I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1671 Origin Earth No. 274

Darkseid spread the anti-life equation signal wave in the New Year of 2023.

Immediately afterwards, Dachao activated the miracle machine and completed the restart of the fifth world.

Proven to be part of Darkseid's universe, the people of the universe were restored to normal by the equation, and Lex Luthor was arrested.

At this time, it has passed from early January to early March. Luther and the "Galaxy Trainee" took a spaceship and returned to Earth across the stars and sea.

Not two days after Luther returned, Harley went to the prison to meet him.

“I heard about the Era of the Martial God King, and the Lann people’s news media also reported on the impact of the Martial God King Era on their history.

In the original timeline, Earth and Rann did not intersect until the 21st century.

But after the era of the God of War appeared, the ancestors of the Earth physically crossed the galaxy 50,000 years ago, came to the planet Rann to buy technological equipment, and also robbed all over the galaxy. Well, they were to eliminate harm for the people and clean up the trade routes that threatened the stars. The pirates not only honed their martial arts skills, but also collected a large amount of property.

He made quite a name for himself in the galaxy and left many traces of his activities on Rann Planet.

So, you can travel through the river of time now, right?

Can you time travel back to October last year? Around that time, I was brainwashed by Darkseid’s equation. "

Luther seemed to have prepared a plan in his mind, and as soon as they met, he told him how to prove his innocence from the timeline.

Harley shook her head sharply and said: "You think too simply, Darkseid is the God King!

Last October, he also took control of the Anti-Life Equation.

Peeping at him from the timeline is equivalent to hitting the blade of Darkseid at the peak of his combat power with his forehead.

Just like when someone peeks into my timeline, I will get angry and let the other person suffer backlash.

Often the peeping party occupies a disadvantageous position.

Therefore, often only the strong can overlook the timeline of mortals, and no one dares to stroke the beard of the God King.

Even if I bite the bullet and take a peek at Darkseid in October last year, it will definitely alarm the other party. A time and space war breaks out between the two sides, causing chaos in the timeline and even rewriting reality.

The cost of rewriting the reality of the final crisis is very high, and it is all borne by me, and I cannot bear it.

To put it bluntly, I have a strong forehead and broad enough shoulders, and I can bear it and carry it. It is impossible for me to bring the judge and jury to the timeline and let them see how Darkseid harms you.

They are just mortals and cannot bear the information conveyed by the mother river of time.

Even a drop of 'water' contains enough information to burst the human brain tens of millions of times. "

Luther's face was full of disappointment and he said: "Except for going back to the past, I really can't think of any evidence that can prove that I was indeed controlled in advance by the anti-life equation.

From October last year to the final outbreak of the crisis, my behavior was too normal. Except for being controlled by Darkseid at critical moments, there was nothing unusual about my appearance.

The people at Lann were very clever. They specially collected videos of my activities during that period, and then arranged for experts to analyze my micro-expressions and behavioral logic to prove that I was not controlled by the equation. "

Harley smiled and said: "This is a good thing!"

Luther shouted loudly: "How can this be a good thing? If I was not controlled by the equation from October 22 to early January 23, it would mean that I surrendered to Darkseid while I was awake, and I became an anti-universe life form. of great sin."

"Didn't your sister tell you? She planned to change your defense, saying that you were controlled by Equation at the 'Strongest Trainee' finals, and that all subsequent actions were controlled by Darkseid. You are not guilty." Harley said.

"She talked to me alone, but I still have a bunch of cases on Earth. I secretly formed a secret society and 'unintentionally' cooperated with Libra to brainwash super villains into 'part of Darkseid.' If I had been awake during that period, They have also committed crimes against humanity and are unforgivable." Luther said.

"You mean, you want to get away with it?"

"I was not wrong in the first place! I was really controlled by Darkseid's anti-life equation. You also said it. You believe me." Luther shouted excitedly.

Harley sighed: "The anti-life equation signal wave has harmed tens of millions of civilized planets, and countless billions of people are staring at your case.

The matter is too big and no one can suppress it.

I'm not a witness, and my trust in you comes from personal relationships rather than from some solid evidence. "

"Then I can only suffer injustice? I am Lex Luthor!" Luthor shouted unwillingly.

Harley could understand his mood.

Luther is the first super villain, the wisest villain, and the leader of a secret society. It is his normal character to mock law and justice with evil but no one can judge him.

Now, instead of committing a crime, he has become a scapegoat and a scapegoat. The psychological gap is unbearable. How will others see him after the incident is spread? How could he still be involved in the gang of villains, and how could he still have the nerve to be the boss of a secret society?

"You were not tricked by an unknown person. The opponent was Darkseid, the number one villain in the multiverse. Your skills are inferior to others, and it is not unjust to end up where you are now." Harley comforted him.

"But I feel so wronged!" Luther shouted loudly.

"You have done a lot of evil in your life, and the people you victimized also feel wronged. When you cry out for injustice, many people listen, and they don't even have the chance to cry out.

Is there a possibility that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and that the law of cause and effect, which even God King and I cannot violate, finally befalls you? "Harry said quietly.

Luther's expression froze, and he murmured: "Is there really retribution for good and evil in this world? I think you and I are the same type of people, and we will do whatever it takes for a noble purpose.

Why did you not suffer retribution, but instead lived more and more nourished?

I also watched the news in prison. Not long ago, you made a big fuss in Gotham. Gods and demons, old and new, all came to the world to watch you successfully promoted to a divine wizard. You are so majestic, so elegant, and so proud."

Without saying anything, Harry stood up and walked out.

She never visited him in prison again.

Three months later, in mid-June, Luther became an honorable member of the "Suicide Squad."

He really couldn't find conclusive evidence that he was controlled by Equation, and the alien prosecutor couldn't find conclusive evidence that he contacted Darkseid before the "Strongest Trainee" finals.

Darkseid didn't care about Luther's life or death, but in order to prevent him from being contacted and Harley discovering his plan, he was very cautious and did not leave any obvious flaws in Luther.

If the alien prosecutor can find evidence that Luthor joined the "Darkseid criminal gang" before the finals, it means that Harley and the Justice League can also find evidence, and the heroes of the main alliance have been tracking Luthor at that time.

Zheng Lian didn't find any clues, so naturally the alien prosecutor couldn't find anything.

Knowing this, Harley suggested that Lena change Luther's confession.

In the end, with the secret help of the US government, Luther barely escaped the charge of "crimes against life in the universe", but had to admit the crimes he committed on earth.

Luther then took the initiative to apply to join Waller's "Suicide Squad", hoping to make amends for his crimes.

The next day, Harley received a call from Waller, "Luthor wanted to bribe me with money to ask me to assign him a few simple tasks at will, but set the highest difficulty level for each task so that he could quickly reduce his sentence.

For every one year off my sentence, he would give me $10 million alone!

And Luther doesn't plan to go on missions himself, he will use money to bribe other villains to do the work for him. "

"No wonder he wanted to join the Suicide Squad."

Harley was still confused before. Everyone knew that Waller was her little brother, and the Suicide Squad was Waller's little brother. How could Luther, with such a proud temperament, be happy to be her younger brother?

"Someone from the Pentagon came to me and suggested that the money was divided into 70 and 30. They took away 7 million, and I could keep 3 million. Luther was sentenced to thousands of years, and I could get tens or tens of billions." Waller asked.

"You can't spend this money even if you're destined to take it." Harley sneered: "Luthor can easily get rid of the accusations of higher civilizations. A large part of the reason is that the aliens feel that Luther has been imprisoned on the earth for thousands of years and has nothing to do with alien planets. Life imprisonment doesn't make much difference.

After all, mortals only have a life span of a hundred years.

At the end of the trial, the U.S. government assured the alien prosecutor that, every once in a while, interstellar police officers from advanced civilizations could come to Earth to check on Luther's sentence status.

If the aliens find out that Luther can easily get away with it, do you think the US government will take the blame on its own or find someone else to take the blame? "

"I know, so I didn't hesitate and called you immediately. I'm just the president of the Sky Eye Society and I can't withstand the pressure from the Pentagon." Waller said.

Harley pondered and said: "Unless you receive a clear document, or someone meets you in person, and you leave evidence such as video or audio recording, just ignore them. Luther will be treated as he deserves."

"They hinted to me that Luther was your friend," Waller said.

Harley smiled, "You are actually hinting to me whether I will give up on you and choose Luther, right?"

Waller was silent.

If Harley wanted Luther to regain his freedom, and if Harley didn't care about her life or death, after receiving her call, Harley should have told her to actively cooperate with the requests of the Pentagon bosses.

When the alien people get angry, when public opinion in the galaxy boils, and when advanced civilizations put pressure on the U.S. government, she will be the one abandoned as an outcast.

"You and Luther are both my friends. I will help you when necessary, but not to the detriment of one to the other," Harley said.

"I see."

Luther's case is a major matter for the Luther family and a major concern for the US government and the American people. After all, the interstellar revenue generated by Luther Technology Company accounts for 90% of the earth's total foreign trade.

So many people in the United States have relied on the Luther Group for their livelihood for so many years.

But in Harley's life, Luther only occupies a negligible small part.

Most of her energy is spent on studying the "shit-shaped head" of Hades.

A laboratory in the heart of "Lishan" mountain.

Hades was lying on the experimental table, his hands and feet were tightly bound by N metal rings. Two cross lines were cut on the top of his head, and his scalp was divided into four. The four pieces of scalp were pulled apart in four directions, revealing the flickering light inside. skull.

After using equations to prove "I am me" and perfectly integrating the phantom, Harley's soul completed a leap-forward transformation. However, her weakest mental power is at the level of an ordinary little blue man; her mental perception is even closer. Detachment allows one to directly peer into the energy essence of matter and magic.

At this time, she concentrated on using her mental power to explore Hades's skull.

Hades was not anesthetized, nor was he unconscious. His two misshapen little eyes were blinking, a little bored.

"Sister Hallie, you have been studying my brain for several months and you still have no results?" His tone was a little impatient.

"You randomly modified my "Thinking Sutra" and practiced and tampered with the secret book for tens of thousands of years. You have already perfected your brain. To be honest, I don't know what it has become.

In short, the situation is very complicated, and I have to study it slowly. After all, it is a head, not a butt drum.

The butt drum can be cut off, but even if you are a god king, you cannot be without a head. " Harley said.

"I don't want to change the 'Thinking Sutra' randomly, but at that time I had finished practicing what you taught me, and I encountered a bottleneck in my practice." Hades said.

"You have been fumbling for tens of thousands of years, and it only took me a few months to check. It is already efficient enough." Harley said.

"But I have told you all my thoughts and experiences of tens of thousands of years."

Hades shouted loudly, then lowered his tone and said tentatively: "Sister Harley, the magic debt crisis is coming soon. I am pressed for time and cannot delay.

Why don't you stop looking for the reason for the changes in your head and teach me the "Huan Mo Heart Sutra" directly? "

"Xiao Ha, you have to understand, this is your head! It's yours, not mine, it's your head, not your feet, not your butt!" Harley said seriously.

Hades said seriously: "I admit that the brain is also very important to the God King, but I think about it, I just practice it indiscriminately, and it just becomes deformed.

Practicing the genuine "Huan Mo Heart Sutra" will only make it more deformed and distort the soul at worst, without losing one's life. "

"Hey, you have this kind of awareness, and you are not afraid of soul distortion." Harry thought for a moment, put down the chisel and hammer, stopped beating on his skull, and said: "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons" There are three realms, you know, right?"

"I know, of course I know, the first level is perfect nightmare demonization, the second level is thinking life, and the third level is great transcendence." Hades said with eager eyes.

"Why does the "Phantom Heart Sutra" have these three realms?" Harley asked again.

Hades didn't know why, "You created the Heart Sutra. I can't figure out why you divide the realms in this way."

Harry said: "The cultivation level of a magician from low to high is apprentice, formal mage, archmage, and master.

The entire process from the apprentice studying magic to the official mage selecting the natal spell is serving the Law of Condensation step by step.

The three realms of the Heart Sutra are also similar. The first level is the perfect nightmare of demonization, transcending the multiverse in spirit and will; the second level of thinking life, the 'flesh' enters the void, transcending the multiverse.

The double perfection of spirit and body lays the foundation for the third level of ultimate transcendence. "

"The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons is indeed a set of top-notch magic with complete theory and rigorous logic!"

Hades suddenly realized it at first, and then his face was full of joy and excitement, as if he had obtained the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons and achieved great success.

Harry said: "Although the three realms of the Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons progress step by step, it can actually take a shortcut and skip the first two levels and directly enter the third level of transcendence."

"Sister Harley, you mean to let me practice the third level directly?" Hades was surprised and said in a cautious tone: "Actually, I don't dare to expect great transcendence. If I can practice the second level, I will be satisfied if I transform into a thinking life. ”

"To officially practice the second level, you must first figure out the mutation in your head. It will take at least two years to figure out the mutation. Are you willing to wait two years?" Harley asked.

Hades's eyes flashed with suspicion, and he asked tentatively: "What's the third most important shortcut?"

Harley said in a mysterious tone: "I can send you to another multiverse, through the Grand Almighty Universe, and into a world at the same level as our multiverse."

Hades' eyes widened, not much shocked, his face full of suspicion, "Are you already transcendent?"

"No, but I have a way to send you there. If you agree, we can start trying right away." Harley said.

Hearing that she wanted to start the experiment immediately, Hades believed that she was not lying and couldn't help being shocked, "What should we do?"

"I have a unique skill that can convey my story to all the worlds."

Harley briefly explained the talent of the seventh-level Wind of Nothingness defense specialty "Transferring Existence".

"Isn't this a unique skill?" Hades was not very shocked, but his eyes were a little strange, "This is one of the characteristics of the power of faith, and almost all god kings can reach this level.

Even some master gods with excellent talents can convey their stories to all the worlds through their in-depth control of the power of faith. "

The seven basic forces are opposite each other and have opposite functions.

Harley's defense expertise absorbs an energy and becomes resistant to it. This causes the actual effect of the expertise to be somewhat similar to the opposing basic power.

Just like what Hades said about the power of faith.

As long as there is memory and cognition, the most superficial beliefs will arise.

The force that opposes faith is the wind of nothingness, which represents the disappearance of existence, not only physical existence, but also existence in the memories of others and existence in legends and stories.

After absorbing the wind of nothingness and turning on the speciality, Harley becomes immune to "disappearance of existence".

The actual effect of the disappearance of the immune existence is that her existence does not disappear, and her story is known and remembered. This is very similar to the effect of the power of faith.

Harley himself is the King of Gods, so of course he knows that the power of faith can convey his "existence".

There is Zeus and gods in almost every parallel universe, and their legends and projections are all transmitted through the power of faith.

Harley said: "I know that the power of faith can convey stories, but that kind of transmission is very random.

It's like shouting loudly with a loudspeaker. If the sound encounters obstacles, it cannot be transmitted.

Without encountering any obstacles, it was passed on from level to level, and the person shouting did not know that his words were heard by people in that area.

And it can only be transferred within the multiverse.

But I am gifted with the ability to convey stories into the omnipotent universe.

Of course, being talented is only one of the basic conditions.

To spread the story to the outside world, you have to leave the multiverse. "

Speaking of this person, a look of thought appeared on her face, "Now that my spirit and will are 'half-step detached', I may not have to enter the ocean of entropy again."

Harley subconsciously activated the seventh-level Wind of Nothingness defense feat.

The next moment, her thoughts turned into a breeze, which seemed slow but was urgent, blowing through the entire Wantianyi in a single thought.

The wind did not stop, but continued to blow, blowing into the river of time and into Limbo. The wind blew all over the "time universe" in the river of time, and all over the large and small magic planes in Limbo.

Her wind of thought cannot tell what each world looks like, but can only sense which worlds are "empty": with her stories circulating, there will be no emptiness; without her stories, it will be very empty.

In other words, the feeling of emptiness comes from herself.

She felt empty in a world without her own stories to tell.

At this moment, Harley's heart was as empty as a desolate wilderness.

Except for a very few worlds related to the main universe (universes on the river of time of the main universe), all parallel universes are almost empty, and none of her stories exist.

There is Harley Quinn and Harley Quinn in the parallel universe, but they are not her, and their stories are not her stories.

The huge Ten Thousand Heavenly Instruments, like the desolate wilderness on a moonless night, made her feel——

"Eh!" Harley's thoughts suddenly stopped. In the dark and desolate wilderness, a 30,000-watt electric lamp suddenly lit up, and the light was so bright that it blinded her "eyes."

Harley was shocked and strange. There was a universe within Wantianyi, where not only her story existed, but it was also very real.

The closer her story is to reality, the more the world with the "Legend of Harley" shines brighter in her perception when she activates the Wind of Nothingness defense expertise.

That mysterious universe was like a small 30,000-watt sun in the wind of her thoughts, extremely bright.

It shows that the legend about her in the mysterious universe is very close to reality.

People in that world all know her detailed experiences in the main universe, which is very strange.

"Sister Harley, sister Harley?"

Harley was lost in thought for a long time without speaking, and Hades couldn't help but call softly.

He shouted seven or eight times before interrupting Harley's thoughts and bringing her back to reality.

"I just searched for a magical universe. Not only is my story there, but the description of me in the story is also very vivid." Harley looked at him and said.

Hades understood, and she had some doubts in her heart, and she was now asking him, the experienced old god king.

"Could it be that you have perfectly integrated the illusion, with your mind and will half-detached, your perception stronger, and your perception of the world clearer?" he asked.

Harley nodded first and said: "Compared to before, my perception of the 'story world' is indeed a thousand times clearer now.

It used to be like searching for a lost ball in a dense foggy forest, but now not only has the fog dissipated, the sun has come out, and the air is fresh, but I also have superhuman vision, so clear that I can feel it at my fingertips. "

Then she shook her head and said: "Unlike your old gods, my story has not been passed on with the multi-dimensional restart.

At this time, except for the main universe, no one in the parallel universe has heard of King Wushen.

My thoughts turned into a gust of wind, blowing across the entire Wan Tian Yi, as if I were in the wilderness on a moonless night.

But suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of me, very bright, unusually bright.”

Harley described her feelings.

"In fact, the recent restart of the fifth world is a better opportunity to spread faith. For example, Naboo and Shazam are not as good as you, but they have left projections in many parallel universes."

Hades said something first and then asked: "Can you lock the coordinates of the abnormal universe? Maybe you can go and have a look. Under normal circumstances, the situation you mentioned should not occur."

"Naboo and Shazam, like your old gods, have their own projections in the parallel universe? So, the parallel world also has Thunder Shazam and Doctor Destiny?" Harley said in surprise.

"You don't know?" Hades glanced at her in surprise and explained: "The projections of the gods in the parallel universe are not in the material world. They are also in Limbo, the limbo on the edge of the parallel universe. , separated by a layer of 'frequency dimension' from the heaven where the gods' bodies are located.

We and the projection are both in Limbo, but the vibration frequency is different.

Similar to the traveler of the material universe, he can travel through different parallel universes by simply changing his own vibration frequency.

By maintaining multiple vibrational frequencies at the same time, the gods can project their own power into Limbo in different parallel universes.

And the restart of the fifth world affects the entire Limbo prison.

The new God-King can take this opportunity to spread his faith throughout the multiverse, leaving a shadow in every parallel universe. "

Hades spoke in detail, but Harley kept frowning. When he finished, she said: "I know the significance of the restart of the fifth world to the gods, but Shazam and Naboo are not god kings.

Theoretically, they have no ability to project the universe.

If you had the ability, you would have done it as early as the multi-faceted restart. "

“On the eve of the multi-dimensional restart, the ghost started the ‘God Magic Debt Crisis’. All wizards who borrowed the power of God and demons had their magic drained by the ghost, and the Ninth Magical Era ended.

At that time, how could they still have the energy to project all the heavens and worlds in a multi-dimensional reboot? " Hades said.

"Well, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot about the 'Ninth Magical Era', but are they capable of participating in the restart of the fifth world?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Hades said: "I'm not sure about Naboo. Shazam is indeed not capable, but they have met a good time.

The restart of the fifth world is controlled by Superman. Superman will not resist them, but can only accept them subconsciously.

If you had been on the scene at that time, you would definitely have benefited more. Unfortunately, it is not a pity at all. You have gained even more in the era of the God of War. "

With a complicated sigh, he added: "In addition, Shazam has also received the promise and help of Zeus. Thunder Shazam will appear in every universe with the Justice League."

Harley was very fed up. During the restart of the fifth world, old Shazam disappeared. Nabu said that he was affected by the turbulence of the sea of ​​​​law and was powerless, and asked her not to ask him for help again.

The two made no contribution in the final crisis, but secretly grabbed the biggest victory in the restart of the fifth world.

It’s not that Harley hates others, but Vannab and old Shazam contributed a little bit. Nab did a little bit in the early stage, and he barely passed the test, but old Shazam not only didn’t contribute, but also held back, making Magic Mary a safe place for the earth. The biggest hidden danger.

“My story perception talent can only perceive and convey stories, but cannot lock the world. However, that world is very special, and I may be able to do more.

That’s it for today’s experiment.

I will go home and study the universe carefully. As for you, think carefully about whether you want to cooperate with me in the practice of great transcendence. "

"Hey, Sister Harley, don't leave in a hurry. You haven't explained the principles of great transcendence practice yet." Hades shouted.

Harley said: "After several months of research, I have determined that your deformed head has partial thinking life. The brain is thinking life, and the corresponding consciousness also has the characteristics of thinking life."

"Well, I know that, but what next?"

"I can project the story into another world. So, using your will to bring life to life as the carrier of the story, can I project you into another world?" Harley said.

Hades doubted: "Can my will become the carrier of the story? What is the principle of this?"

Harry said calmly: "Don't think I'm just being whimsical. I suddenly came up with this idea today.

In fact, I have been studying this topic for tens of thousands of years.

After I parted ways with you in the Martial God King Era, I began to toss this experiment in the ocean of entropy.

Don't ask about the principle. The principle is very complicated and involves the core information of the third level of "The Heart Sutra of Phantom Demons".

If you don't participate, I certainly won't tell you the key to cultivation. "

She was not completely fooling Hades, and using consciousness as a carrier to transmit stories was not an idea that just came to her.

Of course, it is not an experimental project that she has studied in the ocean of entropy for tens of thousands of years.

During the tens of thousands of years in the Ocean of Entropy, she only focused on three things: what kind of stories are more likely to be received and accepted by people from other worlds, what kind of people from other worlds are more likely to receive her own stories, and how to transform the people from other worlds who accept stories into People turned into franchisees of the "Martial God Faith Communication Company" - that is, the cult leader.

Later, Michael, the Lord of Silver City, became her angel partner. His demands were different from hers. He wanted to leave the DC multiverse and transfer his consciousness to another world.

If possible, he would even take the initiative to resonate with the will of Michael from another world and merge with his soul.

Only then did Halle begin to examine the possibility of carrying her story through the will of others.

Michael is willing to take risks, but he is definitely not willing to be a guinea pig. Harley can only find "volunteers" on her own.

"You are the King of Gods, and your will and soul are very powerful. I will only intercept a part of it. Even if the experiment fails and your will is lost in the omnipotent universe, you will only be injured and will not lose your life.

If the experiment is successful, I won’t need to talk nonsense about the benefits, right? New powers, new laws, whatever you can get, transcending the multiverse is no longer a fantasy. " Harley said.

"Let me think about it." Hades said.

"Then you think about it first. I'll go back and study the 'abnormal universe'."

Earth 274 is called the "Original Universe" by Superboy Prime.

The book picks up from the last chapter, after Superboy-Prime came into contact with Time-trapped Superman-Prime, he was caught in a white light and passed out.

When he regained consciousness again, he was already on the front lawn of Kent's house.

Superboy Prime opened his rusty super brain, and after a lot of effort, he finally figured out that he and the Time Trap were the same person, and their contact with each other caused a "time paradox". The Time Trap's timeline was erased, and he Then he inexplicably returns to the "Original Earth" that he has been away from for a long time and has been looking forward to for many years.

The reason why he was sure that he returned to his hometown was because he was too familiar with the environment he was in at this time, which was his original home.

After turning on his super vision, he also saw his parents in the living room through the wall.

In addition to the Kents, his little girlfriend Laurie was also sitting around the table and seemed to be reading a book.

Superboy-Prime was so ecstatic that he skipped shirtless and ran to the living room door without thinking about the reason for his return.

Before anyone arrived, his excited voice sounded throughout the "Kent House".

"Dad, Mom, I'm home, I'm finally back!"

Rushing into the living room, a familiar scene and three familiar people came into view, making Superboy-Prime even more excited.

"God, it's great that you are all here, Mom, Dad, Laurie, I miss you so much, I really miss you."

He opened his arms with excitement and red eyes, wanting to hug them, but he didn't notice that the expressions of the three of them were strange. There was a kind of suppressed panic.

"Clark, you are really back." Finally, it was old Kent who spoke with difficulty.

If he knew how to read people's faces, Superboy-Prime would no longer be Superboy-Prime.

He was completely unaware of his father's abnormality and just laughed and said, "Yes, I'm back, Dad. You can never imagine how many years it took me and how many ups and downs I went through in order to come back to you!"

Old Kent subconsciously turned around and glanced at the comics on the table. The cover of the comic was "Final Crisis: Legion of Three Realms".

"Laurie, I love you, I miss you so much!" Superboy Supreme was very fast and had already run to the table. He was about to hug the beautiful blonde girl Laurie regardless of his nakedness.

Laurie was young and did not have the city of Old Kent. He jumped up with a frightened expression and ran away towards the door while shouting: "Don't come here~~~~~~"

Superboy-Prime never thought of this situation, and just stood there, at a loss, "Laurie, it's me, Clark, I'm your boyfriend Clark!"

"Son Clark, take a look at this first." Old Kent looked serious, picked up a comic and said, "Are these stories true? Is the 'Superboy Supreme' in the stories you?"

Seeing her husband holding the comic and approaching Superboy-Prime step by step, Mrs. Kent nervously pulled his arm and whispered: "Don't, don't get too close to him."

Superboy-Prime looked confused. Father Kent was holding a comic in his hand. The cover of the comic read "Final Crisis: Legion of Three Realms".

"What is Final Crisis, Legion of Three Realms? I don't know. Wait, I seem to have an impression of the woman on the cover. Falk, this, is this the comic version of Witch Harley? Why is it her?"

He walked a few steps quickly and came to the table. When he looked down, he was stunned.

In addition to "Legion of Three Realms", there are also "Countdown to Final Crisis", "Green Lantern Corps: Sinestro Wars", "Crisis on Infinite Earths", and "Infinite Crisis (Multiple Crisis)".

The Crisis on Infinite Earths and Infinite Crisis comic books are still very old.

It can be seen that it has been published a long time ago and has been read many times.

Superboy Prime quickly picked up the comics and flipped through them quickly. The more he read, the more frightened he became. These comics were all about his past experiences, and the content and details were almost word for word.

The comic "Final Crisis: Legion of Three Realms" describes in detail the war he just launched in the 31st century.

He accidentally ended up in the 31st century. No, he thought that his appearance in the 31st century was a coincidence. Now through the comics, he knows that everything is the conspiracy of the Time Trap.

The time trapper realized that there was a "miraculous thing" in the 31st century to help him escape from the timeline, and deliberately sent him there.

At the end of the comic "Legion of Three Realms", there is an Easter egg about his return to the original Earth!

"How come there are these comics?" Superboy Prime first shouted in surprise, and then stopped abruptly after shouting half a sentence, because he suddenly remembered the special nature of his home universe: this world has "real comics" describing major events in parallel universes!

As a child, he read comics about superheroes such as Superman and Batman.

It can be said that he grew up watching hero comics.

The content in the comics is exactly the same as the reality in the parallel universe.

That's why he proudly called his planet "Original Earth".

He believes that the original earth is the source of all stories.

Back then, he was laughing while reading other people's comics, but now he saw the comics of his enemy as the protagonist. He was in a terrible mood, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted.

"The stories in the comics are all true, are you the supreme villain?" Seeing the change in his son's expression, Old Kent looked disappointed and said sadly: "Even if you can't be a hero, you shouldn't be a villain who does all kinds of evil. A murderous villain! Clark, you have let us down so much."

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