I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1606 Learn from Harley

"Boom - click -"

In the night sky, thunder roared like dense drum beats, as if the atmosphere had tightened into a drum skin clinging to the surface of the earth, and the gods were beating hard with drum sticks.

Miraculous Mary was bathed in lightning and felt the surging divine power in her body. Every cell in her body seemed to be reborn. The fresh vitality rushing under her skin made her so comfortable that she almost moaned.

Not only was she physically happy, but her mental power was moving swiftly through the dark clouds along with the lightning. She felt like she had become a thunder god who could control the roaring thunder dragon in the sky at will.

It was as if this celestial phenomenon was created just for her, and the world existed for her.

"Although the attributes of divine power are different from before, the power of divine power is real and true, and it is even stronger than me before."

Shenmari clenched her fists, feeling like she was in control of everything again.

The hesitation and cowardice in her heart were swept away, and she became a confident and proud magical Mary again.

"Why is Tes Adam willing to give up this powerful pleasure?"

While feeling powerful, Mary's mind was also full of doubts.



Amidst the thunderous war songs echoing in the sky, a discordant sound suddenly came.

It's not that the cry is as loud as thunder, it's just that Mary has turned on super hearing and super perception, and can automatically search for cries for help in the city.

Distinguishing calls for help from the noisy city was a little trick Superman taught them. It was so practical that she subconsciously used it whenever she entered the Magical Mary state.

The cry for help from dozens of kilometers away interrupted Mary's reverie. Without hesitation, she turned into a golden lightning, spanning a distance of 25 kilometers almost instantly.

In the dark alley behind the bar, three gangsters dragged a woman to do something inappropriate.


Magical Mary was filled with anger, shouted loudly, put her feet in front of her and stepped on them diagonally.

"Crack - ahhh~~" The strong black man almost folded his spine into a "V" shape, and his broken bones made a piercing sound, and his cry was even more shrill.

It was shrill but short, and the person fell into a coma.

"I'm sorry!" The other two gangsters, the woman with smoky makeup, both screamed in fear.

Mary was also shouting in her heart: Oh my god, why did I strike so hard? Is this guy going to die?

Not only was her heart screaming, the blood in her veins was also screaming and boiling, and she felt an inexplicable joy.

"Bang bang!" She didn't let go of the two people who were escaping, and with a little control of her strength, she knocked them to the ground.

Blood flowed out from under them, and the puddles under the street lights turned dark red.

"Don't hurt me, please~~" The woman with smoky makeup held her head in her hands, squatted on the ground and cried and begged.

"I'm not a bad person. Let me forget it. You call the police to come and deal with them."

Mary still wanted to explain, but when she saw the three miserable gangsters on the ground, she felt a little scared.

She soared into the sky and fled.

"Black Adam's magical power is a bit strange. It makes me a bit strange. Obviously I am extremely skilled in controlling power. I can kick a basket of eggs two kilometers away without breaking any of the eggs."

Mary calmed down from the excitement of regaining her divine power and began to think about the impact of Black Adam's divine power on herself.

"Crack - boom -" Suddenly, a golden lightning appeared above her out of thin air and hit her body.

Then her eyes flashed, from the sky on a thunderstorm night to the dry and quiet dark castle.

"Here." Mary turned around and looked around, surprised: "Billy, was it you who summoned me to the Eternal Castle?"

"Mary, it's me, come here!" A familiar call came from the darkness.

"Peng, Peng, Peng~~"

The braziers were lit one after another, from the wizard's throne in the front to the statue of the Seven Devils in front of the door.

"My dear, Billy, why have you become like this?"

Mary saw Captain Marvel Billy Bassant. His chestnut hair turned silver-white, and his originally bright red uniform also turned silver-white.

He stood at the top of the steps and frowned at her.

"Now I am not only the 'Captain Fantastic' before, I am also equivalent to the wizard in the past."

Billy is in the Thunder Shazam state at this time and cannot say "Shazam". The wizard represents the old wizard Shazam.

Mary knew this too.

"Could it be that the wizard's soul came to you and you are now the wizard using Billy's body?" she asked in surprise.

"That's not true. Heaven was captured by Darkseid a few days ago. You know that, right?"

"Of course I know. The reason why I fell from the sky is because the source of my divine power is gone. Have you been affected?" Mary asked.

Captain Fantastic nodded and said: "The total amount of divine power has not decreased, but the attributes of the divine power have weakened a lot, and the operation of the divine power has also become somewhat stagnant.

Then I received a message from the wizard, who said that the situation was critical now and that I needed to become stronger to be effective in the next battle.

He gave me all the ownership of the "Book of Reflection", which contains his lifetime of magical memories and combat experience.

It took me two days to absorb all the wizard's wisdom, and I almost became another Him, with some slight changes in my body and divine power.

For example, the white hair you see now. "

"You have absorbed the wizard's tens of thousands of years of memory, won't your master's personality weaken and disappear?" Mary asked worriedly.

"It's just memories related to magic and battle, and does not include the experience of a wizard's life. The effect is good. My control of divine power is more than five times stronger than before the destruction of the heaven. In addition,"

Captain Marvel hesitated for a moment and said: "Freddy is going through a magic trial. If he passes it successfully, he can regain his divine power.

This is one of the benefits of incorporating the wizard's wisdom. I can use magical skills to make Freddy my favorite. "

Mary's expression changed slightly, "Have you been together these days?"

Captain Fantastic nodded slightly.

"Why didn't you go to the hospital to see me and why did you refuse to answer my calls?" Mary asked again.

Captain Marvel turned his head and sighed: "The technique of simulating the God's Favorite can only be used on one person, and I have chosen Freddy."

"So, you don't have a place for me in your small group, and you're worried that I'll act up and act recklessly, so you just don't even answer the phone and ignore me completely?" Mary said excitedly.

Captain Marvel frowned and said: "From the time you refused to share your divine power with Freddy, I understood how eager and persistent you are for divine power.

You had lost your divine power at that time. If you were told that there was a chance to regain your divine power, what would you do?

Know that I have chosen Freddy. "

"Freddy, Freddy, it's always Freddy, why can't you put me first? Am I doing worse than him?" Mary became even more excited.

"Calm down, your current state is very wrong. Your divine power, your uniform, your aura, and your method of dealing with crime are all wrong. Mary, where did your divine power come from?" Captain Fantastic asked solemnly.

"I met Black Adam. After my pleading, he was kind and gave me his power."

Mary clenched her fists, feeling the powerful power flowing through her body, and a smile appeared on her face involuntarily.

"Are you crazy?"

Billy got excited, grabbed her shoulders and roared loudly, "Don't you know what kind of person Black Adam is?"

Mary pushed him away with all her strength and shouted excitedly: "Otherwise, I have just recovered from a serious illness and I don't have any acquaintances around me. When I call you, everyone refuses to answer.

Black Adam is the last straw I can hold on to. If I don't find him, do I expect you?

You secretly took Freddie here to conduct some kind of trial, and you didn't even want to let me know. "

Billy explained: "Mary, it's not that I don't care about you. I earned more than half of the medical expenses Freddy paid for you from doing odd jobs.

The reason why I won't meet you is that I hope you can calm down for a few days.

When you accept the reality of losing your divine power and start a new ordinary life, I will go find you. "

"Since there is still a chance to regain divine power, why should I accept the reality?" Mary said.

Billy said seriously: "I don't want to argue with you. Black Adam's fallen power made you extreme, violent, impulsive, and irritable. You almost killed those three people.

In order not to cause greater disaster, Mary, listen to me, shout that name and release the power in your body. "

"No, this is my destiny, otherwise I wouldn't have met Black Adam by chance, and he happened to be convinced by me." Mary shook her head repeatedly, "I just wasn't used to the new power just now. When I get familiar with it, I will continue Use it to punish evil and promote good.”

"Mary, I'm not kidding, you must give it up immediately before it turns you into another Black Adam." Billy said seriously.

Mary shook her head slightly and backed away slowly.

"When I needed you most, you ignored me. As soon as I gained strength, you immediately set your sights on me.

Even for this attention, in order not to be regarded as dispensable and casually ignored by you, I can't give it up.

If you don't accept it, let's part ways and go our separate ways! "

After saying that, the golden arc on her body jumped, and she rushed out of the Eternal Castle in a "whoosh".

In the dark sky, a golden lightning cut through the night like a dagger.

"Hey, is that Magic Mary?"

Tian Eclipse Jian stopped from moving at high speed, looked at the direction where the golden lightning disappeared, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "It's interesting, a dignified superhero, his heart is actually filled with negative emotions, if he can guide it a little bit"

There was hesitation on Tian Eclipse Jian's face.

Her original plan was to find the sweet girl Supergirl, but now she has flown across most of the American continent.

But Magic Mary seems to be as pretty as Super Girl.

The key is that she doesn't know what she has been through and is extremely emotionally unstable.

"Sweet girl may not have an appetite for Darkseid. This Magical Mary is more beautiful and attractive than on TV. Darkseid might be very fond of her."

Thinking of the charming figure she had just glimpsed, Tian Eclipse Jian made a decision and changed her target.

She took out a piece of amethyst the size of a lens and recalled the image of Magical Mary in her mind. She saw that the surface of the amethyst was filled with light, and the silhouette of Magical Mary appeared vaguely in the crystal.

This is the Sky Eclipse Crystal, the original crystal of the Eclipse Lord.

The vast majority of people in the universe have no faith, or the gods they believe in do not exist.

After their death, their souls return to Limbo Hell, where dust returns to dust and dust returns to earth, digested into pure soul factors, and then enters the place of reincarnation to be recast into new blank souls, waiting for the coming of life.

But not all souls can be fully digested in Limbo.

If the emotions of the soul are extremely strong, especially the negative emotions that are difficult to resolve, their souls will leave some residue, which can also be said to be obsessions.

These soul residues composed of negative emotions will sink to the bottom of Limbo, accumulate more and more, merge with each other, and eventually form a huge collection of pan-consciousness.

This is the first generation of Eclipse Lord.

Later, the angry spirit of God fell, entered the bottom of Limbo Hell, and merged with the first-generation Eclipse Lord, becoming the Eclipse Lord who is now a lifelong enemy of the ghost.

Well, after the spirit of wrath fell, God created the spirit of vengeance to take its place. The spirit of vengeance merged with the mortal soul and became a ghost.

The origin of the Eclipse Lord turns into crystal and enters the material universe, and merges with mortals, which is called "Celestial Eclipse".

Celestial eclipse is equivalent to the eclipse of the Lord's favored person.

The Sky Eclipse Jane at this time is Jian Luolin (ps) who is fused with the Sky Eclipse Crystal.

Eclipse crystals can see through all a person's negative emotions and selectively amplify a certain emotion.

Extreme emotions will distort a person's character, and character determines the way things are done.

In the end, people locked by the Eclipse Crystal can easily become demons.

If it weren't for Harley sitting on Earth and being nearly immune to the effects of the Eclipse Crystal, Jane Eclipse would have the confidence to use the Eclipse Crystal to control the entire Justice League.

——After finishing this job, he will take Magic Mary back to Apokolips. Even if Witch Harley is furious, there is nothing she can do about it.

With this thought, Eclipse Jane recited a spell, and the Eclipse Crystal was like the scope of a sniper rifle, aiming at Magic Mary.

"Be angry, be resentful."

Miraculous Mary wants to prove to Billy, to everyone, that she can control Black Adam's power.

After leaving the Eternal Castle, she let go of her perception and listened to every cry for help.

In one night, she did superhero 23 times.

But every time, she used too much force and seriously injured the villain.

Finally, the next morning, she was so angry that she accidentally beat someone to death for the first time.

"Oh my god, I, I killed someone~~~" Looking at the charred body that was blown into two pieces by lightning, Miraculous Mary covered her mouth and her body couldn't help but tremble.

"Ah, murder, Magic Mary killed the robber. Oh my God, that kid was not even 20 years old. He just bought it for zero dollars. Even the police didn't care. She actually split him in two. It's so vicious."

The middle-aged aunt nearby who was also shopping for zero yuan shouted excitedly.

"No, I don't want to kill him, I just--I'm sorry!"

Seeing more and more people coming over, Magical Mary was so ashamed and remorseful that she simply flew into the sky and fled.

Three nights later, the ancient city of Ephesus, Türkiye.

Magic Mary landed lightly on the ancient stone floor, looked left and right, and shouted: "Come out and see me, I have come to the place you said."

Ever since she accidentally killed the young man who was shopping for zero dollars, Mary didn't dare to continue being a superhero.

She had to solve the problem of divine power first.

In order to find a way to control her divine power, she first went to find Zatanna.

If Superman is the mentor of the Magic Family in the superhero profession, then Zatanna is their enlightenment teacher in magic.

The old wizard Shazam never taught them magic, and they never thought of using Solomon's wisdom to study magic.

It was Harley who solemnly warned them: The divine power of the God's Favorite comes from the gods and may be taken back by the gods at any time, but the wisdom always belongs to them.

Harley also cited the example of Dr. Destiny Kent. Kent, a former history professor, has become a master of magic after more than ten years of hard study.

Even without the Naboo helmet, Dr. Kent still has his own magic power.

Zatanna became their magic teacher and was introduced by Harley.

But Mary screwed up.

Zatanna received her warmly, but she became greedy for Zatanna's treasure and couldn't help but rob it, hoping to absorb the huge magic power in the artifact. She was eventually kicked out of the house by the angry Zatanna.

Later, Mary found many people, including acquaintances and strangers.

Her acquaintances would only try to persuade her to give up Black Adam's powers, and she got into unpleasant arguments with them.

The strange mage was greedy for the powerful divine power in her body and wanted to defraud and rob her.

Just when Mary was extremely disappointed and frustrated, and was about to go to Quinn Manor to find Harry, a woman's voice came to her ears.

"I can completely understand your mood, because my experience is exactly the same as yours. Come on, I may be able to provide you with some good advice." It said.

Then Mary followed the guidance of the voice and came to the ancient Turkish temple.

"Hi, Mary, this way!" Eclipse Jane sat on the broken stone steps and waved to her.

"You, you are Tian Eclipse!" Mary was startled and said angrily: "Are you also lying to me? Jane Rowling, you have made the wrong idea. I am not easy to mess with."

"I didn't say anything, why did I lie to you?" Tian Eclipse Jian said innocently.

"You said you were the same as me."

"Are we different? We were all ordinary women before. We were given ancient and powerful divine power, but as a result, we could not be understood by the world, and ended up deserted and helpless." Tian Eclipse said simply.

"If your good advice is to let me learn from you, then this conversation can be over." Mary's body was suspended in the air, ready to leave.

"Mary, no one understands you but me, and no one can help you. You know that, you tried."

"I'm going to find Harley Quinn. She will definitely be able to help me." Although Mary said this, her body stopped moving.

Tian Eclipse Jian laughed softly, "Why don't you go to her first? She is so famous, you should think of her first."

Mary was silent.

Tian Eclipse Jian said quietly: "Because you know very well that she will definitely let you give up your power. Not talking about her relationship with Black Adam, but only about the status of you and Billy Bassant in her heart, she will listen to your appeal. , or do you believe in Captain Marvel’s advice?

If you refuse, you can't refuse.

She is the witch Harley, and you can't even make a splash in her hands. "

While speaking, Tian Eclipse Jian's eyes were still shining with a faint purple light.

Mary's doubts about Harley gradually grew, and finally the doubts became certain: Harley Quinn will steal my power!

"Perhaps, I really shouldn't have this magical power." She said against her will.

Eclipse Jane smiled, "Why do you doubt it? It's just power."

"It made me irritable and I ended up accidentally killing someone."

"If you think about it carefully, is it the divine power that makes you angry, or is it the person who deserves this retribution?

He molested you, reached out to touch your crotch, and said proudly, saying that the police didn't even care about zero-dollar purchases, but if he touched you a few times, what could you do to him?

As long as you are a normal woman with dignity, you will be angry. "Sky Eclipse said simply.

"Have you been spying on me?" Mary asked warily.

Tian Eclipse Jian shook her head and said: "It was broadcast on TV, and women's rights organizations even spoke for you. They all think you did the right thing."

As she spoke, she also took out her mobile phone and played several videos for Mary.

The video is real, but the person speaking is under the influence of the Eclipse Crystal.

"I really didn't do anything wrong? But I still want to steal Zatanna's treasure." Mary was a little confused.

"What normal mage doesn't crave abundant magic power? Stealing magic power by a mage is not stealing."

Then, Tian Eclipse Jian asked: "Who is your role model?"


Eclipse Jian shook her head and said: "You are an ordinary girl, why should you imitate Superman? Every girl should regard Harley Quinn as her idol."

Mary's eyes widened, "You are a villain, and you actually call the Galaxy Admiral an idol?!"

"Harley Quinn doesn't care about good or evil, she just lets her emotions flow freely and freely.

If you meet someone you don't like, you'll kill it, and if you like it, you'll help it.

As long as supervillains don't interfere with her life, she doesn't care about them.

When a world crisis threatens her free life, she steps up to solve the crisis.

That's all.

What we need to learn is not her act of saving the world or her method of torturing her enemies with black magic. Her willingness to ignore the insults and accusations of the world in order to steal magic power is very worthy of our study.

Of course, what we need to learn more is her freedom and freedom.

Mary, let go of your heart, throw away the constraints of the rules, and be damned to the teachings of Superman, Billy, or whoever else.

We should be like the Witch Harley and release our brilliance according to our nature. "

(ps: Some readers may have forgotten the process of Jane Rowling becoming an Eclipse. Let me briefly explain that when Jane Rowling was imprisoned in Arkham Asylum, Alexander Luther Jr. gave her an Eclipse crystal. Incarnate as a celestial eclipse and tempt ghosts to recover God's magic debt in advance.

Then, Little Luther used the power of God recovered by the ghost to activate the cosmic tuning fork, kicking off the restart of the multiverse.

To put it bluntly, all of this is God cooperating with little Luther.

The Eclipse is the spirit of God's wrath, and the Ghost is the spirit of God's vengeance.

The essence of Little Luther is the previous generation of monitors. The monitors had a deal with God, as mentioned before.

Their deal began with Crisis on Infinite Earths, and the Ghost's power to participate in the reboot of the main universe came from the Monitor.

The multi-dimensional restart is the last step in the transaction between the two parties. Being disturbed by Harley is half the battle. )

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