Paradise, Silver City.

"Old Zha, there seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere in Silver City! In the past, the angels were very enthusiastic towards me. When they met me on the road, they would greet me and salute me from a long distance away.

Why are you standing far away now, even deliberately avoiding me? "Harry looked around at the angels and asked in confusion.

Zaulie glanced at her and said expressionlessly: "What have you done? Don't you have any idea in your heart?"

"What did I do?"

"Why did you come to Silver City this time?" Zaulie asked.

"Looking for my brother God, have you seen Him recently?"

Upon hearing the title "Brother God," Zaulie frowned subconsciously, "What are you looking for from the Lord?"

"About the beginning and end of the Martial God King Era, we need to make it clear to Brother God." Harley said.

"What beginning and end?" Zaulie asked again.

"You have so many questions today."

"If you don't ask me, I won't bother to care about your business." Zhaulie said.

Harry thought that sooner or later what he was going to do would be known to everyone, so he leaned close to her ear and said: "During the era of the God of War, Brother God and I hit it off immediately, and we have been talking about each other for forty years, and we both admire each other closely.

In particular, God Brother's "God's Way" helped me open my horizons and gave me a deep understanding of the nature of the universe.

Let’s put it this way, if it weren’t for Brother God’s missionary work, I wouldn’t have been able to control the God King’s signature skill—Creation—in just fifty thousand years. "

Not only did she not exaggerate how God’s Way helped her, but she was unable to fully express the benefits she received in words.

"So?" Zaulie looked at her with more envy in his eyes.

Like the gods and angels, she had a memory from the War God King's era added to her mind. She knew which God Harry had met, and she also knew that she had indeed been taught by God for decades.

Harley said with a serious face: “I call God ‘big brother’ and I call myself little sister.

He didn't object. His lack of objection was tantamount to acquiescing to the plot of 'Ha Li Gu' in the story of King of Martial God.

In the Garden of Eden tens of thousands of years ago, I confirmed my identity as the ‘Sister of God’.

However, neither the archangels nor God Himself came out to see me back then, and the household registration and identity documents of the ‘Sister of God’ had not yet been obtained.

This is why I came to Silver City today. "

Zauliel's dark face was twisted, and he lowered his voice, with anger hidden in his voice, "Such blasphemous words, even the devils in hell can't utter them. Fortunately, you have followed the Lord and listened to the 'God's teachings' for decades, and you have learned them all." What?"

"Brother God didn't object, so why are you anxious? Brother God didn't say I was blasphemous. Are you making presumptions, or are you deliberately misinterpreting God's meaning, or even doing blasphemy in the name of God?" Harley said with a serious expression.

Zaulebei's face turned red, but he was dumbfounded and speechless.

Harley patted her shoulder and sighed: "In the final analysis, your realm is still not as good as Brother God and me.

For a being like Brother God, would he care about adding or losing one devout believer under his command?

Of course, I’m not saying that God doesn’t love believers.

He certainly loves.

But the world is so big, He needs a friend who understands His teachings, can talk to Him, and can give Him surprises and enlightenment.

Even if Lucifer rebels, do you see Brother God frowning?

Last time at the foot of Wushen Mountain, when he found out that I didn't bow before him, but instead called him brother, he not only looked surprised, but also a little disappointed. He felt very sorry that he could not conquer my heart with the way of God. "

Zauliel was about to shout excitedly: Look, you still said that the Lord had no objection? The Lord already looks disappointed and regretful, but you are still talking nonsense.

Harley didn't give her a chance to speak, and immediately added: "Brother God enjoys this kind of accident and regret. Otherwise, with His omnipotent authority, there is no need to wrong myself and let a villain like me succeed.

But He just shook his head and left. "

The words that had already flooded his throat were swallowed back by Zaulie.

She opened her mouth wide with a tangled expression. There seemed to be thousands of words and emotions in her heart, but she couldn't say a word.

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded above the two of them: "Harley Quinn, come to the Golden Hall."

It is the voice of heaven, but I don’t know who is controlling the voice of heaven at this time.

Harry smiled slightly, as if he was not surprised at all, patted Zaulie's shoulder again, and then walked towards the golden hall in the center of Silver City.

Silver City uses gold as its floor tiles, silver as its walls, and its roof is covered with tiles solidified by the Holy Light.

From a distance, it looks like a city of light, holy and great.

The architectural style of the city is somewhat similar to that of ancient royal cities in the West, with magnificent Gothic castles and towering round spires.

The Golden Hall is a ten-story castle.

After entering the door, Harley saw Archangel Raphael standing in the middle of the hall with a stinky face.

"Follow me, someone wants to see you."

Harley thought it was Him who called her over, but she didn't expect that after meeting, He would take her directly to the nearby tower.

"Who sees me? Is it Brother God?" Harley followed Him and asked while climbing the stairs.

"When we get there, you will know who it is." Raphael said coldly.

Harley glanced at Him and had a vague suspicion in her heart, so she didn't waste any more words.

Climbing to the top of the tower, Harry came to a hanging garden with a vast view. The garden had beautifully carved stone tables and chairs, but there was no one there.

Harley looked at Raphael.

Raphael unfolded his archangel wings with a puff and said, "This is just a flying platform, and the people who want to see you are still on it."

After speaking, His wings flapped slightly twice, and his body shot high into the sky like a sharp arrow.

Harley had doubts in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face or hesitate in her movements.

Her back flashed with holy white light, and a pair of angel wings with white feathers spread out.

This was the reward that Harry received after making contributions to heaven in his early years.

It is composed of divinity and angelic origin. The biggest difference from real angel wings is that 90% of the angel's power is concentrated in the wings.

Harley's wings once contained huge angel power, but compared to her own power, it was too insignificant and was directly digested and absorbed by her. Now the wings are filled with the power of blood.

"Whoosh!" Harley and Raphael were like two arrows of light, quickly traveling through the sky that exuded a faint golden glow.

On the surface, they look like swordsmen with flying swords under their feet, comfortable and relaxed, and their postures are chic.

In fact, both of them were gritting their teeth and holding back their strength, neither wanting to give in.

The higher they fly, the greater the pressure falls on them and the more difficult it becomes to fly.

Silver City is not the earth, the air is not thin, and the factors that affect flight have nothing to do with aerodynamics.

Hell descends to the earth in Limbo, the lower heaven is above Limbo, the Silver City is above the lower heaven, and the place of the Holy Sound where the saints live is above the Silver City.

From hell - Limbo - the bottom heaven - the City of Silver - the City of Holy Sound, each level is "higher" than the other.

Only when the "realm" is high can one live in a higher place.

Realm is the degree of devotion to God and the degree of understanding of God’s teachings.

In other words, the existence that is more in line with God’s teachings is closest to the “Lord” and the Lord is at the top.

The resistance that Harley and Raphael encountered were like "Math Olympiads" written according to God's teachings. Only by giving the answers can they take a step forward.

When it comes to difficult problems involving the realm of soul and thought, even if Harley has level 10 God Defense expertise, she cannot cheat.

Just like her inability to use the force field of entropy to enter the "second floor" of the River of Time, what troubles her is the realm, not the environment.

Harley understood that the flight was a test of her understanding and acceptance of God's teachings.

Her understanding of God's way over the past tens of thousands of years flashed through her mind.

Some understanding of the teachings made her body and soul lighter and faster.

Some understandings were contrary to God's original intention, and immediately turned into heavy pressure, pressing on her body and in her heart, making her wings unable to flap.

Flying higher and higher, the higher the pressure, the greater the pressure.

The heavy pressure was like Harley taking the initiative to put her head into the water to hold her breath. She almost couldn't hold it in anymore, but no one forced her head down. As long as she wanted to, she could immediately raise her head from the water and take a big breath of air - with her She understands the Word of God to such an extent that as long as she gives up her resistance, she can heartily accept ideas and teachings that she had previously not accepted.

This is no longer just a test.

This is forcing her to choose whether she is willing to convert to God. Of course, it can also be regarded as a test to test how much she values ​​this meeting.

If she really wants to see the existence of "above", she must give up some persistence.

Harley wanted to see Him, but she didn't want to give up any persistence.

Gradually, her speed slowed down.

Just when she was feeling a little depressed, she suddenly realized that Raphael was no longer on the opposite side.

Harley looked up, but there was no Raphael.

She quickly lowered her head to look down again

"Hahaha, Raphael, 'Acting Lord', why don't you come up?"

Harley instantly became happy.

Before, she was only focused on competing with the "Olympiad Problems of God's Teachings", and she didn't notice that Raphael could no longer fly and fell down.

At this time, she lowered her head, and even his shadow could not be distinguished with the naked eye. Only the aura and radiance of the "Acting Lord" could be sensed.

This means that Archangel Raphael is not as "devout" to God as she is.

True piety is the degree of understanding and conformity to the ways of God.

Some people do not believe in the Buddha, but the Buddha says that they have wisdom and a connection with the Buddha, and do everything possible to save them; some people have been fasting and chanting the Buddha's name for decades, but the Buddha said "eat shit". While eating shit, he said it was delicious, but he still became a Not a Buddha.

Obedient slaves are no different from donkeys, cows and horses. Are donkeys and horses worthy of the Buddha's attention?

Harley not only disobeys God, but also often makes Him take the blame, and also exposes His dirty tricks to superheroes, but she is actually more "devout" than Raphael.

All I can say is that even "piety" depends on talent, not just being honest and obedient.

What's more, Raphael is not necessarily honest.

"You are not racing with Raphael. Flying higher than Him does not mean you win."

Just when Harley was laughing proudly, a clear and clear voice appeared in her ears.

Harley was stunned for a moment and shouted, "How long do I have to fly before I 'win'?"

"Come to me," the voice said.

Harry curled his lips and said, "If I can reach your height, I will have the final say in this Silver City. What else am I going to do with you?"

"You are so brave." The voice was calm, still without any emotion.

"As the saying goes, be benevolent and wise. If someone talks to me like this, I will say that she is very frank and sincere, not courageous." Harley said.

"Forget it, if you want to talk to me, first stand at the same level as me."

The clear voice was not as steady as before, and it seemed that the calm inner lake was filled with waves of anger.

"Ah, I can't fly anymore!" Harley yelled, retracted her wings, and stood still.

"Lord Michael, after all, my realm is not as good as yours. But we don't need to meet each other to talk. Let's just say this. Anyway, the only one higher than us is Brother God. No matter how loud we shout, other angels will Can’t hear it either.”


Silently, a faint golden light fell in front of Harry.

The golden glow dispersed, and a handsome angel wearing golden armor and a white cloak appeared.

Unlike Raphael, whose appearance is more exquisite than that of a woman, this angel is handsome but full of masculinity, tall but not burly, slender but full of power.

Harley was stunned for a while before coming back to her senses, "King Michael, you are indeed Brother God's most perfect creation, much better than Lucifer and Gabriel.

You are not on the same level at all. You are the only one, high up, Lucifer is just a step below, and Gabriel is ten floors below, the lowest.

When I see you, I feel like I have met Brother God himself, and I feel very kind and familiar.

And your-"

"Okay, okay!" He waved his hand and said expressionlessly: "It's useless to say this, everyone knows that you are sweet-mouthed and dirty-handed."

Harley said seriously: "I am Brother God's little black hand, and I am not afraid of people knowing."

Michael frowned into a deep frown, "You are a smart person, you should understand that I am not here to talk to you."

"I'm just showing my attitude. I am Brother God's younger brother. I can do anything that the younger brother on earth can do for his elder brother. I just hope that Brother God will give me, this younger brother, a formal identity." Harley said.

"What 'official status' do you want?" Michael asked.

"I want all the 'God Brothers', heavens, and Christian believers in the multiverse of the Almighty Universe to recognize my official status." Harley said.

Michael's crystal-clear golden pupils suddenly shrank to a point, and his tone was unspeakably shocked, "Why do you think so?"

Harley didn't know why, "What's wrong with thinking that way?"

Michael said with a complex expression: "It was only decades ago, after the arrival of Doctor Manhattan, that I gradually let go of the power of Silver City and set my sights further afield.

Then in recent years, I began to think that the power of the Lord must transcend the multiverse.

So is there another ‘Michael’ in another multiverse?”

"I've just been thinking about this problem. You've already sharpened your sword and are planning to do it. What are you planning to do?"

"Oh, you are amazed at my broad vision and lofty ambitions. I thought that 'formal status' was too much to ask for."

Harley smiled and was happy, with a triumphant look on her face.

Michael said calmly: "If I were you, my face should be full of sorrow right now.

I haven't even thought about intervening in another multiverse, so naturally I can't meet your 'formal identity' requirements. "

"Oh, if you have fun, just be happy first. If you keep thinking about failure, life will be so failed and depressing!" Harley waved her hands, still smiling.

Michael looked at her deeply and said, "How did you discover another multiverse?"

"My return to reality was so loud, but you didn't use the Voice of Heaven to monitor me? I told the heroes of Zhenglian about the 'next door universe'." Harley asked curiously.

Michael's attitude of "just open the skylight and speak frankly" just now made her think that he already knew everything.

"Whoever is the 'Great Lord' of Silver City represents the 'Voice of Heaven'. I have not been the 'Great Lord' for decades," Michael said.

"I see."

Harley nodded, and spoke frankly about her findings in the Ocean of Entropy, and then said: "I was thinking, since the universe next door can easily receive stories related to God Brother, it means that there is God Brother there too, and there is also God Brother there. Connected with our 'God Brother'."

"Why can you survive in entropy? Even I dare not touch the entropy at the end of time." Michael asked in surprise.

"Maybe it has something to do with my fusion of the power of Linear Man and the power of Manhattan." Harley scratched the back of her head, her clear eyes filled with confusion, "I have a feeling in the dark that entropy can't hurt me. Try I tried it, and it turned out to be true."

Michael stared at her face for a long time, unable to tell whether she was lying.

Theoretically speaking, Dr. Manhattan can travel through the omnipotent universe and must have adapted to the environment of the omnipotent universe. But she is the witch Harley, can she believe her words?

——Let’s believe it three points and reserve seven points doubt.

"The ability to project stories is also related to the power of Manhattan?" He continued to ask.

"It's related to entropy. I integrated the power of entropy into the power of Manhattan." Harley said.

Michael sneered: "Aside from the power of Manhattan, can you find any other reason?"

Harley said seriously: "Do you know what the Manhattan Power is?

It is the power of connection!

Do you know what the power of connection is?

The God of Creation relies on the power of connection to integrate the seven basic forces to achieve the creation effect of "seven in one, giving birth to all things".

The core function of the power of connection is to govern a variety of basic forces.

Not to mention fusion entropy, if I encounter other energy in the future, I will still fuse it into it. "

The sneer on Michael's face turned into shock and surprise, "You know a lot, but who did you listen to? There should be no one in the multiverse—"

As if he was remembering something, his expression changed slightly and he quickly changed his words: "Forget it, stop talking, I don't want to know."

Harley blinked twice and said with a smile, "Are you still afraid of her?"

"I'm afraid of trouble." Michael turned his head, avoiding her gaze, and said, "What does 'formal identity' have to do with your story?"

Harley stopped her smile and said, "I hope my story will be accepted by people from other worlds and become a legend. It's best to develop it into a belief.

If it can be officially recognized, it will definitely be more conducive to the spread of the story.

For example, Brother God gave me a kind of authority, and I directly projected the authority and the story into the minds of angels in another world.

If the angel personally spreads the story, mortals must believe it without a doubt. "

"What are you going to do after spending so much money to establish faith in another world? What can you do to get your money back, or even make a lot of money?" Michael asked again.

Harley pondered: "Is it possible that mastering the laws of another multiverse will help us break through the realm of the 'God King', and finally transcend the multiverse and gain great freedom?"

"Break through the realm and gain transcendence."

Michael nodded secretly, even he couldn't resist this temptation.

——Witch Harley is really ambitious and knowledgeable.

He believed her explanation.

Because what Harley said sounded too true.

Any god-king wants to break through the realm and achieve transcendence.

Darkseid struggled so hard, wasn't it just for breakthrough and transcendence?

Even if a monitor seeks to be promoted to the main monitor, it is also a transformation in realm.

Harley is indeed aiming for a breakthrough in "cultivation", but her method of breakthrough is different from others.

More experience, higher expertise and defense level are the core components of her strength.

"I'm joining your 'story plan'," Michael said suddenly.

Harley was surprised: "You mean, you want to cooperate with me?"

Michael nodded and said: "Although the chance of connecting to different worlds through stories is very slim, there is finally a way out. It is always good to have one more way."

Harley wondered: "Can angels practice the laws of other worlds?"

Michael's eyes flashed slightly, "If possible, I will try to resonate directly with the 'Michael' of the multiverse and share our experiences and insights.

You can even try to fuse both of them to become a stronger and more complete 'Michael'. "

Harley's eyes widened and she said in shock: "I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn't expect you to be crazier than me.

What if after the fusion, the other party's will becomes dominant? "

Michael said with a calm expression: "If we can fuse, it proves that the similarity between Him and me is high enough, and we are even two sides of the same body.

The so-called dominance is nothing more than being in a certain mood at a certain moment.

You won’t always be in the same mood, right? "

"Well, since you have this kind of awareness." Harley no longer struggled with the issue of main consciousness, and just asked: "I can only project my own story, how can I cooperate with you?"

Michael thought about it and said: "In terms of content, I am the protagonist and you are the supporting role. It is also 'Harley's story'.

Or, I, the supporting role, may appear in a very high status to inspire you.

Just like the story of King David in the Bible, the whole story tells the story of David's life. In fact, during the process of reading the story, believers are in awe of the Lord.

Because they understood that King David’s honor, disgrace, and misfortune were all changing according to the rules set by God. "

Harry endured it for a while, but finally did not spit at him in front of him: "You are shameless!"

"Is it possible that after I passed on the story, the 'reader' on the other side thought that the Michael in the story was the Michael of their multiverse instead of you?" she said.

Michael said: "It's very possible, but it doesn't matter, readers will still feel that you are in their multiverse.

How come they feel unimportant.

What matters is belief in the content of the story, belief in the protagonist and supporting characters of the story.

All we want is their faith.

Faith will never go wrong, and the thread of faith will definitely connect us accurately.

Of course, the premise is that the story must be true. "

Harley looked surprised and said: "Listening to what you said, you look like an old expert who has been planning for many years!"

"My power exceeds your imagination, and my understanding of the omnipotent universe is far deeper than yours." Michael said.

Harley nodded and did not ask Him what he knew about the Almighty Universe. If asked, He would not tell it directly.

"If you can help me figure out the identity of the 'Sister of God', I can help convey your story. Even if you help me get the true identity, I can write it into a moving story."

Michael shook his head and said: "No one can identify you as the 'Sister of God' except the Lord Himself.

Even if the Lord of our universe nods and agrees, he cannot help you dominate all the heavens in the universe.

The simple truth is that the mayor of city A cannot appoint the police chief of city B. "

"I don't need to be the police chief of city B. City B only needs to recognize my identity as the police chief of city A. We are all colleagues and can be trusted. There is no need to be wary. It would be better if we can give you some benefits and convenience." Harley said.

"City A and City B are in the same state and country, so your identity is meaningful. The two multiverse 'paradises' do not have the closely connected 'administrative relationship' you think.

It is possible that they are like two cities on two civilized planets, even the races are different. "

Harry frowned and said, "Then what suggestions do you have?"

Since He asked to join the gang, there must be a way to solve her problem, otherwise why would she let Him join the gang?

Michael looked into her eyes and said meaningfully: "Do you know why I see you here?"

Harry looked around, "Isn't this a test for me? To be honest, the result was beyond my expectation. The acting king is not as close as I am to brother God."

"Do you think your realm is very high? This place is still far away from the City of Holy Sound." Michael said.

Harley said with a strange expression: "For you archangels, this is nothing to be proud of, right? You are not even as good as a mortal, not as good as many mortals."

Michael shook his head and said: “The closer mortal believers are to the Lord, the happier the Lord will be.

The closer an angel is to the Lord, the more dissatisfied the Lord will be and may even feel boring.

Because we are a separate part from the Lord, the less different we are from Him, the less meaningful we are to Him. "

Harley was stunned. This was the first time she had heard this statement, and it seemed to make some sense.

Lucifer directly led one-third of the angels to fall.

The Bull Angel Lucifer Desire rebelled. If she hadn't intervened, at least one-third of the angels would have fallen. At that time, except for the Eagle Angel and the Human Angel, the Bull Angel and the Lion Angel were very dissatisfied with the current situation in heaven.

That adds up to nearly half of the fallen. Even if the "big brother" in the mortal world mixes like this, it is considered a complete failure.

But who dares to say that God is a loser?

Since He is not a loser, then

Michael said: “I am meeting you here to test your understanding and acceptance of God’s teachings.

Silver City's identity authentication cannot guarantee your status in the otherworldly paradise.

But there is one thing that is “hard currency” in any heaven, and it is faith in the Lord.

You and I both believe in the Lord’s sovereignty over all multiverses.

Michael may be different in different worlds, but the core of God’s teachings must be the same.

Everything about the gods may be false, only the teachings cannot deceive or deceive people. "

He stretched out his hand to show the surrounding scenery of bright holy light and curling holy sounds, and said: "This position represents your understanding and compliance with the doctrine, and it also represents your authority in heaven - with my help, you can transform it into Real and true power!”

Harley's heart was pounding, "What should we do?"

"Do you agree to cooperate with me?" Michael smiled lightly.

Harley nodded and said, "Why not? The omnipotent universe is infinite, so the infinite cake is placed there. I'm just afraid that I can't touch it, but I'm not afraid that it won't be enough."

"You are indeed a smart person!"

Half a month later.

"Why have you been gone so long?"

Zaulie and Carlisle were waiting at the entrance of the Golden Hall. When they saw Harry coming out, the old priest immediately asked nervously.

Harry looked around and saw many angels watching from a distance, so he laughed and said: "I saw Lord Michael, and he is testing my understanding of God's way.

It means opening your wings and flying towards the source of the Holy Light. The higher you fly, the closer you are to the Lord.

Except for Lord Michael, I flew higher than all the angels, soared over the City of Holy Sound, and almost touched the soles of Brother God’s feet. "

Zaulie looked suspicious, "I don't believe you can fly higher than me, let alone surpass Holy Sound City. If you surpass Holy Sound City, doesn't that mean you are a saint? How is that possible?"

"Do you think I would tell lies in public on this occasion?" Harley said.

"Nothing you say is strange."

Harley patted her shoulder and sighed: "If it were anyone else, I would have pulled her up on the spot, but you are my friend and I don't want you to die. Let's change the topic."

She turned to Carlisle and asked, "I heard that you were locked up while I was away?"

Carlisle's eyes flickered a few times, he shook his head with a smile and said, "It's not that serious, it's just a small misunderstanding. Ask me for questions."

Then he said: "By the way, someone on Earth is looking for you. They are in a hurry and sent dozens of messages to Tiantian Mountain. The grass-headed hero on Tiantian Mountain has no choice but to stand on the top of the mountain and send me a signal, and I will leave the guard. I'll wait for you at the gate."

Harley nodded and didn't ask about the detention.

She doesn't stay in Silver City often, and she doesn't need to look at anyone's face. She can get angry on the spot if anyone makes her unhappy.

Carlisle is different. He lives in Silver City all year round. His own strength is also very ordinary, and it is easy for others to mislead him.

She can help him for a while, but he still has to live his own life.

"After I've been busy for a while, I will often come to Silver City to check in. Then I will teach you the 'True God's Way' and ensure that you can grow angel wings within a few decades." Harley said.

Carlisle is still at the level of a master, and it would really be a stretch to put him in the Silver City where "gods" are everywhere.

The best way to help him is to improve his hard power and understanding of God's teachings.

As Michael said, in heaven, faith in God is the real basis for power.

"As long as you have this intention!" Carlisle understood Harley's thoughts and was very moved, but he didn't take it seriously. "It was me who explained the secrets of the Bible to you back then."

"It's been three days since we've been apart. It's been more than 30,000 years since we've been apart. Just watch, I'll definitely surprise you." Harley was very confident.

If the occasion wasn't right and it wasn't suitable for publicity to be known to everyone, she would have shown off her newly-condensed "All-Network·God's Power" on the spot.

A moment later, in the main universe, the conference room of the Hall of Justice.

"I'm going to heaven to report to Lord Michael."

Seeing the commander approaching with an anxious expression, Harley said before he spoke.

The complaints that had surged into his throat were swallowed back by the commander-in-chief.

"Have you met Lord Michael this time? I heard that the Lord has ignored the government for many years." He said in surprise.

Harley said lightly: "I can see the Maharaja at any time as long as I want."

At least this is the truth now.

"Ahem, the funeral of the heroes who died in the final crisis cannot be postponed any longer and must be held as soon as possible." Dachao reminded.

Harry glanced around them and frowned: "Isn't it just a funeral? Do you need to wait for me? I don't disrespect them, but their souls have already gone to Heaven Mountain.

They didn't even care about formalistic funerals. "

General Lane explained: "The alien messenger was invited to attend your funeral earlier. Now that you are not dead, the reason for the party cannot be changed.

They still come to Earth under the banner of burying heroes. Of course, this time they are not here to cause trouble for us, they are here to bring us warmth.

But the person they want to see is you. If you are not present, it cannot be justified in terms of etiquette, and some things are not easy to talk about. "

"What else do they want to talk to me about?" Harley asked.

General Lane said: "Many, the final result of the final crisis, the final impact of the crisis on the fifth world and the material world, the current situation of Darkseid, the damage of the equation signal wave to the infected, whether there are any sequelae, the era of the God of War There are so many questions, and only you can give the final answer that convinces everyone.”

"Hey, haven't I told you these questions before? I told you on the first day I came back." Harley said.

"We said that the effect is completely different from saying it in person. You show up in public and say nothing, and you can be on the front page of the Galaxy News; I screamed loudly, and no alien reporter even conducted an exclusive interview with me." The commander said sourly.

He has been very active in the days since Harley's return.

Previously, he had left all the work of dealing with alien messengers to Ryan.

When Harley returned, the people on Earth were emboldened. He immediately revoked General Lane's status as "Plenipotentiary Diplomat" and personally dealt with alien representatives. He also participated in many news interviews and talked to the camera for 23 years. The general election is not far away.

He really wants to be on the Galaxy Hot Search List and become the focus of the Galaxy. The Galaxy also has a selection similar to Forbes magazine's "Ranking of the World's Most Influential People."

The commander-in-chief wants to be on the list and win votes.

But for more than half a month, no alien media had conducted an exclusive interview with him.

Even the famous ones from Earth would most likely ask "Where is the Galaxy Admiral and when will he come back" when facing him.

"Anyway, the hero's coffin has been parked for so many days. Let it remain for a few more days. When I finish handling the matter, we can hold a grand event." Harley thought for a moment and said.

"What else do you want?" Dachao asked.

Harley looked around, "Is Bateman back?"

Dachao shook his head and said, "We didn't find him. Are you sure he has returned to reality?"

Harley said: "There is no need to doubt this, and there is no need to deliberately look for him. Just wait for him to show up on his own. I will go to Apokolips next, let's go to Heaven first.

Darkseid is a new god and has nowhere to run. The gods in the sky are different. They are too cunning. "

"What are you doing with them?" Wonder Woman asked.

Harley glanced at her, "With my petty and narrow-minded character, now that my strength has surged and the king has returned, of course I must show off my power and take revenge."

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