I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1688: Money can make ghosts watch the door

"You want to get the secrets of the Criminal Syndicate from me? Why do you have that?" The vicious Oliver sneered: "I'm already dead, how can you threaten me?

Tormenting my soul?

You can try. I was an extreme S\u0026M lover when I was alive. My physical senses have been numb. I have long wanted to experience the feeling of my soul being fucked. Kang Muang, come on! "

Harley took several steps back "thump thump thump", avoiding becoming this pervert like the plague.

"This is a ruthless character. Who among you is going to teach him a lesson?" She turned around and asked.

The expressions of the heroes were slightly distorted, shaking their heads and waving their hands, not wanting to have any contact with the vicious Oliver.

If you really teach him a lesson, wouldn’t it satisfy him?

Just satisfy him, but if he is mistaken for having the tendency of S ghost, do you still want to face him?

The hero Oliver's expression was a little distorted and he whispered: "You must all understand that Earth 3 is the mirror image of the main universe. Everything in the mirror is the opposite. In reality, I am completely opposite to this pervert."

Neptune glanced at him and said: "So, he is M and you are S? It just so happens that you are the 'Dead-Eye Yi' and you also know how to torture souls. Go and let him know how powerful the superheroes of the main universe are. "

"It's not the opposite. He's a pervert. The opposite of a pervert is a gentleman. I'm a gentleman." The hero Oliver turned pale and quickly defended.

Diana threatened Oliver: "Before you, your companion confessed and was lenient. Do you know why he chose to obey?"

She pointed at Harley and said: "She is the witch Harley. You have already seen her cruel methods. There are dozens of strong men in the Criminal Syndicate, and they are like pigs and sheep when facing her.

She had no expression on her face during the entire massacre, and the ground was stained red with blood, but she didn't even blink.

And this is only a small part of her methods. If you don't want to ask for trouble, just be honest and ask questions. "

The evil ghost Oliver glared at the evil ghost Afu next to him, "You surrendered so easily? They didn't even torture you, you weakling, coward!"

The evil ghost Ah Fu said helplessly: "If I disobey, Witch Harley will refine me into a evil god and a demon puppet.

The fierce demon puppet is driven by her and can sense and track Master Thomas. She may be bluffing me, but it is also true. I dare not bet on Master Thomas.

Moreover, she can forcibly read my memory. Even if I am not honest and honest, she cannot prevent her from obtaining information about Master Thomas.

It's better for me to tell it myself, and I can help you eliminate the prejudice against him based on secular concepts.

They say that the more kind-hearted people are, the more evil they are on Earth 3, the more irredeemable they are, and the more they deserve to die.

This is why Witch Harley is killing us.

I want to prove that Master Thomas is not evil and does not deserve to die.

Alas, I have great confidence in Master Thomas's wisdom, but I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If he is caught by the Witch Harley, given the fact that he can still be saved, he might be able to survive. "

As the evil ghost Ah Fu said this, he used his ghost eyes to look at Harley and the heroes.

In order to keep Mr. Thomas alive, it can be said to have taken great pains.

"The Fierce God Demon Puppet is very ferocious, but he can still hunt down those bastards?"

The evil ghost Afu said a lot, but the evil ghost Oliver seemed to only hear this sentence, or only care about this sentence.

Its eyes lit up, and it looked at Harley and said, "If you really transform me into a fierce god and demon puppet, I am willing to be completely honest with you, and I will say whatever you ask me."

Harley was once again shocked, "Why do you want to be a demon puppet? You were unyielding before and would rather be tortured than betray your companions."

"Who says I don't want to betray them? I wish they would all die!" The vicious Oliver shouted: "Why should I die miserably, but they can live freely?

I'm not convinced!

My heart is not happy and happy.

I could only find comfort in seeing them brutally murdered.

Their pain is the medicine that eases my pain.

I refused to reveal their information before, not because I wanted to protect them, but simply because I didn’t want you to be well.

You killed me and profited from me. I feel as uncomfortable as 'I am dead but my fellow criminal syndicates are enjoying themselves'.

But if I become a fierce god and demon puppet, I can gain a lot of happiness from killing them personally to offset the unhappiness caused by letting you benefit from me. "

Harley and all the superheroes had distorted expressions.

"Although I know that the people on Earth 3 are all villains, it's still beyond my expectation that they are so good." Dinah murmured.

The hero Oliver panicked again, "Don't get me wrong, this man is my opposite. He doesn't like his companions, which is exactly the opposite of my attitude towards my friends."

After explaining, he complained to Harley: "Didn't you kill dozens of criminal syndicate villains? Don't just interrogate my peers and release them all."

Neptune's eyes were strange and he said, "What's the difference between you and 'Oliver the Evil'? They don't want to see themselves being unlucky alone, and they want to draw happiness from the misfortune of their companions."

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Hero Oliver denied eagerly.

Diana asked curiously: "Harry, who's peers have you captured? There shouldn't be mine, right?"

The other heroes looked at Harley nervously, fearing that she would say their names.

They originally didn't care about the situation of their peers from other worlds.

From Crisis on Infinite Earths when they first came into contact with the parallel universe to now, they have seen through and looked down on their relationship with peers in more than ten years.

But Earth 3 is really special. The viciousness and depravity of the Criminal Syndicate broke their common sense and penetrated their inner bottom line.

Before, like Da Chao, they felt that Harley's killing spree was an overreaction. Now they still adhere to the no-kill principle, but they will no longer have the slightest grudge against Harley's direct killing behavior.

"Well, I thought the overall situation was settled at the time, and I didn't specifically target the giants in the crime syndicate." Harley said with a regretful expression.

The defensive gold film is folded into a palm-width and dozens of meters long blade. It looks like chopping melons and vegetables, dancing wildly, which is very powerful. However, the speed and strength of the gold film blade are limited by Harley's own strength.

Those whom she cannot kill with a knife cannot be killed with a blade.

In fact, the effect of the blade is not as good as that of the actual blade, because the blade has mass. Although the gold film can be very sharp, it has no mass and cannot exert force.

There are two types of people who are hacked to death on the spot by the blade, one is ordinary people like Afu, Nite Owl, and Oliver, and the other is superpowers and tech men who fail to react in time.

The Super Queen's body is as strong as Diana's. She can stand there and be slashed by the golden film blade without breaking her skin.

"Hey, don't talk to yourselves there. Will you agree to my request?" The vicious Oliver shouted dissatisfied.

Harley said: "Butler Afu and Ye Xiao are connected by fate, so they can sense Ye Xiao's position. Not to mention the bond between you and them that is so strong that it affects fate, they are not even compatible in appearance. I will make you into a 'fierce god and demon puppet'" ’, you can’t hunt them down either.”

"Are you trying to fool us? You don't know how to refine evil spirits and demon puppets." Evil Ghost Oliver doubted.

——You are really a little clever. The evil god and demon puppet are used to fool the evil ghost Ah Fu.

Harry sneered and said: "It's just a vicious god and a demon puppet. I, the majestic King of Gods, still need to fool people with such a small magic?"

"Well, you make me into a vicious god and demon puppet, and I will tell you the information you want." The vicious ghost Oliver said.

Harley wondered: "If you can't kill them yourself, you will lose a lot of happiness, and you will not be able to offset the unhappiness caused by letting me get benefits. Why are you still willing?"

"Didn't that old man Afu just say that you can forcibly read my memory? Instead of getting nothing, it's better to just accept it when it's good." The vicious ghost Oliver said frankly.

"As you can tell from the name, the Fierce God and Demon Puppet is a puppet. What's the benefit of being a puppet?" Hero Oliver couldn't understand.

The vicious Oliver glanced at him and said disdainfully: "Don't say you haven't been discriminated against by those super-powered bastards.

Although the Demon Puppet is a puppet, the name tells you how ferocious and magical it is.

He was born a human but had no choice but to be a Muggle, and after his death he became a ghost and aspired to become a ghost tyrant!

After the death of those bastards who laughed at me and bullied me, they will eventually be left alone and lose their extraordinary power.

Hehe, I have become a powerful evil god and demon puppet.

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. When the time comes, I will bully them over and over again and let that bastard Speedmaster kneel in front of me and lick my ****, hahahaha! "

The hero Oliver was stunned and blurted out: "Did Speedmaster ever make you kneel on the ground - Oh my god!"

The fierce Oliver's eyes swept over Da Chao and Diana, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't you kneel and lick these two guys?"

Seeing the angry and distorted expressions of Chao and Diana, its grimace also became angry and distorted.

"Why have I suffered so much shame and pain, but you haven't?" it roared unwillingly.

"Don't you have any other choice?" Hero Oliver neither sympathized with it nor would he tolerate it, and said coldly: "Why do you have to join the Criminal Syndicate? As long as you stay in Star City, no one can force you to kneel down and lick XX , you chose to be a fool, and you still have the nerve to complain here?"

"That sounds nice, but why did you join the Justice League? Isn't it because of vanity? You want to stand on top of the world and overlook all living beings. You don't want to become a common being like the mud at the feet of the Justice League." The vicious Oliver sneered.

Dachao said seriously: "You are wrong, the world needs Oliver to become a superhero, and we need a loyal and reliable companion like him.

It was Oliver who brought glory to the Justice League, not him who was taking advantage of the Justice League. "

"Nonsense, you can destroy the entire earth by yourself, do you need him? Besides licking your skin, what can he do as a Muggle?" said the vicious Oliver with disdain.

"That's enough!" Oliver couldn't bear it anymore, and the powerful aura belonging to the God of War suddenly burst out, forming a fierce wind in the room, as well as his two eyes.

Even though he was covered with a cloth, the aura of death accompanied by the red light fell on the evil ghost Oliver, and his soul was shaking like a candle in the wind.

"Harley's right, you guys are hopeless and suck."

Oliver took a deep breath, slowly calmed down his aura, and his mind returned to calm again.

As soon as the pressure on his body dissipated, the evil ghost Oliver's eyes widened and he yelled unwillingly: "You actually have super powers?! I saw it. There is a powerful power of death hidden in your eyes. Damn it, why!"

We are both ‘Oliver’, why is it that you, a sissy, have extraordinary powers and I am so ambitious yet I am just an ordinary archer? "

The resentment in its heart was too heavy, and as it screamed, a strong black gas emerged from its soul, and its humanoid appearance also began to distort and deform, with a tendency to turn into a monster.

"What happened to it?" Wonder Woman asked in surprise.

"It seems like he's about to transform into the Original Sin Demon?" Harley was also a little unsure.

She took out God's big stick and gently knocked twice on the head of the vicious Oliver ghost.


Like a flat tire, the evil spirit Oliver was spraying putrid black gas from every "pore" in his body.

"Ah, don't hit me, I feel so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable!" The evil ghost Oliver screamed miserably, as if he was not receiving a stick from God, but a "bloody killing stick" specially designed to make people suffer.

"Well, the effect is good." Harley nodded with satisfaction, but the movement of her hand did not stop, but the tapping became more cheerful.

"It stinks, what is this?" The heroes covered their noses and backed away.

Although I covered my nose, the unbearable stench did not disappear.

The stench seemed to stick directly to their souls.

"It should be a substantial sin. The soul of the villain on Earth 3 is somewhat different from ours." Harley said thoughtfully.

"Their souls are contaminated with too much original sin, and they are a bit like phantoms." Zha Kang said.

After being beaten by God's stick, the vicious Oliver regained his senses.

"As long as you don't hit me with that terrible stick again, I won't be a vicious god or demon anymore. Whatever you ask, I will answer honestly." It looked at God's big stick with an expression full of horror.

"Why are you so afraid of it? Has it changed your outlook on life?" Harley was eager to try out the results of the collision between the doctrine of God and the doctrine of original sin and the three bodies.

What makes the stick of God special is primarily the tears of the Holy Spirit woven into it.

The tears of the Holy Spirit contain all the Holy Spirit’s understanding of God’s teachings.

Being struck with the rod of God is tantamount to a forced calibration of the soul of the person being struck with the teachings of God as understood by the Holy Spirit.

The villains of the Criminal Syndicate are all products of the "Original Sin Bible" (anti-God doctrine).

Both the Bible and the Bible of Original Sin belong to God. What is the effect of using the spear of one against the shield of the other?

"Harry, now that it has calmed down, don't bother anymore. The main members of the Criminal Syndicate have not been arrested yet, and the 'Sophon' created by Night Owl is also mysterious. The crisis has not been resolved." Bateman said solemnly. .

"Suspend the interrogation first, Harry, put away the evil spirit." Zha Kang glanced around, frowned and asked: "Do you feel that the 'air' is very dirty, and you feel uncomfortable and upset?"

"Is the air dirty?" The heroes also looked around. The windows of the conference room were wide open. There was neither dust nor smog in the air. The sun was shining brightly, the trees were shady, and the birds were chirping crisply.

"I do feel uncomfortable, but it has nothing to do with the air." Oliver said.

Zha Kang took out his cigarette case, lit one for himself, and then said: "What's dirt like dust? I'm talking about original sin!

When Harley hit the evil ghost just now, a large amount of gray-black smoke fell from it.

They are original sin materialized.

Original sin does not disappear, it has all stained our souls.

Anyway, the fantasy person in my body is ready to move and is very excited. "

"I don't have any obvious feeling. Are there any sequelae of being tainted with substantial original sin?" Dachao asked.

Harry said: "Don't worry! As the saying goes, the body is like a bodhi tree and the mind is like a mirror. Even if it is stained with dust, it will be safe if you wipe it off.

Every day we see, hear, and think about anything that can inspire original sin, and our mind and body will be polluted to a certain extent.

As long as you can reflect on yourself when you are calm, you will not be affected. "

Zha Kang held a cigarette in his mouth, turned around and walked to the window, and said quietly: "Actually, a few hours ago, I noticed that the world had changed in some way. It was like a layer of gauze covering our heads, making it difficult for me to breathe. smooth.

But at that time I didn’t understand what the change was exactly.

When you hit the evil spirit of Earth 3 with the stick of God until its original sin fell into ashes, I suddenly understood.

The veil that previously covered our heads was the invisible web woven by original sin. "

"The Web of Original Sin?" Harley was stunned, and then walked to the window and looked up at the blue sky. "Are you talking about the breath of original sin that flowed into the main universe after Pandora's Box opened the door to the world?"

"You know?" Zha Kang said in surprise.

"When an outsider opened Pandora's Box, I was immediately alarmed. This is what I felt at the time." Harley tilted her head and thought for a moment, then asked: "Have you ever seen the old-fashioned popcorn machine from the Chinese people? It is a gourd-shaped pressure cooker filled with corn kernels or rice kernels and roasted over a fire."

She took out her phone and searched for dozens of videos of fried rice.

“What I felt at that time was that there was a huge rice pops machine outside the universe. Suddenly the lid was opened and ‘BOOOM’, a large amount of hot steam rushed into our universe along with the rice pops.

Our universe seemed to have been kicked in the butt, shaking violently with a huge impact. "

Zha Kang thoughtfully said: "The rice popsicles and hot steam sprayed into our universe are the original sin that pervades Universe 3?"

"Absolutely. When I arrived at the scene of the crime, 'Kavi Planet', the planet almost had the same aura as Pandora's Box.

If nothing else happens, a large number of cosmic villains will be born there in the future. Well, fortunately, that planet is short of resources and almost deserted. " Harley said.

"Why didn't you tell us about such an important thing earlier?" Bateman frowned and said, "The breath of original sin can contaminate the entire Universe 3, and it may not spread from the Kawi Star to the solar system dozens of light-years away."

Harley glanced at him and said lightly: "Do you think the smell of original sin is really a stench or water vapor, and it has a process of spreading slowly?

Remember what I said before, the core of Pandora’s Box is a ‘source’, the ‘source of original sin’.

The source is something higher than the law. "

The faces of the heroes changed greatly, "So the original sin has polluted the entire universe and the entire earth?"

"The main universe is not Earth 3, there is no real 'source of original sin', it is at most a little polluted.

As long as we can calm down, that little bit of pollution has almost no impact on us. " Harley said.

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "You think it doesn't matter, it's just your feeling. You are an expert, so you definitely don't feel anything, but we"

He looked back at the heroes and said, "I suddenly stopped your interrogation of the evil ghost from Universe 3 because I found that you were obviously affected.

I was not sure that the world was polluted before, and thought that you were in the same room with evil ghosts and were directly polluted by them. Alas, I was originally going to suggest that you change places and interrogate them in a different way to avoid pollution, but I didn’t expect that the whole world would be polluted. All over the world."

He turned to look out the window again, "In this case, ordinary people are the most affected. If I guess correctly, the number of criminal cases on the earth will skyrocket in the next few days."

Dachao's heart moved, and he said with a solemn expression: "Harley, you said before that Earth 3 is inside Pandora's Box, and the box prevents Earth 3's 'source of original sin' from spreading to the entire multiverse.

Now that the magic box is broken, wouldn't the entire multiverse be affected as well? "

"I'm not sure how much the multiverse has been affected. I only know that Universe 3 should have been eaten by the Anti-Monitor, the original sin in Universe 3." Harley smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Let's take it one step at a time, starting from the beginning. The situation is out of our control."

Oliver said with a tangled expression: "Will the original sin in Universe 3 be eaten by the Anti-Monitor?

He is already crazy enough, if he eats a lot of original sin again"

Dachao said in an uncertain tone: "Harley said that masters are not affected by the magic box. Anti-monitors should be considered 'masters', right?"

"He is very strong, but his mental state may not be very high." Bateman said.

"What is our main task now? Search for the escaped Criminal Syndicate, or find the Anti-Monitor and defeat him again?" Oliver asked.

"This" the heroes first made eye contact with each other, and then all eyes fell on Harley.

"Harry, what do you think?"

Harley said: "Didn't I say, take it one step at a time."

Wonder Woman was dissatisfied: "The multiverse and the earth are facing crisis, how can we waste the time and wait passively?

With your current strength, you should no longer be afraid of confronting the Anti-Monitor.

With our help, the chances of winning are pretty good.

Why don't we take the initiative and form a team to find the anti-monitor? "

"Diana, please don't be impulsive!" Dinah quickly advised: "We just interrogated Alfred and Evil Oliver, and we roughly learned how perverted and evil the Criminal Syndicate on Earth 3 is.

Harley killed so many of them, how could they not be jealous?

A group of extremely evil people are eyeing the earth, can you go out safely? "

"Then divide the team into two. One team is stationed on Earth, and the other team is looking for the Anti-Monitor." Diana said.

Bateman walked up to Harley and asked in a low voice: "It's not your style to wait passively. Are there any concerns that we don't know about?"

"What worries can I have? Simply waiting passively at this moment is the most efficient and suits us best.

I heard the news from Heavenly Father on the Genesis Planet that the Anti-Monitor was causing trouble again.

Then I will go to Earth 51 to find Watcher Wu Tan."

Harley recounted her experience of being rumored by Batman No. 51 and going to the Blood Realm to look for the Dome.

"Right now, I'm still keeping an eye on the Blood Realm. Once I find the Qiongji, I should be able to contact the monitor Wu Tan.

Wu Tan must know Wan Tianyi's current form better than we do.

When the time comes, he will organize the 'Anti-Monitor Hunting Brigade' and we will be able to contribute.

While waiting for the Dome, we don't have to look for the escaped criminal syndicate.

Conventional methods cannot find them with help from ‘Sophon’.

To be honest, I'm not sure now whether they are hiding on an alien planet, or have left the main universe and entered the vast Limbo.

Instead of searching blindly, it is better to sit at home and calm down.

If ‘Sophon’ represents a kind of destiny, destiny will definitely happen. "

There was one thing Harley didn't say.

Two hours ago, when the heroes were interrogating the evil ghost Afu, she saw the dog god in the park.

The fact that the Dog God came down to earth already shows that something big will happen next, and it will definitely happen on earth.

The Dog God also directly said before parting that she was about to "complete her merits and virtues."

The big thing that will make her merits perfect is definitely not to end the anti-supervisory crisis. She has solved the anti-supervision king so many times. When has her merits been perfected?

It is certainly more important than solving anti-monitoring issues.

But the dog god didn't say clearly what was going on, so she could only wait for the situation to change.

"Oh, Justice Incarnate has joined the war against the Anti-Monitor"

Even though there was no mention of "perfect merit", the heroes understood and accepted the "passive waiting" plan.

"We will interrogate the evil spirits first, collect intelligence on the Criminal Syndicate, and then make defensive plans based on their capabilities, while waiting for news from the Qiongji." Da Chao said.

Barry suggested: "We still have to take the initiative and go to the blood domain to search for the Qiongji."

Bateman looked at Zha Kang and asked: "Is there any way for us to avoid being contaminated by the original sin of the evil spirit on Earth 3?"

Zha Kang thought for a while and suggested: "For safety reasons, it is best for you to communicate with them indirectly through a third party.

For example, let Harley read their memories. If you have any questions, just ask Harley. "

"I will send all the evil spirits on Earth 3 to hell. John, you are not afraid of the pollution of original sin. You will act as a third-party judge.

Even in Hell, you can still connect with the Halls of Justice on Earth through the Watchdog. "

Harley will certainly search the Evil Dead's memories for specific information about the Crime Syndicate, but she doesn't want to be the Justice League's "intelligent repeater."

"I still have something to do. I want to visit Xanadu. She seems to be in a bad state." Zha Kang said while touching his nose.

He doesn't want to be a "repeater" either.

"Don't underestimate Xanadu, she has a strong mind."

Harley didn't give him a chance to refuse, put her hand on his shoulder, and left the material world in an instant and entered the shadow world.

The Shadow Realm is the interlayer between hell and the human world, and it is also the "front yard" at the gate of hell.

"Hey, is that the Luther Group's Limbo satellite?"

As soon as he entered the shadow world of gray and corruption, Zha Kang saw a two-hundred-meter-high tower-shaped building floating in the distance.

The tower is built entirely of rock and is two hundred meters high. There is a five-meter-diameter metal ball on the top of the tower, and an "L" pattern mark is printed on the tower.

"Yeah, it's Witch Harley, run!"

They saw the stone tower, and the demons in the stone tower also saw Harley. They screamed and turned into smoke and fled quickly.

"Why are there still demons on the stone tower? Judging from the aura, it seems that there are high-ranking demons among them, at least Earls." Zha Kang said in surprise.

Harley was also a little confused. She knew about Luther sending Limbo satellites to the shadow world, but this was the first time that she happened to meet him like this.

"Whoosh!" She flashed with Zha Kang's figure and arrived at the gate of hell in an instant.

"Greetings to the Supreme Saint, the mighty and virtuous Guardian Envoy King!" The demons and the three-headed hell dogs at the gate knelt down to Harley and saluted respectfully. The scene was very spectacular.

However, Harley didn't even look at them, and didn't stop for a moment. She crossed the gate directly and continued flying into the depths of hell.

She was not touched at all, but Zha Kang was a little shocked, "I know you got the key to the gate of hell, but I always thought that 'Guardian Envoy' was just a false name."

"Guardian is a false name used by Silver City to deceive me. Those archangels only want me to be the 'key keeper'.

But any false reputation can be transformed into absolute power as long as it is backed by strength. "Harry said calmly.

Previously, she was not strong enough and needed to avoid confronting the Demon King. Naturally, the Guardian of Hell's Gate had no real power.

She didn't even dare to show her face. The devil was at most afraid of her and would not obey her rules honestly.

When she became the God King, especially when she returned from the era of the God of War, her strength skyrocketed. She roamed the hell freely, and no demon king dared to provoke her. Her casual words immediately became golden rules that the demons must remember.

She didn't deliberately show authority, authority automatically blessed her.

The core function of the Hell Guardian is to guard the keys to the gates of Hell.

As long as there is no accident where "hell is released and demons invade the world", Harley will have completed her mission.

But Harley wanted more. She wanted to use her power for personal gain, and gain benefits from her status as a guardian. For example, she could arrest demons who had smuggled into the world, skin them with reason and reason, and extract their magic power.

You can't reach a thousand miles without taking small steps.

The magic power that a single demon can provide is limited, but this is a long-term business, and the business is quite hot. After all, demons want to cause trouble in the world.


"You actually built a 'Guardian Palace' in hell? When did it happen? Why haven't I heard of it?" Looking at the huge palace complex in front of him, Zha Kang was shocked and confused.

After entering the Gate of Hell, there is a relatively flat wasteland, where the souls of people with lesser sins wander.

Continue walking through the wasteland and you will come to the Styx Ferry.

Only when the soul gets on Charon's ferry does it officially enter hell.

The "Guardian Mansion", a mixture of Chinese and Western architecture, is located in the middle of the desolate plain between the Gate of Hell and the River Styx. It covers an area of ​​several hundred acres and is almost equivalent to a city. It is very eye-catching and prominent.

Zha Kang often gambles with demons in the magic tavern, and he is no stranger to the news of hell.

Such a big thing as the Hell Guard House should have caused a sensation among the demons.

"The groundbreaking started after the end of the Martial God King Era, and it was just completed two months ago."

Harley led him straight to the main door of the main hall. Several demon guards guarding the door knelt down and saluted. There was also a loud-voiced troll stretched his neck and shouted into the door, "The guardian king has arrived."

Then three "human beings" were seen walking out of the hall.

Zha Kang also knew two of them.

"Are you Jim Gordon, Gotham's Hellraiser? Why are you here?" he asked in surprise.

Harley was also a little surprised. In addition to Gordon, Robert Queen, the "Hundred Households in the Town Hall", came out with his wife Xiao Lai.

Gordon himself is a ghost and is not afraid of the harsh environment of hell, but Xiao Lai is still alive.

"Harry, why are you here?" Gordon asked.

"I still want to ask you, how did you bring Xiao Lai to hell?" As soon as Harley asked, her heart moved and she guessed the answer, "You came to visit little Jim?"

"Isn't it summer? Jim invited us to his palace to escape the summer heat. Gordon and I felt a little homesick after staying for a few days. We were not comfortable with Barbara being alone at home.

I just came out of the 'Martial God World' today, and I planned to return to Earth immediately. Mr. Robert was so enthusiastic that he insisted on staying with us for dinner before leaving. " Xiao Lai smiled.

Harley turned her head and said to Zha Kang, who looked puzzled next to her: "The Divine Kingdom's 'Hermit Palace' that I brought back from the era of the King of Martial God is placed under the 'Guardian Mansion'."

"Oh, it turns out to be the Heavenly Palace of Recluse." Zha Kang suddenly realized, "I thought you put it in heaven."

"I think so, but the biggest rule in heaven is that 'God is the only god.' No matter how powerful the angels in heaven are, they cannot have the kingdom of God."

The kingdom of God is a symbol of the gods. The presence of the kingdom of God in heaven means that there is a second "god" (GOD) besides God. This is absolutely not allowed in heaven.

Since the Escape Palace cannot be placed in heaven, it can only be placed in hell.

The demons in hell do not admit that "God is the only GOD" at all. High-level demons with a little ability have built their own divine realm.

For example, when Harley entered the Demon Palace of the Three Palaces to rescue Rachel in the early years, she broke into a small world and immediately alerted the Three Palaces themselves. The small world where Rachel was imprisoned was equivalent to the divine kingdom of the Three Palaces.

"Lord Guardian, what are you doing here this time?" Oliver's father asked respectfully.

"It's not a big deal. There is a group of evil ghosts with special identities. I will send them here myself." Harley explained, and asked curiously: "I saw the Luther Group's Limbo satellite in the shadow world before. It seems that there are people living in it. There are many demons around, but they didn’t destroy the satellite, why?”

Robert smiled awkwardly, "I rarely leave the townhouse and I haven't seen the Limbo moon yet. How about you wait a moment and I go to the city to find someone to ask?"

"No need to ask, I know the reason." Gordon said with a complex expression: "Actually, money can make the world go round.

Luther used black magic to communicate with the demons in hell, buying them with the souls and money of human death row prisoners so that they would stop destroying his satellites and look for any satellites that did not belong to the Luther Group.

If you find anything, you will be rewarded.

Therefore, the Lingbo prison satellite technology has matured over the years, but only the Luther Group can guarantee the normal operation of the satellite for a long time. "

"It's very Luther's style, like something he can do." Harley nodded and asked: "This matter can be considered a secret, big or small. How do you know?"

Gordon looked a little strange, "In addition to the U.S. government and aliens, Bateman has also quietly launched several Limbo satellites in the past two years. He said that the Justice League needs to master a second set of communications besides the 'Keeper Dogs' system.

But his launch failed every time, and Luther succeeded every time. He had doubts in his heart, so he asked me to help investigate the cause of the failure."

Harry held it in for a while and then said, "It's very Bateman-like, like something he can do."

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