I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1608 Battle of Apokolips

Louise walked out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe and saw her husband frowning and staring at the laptop screen seriously.

She walked over while wiping her hair and glanced sideways. On the screen were complicated mechanical drawings that she couldn't understand at all.


"Mr. Excellence asked me to help modify the Blood Domain engine design drawing." Clark replied casually.

"At this time, you still have time and energy to study the engine. Is it possible that it is related to the plan to deal with Darkseid? By the way, how do you plan to deal with the 'final crisis' that may come at any time?" Louise asked.

"We do have several plans," Clark said.

"Can you tell me?" Louise sat on the head of the bed, leaning against him.

Clark hesitated: "If the plan is exposed, Darkseid will definitely make targeted arrangements."

"I know, I won't tell anyone." Louise held his arms and rubbed against him gently.

Clark smiled bitterly and said, "'Anyone' includes you."

"I think any plan that can be targeted by Darkseid in advance is not a good plan. Darkseid is too cunning. He can almost guess any plan you can think of." Louise said seriously.

Clark nodded and said: "We also know this truth, so we are not afraid of Darkseid guessing the two plans we prepared."

"In that case, why are you still struggling? Darkseid can guess it, and you are not afraid of being guessed by him. Why are you hiding it from me?"

"He may or may not guess, and even if he guesses that there is a possibility, he can't be sure. It's better to make him suspicious than to be 100% certain."

Louise's eyes flashed, and she seemed to have no choice but to compromise: "Okay, I won't ask you about your plan. You tell me about Magic Mary."

"You're not going to beat around the bush just to find out about Magic Mary, are you?" Clark said warily.

"Are you going to say it?" She rubbed against him a few more times.

"Alas, it's hard to talk about her." Clark said helplessly.

"Just say whatever you know."

"She was seduced by Jane Rowling and degenerated into... I can't say that she is a super villain, but she is definitely no longer a superhero."

"I know everything you said. The hottest news right now is 'The Fall of Magical Mary'. I want to know her current situation. Jane Rowling is missing. She also disappeared. Did she go to Apokolips?" Louis Si asked.

Clark thought for a while. The fact that Magic Mary became the beloved concubine of Apokolips was a secret on Earth, but everyone on Apokolips knew about it, so there was no need to keep it a secret.

"She married Darkseid and became the new queen, or concubine, of Apokolips."

"Oh my God!" Louise jumped up and said in shock: "What kind of plot is this? I couldn't even guess this result in advance."

"It was also a coincidence. If the beloved concubine of the previous generation had not just died, Jane Rowling would not have thought of regaining favor by offering a daughter to Darkseid." Clark then told the death of his beloved concubine Susan.

Louise's eyes were bright, "It seems that we can do two more issues of "The Legend of Apokolips' Beloved Concubine", namely "What Did the Beloved Concubine Susan Say to Darkseid" and "The Magical Mary of the Generation of Empresses".

Well, Magic Mary is the name of the hero.

‘Magical’ represents the magical family.

Now that Mary has become a demon, she can no longer use the name 'Magic Mary'.

Can it be changed to ‘Dark Mary’ or ‘Bloody Mary’?

Forget it, she is a superhero after all, and she may not be able to turn around in the future, so let’s call her ‘Super Mario’.

She is now super strong, with powerful magic skills and divine power, which are more than ten times stronger than before. "

"Aren't you afraid that Darkseid will cause trouble for you? After confirming that Darkseid was not dead, you were so scared that you packed your luggage overnight and were ready to move your family to the 'Continent of Order' at any time." Clark said strangely.

"Of course I'm afraid, but Harley once said that the 'Final Crisis' will not be until 2022 at the latest. It is already early December 2021. If Harley guessed correctly, it will take at most one month for the fifth world to restart. Finish.

This month is just enough time for me to prepare the materials and record the show.

Once the restart was over and we had a big win, we played the show to celebrate. Louise said with a proud smile.

"You are quite confident." Clark said with a wry smile.

"Are you not confident?" Louise looked up at him and said, "What has Harley been busy with recently? I saw that Diana, Aquaman, and Dinah have returned from hell. Has the 'Formula Immune Evolution' achieved any results?"

Clark nodded, "All three of them have evolved the 'Equation Defense Field', and the previous light golden transparent light film has turned into a mixture of multiple colors.

However, even in the war to conquer Heaven, Darkseid did not use the power of the equation, and Harley was not sure what the effect would be. "

"'Formula Immunity Evolution' is over, what new plan is Harley working on? She hasn't returned to Quinn Manor for a long time."

Clark hesitated for a moment, then leaned into her ear and whispered: "She has gone to Apokolips now."

"Oh my god, she's alone?" Louise exclaimed.

“It’s easy to be exposed when there are too many people.”

"She is alone. What can she do if she goes to Apokolips? If she wants to find out the news, isn't there Mr. Miracle?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"Well, even you know that Mr. Miracle is working as a spy on Apokolips, and Darkseid must also know it. When Harley went to Apokolips, she asked him to return to Earth immediately," Clark said.

"Mr. Miracle refused?"

"He said it was his responsibility," Clark sighed.

"Actually, he should come back as the God King of the Creation Star. He is the biological son of Heavenly Father, and it is easier than Beka to condense the God King's divine personality." Louise said.

Clark shook his head and said: "Although Scott is the son of Heavenly Father, he grew up on Apokolips. Like Big Barda, he is the 'New God of Darkness'.

Unless the Genesis Star is still there, it is possible for him to be recognized by the origin of the Genesis Star, refine his divinity, and transform into the 'New God of Light'. "

"Well, I thought he inherited Heavenly Father's divine power. After all, they are biological father and son." Louise said.

"Heavenly Father and Darkseid are still brothers from the same mother."

"Beep beep beep~~~"

A pop-up window as big as a palm suddenly popped up in the upper left corner of the laptop screen, and a rapid alarm sounded from the speaker.

Clark's expression changed slightly, and he turned sideways to avoid Louise's sight before clicking on the pop-up window.

Then his expression turned strange.

"What are you doing?" Louise didn't understand and wasn't satisfied with his behavior.

"Zhenglian headquarters sent me an urgent message. I can't sleep at home tonight."

Clark closed the notebook lid and said seriously.

"What's the news?" Louise pulled his pajamas to prevent him from getting out of bed, "Your expression is wrong, please speak clearly."

"Hey, didn't Harley go to Apokolips? She just sent us a message, saying that she had been searching for Apokolips for several days and found nothing. She was impatient and planned to transform into an assassin and attack the Dark Elite.

Once a dark elite dies, Darkseid will be alerted.

Although she consciously made a perfect disguise and was proficient in perfect stealth, she was not afraid of ten thousand, just what might happen.

If Darkseid finds out that she is on Apokolips, he may take the opportunity to invade Earth.

Therefore, I must return to the Zhenglian headquarters and be prepared for the sudden attack of the Apokolips army. "

Louise turned over and sat up, and said in shock: "So, the final battle is about to begin? We haven't entered Noah's Ark yet."

Clark said: "If everyone enters Noah's Ark, wouldn't it be clear that we killed the dark elite?"

"Besides us, are there any other suspects?"

Clark nodded slightly, "The reason why Harley gave up passive waiting and took the initiative to sneak into Apokolips was because many forces were secretly planning, and the variables were too many and too big for her to control. She could only gain a little initiative."

Louise said in surprise: "Now that the Heaven Realm and the Genesis Star have exploded, the Heaven Realm is closed, and the Dream Dimension has never participated in the crisis of the multiverse.

Those who should appear in the eight major divine realms have already appeared, and those who have been eliminated have already been eliminated. What other forces are hiding on the side? "

"Harry suspected that the old gods had other plans. Magical Mary's fall was not an accident, but part of another larger plan." Clark didn't hesitate at all when telling this secret.

Because this is the secret of the old gods, they hope that Darkseid will know it and look away from the earth.

When Harley left, she also said directly that if she discovered the conspiracy of the old gods, she would prompt them to have a good fight with Darkseid so that she could reap the benefits.

"Isn't the Heaven Realm already destroyed? What else can the old gods plan?" Louise asked in surprise.

Clark shook his head and said, "I don't know, and Harley is just guessing."

While he was talking, he had already taken off his pajamas and put on his Superman uniform.

He leaned over and kissed Louise on the cheek, and said: "Don't worry, Harley is at Darkseid's lair. If there are signs of Apokolips invading the earth, she will be the first to notice it, and then come back immediately to put down Noah's Ark. The cockpit."

Louise frowned and said, "Don't you have several plans? Why don't you stick to your own plans? Why are you being affected by unwarranted 'other forces'?"

Dachao hesitated for a moment and said: "This is one of our plans. To defend and counterattack, everyone on the earth will hide in the dimension of Harley's stomach bag, leaving Darkseid to look at the empty earth and cry helplessly."

Louise asked: "But the restart of the fifth world has not come yet, do we have to hide for a month? What about production and life?"

Dachao shrugged, "As long as people are still there, life can start again, and production is irrelevant."

"I'm afraid not everyone thinks that way."

Louise herself was unwilling to give up her job at the Daily Planet for a long time.

"Then what do you say? Darkseid holds two equations, and is surrounded by thousands of dark elites who can fight me alone, tens of millions of dark new gods, and tens of billions of demons. You can't expect Harley and a few Ten Zhenglian heroes will kill them all, right?"

Louise was speechless.

Harley was indeed a little angry.

It has been four or five days since she came to Apokolips, almost a week, and she has gained nothing.

Apokolips is too vast.

Putting the Earth into Apokolips is like putting a drop of water into a lake.

If we use specific numerical values ​​to describe the size of Apokolips, its diameter should be close to one light-year.

In the physical universe, interstellar travel can easily take hundreds of light years.

If it crosses the river system, it may even be millions or tens of millions of light years.

Compared to them, a light-year seems nothing.

But this light-year is not a space environment, and you can see the whole thing at a glance.

It is the diameter of the planet.

Harley has been a coach on the Genesis Star for several years and has long been accustomed to the hugeness of the Genesis Star. However, the new gods on the Genesis Star live in the floating city, and the population and buildings are very concentrated.

Darkseid's dark dynasty is spread across the vast land of Apokolips.

The surface scenery of the Genesis Star looks very similar to the habitable planet in the main universe, like the Earth magnified countless times.

Apokolips is like countless wooden boards spliced ​​together to form an entire continent, spread on the surface of a planet made of magma.

There are cracked cracks everywhere on the ground. Hot red light emerges from the cracks, and you can even see magma flowing inside.

Apokolips has no stars, the stars are in the center of the earth.

The magma on the earth is molten material, but the magma in the core of Apokolips is liquid energy.

The magma in the center of Apokolips is to the Dark New God what the sun and ocean (water) are to humans.

It is not only the source of power of the Dark New God, but also the source of the gods.

The buildings on this planet are relatively short, short and flat. They use as much area as possible to be close to the surface and absorb magma energy from the cracks on the surface.

The New God of Darkness has achieved energy freedom and does not have to pay electricity bills, heating bills, etc.

They can have such abundant energy, which is inseparable from the day and night efforts of the dark elite: working hard to destroy the material planet, kill all the resisters, kidnap the surrenderers, and finally "ignite" the empty planet and squeeze out the "magma energy" into it Apokolips Earth Center.

Harley has been traveling through various "magma energy" factories in the past few days, including demon-like production workshops, food processing plants, and weapons assembly plants. She is looking for Jason.

After finding them, she can unleash her full force to kill them.

The reason why I went to the factory to find people was because there were only two buildings in Apokolips: factories and barracks.

There are no shopping malls, parks, residential communities, hospitals, or even prisons.

Of course, this is in Darkseid's royal city.

Outside the royal city, there are countless "nomadic tribes".

Most of them are "ordinary people" among the dark new gods. They are not capable enough to become the dark elite, and they do not want to be cannon fodder under Darkseid, so they leave the city and become "savages".

Some of the slaves abducted by Darkseid had a chance to escape. Their home planet was drained of energy, and all their people were killed. Now they are homeless and hang out with the Dark Gods.

Many of these "nomadic tribes" are "resistance armies" who resist Darkseid's brutal rule.

Harley didn't go to look for them outside the city. If Jason and the others were outside the city, it meant they were free and she didn't have to worry about them.

She only wanders around Darkseid's city.

After shopping for a few days, I found nothing.

She ran out of patience and planned to take action against the Dark Elite.

Before taking action, Harley recorded her plan in a blue lantern ring, then opened a miniature wormhole connecting the material universe and threw the lantern ring in.

When it returns to the main universe, the intelligent system will automatically contact the Justice League Watchtower.

After doing all this, Harley arrived at the door of the Apokolips martial arts instructor's house.

The first target she chose was Kanter, the martial arts instructor of Apokolips and known as "the strongest fighting master in the universe".

It is said that he is proficient in hundreds of millions of fighting techniques.

The reason why he was approached first was because his peers were jealous. Harley, the martial arts instructor of the Creation Star, could not tolerate the martial arts instructor of the Apokolips Star.

If you want to take action against the Dark Elite, you don't need to consider whether you can win or not.

If she can't even defeat the Dark Elite, there's no need for Harley to come to Apokolips to run wild.

It is easy to defeat the opponent, but the key is to prevent the opponent from raising an alarm.

The most convenient warning method for the Dark Elite is the mother box.

Their thoughts are connected to the Mother Box, and with one thought, they can send a message to all the New Gods.

Harley has a certain understanding of the Dark Elite and knows that Kanter's mother box is fused with an artifact dagger.

Apokolips' martial arts instructor is just his profession, and his divinity is the "God of Assassins."

Suddenly I noticed a strange aura, which was still a little far away. What was the subconscious action of the Assassin God?

"Who?" The Apocalypse Martial Arts Instructor's perception was very keen. Harley only showed a trace of breath, and he stood up, flicked his right hand, and the flying knife came out, silently, and came to Harley faster than the sound. .

"Hehehehe" Harley smiled proudly, opened her mouth and responded directly to the flying knife.

"Whoosh -" After the flying knife entered the mouth, it was wrapped in a layer of bubbles and pulled numbly into the dimension of the stomach bag, completely isolated from the outside world.

"You-" Kanter was shocked when he lost his sense of the dagger.

Before he could use "One Hundred Million Killing Martial Arts", another bubble trapped him.

The level 9 space defense expertise is activated, and the true vacuum field is opened.

Kanter's struggling movements suddenly became extremely slow, but his thinking activities were not affected.

"Witch Harley, Witch Harley invades the Dark King's City, Witch Harley is here~~~"

"Stop screaming, my bubble can isolate mental fluctuations."

Harley floated in front of him and poked his shoulder and knee with "Nine Yin White Bone Finger".

She deliberately used her expertise to suppress the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness in the White Bone Stick to prevent the new god from being sent away with one move.

"Ahhhh-" Kanter screamed.

It was just a mental scream, and it was difficult to move his mouth.

Harley put her finger between his eyebrows, "Scream again and I'll stab you to death."

Big drops of sweat oozed from Kanter's forehead. He stopped screaming in pain and only stared with hateful eyes, asking: "What do you want to do?"

"Where are Jason and Val?"

"Slave camp."

Harley was stunned for a moment, "Why are you so honest? I thought you would be unyielding and refuse to obey.

When I use my fingers to dig your divine body into a hornet's nest, and you despair in pain, and give up all honor and persistence in despair, you will say whatever I ask. "

Kanter said with a dark face: "You are the witch Harley. I have already foreseen what evil methods you can use, so I might as well not do it in vain."

"At least tell me the terms." Harley said.

"You are Witch Harley, how can I end up well if I fall into your hands? I just hope that you will be more decisive later and kill me directly without making any mess."

This guy was so aware that Harry was speechless.

She doubted: "The slave camp is outside the city and is not closely guarded."

Kanter said: "Those minions are of little use to us, and Your Majesty doesn't care about their life or death."

"Everyone is in the slave camp?" Harley asked again.

"Only two people were arrested, one sick man and one Atom. We have been searching for the rest, but His Majesty is not paying attention to this matter, and we have no motivation." Kanter said.

"The slave camp is huge, where are they?"

Kanter gave the answer directly.

Harley glanced at him and asked: "After Zeus surrendered, how did you place him?"

Kanter hesitated for a moment and said: "Sealed in a certain area, His Majesty promised to retain the identity and authority of God King Zeus, and when the fifth world is restarted, he will release them back to the heaven.

Well, the heaven will be restarted and will not disappear forever. "

"Where is the old god sealed?" Harley asked.

Kanter shook his head and said, "I can't tell you."

"I'm the witch Harley. You've already anticipated what I can do. Just be quick and don't resist needlessly." Harley shouted with some pride.

"Your Majesty doesn't care about those two slaves at all, so I told you their information. But Zeus is different. I can't let you affect His Majesty's grand plan. Even if you poke me into a hornet's nest, I can't betray Your Majesty." Kanter said firmly.

"Chi chi chi chi~~" Harley struck him like lightning and stabbed him more than thirty times in a row.

Kanter's eyes popped out, the blood drained from his face, he said "ho ho ho" on his lips, and screamed "ah ah ah" with his mental strength.

"Say or not?"


Harley poked him dozens more times.

"Kill me, for Darkseid!" he shouted weakly.

"Okay, if you have the guts, I won't ask."

Although Harley didn't like him acting as a tough guy in front of her, she still admired tough guys in her heart, so she stopped humiliating him.

She activated the eighth-level divine defense specialty and slapped him on the forehead, making him dizzy and confused. Then she shrunk the bubble, making it stick to him like plastic wrap, wrapping him into a piece of salted fish. , and finally swallowed into the stomach bag dimension.

You can't kill him yet.

The divine power of all the gods in the pantheon comes from the god king, and this is true for the old and new gods.

For example, Harley drained more than 90% of Asgard's divine power through Odin.

Therefore, killing any god in the pantheon may alarm the god king.

In particular, Kanter is a dark elite, equivalent to the main god in the pantheon, with very high status and authority.

According to the information provided by Kanter, Harley easily found the first prisoner, Atom Cai Ryan, in the slave camp.

Xiao Cai was a bit miserable. He was stripped of his atomic suit, only wearing a pair of underpants, and his hands and feet were in chains. He was being whipped and insulted by two strange-looking new gods.

Harley jumped out directly, and with a thought, 25 bubbles "Gululu" of different sizes appeared, covering all 25 living people on the scene, including Cai Ruian, to prevent him from shouting in excitement.

"Oh my god, Harley, you finally came to save me."

Seeing Harley, the second-generation Atom was like meeting his long-lost richest mother, and his eyes were red with excitement.

Harley first "vacuumed" the bubble and sent them all into the stomach bag dimension. While continuing to search for her apprentice Val, she projected a spiritual clone to Cai Ruian and asked, "Where are Jason and the others?"

"I was probably with the Apokolips rebels. When I was captured, we hadn't encountered the rebels yet, but we already had such a plan.

After following the revelation and teleporting to Apokolips, we immediately planned to start teleportation in the quantum dimension.

As a result, Apokolips has a special environment and cannot open a stable quantum dimension channel.

After research, Lei and I concluded that Apokolips is in the fifth world, but our atomic suits come from the material world and cannot adapt to the physical rules of the high-dimensional world.

Well, just like your Archimedes airship, you cannot carry high-tech instruments from the material world into Limbo, otherwise they will malfunction or even collapse.

To go back, you can only rely on the mother box.

We once robbed a low-powered new protoss and planned to use his mother box.

Unfortunately, everyone on earth’s mobile phones have password locks. The mother box is more intelligent. It not only refuses to open the sonic boom channel for us, but also issues an alarm to others, directly exposing our existence.

After several rounds of twists and turns, we learned that there are still rebels on Apokolips and they also have mother boxes, so we made a plan to find the rebels.

Unfortunately, when we were looking for the rebels, the New Protoss were also searching for us, and I was caught. "

Cai Ruian was a smart man and told Harley everything she wanted to know without waiting for her to ask her questions.

"Now that you know about Archimedes, you didn't think that the atomic suit might malfunction on Apokolips?" Harley said.

"Well, we have entered many different worlds through quantum space, and subconsciously we feel that Apokolips is no different from those other worlds.

In fact, our suit was only partially disabled, not completely disabled.

For example, during combat, the body's enlargement and shrinkage are not affected at all. Cai Ruian said.

"You followed the revelation and came to Apokolips. What significant things did you do?" Harley asked again.

Cai Ruian heard a hint of sarcasm in her words, feeling embarrassed and annoyed, and said: "We seem to have been deceived.

Except for unexpectedly meeting the flute player and witnessing the birth of Darkseid, he did nothing and completed no mission. "

"Oh, have you seen Darkseid? I use my mental power to connect to your consciousness. You recall that memory in your mind and let me intuitively experience the scene at that time." Harley said.

Cai Ruian didn't refuse.

The earth of Apokolips is cracked, and magma flows in the cracks. Based on the energy of magma, the New Gods developed the New God Civilization of Apokolips.

On Apokolips, machines and buildings that extract energy from the center of the earth can be seen everywhere.

Just like people on earth will build power stations.

In order to centrally manage energy transmission, Apokolips also has a "geocentric energy lake".

From the appearance, they look like huge magma lakes, directly exposed on the surface.

Although they are called magma lakes, they are actually more like large deep wells. Their bottoms are connected to the center of the earth and are very deep.

This energy pool is specially prepared for factories that consume huge amounts of energy.

For example, the demonoid production workshop transforms thousands of demonoids every minute and every second, which is a large energy consumer.

The scene in Cai Ruian's memory took place on a huge magma energy pool.

The flute player with a haggard face sat crookedly beside the energy pool. The magma lake was not really just digging a hole in the earth and introducing a large amount of earth's core energy.

Lake is just an adjective. The energy pool is actually a very advanced technological product. There are metal structures at the bottom and edges. Overall, it is a huge energy furnace.

The flutist was sitting on the steps across the guardrail. The temperature around him was not high, and the earth's core energy was restrained within a small range by a transparent force field, which would not cause a lot of waste.

His flute sound was gentle and plaintive, which left a deep impression on Cai Ruian.

As the flute entered the high court, the lava lake on the edge began to bubble.

After the bubble burst, what floated out was not hot steam, but colorful "runes" - the runes came from Harley's understanding. In fact, from Cai Ruian's perspective, only light groups of different colors could be seen. .

Staring at those light groups made him even more excited.

The flute player's music and the colorful light group made them overwhelmed and completely lost.

Until the lake exploded, and an angry man with gray-black cracked skin jumped out: Darkseid!

He cursed loudly toward the sky, "You are so brave, how dare you use prophecy to plot against me." Then he opened his mouth and sucked in all the light that floated over the lake, and disappeared with a "swish".

"We were all shocked at the time. Darkseid was actually not dead. He had been hiding in the heart of Apokolips.

Harley, you are so awesome, you guessed it right.

Fortunately, he noticed our presence but completely ignored us. "Cai Ruian said with a complicated expression.

"His identity has been exposed and he is busy killing Heavenly Father. How can he have time to care about you little minions? And you"

——You have lost your effect and did not attract me in the first place.

"Oh, I regret it. I was too clever to be clever. If I had known this would be the result, I would have come to Apokolips to find you as soon as possible." Harley said angrily.

She guessed correctly that Jason and the Atom team were the bait, luring her to go to Apokolips to find them, and then fall into a trap.

But she never expected the trap to be like this.

The mastermind behind the scenes was indeed tricking her, but while he was tricking her, he was also tricking Darkseid.

If she had honestly gone into the trap and met Darkseid head-on, there would have been an earth-shattering battle: she and her heavenly father would join forces to fight against Darkseid.

Seeing that Darkseid is not dead and is still attacking the Genesis Star, will she stop him?

definitely will.

Will Heavenly Father wake up and immediately join forces with Harley?

definitely will.

So, what will be the outcome when Harley and Heavenly Father fight to the death with Darkseid, the two equations?

Perhaps the Heavenly Father died tragically, but Harry was able to persevere until the end.

This is the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes, to make them both lose.

It would be best if all three of them died.

Even if one side wins miserably, the black hand can still come out and take advantage.

This is a vicious plan.

But this was actually beneficial to Harley. If she had followed Black Hand's poisonous plan at that time, her situation would have been at least better than now. No, she didn't have the ninth-level space force defense expertise at that time and could be restricted by space.

If she falls into the trap, she may not be able to protect herself, and the mastermind behind the scenes has a high chance of becoming the last oriole.

Fake, so poisonous and weird!

Harley was a little frightened. The timing was too good. She happened to be at level 120, just promoted to God King, when she was the boldest and most arrogant, but before she reached level 8 of the Space Force Defense Specialty - if she had gone that day Apocalypse naturally does not have time to enter the super-light space to upgrade his expertise to level 8, and only at level 8 can he barely break free from the confinement of space.

"Thankfully I was smart and didn't come to Apokolips to look for you." Harley said with lingering fear.

Although the current situation is passive, it is at least safe enough.

"What did you say?"

She said regret for a while and luck for a while. Cai Ruian was a little confused when she heard this.

"Nothing? Hey, I've been around the camp, where is Val?"

Harley was preoccupied with two things, chatting with him and looking for Val in the slave camp. They talked for a long time, but at this moment, there was not even a shadow of Val.

"He is your favored one. With your divine power, can't you sense his location?" Cai Ruian asked.

Harley said: "This slave camp in Area B-3464 is larger than the state of New York. Do you think I have been looking for someone with my eyes? From the beginning, I have been sensing his location, but I just found you first."

"Is there a limit to the range of induction?"

Harley said: "There are no restrictions. I am sure that Val and Jason are both on Apokolips. If the distance between them and me is no more than ten times the range of my mental power, I can find the target through divine resonance.

If they are far away from me, as long as I take the initiative to pray to me in my heart and build a thread of faith between me and them, I can even communicate with them regardless of distance.

But they were far away, and they didn’t do anything, so I couldn’t find anyone. "

Because the fifth world is about to be restarted, the three favored ones of the gods, Diana, Neptune, and Dinah, are experiencing weakening of their powers at the same time, and several people in the magical family have even lost their powers.

In order to help Diana and the others regain their strength, Harley personally helped them restart "Hallelujah".

But once they left Harley's perception range, their originally very active divine power began to weaken again.

Harry said at that time that if he visualized her image in his mind and prayed to her sincerely, his divine power would be greatly enhanced.

The principle is the same as now. As long as she can sense the divine power of the God's Favorite, Harley can remotely control the divine power and activate the divinity. If she leaves the sensing range, she won't be able to sense the divine power, and naturally she won't be able to find anyone.

"Ask Kanter again to see if he lied. Anyway, I haven't seen Val." Cai Ruian said.

"There's no need for him to be half panicked."

Harley felt that Kanter was not lying, but she still woke him up and asked about the identity of the slave camp manager and the location of the Mother Box.

"You deliberately leaked your breath before to stimulate me and make me throw throwing knives at you subconsciously to eliminate the possibility of me giving a warning. Because you have studied me specifically, you would have known that I integrated the mother box into the throwing knives."

Alas, I was careless. Kanter had a trace of pride on his face and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the mighty witch Harley would value me so much and know my every move and living habits like the back of her hand. However, I myself was not wary of you. I failed." Not unfair! "

"You are thinking too much. You are known as the number one assassin in the multiverse, and because the mother box is integrated into the dagger, you can control the dagger to the point where you can do whatever you want, like an arm and a finger. You like to shoot others with the dagger. This information has long been rotten in New Gods On the street, why do you need to study it deliberately?”

While talking, Harley had already found the new god who was guarding the slave camp. He first followed Kanter's instructions and removed the sword that was fused with the mother box, then revealed his body, poked it with a few fingers, and shouted: "You know who I am. , you must also understand my methods. Simply, I don’t want you to betray Darkseid, just tell me Val’s whereabouts."

The commander of the slave camp endured the pain, first looked at her strangely, and then said honestly: "On the first day that the old man Karate was sent to the slave camp, he was sent away by Brother Eye."

"Brother Eyes?" Harley was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "What does that artificial intelligence want Val to do?"

"I heard that it was for human experimentation. This is very common in slave camps. For example, another earthling, the flute player, was originally sent to the slave camp. Lord Desard took him there before he came. He was also used for human experimentation. test."

Harry frowned and said, "You look at me strangely. Are you hiding something from me?"

The battalion commander smiled strangely and nodded, "Ordinary people say that Witch Harley is cunning, cunning, and very smart, but I think it's nothing more than that."

"Oh, what did you do?" An inexplicable crisis surged into Harley's heart.

He kept silent and only smiled proudly.


Continuous sonic booms suddenly exploded around and above the barracks, followed by a huge aura that solidified time and space.

Not only was the space blocked, the camp was also moved to another small space.

"Hahaha, you must be dumbfounded. You can catch me, but you can't stop me from using the mother box to send messages, for Darkseid, for Darkseid."

The commander of the slave camp laughed loudly, raised his head and shouted.

"Golden Kanter, how dare you lie to me!"

Harley understood that she had been tricked by Kanter. The mother box of the slave camp commander was not integrated into the sword, but was somewhere else.

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