During the siege of the Dark New God, Harley was already level 123, and then she planned to run away.

It's not that she is satisfied. She hasn't reached level nine in the Divine Defense Specialty, and the New God of Darkness has not exhausted all her experience points. Harley is definitely not satisfied, but she is not alone and has to consider the situation on the earth.

The maximum defense value of the DC multiverse is 120. After the level exceeds 120, the overflowing defense points cannot be shown in the direct defense effect, but the defense exceeding the maximum value is not completely useless.

At level 120, Bubble's defense is 120 points, and Darkseid's extreme output can break it with three punches.

After the bubble bursts, Harley's soul will suffer very strong mental shock damage.

Assume that the soul damage received is 10 points.

When the level exceeds 120, the defense effect displayed by the bubble is still 120 points. The same Darkseid breaks the bubble with the same three punches.

After the bubble bursts, Harley's soul will still receive a powerful mental impact, but the impact is much lower than before, and the soul damage is less than 9 points.

At level 121, Soul Blast damage is 95% of level 120, and at level 123 it is 80% of level 120.

Not only bubbles, but also physical defense is in a similar situation.

Facing the same attack, the damage to the body remains unchanged, but the impact of the injury on the body is reduced.

At level 120, Harley was stabbed in the chest. Harley screamed in pain and was weak for a long time. At level 123, she was stabbed in the same location. She bled out the same amount of blood and had the same big wound, but she no longer screamed. He is not that weak and can continue to fight bloody battles.

It was as if the overflowing defense had been converted into a "health bar". Harley didn't understand why this was happening. She could only intuitively feel that she would still be defeated by the new god of darkness, but she was much more capable.

She also wanted to open the space door before, but Kesaide punched him one after another, causing time and space to shatter and the laws to collapse. All her thoughts were used to parry his attacks, preventing him from hitting her vital points, and she had almost no energy left to mobilize the space. The power opens the space door.

Now Darkseid was still punching one after another, but Harley was obviously more relaxed and began to forcefully open the space door, intending to run away.

She tried again and again, failed again and again, but it was visible to the naked eye that the integrity of the space door she opened was improving.

It won't be long before Harley can completely open the space door and plunge in, leaving Darkseid and the Dark Elite stomping their feet in excitement and helpless.

"Ah~~~" When Darkseid smashed the 25th space door with a gloomy expression, a scream suddenly came from the new dark god who maintained the Apocalypse realm, and the earth's core energy surrounding Harley appeared for a while. disorder.

The screams did not stop, but started one after another, quickly spreading among the army.

The chaos of the earth's core energy has not stopped. It has become more and more crazy, with an obvious tendency to lose control.

Harry was confused and stopped opening the 26th space door, took a few steps back, and looked closely at the surrounding situation.

Darkseid's perception of the battlefield situation became clearer, and his expression became even uglier.

He jumped up into the air and stopped attacking Harley.

"Is this an Omac particle?" Desaad exclaimed from the Dark Elite team, "Brother Eye, what are you doing? Why are you using Omac particles to corrode our people?"

Bateman created an artificial intelligence "Brother Eye" based on his own soul-based data.

The name "Brother Eye" already indicates its identity to a certain extent. It is Bateman's twin brother and has the same soul genes and wisdom as him.

It is his brother and the eye through which he watches Earth's superheroes and supervillains.

In fact, brother eyes are not the exclusive property of Batman in the main universe.

For example, although Earth-51 does not have quantum soul gene technology, "Murderer" Bateman also created his own brother's eyes through other methods.

But his brother didn't lose control.

Little Luther, whose body was taken away by the Watcher, is in the main universe, not on Earth-51.

"The Killer" Bateman can kill all the super villains on the earth, and Brother Eyes plays a huge role.

Brotherly Eyes is to Bateman what Ultron is to Iron Man.

If it succeeds, it will create a beautiful world of great harmony; if it fails, it will destroy the world.

In short, the Brother Eye controlled by Bateman is only the first form of Brother Eye.

He placed strict restrictions on the Brother Eye to ensure it wouldn't turn into the Sky Eye from "The Terminator."

Alexander Luther Jr. tampered with the source code of Brother Eye.

While betraying Bateman, Brother Eye also lost his restraints and used Bateman's database to start a crazy self-evolution.

It invented Omac particles, nanoparticles loaded with the super-powerful soul genes of superpowers, which parasitize living people and turn them into puppets completely controlled by it.

Omac looks a lot like Iron Man wearing Mark's suit. He also uses nanoparticles to build a shell and wraps the mortal body inside.

However, the suit is just Iron Man's exoskeleton, while Omac is a parasite, robbing the host of its vitality.

The Brother Eye, which controls the Omac particles, enters its second form.

Later, Brother Eye surrendered to Darkseid, gained recognition from the origin of Apokolips, and became a dark elite. This is the third form.

Now, Brother Eye seems to have entered its fourth form.

The millions of new gods of darkness within Harley's field of vision first had a blue spot appear on their body surface. The blue spot quickly spread along the body, covering their whole body, and finally turned into a "blue-shelled Iron Man" with a mohawk head. ".

The New God of Darkness will certainly struggle.

They mobilized the divine power in their bodies, struggled hard, and shouted loudly, but to no avail.

The change came very suddenly and very quickly.

Ten seconds ago, Harley was struggling in the realm of apocalypse.

Ten seconds later, the millions of new gods who built the Apocalypse Realm were completely wiped out.

Except for Darkseid and the Dark Elite, all the new gods and even demons who besieged Harley were transformed into Ormac.

"My dear, brother's eyes are already so strong, even the Dark Gods can assimilate them."

Harley was even more shocked by the strength of her brother's eye than by its sudden betrayal of Darkseid.

When he was on Earth, Brother Eye could only use Omac particles on ordinary people.

Superheroes or supervillains can easily resist the invasion of Omac particles.

The biological level and divine power level of the New Gods are far higher than those of mortals, and most superheroes are inferior to them.

The Gods are the Gods after all.

But now

"Buzz buzz~~~" Just when Harley was in shock, a change occurred in the distance, and a huge golden light pillar penetrated the sky and the earth. The sacred and vast power tore the sky apart and shook the earth.

"Darkseid, your end has come."

With the roar that shook the sky, the huge golden light pillar turned into thousands of golden lights, instantly crossing a distance of thousands of kilometers and arriving above Darkseid.

They are all old gods, coming from various pantheons. Their lowest status is also the main god. There are more than ten god kings.

All the old gods are huge energy forms, more than ten meters tall, dozens of meters tall, and their whole bodies are radiant, like Titans made of glass.

After arriving at the battlefield, the gods did not hesitate at all. As if they had rehearsed countless times in advance, they instantly formed a golden formation with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

Divine power was poured out unscrupulously, shrouding Darkseid and the Dark Elite.

Harley's expression was strange, it turned out to be another magic circle focusing on space confinement.

"Harley, I accept your invitation to form an alliance." A beam of golden light fell next to her, transforming into a 20-meter-tall figure wearing golden armor and a golden helmet, holding a lightning scepter, and her body exuded a brilliant golden glow. God-King Zeus.

"Is your reaction arc too long? It took more than half a month to receive my spiritual transmission?" Harley said with a sarcastic expression.

Zeus was neither embarrassed nor hesitant, and immediately sent a message: "Harry, you are a smart person. I don't need to explain. When you see this scene, you must immediately understand that this is a trap.

It's a kill shot against Darkseid.

You and I may not be allies with exactly the same interests, but when it comes to dealing with Apokolips, we are on the same journey.

Let's support each other through this difficult journey first, and then even if we encounter a fork in the road and part ways, at least we will have one less common enemy. "

Harley's face changed several times, her expression uncertain.

"You are seeking death!"

Darkseid roared angrily and rushed toward a Neon Lord far away from Harley.


The old gods took action together, and their divine power and magic formed a golden river, rushing towards Darkseid.

"Stab-" Red light flashed in Darkseid's eyes, and the zigzag-shaped omega rays bypassed the magical barrier and fell on the main god.


It was like an ordinary person being shot at close range. With just one blow, the main god was broken into several pieces, and the remaining body was charred and smoking.

He didn't even have time to scream.

"Harley Quinn, what are you waiting for? With your wisdom, don't you understand that we are your last potential allies?

In the previous Battle of Olympus and the siege just now, you were all alone, but Darkseid had a large number of people and used his power to overwhelm everyone, making you unable to breathe. Have you not experienced enough the despair of being alone and helpless, with no chance of winning? "

While Zeus was persuading Harley with a thunderous spirit, he flew in front of Darkseid and stopped the Dark Lord from slaughtering the other gods.

The dark elite are not idle either, they are already fighting with the gods.

"If you come in your true form and fight Darkseid to the death, you might be able to move me, but you are greedy for life and afraid of death, so all you come are energy incarnations. Use energy incarnations to call me, a living person, to fight to the death. Do you have any shame? ?”

At this time, the gods looked majestic. Their bodies were as huge as Titans, their auras were as vast as the sea, and their bodies were as bright as the sun, making people unable to open their eyes. Their every move seemed to have the power to move mountains and reclaim seas.

But in fact, they are all energy divine bodies composed of divine power, not true bodies.

Zeus was not ashamed at all, and his voice was still as loud as thunder: "Although it is an energy divine body, we have invested all the divine personality, divinity, and divine power into it, and the strength is the same as the original body.

If he died in battle, the loss of divinity and power would be enough to put a god-king into a deep sleep. "

Harley looked at the old and new gods fighting in the sky, her eyes flickering.

Although the old gods suddenly appeared, their strength and numbers were not as good as those of the dark elite.

The blockade of the God Kings against Darkseid is crumbling.

About three hundred main gods were in a bad state under the pressure of more than a thousand dark elites.

However, the battle did not fall one-sided in favor of the New Gods.

For the old gods have help.

The new dark gods who were assimilated by the Omac particles launched a desperate charge against Darkseid and the Dark Elite.

The two sides were barely evenly divided.

After hesitating for a while, Harley stepped forward and came to the side of a dark elite. A bubble covered him. In his horrified eyes, a sinister wind pointed at his eyebrows.

"Boom - tsk -" A hole was opened in his head, and black wind poured into his brain. The dark elite's eyes popped out, his whole body twitched several times, and his body faded and disappeared like a phantom in the sun.

"Hiss~~" Athena, who was dressed like a golden saint, took a breath and subconsciously stepped back dozens of meters to avoid Harley.

The dark elite who was killed just now is Darkseid's strongest warrior "Mantis". He has the ability to be almost immune to physical damage. Not only is he immune to physical damage, but he can also absorb magic and energy damage, making him almost unkillable.

Anyway, Athena fought with it for dozens of rounds without even scratching the opponent's oily skin.

But he was stabbed to death by a finger. Where was the promised physical damage immunity and magic immunity?


Just when Diana's sister was in a daze, another dark elite died under Harley's "Nine Yin White Bone Finger".

"Witch Harley, so scary"

Athena swallowed, feeling a heavy sense of awe for Harley in her heart.


Just as Harry was slaughtering the gods like cutting melons, Zeus, the number one god king in the center of the battlefield, suddenly let out a shrill scream.

He was seen retreating continuously, shouting loudly: "Harley Quinn, come here and help us stop Darkseid, we can't let him interfere with our brother's eyes.

You contain Darkseid alone while we deal with the Dark Elite. "

Harley didn't listen to him and just continued to kill the dark elite.

However, she sent a mental message: "Brother, what are you doing? What are your plans?"

"Brothers are focused on destroying the foundation of Apokolips. Believe me, as long as Darkseid is held back, we will win this battle." Zeus said quickly.

"What is the foundation of Apokolips? Please explain it clearly." Harley said.

"There's no time, hurry up - ah~~"

Zeus received another hit of omega rays on his chest, and a hole as big as a bowl appeared between his chest and back.

After forcing Zeus back with one blow, Darkseid had a sullen face and quickly landed, trying to rush to the ground.

"Witch Harley, come and stop him!" Amon, the Egyptian Sun, shouted.

"I don't even know your plans, how can I dare to cooperate with your actions." Harley sneered.


Apokolips seemed to have suddenly experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. The continental plates were like squeezed shortcakes. Rocks flew from the ground. Magma emerged from under the land plates, forming a magma ocean in a few breaths.

"Is it done?" The old gods looked at the earth where the magma was rolling, and everyone looked happy.

"Damn you!" Darkseid was furious, and so many intense omega rays erupted in his eyes that his big gray-black face was blocked by a large red light.

"Chichichichichi~~" He was really angry, and he really exploded. Omega rays circled in the air and split into hundreds of energy rays. Except for Harley, every old god suffered at least one hit. One shot.

"Boom, boom, boom~~" I saw the old gods in the sky were like fireworks, most of them exploded, and the rest were either dead or disabled.

"Witch Harley, what are you waiting for?" Zeus's voice was full of resentment and a touch of weakness.

"Brother, are you looking at the center of Apokolips? Fake, you are so ambitious that you actually want to snatch the origin of the New God."

Harley ignored even the dark elites, wrapped her body in a golden film, and plunged into the magma lake below.

Hot, vast, majestic, sacred.

This is Harley's first impression of the origin of Apokolips after diving into the magma pool.

Then, she felt endless pain and "heard" the original cry of Apokolips.

The earth has a planetary spirit, and Apokolips also has a planetary spirit composed of pan-consciousness.

It controls the energy of the earth's core and is the origin of the dark new gods.

The old gods and the new gods actually have many similarities, such as their birth.

The "mother" of the old gods is Gaia, the pan-consciousness of the earth, and the "start-up capital" for the old gods' fortune comes from the gift of the earth's origin.

The "mother" of the New God is the planetary spirit of Apokolips and Creation Star, and their divine power also comes from the origin of the planet.

If the planet spirit destroys the civilization star, even if the planet is still there, civilization will lose its potential for evolution.

The planet spirit that destroys Apokolips is afraid that the entire Apokolips will explode like fireworks, just like what Darkseid did to the Genesis Star.

"Witch Harley, don't interfere with my actions. I am destroying Darkseid's roots. My actions are beneficial to you."

A strange fluctuation was transmitted into Harry's sea of ​​consciousness.

Like mental fluctuations, but with the characteristics of quantum signals.

"Brother eyes?" Harley asked.

"It's me, help me stop Darkseid. He has escaped from the gods and is quickly approaching the center of the earth." The information wave in the brother's eyes showed human eagerness.

While speeding up, Harley asked: "Are you devouring the origin of Apokolips? With your 'belly', I'm afraid it's hard to digest, right?"

"Witch Harley, now is not the time to covet magic power, the overall situation is more important!" Brother Eye shouted.

"You monopolize the origin of Tianqi Star, but you let me put the overall situation first and sacrifice yourself. Your shamelessness is very similar to mine - Omaika, why are you so huge?"

The red light in front of Harley's eyes suddenly became thinner, and a silver "metal origin wall" blocked the way.

It's not really a metal wall.

It is the shell of a giant artificial satellite.

The reason why it looks boundless, like the Origin Wall, is simply because this satellite is so huge.

Harley was certain that its diameter exceeded that of the sun.

And it was still expanding rapidly. When she first came over, it was at least 200 kilometers away from its surface, and now it was right in front of her.

"Witch Harley, Darkseid is here. Help me stop him. Quick, in order to prevent Darkseid from becoming the King of Gods, take action quickly!" the brother said anxiously.

Among its information waves, there is also a four-dimensional three-dimensional map, which marks Darkseid's flight trajectory at this time.

"You, a slave with a third surname, are you worthy of discussing the overall situation with me? Sister Hallie, I am the overall situation!"

Let the Witch Harley fight against Darkseid so that he can drain the source of Apokolips with peace of mind?

Without cerebral thrombosis for three years, I wouldn't be able to have such a sweet dream.

That's right, just five minutes ago, Darkseid, who had more than a thousand dark elites, tens of millions of new dark god armies, and tens of billions of demonoids, was her biggest enemy and the biggest threat to the earth.

Even if she had to fight for the skin of a tiger or shake hands with shit, as long as this hidden danger could be solved, Harley would hold her nose and try.

On this point, they were right about her.

Even though she knew that she was being plotted, she did not leave. Instead, she joined their team and eliminated more than four hundred dark elites in a short period of time. They were so frightened that they did not dare to fight and stayed away. Escape.

But now, five minutes later, the situation has changed dramatically.

Darkseid was deceived, the demonoids and the Dark Elite were about to be wiped out, more than half of the Dark Elite were killed or injured, and Apokolips was also on the verge of collapse.

Darkseid is still the biggest threat in Harley's mind, but his oppression of the earth is not as strong as before.

The key is that another threat is also rising rapidly, and it seems to be more harmful to the earth.

One Darkseid has already made Harley uncomfortable, and one more "Supreme Brother Eye" that can spread Omac particles to the earth will make Harley die of discomfort.

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and Harley had already assumed a classic Superman flying posture, flying sideways, with both fists stretched forward, like a bullet hitting the silver metal shell of his brother's eyes.


Brother's eye was pierced, but Harley didn't fully enter its interior.

Half of her body was stuck outside, which looked a little funny.

Don't blame her for being weak and lacking in motivation.

First of all, Brother Eye is not defenseless. There are powerful force field shields on its surface and inside. Secondly, Brother Eye is a hard metal structure, not a metal shell, and it is empty inside.

"What's in your belly is not the 'Apocalypse Origin Juice'!"

Harley was surprised. The size of the Brother Eye was obviously expanding rapidly, but inside it was a solid metal component structure, as if the metal components and various instruments were its cells and blood.

Not only is it squeezing the essence of Apokolips, it is also digesting it into nutrients that allow it to grow rapidly.

Harley had thought it was like a pig urine bubble. It looked big and round from the outside, but was filled with the magma energy of Apokolips.

She was going to be a parasite and get into her brother's eyes. It would absorb the origin of Apokolips, and she would absorb its origin. It would fight to the death with Darkseid, and she would be triumphant in its belly.

"I am evolving, not simply swallowing the energy of Apokolips. Witch Harley, my soul comes from Bruce Wayne, and I am a clone of his soul.

Help me complete this evolution, and I swear to you that not only will I not cause any harm to the earth in the future, but I will help you protect the earth. "

The mechanical sound of Brother Eyes turned into the voice of Bruce.

It seems to have guessed Harley's thoughts, and even took the initiative to swear to protect the earth.

"What form do you plan to evolve into, a planet? Replace Apokolips?"

Harley asked calmly while feeling the internal structure of her brother's eyes.

"Yes, I want to absorb all the origins of the new gods, replace the positions of the Apokolips Star and the Creation Star in the new fifth world, and become the new mother body of the gods and one of the new eight divine realms.

I will create a brand new 'mechanical new civilization of gods'.

My sight has long transcended the material universe, and my ideal is no longer in the sea of ​​stars.

You can completely believe my oath. There is no fundamental conflict of interest between me and the earth. Ah, Darkseid is already here, help me stop him! "Brother said anxiously.

"Boom~~~" As soon as its information wave ended, a beam of omega rays fell on Harley.

She was caught off guard, like a nail, struck by the power of the ray and pierced into her brother's eye.

"Faq, why did Darkseid attack me and why was he behind me?"

Harley was surprised at first, but then her thoughts changed, and she immediately guessed the reason: Brother's Eye is now a huge metal planet, and she is nailed to its surface. If it rotates at high speed, it can turn her to the direction of Darkseid's attack. .

Fake, so treacherous, so squirting!


Darkseid didn't stop.

He had penetrated into his brother's eyes, and his eyes were blazing with red light, burning and melting into the metal structure to create a tunnel that went straight to the core.

He did not continue to attack Harley, but just flew deeper into his brother's eyes.

"Help me, help me, help me. Stop him, stop him, stop him."

The brothers sent out a "dense" wave of information like a twitch in their eyes.

There was so much information that Harry's head felt swollen.

"Don't worry, I'm chasing Darkseid."

She originally planned to get into the core of her brother's eyes.

Now that she saw Darkseid burrowing in hard, it was clear that there was a vital point in the core of the brother's eyes, she wanted to chase him even more.

Since she was on the same road as Darkseid, she didn't mind giving her brother a perfunctory look first.

"Darkseid is too fast and I can't catch up. You open a channel and let me overtake in the curve."

——When she reaches the core of the brother's eye first, she might be able to obtain a large amount of "the origin of the new mechanical mother goddess", hehehe.

"No, Master, don't~~~" Harley was feeling happy in her heart, when her brother suddenly let out a scream of unknown meaning, "Please, Master, don't give up on me, I am evolving into the 'Mother of the New Mechanical God', When I succeed, I can help you conquer the multiverse, and I can easily deal with Witch Harley and the earth that is like a mud pit, no~~~~"

Brother Eye's cry was lengthened and distorted.

In the shadows, Harley seemed to hear Darkseid's roar, and he was also shouting, "No~~~"


The next moment, Harley was lucky enough to see the biggest fireworks she had ever seen in her life.

Unfortunately, she was at the center of a fireworks explosion.

The endless firelight and powerful and messy shock waves tore the protective golden film on her body three times.

After turning on the defensive golden film for the fourth time, Harley barely managed to steady herself in the firelight.

"Brother's Eye blew itself up? Its real owner initiated the self-destruction program, Apokolips."

Harley released her mental power for a moment, then grinned, "Hehehehe, Apokolips is finished, that bastard of a monitor did a good job!"

The Brother's Eye has had many owners. Bruce was the first owner. He created it and it betrayed him.

Little Luther was the second master. It was he who gave it an independent personality, disguised it as a naturally-born artificial intelligence, and took refuge in Maxwell Lord of the Shogi Club.

Lauder was the third owner.

On the surface, Laud was using Brother Eye, but in fact it was Brother Eye who borrowed his resources to complete his own evolution and create the endlessly poisonous Omac.

After Lord's death, the brothers slaughtered the Shogi Club and took refuge with Darkseid.

Darkseid is its fourth master.

At that time, Little Luther still controlled a fatal key of Brother Eye. Big Luther obtained the "key" from his memory and made a deal with Brother Eye to redeem the millions of Omics that were taken away by Brother Eye--Omicron Particle-parasitic Earthlings.

By this time, everyone thought that Brother Eye had become Darkseid's loyal dog, and his Omac would become his second cannon fodder unit.

Turns out it betrayed Darkseid.

Obviously, Little Luther, or in other words, Mal Nou, the watcher of Little Luther, has always controlled the core of the Brother's Eye, and he is its real owner.

"I don't know if Darkseid is dead or not. Even if he is not dead, he is still seriously injured. It is impossible to get a big deal."

After having fun for a while, Harley cheered up and turned her senses to the maximum. Her body was like a swimming fish, moving quickly through the aftermath of the gradually extinguishing explosion.

Two days later, Earth.

Quinn Manor.

"Omaika, Harley, you are finally back, we are worried to death."

Seeing the living Harley standing in front of them again, Selena, Rachel, Cassandra, and even the Virgin Dog Dodo couldn't help but want to hug her.

Harley did not refuse and hugged each of them before saying, "I know you have a lot to ask. Let me take a bath and go to the Justice League. We have a lot of time to talk slowly. ."

But while she was washing up, the Justice League had opened the sonic boom channel and came to the manor collectively.

"Harry, what happened? Where have you been these days?"

"Apocalypse exploded. Don't you know about such a big movement?"

"We saw that just like when the Creation Star was destroyed, many new gods fell to the earth, and the sky was filled with lightning and thunder, stained with blood. By the way, why do the corpses fall to the earth every time the new gods wither?" Da Chao said .

"The Earth is the center of the main universe, while the Apokolips Star and the Genesis Star originated from the main universe. They were once giant planets in the universe. Even if they become one of the eight divine realms, they are still disconnected from the material universe."

After explaining casually, Harley recounted her experience in detail before saying, "After Apokolips exploded, I kept looking for victims in the ruins. I found a total of 65 dark elites, so it was delayed for a few days."

Dachao frowned and said, "Where are those dark elites?"

"Get complete relief and can no longer do evil." Harley said.

The corner of Dachao's mouth twitched, "I thought you would treat them."

"Do I look like a sick person?"

Dachao touched his nose and said: "After you alerted us, it turned out that the new god of Apokolips led the demon-like army to invade the earth for the third time.

The outer space defense line was almost breached, and thirteen superheroes and more than 2,000 "Earth Space Force" were sacrificed. "

"It's good now. The Apocalypse Star has followed the footsteps of the Creation Star, and the new gods have been completely wiped out. We can sit back and relax." Dinah said with a relaxed expression.

"Darkseid is not dead, the Dark Elite is not dead, and the crisis has not passed." Neptune touched his beard and said: "If the Dark Elite are all killed, Harley doesn't have to stay there to 'save the wounded'. "

Harley gave him an appreciative look.

Dinah wondered: "Last time the Genesis Star exploded, all the New Gods died. Why is there anyone alive this time?"

Harley said: "The explosion of Apokolips is far less intense than the Genesis Star. The Genesis Star was detonated by Darkseid. It was like a firecracker, blown to pieces.

Apokolips was blown up by firecrackers.

It was Brother Eye who blew himself up and destroyed Apokolips.

Therefore, many dark elites were only injured and did not die.

In addition, the last time the Genesis Star self-destructed, there must have been strong people who survived, but just like I stayed in the ruins of the Genesis Star to clean up the battlefield, Darkseid probably also cleaned up the battlefield on Apokolips. "

"Where are the gods in heaven? Can you see them? How are they doing?" Diana asked hesitantly.

"They are so cunning and cunning. They are not the real ones at all. It will not be a loss if they are killed by the explosion."

Dachao asked in confusion: "When Darkseid captured them, it shouldn't be the energy god body, right?

I don't quite understand, they are obviously sealed, where did the energy body come from, and is the seal lifted?

If it is not lifted, will it not be affected when Apokolips explodes? "

"You are such an honest man. You haven't noticed that Zeus is pretending to surrender until now."

"Of course I know that the surrender of the gods is a conspiracy, but it is always true that Darkseid sealed them. It is impossible for them to break through the seal on their own, right?" Dachao said.

"They should be released by Brother Eyes." Hal Jordan guessed.

Neptune mused: "Brother, I don't understand magic, and I don't have enough time.

There must be dark elites strictly guarding the seal. Brother Eye itself is not strong. If it controls Omac to win with numbers, how much time will it take? "

Bateman nodded and said: "There is no doubt that when it comes to destroying Apokolips, the gods not only have a huge and rigorous plan, but also have a behind-the-scenes organization that we don't understand.

Brother Eyes is by no means the only undercover agent, they must have other better arrangements.

We don't need to guess their detailed plans, we just need to figure out whether they will target the earth. "

"There is no need for the old gods to take action against the earth. There is no conflict of interest." Diana said with uneasy eyes and lack of confidence.

Everyone glanced at her and tacitly agreed not to talk about the old gods.

"Harry, are you sure the 'master' mentioned by Brother Eye is the monitor?" Dachao asked.

"What's there to be suspicious of? Although little Luther is dead, the ghost of the monitor who controlled little Luther is still there. It would be completely normal for him to have a backhand behind his brother's eyes," said Harley.

"Luthor read little Luthor's memories through mental frequency resonance, and didn't find any backhand." Dachao said.

"Little Luther himself is a puppet. He only knows what Mal Nou's back is."

Bateman said with a complex expression: "Are you sure that your brother is dead?"

"It should be completely gone, but as long as there is a little bit of consciousness left, Darkseid will not let it go.

Darkseid was definitely not killed, I still heard his angry wails. "Harry chuckled.

"Moreover, after finishing this job, Brother Yan will be completely useless to the monitor. The cunning rabbit will die and the lackey will be cooked."

Neptune asked curiously: "Now that Apokolips has exploded, how much has Darkseid's strength been reduced?"

The smile on Harley's face disappeared, "I doubt that the explosion of Apokolips had any impact on his strength."

"You fought him and didn't win? If you didn't win, could you still stay on the battlefield to search for the dark elite?"

Harley shook her head and said: "I only heard him howling and saw no one. Whether he besieged me, was besieged by the gods, or even the brother eyes swallowed Apokolips in the end, Darkseid never used all his power."

"How do you know he didn't use all his strength?" Dinah asked doubtfully.

"He has two equations, and his research on the anti-life equation has reached an extremely advanced level, but he has never used them in battle." Harley said with a solemn expression.

"This" the heroes were slightly shocked, and their expressions became serious.

"He is holding back his ultimate move! The crisis has not been resolved yet." Harley sighed.

Da Chao said: "At least our situation is much better than before. As long as we keep an eye on Darkseid, we no longer have to worry about millions of new dark gods invading the earth."

"Hey!" Cyborg's expression changed slightly and he said in surprise: "Everyone, we found traces of Ray Palmer and Jason. They appeared in Metropolis and are flying towards the Hall of Justice."

"Jason is not dead?" Bateman cheered up and said quickly: "Cyborg, please open the sonic boom channel first and send me there."

Cyborg suddenly said nervously: "Please wait a moment. Ray Palmer is communicating with me. He asked us to prepare the isolation room immediately. They may carry the doomsday virus."

"Shit!" Harley yelled, immediately opened the portal with the light ring, and came directly to the door of the Hall of Justice.

Jason, Ray Palmer, Donna Troy, and the languid flutist, four people are floating in the air - Wonder Girl Donna can fly, she is holding Jason and the flutist in her left and right hands, and the Atom shrinks into The villain, standing on her shoulder.

They were all in a bad state, looking as if they had lost their heirs and had no interest in life, with obvious frustration and regret on their faces.

Without saying a word, Harley put them in a bubble first, and then asked: "Why do you have the doomsday virus in your body?"

"Infected from Val. Sister Harley, you'd better seal off Metropolis immediately. Our first destination is not the Justice League. The virus may have spread." Jason looked ugly and spoke quickly: "Leave Apocalypse After the star, we also went to a parallel universe.

On that earth, the virus in Val's body completely broke out.

The entire world was completely destroyed in just two hours, and billions of people on the earth died. "

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