I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1670 Pandora’s Box

"The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" only cultivates small achievements to perfectly survive the demonization of nightmares, medium achievements evolve into extremely powerful thinking beings, and great achievements can transcend the multiverse. Let's not mention the matter of transcendence. That is too far away. The positive and negative effects of a single small achievement The demonization of the phantom human nightmare is enough to make all mages' hearts surge and their desires reach the extreme.

But Harley made it clear that this was her big secret and would not be told to outsiders.

Old Shazam suppressed the disappointment in his heart and asked: "How much improvement does the nightmare demonization that actively separates the 'positive emotional illusion person' have compared with the conventional nightmare demonization, and in what aspects is it mainly manifested?"

Harley said: "First of all, there will be no lack of emotion. Cutting off the emotional illusion is equivalent to completely losing a certain emotion.

Of course, traditional phantoms are manifestations of negative emotions.

Losing certain negative emotions and personalities is tantamount to giving up weaknesses, which may do more good than harm to some gods. "

"But cutting off the illusory person will only bring more benefits than harm to the current state. No one knows what hidden dangers there will be in the future." Old Sha praised.

"So I would rather the realm remain stagnant for tens of thousands of years than cut off the phantom being." Harley looked firm and proud.

——Then why are you talking about how the benefits of cutting off Huan Ren outweigh the disadvantages? You have perfectly survived the demonization of nightmares, but are you worried that others have the same potential as you?

There was a wave of negative emotions in Old Shazam's heart, but the expression on his face became more humble, "Are there any other benefits? When you called me just now, I was obviously far away from you, but I seemed to suddenly fall into your lap." "The realm where God descends to earth', magic fails, teleportation is interrupted, and the space around you is close to solidification. These are all phenomena that only occur when you encounter God descending to earth after getting close to you."

Mrs. Xanadu added: "The look in your eyes now is very strange, as if you have developed a special pupil technique. When you stare at me, I feel like my body turns into transparent smoke, and my soul and thoughts are completely opened in front of you."

"I thought I was being targeted by Harley. I was the only one who felt this way. I didn't expect you to feel the same way." Old Shazam said in surprise.

"Yes, I feel it too." The other mages and the heroes of the Zhenglian nodded their heads, and looked at Harley in shock.

If only one person feels this way, he may be thinking too much.

But if everyone is in a similar state, it must not be an accident.

Harley glanced at Ivy, and Ivy happened to look over, with a smile in their eyes.

Their feeling is not wrong, but it has nothing to do with the demonization of the perfect nightmare, which is a unique mental change after completing "I am who I am".

When Ivy first completed "I Am Who I Am", she often couldn't control her mental power, and looked at everyone as if they had opened "clairvoyance eyes".

Later, Ivy spent more than ten years in seclusion and practice before she could freely control her mental power after the mutation.

Harley, however, perfectly controlled her power on the spot. After all, Ivy only got the result of the argument, and Harley completed both arguments.

"After the positive and negative emotions are reintegrated into the soul, the emotions, mind, and spiritual power have all undergone qualitative changes. Just like ordinary people after being promoted to gods, they will feel that the world in front of them has receded and become more real and essential. Now the world is in It’s clearer and clearer before me.”

The world in the eyes of mortals is definitely different from the world in the perception of gods.

When mortals see rain in the sky, they can only see dark clouds and falling rain. However, gods see the basic laws of the world through the weather itself.

The evil ghosts in hell use illusions to deceive mortals. When the gods take a look, the illusion disappears and the evil ghosts appear before their eyes.

"From a scientific perspective, the human body is composed of various complex chemical molecules." Harley said thoughtfully: "The second-generation silk soul of the Watcher once told me that as human nature gradually fades and disappears, the appearance of ordinary people in the eyes of Manhattan It also changed.

Most people are just a bunch of walking chemical formulas in front of him.

Your talking and thinking are just slightly complicated chemical reactions in his eyes.

The second-generation Silk Soul couldn't stand his eyes and attitude of treating people like chemical substances, so she took the initiative to break up with him. Of course, her decision to break up was very wise. Soon after, when the feeling of love completely disappeared, she was in Dr. Manhattan In the eyes, it will just be a lump of compounds. "

"Looking at the universe from the perspective of a transcendent, the God of Creation used the power of creation to control the seven basic forces and created the entire multiverse in Taixu.

Then, the material universe and the people and things in it, even souls, essentially evolve from basic forces.

If there were a magical Doctor Manhattan in the world, people and objects in his eyes would be a 'magic reaction' of basic energy. "

Harley pointed to her eyes, "At this moment, I am the 'Magical Doctor Manhattan', and in my eyes you are just a lump of complex basic power.

Your behavior and physiological activities are just the interaction between basic forces. "

Old Shazam's scalp was numb, he was frightened and frightened in his heart, and he felt very uncomfortable all over his body. He even had the uneasiness and inferiority complex of lower animals facing higher evolved beings.

The others were not ashamed, but they felt uneasy and looked unnatural.

Harley smiled: "Of course, I am not essentially 'Dr. Manhattan'. His humanity is disappearing, but my humanity and emotions have become richer and more vivid.

This is the difference between practitioners and people with supernatural powers.

The deeper you practice, the more thoroughly you understand yourself and the world, and the more you can enjoy life and the feeling of being a human being. At least this is the feeling after the perfect return of the positive and negative emotions. "

"What are the specific manifestations of rich and vivid emotions?" Dachao asked curiously.

"How should I put it?" Harry turned his head and thought for a moment before saying, "There is a big difference between the same emotion in an illusory scene and reality.

For example, if you are invincible in the game, achieve great achievements, draw cards ten times in a row and get double gold, you feel very excited and happy at that time.

But soon your happiness will drop, your calm will return, and you may even feel a little empty.

Not only in games, but also when reading books, it is also very happy to lead the protagonist to kill everyone, but the happiness disappears very quickly, and the happiness is very illusory.

But if in real life, you achieve success through your own efforts, even if the achievement is not great, you will feel long-term satisfaction and happiness.

That happiness can even last a lifetime.

There is a huge difference between experiencing the same happiness in reality and experiencing it in the illusory world.

After I completed the demonization of the nightmare, my emotions and emotions were like a fantasy world versus reality compared to before.

Regardless of happiness or pain, the feelings are more real. "

"Reality should be a subjective feeling, right? For example, for me, now I feel that my feelings are extremely real." Oliver said.

Harley shook her head and said, "It's different. You are like the 'biobattery' in The Matrix. You think you are living in reality, but in fact all your feelings are transmitted to you by the system.

When the brain-computer interface is unplugged from the back of the head, the reality of emotions and emotions will undergo a qualitative change. "

"Is it too exaggerated? I think our feelings are very real, but you are too excited, like a person after a high-flying flight." Wonder Woman doubted.

If Diana and others were just ordinary people, Harley would smile and nod to acknowledge her statement, because ordinary people know that it is difficult to break away from the shackles of the world while living in the matrix, and it is better to live in confusion and self-righteousness.

"In the 'Tai Xu Illusion Realm' at the lowest level of Limbo Hell, there is no matter and no laws. You can't see or feel it.

Taixu is the normal state of the omnipotent universe, while the multiverse is a special 'man-made creation'.

The Creator God is also a human being, and the multiverse created by the Creator God is of course a man-made creation.

The fact that you can see, feel, and think now all relies on the large system of the multiverse.

Without this system, you would be in the void, unable to exist, perceive, or be perceived.

The thinking beings in Taixu look at you no differently than we look at the people in "The Matrix".

Life in the matrix relies on the matrix system to express and transmit emotions. We in the multiverse also need cosmic matter to survive and to feel and create emotions.

People in the Matrix, and people in the universe, all need an artificial system to maintain their existence and perception.

The system maintains our existence and also limits us. "

Diana's mouth opened slightly, with a shocked expression on her face.

"If the 'brain-computer interface' connected to the cosmic system is unplugged, and you can continue to survive independently, maintain emotions, and transmit emotions, does that mean 'great transcendence'? Harley, have you achieved great transcendence?" Neptune exclaimed.

Old Shazam and all the wizards looked at Harley with wide eyes.

Harley shook her head and said: "Only when you complete the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons can you transcend the multiverse. I have only achieved a small amount of success now, completing the deathbed transformation of nightmare demonization."

"At least you are able to get rid of the limitations of the 'Multiverse System' in your thinking and emotions, and have achieved ideological detachment." Sage Aoqi's face was full of envy, and his tone was admiration, "You can create the "Human Heart Sutra" and become the first person in the multiverse. A person who has survived the perfect nightmare of demonization, Harley, you are worthy of being the 'first female mage'."

"I think we can remove the word 'female'." Harley chuckled and said, "There are as many mages in the world as crucian carp crossing a river. They are all on the road of no return, but I am the only one who has embarked on the broad road."

Sage Aoqi's cheek muscles twitched a few times, but he didn't utter a word to refute.

Old Shazam asked: "Does detached thinking mean that your soul has completed the evolution of 'thinking life'?"


of course not.

She has never studied real thinking life, and all data remains at the theoretical level.

Not long ago, she had just met Hades, who was practicing the "Thinking Sutra". That guy had trained himself into a monster that was neither human nor ghost. How could she dare to try to think of the soul casually?

But in order to show off and fool people, she still nodded and admitted with a proud face.

After completing the equation argument of "I am me" and perfectly integrating the fantasy person, her current soul and thinking power may not necessarily lose to the real thinking life. No one but the real thinking life can see the flaw.

Seeing her triumphant look, the fire of envy and jealousy in old Shazam's chest became even more intense.

"How much will the strength be improved after the soul is transformed into thinking?"

"It's huge, probably invincible in the world." Harley raised her chin slightly, looking proud.

Mrs. Xanadu couldn't see her arrogance, so she said: "You just broke through, and you are only the lowest level of spiritual wizard."

"So my potential is unlimited! Now that I am a spiritual wizard, I am invincible. When my level is raised, I can directly penetrate the multiverse, hahaha," Harley laughed.

Mrs. Xanadu was speechless.

Dachao asked in confusion: "Harry, when you fused the phantoms, why did you let them fly into the air and create such a big formation?"

——No need to ask, of course it’s just to show off.

Old Shazam glanced sideways at Da Chao, feeling a little disdainful of his intelligence.

"It was a kind of farewell ceremony." Harry sighed: "After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, every fantasy person is full of emotions and has an independent will.

Returning to oneness means that Huanren's career is over.

We can't say they are dead.

They just evolve into another form and a journey comes to an end.

Rushing out of my head, they looked at the human scene for the last time as phantoms.

Since it is the final farewell ceremony, of course it must be grand. "

"So that's it. No wonder I see a look of nostalgia on their faces." Dachao was a little surprised.

Old Shazam was dubious, "They represent an extreme emotion, will they give rise to feelings of nostalgia? Will they also care whether the ceremony is grand?"

Harley said: "No matter how independent they are, they are still a part of me, not truly independent beings.

I like to show off, I like to be looked up to by you, and I like to hear you shouting in shock, "Harley Quinn is so awesome," and "Ah, Harley Quinn is so powerful, I am the king of gods, and I can't even look directly at her illusion." '.

They are me, so everything I enjoy, they also get satisfaction from.

Therefore, I deliberately made a big splash, trying to make the scene as grand as possible, attracting all of you to become passers-by A, B, B, D, who help me to manifest my holiness in front of others. "

She said with a smile, and the expressions of Old Shazam and those around him became more and more distorted as they listened.

They wanted to run away and give her an angry slap on the back of the head.

Mrs. Xanadu showed disdain and said: "It seems that the realm of thinking life and perfect nightmare demonization is not very high. A truly enlightened person will not be so vulgar."

Harley shrugged, "If you think 'emotionally disabled people' who have lost all their emotions and humanity are superior people, then I am indeed not an 'advantage'."

Mrs. Shangdu said angrily: "You also called me 'Senior Master' back then. Am I a disabled person without emotions?"

"You also said that it was the old almanac N years ago. Recognize the reality, you are no longer an 'expert'."

Before Mrs. Xanadu could get angry, Harley continued: "The titles will change with the status, but the friendship will only become more mellow.

You are no longer an expert, but you have always been my friend. I am also not an "emotionally disabled" expert. Even if the multiverse is destroyed and the world we are familiar with is gone, this emotion will never change. "

A hot torrent burst out of Xanadu's chest, and the anger and complaints were swept away, leaving only emotion and excitement.

"Harry." Her eyes were watery, and she had some thoughts about Harley.

"Hey, Harley, it's already dusk now. Let's not stand on the rooftop talking all the time. Let's go to the living room first." Ivy shouted.

It took Harry five hours to fuse the phantom, starting near noon, and it was now dark.

Dachao and his companions looked at each other and said, "I've asked all the questions that need to be asked. Shall we leave now?"

"Harry must be tired after a long day of work. Let's talk some other time." Zatanna said.

They said this, and others could only follow and leave even if they still had thoughts in their hearts.

"Shazam Wizard, wait a minute." Harley stopped the reluctant old Shazam, "I have something to ask you."

A moment later, Harley's study.

After sitting down, without even drinking coffee, Old Shazam said directly: "I must state in advance that whether Black Adam lent his power to Miraculous Mary or the series of subsequent changes in Miraculous Mary, I have nothing to do with it.

From the beginning to the end of the final crisis, I was not involved, and the control of the ‘Magic Family’ was not in my hands. "

Harley glanced at him in surprise and said, "You are smart and know what I want to ask.

But if you take such initiative, it sounds like you have a guilty conscience? "

Old Shazam shouted aggrievedly: "I knew you before you met Xanadu. After decades of deep friendship, you still don't understand me?

Even if I had that intention, I wouldn't be able to participate in the big scene where "gods and kings are like clouds and gods are falling like rain". "

He screamed miserably, but Harley remained unmoved, "Don't pretend to be innocent. Even if you are not the mastermind, you must have been involved in something."

Old Shazam was silent for a full three to five minutes before he said in a loud voice: "Some things are really beyond my control.

I am the God of Thunder, and Zeus is the King of Thunder. This is no coincidence.

After I obtained the Singularity Curse, I stole Zeus's divine power and secretly learned his way of thunder.

No matter how weird and powerful the Singularity spell is, no matter how good my stealing skills are, things will eventually come to light one day.

The strong do not need evidence or handle against the weak, they can take action as long as there is suspicion.

What I owe Him will take me the rest of my life to repay. "

"Aren't you related to heaven?" Harley asked.

"Yes, I have something to do with heaven. The singularity curse is so strange that even the person above is curious."

After a pause, Old Shazam asked: "Do you remember Black Alice?"

Harley said: "I am deeply impressed. The scene where she forcibly borrowed the ghost's power will be unforgettable forever."

Lao Sha praised: "She also received favor from above, but she is still struggling in the world, never reaching the sky in one step, and no one in the world dares to provoke her.

I am similar to her in that we both relied on the singularity spell to gain favor from above, but only with a little care.

Heaven cannot help us bear our debts unless we are saints.

Don't talk about us, even you, don't you have to deal with the grievances between the gods and demons in the sky by yourself? "

"Even so, you are not innocent. If Magical Mary brought the doomsday virus back to the earth, even if she was controlled by others, she would be unforgivable, and you would be equally guilty." Harley said lightly.

Old Shazam said dejectedly: "I know, so I never dared to come see you.

But I swear, I didn’t expect the gods of heaven to be so cruel, and I didn’t cooperate with them in doing anything.

You have also signed the 'Shazam Contract', so you should know how much control the gods have over those who are favored by the gods.

The only debt Zeus requires from me is to help him find the Earth's magic warriors through the 'Shazam Contract'.

To put it bluntly, in the business of 'Thunder Shazam', Zeus is the chairman and the largest shareholder. I am at best a professional manager with stock rights. "

"Okay, I won't pursue what happened before. Now you give me a reason to keep you and Thunder Shazam." Harley said.

As soon as Old Shazam raised his head, he met her cold eyes and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. "The final crisis is the final crisis related to the old gods. Without benefits, the old gods will not cause trouble."

"This reason is too far-fetched."

Old Shazam said: "The reason why the old gods were so crazy during the restart of the fifth world is because the magic debt crisis is coming.

In order to survive, they abandoned their morality and gritted their teeth and risked everything.

Now they have not benefited from the restart of the fifth world, and they are afraid that they will not survive the upcoming debt crisis.

When they die, I will be free. When the time comes, I will let you join ‘shazam’ and make you ‘H’, how about it? "

"You think so beautifully! From the look of your face, you are obviously shorter-lived than Zeus," said Harley.

Old Shazam said angrily: "We are still friends, and you actually cursed me like this."

"Don't talk nonsense. It's about the life and death of billions of people on the earth. I must get a clear answer, or I will let you become the 'answer'." Harley said calmly.

Old Shazam whispered: "Heaven cares more about the 'Garden of Eden' than you, but Heaven knows the relationship between me, Thunder Shazam, and Zeus, and Heaven doesn't care.

Since Heaven doesn't worry about the old gods causing trouble, you don't need to worry too much. "

"Why isn't Heaven worried? Shouldn't the doomsday virus be worried?" Harley asked.

"Maybe God foresaw the final result, or maybe Magic Mary's teleportation accident was arranged by God? I don't know, but the big guys don't care, so why should we think too much?" Old Shazan said.

"Now that I'm the 'big boss,' I have to care," Harley said.

"I didn't want to say it originally, but you had to force me."

Old Shazam's expression became very pious, and he stretched out his right hand and made a cross on his chest, "I love God. I am His sheepdog, the whip in His hands, and the soldier who always listens to His horn!"

After expressing his attitude first, he continued: "Since God likes my Singularity Spell, of course I will happily dedicate it to Him.

Many years ago, part of the authority of the ‘Shazam Contract’ belonged to the Lord.

No god, including you, can escape the Lord's eyes and ears when using Shazam Pact to connect with God's Favored Ones.

The words you have said and the way your divine power is connected are known to the Lord. "

——The Old God controls Miraculous Mary’s emotions and everything she does is under the eyes of God. He knows it well. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Without you, the earth will still not perish!

This is subtext.

Harley took a deep look at him and said, "Since you brought God out as your guarantor, of course I have to believe you once. You go."

Old Shazam changed his expression and said quickly: "I didn't ask God to be my guarantee, so don't talk nonsense."

After a pause, he mentally sent another message: "Harry, what do you think? If there is a similar incident in the future, I will be the first to report it to you. Maybe you can't say it directly, but with your wisdom, you will definitely be able to understand my hint. .”

——If you can’t understand, don’t blame me.

Harley understood his little thoughts again.

She just waved her hand to signal him to leave without saying anything else.

Old Shazam has now settled the case of Miraculous Mary, and is relieved of his heartache, but he is unwilling to leave immediately.

"Harry, can you tell me more about the perfect nightmare's demonization?"

Harley stared at him, struggling in her heart for a while.

In the end, she gave up and asked him to join the "research" of the Phantom Heart Sutra - to be studied as a guinea pig.

Although this guy is a bastard, he can still be considered an old acquaintance of hers.

She has her own principles and doesn't cheat her friends.

"You have cut off the phantom long ago and passed through the final transformation of nightmare demonization. Everything is a foregone conclusion."

Old Shazam said: "The Phantom Man was not completely abandoned after it was cut off. There may still be a chance to remedy it."

Harley felt a little angry.

She has clearly refused, so why is this guy still pestering her?

"Every magic has a price! Let me tell you the truth, the practice of "The Heart Sutra of Illusions and Demons" is more dangerous than the nightmare demonization itself. In front of everyone just now, of course I want to make a fool of myself.

If I really reveal the details of the practice to you, you may go crazy and end up miserable. "She said with a serious look.

But old Shazam only listened to half of her words, and shouted with surprise on his face: "Are you really willing to teach me the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons"?"

"I don't want to, I don't want to put you in danger. This is not a trick to tempt you. I really don't want you to waste your good life." Harley said.

"As a practitioner, every step is difficult, how can you not take risks? Harley, thank you for being willing to teach me the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons!" Old Shazam said directly.

Harley took out her phone and turned on the video mode. She first faced the camera and repeated the risk warning, then pointed the camera at old Shazam, confirming again and again that he was fully aware of the risks and voluntarily joined the research on "The Phantom Heart Sutra".

"Didn't you complete the perfect fusion of positive and negative illusions? "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" should be a very mature magic. Why do you still need to study it?" Old Shazam asked puzzledly.

Harley used her telekinesis to control the phone to float in the air, record the conversation between the two, and said: "The Phantom Heart Sutra is divided into three parts. The first part is the demonization of nightmares, the second part is the evolution of thinking life, and the last part is the ultimate transcendence. Corresponding to the three realms of the Phantom Heart Sutra.

It's impossible for me to tell you my core secrets, just like it's impossible for you to tell me the secrets of Shazam's Law.

I only plan to teach you part of the content of nightmare demonization and part of the cultivation methods of thinking life evolution.

It is mainly for you to increase your knowledge and draw parallels on the road of spiritual practice. What you can ultimately study depends on your own creation. "

Hearing her say this, old Shazam felt even more relieved.

"I understand. I didn't expect to get your "Huan Mo Heart Sutra" completely. I'm satisfied to have some of the contents for reference."

If Harry really gave him the "Phantom Demon Heart Sutra" for free, he would still be suspicious and not dare to practice.

"Seeing me solemnly taking videos and collecting evidence in advance, you should know how risky it is." Harley said solemnly.

Old Shazam's expression also became serious. Of course he understood the reason why she took the video - when he had an accident, she took out the video to prove her innocence.

She made videos to collect evidence in advance, which shows that she is most likely not lying. The Phantom Heart Sutra is really dangerous.

But thinking of this, old Shazam became even more itchy, because this meant that she would definitely come up with a lot of useful information.

"Harry, I have lived for so many years and I am very aware of the risks of magic practice." His expression was also very solemn.

Seeing him like this, Harley stopped talking nonsense and taught the first half of "Thinking Scripture 2.0" to old Shazam neatly.

Well, the "Thinking Sutra" is the "magic skill" practiced by Hades, the king of Hades.

She is in a different realm now, and the magic secret book has been updated to version 2.0, and it only has the first half.

"Remember two things, don't practice and don't spread the word."

Looking at the overjoyed and eager old Shazam, Harley warned him seriously.

"Well, I know, it's getting late, so I won't disturb your rest."

After getting the secret book, old Shazam immediately wanted to leave.

"Remember, don't practice casually." Harley warned him again before waving him away.

Old Shazam stood up and walked out. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around and said, "Harley, there is one more thing I almost forgot. Is Pandora's Box in your hands?"

"Pandora's Box?" Harley was stunned for a while before she came to her senses and asked in confusion, "What happened to the box?"

"Have you studied it?"

Harry nodded and said: "It's a very weird and evil magic weapon. As long as it touches it, it will give rise to the evil thoughts of the Seven Deadly Sins. If it is a powerful mage, it may even directly enter the nightmare demonization."

I suspect that my early initiation of nightmare demonization was related to the magic box. I played with it up and down for a long time. "

Old Shazam said: "Yes, mortals who touch the magic box will be driven by the Seven Deadly Sins and fall into crazy killing.

If the mage touches it, it will stimulate evil thoughts in his heart and forcibly activate the nightmare demonization.

In short, whoever comes into contact with it will not end well.

Because it was previously loaded with a box full of evil phantoms.

The gods had sealed the phantoms they had cut off inside.

Hundreds of millions of years later, those phantoms merged with each other and eventually evolved into the current Seven Devils of Original Sin.

In the ancient times thousands of years ago, a pure tribal girl accidentally picked it up and opened the box. The seven demons were released and the box was empty. "

"The Magic Box is a magical object that combines magic and technology. The person who created it must not be simple. I can't even open it. What's so special about Pandora?" Harley asked.

"Only those who are destined to open it can open it. Believe me, even if it is empty, forcibly opening it will bring uncertainty to the world." Old Shazam said seriously.

"What you said made me interested. If it can really bring uncertainty to the world." Harley rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "How about I take it to Apokolips to open it?"

Shazam's old face twisted slightly, "Harley, actually I took the initiative to bring up the magic box because I wanted to ask for a favor from you. Anyway, it's useless in your hands, so why not give it to me."

Harry almost didn't think much and immediately said: "No problem, I will return Pandora's Box to the Sky Eye Treasure House tomorrow.

After all, it is a nationally registered treasure. It can be stolen from the treasure house by you, but it cannot be lost in my hands.

Otherwise, others would think that I had embezzled the country’s ancient cultural relics. "

His wish came true easily, and old Shazam was both happy and puzzled, "Don't you ask me what I want it to do?"

"If I ask you, will you tell me the reason honestly?" Harley asked.

Old Shazam smiled awkwardly and said: "I am actually doing things for others. When the things are done, you will naturally know."

Just after leaving Quinn Manor, old Shazam was still thinking about whether to find a place to retreat immediately to study the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons", when the figure of the God King of Naboo materialized in front of him.

"Let's go to the Tower of Destiny." Nabu said.

Old Shazam hesitated for a moment, then followed him honestly.

When he came to the Tower of Destiny, Nabu took the initiative to tell Harry the reason why he left him without asking.

"Alas, when the stranger brought her to the Eternal Castle for the first time, I looked down upon the ants like a god, and scolded and picked on her in all kinds of ways.

Less than 20 years have passed, and now she is scolding and judging me in various ways.

Facing her, I was like a mortal who had made a mistake, cautious, prudent and obedient, but I didn't dare to complain in my heart. "Old Shazan sighed with emotion.

Neb was deeply moved by his words.

When he first met Harley, his attitude was even more arrogant than the old Shazam.

Now she has become a true God King and the top boss in the universe, creating many miracles that are difficult for him to achieve.

Although he was very curious about her fantasy, he didn't dare to see her, so he could only hide aside secretly, waiting for his old friend to come out, and then he hurriedly asked her.

"I heard that she created a very powerful magic - the Phantom Heart Sutra." He stared at old Shazam and said.

Old Shazam hesitated for a moment, and then told the whole truth to Big Brother.

"She is actually willing to give you the Phantom Heart Sutra?!" Nabu was very shocked.

"It's just a part, it doesn't involve the core, and the Phantom Heart Sutra is probably immature." Old Shazan said.

"Even so,..."

Naboo was wearing a golden helmet and his expression couldn't be seen clearly, but old Shazam could feel that he was hesitant and envious of himself.

"I promised her not to teach the 'Heart Sutra' to outsiders, nor to practice it myself." Old Shazan said.

Nabu was silent for a moment, then said: "Anyway, you have handed over the Eternal Castle to the Magical Family, and you are wandering around with no fixed place. Why not stay in my Tower of Destiny first, and we can exchange our cultivation experiences?"

Of course Old Shazam understood what he wanted to do, but he thought about it seriously and nodded in agreement.

First of all, Nabu is the big brother of him and all human mages, and he cannot refuse his invitation; secondly, because Harley is so serious about it, he is also worried that something will go wrong while practicing the 'Phantom Demon Heart Sutra'.

When he is really obsessed, Nabu is his savior, and he can ask Big Brother for advice when he encounters something he doesn't understand.

"By the way, Harley promised to return Pandora's Box to the Sky Eye Club. As long as some time passes and she gets out of touch, we can go to the Sky Eye Club and get the box back."

Nabu said solemnly: "Did you tell her about Pandora's destiny?"

"No, as soon as I asked for it, she nodded and agreed. She might have guessed that I had an ulterior motive, but she didn't care.

Or maybe she would return the box but continue to stare at it and find out why I asked for it. "Old Shazam analyzed.

"No matter what, this is a good thing. Our mission has been completed, and the rest will be left to Pandora. Do you have any cultivation experience you want to share with me?" Nabu's tone was a little anxious.

Shazam and Naboo were not the only people who were shocked by Harley's positive and negative illusions.

They were not the only ones who found out about the "Huan Mo Heart Sutra" and became interested in it.

Two days later in the evening, Hades, who had a "poop head", quietly came to "Lishan" and wandered at the foot of the mountain for three or four hours. Finally, he gritted his teeth and stepped towards the gate of the manor.

"You're really here!" Harley smiled happily.

This time he is the real body.

"Sister Harley, I have never doubted you. If the Flashpoint incident hadn't suddenly occurred, and I knew you were very busy and didn't want to disturb your work, I would have come to see you long ago!" Hades's expression was very sincere and his smile was slightly flattering.

"Very good, let's get started." Harley waved to him, "Let's go to the laboratory and do a full body examination on you first to see what changes have occurred in your body."

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