I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1609 Destiny, Prophecy and Conspiracy

Heavenly Blood Domain.

"Zeus, are you sure that Witch Harley must be on Apokolips?" Horus, the eagle-headed man, asked.

"If I'm not sure, will I wait here with you?" Zeus said lightly.

Susano'o Ming said: "From the information collected from the main universe, Witch Harley has indeed left the earth."

"Leaving Earth does not mean that she is on Apokolips. Even if she is on Apokolips, it does not mean that what we expect will happen."

Horus turned around anxiously and looked around, focusing on Zeus and the man with furrowed hair and a red face - it was the traitor Dax among the monitors.

He has not been arrested by the watchers, but now he is hanging out with a group of old gods.

"Our Egyptian pantheon has staked everything and cannot afford to lose," Horus said.

Zeus frowned and said, "What you are saying is as if the person standing in front of you now is my body, and the one sealed by Darkseid is the clone."

"Well, I'm just a little worried, our plan has already failed once.

Last time, you used revelation to attract Jason and the Atom to Apokolips. You also said that Witch Harley would definitely save people. Then she joined forces with Heavenly Father to harm both Darkseid and the strongest state. " Horus said.

As soon as these words came out, several other divine clones and even the silent observer looked at Zeus.

The last failure was a huge setback for them.

"If the last plan hadn't failed, we would have already won and we wouldn't be where we are today." Shiva sighed.

Zeus was silent for a moment and said: "My judgment on Witch Harley's behavior does not come from guessing and reasoning, but from prophecy."

"The fate of Witch Harley is unpredictable." Horus said.

Zeus shook his head and said: "Everyone in the multiverse has a destiny line, and everyone's destiny is in that book.

Witch Harley is indeed very powerful and weird.

Her future cannot be predicted from the timeline.

But that book was different. She didn't even notice that her fate was being observed and modified. "

"If the prophecy comes from the Book of Destiny in the hands of the eldest son of the Endless Family, it should not be wrong, but the reality is that we have already made a wrong prediction once." Horus said.

Zeus said: "I didn't see the prophecy related to the Witch Harley in the Book of Destiny.

No one has ever read that book directly, except Destiny itself.

My prophecy comes from the three goddesses of destiny.

The three of them are not only the Fates of Olympus, but also the destinies of all your pantheons.

The name and image are different, but the essence is the same.

They are the goddesses of destiny in the heavenly realm, observers of destiny recognized by destiny.

Sometimes fate will ask them difficult questions. "

Just like there are often big names in academia who hold positions such as lecturers, visiting professors, and nominal deans in many universities.

In the DC magic world, there are often big bosses with extremely strong professional abilities who serve as gods of the same type in multiple pantheons.

For example, the Sandman Morpheus became associated with the Muses because she once served as the main god in the Olympus pantheon.

Another example is Harley. She is particularly professional in defense and martial arts, so she became the God of War in Heaven and the instructor of the Genesis Star. The God of Order once considered recruiting her to join the group. Old Shazam also directly invited her to join the Wizards Council.

To be the main god of a certain priesthood in multiple pantheons, his professionalism in the priesthood must overwhelm the other gods of that pantheon.

For example, the three goddesses of fate mentioned by Zeus.

Their attainments in the laws of destiny are outstanding and unmatched.

Placed in the Olympus pantheon, their prophecies crush all gods.

Whether they go to the Nordic pantheon or other pantheons, they still crush all the gods.

Even in Sandman's dream kingdom, their prophecy far surpasses Morpheus himself.

The reason why there are prophetic and real dreams in the Dream Kingdom is related to the three goddesses of destiny. They also have positions similar to guest guests in the Dream Kingdom.

The members of the Endless Family are all embodiments of a certain law of the multiverse.

Since it is a law, it can naturally be controlled by others.

Big Brother Destiny is the incarnation of the law of fate, and the three goddesses control the law of fate.

The three of them combined are equivalent to a divine king who understands the laws of destiny.

Therefore, the three goddesses can enter and leave Big Brother Destiny's house at will and can give him opinions.

His attitude toward them was also very solemn.

The three goddesses of destiny give advice on destiny, which is equivalent to using the laws of destiny they control to influence destiny.

The destiny situation is very different from that of his younger brothers and sisters.

The second sister's death is the incarnation of the law of death, but in the DC multiverse, there has not yet been a god-king with the priesthood of death.

"Even if they are the three goddesses of destiny, their calculation was wrong once." Horus said.

"Even if they are the three goddesses of destiny, they cannot be right every time." Zeus said.

"I don't expect them to be right every time. As long as this time, this time Witch Harley must appear on Apokolips and fight Darkseid, and then we will reap the benefits." Horus said .

Zeus pondered: "To be honest, I can't 100% guarantee that Witch Harley will appear on Apokolips today or tomorrow and then confront Darkseid.

The original words of the three goddesses of destiny were only "In the final crisis, Witch Harley will die at the hands of Darkseid."

According to this prophecy, we predict that Jason can attract the Witch Harley into Apokolips and then confront Darkseid.

So we use revelation to lure Jason to Apokolips.

In other words, we are working hard to make predictions come true.

We will eventually succeed, but there is no guarantee that any given effort will be successful.

We have no doubt about the prediction of the three goddesses of fate that Witch Harley will die at the hands of Darkseid.

These are the exact words recorded in that book.

The details and process may change, but the conclusion remains the same.

For example, 'Darkseid died at the hands of Orion', and the result came true. Well, his divine body did die, but this process came from the plan of the Heavenly Father.

There are great uncertainties and many variables in the process of realizing destiny, but it will never change.

In fact, we can predict that Darkseid is pretending to be dead because of this prophecy.

Since Witch Harley is destined to be beaten to death by Darkseid, as long as she lives for one day, Darkseid will definitely not die. "

The silent monitor frowned and said: "You can be superstitious about the prophecies of the three goddesses of destiny, but you can't erase the fact that I reminded you that Darkseid is hiding in the center of Apokolips.

When I found you, you insisted that Darkseid was completely dead, his godhead was shattered, and the laws of the God King collapsed. It was absolutely unreasonable. "

Zeus had an embarrassed look on his face, "Don't blame me for my misjudgment, it's just because the equation is too weird.

Even though his godhood is broken, his laws collapse, and his body is destroyed, Darkseid can still survive in another weird way by relying on the power of the equation. "

"That is the anti-life equation, the 'source' of life." Horus said.

Zeus glanced at him, "Didn't you also firmly believe that Darkseid was dead?"

Horus admitted bluntly: "Yes, I was wrong. I underestimated the power of the equation, but we are now discussing the prophecies of the three goddesses of destiny."

Zeus said: "When all of us insisted that Darkseid was dead, the three goddesses said that he was not dead, although they themselves were confused and could not tell Darkseid's true state.

Therefore, they did not lie, they really saw the contents of that book. "

After a pause, he said seriously: "We have overwhelmed everything, and our body has been sealed by Darkseid.

What we should do now is not to question the predictions of the three goddesses of destiny, but to strive to make the trajectory of destiny develop in the direction that is most beneficial to us.

Destiny only said that Witch Harley would die at the hands of Darkseid, but did not mention the process, so we will create this process.

Our goal is neither to kill Harley nor to kill Darkseid.

Sitting back and waiting for Darkseid to kill Harley while doing nothing will make us angry but will not change our situation.

What do we want?

The death of the old gods is a magical debt, and it is Hecate who is the spoiler! "

The gods present looked solemn and nodded slightly.

Zeus pointed at the monitor and said: "Our hope lies with the monitor."

Dax raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't worry, as long as you help me get the authority to restart the fifth world, I will give you more cosmic responsibilities in the new era.

In addition, if I succeed in being promoted to the main monitor, I will deal with Hecate for you. "

The higher the responsibility, the heavier the authority in the multiverse, which is like what mortals say "adding burdens".

Officials definitely have heavier social responsibilities than ordinary people, and high officials have heavier responsibilities than junior officials.

If there is a fierce dragon crossing the river, the cost of attacking a low-ranking official will definitely be lower than that of a high-ranking official, and it is easier to attack a commoner than killing a low-ranking official.

The more cosmic authority is added to them, the higher their "official status" is, and the more difficult it is for Hecate, the outsider, to kill the "local official".

This kind of benefit has already made the old gods excited, not to mention that if Dax becomes the main monitor, he will help them get rid of their creditors.

How could they refuse?


It can't even be said to be cooperation between them.

It was the Old Gods who took refuge with Dax the Watcher.

To say that Zeus is not interested in the authority to restart the fifth world is definitely nonsense.

But first of all, the old gods lacked the destiny to restart the fifth world, and the destiny lies with the new gods; secondly, they lacked their own strength and had too many powerful competitors.

Not to mention the Darkseid of the two equations.

Even the Heavenly Father, who has no equation, and Zeus, the most powerful old god and god-king, do not have a 100% chance of winning.

Zeus and Heavenly Father are both elders of the "Essence Society", and they know each other well.

"Hey," Monitor Dax said with excitement, "You guys, be prepared, Witch Harley has been exposed."

"Witch Harley really went to Apokolips?" Horus was surprised and happy.

"Not only was she on Apokolips, but her identity was exposed and she was surrounded by Darkseid's people. It was difficult to escape in a short time." Dax said.

"The prophecy has come true. Will Witch Harley be beaten to death by Darkseid this time? Our Neon God Department still owes her a huge debt. Now that she is dead, we don't have to pay back the debt." Susano'o was excited. road.

Zeus said solemnly: "Our target is not Witch Harley, at least she is not the main target at this time.

Darkseid is stronger now and poses a greater threat to us.

We took action immediately, while Darkseid had all his attention attracted by her, and before she was killed by Darkseid. "

Dax said: "As we discussed before, we will implement the 'Apocalypse Destruction Plan' today."

Horus immediately said: "There must be no problem on our side, Magic Mary has already locked the 'Old God Sealed Area'.

She is our Trojan horse.

Her thoughts are on the verge of extremes, and with a little influence, she can become our strongest spear.

But destroy Apokolips"

He looked at the monitor hesitantly, "In the Apokolips destruction plan, we are only responsible for containing Darkseid, and you will complete the detonation process, right?"

"You don't have to doubt that Brother Eye is already ready to go." Dax smiled.

"Brother, is it okay?" Shiva asked worriedly.

Dax said confidently: "Magical Mary is the Trojan horse you dedicated to Darkseid. Brother Eye has never left my control. It is the Trojan horse I planted on Apokolips."


The former slave camp had been reduced to ashes in the flames.

Whether it was the buildings inside, the captured slaves, or the new protoss who supervised the slaves, they were all destroyed in the fire.

Darkseid led thousands of dark elites and millions of dark protoss, distributing the barracks in all directions to form a huge magic circle.

A bright red energy from the center of the earth emerged from the ground beneath the feet of each dark protoss.

After their control and guidance, the energy forms a huge flame space.

In this realm, not only were all other elemental energies rejected, leaving only earth and fire energy, but even the laws were completely replaced by the laws of the New God of Darkness.

Every master of magic masters at least one law, and every new dark god has at least one law.

Now all the dark gods activate their own laws together and replace the natural laws of the multiverse in the domain with their own laws.

When Harley was in it, the most obvious feeling was that the laws of space had changed from docile and obedient to unruly.

Whether you use a light ring to open space teleportation, or use the Genesis Mother Box to open a sonic boom channel, or other magical means, if you want to open the teleportation gate, you will involve the power of space and leverage the laws of space.

The previous space laws were the natural laws of the DC multiverse, but now they have been replaced by the laws of a certain dark elite.

Under normal circumstances, other people's laws are of course completely under their control.

Fortunately, Harley has a level nine space defense field.

She opened the force field at this moment and forcibly left the natural laws of the DC multiverse within the scope of the force field.

The defensive force field cannot control the law and the power of space, but it can prevent others from controlling them and keep them in a normal state.

"Hahaha, Witch Harley, you are finished!" The Assassin God Kanter laughed proudly, "So that you will understand clearly that after the Olympus Gods let you escape last time, we led by His Majesty , developed the 'Apocalypse Domain' that simulates the geocentric space of Apokolips.

Within the domain, the power of earth and fire replaces the power of space, and the laws of the new gods replace the laws of nature.

No matter how well you understand the laws of space, without the power of space and the laws of space, you will become a fish out of water. "

"Where do you have the courage to deceive me?" Harley said gloomily.

This bastard had always told the truth before, even the secret of the old god being sealed, he was outspoken - he refused to betray Darkseid, instead of making up lies to deceive her.

Unexpectedly, a rape was suddenly committed over a trivial matter.

She had to admit that she was careless this time.

"Hahaha, I am happy and honored to lie to you. I, Kanter, deceived Harley, the most treacherous witch in the multiverse." Kanter laughed.

Harley squinted her eyes, and her cold eyes shot out from between her eyes, "Did you forget one thing? You are in my hand now."

"Do you really think I'm afraid of your torture?"

Kanter sneered at the corner of his mouth and said proudly: "You should really pay more attention to me, at least check my information in advance.

I am proficient in the fighting techniques of 100 million planets, and I am also proficient in the killing techniques of 100 million planets.

I've tried every technique myself.

No matter what torture you use, don't make me surrender. "

Harley poked his finger between his eyebrows, and a mark in the shape of an "H" flashed away.

The person standing opposite him at this time was just Harley's projection, unable to use the "Nine Yin White Bone Finger".

"What did you do?" Kanter asked in confusion as the sneer disappeared from his face.

"What do you feel?" Harley smiled.

He felt that he had lost something very important.

"Making lies." Kanter sneered again, "You will definitely die this time and there is nowhere to escape.

I understand that before you die of despair and misery, you will torture me to death in advance.

But no matter how you kill me, when Your Majesty restarts the fifth world, I will be reborn with infinite glory.

Hahaha, are you angry, helpless, and desperate? "

Harley sighed: "You should really spend some of your time and energy practicing 100 million fighting techniques to improve your intelligence. You're so stupid."

"Stop being brave, I know you're going to be furious right now." Kanter laughed.

“First of all, your ‘Apocalypse Domain’ is very powerful. Even if the ‘God of Space’ who is proficient in the laws of space falls into it, it will be difficult to escape.

But I am not the God of Space Law and do not understand the laws of space.

Although your tricks are powerful, they fail to hit my vital points.

I still can leave whenever I want at this time.

At most, the process of opening the portal is more troublesome and will take more time.

Secondly, I won't kill you now, I will torture you slowly.

When I get tired of it, you'll definitely die, but don't even think about resurrecting in a reboot.

Your soul has been marked by reincarnation by me, and you have been separated from the New God household registration.

Even if Darkseid wins the final battle, even if the 'God of Assassins' Kanter is reborn in the reboot, that's not you. You will see everything about you being taken over by another person, but you can't do anything. "

Kanter's eyes flickered a few times, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't scare people with a calm face, you are actually panicking inside.

You can't escape at all. If you could open the space door, you would have escaped long ago. "

Harley shrugged, "You can comfort yourself that way."

She turned to the second-generation Atom and said: "Xiao Cai, now I want to concentrate on dealing with Darkseid. You torture this guy for me."

Cai Ruian said: "I don't torture people."

"You poked his wound hard with your finger."

After saying this, her mental projection gradually faded and disappeared, leaving Kanter's expression changing and Cai Ruian's hesitation.

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