I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1687 The mysterious Tomoko

Brother God did not come down to earth specifically to find Harley, the stranger was his original purpose.

The Stranger has known Harley for more than ten years and Madam Xanadu for more than a thousand years. He has lived for a long time, but he seems to have never lived and has never realized the meaning of life. Until the beginning of the 21st century, he died because of a " Case" took the initiative to contact a man named "Philip Stark"

It wasn't Philip Stark who made him feel the beauty and solidity of life.

The Stranger has taken the initiative to contact many people in his life. For example, he took the initiative to contact Xanadu 1,500 years ago. No, she was not called "Mrs. wonderful.

With just a few words, he asked Nimue to destroy Merlin, the most gifted magician in human history. Nimue herself was also disabled, and the Stranger didn't pay any price.

The reason for deposing Merlin was related to the fall of the Kingdom of Camelot.

If Merlin, the national master, is not eliminated, the Kingdom of Camelot will not be completely destroyed by Morgana, and the subsequent "history of destiny" will not unfold smoothly.

Merlin is the biological son of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, and a human woman. He is half the blood of the Demon King and the brother of the Demon Prince Etrigan.

Merlin was also cruel and evil. In order to fight Morgana, he sealed his brother Etrigan into the body of Jason Blood, the Knight of the Round Table.

Merlin and Jason Blood, a fusion of human and demon, threaten Nimue's second sister Morgana, as well as anyone who wants to overthrow the Kingdom of Camelot in the future.

Moreover, Merlin is the lover of the forest nymph Nimue. Yes, that’s right. It’s not Nimue who has been maintained by the gray-haired old man for twenty-eight years. It’s the forest nymph Nimue who keeps the bad old man Merlin. Nimue is good at potions and can Configure the elixir.

Merlin not only wants to eat soft food, but also plans to eat it up and turn his back on others - he is planning Nimue's elixir of immortality.

If he succeeds, the Kingdom of Camelot will remain stagnant forever.

This is not in the interest of Heaven. The Voice of Heaven assigned a task to Stranger, and Stranger took the initiative to contact Nimue.

The Stranger also took the initiative to contact Los Angeles policeman Jim Corrigan. Jim Corrigan was deceived by him into being surrounded by gang members, and was shot into a hornet's nest. His soul merged with the spirit of revenge to become a ghost.

The ghost turned around and stabbed the stranger to avenge himself.

Moke also took the initiative to contact a certain Internet celebrity blogger and encouraged him to bravely walk to the scene of the battle between superheroes and super villains. That way, the footage would be better and the traffic would increase. The Internet celebrity blogger was buried by a collapsed building that day. From then on, the earth There is one less madman who is black heaven and God on the Internet (ps).

The current ghost, Chris Abbott, was originally a prosecutor in Gotham, but he also met a misfortune after meeting the Stranger. It cannot be said to be unfortunate. Being a prosecutor in Gotham is not as promising as being a ghost.

Haven't you seen Jim Gordon, the "Hell Detective" and the father of the Neon Founding, and your eyes are red with greed?

There was also Rachel back then. The Stranger said he would help her solve the troubles of the Three Palaces, but in the end he helped the Three Palaces solve the troubles - directly leading Rachel to the Three Palaces Demon who was searching for her daughter.

Felix Stark was also the one who was actively contacted by the Stranger, and he also experienced the tragic fate of countless predecessors such as Nimue, Rachel, Corrigan, etc. - he died quickly and tragically in an "accident".

However, unlike the countless times in history where people were dug into pits to bury people and then left calmly, this time the stranger stayed.

He took over the identity of Felix Stark, inherited the wife and children of the original owner, and became an ordinary person with a family and business.

For the first time in his life, Stranger had the feeling and emotion of being alive.

By the time Harley met him, he had been living on Long Island for two or three years under the alias Felix Stark.

At that time, Harley thought that his wife was really his wife and that he was really Felix Stark.

What is fake will always be fake.

Everyone who was tricked to death by the Stranger has his own destiny. Felix Stark went to hell after his death and learned that the bastard who tricked and killed him took over his identity. He slept with his wife every day and raised his children. He also called him daddy and became a "sin eater" amid endless resentment.

The Sin-Eaters left hell and returned to the world, burning their wives and children. Well, Mrs. Stark and several children, I don’t know whose wife and children are now.

The pain and despair caused by the death of his wife and child almost destroyed Stranger.

His life once again lost its light and meaning. He has been staying in the "Stark House" on Long Island to remember the past, and he is no longer interested in the mission of the Voice from the Sky.

"The stranger can't continue to be so decadent. Let's go see him." Curly Teddy said.

Then Zauliel carried Him to Gotham.

"Why do you keep coming back here? This is not where you belong." Curly Teddy said.

The stranger didn't react much to His sudden arrival. He only raised his head and glanced at the door, and continued to sit on the sofa in a daze.

"Stranger, the Lord is asking you a question." "True Dog Legs" Zaulie shouted while walking with Teddy in his arms.

"Pandora has awakened, and the magic box has been opened by outsiders. The Original Sin of Earth 3 follows the Criminal Syndicate, and together they pass through the world passage and enter the Earth of the main universe. It won't be long before the Justice League discovers something strange about the Earth.

All my tasks have been completed successfully and everything is developing according to plan. Why do you care where I am and what I am doing? "

The stranger looked at Curly Teddy, a trace of pleading appeared on his haggard cheek, "The world is so big, only here can make me feel comfortable, calm and hopeful. Hope has disappeared, at least I can get a moment of peace."

——Don’t be so cruel as to take away this little comfort from me.

The curly-haired teddy jumped out of Zaulie's arms and landed on the wooden table opposite the stranger. His small body lay comfortably. His two dog eyes looked at the stranger curiously and said, "I'm not here to force you." What do you do? You have made me very curious recently.

Even if I am all-knowing, I still cannot understand some of your actions and motives.

I know what changed you was your logging fatigue.

Is this change temporary or permanent?

Even I dare not jump to conclusions, but I have witnessed the sacrifices and efforts you have made to protect them.

After the Sin Eater kills them, you chase their souls all the way to hell and fight the Sin Eater in the lava of hell. You know the Sin Eater can kill you completely, but you don't care, you gave everything for love. "

The stranger's face was calm, "So?"

There was no expression on Gouzimao's face, but there was obvious happiness in his tone, "I am very happy to see this change, Stranger, didn't you notice? You didn't have 'love' at all before, but now you have it" .

You have completed your own partial redemption, just as Pandora completed her long overdue ascension. "

Stranger said: "It has been many years since I changed, and it has been almost a year since Ai Lin was killed by the Sin-Eater. Why are you here to encourage me now?"

"You are a little decadent now. I appreciate your change. I am happy that you finally have "love" without a heart, but I don't want you to be completely bound by "love".

Now you and Pandora have just started on the road, you can't stop! "Gouzi said earnestly.

"It's not enough for sinners like me to have 'love'? Pandora can eliminate the original sin demon, but it still can't satisfy you? Do you have such high expectations for the 'three-body original sin'?" Stranger asked.

The bastard Zaulie scolded him again, "You have so much resentment in your tone. Are you dissatisfied with the Lord?"

"I don't dare." The stranger lowered his head and said dully.

Curly Teddy said gently: "As I just said, your road is much more than this, you still have a long, long way to go."

He raised his plush dog paws, pointed at the "silver coin necklace" hanging on the stranger's chest, and said: "As long as you still wear the shackles of sin around your neck, you will not be able to obtain final salvation. You must continue to pray for Go ahead.

Well, in view of your excellent performance during this period, I want to give you a small encouragement. "

He didn't see what he was doing, and two silver coins suddenly fell from the silver coin necklace around the stranger's neck.

"Ding, ding!" The silver coin bounced on the ground a few times before it ignited into red flames and turned into a cloud of smoke with a strong smell of sin, dissipating in the air.

It was as if the stranger had walked for dozens of miles carrying a load of 10,000 kilograms, and suddenly someone took away 500 kilograms of weight from the load. Although the weight was not too large, he immediately felt relieved.

The energy level that was originally a little sluggish was lifted a lot.

"I helped you remove two silver coins, but there is still a lot left. Pandora has eliminated the original sin that was born from the evil thoughts of heroes and villains, and the devil of original sin can still be found everywhere in the world. You still have a long way to go! "Teddy sighed.

Stranger has always known his situation.

Judas betrayed Jesus and received silver coins, each weighing as much as the sum of all the sins in the world. If he wanted to be saved, he had to eliminate all the silver coins on his necklace.

After hearing the Dog God's words today, he realized that Pandora, who was also one of the Original Sin Tribodies, was no luckier than him.

It is almost impossible to eliminate all original sin from the world.

As long as there are evil thoughts in people's hearts, the devil of original sin will never cease.

In comparison, his silver coin necklace. He lowered his head and glanced at his chest. There was still a whole bunch of shining silver coins. It seemed that two pieces were missing, but it didn't seem to be missing.

He sighed secretly and suddenly realized the fact that he was not qualified to sympathize with Pandora.

Seeming to see the frustration and malaise in his eyes, Teddy said: "Your road to redemption is closer to the end than ever before, and the next redemption depends on the rebirth of a soul."

"Rebirth of a soul? What does it mean?" Stranger asked.

He felt a little excited.

After working for "Voice of Heaven" for so many years, for the first time he received the promise that his road to redemption was coming to an end.

According to the Dog God, could he be completely liberated after completing this task?

The stranger looked at Teddy expectantly, but when he looked up at the table, he found that Teddy had disappeared.

"The stranger doesn't seem to understand what you mean." Zaulie carried Teddy to a park in the metropolis.

"He will understand when the time comes," Teddy said.

The next moment, Harley appeared quietly on the grass, just like when Zaulie came, without attracting the attention of the people around her.

"Brother God, have you descended to earth?"

"Harley Quinn, I heard your analysis of Pandora's Box." Teddy greeted without politeness. He came straight to the point and said bluntly, "I'm very curious as to why you can tell the truth of the matter so accurately. ?”

Harley's expression stiffened for 0.01 seconds.

In this 0.01 second, the thoughts in her mind went through thousands of times.

——Fake, this bitch is so shameless, he even said that the story she made up to protect his face was the "truth"!

This is the first thought.

After Harry thought for a while, he came up with a second thought: It is certain that the dog god has a kind face and a dark heart, but he should not lie blatantly unless the lie cannot be exposed.

Therefore, He said that the story she made up was true, and she was probably not lying.

Because her story involves the gods, if the gods refuse to acknowledge it, or even refute it angrily and with reason, there is no point in lying.

——Her story was made up to protect his "dog face" and not to be noticed by his petty mind. And He didn't lie. Her story was really a "fact" recognized by Him, a "truth" that would not be exposed by the gods.

If she were a dog god, she would definitely not create a magic box to experiment with the "Trisomy of Original Sin".

She must have thought about who to take the blame in advance.

At that time, the gods were worrying about the phantom man, and they happened to meet him, who was the best scapegoat!

Throw the three-eyed skull in front of the gods. They will definitely not be able to resist using it after discovering its magical effect. As long as they use it, no matter whose evil thoughts polluted Universe No. 3, there will only be one "truth": No. 3 The universe was polluted by the old gods, and the original sin demon appeared in the main universe because the gods were greedy and short-sighted. God pitied all living beings, so he sacrificed himself to become a demon and used the "three bodies of original sin" to resolve the original sin in the world.

So, the Dog God wanted to go with her. This was what He planned back then, and she happened to tell the "truth" of history?

——Let the Dog God say whatever he says. There is no need to argue with Him. If you can’t argue, it’s useless to argue.

This was Harley's last thought.

"Brother God, I said it from the beginning, I am your most loyal little sister, and no one understands your teachings better than me."

The sun fell on Harry's body, and her fair face seemed to radiate holy light, "Everything can deceive people, except doctrine.

All the truth is hidden in the story of the "Original Sin Bible" in Universe 3. I am your devout believer, and I am extremely proficient in your teachings.

So after reading the "Original Sin Bible", I immediately realized something and understood the painstaking efforts of Brother God. "

The Dog God looked at her for a moment and said, "You are very wise and an 'expert'."

Harley resisted rolling her eyes and still looked serious, saying: "As Brother God's little sister, of course I want to be a 'superior'.

But in front of you, I am still an apprentice, and I still need to learn from you, Brother God.

For example, I recently broke through to the realm of a divine wizard, but it has always been difficult for me to counter-damage magic, and the counter-damage ratio cannot even reach 10%. "

After saying that, she looked at the teddy dog ​​eagerly.

——Don’t do those vain things. I’ve saved your face. Shouldn’t I give you some benefits?

Even Zaulie understood her subtext.

But she couldn't scold Harley like she scolded the Stranger.

First of all, Harley is not a stranger, a stranger is honest, she is cunning, and scolding is useful to honest people.

If she dared to scold Harley, Harley would definitely be fierce.

If Harley is stubborn, she will definitely not be able to talk to her.

In addition, Halli spoke very implicitly, and Zaulie, who was clumsy-tongued, could not immediately find a reason to scold her.

If it takes time to think about the reasons for scolding, the momentum will be much weaker and the scolding will have even less meaning.

However, Teddy was there and said naturally: "Harley Quinn, I am very pleased with your study in doctrine, and I would like to give you a little encouragement for this.

You still owe the Voice of Heaven a lot of merit in heaven, right? It's all written off, and you'll be debt-free from now on. "

Harley grinned, a little speechless.

The dog god understood her subtext, but he didn't give her what she wanted most.

It can be said that He is stingy. He can save hundreds of millions of merit points in Heaven in one breath, which is worthy of her credit and hard work in making up stories to protect His dog face.

"God, I can do more."

Unlike Stranger, who is sluggish and chooses to lie down, Harley is energetic and proactive.

If possible, she wished she could replace Stranger and become Brother God's only little black hand.

In her mind, there is nothing shabby about working for a strong person in exchange for rewards that are useful for her own growth.

"For example, the recent Three Body Incident of Original Sin has ended and peace has returned to the world. Now that I have some free time, I can hold a few 'lecture conferences' where I can personally explain biblical doctrines to believers.

It can even explain the ins and outs of the three bodies of original sin to some deceived ignorant people, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. "

"Well, you can hold a sermon conference. You are very influential among believers, and your understanding of doctrine is also very accurate, so the effect should be good. However, the world is not at peace. At this time, you are closer to 'merit' than at any time. Perfect'." Teddy said.

"Brother, if anything happens, just ask me, little sister, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Harley looked determined, like a crusader about to embark on the battlefield.

"Read the Bible more, all the truth is in the story." Teddy left this sentence and disappeared into Zaulie's arms like a bubble.

Harley was startled, then looked around, and asked: "Old Zha, when did Brother God come down to earth, and what are you busy with?"

"All the truth is in the Bible stories." Zauliel said solemnly.

Harley gave her the Aegonian middle finger.

Zaulie responded with his middle finger, then jumped up, transformed into an archangel, flapped his wings, and flew high into the sky facing the holy light.

Visitors to the park still saw nothing.

Harley felt unhappy and could only shake her head and return to the Hall of Justice.

In the Hall of Justice, the evil ghost Afu is telling the story of the Crime Syndicate to the heroes of the Alliance.

"Of course we don't feel guilty." Evil Ghost Afu looked at Bateman and said: "In fact, I never thought Master Thomas was a lunatic like Speedmaster.

The two of us have controlled Gotham's system, and the system in turn gives us the power to control. Loss of control will inevitably bring chaos. If any chaos is allowed, it may cause it to spread like cancer cells until the entire system dies.

Everyone is against us, the police, the judges, the bastards led by the Joker, they crave chaos, they can't stand order and peace."

Neptune caught a glimpse of Harley returning quietly and whispered: "You are right, the people on Earth 3 are a bunch of lunatics, ranging from ordinary people to super villains, everything is abnormal."

"You've been talking for so long and you're still talking about Gotham?" Harley said.

"It's probably because of the Gothamites. He talked about Gotham and Night Owl in great detail. He was now justifying Night Owl's behavior in ruling Gotham. Alas, you would never imagine how big Gotham on Earth 3 is. crazy--"

He must have been holding it in for a long time, and he couldn't help but want to complain when he saw Harley, but Harley raised her hand to interrupt him and said: "You don't need to say, I have read his memories and know how big Gotham on Earth 3 is. good."

Neptune was stunned, "Beautiful? Are you serious? Do you know about the Crime Alley incident on Earth 3?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Harley’s “beautifulness” is by no means ironic.

First of all, Gotham's "city ruler" Night Owl is not a pure villain.

The Night Owl's name is Thomas Wayne, not Bruce Wayne.

Earth 3 is like Pandora's box, suppressing the good thoughts of kind people and activating the evil thoughts in their hearts.

The more kind-hearted people become more vicious when they go to Earth 3, but the super villains still retain some humanity on Earth 3.

Bruce Wayne is Bateman, Thomas Wayne is "Claw" in normal history (ps).

The killer "Claw" trained by the Court of Owls is not a righteous and kind hero.

Therefore, Night Owl on Earth 3 also kills people profusely, but he belongs to the "lawful evil" camp and is more humane than the "Justice League" such as Super King and Super Queen.

While the others in the Crime Syndicate want to enjoy the luxury and pleasure that rule brings, Night Owl is trying to eliminate chaos and make Gotham run in order under his rule.

Secondly, Gotham is a famous "land of outstanding people" with many weird and wonderful people.

Those "heroes" were villains in the main universe, but on Earth 3, they all awakened their consciences and became the mainstay of the resistance.

Gotham in the main universe is a quagmire, but Earth 3 is the most beautiful place.

"If Gotham like that can be considered beautiful, how bad would other cities on Earth 3 be?" Neptune complained.

Just now, the evil ghost Ah Fu told them about the "Crime Alley Incident" on Earth 3.

In any normal parallel universe, the Crime Alley incident would be filled with sadness and despair.

The Crime Alley incident on Earth 3 was so absurd that it made the audience feel physically uncomfortable.

In Gotham on Earth 3, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne also took their son Bruce into "Crime Alley" and encountered attacks. However, they were not attacked by criminals, but by the GCPD headed by Jim Gordon.

There are police officers in Gotham, but they never maintain order and fight crime. Instead, they attack people at night, rob and shoot people.

Worse than a gangster.

The Waynes were not good at it either. They took out their pistols and had a shootout with the GCPD in Crime Alley.

Even 9-year-old Bruce participated in the "real-life chicken eating", shot in the head and killed several police officers.

After they drove away the GCPD, the real protagonist appeared: Thomas, the eldest son of the Wayne family, pointed a gun at his parents, intending to kill them.

He had had enough of their sin and disorder.

He wants to protect his brother Bruce from becoming a greedy, stupid, and bastard like them.

Well, the Wayne couple on Earth 3 often go out to commit murders, just like the Wayne couple in the main universe do good deeds every day.

In the crime alley of the main universe, evil ends good, but on Earth 3, order wants to end chaos.

The young "Night Owl" also wants to protect his younger brother Bruce.

But the kinder your nature is, the more you deserve to die on Earth 3. Bruce on Earth 3 is as vicious as Supermaster. He doesn’t want to be saved by his brother at all. He enjoys a happy life of committing crimes and killing people with his parents. He struggles to resist and almost Kill Thomas.

In the end, the butler Afu jumped out and shot the Waynes and Bruce to death three times, one by one.

In other words, the Crime Alley tragedy on Earth 3 comes from "The Butler and the Master".

Human nature is so evil and the social environment is so desperate. Not to mention Bateman was greatly shocked, even the heroes who were watching had numb scalps and cold hands and feet.

"Can't you stand this?"

Harley glanced at Neptune. His bearded face was very pale, and he seemed to be suffering from great psychological discomfort.

"If you were directly allowed to feel the memory of the evil ghost Ah Fu and experience his thoughts and emotions, wouldn't you go crazy?"

Neptune Arthur did not refute, "You are right, we must not connect with his spirit. His memory is extremely poisonous and cannot be contaminated by normal people."

Seeing the calm look on her face, he sighed: "Maybe you are right, there are levels of good and evil. You are an expert and can be immune to the evil influence of Earth 3, but we are not."

"Compared with ordinary people, you are already very advanced." Harley began to comfort him now.

Neptune moved a step closer to her and asked in a low voice: "If I practice your "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra", can I improve my mental state?"

Diana, Martian Manhunter and other heroes standing in front of him quietly turned their heads and peeked at Harley from the corner of their eyes.

There was expectation in his little eyes.

Harley was a little embarrassed. It was uncertain how many gods and demons could be deceived by the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" scam, but it seemed that her friend had already fallen into the trap.

"In terms of spiritual cultivation, you are at a lower level, equivalent to junior high school students. The Phantom Heart Sutra is more profound than advanced mathematics and is too advanced for you." Harry thought for a while and said, "The crisis will be over in a few days. Now that the world is at peace, I will hold several 'Bible Reading Conferences' just for you.

I will personally lead you to learn God's teachings. As long as you study seriously, you will be guaranteed to greatly improve your mental state. "

Neptune said with a tangled expression: "Although you are the King of Martial God and the Young Lord of Silver City, I don't think you are very reliable, at least not as reliable as an old priest who is highly virtuous and has a bright head and poor scriptures."

"Not to mention the old priests in the world today, even if we go back to the time of Jesus' 12 disciples, no one is more proficient in the 'Way of God' than me. Even Jesus has to ask me for advice." Harley said proudly.

Neptune looked suspicious.

Oliver interjected: "Harry just looks young, but in fact she has been listening to God's sermons for decades, which exceeds the lifespan of most old priests.

I'm not sure whether it can surpass Jesus, but God preached to her alone, and the effect was certainly no less effective than when the 12 disciples listened to Jesus' teachings.

During the Era of the God of War, she told us many times about the ways of God, which was really powerful. "

After a pause, he added: "If I had been in Belle Reve Prison that day, I would not have been affected by the magic box. I think I am a 'little expert'."

Harley and others stood behind the crowd and whispered. The evil ghost Afu in front had finished his story about Night Owl and changed his target to other villains.

"Contrary to Superman, Speedmaster cannot shine into the yellow sun. Once he appears in the sun, he will lose his superpowers and become weaker than ordinary people.

The source of Speedmaster's power is the kryptonite that restrains Superman.

Speedmaster smashes kryptonite into powder, just like a drug addict absorbing high powder. After absorbing kryptonite powder, he will become particularly excited and in the best condition.

Then there are the Superwomen, she is not called Wonder Women, and her name is not Diana, but Lois.

But she has the same origin experience as Wonder Woman, she is an Amazon princess——"

"Afu, wait a minute." Dachao interrupted: "Just now, you explained Ye Xiao's growth experience and personality in great detail. Why is it that Super Queen started talking about Super Queen again just at the beginning?"

He was very interested in the Speedmaster and wanted to know his origin story.

"I'm from Gotham, and I'm very familiar with Gotham and Mr. Thomas, so I can speak in detail. However, I'm just Mr. Thomas's butler, not an official member of the Criminal Syndicate, and my understanding of them is very one-sided." Evil Ghost Afu said.

It also saw that Harley had returned, and suggested: "Witch Harley has killed dozens of syndicate super criminals. If you have any detailed questions, you can ask them."

"John, Xiao Zha, take it to Xanadu." Harley said.

"Where is Xanadu?" Zha Kang asked looking at the evil ghost Ah Fu.

The evil ghost Afu glanced sideways at Harry and whispered: "Mrs. This private place is still protected by the power of the goddess of the hunt, and can be isolated from prophecies and divination.”

"There is actually a cave under the Temple of Artemis? I have been there several times and I have never noticed anything unusual." Zha Kang was a little surprised and confused, "Why do you know?"

The evil ghost Afu hesitated for a moment, and then said honestly: "What Tomoko told me was the 'proton' invented by the Trisolarians in Witch Harley's early novel "The Trisolarial Crisis in the Post-Manhattan Era"."

"'The Crisis of the Three-Body Man' is a novel and has nothing to do with the 'Original Sin Three-Body Problem'." Da Chao said.

The evil ghost Afu said: "It is a super artificial intelligence created by Master Thomas, because it simulated Master Thomas' thinking. At first, I always called it 'Master'.

Later, after entering the main universe, it obtained a large amount of information from the Internet and began to call itself a "sophon" because it was as invisible as a sophon and could not be detected by existing technology.

Functionally, it is more powerful than Sophon and can even modify the timeline. "

"Change the timeline?" The heroes were shocked again, and some even looked at Harley, "Harley, have you ever observed Atom Girl's timeline? Is her timeline fake?

Timelines can be created out of thin air. Isn’t this an exaggeration? "

A look of satisfaction flashed across the face of the evil ghost Afu, "That's the fact. Mr. Thomas has the smartest brain in the world, and the sophon he invented compiled a complete timeline for Rhonda and I.

Our timeline is perfectly integrated with the river of time in the main universe without any flaws.

Like Rhonda.

She even had family, friends and classmates in this world, and no one noticed anything unusual.

Her timeline was not entirely spun out of thin air, but instead replaced another person, the other 'Rhonda' disappeared completely, and everything about her belonged to Atomic Girl Ronda.

I could have replaced Alfred in this world, but he has a close relationship with the Witch Harley.

The slightest touch to his timeline could alert Witch Harley. "

"It's so scary and evil to actually occupy other people's timelines out of thin air." Dinah's face turned pale and her voice was trembling.

Harley frowned and said: "That 'Sophon' is definitely not an artificial intelligence created by Night Owl. Brainiac 5 in the 31st century doesn't have that kind of technology. Why does Night Owl do it?"

The evil ghost Ah Fu was very excited and angry, but he only dared to glare at her and did not dare to scold her outright.

Da Chao said: "But Brainiac 5 invented the 'Miracle Machine'. Isn't the Miracle Machine more powerful than the 'Sophon'? Not to mention modifying the timeline, it can even modify reality."

"It was destiny for Brainiac 5 to invent the Miracle Machine. Now he can't remember the Miracle Machine at all," Harley said.

"Why are you so sure that Night Owl has no destiny? If it weren't for the invention of the 'sophon' that changes the timeline, the Outsider and Atomic Girl would not be able to hide their identities at all." Bateman said.

Harley was speechless.

But she still insisted: "I still feel that there is a big secret behind Tomoko. Even if there is technology to tamper with the timeline, it will never be more familiar with the river of time than me, and it will never be better at prophecy than Madam Xanadu."

"I agree with your suspicion, and I will continue to be suspicious of Tomoko, but after experiencing countless crises, we must recognize the fact that when destiny returns, any miracle is no longer a miracle." Bateman sighed with emotion. .

Harley was speechless again.

"John, what do you think?" She turned her eyes to Zha Kang.

"I'm a little flattered that you actually asked me for my opinion." Zha Kang grinned, then shook his head and said: "I don't know much about technology, after all, I haven't graduated from high school.

If I don’t understand, I don’t feel it, and I can’t have an idea unless I see ‘Tomoko’ with my own eyes. "

Zatanna said: "Since Tomoko is afraid of Xanadu and asked outsiders to kidnap her in advance, maybe we can ask Xanadu to help with divination."

"Then you go and get her back quickly."

Harley didn't have much hope in her heart. Xanadu didn't even notice that "Tomoko" was spying on her. How could she spy on "Tomoko"'s background?

"Aren't you going? Xanadu would be happier if he saw you personally saving her," Zatanna said.

Harley said: "It only takes two or three minutes. There is no need to waste time and energy on formalism. You can just bring Xanadu here. We will welcome her back in the Hall of Justice."

It didn't even take two minutes, just one and a half minutes, Zatanna helped Madam Xanadu walk out of the portal.

Zha Kang followed them very easily with a cigarette in his mouth and his hands in his pockets.

Apparently, they encountered no major trouble during the rescue.

Harley looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing a purple cheongsam. Only her hair was a little messy at the moment. The cheongsam was not torn, which meant that she had not been violated by a hundred tough men.

However, Xanadu's face turned pale and his whole body was tense. There was fear and tension in his eyes. Even after seeing all the heroes, he did not relax completely.

"I'm hunting geese all day long, but the geese pecked me in the eyes. I'm talking about you." Harley mocked unsympathetically: "How does it feel to be crushed by someone in divination? Will your confidence collapse and never recover?"

Mrs. Xanadu first turned pale and blushed, looking very embarrassed. Then she raised her head, gave her a fierce look, and said: "Don't gloat about others' misfortunes. What is happening now is just the beginning of a big crisis. You will be in a state of embarrassment next." , when screaming and wailing.”

"Oh, what did you predict?" Harley asked curiously.

Mrs. Xanadu looked around the heroes and warned seriously: "On the day when the sky falls, you will all face a choice."

"What does Tianqing mean?" Diana asked.

"Even if the sky falls, I don't know exactly how or why it happened." Xanadu said.

Harley doubted: "You have lost face in front of everyone, and now you are trying to show off to save your dignity, right?"

"It's up to you to believe it or not."

Xanadu was ashamed and angry, so he left this sentence, opened the portal and ran away.

(ps: In the comics, The Stranger did trick a TV host into attending a live broadcast of a battle between superpowers. He was smashed into a pulp by stones. The Stranger didn’t even say sorry, and held on to his wide-brimmed hat calmly. Leave.

ps2: Talon is an assassin trained by the Court of Owls. He is a bit like Marvel's "Winter Soldier". He was transformed and brainwashed. Thomas is Talon in the original comics, but his identity is questionable and he may not be the real Thomas Wayne.

In short, Talon is not a superhero. Even if he is later whitewashed, he is just an anti-hero. )

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