I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1610 Both ruthless and treacherous

Kanter is in the stomach bag dimension, and the person talking to him is Harley's mental projection.

Since the arrival of Darkseid, her body has faced very serious dangers.

Probably Darkseid also considered that she could still open the space door. He did not stand proudly in the sky like the villain boss in the novel and brag about how powerful his strategy was, how invincible the Apocalypse Realm was, and how stupid Harley was to seek her own death.

The moment the Apocalypse Domain formed like a sea of ​​flames, he turned into black light and rushed towards Harley with a cold face.

Don't give her a chance to try to open the space door at all.

He was not sure how effective the Apocalypse Field would be on her, but as long as she was not allowed to free her hands to open the space door, even if she was immune to the Apocalypse Field, she would still have nowhere to escape.

The Apocalypse Realm, which simulates the inner space of Apokolips, is a desperate situation for the enemy to survive, but for Darkseid, it is a buff like returning to the mother body.

Being in it, his speed and strength are stronger, and every move and every move has the ultimate strength and speed in the fifth world.

Harley's defense is already 121 points, exceeding the fifth world's maximum value of 120 points, but Bubble's defense effect can only be 120 points, which at most increases the durability.

Facing Darkseid's almost extreme attack, the bubble effect was very good, but it couldn't last long.

"Witch Harley, you are finished. You will definitely die today. While you are trapped here by us, at the same time, a group of dark new gods are ready to open a sonic boom channel to enter the earth.

Hahaha, you are very anxious and panicked, right? Unfortunately, no matter how anxious you are, you can't change this situation. "

This was not what Darkseid said. The Dark Lord remained silent and used only pure physical attacks, punches and kicks, which made it difficult for Harley to parry.

Just by hearing the name of the "Dark Elite", you can tell how talented this group of elites are, including masters who are proficient in mind manipulation.

For example, the "Doctor Chaos" who can control the human mind of the entire planet, and the "Master Manipulator" who likes to manipulate powerful enemies as puppets.

Darkseid and Harley were fighting hand-to-hand, with the New Gods who were proficient in melee combat on their side to help break the bubbles, and these two guys on the outside used their spiritual power to interfere with Harley's psychology.

Not to mention, their words really made Harry feel uneasy.

Thanks to the fact that her defense expertise is close to perfection, she has almost no shortcomings in defense. If she were before level 120, or if she were replaced by another God-King Supreme, she would not be able to last for more than a few rounds in the face of this ultra-luxurious "Apocalypse Family Bucket".

Harley can not only rely on level 121. Well, after being attacked for so long, she is already level 122.

After this battle, I'm afraid I won't be level 123, or even 124?

With level 122 defense and 12 major defense specialties, she can not only block the continuous attacks of the New God of Darkness, but also make certain counterattacks.

The moment Darkseid rushed in, Harley opened the dimension of her stomach bag, and the gastric acid mist came out of her body and spread wantonly in the "Apocalypse Realm".

Because there was too much gastric acid fog, she looked like a foggy golden person.

The reason why the Apocalypse Realm is powerful is that it uses force to overwhelm people. Without much skill, it relies on the strong origins of the Apocalypse Star to create an environment that is extremely beneficial to the Dark New God and extremely unfavorable to the enemy.

But no matter how overbearing the earth's core energy is, it is still energy. As long as the gastric acid mist removes the "impurities" in the energy - the spiritual imprint left by the new god of darkness, it will be the pure "new energy" that can be absorbed and utilized by Harley. God’s origin”.

Harley absorbed the old divine origin of the Nordic pantheon and upgraded her divine defense expertise to level 8. Since then, she has never had the chance to encounter a large-scale divine origin.

Now is your chance.

The main component of the divine power of the old gods is the power of faith.

The new gods do not require belief, and the main component of divine power is "planetary energy".

Magic, faith, and law (divine nature), the three combined are the source of the old god's divine power.

The elemental power in the DC universe, the planetary energy of the Apokolips or Creation Star (essentially the source of DC), the law (divine nature), the three-in-one is the divine power of the New God.

The composition of the two is different, but they have more in common. They are both the divine power of "miraculous power + law", and they are both within a defensive expertise system.

Absorbing different components of divine power can make the expertise evolve more completely.

At this time, while resisting Darkseid's beating, Harley quickly digested and absorbed the core energy of Apokolips. The eighth-level old god defense expertise has evolved into the eighth-level divine defense expertise.

The earth's core energy absorbed in a short period of time is limited, and the divine power expertise cannot be upgraded to level 9. However, the expertise has completed an evolution, from being weak against the old gods and weak against the new gods, to being equally effective against the old gods and the new gods.

Harley has a God force field, a DC basic power connection defense network, and the original eighth-level old god defense, which can form a strong immunity effect to the power of the new god. Now this improvement has been seriously diluted.

But improvement is improvement, and improving oneself while fighting is a huge advantage.

If she didn't have to worry about the situation on Earth, Harley would be willing to persist, at least to drain the experience of the new dark god.

Heavenly Blood Domain.

"Witch Harley is so strong. Darkseid personally took action, and the other New Gods assisted her. She was able to persist for so long." Zeus said with a complicated expression.

Put him in her place, and in just two rounds, the divine body would probably be destroyed.

Horus said anxiously: "Lord Dax, is it time to take action? I saw that although Witch Harley can persist, she has no power to fight back. She is just like a piece of pig iron, being beaten repeatedly by Darkseid.

In such a situation, she must not want to continue, after all, Apokolips has begun to invade the earth. "

Dax said lightly: "Brother Eyes has already taken action. Omac particles are spreading rapidly on Apokolips. Almost every new dark god has been infected with some of them."

"Where are the dark elites? They are the main force of Apokolips." Shiva asked.

Dax hesitated and said: "Although the Omac particles have evolved once, the evolution of the doomsday virus is not complete.

I put the doomsday virus on the karate old man, hoping that he and Witch Harley would have a master-disciple relationship for decades, and Witch Harley would not sit idly by.

As long as Witch Harley uses her divine power to heal him, the doomsday virus will undergo its strongest evolution under the stimulation of the power of Thick Skin, evolving into the most perfect virus in the multiverse that even Witch Harley cannot defend against.

Witch Harley is almost the number one defense master in the multiverse.

Even she can't prevent it. The doomsday virus is the real doomsday virus.

It's the end of the world for mortals, and it's the end of the world for the new gods.

However, the witch Harley is too cunning and cruel. She would rather her apprentice die tragically in front of her than to help him. "

"Can the doomsday virus really evolve under the power of thick-skinned gods?" Zeus pointed to the battlefield of Apokolips in the peeking light mirror, "Look, Darkseid's omega rays fell on her face, and there was no oily skin at all. break.

This defense. I have been a God King for hundreds of millions of years, and I have never seen such a thick-skinned person. "

"She has a protective light film on her face. How to break the oily skin?" Susano'o said.

Dax said: "Now, there is no need to hide it from you. The doomsday virus is closely related to Darkseid's 'Anti-Equation Virus' and involves the power of the 'Source'.

You don't have to doubt its potential. "

The gods were surprised and asked: "Why is it related to the anti-life equation? Do you also have an equation?"

Dax explained: “Since acquiring the Anti-Life Equation, Darkseid has never stopped studying it.

Over the years, he has made many achievements, the most powerful of which is the 'Anti-Life Equation Virus'.

He once used the Equation virus to destroy earths in 36 parallel universes.

Those Earths also have the Justice League, and they are helpless against the Equation Virus.

But all miracles come with a price.

The Earth is the center of the universe, and the Justice League is the core of the Earth.

Massacre the Justice League and destroy so many Earths that the multiverse becomes immune to it.

To put it simply, Darkseid's act of using the Equation Virus to destroy the world was regarded as a 'virus' by the origin of the multiverse, and then corresponding antibodies were produced against this virus - Ray Palmer of the Earth-51 world.

He has a destiny and carries the most perfect immunity gene in the universe, making him immune to all viruses.

If Darkseid releases the Formula virus into World 51, Ray Palmer can quickly produce immune antibodies, which in turn will destroy the Formula virus. "

Having said this, Dax glanced sideways at Zeus and said, "Your forged revelations can deceive Monitor Bob not only because of your high level of forgery.

Actually, that revelation is true.

I was the one who discovered it first, I got that revelation on the Origin Wall and I kept it.

Later, with your cooperation, I showed it to Bob. "

"What does this have to do with your doomsday virus?" Zeus frowned.

“After seeing the revelation on the Origin Wall, I tracked down Ray Palmer and found out that his immunity gene was perfect, so perfect that I had the idea of ​​turning it into a weapon.

It is difficult for ordinary viruses to harm superpowers, and it is even more difficult for them to be effective against divine beings.

I see in Palmer's genes the potential to exterminate superheroes and gods.

I went against the perfect gene that can evolve infinitely and developed the perfect virus that can evolve infinitely, which is the doomsday virus.

It has some properties of the Anti-Life Equation virus.

After all, Palmer's immune genes were mainly created for Darkseid's virus.

But at the same time, it has stronger evolutionary characteristics than the Equation virus.

With these two characteristics, do you still have to doubt the strength of the doomsday virus? "

Zeus said: "The doomsday virus is very strong, but it has its only weakness. It is restrained by Ray Palmer's immune gene."

"I know, so before Ray Palmer produced the vaccine, I killed him. No bones were left, and not a single cell sample was left." Dax said.

After a pause, he continued: "Probably sensing something unusual about Ray Palmer's death, Nix, the monitor of Universe 51, paid special attention to and protected the second Ray Palmer.

He suspected that one of the Watchers had taken action against the last Ray Palmer.

Until things come to light, he will do everything possible to hide Ray Palmer's existence from all observers.

This gave me the opportunity to develop follow-up plans.

It's a pity that the differences among the monitors are too great and they can no longer be reunited."

Susano'o comforted him with a flattering look on his face: "It doesn't matter if Plan A fails, there is still Plan B."

Dax nodded, "I didn't expect Darkseid to kill Orion and Heavenly Father by feigning death, but I know how strong my competition is.

The doomsday virus is specially prepared for the strong.

Whether Witch Harley joins forces with Heavenly Father to kill Darkseid, or Apokolips wins, we will face a new and unprecedentedly powerful race of gods.

Neither Heavenly Father nor Darkseid is scary individually. What is scary is that there are tens of millions of gods around them.

The doomsday virus certainly won't kill Darkseid, but it can make him a loner. "

Zeus looked calm on his face, but he was a little frightened in his heart. If the doomsday virus can destroy the new gods, it will definitely destroy the old gods as well.

If they hadn't accepted Dax's solicitation, that world would have been

——This monitor has such a cruel heart and vicious methods!

Zeus gave birth to a kind of sadness and helplessness: "There are ruthless people in every generation, and every year the waves of the past push the waves of the past": I think of how evil and ruthless they were when they joined forces to deceive the mother of magic!

For the rest of his life, no one can defeat him.

But now?

Needless to say, Witch Harley is absolutely ruthless.

Darkseid pretended to be dead and killed several god-kings, which was extremely ruthless.

Even the monitors are ruthless and ruthless.

Compared with these ruthless characters who are both vicious and treacherous, all the gods seem to be innocent and kind people.

"Sir Dax, why did you choose the old man of karate as the host of the doomsday virus? If it were replaced by Aquaman, Wonder Woman or Dark Phoenix, wouldn't the effect be better?" Shiva asked doubtfully.

Dax said: "You can only choose the old man of karate. First of all, he has less thick-skinned divine power in his body and his divinity is even weaker.

When he gained the power of Thick Skin, Witch Harley was far less powerful than she is now.

After that, the two were separated at opposite ends of the river of time, unable to communicate, and their divine power and divinity had no chance to resonate and renew.

If the doomsday virus is directly implanted into the bodies of Neptune or Dark Phoenix, the virus may be killed by the powerful power in their bodies and will not have time to evolve step by step.

Secondly, I am a monitor and cannot bring the doomsday virus into the physical universe.

The multiverse has consciousness, and each universe also has its own pan-consciousness.

People can develop spiritual awareness of crisis, and so can the universe.

The doomsday virus can destroy the entire world, and the origin of the universe can sense it.

If I directly release the doomsday virus into the material universe, the source of the multiverse will deprive me of my supervisory authority.

The old man Karate was infected by a virus during his time travel after leaving the 31st century. The person who allowed him to time travel was not me. I cleverly made a loophole and the responsibility disappeared. "

"Hey, did Witch Harley just open the space door?" Horus suddenly exclaimed.

"I also saw her opening the door again. She actually broke the time and space constraints of the 'Realm of Apocalypse'. The origin is above!" Zeus said in disbelief: "Is Witch Harley so profound in the laws of space? I never knew She has understood the laws of space."

"I don't know either."

Horus urged: "Lord Dax, take action quickly. Although Darkseid has blocked the door several times in a row, as long as she succeeds once, she will rush out of Apokolips and return to Earth.

Without her to contain Darkseid, we would have no choice but to hold on, and I'm afraid there would be heavy casualties by then! "

Zeus's face changed slightly and he also advised: "Your Excellency, it's time to give Witch Harley a little sweetness.

Now she couldn't see any hope of victory, so she just ran away.

Once we take action, with her wisdom, she will not give up the opportunity to join forces to kill Darkseid. "

Dax nodded and said: "I have sent an order to Brother Eyes. The doomsday viral Omac particles are officially activated. You should also prepare to appear."

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