I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1669 Harley’s unparalleled magical power

Harley's argument about "I am me" is more than half complete, and the effect is very good, but it is not perfect.

She feels there is still a lot of room for improvement and improvement.

When she first demonstrated "I am me", she had just become the God King, tens of thousands of years ago. During this period, she experienced a lot, especially during the tens of thousands of years in the ocean of entropy, her knowledge and realm improved a lot. .

The premise of demonstrating "I am me" is to understand what "I" is.

The understanding of "I" changes with the experience and realm.

Therefore, the method and steps she used to demonstrate "I am me" at this time were different from the last time she helped Ivy demonstrate.

At first, she argued according to the original method. After completing less than half of the proof questions, Harley realized it and began to improve her argumentation method.

In the foreseeable future, her knowledge and realm will improve again, and her argumentation methods will also undergo second and third qualitative changes.

Perhaps the equation is essentially a "consumable" that needs a constant supply?

If she has enough emotional elements, she will definitely make arguments every once in a while, and make arguments again and again. The conclusion of "I am me" will be deepened layer by layer, and the potential has no limit.

"Who can think of too many treasures? Not to mention that the emotional element is the biggest treasure in the multiverse."

Harley had no intention of telling her true feelings to her little brother.

"In addition to helping me collect emotional elements, the second reason for sending you out is for your cultivation.

Soldiers improve themselves on the battlefield and in battle, and musicians sublimate themselves while playing and on the stage.

To be honest, I am not very satisfied with your current state. You have great potential, but you have not been able to fully realize it. "

"Sister Harley, I will definitely work hard." The flutist promised solemnly.

Harley stared at his face for a while and said, "First try to improve your figure and appearance."

The flutist asked doubtfully: "You want me to change my appearance?"

"No, change your body and face. Jessica also said before that you don't look good. I don't think you are ugly, but it is obvious that you do not meet the alien's 'high-end aesthetics'.

Fortunately, you now believe in the divine body and can fine-tune your appearance and height according to your own will.

I will inform Jessica and ask her to find the best modelers in the world to form a team to tailor the appearance of the 'first high-end in the galaxy' for you.

Think about the grand occasion when "Titanic" was released, you are the "Peanuts" of the galaxy. "

——After saying so much, don’t you still think I’m ugly?

The flute player was unhappy and refused: "Sister Harley, I still think you are right.

Those experts who advocate high-level extraterrestrial beauty are too superficial. The real high-level beauty lies in wisdom and ability. "

"Having said that, you and I are different. I don't need to please anyone, but you need a good appearance to make alien women crazy about you." Harley said.

The flute player had a look of disgust and disgust on his face,

Harry's heart moved, and he added: "Alien boys and men will also be attracted by a good appearance."

The flutist looked hesitant.

Harley continued: "It's just a slight adjustment to your appearance, not so that your mother won't recognize you. After all, you will still use the identity of 'Flute Player' Hartley.

If your appearance changes too much, everyone will know that you have undergone plastic surgery, which will be detrimental to your reputation.

Now it is just a slight adjustment. When others ask, you will say that this is the natural evolution after breaking through the music god, which is equivalent to ‘secondary development’. "

"Just a small adjustment can make me look like Leonardo? There is a big difference between me and him." The flutist doubted.

Harley said: "You have to have confidence in the modeler's ability to make faces. Didn't they replace your face with Leonardo? To be honest, he is actually not that handsome. Look what he has become now.

If you are worried, you can wait for them to create a new face based on your shape, and then decide after you see it with your own eyes. "

"Okay, in order to better help Sister Harley collect emotional elements for you, I will do it." The flute player gritted his teeth.

Then he worried: "After the appearance adjustment, will my faith be affected? After all, what they see is not my real face."

"What are you thinking? The criteria for identifying faith have nothing to do with the appearance or real name of the gods. Doctrine and the great road are the only keys to the power of faith.

The statues of Madonna and Jesus in the church were all carved by craftsmen near the church. Could it be that they have all seen the real images of Jesus and the Virgin? "

The flutist smiled awkwardly, "I thought wrong."

Harley looked serious and warned: "When you officially debut, don't absorb any external faith.

All the faith power you gain must be handed over to me, and I will purify and refine it before transferring it to you. "

"Why do you need to purify it? It seems that there is no need to purify it now." The flute player asked doubtfully.

Harley asked back: "I can think of letting you debut to earn faith, why haven't other gods done this?"

"They are not as smart as you, Sister Harley," the flutist said.

Harry shook his head and said: "When it comes to gaining the power of faith, my brain is far inferior to theirs.

For example, in the neon pantheon, in order to gain enough faith, concepts such as Marilyn Monroe, the Statue of Liberty, and the Mona Lisa were even catalyzed into gods of faith.

The gods of telephones, televisions, telegraphs and other "electronic technology gods" were born and ended with the times, and they emerged one after another. A new generation replaced the old one.

When the age of heroes came, the gods began to send sons and daughters to the world to become superheroes.

Or find a suitable person to give them divine power, so that the person favored by God can become a superhero or villain.

Their desire and consumption of faith power far exceeds ours.

There are so many different ways to catch side traps that even I was amazed when I saw them.

But no old god dares to end his life personally and develop into an entertainment star.

Because the power of faith is power, it can also be poison.

Crazy fans not only worship celebrities, but also shape them according to their own wishes.

Most of the personalities of traffic stars are designed to target a certain fan group.

Personality can at most change the superficial lifestyle of celebrities, and how they should be in private.

But for gods, their persona is their divinity and cannot be faked or distorted by fans.

Sometimes a star's personality is not perfect, but his behavior does not match the personality, or his career achievements do not meet the fans' expectations, or he is older and looks greasy, or he fails to manage his figure or has a fat face, and he may be abandoned by his fans. Scorned, even cursed.

If he were a god, he would have suffered a backlash from his faith, and his godhead would have been shattered. "

"Since the power of faith gained by celebrities is highly poisonous, can you still absorb it?" the flutist asked worriedly.

"I'm not afraid of faith power poison."

Harley's Faith Divine Power Defense Specialty has reached level nine. She can extract the poisonous Faith Power for her own use, and give the purified harmless Faith Power to her younger brother.

Half a month later.

In Dr. Fate's Tower of Destiny.

The old wizard Shazam's silver hair spread out behind him in an explosive shape, hanging down to the chair.

Wearing a silver-grey wizard robe, his appearance and dress are ancient and mysterious.

But he was holding the latest Tianshan 14 Promax mobile phone in his hand, and had wireless headphones in his ears.

Lois Lane's dignified and beautiful face appeared on the screen, and there was an eye-catching title "Flashpoint Series Special Issue No. 5 (Finale)" in the upper left corner.

The old wizard looked at it very seriously, even a little fascinated. For a long time, he didn't pay attention to Dr. Fate sitting opposite him.

It wasn't until the video finished playing that he turned off the screen, took off one of his earplugs, and said to the person opposite: "Have you seen the news? It's worthy of being named Galaxy Chronicles. The materials collected are very detailed and the content is very solid. It's better than my experience with Flash." Everything you learn is richer.”

Dr. Destiny nodded slightly, "Although I don't watch the live broadcast, I will listen to the video after get off work while I am cooking and picking up express delivery.

However, in general, the flash point has little impact on the material universe, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it. "

"You're still off work, cooking and picking up couriers?" Wizard Shazam asked with strange eyes.

"What's so surprising about this? Take off the helmet, and I'm still a university professor. I have at least two classes a week, and I also have to eat, sleep, and shop." Dr. Destiny said.

Shazam said: "I thought you would always live in the Tower of Destiny."

Doctor Destiny said: "The world is changing too fast, and if you keep living in the Tower of Destiny, you will gradually be unable to keep up with the times.

For example, what happened recently, Luthor was brought back to Earth for trial, Chris Queen was acquitted, the flutist became a god, and signed up to participate in the next episode of the "Cosmic Dream Boy" talent show

Without personally entering the lives of ordinary people, it is difficult to understand how much influence they have on society. "

"Do you think the news is true? Darkseid likes energetic young people who are good at singing and dancing rap?" Old Shazam couldn't help but ask.

This guy is also a person who often chases hot news, otherwise he would not be able to listen to Dr. Destiny's words.

"Whether it's true or not, it at least shows that he has carefully studied the program 'The Strongest Galaxy Trainee'. Since he has studied it carefully, it's not wrong to say that he likes it," Kent said.

"I didn't expect him to be so good at it." Shazam's old face was a little twisted.

"It's really unexpected. Just because he was liked by Darkseid, Chris Queen got two alien endorsements as soon as he was released, and his net worth skyrocketed ten thousand times.

My students discussed with envy whether they should give up archeology and join a reality show. "Dr. Destiny sighed.

"If I can overcome the poison of faith, I will find a way to debut." Old Shazam said.

——You look like an old, black and ugly person. Only a blind alien would choose you.

Dr. Fate complained in his heart, but said nothing with his mouth.

Old Shazam was silent for a while, then picked up the phone and said: "Today is the last issue of the 'Flashpoint Series', but until the end, Lois Lane did not reveal the root cause of the Flashpoint incident."

Dr. Fate still said nothing.

Old Shazam could only continue to test: "Have you seen Pandora recently? She is looking for 'Pandora's Box'. According to the meaning of 'above', she should get the box, and then as far as I know , Pandora's Box was taken away by the Witch Harley ten years ago.

If Pandora cannot get the magic box, Destiny will not be able to proceed. "

Dr. Destiny hesitated for a moment and said: "I don't know much about this matter, and it's not easy for me to get involved. Let God King Naboo talk to you."

After saying that, his helmet glowed with golden light, and he voluntarily gave up his body to the "helmet spirit" Nabu.

"Does Witch Harley know about Flashpoint's destiny?"

Nabubi took the initiative with Dr. Fate and went straight to the point without any ambiguity.

Old Shazam nodded and said, "Although Lois Lane didn't say it explicitly in the series, it's not a secret within the Justice League.

They knew that the mysterious woman appeared at the last minute, and they also heard the mysterious woman speak of the destiny of the Flashpoint event - to reunite the three scattered timelines. "

"Then do they know that the mysterious woman is Pandora?" God King Nabu said.

“I don’t know, they are all guessing which supreme being the mysterious woman is, and they probably will never guess that she is Pandora.

The strength shown by Pandora is only at the level of a magic master, not even a god. It is theoretically impossible to transcend the mother river of time. "Old Shazan said.

Nabu hesitated and said: "If the identity of the mysterious woman is told to the Witch Harley, she might be willing to hand over the 'Pandora's Box', but"

Old Shazam took the initiative to express Naboo's worries, "Once Witch Harley knows the truth, destiny may change."

Naboo was silent.

Old Shazam expressed his opinion in a tactful tone, "Witch Harley's strength has improved too quickly. Now she is a real God King and one of the most important figures in the multiverse.

We can't predict her reaction, and we can't stop her actions. Why don't we just wait and wait for the reaction? "

"The higher-ups have issued orders for us to cooperate with Pandora to fulfill the destiny." Nabu said seriously.

"What do you mean, God King?" Old Shazam asked.

Nabu said: "The destiny will not happen immediately. Let's wait for a while. If Pandora still can't get her magic box, I will go to Silver City and ask those archangels for their opinions."

"Don't!" Old Shazam's black face changed slightly, and he hurriedly tried to dissuade him: "I know you have a good relationship with those people in Silver City, but the person who gave us the order probably doesn't want us to contact them. .”

Nabu looked at him deeply and said: "You were the one who judged the Three Body Original Sin back then, and you will be the main judge this time.

If you are mediocre and do nothing, just waiting for the higher-ups to issue orders again, you will definitely make the higher-ups unhappy. "

Old Shazam looked helpless, "I understand, but I also - Eh!"

He stood up suddenly and walked quickly to the window, overlooking the earth below, "Your Majesty God King, you must have felt it too, right?"

Although Nabu couldn't see his expression clearly, he stood up and came to Old Shazam's side.

"There is a great magician who is breaking through to the master realm, and his aura is still very familiar." He said in a dull voice.

"Witch Harley." Old Shazam said the name of the person with a familiar aura, "Would you like to go over and have a look? You're just a grandmaster, why is there such a big movement?"

Neb nodded slightly.

Without seeing what he did, the Tower of Destiny projected a faint golden light in the direction of Gotham, and the two of them appeared above Quinn Manor without anyone noticing.

"Oh, not only is the atmosphere amazing, but the scene is also so grand!" Old Shazam couldn't help but exclaimed as soon as he arrived at the scene.

When Harley was not strong enough to frighten all the gods and demons, enemies such as the "Witch Hunting Team" often came knocking on her door. Once a battle breaks out at Quinn Manor, the manor buildings will often be razed to the ground. In order to deal with such situations, Harley specially prepared multiple villas outside Gotham City.

When the battle is over, the ruins only need to be scraped once, and new buildings can be placed on top of the original site.

The architectural style and style are different every time.

What is in use today is a two-story building in a simple style.

The building only has two floors, but it is a very long arc-shaped structure, like half a donut set on the mountainside of "Lishan".

At this time, on the easternmost side of the "Donut" house, a three-meter-thick and 20-meter-high golden light pillar rose through the roof.

Colorful petals are scattered around the light pillar, and birds with colorful feathers are flying around.

The sky above also spreads sacred and ethereal music.

Visual special effects, sound special effects, and sensory special effects are all fully utilized. It is very sensational, very shocking, very exciting, and very eye-catching.

Even the Justice League was alarmed, and a large group of heroes stood in the yard outside the building with confused expressions.

There were several helicopters belonging to various TV stations in the distance, and they were hesitant about whether they should approach or not.

In addition to these "mortals", there are also countless magical magicians who, like Naboo and Shazam, hide in the dark.

"It's just that the exclusive magic spell has been sublimated into a law. From the archmage to the grandmaster, what's the matter?" Old Shazam said with a strange expression.

Now he saw clearly that all visions were man-made.

First of all, the breath that attracts the attention of extraordinary beings most easily.

Harley frantically activated the newly born law, and the fluctuations in the law spread layer by layer in all directions, alarming the gods, demons and wizards with keen senses.

As long as she doesn't actively shake the laws she has just condensed, she can restrain her aura.

Therefore, the grand atmosphere was created by her.

Then there are sounds and lights.

There are obvious divine power fluctuations in the light and shadow, and there are also divine power fluctuations in the music.

Both kinds of divine power fluctuations come from the same person, and that person is not the Witch Harley.

Therefore, old Shazam can be sure that the vision was deliberately caused by others.

"Flowers, phoenixes and sacred sounds all come from the flute player's music law." Nabu said.

Old Shazam glanced around and said: "Is Witch Harley showing off? Showing off to all the gods and demons that her magical realm has finally broken through to the master level? Is she still shameless?"

Nabu looked serious and said: "It's not as simple as you think."

"This is obviously a trick on her part, not a real vision from heaven." Old Shazan said.

"I know, but her level is definitely not that of a magic master." Nabu said.

Old Shazam looked surprised, "Is it possible to become a god in one step, cross the realm of a master, and directly become a spiritual wizard? This is worth showing off."

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, a chubby Harley laughed and soared into the sky, passed through the roof, and hovered in the center of the golden light beam. Flowers fell on her body, mythical beasts spread their wings, and the music in the sky became cheerful and festive.

There was a look of nostalgia in little Harley's eyes, and she looked around with her eyes wide open, not knowing what she was looking at.

"What is that?" Old Shazam's eyes widened, and there were exclamations from other places in the sky.

Chubby Harley is very small, only about the size of a human head, with a pair of palm-sized white wings behind her, like a little angel, but her eyebrows look exactly like Harley.

As soon as the mental power fell on the little angel Harley, old Shazam immediately felt infinite joy in his heart, and his mouth couldn't help but split into a happy smile.

"Hahaha!" In about a minute, the angel Harry in the golden light beam laughed again and disappeared.

Only then did old Shazam realize that he was grinning.

"Farke, what happened to me just now!?" He was frightened and frightened, and quickly went to see Nabu, "Your Excellency——"

He was about to ask, but suddenly he remembered what happened just now: Nabu was also laughing.

He looked around again, and many mages hidden in the sky were now revealed, looking like him, shocked, confused and scared.

"Whoosh!" Before old Shazam could do anything or say anything, another chubby little angel Harley walked through the roof and came into the golden light pillar.

It flapped its wings slightly, with deep nostalgia in its eyes. It turned its head and looked around, not knowing what it was looking at.

And the moment he saw it, old Shazam's heart stirred up again, and a feeling of compassion went straight to his head. At this moment, he wanted to donate all his wealth and selflessly give all his magic power to the suffering people who needed it. people.

This time, before the little angel Harley disappeared, he suddenly woke up. The idea of ​​giving up all his magic power was too scary, and he woke up with a fright.

After waking up, he saw Naboo's body trembling slightly, saw Sage Ochi in the distance full of compassion, saw several demons holding their heads and howling in agony, and saw the shadow of the old god flashing in the sky further away. And then everyone fell into the trap.

"Satan is above me, I just couldn't help but want to give everything!" A demon king howled miserably and ran away, shouting as he ran: "Get out of here quickly. Witch Harley is practicing unparalleled magic skills. I want to Let us sacrifice ourselves!"

There were also several evil gods running after it, shouting after it: "Run, Witch Harley is setting a trap for us!"

"Whoosh!" At this moment, another chubby little angel named Harley flew into the air. It seemed to have the same appearance as the previous two, but for some reason, they knew it was different from them at a glance.

Its movements are similar to those of the first two little angels, Harley. Its eyes are also looking around with nostalgia, not knowing what it is looking at.

Everyone's reaction was the same as before. The moment they saw it, emotions immediately boiled in their chests.

This time it was fearless courage.

Old Shazam had an uncontrollable urge to kill Zeus with a bolt of lightning.

He looked up to the sky and roared, shouting: "Zeus, my wife, stop bullying me, I want to fight with you -"

"Witch Harley, I'm going to kill you!"

"The brave man is invincible, kill him!"

A series of shouts filled the sky. Some people just stood there and howled angrily, while dozens of gods and demons rolled up billowing black clouds and rushed towards Quinn Manor.

Although the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance were all standing in the yard, they were all affected by the little angel Harley. Each one of them looked excited, clenched their fists and roared, or flew away directly. If there were anyone with a clear mind at the scene, they would have discovered this. At that time, several Green Lanterns were too green. Their lantern rings emitted bright green light, making everyone look green.

Ivy has completed the argument of "I am who I am" and is completely free from the emotional control of the little angel Harley, but she did not move and just looked at them with a sneer.

Sure enough, none of the gods and demons who rushed towards the golden light pillar met a good end.

After approaching the manor, the magic on them immediately dissipated, unable to fly, and fell from mid-air to the ground.

But before they fell, the surrounding space solidified into a "solid state". They were like falling into transparent glue, and it was difficult to move a finger.

"Chi chi chi!" Several "gold film sharp blades" appeared out of thin air and cut them into several sections that were unable to move.

Only when the little angel Harley, who inspired infinite bravery, disappeared did everyone regain their consciousness.


This time, not only the demons, but also the gods and mages, and even the heroes of the Manor, Selina and others, turned pale and ran wildly.

"What are those little angels? They're so weird." Old Shazam's old black face was full of fear.

"I have a guess in my mind, but I'm not sure." God King Naboo looked at the person next to him, "Stranger, what do you think that is?"

The stranger shook his head simply and said: "I don't know."

Nabu sneered in his heart and asked again: "Zatanna, Madam Xanadu, you and Witch Harley are good friends, do you know anything about her situation?"

Mrs. Xanadu spread her hands and said: "I only know that her natal curse is the anti-injury magic 'Brain Curse'. After being attacked by the enemy, the soul shock wave will be reflected in a certain proportion of the damage suffered."

This is a very true piece of nonsense.

"We don't need to make random guesses. When Harley completes her training, we can ask her directly." Zatanna also said nonsense.

Old Shazam looked around. There were many people around, including heroes from the Zhenglian League and various extraordinary beings. They were all gathered together in small groups.

"Do you know the situation of those people in the manor?" he whispered.

No one answered his question, but several exclamations sounded at the same time: "Another little angel flew out!"

They did not leave the manor, they just descended from the sky and came to the foot of the mountain.

If you don't look directly at the little angel, they won't be emotionally controlled.

Even without using their eyes to see, they could still feel the obvious fluctuations in their aura every time a little angel rushed out of the roof and flew into the air.

"Are those little angels the 'Nascent Souls' of Harley Quinn?" Someone suddenly said.

Old Shazam turned around and saw a fat monk with a "round and round" figure and a slightly blue glow on his skin.

The face is a bit familiar, it seems to be Master Brahma from Nanda Peak, the "former holy land of human cultivation".

After the Era of the Martial God King, the human race's holy place of cultivation was moved from the Mount Everest to the "Martial God Mountain".

"Master Brahma, what is Nascent Soul?" someone asked.

Master Brahma smiled awkwardly and said: "A kind of cultivation state in the novels about immortals and demons."

"Novel?" Everyone had a bewildered expression on their faces: "Are you kidding me in such a serious situation?"

Master Brahma quickly explained: "The setting in the novel also comes from the conjecture of the practitioners. The practitioners at Nanda Peak have really seriously deduced the possibility of 'golden elixir transforming into an infant'."

Old Shazam frowned and said, "If you want the golden elixir to transform into a baby, you must at least get the 'golden elixir' out first, right?"

Master Brahma tapped his temple and said: "The sum of the divine personality, divinity, and divine power of the gods is the 'golden elixir'."

"Witch Harley broke through to the realm of mage today. She just broke through from Archmage to Grandmaster, and she is still condensing the laws. Where did she get her godhead and divinity?" Old Shazan said.

"I know, so I just raised a possibility, not sure." Master Brahma said.

Old Shazam could only turn his attention to Naboo again, "What is the guess of His Majesty the God King?"

Nabu said: "Wait a little longer, wait for the little angel to finish, wait for new things to appear. If they really appear, you will immediately think of the answer without me having to say anything."

Everyone was itching, but they all calmed down and concentrated on seeing the little angel Harley popping up one after another.

In two full hours, 108 little angels flew out.

But 108 little angels are not the end!

Just as Nabu guessed, a "new Harley" who was not a little angel jumped out.

"Illusion person? Is this an illusion person?!"

The transcendent beings whose realm was above that of gods spoke in unison, looking even more shocked than when they first saw the little angel Harley.

"It is indeed a phantom!"

Even though he had guessed before, Naboo was still shocked when he saw little Harley who exuded extreme negative emotions and was in the form of a little devil with red eyes and fangs.

"The little angel just now was also a phantom? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Everyone knows that phantoms are negative emotions split from the soul. The little angel just now was full of positive emotions," Old Shazam shouted excitedly.

His words were immediately echoed by the gods and demons.

"Yes, this is contrary to common sense. The phantom is negative and should be cut off. What is Witch Harley doing? How can she create a phantom with positive emotions?

And he also raised them so fat that they were much taller and fatter than my wizened Huanren back then. "

"Look, is that man in the western sky Zeus? Satan is above, and many big bosses in Limbo have also been alerted."

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw that the blue sky was already filled with various beings.

Not only the old god king, but also Darkseid led several dark elites to cast "astral projections".

When he saw Zeus, old Shazam looked unnatural for a while, but after hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and flew over, took the initiative to bow and salute: "I have met His Majesty Zeus."

Zeus glanced at him and asked, "What is Witch Harley doing?"

"It's like breaking through a realm, and it's like practicing a terrifying magic." Old Shazan said.

Then he asked: "Are those little angels before really phantoms?"

Zeus was silent for a while and said: "It's hard to believe, but judging from the current situation, yes, they are all little angels, little devils, and all phantoms.

After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, they have become full of emotions, full of energy, and even have their own will.

Any fantasy person taken alone is equivalent to a Harley Quinn with extreme emotions. "

"Isn't the fantasy person the embodiment of negative emotions?" the old wizard Shazam murmured.

Zeus couldn't answer this question.

As everyone watched in silence or in heated discussions, another two hours passed, and a total of 108 little demons with negative emotions appeared one by one and exited one by one.

Eventually, the golden light beam penetrating the roof disappeared, and the music and light and shadow effects of the Piper were also cancelled.

Everyone flew into the air again, focusing on the two-story building.

After a long time, law fluctuations were heard again, and there was a slight commotion in the crowd.

"Witch Harley was accepted by the Origin as soon as she understood the wizarding laws, and has become the God of Wizards!"

"She reached the sky in one step and directly crossed two great realms. It's so amazing. How old is she?"

"She is tens of thousands of years old. She has spent tens of thousands of years in the era of the Martial God King. She has only just condensed the laws now, which is already considered a lack of talent. Under normal circumstances, the lifespan of a magic master is only a few thousand years."

"Witch Harley has reached the realm of the Archmage very early. The reason why she was unable to break through was because her talent was too strong and she encountered death-related transformations one after another - well, she has now condensed the laws and become the God of Wizards.

It means that the 'Nightmare Demonization Transformation' that has stuck with her for tens of thousands of years has ended, but how did she deal with her illusion? "

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place suddenly fell into silence.

"No, Witch Harley is out, run!"

Suddenly a demon king shouted, and his figure quickly faded and disappeared.

Zeus and other old gods, Darkseid and other new gods of darkness, demons from hell, and gods from other worlds all glanced in the direction of the manor. When they saw Harley "whooshing" through the roof and into the air, they didn't even say a word. Say, leave immediately.

In the blink of an eye, the gods and demons all over the sky dispersed.

"Hey, old Shazam, wait!"

Just when the old wizard Shazam was about to run away, Harley's voice came into his mind. The space door he had just opened dissipated uncontrollably, and the magic power on his body became unstable.

He was terrified.

For a moment, he felt that neither the magic nor the magic belonged to him anymore.

Looking back, Harley was still above the manor and did not immediately come behind him. The two were several kilometers away.

Old Shazam swallowed and forced a smile: "Harley, are you calling me?"

"Is there another 'Shazam' here?"

Staring directly at her, Old Shazam felt as if everything about him had been seen through.

I feel even more uncomfortable.

But he still turned into a bolt of lightning and took the initiative to enter Quinn Manor.

"Congratulations, Harley, how do you feel after breaking through the divine wizard?" He forced his expression to smile naturally.

"It feels great!" Harley smiled happily.

At this time, old acquaintances such as Mrs. Xanadu, Zatanna, and Sage Ochi also opened the portal and appeared directly on the rooftop of the second-story building.

"Are those little angels and little devils really phantoms?"

Mrs. Xanadu goes straight to the point and doesn't mince words at all.

Harley was also very straightforward and nodded: "Yes, they are all my phantoms and part of my soul."

"Isn't it possible that Huanren has negative emotions?" Sage Aoqi asked doubtfully.

Harley asked: "Who stipulates that fantasy people can only have negative emotions?"

Sage Aoqi was startled and said: "Before you, no one has ever split a 'righteous emotion fantasy person'."

"That's not necessarily the case."

"Who else?" the mages asked in surprise.

Harley shook her head and did not say anything clearly, but said: "I can tell you a big secret about the Phantom Man.

Negative emotional phantoms are passively split from the soul.

We cannot control this process. Once the emotions are in place, they will arise naturally.

However, "The Illusion of Positive Emotions" was actively edited from the soul according to my will.

Did you just notice the number and attributes of little angels and little devils?

They have the same number and one-to-one attributes.

Whatever kind of little demon phantom can be passively split, we can actively cut out the 'little angel phantom' with opposite emotions. "

"Is this still possible? But how to do it? I can't even control the negative illusion, how can I cut the angel illusion?" Old Shazam looked confused on his face, but looked at Harley expectantly.

The other mages and the heroes of the Zhenglian who arrived also looked at her.

Harley laughed and said: "You are my friends, so I will tell you the general direction of the practice of phantom people. But even if you are a friend, you cannot ask for my "Huan Mo Heart Sutra"!"

"The Heart Sutra of Illusions and Demons is a secret book dedicated to cultivating phantom beings?"

Old Shazam's eyes became more intense, but his expression was a little awkward.

"I have seen thinking supermen and dealt with Mandrake. I have studied thinking life for tens of thousands of years in the era of the Martial God King. I snatched two pieces of equations from Orion and searched for a lot of emotional elements in the Martial King Era. I from I got Brother God’s knowledge about the demonization of nightmares from Tianzhi Sheng. A long time ago, I began to study the relationship between fantasy people, emotional elements, and the emotional spectrum.

In the end, I integrated the wisdom of phantom people, thinking life concepts, life and anti-life equations, emotional spectrum and other wisdom into one, and created the unparalleled magic "Huan Mo Heart Sutra". "

Harley put her hands behind her back and said proudly: "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons can not only cultivate positive and negative phantoms, but can also perfectly survive the demonization of nightmares without cutting. All phantoms will be separated from their souls and eventually return to one body.

And overcoming the demonization of nightmares is only a small success in the "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons".

If you continue to practice, sooner or later you will transform into a thinking life.

Evolving into a thinking life is only a medium-term success.

When it reaches greatness, it will be easy to transcend the multiverse. "

The heroes of Zheng Lian are fine, but confused.

All the mages and gods who were learning magic were calm and helpless. Their faces were red, their eyes were shining, their breathing was rapid, they were restless, and they wished they could see Harry's "Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" right away.

"Harley, is it really okay to publicly preach the wonders of the Phantom Heart Sutra?" Ivy whispered, looking worried.

"There will definitely be a Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons, but not now." Harley replied quietly.

"Not now?" Ivy was stunned.

"If I didn't say that, how could any idiot take the initiative to come and be a test subject?" Harley sighed: "After merging with the Phantom Man, I have no future and cannot continue to practice.

Next, I can't risk my own life, make my whole body disabled, and my path ruined, and finally create the "Huan Mo Heart Sutra", but I can only benefit the 'bastard disciples', right? "

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