I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1654 Finally got the equation

Ahead was Apokolips, but Harley suddenly stopped.

She opened her mouth and took out a two-meter tall man with a mustache from the dimension of her stomach pouch.

Like a holographic projection, the strong man's body appears illusory.

In fact, he is a soul that has been deprived of all divinity and divine power.

"Kant, Apokolips is so close, what do you think?"

Harry smiled like a flower, but Louise next to her felt a sense of malice. She felt that the smile on that beautiful face was vicious.

She hadn't dealt with Kantor, but she had done the Dark Elite series during Final Crisis and knew he was one of Apokolips' Dark Elite.

It is said that he is proficient in 100 million fighting techniques and is the most terrifying assassin in the multiverse. However, he was silently assassinated by Harley, who was a temporary guest assassin. It is ironic that the God of Assassins was assassinated by a rookie assassin.

"Apocalypse" Kanter's confusion disappeared and he turned his attention to the huge planet.

It's no different than it was before Final Crisis.

There was fire and black smoke on the surface, like a briquette just taken out of the stove.

"The fifth world restart is over?" he murmured.

"It's over. The dark elites who once died have been reborn again. You will see your former partners soon. Are you happy or looking forward to it?" Harley said with a smile.

"That Kanter, what did he do to Harley? I feel that Harley is full of malice towards him." Louise leaned into Ivy's ear and whispered.

Ivy's mental message said: "At that time, Harley sneaked into Apokolips and was the first to capture him. Because he was an assassin and liked to use daggers, Harley guessed that his mother box was integrated with the dagger.

As long as his dagger is taken away, he will be unable to use the Mother Box to send an alert to Darkseid.

Harley hopes that he will betray his teammates honestly and willingly and be loyal to her.

Kanter agreed on the surface, but he secretly mistook the location of the mother box, the leader of the slave camp, and exposed Harley's traces.

Harley was furious and deliberately left a reincarnation mark on his soul, draining all divinity and power from the soul, turning it into a blank slate so that he could not be reborn in the restart.

Well, Harley wants him to live but not to die. He will be in pain and regret for eternity, and the regret will be even more painful. "

Louise sighed: "Harry has a bad reputation. Kanter didn't believe that she would keep her promise and let him go, so she took a risk."

Ivy gave her a strange look and said, "Harry never promised to let him live."

Louise said in shock: "Harley clearly wants to kill Kanter, but she expects him to betray Darkseid honestly. Kanter refuses and makes small moves, and she is still furious and hateful? Isn't it too arrogant?"

It's all a dead end anyway. Anyone in their right mind would hold her back before dying, right?

As a result, this very normal reaction made her so angry that she even killed someone and kept her soul by her side, letting it live and die.

Ivy deliberately lowered her voice even though she was transmitting the message mentally, "Kanter shouldn't have done anything. After fooling Harley, he shouldn't have teased her about how she couldn't do anything to him."

"Because of a taunt, she has hated him for more than 50,000 years. Even after she came back from the era of the God of War, she still doesn't forget to kill people and punish her heart?"

——Not only is he arrogant, but he is also extremely petty. It is too dangerous to be her enemy.

"Are you still filming the documentary? Harley has already set off." Ivy reminded.

"Oh, there's going to be a war."

Louise looked up and looked out the window. Harley had turned into a beam of blue light and rushed towards the "Dark King's City" with the most buildings on the planet.

"Aki, focus on Harley's face and don't miss every subtle expression. Especially when she yells 'Darkseid, come out and die' later, you need to look up at her. The shot of her face should capture the domineering feeling of looking down at the gods.”

With her previous shooting experience in Tianjing, Louise began to take the initiative to train Aji’s shooting skills.

The images Aji scanned before were bland, like scenes from a surveillance camera. They had neither visual impact nor any visual language. Louise was not satisfied with them.

"How would I film it if she didn't yell, 'Darkseid, come out and die!'" Archimedes asked.

"Don't worry, she won't miss any opportunity to show off her power. She will definitely shout, even if it's not 'Come out and die', it's a similar domineering declaration." Louise said confidently.

"Okay." Aki began to adjust his perspective, waiting for Harley to declare domineeringly.

"Kante, is Kanter here? Come out and meet your brother, hahaha!" Harley's laughter spread throughout the Dark City.

On the Archimedes airship, Louise looked at the camera on the screen with a strange expression.

Aki is worthy of being the one who uses levers to move the earth. His brain is smart. He understood it as soon as he said it. The camera was adjusted perfectly, and the heroic and domineering figures of the heroes in the world came to his face.

But this kind of shot combined with Harley's shouting words and the smile on her face makes it look like a very small person.

"It's now like this, why does she still care about that damn Kanter?" Louise complained.

"Perhaps for Miss Quinn, defeating the majestic dark monarch is not as happy as slapping a dark elite in the face.

Well, she had lost her feelings and passion for defeating Darkseid, and her joy had become more pure. "Archimedes commented.

Louise was shocked, looking at the contagious smug smile on Harley's face in the camera, and was speechless for a long time.

Dark palace.

"Witch Harley is calling you. Do you want to go over and take a look?" Steppenwolf looked at the Assassin God Canter with strange eyes. "She seems to have captured your brother."

"I have a bad brother." Kanter hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and flew into the sky.

Anyway, the main body has already left, so this projection is not afraid even if it dies.

"Hahaha, there really is a Kanter. Kanter, how do you feel now?" Harley smiled very happily.

The soul of Kanter next to her was lost and even collapsed, "No, it shouldn't be like this, I'm not dead yet. My soul has not returned to its origin, how can I be reborn?"

"What the hell are you? Why do you look like me and have a similar breath." New Kanter was also a little dumbfounded when he saw Kanter's soul.

The soul of Kanter was stimulated and shouted excitedly: "You are not me, you are not Kanter, the god of assassins. This is not fair. I am the only dark elite. I shed blood and sacrificed for the dark monarch. I was killed for the glory of Apokolips." Witch Harley tortured me, Origin can’t do this to me!”

"Are you Kanter?" Kanter was stunned, turned to Harley, and said in shock: "How is it possible that you can save the loser's soul? This violates the restart rules."

"You are Lusel, a fake. I am Kanter, the god of assassins, and I am unique in the world!" Kanter's soul twisted his face and shouted.

"You have little knowledge. It's very normal for bugs to appear during the restart process." Seeing it like this, Harley became even more proud and said with a smile: "I deprived his soul of all divinity and power, and he was just a pure soul. The body, with completely blank slate attributes, was considered a small bug that could be ignored by the law sea, so the bug was successfully blocked."

"I am not a little bug, I am the main god who represents the way of assassination, and I am an important existence in the multiverse!" Kanter's soul said angrily.

Harley raised her chin towards Kanter and said, "Everything that has the characteristics of the 'God of Assassins' in you has been transferred to him.

Now he is the representative of the Assassin's Law, the feared dark elite of Apokolips. "

The soul of Kanter was devastated and murmured repeatedly: "It's not fair. I ended up in this situation because of Apokolips and Darkseid. Origin can't do this to me."

"The world is huge, the origin is the largest, and above the origin, I am the boss!" Harley pointed at herself with her thumb and said proudly: "I told you at that time, I want you to live worse than death, and I want you to regret offending me.

Hehe, you were still tough and said that at worst you would die, that you were proficient in 100 million killing techniques and that you were not afraid of any punishment.

Hey hey hey, are my methods of torturing people beyond the imagination of a lowly person like you?

Let me tell you, this is just an appetizer.

Now that your soul has been left with the seal of reincarnation, your wonderful ‘next life’ is still to come! "

It is difficult for others to know how Kanter's soul feels. It is dull and numb, as if it has lost consciousness.

Kanter on the opposite side felt cold all over, couldn't help but shiver, and wanted to run away.

On the Archimedes airship, Louise struggled: "This piece of news material is great and the content is explosive, but it can't be used. It has exceeded the R rating."

In the dark palace, Steppenwolf looked around and said, "Witch Harley is too arrogant. We can't just sit back and watch her threaten Kanter."

"Which Kanter are you threatening?" asked the kind grandmother.

The dark elites were already eager to give it a try, but when they heard this question, their faces showed fear again, and their expressions became hesitant.

Steppenwolf glared at the kind grandmother, "There is only one Canter, and the Canter next to Witch Harley is just an illusion to fool people."

The kind grandma frowned and said: "We are not fools, your words can't fool anyone."

Steppenwolf tightened his grip on his battle ax and said angrily: "You deliberately look more majestic than Witch Harley and lose the ambition of the Dark Elite, right?"

Grandma solemnly said: "I'm just telling the truth. Witch Harley can deprive the dark elite of the reality. This matter must be taken seriously and cannot be pretended not to exist.

Otherwise, the next person who loses himself and reality may be you, me, or any one of us. "

"Grandma Kindness is right, Witch Harley's methods are too weird, we must be careful." Dr. Chaos said.

"Darkseid, I'm already here, why don't you come out and die!"

Harley had enough trouble with Kanter's soul, put it into the stomach dimension, and started shouting the name of the Dark Lord.

Apokolips Earth Center.

Darkseid sits on a throne made of flames, surrounded by fiery red lava.

His condition at this time was even worse than a month ago, and his body was like cracked porcelain, with cracks in it.

Through the cracks, dark red blood-like energy can be seen flickering and flowing in the body.

"Your Majesty, Witch Harley has indeed arrived. Haven't you completed the argument of 'I am me' yet?" Desaad's anxious voice came into the center of the earth.

Darkseid opened his eyes, with fatigue and weakness in his eyes, "I thought 'I am me' was just a simple little argument, but I was wrong, it is more complicated than 'I am the universe'."

"How is it possible? Witch Harley has easily completed 'I am me'. You have better control over the equations than she does - she still needs to steal your experience and improve her own argumentation method." Disad said in disbelief.

Darkseid sighed: "She did use deceitful means to steal my wisdom, but proving 'I am me' and proving 'I am the multiverse' are like math problems and physics problems.

They are all demonstration questions, but the content is very different. Math questions are harder, at least for me. "

"Why doesn't Witch Harley find it difficult?" Disad asked puzzled.

Darkseid recalled what he had said during the Q\u0026A session with Harley, and said: "Listen to what Witch Harley means, and when you demonstrate 'I am me', it involves multiple factors such as emotional elements, emotional illusions, and even thinking life. elements.

I have never even experienced nightmare demonization. There are no phantoms. In other words, our new gods are equivalent to phantoms with single emotions.

In short, I failed, answered the question wrong, and got bitten by the equation. "

"What kind of backlash?" Disad asked worriedly.

"The equation is tearing apart my divine body and devouring my life and soul." Darkseid's tone was calm.

"What to do now? You suffered a backlash, and Witch Harley just happened to knock on the door. We" Desard hesitated for a while, then whispered: "The dark elite is just a projection, not afraid of Witch Harley.

You are the main body, why don't you withdraw first? Keep the green hills and don’t worry about running out of firewood. "

"You think I didn't consider this day coming?" Darkseid said lightly.

Desaad was stunned for a moment, and the anxiety and worry in his heart faded a little, "You have foresight. As early as a month ago, just after the restart, you asked the dark elite to evacuate Apokolips and scatter across the infinite multiverse.

You also specially asked me to build a 'dimensional meditation room' that gathers the origin of the earth and fire of the Apocalypse Star. Not only can it isolate the breath, but even the power of time and fate can hardly interfere with this place.

You have been preparing for today. "

"I have indeed prepared for a long time, but I did not prepare for today. Today is just the beginning, and it will be more so in the next few years."

Darkseid paused and did not continue. He only ordered: "Go to Witch Harley and tell her that I am waiting for her here."

"Ah, why is this?" Disad was shocked, "If you don't say anything, she can't find anyone, and she can probably escape this disaster.

If she is allowed to come over, the dimensional meditation room will definitely not be able to block her attack.

During her previous battle in the Heaven Realm, I peeped from the side and transmitted the scenes I saw to you through the Mother Box.

As you have seen, she is no longer a lame God King who has enough defense but seriously lacks attack, and can only rely on Tears of Death to cheat.

Without the God-King of the same realm to stop her, she might even blow up the Apocalypse Star. "

"If she really dares to blow up Apokolips, I will also say 'admiration' and 'thank you' to her." Darkseid sneered.

"Thank you? Why?" Disad said blankly.

"Her scoldings are getting worse and worse, but I still want to show shame! Do as I say, I have a plan in mind."

After a while.

"Whoosh!" The blue light disappeared, and Harley appeared outside the spherical dimensional meditation room.

"You are so courageous. You came here directly. Aren't you afraid of traps?" Darkseid said.

"No one or any trap in this world can make me fall into a fatal crisis." Harry raised his chin slightly and said confidently.

——Whenever there is the slightest warning of crisis in her spiritual sense, she will not be so arrogant.

"You, on the other hand, don't seem to be in a good condition. You don't just hide yourself, but you dare to expose your position."

Harry heard some weakness in his voice, and then released his mental power. The detecting mental power could not penetrate the glass-like barrier in front of him.

But he can hear the spiritual transmission.

She enveloped the defensive force field, but it had no effect. The "glazed barrier" seemed like a dimensional space. Hey, what kind of aura is this?

Harley's heart began to pound.

Mental waves cannot penetrate the dimensional barrier.

But when she tried to penetrate the barrier with her mental power covering the defensive force field, she vaguely sensed a wave of familiar emotions.

It’s the fluctuation of emotional elements!

She collected thousands of emotional elements in total during the War God King Era and was very sensitive to them.

Moreover, the emotional element she sensed made her feel somewhat familiar.

It is the emotion of love that she gave to her Heavenly Father, and it is the emotional element that belongs to her!

"Shit, it's you, you took away my emotional elements!" Harley suddenly shouted.

It seemed that the topic changed too quickly, and Darkseid did not react and said nothing.

Harry said excitedly: "There are really emotional elements scattered in the mother river of time, but you took them away, right?"

No wonder she swam back and forth in the mother river of time several times without finding any emotional elements.

However, Darkseid was able to plunder all the emotional elements without leaving any for her, which was quite beyond her expectation.

"I can leave behind Batman in advance, so how can I ignore the equation." Darkseid did not deny it.

Then he sneered: "They belong to me, so they can be recycled by me. You can be shameless and say they are yours, but don't get too involved and make me embarrassed for you."

"Watch and see who will be embarrassed later."

Harley couldn't care less about the reason why he called her here.

All she wants now is to get "her" equation back.

This is not the whims of someone who is obsessed with money and has lost his mind due to profit.

She can sense the emotional elements of Darkseid through a layer of dimensional wall, which only means one thing, he has lost control of the equation!

It is not known what caused this result, and it is not certain whether this is Darkseid's conspiracy.

But no matter what the situation, she will not give up the good opportunity that is right in front of her or even the only opportunity.

"Buzz." After making the decision, Harley closed her eyes, two dots of golden light lit up between her eyebrows, and the nearby air vibrated slightly but at a high frequency.

It's like two invisible cicada wings sticking to his forehead.

Darkseid thought she was talking nonsense, so he continued: "Harley Quinn, I told you that you and the Justice League can never really defeat me, because you don't know that I - well, this - "

Halfway through his words, he froze in surprise, and the equations in his body became restless.

Because of the failure to demonstrate "I am me" before, the equation penetrated into his divine body like the roots of an old tree, sucking emotion and vitality continuously. Even if he suppressed it with 100% of his concentration, the effect was not good.

At this time, the equations wrapped around his divine body like vines suddenly became loose.

It no longer sucks his emotions and life, and has a tendency to slowly break away from him.

After being stunned for a while, he determined that the mutation on his body was related to Harley, and asked in surprise: "You can steal the equation from me? What are you doing?"

"Keep talking about why we can never defeat you. You can talk for three to five hours. I humbly ask for advice." Harley sneered.

Darkseid was silent for a moment and said: "Old rules, one question and one answer, sincerity and no adulteration."

"Haha, today is different from the past. I want nothing from you. You can continue to be confused, anxious, ignorant, and go crazy." Harley laughed.

"The information I have must be of great use to you. Let me first say the keyword 'Baitman and the Owl Evil God Set'." Darkseid said calmly.

Harley's smile faded, "It's interesting. You were living in Bateman's body at that time, so it's not surprising that you could sense Seth's prying eyes."

"I only need to ask two questions, you ask first." Darkseid said.

"What does Seth want?" Harley asked.

Darkseid said: "There are two answers to this question. One is Seth's superficial purpose, and the other is the fundamental purpose."

"Okay, two questions, but you have to be more detailed." Harley said.

Darkseid was also very straightforward and said directly: "On the surface, it wants to use Bateman's body to enter the Ten Thousand Sky Instruments.

Bateman seems to have some mysterious connection to the dimension in which it resides.

Bateman is to it what Black Hand is to Black Death.

But Bateman's connection with it is probably not as close as Blackhand and Black Death.

Do you know Bateman’s time travel experience?

After he left the Martial God King Era, he did not return to reality immediately. Instead, he kept traveling through history, from 50,000 years ago to 20,000 years ago, then to the 50th century before the park, and then continued to travel to The last stage of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries was the 1960s.

Just like floating on water, Bateman is the stone that was thrown out with force and floated on the river of time.

It was my Omega Effect that drove him away, but it was not my will that threw the stone.

It's not me controlling his time travel, it's Seth! "

"Why do we need to travel this way?" Harley asked.

"Is this the second question?"

"Okay, your questions are over, it's your turn."

"What method did you use to steal my equation? Please explain the principle in detail. I explained it clearly to you before." Darkseid said.

Harley mused: "Because the emotional elements belong to me! My equation, and some of your emotional elements, truly belong to me.

If you take away a piece of bread from someone else, the bread belongs to you.

But if you take away other people's emotional elements, it does not belong to you, it is only controlled and driven by you.

Do you understand me?

Emotional elements are not dead things like bread or money.

It's alive, and you might even think it has its own subconscious.

My two-section equations are cut from the original equations. They have no owners, or the owners belong to the multiverse.

The emotional elements I later collected all belong to me.

They come from My followers.

Believers surrendered their souls and beliefs to me, and their emotional elements were surrendered to me wholeheartedly and without any reluctance.

So when I put them into equations, they're like my hands and feet, my thoughts.

They possess my will.

I used them to scan the mother river of time, trying to search for the emotional elements you left in the river.

The mother river of time is so big that it is definitely impossible for the equation to scan the entire territory.

They are like two magnets, the harder I desire, the stronger their attraction.

A walk around the river will determine whether there is an emotional element to it.

Now I am standing in front of you, feeling the fluctuations of emotional elements in your body, so I turn on the 'Equation Magnet' again and try my best to absorb the emotional elements of 'No Owner'. "

Seeing that two points of golden light had seeped out from the dimensional wall and floated towards the center of his eyebrows, Harley simply told the truth, "In addition, I gave an emotional element to Heavenly Father as a gift.

That element also belongs entirely to me. Its owner sincerely gave it to me, and it recognized me.

When I gave it to Heavenly Father, I did not acknowledge Him. Do you understand what I mean?

I thought from the beginning that maybe it could become a seed. When it is integrated into the equation, it can bring me a whole equation in the future. You shouldn't tell your Heavenly Father this, right? Don't be too tasteless! "

Darkseid ignored her last teasing sentence and just sighed: "You are so lucky. You are destined to be destined, but you are also cunning and cunning, and you never let go of any God-given opportunity."

"Is it possible that it has nothing to do with destiny and my good intentions are rewarded? If I guessed correctly, you were using equations to do proof problems again, but failed miserably, right?"

Darkseid said nothing.

Harley smiled and said, "I will give you another very useful piece of news for free. When I used the equation to prove the problem, the process was very smooth and silky. The equation not only did not violate my will, but also actively cooperated with me.

In other words, the difficulty I encountered was just how to enter the examination room, not writing the answers. "

Darkseid sighed deeply again. His difficulties and advantages were exactly the opposite of hers.

But he had no regrets or regrets.

He is Darkseid, who is destined to only dominate and exploit others. He will never be a dedicated and beloved hero, not even a fake hero like Harley.

He didn't talk about his physical condition, and he didn't want to talk about his failure.

"Your second question is Set's fundamental purpose?" he asked.

"Well, you say."

"For the crisis force." Darkseid said.

Harley asked in confusion: "What exactly is crisis power?"

"After going through so many things, you don't even understand what crisis power is?" Darkseid's tone was one-third contemptuous and seven-fold proud. "It seems that you are just a nouveau riche after all, and your understanding of the universe is still superficial. surface."

Harley was angry, but her tone was very calm, "I have captured the God King, and I have communicated with the only monitor. The answers they gave were varied, even contradictory, and their tone was uncertain. Are they all upstarts?"

"In my eyes, they are really just rubbish." Darkseid said lightly.

"If you want to pretend to be B, I don't object, but you should present your opinions first, that will be more convincing."

"I'm not you, I like to show my holiness in front of others." Darkseid sneered, and then said directly: "Crisis power is the root of crisis, and it is also the power born in crisis."

Just when Harley was about to ridicule, "What's the difference between saying this and not saying it?", he continued: "For individual life, for the entire civilization, and even for the creatures in the universe and the multiverse, a crisis is a disaster.

But for the multiverse itself, crises are just ‘natural losses’ in its operation.

With your current level and knowledge, you probably can’t understand this sentence.

Let me put it another way, the multiverse we live in is like a continuously running machine.

Any machine will generate heat during operation, causing energy loss and component wear.

Energy loss and component wear often manifest themselves in the form of crises.

I just said that you are not mature enough, so you must be unconvinced. Let me ask you, can you feel the energy lost by the heating of the machine? Can the heat energy naturally lost by the machine be used?

The heat energy lost is crisis power. "

Harley was a little shocked. It was the first time she heard someone explain crisis power in this way. It was so clear and straightforward, without any ambiguity, and it seemed to make sense.

Darkseid said meaningfully: "You can't even notice the heat loss of the 'World Machine', but someone can take advantage of it.

Although it is just heat loss, its energy level is actually close to the almighty universe level.

Being able to take advantage of its existence must be very powerful. "

Harley thought of Pappetua. No one could exploit the crisis more easily than the creator of the World Machine.

"Why are you so familiar with the crisis force?" she asked doubtfully.

"This is the third question. If you achieve something that surprises me again next time, maybe we can continue to chat.

Well, the same old rules apply, one question and one answer. You have to work hard and don't let me down.

Now, I've explained the Crisis Power in great detail, it's your turn. "Darkseid said.

Harley felt a little unhappy.

It wasn't because he didn't answer her question, but because his tone and attitude made it seem like he had the upper hand and she was in an awkward situation.

"Do you think you still have a future?" she sneered.

"Witch Harley, if you dare to kill me today, I will admire you." Darkseid said calmly.

While Harley continued to peel off the equation chain on his body, she said with emotion: "I am a person who abides by the rules. If I want to kill you, I must answer your questions first. Just ask."

"How does it feel specifically after completing the proof of 'I am who I am'? Be specific, you know what I want to know."

Harley was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Darkseid to ask this question, but thinking about it carefully, this guy has a deep obsession with "greater freedom", so it's not surprising that he would ask this question. In addition,

"You were also making the argument of 'I am who I am' and ended up answering the question wrong?" she asked, holding back a laugh.

"I'm asking you now."

Harley seemed to hear some extremely suppressed emotion from Darkseid's calm words.

She laughed in her heart, feeling both proud and happy. Her face was unfazed and she said calmly: "To be honest, it's not easy for me to answer this question because I haven't completed the argument of 'I am who I am'.

But I will tell you exactly how Ivy felt.

In addition, if you don’t die this time, I will share my experience with you for free next time we meet. "

Darkseid was in a terrible mood. He would rather never share Harley's experience than see her use her own equations to complete the "I am who I am" argument.

"That's roughly it." Harley recounted the feelings that Ivy shared with her, and said excitedly: "Basically, my earlier guess was completely correct. After completing 'I am who I am', the will will be restored to a certain extent. Achieved the 'Great Transcendence'.

Great Transcendence not only represents ‘freedom’, it is a state that can be directly manifested in a substantial improvement in strength.

After completing the argument that I am who I am, it only took Ivy 30 years to complete three deathbed transformations and become a god in one step.

Three hundred years later, she was promoted again, and when she returned to reality, she was already a veritable main god.

In theory, he is on the same level as Naboo, half a level higher than old Shazam. "

Using numerical levels to describe the realm, Shazam the Wizard is stuck at level 109 and has not been able to break through to level 110 as the main god for many years; Naboo is stuck at level 118 or 119, a small step away from the level 120 god king.

Ivy now barely breaks through to level 110, which has almost exhausted her potential and reached her limit.

It's not that her own potential has been exhausted, it's that the path she chose to be the greenest of all things has come to an end.

As a natural protector of the green of all things, her limit cannot exceed the green of all things itself.

"Using a transcendent will to improve strength is simply putting the cart before the horse and putting the cart before the horse!" Darkseid was a little angry after hearing this. "In the world, the higher the realm, the more closely it is bound to the sea of ​​law, and the more difficult it is to Break free from the shackles. It is so stupid to take the initiative to dig into the quagmire even though you have already achieved part of the 'great freedom'."

This distressed look seemed as if Ivy had wasted his chance to transcend.

"Without strength, even if you can really leave the multiverse, where can you go? Have you considered the harsh living environment in the omniverse?" Harley said disapprovingly.

Darkseid said excitedly: "You have no brain? The difference between humans and monkeys is that humans have brains and know how to use tools.

If you can't physically survive in the omnipotent universe environment, why don't you build auxiliary equipment?

Just like mortals wearing space suits and driving rockets into outer space.

After entering the omnipotent universe with infinite possibilities, wouldn’t it be possible to carry out individual evolution with twice the result with half the effort and without any side effects? "

"You put it simply, if something unexpected happens and you don't have enough strength, wouldn't you just have to wait for death?" Harley said.

Darkseid sneered: "The fish in the pond can never grow bigger than the pond. The limit of natural evolution in the multiverse cannot break through the multiverse itself.

No matter how you practice in this world or how many years you practice, you will never reach the state of ‘sufficient strength’ in the omnipotent universe. "

"You are a fish in the pond, but I am a kite flying in the sky. I need a thread to keep me from losing my way. Our paths are different."

"Your way is gone." Darkseid shouted, and the equation chain connecting him and Harley's consciousness "buzzed" for a few times, and then suddenly broke into two pieces.

Harley's head tilted back slightly, and she could no longer sense the equation aura in Darkseid's body.

"You -" she was very angry and anxious, but quickly calmed down, "it seems that you were hit by the equation. I took the equation away, and it restored your health."

"I'm still here, and the equation is still with me. Use your martial arts fist to break this dimensional wall, and you can see my true form, and even kill me directly." Darkseid sneered.

"You want to die?"

"I'm taunting you that you don't dare to kill me."

Harley released her mental power, carefully sensed the dimensional wall formed by the magma energy in front of her, and said in surprise: "You seem to have concentrated the original power of the entire Apokolips planet together to create this cage."

Darkseid said: "Is there a cage with free entry and exit?"

Harley frowned and said, "If I attack your cage, will it destroy Apokolips?"

"Yes, when you destroy the dimensional meditation room, you will destroy the entire Apokolips Star, but at the same time you can also severely damage me, because my power comes from Apokolips Star, then it will be easier for you to kill me." Darkseid said .

Harley's expression changed several times, and finally she sighed helplessly, "You're so cruel!"

"You gave up? You're so shameless! You don't even have the energy to blow up Apokolips, so you're clamoring to kill me. What are you thinking about?" Darkseid mocked.

"This is your cage! You don't dare to come out, you can only hide inside and scream." Harley said sarcastically.

"Oh, Apokolips is me, I am Apokolips. If you want to kill me completely, you must first explode Apokolips. I understand this truth and tell you.

From now on, to judge whether I am pretending to be dead, just look at Apokolips.

As long as Apokolips exists, remember, I will live forever. "Darkseid said quietly.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Harry heard a hint of loss and disappointment in his words.

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