I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1607 True Vacuum Forbidden Zone

After another week of absorbing the power of space, Harley finally upgraded her space defense expertise to level 9.

The expertise upgrade this time took a bit long. It took more than half a month to upgrade. It was far inferior to several major expertise such as anti-matter defense, God's power defense, and connection power defense.

For example, Dr. Manhattan's power of connection went from level zero to level nine in one hour.

Harley relies on her own digestion ability to absorb the power of space from the super-light space. The absorption speed is greatly limited, but the process is extremely smooth and stable.

There is no danger, no need to plan hard, no need to fight or conflict with anyone, no need to snatch food from the tiger's mouth or rob others of their origin.

Level 121 45%, level 9 space defense expertise: can form a space defense force field, 100% immune to damage from "level 4" space forces, and almost completely immune to magic damage and space restraint caused by level 5 and 6 space forces. ; It can form a space solidification area or a "true vacuum forbidden area" within the force field.

The DC multiverse has three floors, one higher than the other.

The high here refers to the high level of energy.

The four-dimensional material universe is the first floor. The space power of the main universe can be calibrated to "level four". The five-dimensional Limbo Hell is level five. When it comes to the six-dimensional monitor field, it is level six.

There are differences between levels 4, 5, 6 and 3, but the gap is not too big and there is no qualitative difference.

The power of space that Harley absorbs comes from the material universe, so in terms of defense effect, she is completely immune to level 4 space magic. She is not completely immune to level 5 and level 6 space magic. She can probably avoid 99% - 99.9% of damage.

When this crisis is over, Harley will definitely look for opportunities to absorb some level 5 and 6 space powers, allowing her level 9 space defense expertise to evolve to the pinnacle of the multiverse.

Immunity to magic damage is a basic function of the feat.

With the twelfth defense specialty, almost no one in the multiverse can capture Harley through space confinement, or prevent Harley from activating space teleportation and running away.

The last time she went to heaven to rescue Zeus, she had actually thought that Mount Olympus might be a sinkhole.

Harley didn't expect that Zeus would be so shameless that he could even say "surrender", let alone that he would be so spineless as to surrender directly.

But she thought that she might be betrayed by Zeus and become the main target of Darkseid.

The worst-case scenario she thought of before going to the Heaven Realm was: after she appeared on the stage, she attracted all the attention of Apokolips. Zeus was greedy for life and took the opportunity to run away with the whole family. Darkseid let "Big Fish Zeus" go and chose Bigger "Fat Pig Harley".

By taking down Zeus, Darkseid only made a fortune.

If Harley is successfully surrounded and killed in the Heavenly Realm battlefield, Darkseid will win.

No one in their right mind would make a mistake about the choice.

Even with this prediction, Harley immediately supported Tianjing. The confidence was that her space defense expertise had been upgraded to level eight at that time.

Space confinement has no effect on her. She can open the space door at will, come and go whenever she wants, and no one can stop her.

This is the basic ability of the Space Defense specialty. It is very simple, very domineering, and very applicable.

In addition to immunity to space magic, another function of level 9 expertise is to form space solidification areas and true vacuum restricted areas.

The space solidification zone is the space confinement zone controlled by Harley, preventing others from activating teleportation and escaping.

Darkseid was shocked when he saw Harley randomly initiating teleportation in Mount Olympus, thinking that Harley had secretly cultivated the laws of space to the highest level.

If you master the laws of space, you can not only break other people's space magic, such as space confinement, but also perform various space magics yourself, such as creating pocket dimensions, slashing enemies with space blades, and sending enemies into unknown spaces with random space teleportation.

Darkseid guessed wrong. Harley did not master the laws of space and did not understand space magic.

Whatever energy is absorbed to activate the expertise will form a defense against magic of that energy.

Instead of absorbing some energy to activate expertise, you can master the rules of energy correspondence.

Harley's expertise can only defend against the power of the corresponding law, and cannot manipulate the law at will.

However, defensive feats can affect the workings of the law.

For example, in the level 9 space defense force field, Harley made the laws of space unable to operate, and the power of space almost solidified, thus achieving the effect of prohibiting space teleportation.

This area doesn't even have the laws of space, so how can we use magic (power) to leverage the laws of space to start teleportation?

If Harley not only interferes with the laws of space, but also allows the force field to forcibly repel space forces, a "true vacuum restricted area" with neither space laws nor space forces can be formed.

Birds can fly freely in the sky and need air.

If it goes to outer space in a vacuum environment, it will be difficult for a bird to move even if it flaps its wings vigorously.

The vast majority of people with superpowers can fly in the universe and travel through Limbo, and they also need a source of support.

Without the laws of space and the power of space, it is equivalent to losing the concept of space. Even the concept of space is gone. How can superpowers fly "in space"?

Not to mention flying, you need "space" to move your hands and feet. Without space, it is difficult to even move.

Theoretically, being trapped in Harley's bubble is like being cast on a body-holding spell. Thoughts can move, but the person cannot even open his mouth to speak.

This is the most powerful killing move of level 9 space defense expertise.

In that battle on Mount Olympus, Darkseid became the first victim of the "True Vacuum Forbidden Zone". He was like a landlubber falling into the water, helpless and unable to make a move.

But after all, Harley is still in the DC universe, so it is difficult to completely suppress the laws of space and drain out all the power of space.

Just like the vacuum environment in outer space is only relative, there is extremely thin air and matter in space. At least there are light waves in space, and waves have particle characteristics. Particles fill space, so space cannot be "vacuum".

Even if Harley upgrades her space defense expertise to level 10 or even higher, the force field can only suppress the laws of space and cannot interfere with other laws.

And all the laws are woven into a network, connected with each other, assisting each other, and become a system.

It only suppresses the laws of space and cannot affect other laws. The network of laws is still running, which means that the laws of space are still active, but the activity is extremely weak.

At that time, Darkseid only struggled for a second or two before completely adapting to the true vacuum restricted area.

In addition to the fact that his expertise is only level 8 and not strong enough, another more important reason is that as the God King, he can control and create space.

After Harley emptied the natural space power, the space power in his body was generated by itself, and he resumed normal activities.

Therefore, the True Vacuum Forbidden Zone is theoretically invincible, but its actual use depends on the target.

Ordinary people have no resistance, strong people have the ability to struggle, and the Supreme Being is affected to a certain extent. The Creator is probably. Harley has not yet met the Creator or the God of Creation, so the effect remains to be verified.

Even so, Harley is very satisfied with this specialty, at least it is really convenient to use it to run away.

Before, she used the authority of the God King to initiate space teleportation, and it took about a minute to go from the edge of the universe to the earth. Now, the resistance of the super-light space to her completely disappeared, and it only took 20 seconds.

The reason why teleportation cannot be instantaneous is that it takes time for Harley to open the portal, and the other reason is that there is a speed limit for super-light space movement.

To open a micro wormhole and enter the super-light space, extremely sophisticated space technology was used.

But this kind of cleverness is only relative to sub-light speed flight.

For example, when the mother box turns on the transmission, it does not enter the super-light space. It will open the sonic boom channel, a more advanced space dimension.

The teleportation of the Voice of Heaven does not enter the super-light space.

Earth, Justice League headquarters.

Dinah, Dachao and Black Bolt looked solemn and were discussing something. Suddenly a voice interrupted, "What's the news from Apokolips?"

"Who--Oh, Harry, you scared me to death."

The three of them were all tense and almost jumped up. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it was Harley.

"Harry, how did you get in? I didn't notice it at all." Dachao asked in surprise.

"Space teleportation."

Black Bolt doubted: "But I didn't sense any spatial fluctuations. Is it quantum displacement coming in from the outside?

However, the doors and walls of the Justice League have quantum reflective coatings that prevent quantum travel and at least sound an alarm. "

"My space technology is very good. Even Darkseid gave me a thumbs up when he saw it." Harley said proudly.

People jumping into the lake will splash water, and space teleportation will also cause space fluctuations, but she can now completely eliminate the "space splash".

After smiling, she asked doubtfully: "When did you invent the quantum reflective coating specifically for me?"

Dachao's eyes flickered, "It's the paint provided by Bateman for us. We started using it half a year ago. It's not against you. All heroes and villains who travel through the quantum dimension are targets of protection, such as the Atom."

"Harley, what's the progress of your 'Superman Legion Plan'?" Dinah asked.

"The monitor has not contacted me. I can only rely on the research results of Sissoko and Mr. Excellence."

To form an army of supermen, you must first have a blood spaceship.

Harley originally planned to seek help from the Monitor to deal with Darkseid. Everyone has a responsibility.

Moreover, she saved their lives last time and helped them deal with the emperor and the blue-skinned prophet.

It's not that Harley herself shouted "Monitor, come out to see me" in the Blood Realm every day. She brought the Archimedes airship into the Blood Realm, with Ivy as the pilot, and from time to time sent out mental waves calling the Monitor into the Blood Realm. .

There are also several tech heroes who are responsible for studying the characteristics of the blood domain and trying to independently develop blood domain mothership technology.

Harley will go to the Blood Domain every other day to check on the progress of their research.

The effect is not bad, the Archimedes airship can already fly at the speed of light in the blood domain.

"Is there any news about Mr. Miracle?"

"Yes, Eclipse Jane Rowling returned to Apokolips and brought a new 'favorite concubine' to Darkseid.

Harley, I guarantee you will never guess who the beloved concubine is. "Dina said with a complicated expression.

"Could it be a certain heroine on Earth?" Harley asked.

"How do you know?" The three heroes all showed surprised expressions.

"She really is a heroine, who is she?"

"Miracle Mary."

"Magical Mary." Harley frowned slightly, "Is she planning to be Darkseid's beloved concubine, or has she become a real beloved concubine?"

Dinah said with some embarrassment: "I'm not sure if she has anything to do with Darkseid, but she is already Darkseid's queen in name. She responds to everything on Apokolips and is very majestic."

"What did Billy say?" Harley asked.

"We contacted him and Billy said that now is the critical moment of Freddy's trial and he can't get away." Dachao said.

"That's it? His sister has become Darkseid's beloved concubine, and he doesn't have any idea?" Harley frowned.

"He said there was nothing he could do and that Mary had parted ways with him."

"Alas, even the Magical Family doesn't care about her. No wonder she went to be Darkseid's concubine." Harley sighed.

Dinah said doubtfully: "You don't seem surprised. You also guessed that Jane Rowling seduced the heroine to become Darkseid's concubine."

"I didn't guess in advance. I just heard you said that Jane Rowling returned to Apokolips and introduced a beloved concubine to Darkseid, so I speculated that she would attack a certain heroine.

First of all, ordinary people are not physically strong enough to become Darkseid's favorite concubine.

Secondly, it is the nature of Eclipse to be seduced and corrupted. Only when a heroine becomes Darkseid's favorite concubine can one be considered corrupted, while a super villain can rise to the top in one step. "

Then Harley added: "I remember that it was the job of the kind grandmother to find concubines for the Dark Lord. What happened this time?"

"After Darkseid returned, the kind grandmother did choose a concubine for him as soon as possible, but within two days Darkseid killed her with his own hands and burned her to ashes with omega rays. Scott saw it with his own eyes What you see.”

"Why?" Harley asked curiously.

"Perhaps her words offended Darkseid's taboo."

"What happened to Magic Mary? All the Greek gods have declined, and even Diana's powers have declined, but she has not lost her powers?" Harley asked.

"Her current power comes from Black Adam," Dinah said over the information she obtained from her investigation.

"Black Adam" Harley thought for a moment and said, "Tell me again what Magic Mary has been doing these days."

".Miracle Mary met Jane Rowling in the ancient temple of Ephesus. It was the first time she took the initiative to kill someone. She turned several security guards who were patrolling the ancient building into stone sculptures and smashed them to pieces.

Then she seemed to be a changed person, letting herself go completely.

She wildly summoned thunder, brought down heavy rain, and formed a huge flood, flooding the town of Vichy next to the temple. The townspeople cursed at her, and she turned them into fish in the water, part of the river fish, and a shark. The shark turned their My companions all ate it, which was very cruel.

She also went to a Nepalese national park, where she transformed poachers into rat-sized humans and had them trampled alive by a herd of rhinos.

She transformed four hundred tree felling workers into large trees in the Amazon rainforest, which were then felled by other unsuspecting workers. They were bleeding and screaming under the ax saw, and they were very cruel.

By the way, these actions of hers have attracted a large number of extreme environmentalist fans online, and they all say that she has done a good job.

Just two days ago, she broke into the Philadelphia jail and burned all the murder inmates to ashes——"

Black Bolt corrected: "According to the latest investigation by the Shadow Pact Team, Magic Mary deprived them of their lifespan and made them age into ashes."

"It's the same, the Shadow Pact Team is hunting her, so she simply went to the Oblivion Bar and took over the Shadow Pact Team's lair. When Zhenglian officially intervened in the matter, Magical Mary ran to Apokolips and became Darkseid's concubine. "

"Looks like I have to go to Apokolips. Compared with their 'cool tricks,' our 'defensive counterattack plan' seems too passive." Harley sighed.

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