I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1689 Original Sin and the New Savior

"Robert, Harley, since you have something to do, Xiao Lai and I will leave first." Gordon took the initiative to say goodbye.

He and Xiao Lai were on their way to visit relatives in the "Martial God King Kingdom", but they passed by the tutelary mansion on the way and were left to have dinner by Robert Quinn of the Hundred Household.

Now that Robert was obviously busy, he was naturally embarrassed to bother them anymore.

"Is it safe for you to take Xiao Lai back alone? Why don't you wait for me for a while and we can go together." Harley said.

Gordon took out a mobile phone from Paradise Mountain that had been soaked in the magic of hell, and said: "I will call Barbara when I leave. I am a ghost who believes in divine power and can respond to her magical call.

You can directly cross the shadow realm and enter the material world through the space channel, without stepping out of the gate of hell step by step. The entire process is protected by laws, and even the devil cannot stop it. "

Harley asked curiously: "This method is quite clever, but how did you get in in the first place?"

"It is true that I have to pass through the gate of hell when I come in, but I will pray to the Holy Son of Jebi in advance. He does not have to come out to pick me up in person. As long as he leaves a trace of his spiritual thoughts on me, if I am really in danger, the Holy Son can immediately lend a helping hand. "Gordon's expression was both sacred and grateful when he mentioned Yerby.

Harley nodded, "Then go back first, I may have to wait for a while."

She was not surprised by Gordon's relationship with Yerby.

When Gordon became her "god's spokesman," the only "magic" that Harley taught him was to hand him over to Yerby, who taught him how to become a qualified black magician.

Gordon stayed with Yebby for the next few years.

In fact, Yebby didn't like him very much and didn't teach him much magic knowledge in person. Harley handed Gordon over to it, and it turned around and arranged a duke-level demon teacher for Gordon.

After Gordon hugged Xiao Lai and disappeared into the light and shadow of the summoning magic, Harley took Zha Kang into the main hall of the "Guardian Mansion".

"This palace was built completely in accordance with the devil's regulations. I haven't lived in it for a day. Now it's easier for you. You can live here until the interrogation is over." Harley glanced at the magnificent palace and said to Zha Kang.

Zha Kang curled his lips and said: "No matter how gorgeous the appearance is, it cannot hide the fact that it is a part of hell. A normal living person would be more comfortable sleeping in a bridge hole on earth than living here."

Not to mention living humans, even demons would rather sleep in bridge caves in the human world.

Hell has never been about comfort and pleasure.

It is a place of pain and punishment, and even the air smells of soul-searing sulfur.

Harley looked him up and down and sneered: "What you said is absolutely correct. It is true for all living people, except you. When you stay in hell, you don't know whether hell is polluting you or you are polluting hell. "

With a sarcastic expression, she opened her mouth, and clouds of gray mist flew out of her throat and fell to the ground, turning into evil spirits with ferocious faces and black smoke rising from their bodies.

"Harley Quinn, give me back my life!"

"Ah, I don't want to die. I still want to rule the Axis City. I still have tens of billions of dollars to spend."

Once they are freed for a moment, they will cry like ghosts, curse or beg, showing off all kinds of ugly behaviors.

"Ah ah ah -" But they didn't scream twice before black flames suddenly appeared all over their bodies, like lit torches, and the curses and pleadings in their mouths turned into pure wails of pain.

"Shit, what's going on?" Zha Kang was about to light a cigarette for himself when the evil spirit suddenly lit up like a torch, and the flames burned the hair on his forehead.

He didn't feel the burning pain, but the illusion that had been suppressed deep in his soul seemed to be on stimulants. He lost control in an instant. After he screamed, he fell to the ground with a "thud", as if he was suffering from epilepsy. His whole body was twitching.

Harley quickly stopped "vomiting evil spirits" and subconsciously activated all the defensive fields on her body.

Some effect, but it was too late.

The black flames burned like ignited ping pong balls, burning into a handful of ashes with great intensity and speed.

The entire process lasts less than 10 seconds.

Ten seconds later, the scene was quiet and empty, as if the criminal syndicate monsters lined up just now had never appeared.

"Gudong!" After a while, Robert Quinn, who was standing at the edge, swallowed and said in a trembling voice: "Master Guardian, the evil spirit has burned out and disappeared completely."

"I know."

Harley walked over to Zha Kang, who was twitching and foaming at the corner of his mouth. His brows were furrowed and he looked embarrassed.

"What happened to Master Constantine? Why did those evil spirits disappear just now?" Robert asked.

Harley was also shocked when the evil spirit burned into ashes. She could not give a definite answer for the time being. She only said: "It's not a big problem. It's just that the Phantom Man lost control and went berserk."

Robert's expression changed slightly, "It's not a small problem for the Phantom to lose control."

"Do you also know about nightmare demonization?" Harley glanced at him.

Robert hesitated and said: "There is a magic market next to the Styx Ferry. I have often gone there to spend time in the past few years, and I have met some black magicians.

I have witnessed with my own eyes the failure of more than ten mages to cut up phantom beings. Their main consciousness was replaced by phantom beings and they degenerated into high-level demons. "

One of the ways he spends his time is hanging out with succubus concubines. He has recently raised three outlaws, and he heard a lot of the news from his old best friend.

"You are very lucky. In just a few years, you have met more than a dozen wizards who failed to demonize nightmares." Harley said.

Robert explained: "It's not my luck. Many magicians who are tortured by nightmares will unconsciously enter hell when they lose control.

The sin-filled environment in hell can nourish the phantom, allowing nightmare demonization to quickly enter its advanced stage.

The mages know this, and the phantoms are mages, and they also know that entering hell is beneficial to them.

Those desperate mages had been occupied by the phantom for most of their consciousness, and they came to hell on their own in a daze. When they woke up, they subconsciously wanted to make a last ditch effort - to cut off the phantom immediately.

You can perfectly combine positive and negative phantoms, so you will definitely look down on the mage who cuts phantoms.

But for the vast majority of mages, cutting off the illusory person is extremely difficult and almost impossible.

Almost all of them failed, and then their consciousness was completely occupied by phantoms, and they fell from humans to demons.

However, demons born in this way possess all the memories and wisdom of a mage, and are often of a very high level. Many demon kings and demon kings in the eighth and ninth levels of hell will arrange for their subordinates to recruit 'phantom demons' at the ferry. "

He rubbed his hands and said with a sneer: "In your name, I recruited two phantoms for the garrison.

They are smarter than ordinary demons and have helped me capture many demons who planned to escape to the human world. "

Harley was really impressed by Father Quinn, "It seems that you are doing well in hell."

"I'm relatively good at socializing and have made a lot of friends. With more friends, it becomes easier to do many things, such as asking for information about the stowaway demons through them," Old Robert said with a smile.

"It's good that you can recognize your strengths and use them in your work." Hallie praised.

After receiving the approval from the Guardian Envoy, Old Robert was happy and excited. Just as he was about to say a few more flattering words, Zha Kang on the ground was already holding his head, screaming, and rolling on the ground.

"Sir, he seems to be losing control. The black flames burned by the evil ghost just now were a bit strange, and they probably affected him."

With a thought in Harry's mind, an invisible golden film wrapped around Zha Kang's body, and all his defensive specialties were activated, covering him.

No obvious effect.

She wasn't disappointed either. Expertise had no effect on phantom people.

Immediately afterwards, Harry gathered all her thoughts into one place, and then activated the fantasy emotion in her soul. An angry expression appeared on her face.

Robert next to him thought she was blaming him for talking too much, so he quickly closed his mouth and took two steps back.

But the next second, the anger on Harley's face turned into greed.

Then greed turns to hatred

Robert was completely confused and could only watch her face changing.

However, he also noticed a pattern. No matter how her expression kept changing, it was the release of negative emotions.

About two minutes later, Harley showed a smile on her face, took two steps forward, walked to Zha Kang, raised her milky white high heels, and stepped hard on Zha Kang's face.


Robert could see that she was exerting great force, but the heel of the shoe landed on Constantine's forehead, leaving only a small square red mark.

However, the outer sole of the shoe broke his nose and caused a nosebleed.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Robert was stunned and watched as Harley kept raising her legs to step on and kick Constantine's cheeks and head.

She always had a little excited smile on her face.

In a short time, Constantine's face was covered with red marks and dust.

"Uh, it hurts, my face."

Just when Robert suspected that the guardian of his family had some special hobby, Constantine, who he thought was probably going to decline, suddenly groaned and regained consciousness.

Harry then moved his feet away, put his hands on his hips, and said with a proud smile: "John, you will never guess what I just did."

——If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined it.

Robert Queen complained in his mind.

"My face and my head hurt so much, it felt like a herd of mad cows had stepped on my face." Zha Kang rubbed his cheeks and got up from the ground.

"Master Constantine, are you okay?" Robert said in surprise.

Precisely because he was well aware of the risk of nightmare demonization getting out of control, he was even more shocked at this moment.

He is not an idiot, although it is unbelievable, but the behavior of the guard just stepping on Constantine's face was probably to treat his illness.

Can being stepped on the face by her high heels cure the fantasy man's loss of control?

Robert was in disbelief.

"Do you remember what happened just now?" Harley looked at Zha Kang and asked.

Zha Kang said blankly: "I seem to remember that the evil spirits of the criminal syndicate are burning?"

He looked aside and said in fear: "I remembered, the black flames they burned contained the pure aura of original sin. With just a little contamination, the phantom man in my mind was like a drug, going crazy and attacking my master. consciousness."

"Fake, my phantoms are going berserk and out of control. They want to - Hey, why are my phantoms so honest?"

Zha Kang's expression changed several times, becoming very strange and confused.

He turned to look at Harley, saw the smile and pride on her face, and asked in surprise: "What did you do?"

Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that without the help of outsiders, he would never be able to get through this easily.

The only person who could help him at the scene was Harley.

"If I said I could see your illusion, would you believe it?" Harley asked.

Zha Kang didn't even think about it, and subconsciously shook his head firmly, "Absolutely impossible."

Harley said: "Theoretically, the phantom cannot be seen by outsiders, because the essence of the phantom is the embodiment of a person's inner emotions, and it only exists in the heart.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to understand a person but not to know his heart. It is difficult even for him to completely see through a person's heart.

But there are always exceptions to everything. "

"I'm a special case!" She pointed at herself and said with a smile: "I can't see your phantom with the naked eye, but I have a smart mind, and in a flash of inspiration, I thought of the Devil of Original Sin and Pandora's Box.

In Belle Reve Prison, the evil thoughts of heroes and villains merged to create the Original Sin Devil.

In Pandora's Box, the phantoms of different gods actually merged with each other and became the original demon of original sin.

This shows what? "

Zha Kang murmured: "It shows that the emotions between different individuals are similar and related, and even have the same essence."

Harley nodded vigorously, with no concealment of satisfaction and excitement on her face, "Think again, if someone can perfectly control his own phantom, can his own phantom resonate with other people's phantoms, and then affect other people's phantoms?" ?”

Zha Kang's expression was shocked, "You used your phantom to resonate with my phantom, and thus indirectly sensed my phantom?"

"Yes, my illusions are perfectly integrated into my soul. They still exist and will not disappear unless they are cut off.

I don't need to separate them from the soul again, I only need to control a certain phantom to occupy the main consciousness. For example, there is a hatred phantom that wants to occupy your main consciousness and turn you into a hate demon.

I switch my phantoms one by one. When I switch to the 'Hateful phantom', I can feel your hateful phantom above your head.

I have 108 kinds of emotional phantoms. Switch through them one by one to determine the general situation of your phantom.

After I know which phantom is occupying your main consciousness, I only need to walk over and trample it into a ball of bloody mud like a mouse. I will successfully protect your main consciousness. "

As Harry said this, he raised his leg and stepped on the ground.

"Ding!" The high heels collided with the floor tiles, making a crisp sound.

Zha Kang rubbed his cheek and understood where his pain came from.

Harley continued: “Of course, trampling the mouse to death is just a metaphor.

Others can't see your illusions, let alone touch them. If I just sense them, I still can't help you.

But just like the evil thoughts of heroes and villains merged into the original sin demon, like the phantoms of different gods in Pandora's box merged together.

Not only can I sense your phantom, but I can also make my own phantom 'resonate' with it, which is equivalent to a phantom fusion.

When I surrender my own illusion, I destroy your illusion.

Of course, the essence of the phantom is emotion. As long as you don't take the initiative to give up an emotion - that is, cut off the phantom, no one can completely destroy your phantom.

When your heart beats, the fantasy person will wake up again in your heart.

But temporarily suppressing them can already wake you up.

I just want to wake you up, and I don’t have the luxury of helping you survive the nightmare.

You can only rely on yourself to demonize nightmares. "

"It's the first time in history that you can help others suppress phantom beings. Only you can do it in the entire multiverse." Robert Quinn said with admiration.

He knew very well what it meant for Harley to help others suppress the Phantom Man.

"If you take care of me during the nightmare demonization period, the mage's chance of surviving the nightmare demonization can be almost increased to 100%. Don't be afraid of failure, keep repeating, and you will always succeed." He said excitedly.

What he said about overcoming the demonization of the nightmare was to follow the traditional method of surrendering the phantom man and then cutting off the phantom man.

"Robert, you are very discerning." Harley was very impressed.

Zha Kang rubbed his face and complained: "Since you know that stepping on the phantom is just a metaphor, why do you still step on my face? Even if you stand dozens of meters away, motionless, you can still surrender your phantom in your heart. Then destroy the phantom person occupying our main consciousness."

"You're right, but it feels better when you step on it." Harley said.

The mage's illusion often breaks free when his state of mind fails and runs out of his body. The images of little demons with green faces and fangs run and crawl around on the ground - this is the perspective of the mage himself.

In fact, the trees did not move and the wind did not move. What moved was the human heart.

The mage's mind was in a state of confusion, and he could "see" the phantom man running around on the ground.

If you use your feet to trample the phantom person on the ground into flesh at this time, you are not really touching the phantom person with your feet, but the mage's heart has surrendered to it.

The act of stepping on the fantasy person with your feet is just a kind of psychological comfort.

Just like when playing a game with a controller, you subconsciously press the button hard when the game character is in danger. It seems that if you press harder, the game character will move more fiercely.

Harley "saw" Zha Kang's phantoms riding on his face and doing crazy output, trampling them into a ball of flesh with her feet. She felt very happy, and the impact was stronger and more direct.

"After being stepped on by you, I will feel pain and shame on my face for a long time." Zha Kang said angrily.

"As long as you think back to the helplessness and fear of being dominated by a phantom, you won't feel the pain and shame anymore." Harley said.

"Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you, and I won't play with you anymore. I want to go home." Zha Kang waved his hands and walked out with a tired look.

"No, the Justice League is still waiting for you, you can't let them down." Harley shouted.

Zha Kang paused and turned around, "Are all the evil spirits from the Criminal Syndicate still dead?"

"Only half of them were decomposed, and there are still about ten left." Harley said.

"They cannot survive in hell. Once they enter hell, they will quickly decompose into original sin." Zha Kang's eyes flashed and he said mentally: "You lied to the Justice League. The original sin that polluted Universe 3 came from God, right? Gods Just taking the blame.

It's the old God's way, like something He can do. "

"Don't talk nonsense." Harley shouted seriously.

"The ironclad evidence is here, and you still don't want to admit it?" Zha Kang sneered again and again, "If the original sin didn't come from the old God, why did they degrade themselves and be absorbed by hell as soon as they came to hell?"

"Hell is the 'lungs' of the multiverse and has the function of automatically purifying the energy of sin." Harley said seriously.

"You can keep talking, but I don't believe it anyway." Zha Kang said.

Harry didn't bother to talk to him and said directly: "Think about it with your brain that has been chewed by phantoms. Since the evil ghosts of the Criminal Syndicate began to decompose themselves after leaving my stomach world, why can't I guarantee their survival?" In hell, but not decomposed?”

Zha Kang turned around and continued to walk out the door. As he walked, he said: "I believe you can do it, but I am really tired and physically hurt. You should go find someone else, such as that 'Dead Eyed Yi'." He’s equally unafraid of contamination from Syndicate villains.”

Harley had no choice but to take out her phone and send a text message to Oliver.

Oliver readily agreed.

Harley solved the problem of the criminal syndicate's souls dissipating by opening a special area at the junction of the "Martial God King's Kingdom" and hell.

The realm is maintained by the laws of the Kingdom of God, ensuring that evil spirits will not dissipate.

The aura of original sin emitted by evil spirits can quickly sink into hell, minimizing the impact on Oliver.

After doing all this, Harley took a Syndicate evil spirit into the depths of hell.

She wants to study the detailed process and reasons of the evil spirit's disappearance.

Only Oliver and his father were left in the town hall.

"Father, how are you doing recently?"

This is the first time Oliver has seen his father since the end of the War God King Era.

To him, the two had been separated for 60,000 years, and his father's face began to blur in his mind.

Robert Quinn did not have the complicated emotions of his son. He was just excited and happy, "Oliver, I heard that you have become a god. Why didn't you come to see me earlier? I even asked Mr. Gordon to help spread the word."

"Harry allowed me to come to see you? Didn't she strictly prohibit living people from visiting their relatives in hell before?" Oliver said.

It's not that Harley doesn't allow it, she doesn't care about this kind of thing.

But the garrison belongs to heaven, and the rules of heaven are that the living and the dead do not disturb each other.

"The town hall does have such rules, but" Robert struggled for a moment and lowered his voice: "There are rules but there is no 'police' that enforces the rules. In other words, I am the police."

Oliver was a little surprised. Dad was breaking the law knowingly!

But I remember that when I first arrived at the Hall of Sages, my father was cautious in everything, and he was a little timid.

It’s only been a few years since we last met, how come you’ve become so courageous?

He suppressed the doubts in his heart, looked around and asked, "Where is Mr. Reina?"

Robert curled his lips, "Either serve his teacher in the Hall of Sages, or patrol the border."

Oliver is keenly aware that his father and Kyle's father have a bad relationship.

"Mr. Renner has a teacher?"

"In addition to catching demons who cross the border, he basically hangs out in the Hall of Sages. Last year, he somehow managed to please Alexander and was accepted as an official disciple." Robert did not hide the jealousy and sarcasm in his voice in front of his son.

Oliver frowned and asked, "Which Alexander?"

"Alexander the Great, the Hall of Sages is the place where wise men and kings belong." Robert said.

"I remember you lived in Sage Hall before." Oliver said.

In fact, Robert has been in contact with the Sage for longer than Father Kyle.

When Robert was placed in the Hall of Sages by Harley, Father Kyle was not dead yet.

"Those wise men don't want to see me." Robert said.

"Besides patrolling, where do you usually spend your time?" Oliver asked.

Robert's eyes flickered and he said: "I don't patrol much. I am the chief steward of the town hall. Before the town hall was built, I often lived in the Styx Ferry Market. You know, I am also a man."

Oliver sighed in his heart. It was unjust that Kyle Rayner's father fell into hell. He had a chance to redeem himself. His father really deserved to fall into hell. Apart from being a good father, he was not a good person in any way. .

Even if they both enter hell, even if they have similar circumstances, their choices are different.

"Your Majesty the Guardian did not force us to patrol." Robert argued: "Although there is no KPI, in terms of annual mission completion rate, I am far behind Reiner."

Oliver wondered: "You don't patrol or go on missions, how come you still get better grades?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately added: "Father, I'm not asking you to go out on patrol. As you said, Harley didn't arrange any mandatory tasks for you. Patrolling is really a bit dangerous for you."

"Why is it dangerous? It's not dangerous at all." Robert pointed at the palace door and asked: "When you came in, did you notice that the guards guarding the door were all demon counts, or even marquises?

They are all the 'Guardian Warriors' I recruited, and they are laborers who are not included in the establishment.

With them as thugs, the Demon Duke would have to give me face and call me 'Brother Quinn'.

As for the Demon Lord and Demon King, no one can stop them from going in and out of hell, and no one can stop them. There is no conflict with the garrison. "

After listening to his father's words, Oliver not only did not feel relieved, but worried: "You didn't do anything illegal, right? Demons are cunning and vicious, so it's best not to have too much contact with them."

"Oh, how can you not deal with demons when you are in hell? Everyone can see the guards at the door, and the guardian envoy didn't say anything? Oh, she also praised me for my strong business ability and knowing how to use my own advantages." Robert said.

"Are you sure she's not being sarcastic or sarcastic?" Oliver looked suspicious.

Even if his father was vague, he could guess that he often used his status as a guard to do whatever he wanted.

"Don't believe it, the guardian envoy said personally that I have strong social skills and am very capable."

Robert looked proud and said: "I rarely patrol, but just relying on the connections and connections on the road, I capture more than 4,000 cross-border demons every year, which is ten times higher than the 300 or so of old Reina!

He is still a Qianhu, and his achievements are not as good as mine.

Although the guardian envoy never asked for it, I still collected a lot of treasures for him.

If you don’t believe me, go take a look at the treasure house. There are more than five hundred boxes of gold and silver treasures, miraculous medicines and magic materials, all of which I dedicated to your lord.

As long as the guardian envoy needs it, I can also collect all the news from hell and all the materials produced by hell for her.

I'm much more useful than old Reina. "

"Why do I feel like you've become a 'dirty policeman'?"

Oliver is keenly aware of daddy issues based on his years of experience dealing with super villains.

"Are you colluding with the devil? You promise them more benefits in exchange for some benefits, right?"

Robert asked back: "What benefit can the hundred households in the townhouse give to the devil?"

"If you don't give me any benefits, where will you find a 'doorway'?" Oliver said.

"I just need to use the prestige of the town to establish an order belonging to the town gate in this area at the gate of hell.

The order and system established by me can naturally ensure that the benefits and benefits are like water in a river, automatically flowing to the garrison without any extra effort from me. "Robert said.

Oliver understood that his father was not a "black policeman in the town hall", but the "godfather of hell".

"Actually, Harry doesn't ask for any benefits or favors. You don't need to work so hard. It will be more beneficial to you to go to the Hall of Sages in your free time and follow the sages to cultivate their moral character, cultivate their sentiments, and increase their knowledge.

The tens of thousands of years of experience in the Martial God King Era have made me understand the truth that fame and fortune are external things, and only the soul and realm of cultivation truly belong to oneself.

On the surface, you are more majestic than Mr. Reina, but ten thousand or one hundred thousand years later, his achievements in personal practice will definitely far exceed yours. Do you believe it? "

"Oliver, I'm very happy that you can say this. You have really grown up and matured." Robert sighed with admiration, then shook his head and said: "But your knowledge is still a little bit behind, not enough." comprehensive.

The changes in the authority of the Guardian Palace in Hell in the past few years have made me understand the truth. As subordinates of the Lord Guardian, our achievements depend more on the favor of the Lord Guardian.

To put it more bluntly, as long as it is useful to the guardian envoy and she alone achieves enlightenment, we will follow the chickens and dogs to heaven.

This kind of promotion speed is faster and more reliable than practicing on your own. "

Oliver said: "The improvement in power and status is completely different from the improvement in spiritual realm. Spiritual sublimation itself is a great happiness."

"I am very happy now. I was very unhappy when I was being bullied by the sages in the Hall of Sages." Robert said.

"Okay, as long as you are happy." Oliver said helplessly.

Three days later, the main universe.

Zha Kang's prediction came true.

The earth is shrouded in a "web of original sin", and everyone is like touching a magic box. The original evil thoughts in their hearts are aroused, and violent crimes in society increase exponentially every day.

The Justice League has not yet contacted the Dome of the Blood Realm, but no hero has proposed to form an "Anti-Monitor Hunting Brigade".

They were all so busy that they didn't even have time to stop and have a good sleep.

But even in such a bad situation, the Stranger still did not leave "Stark House".

He knew earlier than Zha Kang and the heroes of Zhenglian that after Pandora's box was opened, the impact of the breath of original sin on the world, and he also knew what would happen next, but he did nothing.

He was still as before, immersed in reminiscing about the past, choosing to be a laid-back salted fish.

The teachings and instructions given by the Dog God a few days ago were completely forgotten by him.

Until that night, a young man appeared in Mrs. Stark's bedroom like a teleport.

The young man glanced at the stranger who was sitting on the bedside, holding his wife's clothes in a daze, and said, "I wanted to ask you for help, but I didn't expect that your situation seems to be worse than mine."

The stranger didn't even raise his head or look, and said indifferently: "Get out."

"Hey, don't be like this, Brother Stark, I don't mean anything else, I just want to talk and chat with you." The young man ignored his indifference, dragged a chair out of his way and sat across from the stranger, distressed Said: “Since you resurrected me, my family has looked at me and treated me very strangely.

Did you really modify their memories to make us forget that I was murdered and brought back to earth from heaven by you? "

The stranger was silent.

The young man continued to complain: "I can feel that subconsciously they are a little afraid of me and a little disgusted with me.

Before, whenever I came home, my mother always liked to chatter about me.

Now she seems to be a different person, ignoring me and completely ignoring me.

I saw her frowning tonight. Did you watch TV?

Recently, the earth has encountered another crisis.

The Anti-Monitor has begun to destroy the multiverse again. Universe 3 has been swallowed by him. The Criminal Syndicate of Universe 3 escaped to our universe and brought the "original sin power of the gods" from their universe to our world.

Shrouded in the "original sin power of the gods", our evil thoughts continue to be stimulated, and we will involuntarily want to commit crimes. In fact, we don't have to worry too much. Admiral Galaxy said in an interview that she will personally report to the police at 8:30 tomorrow morning. We speak about the 'Word of God' and lead us to understand God's teachings in the Bible.

As long as you understand the way of God, you can overcome the influence of the "original sin power of the gods" even if you don't believe in God.

Anyway, I believe in Admiral Galaxy, she has never let us down. "

"But my mother was still frowning. I planned to comfort her and tell her, 'The Galaxy Admiral will definitely solve the problem.' But as soon as I touched her body, she shouted excitedly like an electric shock: Take your hands off me, you What the hell—"

The boy was depressed and his voice was muffled, "I know what she didn't say, she wanted to say 'you damn monster', and she did it on purpose.

I have a feeling that the original sin power of the gods has not affected her. She is very conscious, but why is she doing this to me?

Did she know I had been murdered?

I died and I came back to life, I was a monster.

Maybe you shouldn't have brought me back, if-"

"You think I do?" The stranger, who had always had a dull face before, was stimulated by the young man's last words, and roared excitedly: "Do you know what price I paid to save you?

I had the opportunity to bring my wife and children back to earth. God has promised that I can take them away.

But then He gave me another choice - to bring my wife, daughter and son back to earth, or to resurrect you.

You can only choose one of the two. "

The young man was startled, "You gave up your family and chose to resurrect me? Why?"

"That was a test." Stranger held his head, his expression painful and twisted, "There is only one answer, and that is you. Because of you, you were murdered because of me.

The fire demon who killed you was named 'Philip Stark'. "

"But you are Philip Stark." The young man said.

"I can modify your parents' memory, and naturally it can also affect other people's perceptions. I took over Phillip's identity."

The Stranger explained his relationship with Stark before saying: "Philip became a sin-eater after his death. He was the devil who brutally killed you, but you are an innocent person who suffered the same fate.

You live next door to me and have the misfortune to get caught up in my battle with the Sin-Eater.

I killed you, you didn’t deserve to die, so I have to save you, and”

The stranger turned his head, his eyes flashed with a faint silver light, and he said in a faint voice: "Chris, do you understand the meaning of your own death and resurrection?"

"What's the point? My parents and sister hate me and treat me as a monster. I think your memory modification is very ineffective.

If I had known it would end like this, I would have just stayed in heaven. If your family came back, at least you would be happy. "Chris said bitterly.

"A power has awakened in you." Stranger said.

Chris looked down at his body. Similar to the silver light in Stranger's eyes, his body also shone with a faint holy silver light.

"Yes, after I came back from heaven, I awakened my superpowers. I can teleport and discharge electricity." He shook his head and said in a complicated tone: "Before I died, I watched hero videos every day and fantasized about awakening my superpowers every day. Then join the Teen Titans and become a glorious superhero.

Now that I have awakened my superpower, I have begun to miss the trivial life of being nagged by my parents and pestered by my younger sister. "

The stranger was silent for a moment and said: "Throughout the ages, countless people have been resurrected from the dead. However, after the soul enters heaven and returns to the world again, there is only one person who has been resurrected from the original corpse except you."

"Who?" Chris asked curiously.

"Jesus Christ."

Sorry, the order of the chapters yesterday was wrong. It should be chapter 1689, but I wrote it as chapter 1690. However, the content is not wrong, and I can’t be wrong. I didn’t save the manuscript, so I wrote it all now.

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