harley patted his arm and replayed the battle scene where Calvin was beaten to death.

Especially at the end of the battle, the Anti-Monitor roared wildly, and his body erupted with scarlet anti-matter energy, just like an atomic bomb exploding in a small range, annihilating time, space and matter.

Harley repeated this scene more than ten times.

"What did you see?" Finally she looked at Dachao and asked.

Da Chao hesitated and said: "I always feel something is wrong, but I can't tell what it is specifically."

"Calvin lacks the power of explosive seeds, and is always a little behind in strength." Harley said the results of her analysis.

The other heroes in the Qiongji looked puzzled, but Dachao's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Yes, Calvin seems a little unable to cope with the burst of power."

Then he hesitated and said: "I just speculated based on my own experience that Calvin should be stronger. I'm not sure whether his situation is the same as mine."

Harley looked at the heroes who were the embodiment of justice again, "Do you think Calvin is weaker than usual?"

The old Batman said thoughtfully: "I didn't feel it at first, but after you said it, it seems that something is really abnormal.

We had fought against the Anti-Monitor 15 times before and killed him three times. Each time, Calvin was at the forefront, causing fatal injuries to the Anti-Monitor at least nine times and even breaking the Anti-Monitor's armor with his hands. "

"Why did Calvin become weak?" the heroes asked in confusion.

Harley looked at the scene of Calvin's death in battle again and sighed: "Although some conjectures have yet to be verified, the cause of Calvin's death is almost certain."

She pointed at the anti-surveillance king in the holographic projection, "The antimatter energy explosion annihilated matter and time and space, and almost burned a hole through Universe 98. Calvin died under this attack."

The old Batman said: "But Calvin has the power of thick skin and is not afraid of antimatter energy explosions. He has dealt with it calmly the past few times."

"I didn't say that the antimatter energy explosion directly killed Calvin. Calvin's hand was counter-monitored."

She couldn't speak anymore.

President Superman was beaten in the head by the Anti-Monitor with a fist bigger than a pressure cooker. Half of his body was rotted into minced meat. It was so cruel and unspeakable.

"The Qiongji is currently parked in the blood domain. You must have intuitively experienced the difference in laws between the high-dimensional world and the material world.

When you enter the material world from the realm of Limbo, you will experience a drop in energy level.

If a mortal in the material world enters Limbo and stays in the divine realm for a long time, his energy level will increase.

For most people, the impact of frequency increases and decreases is not significant, but for some beings who have reached the limit of power in the material world, frequency increases and decreases have a very large impact on them.

For example, the power limit of the material universe is 100, and the power limit of the divine realm is 120. If a god with a power of 110 points goes to the material world, his power is suppressed and cannot exceed 100 points.

The Anti-Monitor's final anti-matter energy blast penetrated Universe 98. His location was connected to Limbo, and his power limit exceeded 100 points.

There is no delay. The Anti-Monitor's power is the extreme value of its own environment. His power immediately goes from 100 points to 100+. I don't know the specific amount, but it is definitely higher than 100 and lower than 120.

Unfortunately for Calvin, he was knocked to the ground by the Anti-Monitor and was unable to move. He was also within the range of the 'cosmic hole', but he could not instantly increase his physique to the extreme like the Anti-Monitor.

Not even 100 points is enough.

The defensive golden film was broken, and the body collapsed to the ground, and was crushed by force again, and finally..."

"Alas!" Harley sighed and fell silent.

Da Chao said: "Personally, no matter what environment I fight in, I never seem to encounter power delays, and the ups and downs are completed in an instant."

Captain Carrot hesitated and said: "I don't seem to have encountered any power delay."

The old Batman recalled for a moment and said with certainty: "Calvin has never had power delays before."

The heroes who were familiar with Calvin also nodded.

Harley believed in their experience and judgment and muttered: "He must have encountered some accident this time. If you can ask him personally"

"He's dead." Red Runner said.

"The hero's soul remains after death." Harley said.

Dachao said excitedly: "I almost forgot, Calvin has your divine power, so his soul should return to your divine kingdom, right? Did you find out that his soul had returned and confirm that he had been sacrificed before the Qiongji arrived?"

Harley shook her head and said, "I did sense the death of God's Favorite through Shazam's Law, but unlike other gods who require God's Favorite to dedicate everything, my God's Favorite hardly has to pay any price.

Well, I only have moral requirements for God's favored ones, and there is no price, so after their death, their souls are completely free. "

Even after writing the "Kui's New Bible", which is regarded by modern people as a moral yardstick and spiritual totem, Harley still has very low requirements for herself, acting haphazardly and just hoping that her thoughts will flow smoothly.

She doesn't have high demands on others, and even people like Luther can become ordinary friends with her.

But for those who use her divine power, whether they are the ones favored by God or the "Harleys" of the parallel universe, she has relatively high character requirements: at least they must be a good person and cannot use her power to do evil.

Harley can accept others being bad guys and doing bad things, but she can't stand them using their own power to do bad things.

Just like what she said to "Lightning Ha", only if her character is more in line with her standards can she activate her divine power to a greater extent.

This was her only request, written into Shazam's Contract.

But that doesn’t mean she gets nothing and is just doing charity.

The God's Favorite in the "Hallelujah" state gets all the experience gained when being beaten. This is the greatest benefit.

Harley did not learn from other gods, the special talents or special souls of those who covet the favored gods.

After the thick-skinned divine power user dies, his divine contract with Harley ends immediately. His soul goes where it should go, and the divine power in his body dissipates in the universe, and eventually returns to Haley gradually along the "Thick-skinned Law" Li's body.

"Calvin should believe in God, right? If he believes in God, I can go to heaven to find his soul. Well, with his personality, he will definitely go to heaven." Harley said.

"He didn't die in the main universe. Did his soul go to the same heaven as us? I remember you said that there are also eight divine realms in the parallel universe." Dachao asked doubtfully.

"Heaven has projections in every parallel universe, but there is only one God, and the Golden Hall is also unique. Please wait a moment, and I will ask the voice of the sky."

"Calvin's soul went to the Heroes' Paradise." After a moment, Harley said with a strange expression.

After spending 100,000 heavenly merits, she learned about Calvin's final destination from the voice of heaven.

It doesn't cost anything to just ask Calvin if he's in heaven.

"Isn't it true that only living people can go to the Heroes' Paradise?" Dachao asked in surprise.

"It doesn't have to be a living person." Harley guessed: "Maybe there have been changes in Heroes' Paradise that we don't know about, but it's not a bad thing."

"You asked me that day if I wanted to go to Heroes' Paradise. Since you can send me there, you should also be able to contact Heroes' Paradise, right?" Old Batman asked.

"More than just a connection, I can still send you in. I presided over the completion of the construction of Heroes' Paradise." Harley smiled.

She is actually just the designer and foreman, and the real builders are actually the heroes of justice in the main universe. They used their own concepts of absolute justice to inspire the "power of justice" to create the paradise dimension.

The "Force of Justice" is the fundamental force of the universe that opposes the "Year of the Villain".

"So, all of us can go to the Heroes' Paradise to meet Calvin?" Captain Carrot said happily.

Harley looked around and said, "Maybe your Dome can't fly over. Heroes' Paradise is in the sixth dimension, which is higher than Limbo.

In fact, I can't enter the sixth dimension. I can only go to the top of Limbo and shout to them to come down.

If you want to see Calvin again, you must first enter the dimension of my stomach bag. There is no need for the Dome to go there. "

Heroes' Paradise is like a world sealed in transparent crystal. At the border of the world, there is a crystal wall that isolates the paradise from the outside world.

The Crystal Wall has a "higher" dimensional perspective than the Blood Domain.

Back then, Little Luthor, Superboy-Prime and Old Superman were standing in front of the crystal wall, watching everything happening in the main universe.

They saw superheroes abandoning their principles, secretly brainwashing anyone who discovered the hero's identity, and even taking action against their own teammate Batman. They saw Hal Jordan degenerate into a murderous time demon. They were disappointed with the heroes of the main universe, and then Angry, and ultimately wanting to restart the multiverse.

What little Luther and the others could see back then, now the heroes of the heaven dimension can also see.

When Harley came to the top of the fifth dimension and the gate of the sixth dimension, she shouted "Superman" to "above". Old Superman immediately knew and responded - he dropped a ball from the sixth dimension to the fifth dimension. A crystal door the size of a full-length mirror.

They cannot get out, but qualified heroes of justice can enter the heavenly dimension through this door.

"Harley, are you looking for me?" An energetic old Superman appeared behind the door, looking like he was twenty years younger.

Harley first used a defensive gold film to open a ten-meter-diameter platform, then opened her mouth and spit out Super, Old Bateman and other heroes onto the gold film platform, and finally stated the purpose of her trip.

The old Superman thought for a while and then said: "Oh, it's the black guy. I know him, but I haven't gotten to know him yet. Is his name Calvin? I asked Louise to call him."

Harley was surprised: "You actually thought about it for a moment and didn't have time to get to know Calvin. Are there many people in Heroes' Paradise?"

Old Superman first greeted Da Chao and others with a smile, and then said: "It's not too many, just a few thousand heroic spirits and about two hundred living heroes."

"Isn't that much?"

They were dozens of times stronger than her Heavenly Mountain soldiers.

"Heroes' Paradise is the Heroes' Paradise of the entire multiverse. Can you count how many parallel universes there are in Wan Tian Yi?" Old Superman said.

"Where do these heroes and heroic spirits come from?" Dachao asked.

The old superman said: "They were selected naturally through certain rules. After returning to the Hero's Paradise again, within two days of staying there, Louise and I began to feel lonely, and then we thought to ourselves - when will Harley We can send a group of heroes over, as you said before, you can send heroes in."

Harley glanced at the old Batman, "It's not that I don't want to help you find a partner, the point is that others are not interested."

The heroes of the main universe, dead or alive, all went directly to Heaven Mountain, where they were all acquaintances and accustomed to living there.

She had met heroes from other universes, and had publicly promoted the Heroes' Paradise, but no one went there.

Just like old Batman, I talked to him several times, but he was not interested at all.

The old Superman said cheerfully: "I don't need your help. As long as Louise and I think in our hearts, we can change the rules of Heroes' Paradise and let it automatically select heroes who adhere to the concept of absolute justice and have nowhere to go."

Having nowhere to go does not mean that they have no faith and that their souls have nowhere to go.

Rather, they believe in 'justice' itself more than gods.

Not just the souls of heroes, but living heroes.

When a living hero loses his own universe and has nowhere to go, he will be dragged to the hero's paradise.

Of course, that's if they want to. "

Having said this, the old Superman sighed with a heavy heart, "Recently, the Anti-Monitor has begun to devour the multiverse again, and many worlds have been destroyed. This is how many living heroes in Heroes' Paradise came to be."

Harley suddenly realized that although she was responsible for building the new Hero's Paradise, all the core authority of the paradise was given to old Superman and old Louise. They were equivalent to the "weapon spirits" of Hero's Paradise and could adjust the space in the space law.

"Perhaps the internal environment of Heroes' Paradise has also changed?" she asked.

"Well, the previous crystal structure has all disappeared and turned into a natural landscape like the material world. Only this crystal wall is left to observe the various conditions of the human world." Dachao nodded.

At this point, the smile on his face was replaced by worry, "You seem to have encountered a lot of trouble recently?"

"It's not small, but it's not too big either. You don't have to worry." Harley said with a smile.

——It’s useless to worry, it won’t help.

"Harley, Bateman." The black president's excited voice sounded behind the old Superman.

The old Superman quickly gave up his seat, allowing him to catch up with his old friends.

"Calvin, God, it's great to see you are okay." The emotional hero incarnated in justice choked with excitement.

——His soul has ascended to heaven, how could he be okay?

While Harley secretly complained, she couldn't deny that she felt a lot more relaxed after seeing the black president super again.

After chatting for a while, she asked directly: "Calvin, do you have any doubts about the process of your death?"

"What's the doubt? I was beaten to death by the Anti-Monitor." A trace of embarrassment flashed across President Superman's face.

He felt only embarrassment and no fear in recalling his death.

"Have you ever felt that when fighting anti-supervisory forces, you felt powerless and helpless?" Harley asked.

President Superman shook his head and said: "I feel like I have exerted all my power."

"But your total strength is more than that. You have fought against the Anti-Monitor many times, and you have always been 50-50 in strength with him. The two sides fought back and forth." Old Batman said.

President Superman was stunned and said: "If you want to put it that way, my condition is indeed worse than usual."

"Do you know what the difference is?" Harley asked.

President Superman thought for a while and said uncertainly: "It seems that the explosive power is a bit lacking. Under normal conditions, I can exert ten percent strength, but when I am excited, I can exceed ten percent. But I feel that when fighting the Anti-Monitor, no matter what, Excitement can only exert so much power."

Harley nodded heavily, "Yes, you have lost Superman's unique talent of 'explosive seed'."

Superman's powers come from Kryptonian genes, but not all Kryptonians can explode.

In normal state, Superman's strength is 95+. When encountering a strong enemy, he can reach the extreme limit of 100 points. When he enters Limbo, he can break through to 120 points in an instant.

Ordinary Kryptonians with the same strength of 95+, such as Zod, have 96 points of strength. Even if they encounter a fatal crisis, they still have 96 points. If they become exhausted after a long battle, they will drop below 96 points.

Even if he enters a high-dimensional world, Zod still has 96 points of power.

If every Kryptonian could explode to 120 points like Superman, then the king of the gods in the sky would not be Zeus, but the gods of Krypton, Rio and Orla.

But in fact, Ruiou and Aura are only mid-level main gods in the heaven realm.

"Every Superman has the talent to explode?" Old Superman interjected.

"Not every Superman has it, but Calvin has shown the talent to explode before." Harley said.

"Then why did he suddenly lose his talent?" Old Superman asked doubtfully.

Harley looked at the black president.

"I don't know." Calvin shook his head blankly.

"What were you thinking about before you died in battle?" Harley asked.

Calvin thought for a moment and said, "I'm upset about why even though I have the power of Thick Skin, I still can't defeat a mere monitor clone."

Harley turned her head and glanced at Da Chao, with a strange emotion in her tone, and asked, "Tell me again, why don't you want to be my favored one?"

"I'm just psychological." Dachao suddenly reacted and said in surprise: "Is Calvin's loss of explosive seed talent related to thick-skinned divine power?"

Harley sighed: "Maybe your spiritual sense is right. Accepting the thick-skinned divine power has caused a slight discomfort and crisis in your heart."

Facts have proved that even if they are all "supermen", they still have protagonists and supporting roles.

The super hero of the main universe is the protagonist in "Superman", who can avoid danger unconsciously, while the supporting characters often step into the protagonist's traps and let the protagonist learn a lesson.

Calvin sacrificed his own life to allow Da Chao to completely avoid the wonderful trap of "thick-skinned power".

"Why does thick-skinned divine power affect explosive seed talent?" Calvin asked doubtfully.

Harley thought for a while and said: "During the Final Crisis, Dachao and Superhero jointly controlled the Thinking Superman, do you know?

There is no thinking life in the multiverse, but some god kings or gods have the characteristics of thinking life in a certain aspect.

Superman is definitely not a thinking being, but a superman who can control thinking should also have some characteristics of a thinking life.

This trait is not only reflected in explosive seeds.

In fact, Superman has a very obvious and counterintuitive talent - the limit of ability is the limit of thought.

In other words, how much strength Superman can exert depends on how powerful Superman himself wants to be.

In other words, if you firmly believe that you can do something, you can show your corresponding strength.

The thick-skinned divine power makes you lose faith in yourself. Once you rely on 'external forces' in your heart, you lose the focus and will to activate the talent of 'Superman Thinking'. "

"Alas, for you 'Supermen', the only one you believe in is the Man of Steel!" she sighed.

"Are you sure?" Several "Supermen" asked in surprise.

"I'm only 60-70% sure, I can't say it's 100% correct."

Harley's above guess is related to the "evolution of thinking life" she is currently studying.

Before creating the "Thinking Scripture", she could at most have noticed that the "malfunction" of Calvin's Explosive Seed was related to the thick-skinned divine power, but she could never figure out the reason.

Dachao said worriedly: "What about Wonder Woman and Dinah?"

Harley said: "They are different from you. You rely on faith to achieve success. Dinah and Dinah seem to be unable to achieve success?"

Wonder Woman can explode, but the condition for her to explode is to activate the ‘Heart of the God of War’.

When caught in a state of frenzied fighting, even if all the divine power is borrowed, it can still explode with power that even exceeds that of the borrower.

As long as there is a protracted battle with Diana, she will definitely win in the end. "

When she said this, something moved in her mind, and she looked at Da Chao with strange eyes: "Perhaps, I can create a "Superman Sutra" specifically for you, and after practicing it, you can explode your seeds ten times or a hundred times."

"Didn't you say that 'Superman' can't borrow external force? Doesn't the magic power cultivated in the 'Superman Sutra' count as external force?" Da Chao said.

"I made a mistake. It's not the "Superman's Sutra", it's the "Superman's Heart Sutra". It only cultivates the mind and heart, without magic or other extraordinary powers." Harley said.

"How to practice?" Dachao became interested.

Harley smiled and said: "Use Luther as a template and learn from his absolutely confident way of thinking and spiritual realm.

Even if he is imprisoned in Belle Reve Prison and is still serving a life sentence, that guy still firmly believes that he has the smartest brain in the multiverse and will definitely prove that he is the hope and future of mankind.

Even if I am called "Mom" by the civilization leaders of the universe, he still thinks he can surpass me.

This is not a spiritual victory method. He really thinks so when he is completely rational.

As long as you have half the confidence he has, it is no longer a dream to kill someone alone and rebel against surveillance.

If he could completely possess his state of mind, Superman Galuther, he would be invincible! "

Several supermen, including Da Chao, all had distorted expressions.

"Luthor is not confident, that is arrogance and arrogance."

"Then do you practice? If you do, I will help you get out the first volume of "Superman's Heart Sutra" in two days, which will make you ten times more powerful. By the end of the practice, you may be able to evolve the body of steel into the "Thinking Man" Body'." Harley said.

"You have to practice it yourself, I won't practice it!" Da Chao shook his head firmly, "That's not the "Superman's Heart Sutra" at all, but the "Luther Heart Sutra". You need to train a normal person into a Luther."

"Only Superman can practice it. No matter how confident others are, their strength will not improve."

Seeing them chatting here with a relaxed tone and a smile, President Superman frowned, endured it for a while, and finally couldn't help it, saying: "Everyone, although I died in the battle, the cause of 'Incarnation of Justice' cannot be stopped. Down.

Now countless parallel universes are being invaded by the Anti-Monitors, and they need you to rescue them. "

Dachao looked solemn and nodded: "Calvin, don't worry, we will inherit your spirit and legacy and vow to fight the Anti-Monitor to the end."

Calvin nodded and asked with concern: "What will happen to Universe 98 after I die?"

Old Batman comforted him and said, "Don't worry, Universe 98 is temporarily safe."

"You defeated the Anti-Monitor and Superman-Prime?" Calvin asked in surprise.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the old Batman's face, and he shook his head: "No, but after you died, they took the initiative to escape."

"Why?" President Superman asked puzzled.

After his death, shouldn't they pursue the victory and kill them to pieces?

Old Batman said: "We didn't know at the time that your death was related to the failure of your explosive seed talent.

I thought the Anti-Monitor could defeat you with thick-skinned divine power because he was his true form.

And there is Superboy-Prime on site, and Superboy will not divide the projection.

Theoretically, he should be with the anti-monitoring entity. "

"So?" President Superman still didn't know why.

"I thought the anti-monitor was the true identity, so I shouted to Diana in the main universe, 'The anti-monitor is the true identity. We have found the true identity of the anti-monitor. Call Harley Quinn immediately.'"

The counter-monitor heard it, then his expression changed, he cursed something in a low voice, called out to Superboy, and prepared to leave immediately.

Superboy complained dissatisfiedly. He wanted to stay and wait for you, but Anti-Supervisor disagreed and scolded him loudly.

In the end, Superman followed the anti-supervisor and quickly left the battlefield. " Old Batman said.

"Uh" Da Chao, Lao Chao and Hei Chao all had strange expressions.

Harley's face was full of joy and she said proudly, "The old boy who rebelled against prison has really made progress and knows who is the boss."

The old Batman said seriously: "We may have missed an excellent opportunity. That anti-monitor is probably true."

The smile on Harley's face disappeared and she said: "If you encounter an anti-supervisor accompanied by Superboy Supreme again, don't shout directly. You must contact me secretly."

"The Dome returns to the main universe and calls you, and then picks you up. Although it's fast, it will take some time. Is there a simpler, more direct, and particularly secretive method?" Old Batman asked.

Harry said: "Yes, pray to me devoutly in your heart. The more devout you are, the stronger my reaction will be."

"I can't be pious to you." Old Batman shook his head repeatedly, "Wonder Woman is your favored one, is she pious enough?"

"That guy is so thick-skinned that he accepted my divine blessing with peace of mind. He is not even grateful, let alone pious." Harley said.

"Diana is not shameless. She is confident that you will get enough 'combat experience' from her in return, so you feel at ease." Dachao said.

Harley thought for a while and said to the old Batman: "I asked Flash Jay to join the 'Incarnation of Justice'. He does not have to fight and is mainly responsible for rescuing people and delivering messages on the battlefield.

As soon as he encounters Superboy Supreme, or is suspected of being an anti-supervisor, immediately let him travel from the parallel universe to the main universe.

He remembered the vibration frequency of the main universe, and the process of traveling through it was very simple and very secret.

Then he immediately found me in the main universe and took me to your universe.

Although traveling through will cause damage to the origin wall, you can't care about it at this time, and you can't lose the big for the small. "

The old Batman muttered: "The method is good, but it needs to be changed. Jay cannot enter the invaded universe, because the Anti-Monitor will wrap the entire universe with antimatter energy, like a big mouth, trying to swallow the universe.

Any travel across the universe encounters a layer of antimatter energy.

Even if we enter a parallel universe to support the locals, we still have to pass through a layer of antimatter energy.

Fortunately, the Dome is a ship of the Watcher and is not corroded by the power of creation. "

"Then let Jay stay on the deck of the Dome and travel back to the main universe from the blood realm." Harley said.

After some discussion, they decided to bid farewell to the heroes in Heroes Paradise.

"The difference between today is not eternity. You will also have the opportunity to enter the hero's paradise in the future." Old Superman was open-minded.

"Harley." Old Louise had been watching from the side. Before leaving, she couldn't help walking to the crystal wall and said hesitantly: "Can you not kill Superboy? He is just a lost child, can he still rescue."

——Already in her thirties, she still has children.

Harley said calmly: "Now he is killing others."

Old Louise smiled bitterly and said, "I believe you can defeat him."

Even though Superboy-Prime is now full of evil, her memory of him still remains as a young and innocent young hero.

Harley's eyes flashed, Zhanyan smiled and said: "Okay, I promise you, if you defeat him, I will not kill him."

"Thank you! But don't let him go out to harm others unless he really changes his ways." Old Louise said.

She didn't want Superboy to die tragically, but she also didn't want him to continue to cause harm to others.

"Don't worry, I will definitely give him a 'happy' ending." Harley said with a smile.

Old Louise smiled reassuringly.

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