I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1653 The storm rises again

"Hey, Sister Hali, the witch, wait a minute!"

When Harley was taking out her Mother Box and planning to go to Apokolips, a somewhat familiar voice suddenly came from the dark area opposite to the sky.

The eight divine realms of Limbo are paired in pairs, forming the yin and yang of each other.

For example, heaven and hell, Apokolips and Creation Star.

Each group of two opposing divine realms are in the same area, like twin stars, attracting and repelling each other, and orbiting each other at a certain distance.

"Opposite" the heavenly realm is Hades, which also belongs to the realm of the old gods.

Unlike heaven, which is bright and brilliant, the underworld is like a black cloud.

Limbo was originally dark and void, and Hades was located within it, so it was easy to ignore it from the field of vision.

"Hades?" As the familiar breath approached, Harley finally remembered the owner of the voice.

"It's me." Hades stopped very far away without showing his body, "Sister Harley, I can't show my face, let's talk alone."

Harley glanced at the Zhenglian heroes opposite and said, "It's very late now. You have to go to work tomorrow, so go back to Earth first."

"I never go to work." said "Fire Eyes Green Arrow", the leader of the Quinn Consortium.

Well, Oliver has a new codename now.

After returning to reality for more than half a month, he once again became familiar with the modern life in Star City, and also fought against several "lifelong enemies".

After he opened his "Fire Eyes of Death", none of them were his enemies.

Not to mention attacking, many of them couldn't even stand firm.

Unable to look into his death eyes.

Oliver's look behind his open eyes was so cool that the news media and his fans gave him a new name.

Oliver himself actually prefers "Dead Eyes".

This was 50,000 years ago, when the Martial God King Harry conferred his "Martial God's True Name" in public, and the tribesmen used this name when they worshiped him.

However, Dead Eyes only sounds majestic and domineering when he uses the ancient common language. When converted into modern language, it is a bit nondescript and difficult for ordinary people to understand. It is not as direct and easy to understand as "fire eyes".

"Although I have to go to work, since you plan to go to Apokolips, going to work is not as important as Darkseid."

Dachao looked around and found with some helplessness that he was the only one working a nine-to-five job. Even if the others had jobs, they were freelance and could arrange their time freely.

"Then you just wait here while I go to Hades to meet a friend." Harley said.

Hades only transmitted the message to her quietly and did not alert anyone else. Since He was so cautious, she would not expose Him at will.

"Who are you meeting?" Dachao asked confused.

"An old god."

Harley didn't explain, opened the door of Qingdeng Space, and disappeared in front of everyone.

"What are you doing to me? Why did your head become like this? It looks like a piece of shit!"

Before a word of greeting could be said, Harry was shocked by the appearance of Hades revealed in front of him.

His original face was a bit elongated, and his head was like a flat rectangular parallelepiped.

Now his chin was as big as a basin, but the top of his head was as pointed as a vertebra.

Not only is it ugly, it's downright funny, like a freshly baked poop.

"Sister Harley, this is why I'm looking for you. Do you still remember the scene when we parted?"

Hades opened his eyes that turned into scalene triangles, looked at her eagerly and said: "You said you wanted to leave the era of the God of War and go to the ocean of entropy to pursue a 'broader world'. You asked me to-"

Harley raised her hand to interrupt him and said, "I know very well what I have done. Please be more direct."

When she went to the Ocean of Entropy, she did not put the captured old gods into the stomach dimension.

That made no sense. After entering the ocean of entropy, the timeline in the stomach bag dimension stopped again, and there was no time. Even if she wanted to leave a clone in the stomach bag dimension to continue doing experiments.

Moreover, the Old Gods are gods after all, and changing their reality comes at a high price.

They were not allowed to participate in the "Final Battle between Man and God" and the script had been changed, and she had to bear the price. Now if they were brought into the ocean of entropy, the reality would be greatly modified again, and the price was even greater, and she had to bear it.

There is no benefit at all, just asking her to bear the cost, only a fool would do it.

They cannot be put into the dimension of the stomach bag, and it is even more impossible to keep them in the heavenly palace.

If Hades finds a chance to give it a try, the human God of War and Ivy will be completely unable to hold it back.

If it causes irreparable casualties, it will be too late to regret.

Therefore, Harley directly released them, euphemistically calling it "Harley Quinn, keeping her promise": since she promised to release them "soon", she would not deliberately detain them until they return to reality.

She threw them out of the Heavenly Palace and let them choose to stay in the Martial God King Era to recuperate, or to return to reality immediately.

"When we parted, you also told me to practice the "Thinking Sutra" well."

Hades, who had been staring at Harley's every look, saw a moment of confusion on her face. He couldn't help but raise his voice and said urgently: "Sister Harley, you won't forget, right? I haven't been there all these years." I practice the Sutra of Thought at night, look at my head——"

He pointed to his poop-shaped head, "This is the result of practicing the Sutra of Thought."

Harry suppressed a little embarrassment in his heart and said with a straight face: "I remember it very clearly, you don't need to remind me."

After a pause, she softened her tone and said: "I'm just surprised that you are so obedient. It takes tens of thousands of years of hard work to train your brain like this. I'm afraid it would be difficult to do it. You didn't leave immediately at that time, but stayed at the Martial God King Ji Yuanqin. Practice hard?"

Hades felt aggrieved and sad, "I wanted to stop, but from the beginning, I couldn't stop.

You have forced me to run the "Thinking Sutra" for thousands of years, and I can't stop it. "

"This is unexpected." Harley said in surprise.

The theoretical foundation of "Thinking Sutra" lies in her understanding of the thinking life Mandrake and the thinking machine "Thinking Superman".

After studying the gods, she discovered that the gods that have evolved to the limit of the multiverse all have the characteristics of thinking life to a certain extent.

Either a certain part is like a thinking life, or a certain ability is very characteristic of a thinking life.

For example, Hades's Fire Eye of Death looks like a ball of energy on the surface, and seems to contain some kind of law of death, but in fact, 70% of it is a very special will to die.

Generally speaking, will comes from life and has independent consciousness.

But the will in the fire eyes of Death does not contain any consciousness.

As long as you align your will with it, you can make it your will.

This is also the reason why Fire Eyes can be transferred to Oliver.

And this kind of will with solid attributes but no consciousness is like a thinking superman in some respects.

Thinking Superman has a will of justice, and only Superman can match its will of justice. Once the fusion is completed, Superman can drive it; the Fire Eye of Death is composed of the will of death. As long as Oliver practices in this aspect according to Harley's "cheats", he can compete with it. Fusion, and unleashing the power of the Fire Eye.

By dissecting and studying the captives of the Old Gods, as well as understanding phantoms, equations, and emotional elements, Harley gradually turned the "Thinking Scripture" from an idea into a realistic "magical secret book."

The function of "Thinking Sutra" is as simple and direct as its name: through cultivation, divine life can actively evolve into thinking life.

Divine beings are gods.

Mortals cannot practice, only gods can practice.

It would be best to go through the transformation of the nightmare into a demon and solve the problem of the phantom being out of control.

But this kind of "secret book" is like a special medicine for a certain disease studied by scientists. Whether it is effective or not will only be known after trying it. Anyway, the scientists themselves will not dare to try it themselves.

"Have you transformed into a thinking life now?" Harley asked.

——If I become a thinking life, can you still live? I should have slapped you to death to avenge myself.

Hades muttered in his heart, with a respectful and serious expression, and said: "I certainly have not transformed into a thinking life like Mandrake, but there have indeed been obvious changes in me."

Harley looked at His poop-shaped head and nodded: "It's very obvious. It's so obvious that you don't need to say it. I can see it myself. Tell me about the changes that I can't see."

"My mind wanders and I get distracted easily." Hades said.

Harley raised her eyebrows and said, "Be specific."

Hades thought for a while and said: "Due to joining your research team and doing experiments for thousands of years, my body is slightly ailing."

This was so true that people who didn't know it thought he was a researcher working with Harley.

Harley curled her lips slightly but did not speak sarcastically.

Hades continued: "So after leaving the Hermitage, I found a place in Europe to retreat, intending to restore myself to my prime and then return to reality."

"Why come back in full swing?" Harley asked.

Hades glanced at her and whispered: "Hecate is coming back soon, just in the past few years, and it took me two hundred years to recover.

I am not sure when facing Him in my prime state. If I face the magic debt crisis with a sick body, I will definitely die. "

Harley's eyes flashed slightly, "I heard that you are Hecate's husband?"

Hades lowered his eyes and sighed: "It's just a bad fate."

"For him, it's a bad fate, but for you, it's just a well-planned conspiracy." Harley said.

"It's either me, or the male god-kings like Odin, Poseidon, and Atum. It's just Hecate who has a good eye and picked me." Hades' poop-shaped face showed a little pride. .

Harry said: "To be honest, you didn't look likeable before. You had a gloomy temperament. It seemed like you had many things hidden in your heart and had experienced a lot of pain and grievances."

She looked startled when she said this.

Damn it, isn't this the standard for the male lead in a "heroine" romance drama where n men pursue one woman?

It should be one of the standards.

The male lead can be either hot-blooded or silly, spreading warm sunshine into the heart of the heroine who has gone through many vicissitudes of life.

Either he is gloomy and silent, mature and stable, has outstanding abilities, and has a lot of pain in his heart.

Then the innocent and lively heroine uses her fiery love to thaw the hero's frozen heart, making him lose his cool for her and become crazy and passionate.

"Sister Harley, you, why do you look at me like this?" Hades took half a step back and asked cautiously and doubtfully.

"Is Hecate very innocent, enthusiastic and lively, curious about the world, passionate and compassionate about life?" Harley thought of Dusk.

As the last "goodness" of Hecate, she has shown a pure and innocent side.

Hades hesitated for a moment, nodded helplessly and said: "I know that is too much for Him, but we have to control our own destiny and have no other choice.

He was really innocent at first, but He will not remain innocent.

As He matures and matures, as He begins to grow tired of us, we immediately become slaves at His mercy.

If you had been there, you would have been on our side like the other gods. "

"Okay, that's too far. Let's get down to business." Harley waved her hands impatiently.

——Do I really want to tell you about the unbearable and despicable past in front of you? It's not like you've been talking nonsense.

Hades cursed a few times in his mind, then lowered his eyebrows and said: "I just came out of the laboratory, I am not in good condition, and I plan to stay in the Era of the God of War for two years to recuperate.

After I settled in, I belatedly discovered that the meditation method of "Thinking Sutra" had been running.

I want to stop, but just like ordinary people who want to enter a state of emptiness without thoughts or thoughts, I can't do it at all.

The operation of "Thinking Scripture" is completely beyond my control.

Even the more I want to stop, the more active my thinking becomes, and the more it operates along the lines of the "Thinking Sutra".

This state of struggle lasted for thousands of years, and then one day, I fell into a long absence.

My consciousness inexplicably rushed out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, floating all the way, I don’t know where it drifted, there was nothingness and nothingness there. "

He raised his head and looked at Harley with a strange look. He was shocked, excited, and seemed to have a little admiration, "When I return to reality, I know where the void is, it is too imaginary!

My consciousness left the divine body, left the multiverse, and sank into the Taixu at the bottom of Limbo Hell, still forming an illusion in the Taixu.

I will be involuntarily immersed in the illusion, unable to break away and distinguish between reality and reality.

The fantasy was too real.

In this way, my external state is that of being in a daze and wandering for a long time. "

Harley was surprised: "Your consciousness has begun to think? Because your consciousness has become thinking, you are rejected by the multiverse and can only automatically fall into Taixu. In the multiverse, do you feel repelled? Wait until you enter Taixu. , and feel the comfort of returning home."

Hades nodded solemnly, "I also feel that my consciousness has completed at least part of its thinking."

"So, my "Thinking Sutra" is not nonsense, it can really work?" Harley said with a dazed expression.

Hades's face darkened, "You created the "Thinking Sutra" randomly and never thought it would succeed?"

He also counted on her to solve the sequelae and provide follow-up training methods.

"Of course I am serious. Who doesn't want to master the power of thinking life? But you also know that "Thinking Sutra" has been in the process of creation. No matter how arrogant I am, I can't guarantee a success." Harley said.

Hades sighed with regret: "The Sutra of Thinking has indeed failed. If it were perfect, I would not be like this, and the thinking process would not be completely out of control.

Now it is stuck halfway, unable to get up or down. "

Harry glared at Him and said, "If I were there, once I discovered a problem, I would immediately ask you to stop practicing, and if you couldn't stop, you would return to reality.

You knew there was a problem, but you still stayed in the Martial God King Era to practice for tens of thousands of years. Now the problem is getting more serious. Are you going to blame me? "

"I lost my mind, and tens of thousands of years passed in a daze." Hades said helplessly.

This is a lie.

He is a veteran god king who has lived for hundreds of millions of years. As early as the first time he "lost his mind", he immediately discovered that his consciousness was thinking.

At that moment, He was overjoyed and looked up to the sky and shouted: Witch Harley, just wait and reap the consequences. When I complete my magical power, I will teach you what retribution is!

No one can deny the power of thought life.

After confirming that the "Thinking Sutra" was really effective, Hardy never thought of stopping.

He even rejoiced in this state of automatically cultivating even when he was eating, sleeping, or shitting.

This is the treatment of the protagonist!

During the era of the King of Martial God, he not only practiced the "Thinking Sutra" diligently, but also actively used the wisdom and ability of the God King and began to study the "Thinking Sutra" on his own.

Just like Harley used him as a test subject to study the "Thinking Scripture", he disguised his identity and searched for people with thinking characteristics across the universe for research.

Over tens of thousands of years, He has innovated and developed the "Thinking Sutra" to version 20.0!

Showing the "Thinking Sutra" that he was practicing at this time to Harry, I guarantee that she would not be able to recognize it as the "Thinking Sutra" at the first time.

I don’t know if Harley saw that He was lying, but just asked: "You are looking for me now to solve two problems. The first is to change the form and change the head back; the second is to complete the transformation and become a real thinking life." ,Right?"

"Actually, I don't care what happens to my head. The main thing is the follow-up skills. Either let me return to the original pure divine life, or complete the transformation." Hades said insincerely.

He does not care about appearance, but He will never be willing to give up transformation.

If he didn't care about the realm of thinking life, he wouldn't take the initiative to come to Harley.

"Xiao Ha. Is it okay if I call you 'Xiao Ha'?" Harley smiled.

Hades smiled reluctantly, "Of course, in front of Sister Harley, I am 'Little Ha'."

"Xiao Ha, to tell you the truth, I left the Martial God King era because I had a good place to go. And I didn't waste a single day of the tens of thousands of years in the Martial God King era," said Harley.

Hades nodded repeatedly, "I understand. I have seen Sister Harley's heroic performance in fighting 48 God Kings and 237 Lord Gods by herself just now. Not only have you not wasted your time, you must also have other adventures."

Harry smiled and said: "I am saying this to tell you that you don't have to worry at all. I definitely have an advanced version of the Sutra of Thought. I have been working hard for these tens of thousands of years."

Hades's eyes lit up, and his mouth trembled with excitement, "Sister Harley, thank you!"

Harry waved his hand and said: "Don't thank me yet, I can't directly transfer the "New Thought Sutra" into your mind.

It is not just words and pictures, but also includes things that cannot be expressed in words, and even requires the use of a certain environment and a certain artifact to practice.

If you believe me, come here in your true form. Just a clone cannot show your sincerity, nor can you test the new scripture. "

Hades looked uncertain.

"There's no rush. I've been busy with a lot of things in the past month and I don't have time to practice in seclusion. You can call me at any time or go to Earth to find me."

After leaving these words, Harley turned into blue light and disappeared in front of Him.

A moment later, Archimedes was on the airship.

"Who did you meet? It took you so long." Ivy asked.

"Don't ask any more questions, go to Apokolips immediately."

She said this in front of everyone, but her mental power secretly transmitted the message: "It's Hades."

"Hades? He still dares to come to you?"

Ivy asked in surprise in the spiritual space while driving the airship away from the sky.

"Just a clone."

"Oh, what does He want with you?"

Harley explained in detail.

"Since I don't dare to see you in person, His words must not be completely true." Ivy reminded.

"I know, but his state is real. Part of his consciousness is thinking, and he is more suitable for research on the evolution of thinking life than before." Harley said.

The corners of Ivy's mouth twitched and she said: "So you want to trick him into falling into a trap. Neither of you is a good person."

"It's not entirely a lie. I will do my best to help him complete his evolution." Harley said seriously.

"When you were practicing in the Ocean of Entropy, you seemed to be just playing with story projections. You didn't study the "Thinking Sutra". Where did you get the "New Thinking Sutra"?" Ivy asked in confusion.

"Hades gave me an inspiration. Maybe his thinking consciousness can be launched as a story." Harley said with a smile.

"You mean, projecting his thinking consciousness into another world? Is it possible?" Ivy said in shock.

"Forty percent sure."

Ivy said: "Fourty percent is a bit low, but Hades will bear the price if it fails.

But He is not stupid, so why would He come to you in his true form?

In the era of the Martial God King, you wanted to kill him but couldn't, so you used him for experiments.

Now back to reality, you have no restrictions, and seeing you is equivalent to giving your life to you. "

Harley said confidently: "As long as the interests are so great that they break through the bottom line of reason, anyone can become a fool.

In the final crisis, the gods were even willing to be Mandrake's dogs.

Now that Hades himself has the opportunity to become a thinking being, he has probably already realized the benefits of thinking consciousness. It is strange that he can withstand the temptation.

Now He is impatient and takes the initiative to find me, which shows that He is ready to be moved and can no longer hold back. "

Apokolips, a month ago, just after the final crisis.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Steppenwolf asked cautiously.

"What can I do?"

On the throne, Darkseid's square face like a cracked rock wrinkled slightly, showing a hint of pain, and his voice was also slightly distorted.

Steppenwolf swallowed, looked at his nephew and said, "You seem a little different from the past. The day before yesterday, you said you would personally lead us to invade Earth. Invade Earth 2. Now you suddenly gave up the invasion plan and ordered the dark elite to disperse. Apokolips, hide in the vast parallel universe."

"Steppenwolf, I don't want to talk to you. If you have any questions, ask DeSaad." Darkseid said impatiently.

"But I am the War Lord, yours-"


Steppenwolf didn't dare to talk nonsense and hurriedly ran out of the dark palace.

There are many dark elites in the meeting hall outside the inner temple, and they are all confused about the dark monarch's new order.

But only Steppenwolf entered the inner sanctum to find Darkseid.

Steppenwolf is a war lord, and is related to Darkseid. He is the "foreman minister" among the dark elite. He often does the work of communicating with Darkseid, while Desaad is just the "general manager".

"How?" Kanter, the assassin god who is proficient in 100 million fighting techniques, asked.

Steppenwolf looked a little embarrassed, "Your Majesty seems to be ill. Where is Disad? Let him come to see me."

As Darkseid's biological uncle, he is definitely qualified to have a high profile in front of DeSaad.

And he is not weak in strength. He is the "War Lord" among the dark elites, a priest similar to the God of War.

He is a first-rate master on Apokolips and has helped Darkseid destroy countless worlds.

"Sir, what do you want from me?"

Someone used the Mother Box to send a message, and soon Disad arrived in the meeting hall of the Dark Palace.

"Where are you and what are you doing? Today is supposed to be a day to discuss invasion tactics. Even if the plan is aborted, you still have to attend the 'Dark Elite Meeting'." Steppenwolf scolded sternly.

"His Majesty has arranged a new job for me, and I must serve him wholeheartedly."

Although Disad's etiquette was in place, his attitude was not very respectful.

"Dessade, do you know about His Majesty's latest order?" Dr. Chaos went straight to the point.

Disad glanced at the dark elites and nodded: "Of course I know, I am the one who sent the message to you.

I also sincerely recommend that you set out immediately.

Don't form cliques and make too much noise, and don't reveal to others which parallel universe you are going to.

After entering the parallel universe, quietly replace your projection in that universe and pretend that you are the projection.

In short, try to keep a low profile and don't cause trouble. Safety is the most important thing. "

"Are you crazy? We are the dark elite, the lords of Apokolips, and the overlords who make the multiverse tremble!" Steppenwolf said angrily.

Not only him, but other dark elites also looked puzzled.

"Oh, you don't understand." Disad suddenly caught a glimpse of the tall woman in the corner and shouted: "Grandma kind, you luckily escaped the restart of the fifth world and still retain the original memory. Why don't you explain to them?"

"So what if I have memories? I can't guess His Majesty's thoughts." said the kind grandmother.

"Isn't it obvious? In the end, the crisis is over and Witch Harley is about to return. She -"

"Isn't Witch Harley dead?" Kind grandma interrupted him in shock.

Desaad was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "I forgot to tell you, Witch Harley is not dead. She traveled to the ancient times, about 56,000 years ago, and will be back soon. So, we have to leave quickly. Apokolips."

"It's just witch Harley, why should we be afraid?" Steppenwolf roared, and the relevant memories in his mind quickly came to life. His tone gradually became weaker, and the expression on his face changed from anger to hesitation.

"Even if it's Witch Harley, how dare she come to Apokolips to run wild? His Majesty can handle her alone. If we help from the side, she won't have anywhere to escape. Coming to Apokolips is like throwing herself into a trap."

The kind grandmother asked curiously: "In your new memories, what kind of person is Witch Harley?"

"You are the product of distortion within us, and you have always remained yourself?" Kanter's eyes became dangerous.

"I didn't think so, I was just curious." Grandma Xiang said quickly.

Disad frowned and said: "I am also reborn in the restart, so what? I am reborn, I am proud, I am proud!

I was reborn because I died in Final Crisis.

The fact that I died in the final crisis also shows that I was loyal to His Majesty.

And I am still 'me' now. As long as I feel that the world has not changed, my reality has not been distorted. "

"Pah!" Steppenwolf slapped him on the shoulder and praised: "Well said, we died fighting for the Dark Lord. We died gloriously and died great. Being able to say this means that you finally have some darkness. Elite temperament.”

"Sir, you didn't die in the final crisis. You were tricked to death by Witch Harley a long time ago. You died very badly."

Feeling the stinging pain coming from his shoulder, Desaad closed his mouth knowingly.

But even if he didn't say it, they all remembered it.

Steppenwolf wanted to steal Dr. Manhattan's power, but was burned to ashes by a ray of Manhattan's arc. He died a very frustrated and useless death.

After mortals are resurrected in the reboot, they have no idea that they have ever died.

Although the memory of the New Protoss has been slightly adjusted, they all remember their experience of being resurrected from death.

Disad coughed twice, broke away from Steppenwolf's clutches, and said: "If you want to know the details of the final crisis, you can ask the kind grandmother.

Or watch Lois Lane’s ‘Final Crisis Special Series’ in the main universe, which explains it in great detail.

You can receive TV signals with the mother box. It is very simple and there is no need to pay. The mother box can crack the payment process.

After watching the TV show, I understood the cause and effect, and the ins and outs. "

"Do you still want to be shameless? The dignified dark elite actually understands reality through TV programs?" Dark Elite Mantis said scornfully.

Disad said calmly: "Not only did I watch it, but His Majesty also watched it. We watched it together."

Mantis's expression changed for a while.

After a while, he hummed and said: "Your Majesty is wise. He looks at the same issue from different angles and understands it in more detail and more completely."

Desaad glanced at him and continued: "Even if you don't understand the details of the final crisis, you should know how strong Witch Harley is.

She has been practicing for more than 50,000 years in the era of the Martial God King, and her strength has only become stronger.

His Majesty is certainly not afraid of her, but His Majesty is not currently in his prime.

You think His Majesty's sudden change of invasion plan is weird because just yesterday, he just found his 'reality'. "

"Recovering what reality?" Steppenwolf asked doubtfully.

"To put it simply, restarting did not change His Majesty's memory. Like his kind grandmother, he survived the final crisis." Disad said.

The kind grandmother said in surprise: "How did your Majesty regain reality? I remember that he was just like you a few days ago, and he also made the plan to invade the alien earth."

"Do you still need to doubt His Majesty's methods?"

"Of course I don't doubt it, I'm just curious." Grandma Xiang said hurriedly.

Seeing the dark elites staring at him, Desaad hesitated for a moment and said truthfully: "After being hit by Bateman's divine poison bullet, His Majesty knew that he was about to fail.

He integrated his will into the Omega effect, and then poured the power of Omega into Bateman's body, pushing him into a different time and space."

“At that time, His Majesty did not know that Bateman would travel to the era of the God of War. He just wanted Bateman to temporarily leave the real world to avoid the upcoming restart of the fifth world.

As long as Bateman does not enter Limbo, he can avoid restarting in any time and space.

He avoided restarting, which also meant that His Majesty's will in him was preserved.

You all know how powerful the Omega Effect is. It can send Bateman away and bring him back.

Just yesterday, Bateman returned to the main universe from the era of the God of War across fifty thousand years, and also brought back the Omega Effect that was integrated into His Majesty's will.

That's why you feel that His Majesty has become a little abrupt. "

"So that's it." All the dark elites suddenly realized.

"What happened in the era of the Martial God King?" the kind grandmother asked curiously.

Disad shook his head and said: "Your Majesty didn't say, but you can wait for Lois Lane's show. When the Witch Harley returns, that woman will definitely be unable to restrain her desire to explore and help us reveal all the truth in detail."

"Witch Harley hasn't come back yet, so we don't have to rush to leave Apokolips, right?" a dark elite said.

"Oh, leave early. Witch Harley is very cunning. She may return quietly, quietly, and kill us secretly. Don't doubt it, she once transformed into an assassin and infiltrated Apokolips, and even killed Kanter."

The Assassin God Kanter said coldly: "Sooner or later I will take revenge on her myself!"

Desard shrugged without comment.

Inner Temple.

"Your Majesty, they have all left. Now the dark elites on Apokolips are just their projections. Well, the normal operation of Apokolips depends on them."

Seeing that the dark monarch on the throne was silent and letting out small moans of pain, Disad looked worried and asked: "Are you okay? Your kind grandmother also chose a concubine for you before she left. Do you want her to come in and serve you?" you?"

"Do you think my concubine can solve my problem?" Darkseid glanced at him coldly.

"Isn't it a spiritual conflict caused by the will to merge with 'reality'?" Disad asked.

If it is a conflict between memories and thoughts caused by the fusion of the "former Darkseid's" will, the comfort of the beloved concubine can very well relieve fatigue and pain.

"The restart of the fifth world also wants to distort my reality? Returning to reality is not difficult for me at all, but what I integrate is not only the will of reality, but the Omega effect also includes two equations." Darkseid said.

Disad asked in surprise: "Where did the equation come from?"

Darkseid said calmly: "Since I expected failure and took the initiative to send the Omega Effect into Bateman's body, is there anything strange about recovering the equation in advance?"

"Ah, you are so wily and cunning!" Disad admired.

After complimenting him, he asked doubtfully: "Can the equation be recycled after being used?"

"If the demonstration is successful and becomes a foregone conclusion, it will definitely not be taken back. But I didn't succeed. I didn't even turn in the 'exam paper'. I made preparations in advance and barely took back 40% of the equations." Darkseid sighed.

"Fourty percent is enough. Your Majesty, you have hope of making a comeback!" Disad said insincerely.

I failed to master 10% of the equations at the beginning, and now I only have 40% left. It is obviously impossible to complete the argument of "the universe is me".

However, the equation itself is the "source". Even if there is still 40% left, mastering it is enough to dazzle the world's heroes.

"With the equation in hand, Witch Harley is no match for you, right?"

Darkseid let out several more painful groans.

"The equation in my body is out of control." He said with some difficulty.

Disad was puzzled: "How could it be out of control? Your control over the equation has reached an unprecedented level. With it, everyone is being toyed with and applauded by you."

"Probably due to the failure of the argument, I lost the destiny to control the equation." Darkseid said with a gloomy expression.

"Ah, you are saying that the origin of the multiverse does not allow you to touch the equation again?"

"Almost, but how can I, Darkseid, succumb to destiny?" Darkseid sneered.

Desard said: "Your Majesty, what are your plans? I am willing to do my best."

"Use the core energy of Apokolips to create a meditation room that can isolate the prying eyes of fate. I want to complete the second argument in it." Darkseid said.

Disadre said: "I am in destiny, how can I build a building that isolates destiny?"

"After the Dark Elite leaves, I will always live in the center of Apokolips. You only need to concentrate the origin of the entire planet and form a defensive barrier around me." Darkseid said.

"With your cooperation, I can give it a try. However, the equation is no longer under control, and the quantity is seriously insufficient. It seems impossible to complete the second proof." Disad said hesitantly.

"I'm not proving 'I am the multiverse'. This time the topic will be much smaller, and even 40% of the equations cannot be used." Darkseid said.

"What do you want to prove?" Disad asked curiously.

"Prove that 'I am who I am'." Darkseid said with a weird smile.

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