I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1652 Martial Arts God King

Metropolis, Daily Planet Building.

The "Galaxy News Live Room" on the 35th floor is a live broadcast room built with Galaxy's first-class equipment.

In front of the camera, Lana Long is wearing a dark blue professional suit, looking decent and generous.

"The Era of the God of War is not as complicated as everyone thinks. If the timeline of the real universe is like this." She took an electronic pen and drew a solid red line on the screen wall behind her, and marked a few on it. Time points: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Zero Time Crisis, Diversity Reset, and Final Crisis.

The final crisis is at the end of the solid red line.

"Then the era of the God of War begins here." With a calm smile on her face, Lana Lang drew a blue dotted line parallel to the red line above the end of the red solid line.

Then the time points are marked on the blue dotted line: when the Galaxy Admiral crossed over, when the Galaxy Admiral found himself in the Martial God King era, when the Martial God King era officially began. When the old god civilization ended, the post-Martial God King era began. time.

"This is also a complete timeline. It can be considered to occur above time. Taking our consciousness in reality as the reference system, it starts from the final crisis and ends at the final crisis. It is a special point, just like the Big Bang. The singularity before it is like a universe.

If we take the timeline of the main universe as a reference, it can be considered that the timeline has been bent under the rules of cause and effect."

Lana Lang made a gesture towards the screen, and the blue and red lines changed from a two-dimensional plane to a three-dimensional structure. After several folds, the blue line and part of the red line completely overlapped.

Outside the glass wall, editor-in-chief Perry asked Louise beside him, "Do you understand?"

Louise hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said, "I don't quite understand, but I understand. Well, I understand what Lana wants to express."

Reporter Pluto of the sports column said: "That's enough. It involves concepts such as the 'Great Reset' of the universe, timelines, above time, cause and effect. Not to mention us, many scientists have been quarreling recently, and there is no Lana." Make it clear."

Editor-in-chief Perry turned back to the head of the technical department and shouted: "Rox, what are the ratings?"

"Where's the ratings? Earth, Rann, or some other civilization?" Rocks asked.

Louise asked: "How many civilizations broadcast this program?"

"Very many. There is news from Lan that at least 500,000 civilized planets have purchased our program, and at least twice as many civilized planets have not paid, stealing the TV signal of this program." Rocks road.

"It is said that aliens attach great importance to intellectual property rights, but I didn't expect that prostitution is no different from us earthlings. If they all buy genuine program signals, our income can increase by 200%, alas!"

At the end, he complained with a heartbroken look on his face.

"Omaika, it's just a pseudo-popular science program. Why do so many civilized people pay attention to it? It even broke the highest ratings record of "The Legend of the Concubine of the Apocalypse."" Louise said in shock.

The red-skinned Sersi analyzed: "In the end, The Beloved Concubine of Apokolips is just a gossip show. If you watch it, you will gain some insights. If you don't watch it, you can still live your life.

The Era of the Galaxy Admiral and the God of War involves the secrets of the evolution of the multiverse and is also related to the reality of many civilizations.

The Era of the God of War is not only the history of people on earth, but also rewrites the history of some cosmic civilizations.

Any civilization that knows the relevant information cannot fail to pay attention. "

She is from Tamaran and has typical Tamaran red skin. She is a top student who graduated from the National Journalism University in Lann and currently works as a news analyst at the Daily Planet.

That is to say, analyze which type of news is more popular with alien audiences and which news will offend alien traditions and customs.

"Cersei, if "The Age of the God of War" is made into a series, are you ready to start it?" Perry said excitedly.

"What type and what content is the selling point?" the analyst asked.

"It is to introduce in detail the big and small events that happened that year, mainly pursuing details and truth." Perry said.

Louise frowned and said, "No one should care about the false history that happened on Earth, right?"

Perry exclaimed excitedly: "Why is it false? It really happened, it still leaves traces in reality, and it is the cause of all the consequences now.

Did you watch Mr. President’s interview the day before yesterday afternoon?

He announced that the history of the United States is no longer just two or three hundred years. The day when the Galaxy Admiral arrives on the outskirts of the metropolis will be the beginning of American civilization.

Now, we have nearly 60,000 years of history! "

His voice was trembling, "World civilization originated in the United States, and American Harley Quinn led the development of the times. This is a fact and the truth!

The ancient ruins on the earth can testify, and the gods can also testify. Even the gods cannot deny its authenticity. Who can say it is fake? "

Louise wanted to laugh loudly: Why don't you start calculating the history of the United States from the beginning of time? American Harley Quinn also visited the place where time originated, and left traces that affected the reality of the universe - the hands of creation.

But when she saw the proud, radiant and proud expressions on the faces of her colleagues around her, she knew that speaking her mind would only make people annoying.

At that time, the commander-in-chief's face was red and he was very excited when he spoke. The American reporters in the audience also shouted "yes". Now a public opinion trend has been formed, and even if she is a famous person in the universe, she cannot go against it.

"Even if all Americans regard it as their own history, aliens are not interested in it." Louise said.

"No, you can really try it." Circe said seriously: "The Age of the Martial God King has many selling elements, such as martial arts training.

For a long time, one of the impressions earthlings have on alien civilizations is martial arts.

People in space think that everyone on earth is a kung fu master.

Many people came to earth to travel and visit because of this, and naturally they were a little disappointed. Your martial arts masters are not outstanding in the universe, except for Harley Quinn herself.

However, in the era of the Martial God King, thousands of martial arts gods were born, almost forming the prototype of the ‘martial arts civilization’.

And the martial arts civilization defeated the legendary ‘divine civilization’.

Even advanced civilizations will be very interested in this true history.

There are even civilizations that have encountered bottlenecks in their development and will try to imitate the ‘martial arts civilization’. "

Perry nodded repeatedly, "Yes, martial arts alone is enough to attract people. What's more, in that era, demigods were in the clouds and martial gods were like rain. There were too many selling points."

Circe sighed: "Actually, in terms of selling points alone, the name 'Galaxy Admiral' alone is enough to guarantee ratings.

What we should be thinking about is not whether the God of War series will be a hit.

As long as it's done well, it's sure to be popular.

The key is to get exclusive information that is detailed and authentic enough.

To put it bluntly, you have to be unique and don’t follow what others say. "

Louise was convinced.

——As long as the content is related to the Galactic Admiral, ratings are never an issue.

This is a wise saying.

"I'll take charge of this project!" she said with high spirits.

The era of the God of War lasted for nearly ten thousand years, with countless battles taking place. Every war god and demigod was a hero who could sing and cry. If the ratings did not collapse, this program seemed to last a lifetime.

Her heart was pounding.

There have been a lot of big events in the world recently, but there are very few news programs dedicated to Louise, the famous star of the Galaxy.

Like the return of the Galactic Admiral.

If she can report, others can also report.

The detailed history of the Martial God King Era is not accessible to other reporters. They don’t have hers.

"You are not suitable. This series can only be left to Lana."

Perry's words were like a basin of ice water, waking Louise up from her sweet dream.

"Why? I know the person involved." She was a little excited.

"Lana's husband, Mr. Depp, is the person involved, and she personally participated in the return ceremony of the retreat," Perry said.

"I know Green Arrow." Lois said unwillingly.

Perry said meaningfully: "Lana has been to the Heavenly Palace and took photos of human heroes from 50,000 years ago.

They know each other, they are from the same place. The content of her chat with them is the most authentic and detailed history. "

Louise opened her mouth, unable to argue.

"Ding bell~~" Her cell phone rang.

After entering the corridor and avoiding Perry and other colleagues, she pressed the answer button, "Clark, what's the matter?"

"I will be very busy tonight and may not be able to go home all night. Please help me say hello to Perry first, and then take Xiao Qiao to the Lane Mansion by yourself in the evening."

They made an appointment three days ago to have dinner at the old father-in-law's house tonight.

"At least go have a meal and leave immediately after the meal. Dad will understand." Louise said.

"Well, I'm not busy with Earth affairs. I'm going to Limbo and Heaven. I'm afraid there's still a big battle to be fought." Clark sighed.

"Who are we going to fight in Heaven? Oh my god, Heaven is the realm of the gods. What does the Justice League want to do?" Louise asked nervously.

"It's not us, it's Harley. She wants revenge on the gods."

Louise felt a little relieved, "Are you worried about her safety? According to Harley's character, she shouldn't do anything uncertain.

She could win even in the era of the Martial God King, but now she has a better chance of winning, as there are still many Martial Gods in her heavenly palace. "

"Of course I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about Zeus or, in other words, Diana was worried about Harley beating her father to death, so she asked me to break up the fight at the critical moment." Clark hesitated.

Louise's mouth twitched and said: "Although I understand Diana's concern for her father, you have nothing to do with Zeus, right? In the final crisis, the gods also plan to use the doomsday virus to destroy human civilization."

"I have nothing to do with Zeus, but I am good friends with Diana. She asked me to help, how can I refuse?" Clark said.

"Okay, you go ahead - hey, wait!" Louise suddenly became very excited, "I can't make a series of 'Martial God King Era', I can totally make a 'Martial God King Era Post-Sequel'! "

"What sequel?" Clark was confused.

"Wait for me, I'll go to the Justice League right away. If you guys are also leaving soon, come pick me up." Louise said.

A moment later, the Hall of Justice.

"Why are you here?" Harley asked, looking at the Archimedes airship suspended in mid-air.

Ivy, who was sitting in the driver's seat, glanced back, then turned back and smiled: "I'm watching the excitement from the side, but you think I don't exist."

Louise was sitting in the back, checking the photography equipment with a serious look on her face.

Technology products from the material world cannot be brought into Limbo unless all parts and components are impregnated with magic.

Her photography equipment is still the 6plus she brought to Heavenly Mountain during Crisis on Infinite Earths. The camera quality is far behind the times, but it can be used in Limbo and can also use up to 2K video.

Ivy also asked Selena to call her.

Selina was looking for Bateman recently and didn't come over.

Of course, knowing that Harley wanted to seek revenge from the old gods, Ivy herself really wanted to follow her.

"Don't bother with your old mobile phone. The radar system of the Archimedes airship can record video for you." Ivy said.

"You didn't tell me earlier." Louise put down her phone and lens stabilizer, walked a few steps to the passenger seat and sat down.

Seeing that she was also on the airship, Harley just glanced at her and said nothing.

"Are you going to watch the fun too?" She looked around at the heroes.

It’s not just Chao and Diana.

The heroes who could survive in Limbo and received the news stood beside her, planning to follow her into the portal.

"Harry, I think this matter can be discussed in the long term." Dachao glanced at the expressionless Diana and advised tactfully: "The final crisis has just passed, and the world has ushered in a long-lost peace. You are not the one who suffered in the era of the God of War. , it’s better to——”

"Autumn will not settle the score, but spring will bring more revenge."

Harley raised her hand to interrupt him, opened the blue lantern portal and walked in.

After a while, the sky was outside.

"Zeus, come out and die!" Harley put her hands behind her back and shouted toward the sky.

Without shouting with your mouth, Limbo cannot transmit sound waves.

She mobilized the power of the god-king-level soul and sent out mental shock at full power.

"Harley is so fierce, facing the whole world by herself." Louise praised excitedly, and then asked: "Ivy, can the airship record sound? It doesn't seem to be sound, what we hear is mental waves. "

"Yes, Miss Louise." Radar replied.

"Are you the spacecraft's artificial intelligence?" Louise asked.

"So, I'm Archimedes, an undead living in a machine. I can receive mental fluctuations from the outside world, and I can also use the computing power of the master brain to help you convert into voice mode." Radar said.

"Atum, Izanagi, you all come out here. The monks who can run away cannot escape from the temple. Come out and lead to death. Only one of you will die. Wait until I enter your kingdom of God and destroy your entire clan!"

Harley's cold and piercing voice came from the stereo.

"Wow, it's amazing that Harry is so cruel. This can be broadcast on the news? Killing an entire family seems to be more than 18+." Louise hesitated.

"Boom - stab la la!"

Above the sky, large thunderstorms gathered into thunderclouds with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. The thunderclouds were like tsunamis, sweeping towards Harry.

"Witch Harley, this is the realm of heaven, the realm of the gods, and the majesty of the gods cannot be desecrated!"

The first sentence was still a majestic middle-aged male voice, but the last sentence had hundreds of voices gathered together, each with a vast breath and loud voice.

When all the sounds came together, the deck of the Archimedes airship far away from the battlefield began to shake. Louise covered her ears in horror - it was completely psychological, the sound was transmitted through mental power and had nothing to do with the ears.

"Ah, I can't see clearly. There is a terrifying annihilation of time and space in front of me. It is the mental power storm of the gods!" The screen became blurry, and Radar Archimedes let out a painful howl. "They only use their mental power." , crushed time and space, Miss Quinn was careless, heaven is the domain of the gods after all.

Fighting near the realm of heaven is like a son of heaven being protected by heaven. The state of the gods increases tenfold. Miss Quinn is afraid that her state will weaken tenfold. "

"Ah, what can we do?" Louise looked out the window in panic. Dozens of kilometers behind the battlefield, there was still a loose group of people standing, and her husband was among them.

"Boom - click click click!" In the next moment, the invisible space seemed to have become a tangible glass wall, and there was a huge force that made it tight, so tight that it opened a series of dark cracks.

And in the center of the spider web-shaped crack was Harley.

The thunderstorm and tsunami had already arrived in front of her. She did not dodge, but raised her right hand and slowly clenched her palm into a fist. The speed seemed extremely slow, and even Louise could see her every move clearly.

But at that moment, the thunderstorm and tsunami coming from the opposite side seemed to slow down.

"Wuwuwu, Wuwuwu~~~~"

She shouted one word, and a thousand voices merged into hers.

Louise couldn't understand her language, but the voice was directly imprinted into her sea of ​​consciousness through her will, and she understood it immediately.

Harley is saying "wu".

Louise is just an ordinary person, but she has a feeling that the "Wu" shouted by thousands of people in unison is not as large as the spiritual storm of the gods, but it is full of endless and unyielding will.

Like a sharp sword and an indestructible battering ram.

"Kill!" Harley yelled again, this time she was the only voice, but it was the same as the "Martial" just now, sharp and hard, not much vindictiveness, only pure and powerful will.

Then Louise saw her punch out.

It was a punch with an ordinary movement, but also a punch with tens of millions of computer special effects added.

The movement was ordinary, but the moment it was punched out, millions of rays of light suddenly emerged, forming a spiraling vortex around the fist.

Very gorgeous.

Staring at those lights, Louise seemed to see thousands of figures. They had different shapes, different movements, and used various weapons such as swords, guns, swords, and halberds. But she sensed the artistic conception of working together.

"Martial!" She subconsciously yelled that word.


After that gorgeous yet ordinary punch was punched out, it seemed that the pillars supporting the sky broke and the sky collapsed. The Archimedes airship obviously sank a little lower, and the thunderstorm and tsunami opposite the fist seemed to be blown by eight horses in different directions. The curtain was pulled in one direction and shattered into eight pieces, revealing the radiant spirit inside.

Then, Harley roared loudly, and her whole body was wrapped in thousands of rays of light, like a golden man.

Louise rubbed her eyes. The battlefield was filled with divine light, like a group of suns colliding with each other. She could not see anything.

But one can hear the "sounds" on the battlefield, rumbling noises, mixed with a few shrill screams, very loud and mixed.

"What just happened?" Louise asked, patting Ivy's arm.

Ivy looked at it very seriously, attentively and without blinking an eye.

"Harley defeated the combined attack of the gods." She said casually.

"The thunderstorm is like a tsunami, is it a joint attack of the gods? I thought it was just a trick of Zeus." Louise said in surprise.

"The power of the gods was superimposed on him, forming earth, water, wind and fire inside the thunderstorm, which is equivalent to the god kings joining forces to create a thunderstorm universe to hit Harley.

Well, they know that she has high magic resistance, and Thunderstorm Universe is a physical attack, just like the Universe hitting her head. "Ivy said with a solemn expression.

Louise's face showed a look of shock, but she quickly recovered and said: "The sound and light effects when Harley punched were very gorgeous, and I also heard the cry of 'Wu', what was that move? She seemed to bring the gods together." The universe of thunderstorms shattered."

Ivy said: "Harley is the Martial God King, with four thousand Martial Gods and 80,000 demigods under his command. They all condense their own martial arts laws.

They are all her followers and gods, and their laws belong to her.

Just now, she condensed all the martial arts laws into one body, and all the martial arts wills were integrated into her own will. Both the laws and spirit were sublimated, and she punched the most powerful punch in the 'Martial God King' state. "

"Breaking a universe with one punch? Oh my God, that's too strong." Louise said in shock.

Ivy hesitated for a moment, then said truthfully: "It's just a normal god-king level attack, which is rare for Harley. She is finally a qualified god-king.

But it is very average for the veteran God Kings. They can all attack with similar effects. "

"But Harley alone shattered the thunderstorm universe they created together. Can an ordinary God King's blow have such an effect? ​​To put it another way, if it were another veteran God King, could he fight one against a hundred like her?

I heard the screams of the gods coming from the battlefield, and it was clear that she had the upper hand. " Louise said.

Ivy said: "I just said that the attack power of the 'Martial God King' does not exceed the average level of the God King.

Harley is the thick-skinned God-King. Her expertise should be defense, and her weakness is attack.

By relying on defense alone, she was able to fight against the gods three or seven. She, the seven gods three, could even attack at the level of a god king now. It was not surprising that she had such a result. "

Louise was about to continue to ask "Why can a single punch from an ordinary god king break the ultimate attack of the gods?" Suddenly a beam of golden light flew from the distance of nothingness and landed on the side of the airship. She turned her head to look and said in surprise: " Dr. Fate, are you here too?”

He didn't even look at her, let alone speak to her.

"Hi, Doctor Fate!" Louise was still waving to him.

The other party still ignored her.

Ivy whispered: "Stop screaming, he is the God King of Naboo now."

"Let me just say, I did an exclusive interview with Dr. Kent last year. Why did I suddenly become so cold?" Louise was stunned.


Thunder flashed, and another god appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Louise looked around, unable to see the figure clearly, "Aki, who is he?"

An image of an old black man was immediately projected on the screen.

"Shazam the Wizard?"

The screen blurred for a moment, and the old black man in the camera looked straight over.

"Omag, he, Ivy, he is looking at me." Louise said in horror.

"Don't look at Him, Aki," Ivy shouted.

Archimedes immediately took the initiative to blur his vision.

"Hmph~~" The old Shazam on the screen snorted coldly at Louise, then turned his attention to the battlefield.

Ivy glanced around the window, saw the brilliance of many gods and demons, and warned: "You are also an old reporter, why do you still make common sense mistakes? Don't look directly at the gods, let alone call them names."

"Well, I'm a veteran reporter, but I rarely deal with gods. As strong as Harley is, she's not as weird as them." Louise still felt a little aggrieved.

Ivy didn't want to talk to her anymore, and just focused on watching the battle of the God-King ahead.

Louise scanned around the window again and saw a large number of onlookers, but she could not see clearly or recognize the people coming, so she withdrew her gaze and continued to stare at the battlefield that was sprinkled with divine brilliance.

"How is the battle situation now? I see that the gods and demons around me seem to have solemn expressions, and there is a very tense and oppressive atmosphere." Louise said.

Ivy didn't want to be distracted and couldn't ignore her, so she could only control the spacecraft to go above the heroes of the alliance.

"Louise cannot see the high-dimensional battle scenes, and you share your thoughts with her."

Martian Manhunter sent a message: "You are right next to her."

"I'm not good at mental projection."

Ivy mainly didn't want to be distracted by Louise.

After spending energy projecting the battlefield situation, Louise would most likely ask her to explain every move.

After Martian Manhunter connected the minds of several people, Dachao said: "You are too close to the battlefield, it is very dangerous."

"Even if I can't see the battlefield clearly, I still know that Harley has the upper hand, so why is she in danger?" Louise said.

Da Chao has no choice but to project the images he sees from his high-dimensional perspective into her mind.

"Oh my god, Harley is so fierce!"

Soon, Harley, who was punching the God King on the battlefield, attracted Louise's full attention.

She still couldn't see the faces of the gods clearly.

They push their divine power and divinity to the limit, and their bodies shine brightly, like light bulbs.

But she could see that every move and every move by Harley seemed to be interpreting the secret of "martial arts", full of unique charm.

The god she struck was a bit like a puppet, with dull reactions and sluggish movements. She just stood there and was beaten like a wooden mannequin. The beating caused the god's body to shatter, the god's blood to spill out, and the soul in the god's body to let out a miserable howl. Now she knew where the screams she heard before came from.

Facing the counterattack of the gods, Harley was not as strong as she was before the final crisis, holding on to the defensive gold film.

Her movements seemed slow but were actually fast. She clearly saw one Harley punching the head of a god, but at the same time, she saw another Harley kicking the god from the side. A Harley is holding the swords of the gods with her hands clasped behind her

"Is Harley's speed too fast, and an afterimage appears on the spot, or has she learned the cloning technique?" Just ask if you don't understand, Louise won't hold back.

"I'm not sure, I can only confirm that Harley is not fast enough to leave a time clone." Dachao said.

Louise reached out and pulled Ivy again, "What's going on?"

Ivy was a little tired, but she had to speak.

Not only must it be explained, but it must also be clearly understood, otherwise Louise will keep asking.

"Harley is the King of Martial Gods. In addition to the Law of Thick Skin, he also condenses the 'Source of Martial Arts', which is a power similar to the 'Source'. All god-kings who have established huge god systems have it."

"The same trick that Zeus used to create the Thunder Universe when he appeared on the scene, Harley launched a martial field similar to an independent universe around herself.

In the realm of martial arts, she has the final say on all the rules. Now you see that she seems to have transformed into a poor person. In fact, it is the effect of space folding and time distortion. She is always alone and has no clones. "

"You said that all god-kings have realms? But I only saw Harley turning on the 'combat special effects'. The other gods looked clumsy and didn't have any special effects." Louise asked again.

"It's not like making a movie. Where did the special effects come from?" Ivy's mouth twitched a few times and said: "It's not like they didn't start it. Well, they also used special effects. It's just that Harley had a god come down to earth and greatly erased the other party's special effects. effect."

Harley didn't just open the door to God coming down to earth.

Only they themselves know how frustrated the gods are now.

Any of their extraordinary attacks were ineffective or had greatly reduced effects, and were easily defeated by Harley.

They used a thousand points of power, but she canceled it out with just one point.

For example, the "Thunderstorm Universe" where the gods join forces in the opening scene.

Although they used the power of miracles, the attack effect was both magical and physical. Harley wrapped a layer of defensive force field in addition to the martial arts boxing technique. She first paralyzed the stability of the "Thunderstorm Universe" with the force field, and then punched Critical, destroy it structurally.

On the surface, she only punches one punch, but actually there are two moves in total: first, adding a debuff that reduces the enemy's resistance by 99%, and then uses the "normal level" God King punch.

When the alliance of the gods was broken, their situation became even worse after they dispersed.

Louise felt that their reactions were sluggish and their actions were slow. Don't they want to be faster?

But under the level 9 space force field, the space is like jujube cake, and they are the nuts sandwiched in the jujube cake. Outside, there is a pair of ruthless iron hands squeezing the jujube cake hard, and pinching the jujube cake as big as a rice cooker into glass beads. Such great pressure made them feel like half of their bodies were stuck in a big pit filled with cement. How could they get up quickly?

"Ah, my father was beaten and vomited blood." Diana suddenly shouted.

Louise looked at the golden-armored god whose body was cracked like porcelain, thinking that he was the first god king Zeus, but he didn't seem to be very strong and was beaten badly by Harley.

Dachao hesitated and said: "Can we break up the fight now? But they didn't stop, nor did they call for surrender."

Diana's expression changed. At this moment, her father had received seven or eight punches from Harley. His helmet was uneven, with a large amount of divine blood seeping out of the gaps. His breastplate was almost completely broken, and his sternum was obviously broken and sunken. It seemed that he could no longer hold on. .

"The gods will never surrender!" With the last cry left, Zeus's divine body was completely blown apart.

It's not like a firecracker exploding into a ball of light.

His body was torn apart, blood was scattered in the sky, and severed limbs were flying around. It was very bloody and cruel, and not suitable for many people.

"Ah, Diana's father was beaten to death!" Louise exclaimed.

Diana's pretty face turned pale, then blushed again, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes were shy and angry.

"Let's go back." She lowered her head and said.

The heroes don't want to leave now, they are watching the excitement.

But Diana's father is dead

"How about you go to the Archimedes airship to rest first? The battle is almost over." Da Chao said.

Diana got into the airship silently.

The battle ended after three minutes. Zeus was the strongest god king. After his death, the battle only lasted two minutes and ended completely.

Not all the gods died on the spot. Many gods who were not the God King turned around and ran away when the situation was bad. The God King also wanted to save face and did not escape. They all died on the battlefield.

"Who else??!"

Harley stood in the middle of the battlefield filled with corpses of gods and shouted. The whole place was silent and no one answered.

"Wow, Harley is so majestic!" Louise quickly recorded the footage.

Harley shouted "Who else?" a few more times, but no one responded. She felt a little bored, so she said: "I am not a murderous person. Now that the evil leader has been killed, all the gods who have offended me will be killed." Take out the ten most precious artifacts in the department and let me take away three of them, regardless of any past hatred."

After a pause, she said coldly: "If you don't take the initiative to pay the compensation, it means that you don't want to reconcile and will continue to be my enemy. I will fulfill your wish and go to your kingdom of God in person."

After a while, groups of gods flew out from the sky one after another.

"Is this blackmail?" Louise looked strange.

"This is war reparations and spiritual compensation for Harley." Ivy said seriously.

"But they look so pitiful. The corpses of their father and mother are nearby, broken into dozens of pieces, but they have to hold up the most precious artifacts in their clan for their enemies to choose from. Hey, the one with the long golden hair The handsome god is wiping his tears, who is he?”

"Apollo, the sun god." Ivy said.

"Ah, he's Wonder Woman's brother."

Louise looked back at Diana, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Harley was too violent, and she didn't specify which gods had offended her. There were some gods in the heaven that had not offended her, but she was afraid that she would be included, so she could only reluctantly take out ten precious gods that were not the most precious. The goods are taken out to pay the "ransom".

By the time Harley left the realm of heaven with great satisfaction, it had been more than four hours since the battle ended.

Except for the heroes of Zhenglian, everyone around to watch the excitement disappeared.

"Harry, you have completely destroyed the old god civilization. The era of the God of War has truly ended today." Louise was very excited.

When Harry heard this, the pride and joy on his face disappeared instantly.

"Those god-kings are all pretending to be dead! Fake, the majestic god-king, has no shame. In public, his methods are so clumsy that he even pretends to be dead carelessly." She cursed.

"What? Those corpses are all fake?" Not only Louise exclaimed, but the heroes were also shocked and confused.

Dachao glanced at the expressionless Diana, thoughtfully.

"The corpse is not fake, but the person is fake. What comes is not the original body." Harley sighed, not too disappointed on her face.

"Since it's not the real body, why didn't you knock on the door?" Martian Manhunter asked.

"They are not in heaven at all." Harley said.

"How do you know?" Louise asked.

"They said it themselves, and I can sense it." Harley glanced at her and saw that she was still holding the recording device. Her heart moved and said: "On the surface, they were unyielding and died heroically. In fact, in private He has been begging me for mercy through spiritual transmission.

I was very angry, so I naturally disagreed. The louder they begged for mercy made me upset. "

Louise was very excited and asked: "How did they beg for mercy?"

Harley "repeated" each god's plea in great detail.

It's just that when it came to Zeus, given that Wonder Woman was present, she didn't say anything too outrageous about him. He was definitely very outrageous. If a mortal knew about it, he would definitely lose fans like crazy.

After a full hour, Harley finally ended with satisfaction.

Dachao asked doubtfully: "They really said so many words?"

"I repeated it very slowly, but there were so many of them speaking at the same time and using their minds to communicate, so of course it was very fast." Harley said.

Anyway, she is the winner, whatever she says is what she says, and those who are not afraid of death can stand up and refute!

"They are not dead, will you cause trouble with those gods in the future? You swore an oath." Hal asked.

Harley shook her head and said: "Harley Quinn, your words are like gold. I will definitely keep my word. Now that I have accepted their artifact, I will definitely not look for them again in the future."

But those god-kings are already 'dead'. If we meet them next time, if I beat them to death, it will be in compliance with 'reality' and will not count as a breach of oath. "

Hal was speechless, "I thought you had completely settled your grudges with them."

Dachao sighed: "Go back, I've been working hard all night, and I have to go to work tomorrow."

Harley said: "You go first, Darkseid is still waiting for me on the Genesis Star."

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