I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1700 Little Teddy’s Big Black Claws

"Hey, Harley, what happened just now?"

Before the group of magicians could be sent away, General Lane hurried over on a flying motorcycle.

"The Eclipse Lord finally received his destiny and got a physical body that can contain all his power, and can freely enter the main universe." Harley used spiritual voice transmission to package and stuff what happened today into his mind.

"So, it is possible for the Eclipse Lord to enter the main universe from any location at any time?" General Ryan looked worried, jumped off the motorcycle, walked to Harley and lowered his voice: "After the Eclipse Lord came to the material world, not only the earth suffered a major earthquake , a large number of buildings collapsed, and there was great turmoil in outer space. Even if hundreds of thousands of alien spacecraft were fully powered, they still could not escape the gravity of falling to the earth. Many collisions occurred, and the alien guests were shocked and angry. The commander was frightened and helpless."

"Has an alien guest died?" Harley asked.

"A distinguished guest was injured in the collision. Fortunately, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner arrived quickly and no bigger accident was caused. However," General Lane turned his head and glanced at the magicians beside him, a group of strange people in different costumes. Or non-human beings, all staring at themselves with bright eyes? Or Harley?

He was a little confused and swallowed back his next words about national affairs.

Harley coughed lightly and faced the mages: "If you are interested in the Seven-note Mantra, you can ask Constantine for a set of 'Basic Applications of Kuei's Magic', and then do it after you understand the threshold and price of mastering the Seven-note Mantra." Decide.

If you are determined to practice the Seven-note Mantra, the most powerful divine art in heaven, go to Gotham Cathedral to become a priest temporarily and learn how to become a devout believer in the God of War. "

The mages also saw that she was busy with something. Although they still wanted to continue to inquire about the mystery of the Seven-tone Mantra, they could only turn their attention to Zha Kang and prepare to leave with him.

"Stranger, wait a moment, I have something to tell you." Harley called out to Stranger, who was silently following the crowd.

"I will go to Constantine's House of Mystery. You can come to me later." Stranger said.

After all the mages left, General Lane asked in confusion: "What is the Seven-note Mantra? It can be called the 'most powerful magic in heaven'."

"These are the seven positive emotions you feel after the arrival of the Eclipse Lord."

Harley briefly explained the Seven-note Mantra.

"When you usually preach, we also have emotional resonance. Is it the seven-note mantra?" General Lane asked curiously.

Harley said: "The two are related, but the difference is quite big. When preaching, different biblical doctrines correspond to different positive emotions, which may not be among the 'seven deadly sins and seven holiness'.

The teachings of the scriptures are the core, and the emotional resonance only helps you better understand and accept the content of the scriptures.

The intensity of emotional resonance is limited so as not to overwhelm the audience.

The Seven-tone Mantra is a killer weapon that I specially prepared for Lord Eclipse. It is very lethal even to ordinary people. "

General Lane asked strangely: "Isn't it a good thing to eliminate the desire for original sin in the hearts of ordinary people? Where does the lethality come from?"

"If a person is completely free of original sin, can he still be considered a normal person?" Harley asked.

General Lane was stunned, "If there is no original sin at all, doesn't it mean that you have been redeemed? This is a great good thing!"

Harry shook his head and said: "If you beat a newborn baby into an idiot, he will not have any emotions and desires. Can he go to heaven after he dies?

God needs holy souls who convert to the way of God. How can they understand the way of God without even their personal will? "

After a pause, she continued: "If I insist on saying that the benefit of being forcibly converted by the Seven-tone Mantra is that it will prevent him from falling further, it will also prevent other people from being harmed by him. In the future, he may be able to get a place in the lower-level heaven. .”

"How can he lose his personal will just by erasing the idea of ​​original sin? Could it be that he has lost his intelligence and ordinary emotions and cannot live a normal life?" Ryan asked in confusion.

“The intelligence is still there, maybe even smarter than before, because he is free from worldly desires and his brain is very clear.

He just doesn't have the original evil thoughts, but still retains his good thoughts and positive emotions.

Even in the face of any difficulties, he remains optimistic and will not be knocked down by suffering.

Even if he is facing the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, he will not be fooled by the beauty's appearance. He can see her dirty heart through the surface - if the most beautiful woman is not a good person.

Even when faced with a monster that looks like Frankenstein or Killer Crocodile, as long as she has a beautiful heart, matches his personality, and has emotional resonance, he can still love and lust for her, and truly fall in love with her, regardless of her appearance. .

Even if he is injected with Du Ping for a long time and enters the advanced stage of physical addiction, he can quit his dependence on Du Ping by his own will.

He applauded his enemies sincerely even when they achieved the smallest achievement.

In short, he also has normal emotions, but they are all positive emotions. "

General Lane's eyes were wide open, his face full of disbelief and incomprehension, "This is simply a perfect template under Christian doctrine, how can it be considered a bad thing?

I wish that the whole world, no, as long as everyone in the United States could become that kind of person,

Moreover, this is completely different from the baby whose head was knocked into an idiot. Well, his personal life is also very beautiful and very happy. "

Martian Manhunter nodded and said: "If I meet such a person in life, I will definitely envy and respect him, and I will be very happy to become friends with him."

Cyborg also said: "Hearing what you say, I almost want you to use the Seven-note Mantra on me."

The arrival of the Eclipse Lord caused a global earthquake, and many buildings collapsed in the shaking. Heroes such as The Flash and Dinah were busy rescuing the disaster, while Martian Manhunter formed a team of heroes to support Harley.

After realizing that Harley didn't need help, the other heroes dispersed, leaving Martian Manhunter and Cyborg alone to discuss the next steps.

Harley glanced at Cyborg, "Are you sure? I can help you."

Cyborg was so frightened by her sight that he sneered, "Are there any other side effects?"

"Forcibly erasing the ability to generate evil thoughts is the biggest and only side effect." Harley said.

"Where exactly?" General Lane asked.

Harley asked back: "You know it's wrong to lie and deceive people, and you know it's right to be sincere and kind. Why don't you insist on being sincere and kind, and never do any bad things, and never lie to the public?"

General Lane hesitated and said: "Sometimes something must be done."

"You know there are things that must be done, so if I don't allow you to do them, will you be happy?" Harley continued to ask.

"I will be angry, dissatisfied,..."

General Lane could say no more.

"If I don't allow you to do it, I will cut off your ability to be angry and dissatisfied and force you to feel happy.

At this time, you should be happy in the eyes of others. Even in your own heart, a sincere and kind life should be pure and happy, but are you really happy? " Harley said.

General Lane sighed: "I will only become more angry, more hateful, more dissatisfied, and more miserable."

Harley continued to ask: "If you study the Bible yourself, understand the way of God, and finally see through the 'big picture' that restrained you in the past and prevented you from telling the truth, it is so small and ridiculous.

From now on, if you are sincere and kind and no longer lie or deceive others, how will you feel? "

General Lane thought for a while and said: "I will probably be satisfied, very happy, and very proud."

Harley said calmly: "Now do you understand? It seems that we have reached the same destination through different paths, but your personal feelings are completely different. This is the difference between forced salvation and self-salvation.

What God needs is a complete soul that awakens to great wisdom and is truly happy and satisfied. "

"Harry, you are so powerful, not in terms of combat power, but in terms of your Christian teachings. Although you still look young, you are already a master in my heart, 'higher' than all the saints in history.

If they had mastered the Seven-note Mantra, they would be very proud and happily regard it as a 'universal elixir' to redeem the corrupted ones in their hearts.

But you are not at all deceived by the powerful power of the Seven-note Mantra, nor are you intoxicated by the infinite glory of using it to redeem the world. This kind of restraint and rationality is probably the state of a truly expert person. "General Lane said with emotion.

Harry smiled and said: "I like to hear what you say, but you underestimated the saints who can become the Holy Spirit after death. Their realm is not low. It's a pity that true saints are rarely seen in the world. All you see are 'Fake superior'."

Saints are higher than most angels, so they live in a higher "place of holy sounds."

She once followed the Great King Michael and flew upward along the light of God. The higher the realm on the way of God, the higher she flew. She surpassed the Holy Sound City, but not by much.

This shows that she surpasses the ordinary Holy Spirit in biblical doctrine, but is still far from the strongest.

"Since the Seven-note Mantra is so evil, why do you say it is the 'most powerful magic in heaven'?" Cyborg asked.

"What is the greatest teaching of Christianity?" Hallie asked.

"Redemption?" Cyborg said.

Harley asked again: "Saved from what?"

"Redemption from original sin."

Cyborg thought thoughtfully, the Seven-note Mantra specifically targets the Seven Original Sins, and the biggest enemy of Christianity is the Seven Original Sins, so the Seven-note Mantra is the most powerful magic.

It seems reasonable.

Harry said: "The Chinese have a saying that 'sexuality is the first of all evils', which does not mean that sexual intercourse is the most serious sin, but that sexual intercourse can lead to many crimes.

There are not only seven original sins in the world, but the reason why they are divided into seven original sins in God's teachings is because the seven original sins will evolve and give birth to countless kinds of sins.

Similarly, the Seven-note Mantra is not only effective against the Seven Original Sins, it can be used against any sinner. "

"But you just said that forced conversion is not redemption." Cyborg said.

Harry said calmly: "No matter what kind of medicine, if you take it as food without eating it, you will die."

General Lane's eyes flickered and he said: "It is necessary to forcibly convert certain people who have committed the most heinous crimes, such as the super villains in Belle Reve Prison."

Harley shook her head and said, "I have no interest in wasting years, or even decades, on them.

If you have the idea of ​​​​saving all sentient beings, you can learn the seven-note mantra by yourself, then put on a priest's robe and go to the prison to recite sutras. You may gain a lot of merit. "

"How many years or decades does it take to eradicate all a person's evil thoughts with the Seven-Tone Mantra?" General Lane asked in surprise.

"Completely eradicating evil thoughts and purging evil thoughts from the heart are two different concepts. And who are the people in Belle Reve Prison? God has to turn his back when he sees them." Harley said.

General Lane nodded, with a look of expectation on his face, "Can I also learn the Seven-note Mantra? No magic talent is required?"

"Divine magic borrows the power of gods and does not require magic power."

"How to learn?" General Lane was even more excited and looking forward to it.

Harley thought for a while and said: "I'm afraid you don't have the time or talent to learn the orthodox priest's tutorial. You can just recite 'Supreme Supreme Harley' in your heart every day."

Just like the "Amitabha" of Buddhism and the "Immeasurable God" of Taoism, if you recite it and others believe it, you will believe it yourself, and it's almost done. "

The two superheroes next to them had strange expressions.

General Lane thought about it seriously and said, "Must you pronounce 'Ha Ligu'? I remember that the voice that came to my mind before was 'I am the only one under God'."

"Don't you know the allusion to 'Ha Ligu'?"

Ryan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Are you talking about the 'Sister of God, the aunt of all angels' in "The Legend of the God of War"?"

Harley crossed herself on her chest and said with a solemn expression: "No matter what I achieve, I will never forget the fact that God is my big brother.

The title ‘Haligu’ represents my ‘supremeness’ and there is a premise – even though I am supreme, I am also the sister of God.

It essentially has the same meaning as "I am the only one under God", but has different pronouns. "

"Can you just say it silently in your mind? It's embarrassing to shout it out."

Ryan's face was slightly red, and there was a hint of shyness in his eyes.

"Now that many aliens have come to Earth, the U.S. government should have collected a lot of alien languages, right?"

Ryan didn't know why, but nodded and said: "After all, if you want to establish diplomatic relations with alien civilizations, you have to understand their language and customs.

However, there are too many alien civilizations coming to the solar system this time, and many languages ​​​​can only be stored in databases, and no one will learn and master them specifically. "

"You can just find a remote primitive planet and translate 'Supreme Harigu' in their language. No matter what language it is, as long as the translated sentence has more than seven syllables.

The seven syllables correspond to the enemies of the seven deadly sins.

This way you won't feel uncomfortable when shouting the Seven-tone Mantra in your daily life.

After all, others don’t understand. Even if someone asks, you just say something like ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’, and they won’t understand anyway. " Harley said.

Ryan was stunned, "Can it still be like this? Is the Buddhist 'Om Mani Padme Hum' the minority language's 'Buddha is the best'?"

Cyborg used his computer to search "Google" online and said: "'Om Mani Padme Hum' is a six-character mantra, is it different from 'Amitabha'?

However, 'Amitabha' and 'Immeasurable Heavenly Lord' are both complimentary words, and they really seem to mean something like 'Buddha is so awesome' and 'Heavenly Lord is so awesome'. "

"Ahem, Harley, General Lane, I remember you have important matters of interstellar diplomacy to discuss." Martian Manhunter reminded.

"Well, national affairs are important." General Lane nodded, and couldn't help but ask, "Just reciting the alien language 'Supreme Hallie', how long will it take to see results?"

"You may achieve nothing in a few months, a few years, or a lifetime. Just let it go. Anyway, you just chanted the mantra and you didn't pay much," said Harley.

"You can't say that. Although the price of words is low, my expectations are quite high."

General Lane muttered and then took the initiative to talk about the alien guests, "Although no distinguished guests died, many were injured and frightened and needed to be comforted.

In interstellar diplomacy, this is a relatively serious accident.

It's best if you greet them personally.

You don’t need to go to them one by one, just say a few words of blessing to them during the sermon, and that’s pretty much it.

The Eclipse Lord can enter the main universe once, and there will inevitably be a second, third, or even countless times.

What if it takes action next time against extraterrestrial VIPs? Those guests are all leaders of civilization! "

"Let them all disperse. It is indeed dangerous to stay in the solar system now." Harley said.

"It's gone." General Lane looked hesitant. The grand occasion of billions of nations coming to court has never happened since the birth of the universe.

Not only has the earth never encountered it before, but any advanced civilization has never had this honor. It is such a pity that it is scattered like this!

"If the Eclipse Lord enters the material world, can you lock its location immediately?" he asked.

"Yes, but with passive defense, there is always the possibility of losing. I bet you dare to bet on the lives of the alien leaders?" Harley said.

The life of the alien leader is not valuable in her eyes, nor is it valuable in the eyes of American politicians. However, diplomatic disputes will cut off their official careers, which is the most terrible thing.

General Lane sighed: “Every day you lecture is the happiest and grandest festival for all people on earth.

The pilgrimage of distinguished alien guests not only makes us proud, but also allows us to obtain a large number of foreign trade orders.

Now even a hot dog stall on the street can earn 9,000 Lann coins every day! "

"You're bragging, which stall can earn 9,000 Rann coins a day?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"The vendors outside the Universe's No. 1 Fighting Arena are doing a very busy business, and they can't even hire several helpers," General Lane said.

"There is only one No. 1 fighting arena in the universe on the entire earth. This special case is meaningless." Harley said disapprovingly.

"If you can't make 9,000, making 900 or even 90 Lann coins is still a lot of money!" General Lane said.

Martian Manhunter frowned and said: "No matter how much money you make now, when an accident occurs, no amount of money will be enough to compensate you.

Not to mention the compensation after the death, but now the repair costs after the spacecraft collision, and the medical expenses after the alien VIP was injured. Can we afford it? "

General Lane hesitated and said: "So far, no alien VIP has come to us to ask for compensation."

"But according to interstellar practice, if anything happens to the activities organized by us in our galaxy, we will be responsible." Martian Hunter said.

"We have no money, so at most we can provide free medical and maintenance services that our planet has." General Lane said.

"Aren't you being a rogue?" Martian Manhunter shook his head, "Why don't you send them out of the solar system as a gift before they can claim compensation, on the grounds that the earth has entered a state of emergency war?"

General Lane looked at Harley and asked: "Can you let alien guests temporarily live in the dimension of your stomach? Let them listen to God's teachings in your stomach."

Harley shook her head and said: "There are tens of billions of aliens inside and outside the solar system, and there is not enough space. And have you asked them what they think, are they willing to squeeze into a small pigeon cage?"

Cyborg also said: "Sooner or later they will leave. All the hard work is just to keep them for a few more days, so why bother?"

"Do you have a way to deal with the Eclipse Lord? If the Eclipse Lord does not kill him, will the dark aura disappear?" General Lane said.

Harley shook her head, "The Eclipse Lord cannot be completely eliminated. At most, it will lose its destiny and be bound to the bottom of Limbo again."

As for whether the dark aura will disappear after the Eclipse Master loses his destiny, she is not sure. It depends on how God arranges it.

"If the Eclipse Lord enters the material world again next time, can you defeat it as cleanly as you did today? Do you want to call Superman and Wonder Woman back?" General Lane asked.

Even ordinary people on earth know about the news of the resurgence of counter-insurgency, and General Lane also knows that his son-in-law is on a "business trip" to support the parallel universe.

"I can handle the Eclipse Lord alone without anyone's help," Harley said confidently.

"Lord Eclipse is not a fool. If he knows he can't defeat you, he will definitely find a way or find allies." General Lane thought for a while and asked worriedly: "Is it possible for it to join forces with the Anti-Monitor?"

Harley said: "Theoretically, their interests are not consistent. The counter-insurgency wants to devour the multiverse, and the Eclipse Lord needs to maintain the existence of the universe and life in order to extract the power of original sin."

Cyborg reminded: "Don't forget that they all hate you. Revenge is the greatest benefit."

"It doesn't matter, even if they join forces, I'm not afraid. Don't forget, I once conquered the world single-handedly." Harley smiled proudly.

"Well, you can also borrow the power of the Martial God's laws to enter the 'True Martial God King' state." The three of them suddenly recalled that Harry also had a Martial God Kingdom, and there were thousands of Martial Gods in the Kingdom who understood the laws of martial arts. .

Those martial gods are both her believers and her gods.

Regardless of her personal realm or the scale of the divine system, she is now the well-deserved Martial God and God King.

The God-King can extract divine power and laws for his own use.

God-kings with large pantheon of gods are often more powerful.

"How high can your strength be improved in the state of Martial God King?" General Ryan asked in anticipation.

"The hard power is probably at the middle level among the God Kings."

In the DC universe, there is no saying that "Masters are superior to warriors".

But the employment prospects of mages are indeed better than that of samurai.

In the Olympian pantheon of Zeus, there are all the main gods with various attributes such as earth, water, wind, fire, sun, death, and destiny. The corresponding laws of the main gods add up to an "Olympus version of the sea of ​​laws."

Ninety percent of the laws that Harley's God of War understood were related to defense, and the rest were also attack attributes.

The law attributes are too single, and the effect of superimposing them together is far inferior to the "Olympus Sea of ​​Laws".

Fortunately, Harley's defense attribute (expertise attribute) is ridiculously strong, otherwise the "Martial God God System" would not even be ranked third-rate in the heaven realm.

In fact, the group of human martial arts gods at Nanda Peak are not qualified to go to the heavenly realm at all, and have been living in a small plane close to the XZ Plateau.

"Can a mid-level player surpass all the gods in the heavenly realm?" General Lane asked doubtfully.

Cyborg said: "What Harley is talking about is hard power, which should not include the special bonus brought by the thick-skinned power."

"Compared with those top god-kings, I am only weak in magic, but I am not afraid of magic at all. Comprehensive comparison, my true combat power can crush most god-kings." Harley said.

The bodies of the God-Kings are all very strong and can reach the extreme value. The only difference is that the powerful God-King can be at the extreme value for a long time, while the weak God-King has greater fluctuations.

For example, two mobile phones can play "Honor of Kings" at a maximum of 120 frames. One mobile phone uses the second-generation Snapdragon 8 CPU, with an average frame rate of 118, while the other uses the previous generation Snapdragon 870, with an average frame rate of Around 110.

The God King will get tired and injured, the phone will heat up, and neither man nor machine can maintain peak performance all the time.

After the frame rate exceeds 90 Hz, most players can see almost no difference with the naked eye.

The physical difference between the god kings is not so weak that it is difficult to detect, but the difference in strength between healthy adults cannot lead to absolute crushing.

The gap between energy levels and laws can be huge.

Whoever has a higher level of divine power, whoever masters the laws is more comprehensive and in-depth, and whose divine skills can crush the God King who is weaker than himself.

A powerful god-king single-handedly suppressed a group of god-kings who were inferior to him.

In a simple comparison of strength, even Lu Bu, a dragon among men, would be knocked down by a swarm of ordinary people.

An ordinary soldier could stab Lu Bu to death if he stood still with a knife.

A comprehensive comparison between Harley and the top god-king is like a soldier who wears a steel suit and is proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts, has a spear in his left hand, a gauntlet in his right hand, and rides a flying motorcycle under his crotch. Lu Bu with a submachine gun.

Submachine guns are magic. The first fierce general Lu Bu holds a submachine gun. It sounds scary.

However, Harley has a steel suit and is not afraid of bullets at all.

If she trapped Lu Bu with a lasso and stabbed him with a spear, there would be a hole in Lu Bu's chest.

Even if a group of Lu Bu rushes towards her, she still has a flying motorcycle (a nine-level space defense force field that ensures that she can teleport and nearby enemies cannot teleport).

Constantine parked the House of Mystery in the backyard of the Hall of Justice.

When Harley arrived, the stranger was standing alone at the gate in a daze.

"Is the 'destined person' chosen by Lord Eclipse Chris?" she asked.

The Stranger looked around and saw no other heroes. At this moment, they were all busy with disaster relief, and even the Justice League Dark went out.

He nodded slightly and said softly: "Chris is the host of the Eclipse Lord. He was resurrected from the dead in heaven. His body and soul are holy and clean. He is not stained with original sin, but can withstand unlimited power of sin."

"What is Brother God's plan? How should we 'obey the destiny' of God, eradicate the eclipse master, clean up the dark atmosphere, and restore the universe to a bright and peaceful world?" Harley asked.

The stranger was silent, his expression still very gloomy.

"You haven't seen Brother God? He hasn't assigned you a task?" Harley asked.

The stranger lowered his head and said bitterly: "I saw Him, and He also gave me orders directly."

When he got to the key part of his words, he got stuck again and didn't say anything for a long time.

Harry was impatient, "Don't hesitate, just say what you have to say."

"The command given to me by the Lord is to hand Chris over to the Lord of Eclipse."

"What?" Harry was startled at first, and then quickly regained his composure, "Speak clearly, from beginning to end, without leaving out any details."

Stranger said: "After the sin-eater burned down my home, I cheered up and guarded Chris wholeheartedly."

First the whole family was wiped out by the sin eater, and then the sin eater burned the only remaining spiritual sustenance-his former home. The stranger understood that God was very dissatisfied with his slacking off in work and enjoying the happiness of human relations.

After Harley's persuasion, he calmed down and began to devote himself to helping Chris grow up.

——Chris has a destiny, and his mission is to help Chris fulfill his destiny better.

This is the conclusion that Harley came to after learning about Chris's death and resurrection, and it is also the revelation that the Stranger himself received from the two gods, the vicious dog and the teddy dog.

The Stranger did a very serious job. He helped Chris master new powers, taught him basic magic knowledge, and took him to travel to various fantasy and secret realms in Limbo.

Chris is a simple, kind, honest and sincere young man, and Stranger enjoys spending time with him.

At one point, the Stranger even felt that Chris was like his own Tim (his son as Philip Stark).

This happy life was soon interrupted by a call.

The Stranger saw Teddy again, on the street, on the evening of Harley's sermon.

The teddy dog ​​ran out of nowhere and appeared suddenly in front of the stranger.

"Harley Quinn did a great job!"

He raised his head and looked at the dense "stars" in the sky. They were all spaceships of alien VIPs.

“The New Bible she told added a lot of her own personal stuff, but the flaws are not hidden, and she was generally on the right track.

The key point is that she is also very capable and can impart the teachings to the believers clearly and clearly. The believers come from all civilizations in the universe and are all leaders with distinguished status. The divine glory will eventually spread throughout the universe. Her achievements are unparalleled in the world! "

"She has always been very capable." Stranger said simply.

Teddy looked back, his eyes shining brightly, "Not only is she capable, but she also works hard and never misses any opportunity to work for me. What about you?"

“I am right in front of you, always ready to listen to your teachings.”

The stranger understood that the meat show was coming and lowered his head respectfully.

"Very good, you bring Chris to the Eclipse Lord." Teddy said calmly.

"What?" The stranger suddenly raised his head and said in surprise: "What did you just say?"

"You heard it right, that's what you are thinking in your mind at this moment, bring Chris to the Eclipse Lord. He is the best container of the power of the Eclipse." Teddy Dog said.

"Don't you understand? The Eclipse Lord is a collection of the darkness of human nature. It is the dark side in everyone's heart. It wants to pull the entire world into the dark abyss of corruption." The stranger pointed to the sky and said excitedly: "I was just killed. The Harley you praise is trying to use the word of God to cleanse the dust of sin in everyone’s hearts!”

"Everything that is happening now and everything that is about to happen is the result of the gradual and natural evolution of great power that you cannot understand." Teddy said.

"I do not understand."

Teddy Dog’s voice was ethereal and sacred, “Behind the eclipse Lord’s peerless evil, there is a great interest that you cannot peep into or understand.

I said this, do you understand? "

The stranger's face was distorted, "Although I don't understand what the benefit is, your words are very straightforward."

——It’s so straightforward that I’m ashamed of you.

Even as greedy as Harley is, she will use high-sounding excuses to cover it up.

"I refuse!" Stranger shook his head gently.

"You cannot refuse any order from your master." Teddy Dog's voice rumbled, like a thunderbolt passing through the stranger's heart, "If you still want to continue your journey of redemption, you must join the Eclipse Lord and assist the Eclipse Lord.

First, you have to hand Chris over to the Eclipse Lord, and whatever else you do next must follow the Eclipse Lord's arrangements. "

This is the threat of Chi Guoguo!

To reject His command was to reject His own path to salvation.

Stranger was excited, "You know what price I paid to bring Chris back to life. I could obviously bring back my wife, my son or my daughter, but I followed your wishes and chose Chris."

You also know the price I paid later. In order for me to take care of Chris, you burned down my home and destroyed my last thoughts.

I tell myself - I am serving you, and my efforts will eventually be exchanged for greater good.

But now you actually ask me to serve the Eclipse Lord and hand Chris over to it so that it can freely enter the material world. Are you crazy, or am I crazy? "

"Stranger, watch your words!" A majestic and vast aura erupted from the Teddy Dog. For a moment, the Stranger felt that he was just a little Teddy Dog, and the other person's form was boundless, filling the entire universe.

The immense pressure made it almost impossible for him to think.

But he still struggled and said: "I will not surrender to the Eclipse Lord, nor will I hand Chris over to it."

"Are you going to give up the final redemption at the last moment? I remind you once again that your road to redemption has come to an end. There is only one last step left. This is the last step. If you step out, you will be saved. There will be countless hangings around your neck. The chain of sins for years will all fall away." Teddy said coldly.

"No, I can't" Stranger struggled, shaking his head repeatedly.

Teddy slowed down his voice and said, "You have to believe that everything you do now is for the ultimate divine result."

Stranger seemed to be stimulated by something, and twisted his face and roared: "Fuck you, I've had enough, I've had enough of you giving me so-called sacred missions again and again.

Holy shit mission!

I have never seen any divine results, only the cruel reality of kindness being harmed by you and then you gaining huge benefits.

If you want to revoke my salvation, then go ahead and do it, I don’t care. "

The teddy dog ​​stared at him, and the sacred silver glow in his eyes disappeared, turning into ordinary dog ​​eyes.

Now, after listening to Stranger’s complete and detailed story.

"Pah!" Harley slapped the stranger on the shoulder with her left hand, and gave a thumbs up with her right hand and praised: "That's it, man, I admire you!"

Then she asked doubtfully: "Since you have decided to disobey Brother God's order, why didn't you inform us earlier? You are the only one who protects Chris. After all, you are powerless!"

"No, I, I'm not worthy of your praise." The stranger lowered his head, his face full of shame, and his voice was as low as a mosquito, "Although the Lord left me, His sight has been following me and falling on my heart. I was overwhelmed by the tremendous pressure. In the end. In the end, I didn’t tell you this information because I was worried that you would be blamed by the Lord. But Chris’s body was taken over by the Lord of Eclipse, but it was me, me.”

"I understand, no need to say anything." Harley patted his shoulder gently and comforted softly: "You are already very brave. He is God, and no one can go against His will."

Stranger doesn't have God's defensive force field. He can withstand the pressure and only compromise today, which is already better than everyone else.

She immediately started the next topic, "Did Brother God say how to end this crisis? Lord Eclipse now has Chris's body, but its ultimate goal is the main universe. Will Brother God give up on the main universe?"

Chris's situation is a bit similar to Rachel's back then, both were sent out by God so that the Third House and the Lord of Eclipse could be proud first.

But the Three Palaces did not invade and destroy the Garden of Eden as they wished, and the Lord of Eclipse would most likely not have a good ending.

And God will profit in the end 10% of the time.

"I don't know." Stranger covered his face with his hands, "I just want to save Chris now, and I don't care about anything else."

"How to save it? I used the 'Seven-tone Mantra' on it countless times today, and it never let the Eclipse Lord escape from Chris' body." Harley asked.

"Chris is not a mortal." Stranger stared into her eyes and said seriously: "He is fully capable of saving himself, as long as we awaken his sinking heart."

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