I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1612 The Conspiracy of the Gods

Time goes back to when Harley's identity was revealed and she was just surrounded by Darkseid's people.

In fact, much earlier, the beloved concubine Mary fell into confusion.

The last time she was confused, she met Tian Eclipse Jane and followed Tian Eclipse Jane's advice: learn from the witch Harley, release her nature and become her true self.

Frankly speaking, Mary had a great time during those few days when she was able to do whatever she wanted.

——Why is it that Harley Quinn can enjoy grudges and let others accept her true self, but she has to behave and behave as if she was poured out of the mold of Superman?

This idea is the theoretical basis for her dissolute behavior.

She often used this sentence to convince herself when she felt hesitant or regretful in her midnight dreams.

Going to Apokolips and becoming Darkseid's concubine is a bit beyond the scope of "releasing oneself".

From the first day she came to Apokolips, she began to regret it.

Although having Darkseid as her boyfriend is indeed out of the ordinary, exciting, and fashionable, there is a vague voice in her heart that keeps telling her: You shouldn't be like this, this is not the real you, you can learn from the Witch Harley Release your nature, but your nature is to be a great hero.

After hearing the news about Jason, Atom, Val and other Earth heroes, Mary had an uncontrollable impulse: to rescue them and take them back to Earth. Maybe everyone can forgive themselves and she can return to her normal super self. A heroic life?

When she learned that the Olympus gods were sealed, and that the place of sealing was not far from her residence, the urge to turn around became even stronger.

——It was Black Adam's fallen divine power that corrupted her. As long as she rescued the gods, Zeus would definitely forgive her and then give her more abundant divine power of light.

With the forgiveness and blessings of the gods, she will definitely be able to turn over the pages of this unbearable life, start a new life, and become a superhero recognized by superheroes again.

These ideas had been forming in her mind for a long time, but she had never been able to make up her mind.

Until news came from the palace that the Witch Harley had sneaked into Apokolips, and the Dark Lord was leading almost all the dark elites to surround her.

It was as if ten thousand mouths were speaking in Mary's mind, and five thousand mouths urged her to act immediately, giving various reasons.

The other five thousand mouths told her: She doesn't need any hero's approval to live a happy life. It's cool, cool, and enjoyable now. She won't be able to face Billy, Freddy, and Zatan when she goes back. If you don't accept them, they will be in pain, embarrassment, embarrassment, and shame.

Mary squatted on the ground holding her head and struggled for a long time. Then at a certain "critical moment", it was as if morning bells and evening drums were ringing in her ears, and ten thousand mouths were saying at the same time: This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you can't hesitate, you must act immediately !

She was so blessed that she immediately strengthened her determination.

Beloved Mary once again transforms into Magical Mary.

She flew into the sky, found the place she had inquired about before, and knocked down the two unsuspecting dark elites with a few punches.

Through the resonance of divine power, she broke the seal and opened the door to the cage where the gods were imprisoned.

When the divine light of the gods fell on her, she was so excited that tears filled her eyes, and she felt unprecedented joy and satisfaction in her heart, because the feeling of being connected to the power of the gods came back.

Even more so than when she did "Magic Mary" next to Billy.

She could almost see the line between herself and the gods.

"Great Gods, I"

Zeus's voice rumbled: "Mary, needless to say, I know your experience. You have been lost and made mistakes, but you finally found your way back.

Breaking the seals of the gods at this time is an unparalleled feat, which is enough to make up for all your past sins. "

The noble goddess Hera next to Zeus also said: "Your brother Freddy is going through a 'Thunder Shazam' trial. Your past loss and current repentance can also be regarded as a trial.

Now that your calamity is over and you have successfully completed the trial, are you willing to become the righteous magical Mary again? "

"Gods above, can I really bathe in divine grace again?" Mary was so excited that she shed tears.


The gods stretched out their right hands to her, and divine power surged in their palms.

"Shazam!" she couldn't help shouting.


The golden thunder fell, the "divine power of sin" from Black Adam in her body dissipated, and the "divine power of justice" from Olympus poured into her body again.

Magic Mary's body is surrounded by golden thunder, and her black matte ultra-thin tight-fitting sports short sleeves and miniskirt turn into a white loose shirt with gold trim.

Her image has also changed from charming and alluring to a sacred, pure and lively girlish style.

After being forgiven and recognized by the gods, she became "Magical Mary" again. Mary no longer had any hesitation or hesitation.

After parting with the gods, she followed the plan she had made earlier and went to Disad's laboratory to rescue Oona, taking the flute player with her by the way.

Then she went to Brother Eye's laboratory to rescue the dying Val.

While saving Val, she also happened to meet Wonder Girl, Atom and Jason.

They also planned to take advantage of the chaos to rescue people.

Jason and the others were not just the three of them, they were also accompanied by a group of punk-looking Apokolips rebels.

Although it was very confusing why Mary became Darkseid's favorite concubine, since she was already trying her best to save Val and Oona, Jason and the others did not treat her as an enemy.

After listening to Mary telling that the gods had gone to help Harley, Jason and the others first breathed a sigh of relief, and then made a quick decision and decided to take the opportunity to escape from Apokolips.

Especially at this time, Apokolips was like a magnitude 10 earthquake. The continental plates were shattered, magma was like a vast ocean, cities and buildings were submerged, and the environment was very harsh.

Even several rebel leaders planned to leave Apokolips first to avoid this catastrophe.

"Sister Harley is probably here to save us. Not causing her any trouble is the greatest help to her," Jason said.

Mary doesn't want to stay on Apokolips anymore, she really wants to go home now.

But just as they were about to leave, they encountered a "not too big or too small" trouble.

Well, none of them thought it was a big problem at the time.

"What, you guys want to bring the karate kid with you?"

Ray Palmer has been away from the main universe for too long, but he still calls the middle-aged and elderly-looking Val "Kid" as he did during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

"Listen to me, Val must die. He carries the doomsday virus. Harley once asked me to get the antidote, but judging from the current results, my antidote is completely ineffective."

As long as he didn't meet Jane Rowling, Ray Palmer would still have an online IQ and act decisively.

"No, we have to help him. He can still be saved. He woke up before and knocked down two Omac. You all saw it." Oona said excitedly.

She comes from the 31st century and is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Although she was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and Val was already sixty or seventy years old, she had fallen in love with him after spending many days together.

Love makes people crazy, Ray Palmer did it, Oona did it.

"We can't give up any of our companions!" Power Girl Donna said firmly.

She also glanced at the flutist who was sitting aside with a dull expression, "We won't even give up on the flutist, let alone Val?"

The flutist said numbly: "If you let me fend for myself, I won't blame you."

Jason hesitated: "I will not give up on anyone. As long as I am alive, I will try my best to save people in need. This is the heroic concept of our 'Bat Family'.

But this time the situation is indeed special.

I have never seen the doomsday virus, so I can’t comment on how terrifying it is, but I know Sister Harley.

The risk that would make her take it extremely seriously must be a big crisis that is difficult for the rest of us to solve. "

"You are absolutely crazy. Do you still need to consider this issue?"

Magic Mary put her hands on her hips, her expression serious, like a stern monitor who discovered that her classmates violated school rules, "Ordinary people won't ignore death, but we are superheroes!

Remember the concept of absolute justice that Superman taught us?

We cannot take the lives of villains who have committed heinous crimes.

Val is a hero who has been friends with us for more than ten years, and by keeping him here we are murdering him.

How can a hero murder his companions? "

Her words were so righteous and powerful that everyone at the scene was stunned and unable to refute.

But Atom Man, as an expert in the study of doomsday viruses, still insisted: "I understand that this is cruel, and it also violates our past principles of doing things to a certain extent.

But Val's sacrifice is necessary, the doomsday virus is too terrible.

We cannot use the lives of billions of people on earth as the price of maintaining the "conscience of just heroes."

For the sake of the earth and the safety of countless people in the main universe, we must sacrifice Val. Before sacrificing Val, we must first sacrifice our ‘idea of ​​absolute justice’. "

Oona shed tears, bit her cheek, opened her beautiful big eyes, and shouted: "We should find a way to save Val instead of discussing what to sacrifice here. We can obviously sacrifice nothing."

Donna said seriously: "Lei, you have emphasized many times how terrible the doomsday virus is, and we have not turned a blind eye, but please calm down. The spread of the virus must take a process.

No matter how scary it is, as long as we protect ourselves well and don't let the virus spread, it won't be able to harm a single person on earth. "

"We can easily isolate the spread of the virus." Magical Mary smiled confidently: "From the moment I met Val, he reminded me not to get too close to him because he said he had the doomsday virus in his body.

That's when I put a magic shield on him.

Even the air he breathed came from magical power and did not interact with the outside world.

This is Desaad's laboratory. There are small isolation cabins everywhere. Put Val in it, protected by the isolation cabin and the magic shield. How does the doomsday virus spread?

After returning to Earth, within half an hour, the Justice League will prepare a new ward for him, and the crisis will be completely resolved by then. "

Ray Palmer hesitated.

"Don't delay, start the teleportation." There was a strange excitement in Miracle Mary's eyes.

She herself felt a little strange. She had clearly felt hesitant and hesitant about how to face Billy, Freddy, Zatanna and others after returning, but now her hesitation was gone, and instead she felt eager to try.

Looking forward to meeting Billy, Freddy and the others?

Mary could immediately answer in the negative.

She didn't know how to explain her sleeping with Darkseid. It was too shameful and embarrassing.

Jason pondered and said: "Otherwise, if we don't go back to Earth directly and set the transmission destination on Mars, Mars will not be safe.

Since Sister Harley did not let Val stay in the spaceship at that time, it shows that the doomsday virus may spread across the stars. "

He looked at Oona and asked: "You said before that you and Val only came to Apokolips after seeing the revelation?"

Oona nodded vigorously, "The revelation said that Apokolips has the answer. I thought the 'answer' was the antidote to the doomsday virus, but I didn't expect that there would be nothing but disaster here."

"The revelation is a hoax," Jason affirmed.

"What are you lying to us about? I have nothing, Val is just a patient." Oona asked in confusion.

Jason shook his head and said: "I'm not sure what the person who set up the revelation wants to get from you."

"Doomsday virus." Val opened his eyes and said weakly.

"Val, you're awake, how do you feel?" Oona was surprised and happy.

Val did not talk about his own affairs, but struggled to say: "'Apocalypse' is related to the Brother Eye. It sent me to Apokolips just to deliver experimental materials to the Brother Eye, which is the doomsday virus in my body.

That day, Master Harley suspected that the man behind the scenes implanted the doomsday virus into my body in order to use my thick-skinned power to help it achieve its 'final evolution'.

There is no doubt that Master Harley has the most powerful defense and injury-avoidance capabilities in the multiverse today.

Her damage reduction is especially effective against gods.

If one develops resistance to her thick-skinned divine power, the virus will at least be invincible and rampant in the divine realm, killing both new and old gods with ease.

When I lost consciousness for the first time and my orifices were bleeding, it meant that the doomsday virus had matured.

It was also at that time that a revelation appeared and sent me to the Apokolips Star, where I fell into the hands of my brothers.

You must know the Brother Eye better than I do, it can read the super soul genes of extraordinary people.

Its purpose is to extract the super-infectious gene of the 'mature doomsday virus'.

By integrating the super genes of the doomsday virus into Omac particles, their corrosive properties will be so powerful that they will also have a significant effect on gods. "

"Apocalypse, almost all the new dark gods on the planet have turned into blue-shelled Omac. It turns out this is the reason." A resistance leader with a mohawk hair said in shock.

"Val, how did you know this confidential information?" Jason asked in surprise.

"Brother Eye told me personally that I am just a guinea pig. It doesn't bother to lie. Whatever I ask, it answers. It even shared with me its ambition - to replace Apokolips and Genesis and become a new machine. New God Mother Body', cough cough cough."

As Val spoke, he coughed up blood in his mouth, and the blood foam was also mixed with debris that looked like broken internal organs.

"You go, leave me alone, I'm hopeless. I can only survive now because of my thick-skinned power, cough, cough, cough."

Blood also began to ooze from Val's eyes and nostrils, his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally his head tilted and his voice fell silent.

"Val, no~~" Regardless of the risk of contracting the virus, Oona jumped directly on him and wiped the blood vigorously, "Save him, please, save him quickly, no matter who it is, save Val quickly."

Miraculous Mary said anxiously: "I can sense that his life breath is getting dim, let's leave immediately."

After speaking, without waiting for anyone's reaction, she raised her arms high, spreading the golden light freely.

"Buzz--" The person enveloped by the divine light disappeared in the next moment.

At the same time, the Heavenly Blood Domain.

The bodies of gods such as Zeus and Horus have escaped from Darkseid's prison. The energy gods are fighting on Apokolips, and the main consciousness has come to the blood realm.

"It's done!" Zeus turned to Dax and said with a complicated expression: "Magic Mary has brought Val back to Earth, and the Justice League is finished.

And the Witch Harley is destined to die at the hands of Darkseid, and the destruction of Apokolips is imminent.

In this way, no one can stop you from being the supervisor.

However, the earth is still the place of origin for us, and we will destroy all living beings on the earth with our own hands."

"Come on, stop being so pretentious." Hades, the king of Hades, patted his brother on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You destroyed eight, if not ten, human civilizations with your own hands.

Human beings are just parasites on the earth, dying one after another and being replaced by another.

For tens of millions of years, they have been reincarnated countless times, including this one.

Moreover, only after the end of the human era and the restart of the fifth world will the new era of our old gods have a place! "

"This is very reasonable!" Shiva nodded and chuckled: "In fact, let alone His Majesty Zeus, among us god-kings born on the earth, who has not yet died?

In an immortal world, how can those ants fear gods and devote themselves to their faith? "

Neon God King Izanagi nodded and said: "In every mythology of human civilization, there are legends of gods destroying the world due to anger, even God is no exception.

I remember back then, I-uh-uh-"

He was talking proudly when suddenly there was a dull pain in his head. He couldn't help but hold his forehead and moan, "No, my world-destroying reality is disappearing. I, uh-huh."

"Father, are you okay?" Susano'o quickly went over to support him.

Zeus frowned and said, "Has the old habit of distorted memory happened again?"

"Alas, the 'History of the Martial God King' in Crisis on Infinite Earths has almost no impact on mortals. They don't even pay attention to this false history anymore. But to gods like us, it is a disease as stubborn as a tarsal bone." Yixie Naqi sighed.

"Unless there is another restart to bring the false history back to the right path, our memory and reality will be distorted every time we recall the past." Shiva looked at the monitor Dax expectantly.

Dax understood what he was expecting and said calmly: "The history of Harley Quinn's modification of the timeline started from the place of origin of time and changed the entire mother river of time.

The restart of the fifth world can only determine the future of God's Domain and cannot affect the past timeline of Mother River.

If you want to reset your timeline in the reboot, you must repeat everything Harley Quinn did. "

Zeus said with an ugly expression: "It is almost impossible to change the mother river, and she held the hand of creation at the place of origin of time. Who can enter the place of origin of time, and who can touch the real hand of creation?"

The gods were silent, and Dax also shook his head silently.

"So, our distorted history has become a 100% established fact?" Susano'o said with some despair.

Poseidon sighed: "It is possible that they are not only 'false reality' but part of destiny."

"What do you mean?" Susano'o asked confused.

Poseidon muttered: "What may happen is prophecy; what must happen or is about to happen is destiny, which is what we often call 'destiny'.

The reboot of the universe in Crisis on Infinite Earths seems like an insignificant happy joke to Witch Harley, but in fact it is an extremely serious matter.

She made false history become 'inevitable' and 'absolute', which is the characteristic of destiny.

It can be said that the distorted history has become the established destiny in history.

To put it simply, for us 60,000 years ago, King Wushen was our fate and destiny! "

"Are you sure that the history of King Martial God has been entered into the "Book of Destiny"?" The expressions of several god kings became extremely serious.

Poseidon shook his head and said: "I haven't read "The Book of Destiny", so how can I be 100% sure? I just heard what you said, and I just realized something in my heart."

God Amon looked at Zeus, "Have the three goddesses of destiny told you about this?"

"Actually, the "Book of Destiny" is very mysterious and weird. Sometimes Destiny himself can't see clearly what's on it when he opens it."

Zeus hesitated for a moment and said with twinkling eyes: "Let me tell you another secret. The prophecy that Witch Harley died at the hands of Darkseid was not seen by Destiny himself.

He didn't originally observe the fate of Witch Harley.

"The Book of Destiny - Harley Quinn" is shrouded in a fog of unknown.

Destiny is as elusive as quantum uncertainty.

The unknown represents many possibilities. Only after observation, countless possibilities collapse into the only one.

Of course, the premise is that you have the ability to observe. For ordinary people to get the "Book of Destiny" is no different from picking up a stone.

The three goddesses of destiny first told Destiny about the necessity of taking action against Witch Harley.

For example, the witch Harley offended the patriarch of the Endless family.

The Time Master hated her extremely, but was unable to take action. Destiny, as the eldest son, had reason to share his father's worries.

When Destiny has the intention to kill Witch Harley, the three goddesses will predict the future of Witch Harley. Well, it is actually a curse.

Curse is also an interference with ‘destiny’.

Destiny recognized in his heart the trajectory of fate under the curse. When he opened the "Book of Destiny" again and observed Harley Quinn's fate, the "destiny under the curse" in his heart would fall on him through Destiny's own eyes. on the page. "

"How do you know so detailedly? By the way, where have the three ladies gone? At times like this, we really need their prophecy ability." Amon said.

"Alas, my three poor daughters seem to have suffered backlash, and now they are hiding in the 'River of Destiny' to avoid disaster.

I had not yet met Mr. Dax at that time, and I was convinced that Darkseid had been killed, and ignored their prophecies and persuasion.

Because they were worried that I and the Olympus God System would suffer a catastrophe, they explained everything to me before leaving. "Zeus sighed.

"The three goddesses are really filial and good children." Amon complimented them first, then asked: "Have you noticed the backlash against them? Did the Witch Harley notice it?"

"It's just the price of magic." Zeus said disdainfully: "Witch Harley can only prevent the prying eyes on the timeline. She knows nothing about fate, and she doesn't even know that the three goddesses have cursed her.

Of course, Sandman Morpheus once revealed the secret to Witch Harley, so she was probably alert.

So we used Jason to lure her in but failed. "


Zeus waved his hand and said: "You don't have to worry about Sandman, he will pay a heavy price for his actions."

"What price?" Amon asked curiously.

"Maybe the Sandman is going to be replaced." Zeus smiled.

"Hiss, is this the method of the three goddesses?" The gods were shocked.

Zeus had a mysterious smile on his face, "No, it's the backlash of fate."

The expressions of the gods were a little strange, "Didn't the three goddesses suffer the backlash of fate? Could it be that they should too?"

"They escape disaster in the River of Destiny." Zeus said.

"Isn't the river of fate an adjective? Is there really a river composed of the fates of countless people?" Susano'o said.

"Hey, the River of Destiny is the Courtyard of Destiny. It is said that in that courtyard, you can see different destinies with every step you take." Izanami said.

"Well, the River of Destiny is the realm of destiny. It can be a courtyard or a river." Zeus said.

"The King of War Gods became the 'Destiny' in past history. What impact does it have on us?" Susano'o asked.

"The impact has already occurred, and it is irreversible, and it is the impact on us now."

"So, the impact isn't that big?" Susano'o said.

Poseidon glanced at him and said angrily: "Your god father can't even recall the 'true history'. The false history of the King of Martial God is forced to appear in his memory, and he has a splitting headache after even a little struggle. Isn't this a big impact? "

"The past is not important, only a good future is really good." Horus said.

"Yes, everything is moving in a good direction now. Witch Harley is about to be killed by Darkseid, the earth is about to be destroyed, and Apokolips is about to-" Zeus's face suddenly changed and he exclaimed: "Not good, Witch Harley didn't try to stop Darkseid, she seemed to have sensed something, and she also penetrated into the center of Apokolips!"

"Oops, Darkseid got rid of the entanglement of our energy god body and followed him into the center of the earth. Our brothers are in danger." The gods roared.

"Lord Dax, I'm afraid I have to take action yourself."

"Don't worry, I still have backup plans. Neither Witch Harley nor Darkseid can change the established destiny." Dax said calmly.

Seeing the confidence and indifference in his eyes, Horus asked in surprise: "Do you have other helpers?"

"Brother Eye is a giant remote-controlled bomb."


With a huge explosion that shook Limbo, Apokolips disappeared before the gods.

"Okay, Your Excellency, you really have a plan!" Zeus exclaimed: "Now we are just waiting for the doomsday virus - hey, where is Magic Mary?"

He quickly sensed it carefully again and said in shock: "Miracle Mary is not on Earth in the main universe!"

The sentient beings were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then said: "We saw the teleportation she started with our own eyes. If we are not on earth, have we gone to outer space? Can the doomsday virus spread in space?"

“Doomsday viruses can enter space.”

"No, I mean, Magic Mary didn't return to the main universe, she"

The divine power in Zeus' body boiled, and the divine light flashed in his eyes.

After a moment, he said with a puzzled expression: "She is too far away from me, so I can't pinpoint her specific location. I can only vaguely detect the aura of heavenly blood on her body."

"What's the meaning?"

Zeus' expression became very strange, "The fifth world is about to restart. Many cracks appear in the origin wall, and the blood from the sky drips into the material universe, causing many time-travel events.

Miraculous Mary seems to be very lucky. Unfortunately, during the process of traveling back to the earth, she encountered a drop of spilled blood, causing the transmission trajectory to deviate and go to another world. "

"Isn't this a coincidence?" Amon was in disbelief at first, and then doubted: "I can understand that ordinary people are affected by the blood of heaven and travel uncontrollably.

But Magic Mary is no mortal.

She can lock the vibrational frequency of the main universe and control the transmission process.

If she is accidentally contaminated with heavenly blood and activates passive travel, she should be able to detect changes in the vibration frequency of her destination in time and then make adjustments. "

Zeus shook his head and said, "I'm not sure either, but I will follow Magic Mary's trajectory and find her current location."

"Is it still too late? The old karate man seems to be unable to hold on." Amon said.

The gods looked at Monitor Dax again, hoping that he could come up with a plan B.

Dax frowned and said, "Magic Mary is yours, and you are responsible for her affairs."

Zeus immediately said: "Your Excellency, please rest assured that the thought of returning to Earth has been imprinted in her mind.

As long as she is alive, she will definitely take them back.

We are just worried that Val will die in that world, and then the doomsday virus will break out, and Mary will be infected with the virus and die directly. "

"If Magical Mary is infected with the virus, she won't die for a while, right? As long as the virus is transmitted back to the main universe, it doesn't matter who is the carrier." Dax said.

"Well, that's right." Zeus nodded slowly, "Even if Magical Mary turns into a monster due to the virus, she will still be controlled by the obsession to return to Earth."

"In this case, we have achieved a complete victory at this stage? Next," Horus muttered: "Your Excellency Dax wants to use the power of restart to be promoted to the main monitor, and we are naturally willing to do our best to help him.

But for the rest of the monitors, we have the will but the power to do so. I wonder what your plans are? "

Dax's scarlet eyes flashed with a cold red light, "Soon the monitor satellite will fall again. Apart from me, there will be no more monitor in the world."

"Their strength and authority are not much worse than your Excellency. What are you going to do?" Zeus asked tentatively.

"This is my business. You can rest assured and wait for the news."

With these words left, Dax's figure faded and disappeared.

For a long time, none of the gods left or spoke.

"What do you think?" Zeus suddenly asked.

"Now that things have come to a point, we can only follow Dax all the way to the dark side. We can't just shrink our heads and leave everything to 'fate' like that good-for-nothing guy Odin, right?" Amon said with disdain. explain.

"Alas, Brother Odin is helpless. Asgard has just experienced the catastrophe of Ragnarok. Ninety-nine percent of the power of the Nordic gods has been reduced. He can barely protect himself at present. What else can he plan?" Izanagi sighed.

"Well, since you have embarked on this path, you must persist to the end. What I mean is, how will Dax deal with the other monitors?" Zeus said.

"I don't know what means he has, but judging from his confident appearance, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Zeus's eyes flickered and he said in a faint voice: "I heard that the monitor has an absolute taboo and is not allowed to consume the blood of heaven."

"Heavenly blood?" Horus looked around and said, "The power of heavenly blood is very high for mortals, but for us and other god-kings, it is not even worthless."

"The heavenly blood I am talking about is not the heavenly blood you see, but the essence of the heavenly blood deposited in the 'drawing board dimension'." Zeus said.

Susano'o asked in confusion: "What does the drawing board dimension mean?"

“If the multiverse is a painting drawn by the Mother of Creation, what is the blank sheet of paper?”

"Oh, Your Majesty is talking about the 'empty space' at the bottom of Limbo."

"It's almost the same thing. The lowest level of the Heavenly Blood Domain is also on the white paper."

"What will be the consequences of drinking the essence of heavenly blood?" Susano'o asked.

Zeus shook his head slightly, "No one knows that no monitor has ever taken the essence of heavenly blood before.

But since it is a taboo, it must be very scary, or a very powerful taboo will be born. "

"Whatever he becomes is the monitor's business and has nothing to do with us. He has a sacred oath with us, and he still needs our help during the restart. Improving the old god's cosmic status will not affect his interests," Amon said.

"Well, I hope so."

At this moment, Earth, the laboratory of the Metropolitan Hall of Justice.

Atom, Donna, Flutist, and Jason have been quarantined. There is a magic circle on the outside of the quarantine area, pulling this area into the shadow realm.

"The characters in that universe are almost identical to those in our universe. Except for Sister Harley, everyone else is no different from the main universe." Jason said.

Donna said: "Not only do they look the same, many of the passwords in the Hall of Justice have not changed, and even many major events are the same.

And, it’s not like there’s no ‘Harley Quinn’.

Gotham also has a Harley Quinn who is neither a superhero nor a supervillain and does whatever she wants.

There is also the title of 'Admiral of the Galaxy'.

It's just that she named herself the 'Admiral of the Galaxy', and everyone laughed at her for it, even though she also contributed to the cosmic crisis.

When we first landed, we didn’t realize anything was wrong with the world at all.

After finding the Hall of Justice and meeting Superman and the others, they didn't immediately notice that we were from another world until another Atom, Ray Palmer, appeared. "

"Even 'Admiral of the Galaxy' has one. So, that world is almost a mirror image of the main universe." Harley frowned and said, "You just said that it was Magical Mary who started the teleportation. Didn't she feel something was wrong?"

Since Miraculous Mary dares to activate teleportation, it means that she can lock the vibration frequency of the main universe and will not travel to another world.

Ray Palmer said: "I checked, and the vibration frequency of that universe is almost the same as that of the main universe.

In other words, the frequency difference is so small that ordinary instruments cannot detect it, and Magic Mary cannot detect it either. "

Da Chao said: "No, according to the experience in Crisis on Infinite Earths, if the frequency difference is too small, the two universes will collide with each other.

At that time, there were multiple overlapping areas between Earth-0 and the Hades universe, and those spaces still exist on Dinosaur Island. "

During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, many areas of overlapping time and space appeared on the earth. Later, Doctor Destiny led a group of mages to move all different time and spaces to the Pacific Ocean, forming an island with chaotic time and space.

Similar to Amazon's Paradise Island, it is hidden in an alternate dimension and is difficult for ordinary people to break into.

Different time and space includes the dinosaur era tens of millions of years ago. There were many dinosaurs on the island, so it got the name "Dinosaur Island".

Lei spread his hands and said helplessly: "I'm surprised too, but it's true."

"Such a strange world, I really want to see it for myself." Dachao murmured.

After hearing this, the four travelers in the isolation room all looked dim and fell silent.

Harley said calmly: "When I finish my work, I also want to take a look to see why it is so similar to the main universe, and to see how terrifying the world destroyed by the doomsday virus is."

The faces of the four time-travelers paled, and their expressions became even more bleak.

Bateman said in a deep voice: "Where is Magic Mary? Where are Oona and Val, and the Apokolips rebels who left with you."

Senjie said bitterly: "Magical Mary felt that she had no face to face everyone, so she left the material universe and wandered to no one knows where.

Oona, Val, and the rebels were all dead. "

"Didn't you take protective measures?" Bateman asked.

Jason sighed: "The Justice League in that world didn't know how powerful the doomsday virus was. Val was taken to the laboratory by the American Super Gene Research Center for research, which caused the virus to leak.

The doomsday virus is like a zombie virus that has been strengthened countless times, and even the Justice League cannot handle it.

Infected people turn into crazy and bloodthirsty zombies in just a few seconds. Their bodies are strengthened ten times or even a hundred times. Ordinary people are also extremely powerful. People with super powers can still maintain their super powers. They can even fly out of the atmosphere.

We see many infected people rushing into outer space, fearing that the entire universe will be destroyed by the doomsday virus. "

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