I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1600 Heavenly Father also wants to be a conspirator

The Genesis Star is really gone.

The generals of the New Gods actually sensed the explosion of the Genesis Star, but they were unwilling to accept such a cruel and funny ending, and they still had one ten thousandth of hope.

Now teleported to the location of the original world star, they only saw a huge meteorite belt covering the void with a diameter of more than a hundred light years. Not only was the light of hope in their hearts extinguished immediately, but their souls seemed to be frozen by ice.

Because in the middle of the meteorite belt, stood quietly a burly figure that made them unbelievable.

He has gray-black chapped skin, is over two meters tall, wears a blue vest-shaped armor, and wears a blue helmet with no visor and an inverted "U"-shaped face frame.

The dark and evil aura of divine power emanating from his whole body annihilated the light nearby, and just one look at it made people feel chilly in their hearts.

"Darkseid?!" Beca felt like there was a big walnut stuck in her throat.

"This is impossible, it is an illusion. Darkseid was beaten to death by Orion, and even the laws of the God King collapsed. How could it be possible to fake it?" The craftsman god Hyate found it difficult to accept and understand, and her expression was a little crazy.

"It's really Darkseid. Harley guessed it right. Harley was not the murderer who murdered Heavenly Father." Hawkman was also shocked.

In this situation, Harley should have looked solemn, tense, and alert, but when she heard his words, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, "How dare you never believe me before?"

"No, I believe in your judgment about Darkseid's fake death, but Heavenly Father did say just now, 'It was the Witch Harley who killed me.'" Hawkman quickly explained.

Dachao, who had already put on the Superman uniform, recalled the previous scene and said strangely: "Hawkeye, Heavenly Father did not say that Harley killed him, he just said, 'Witch Harley - yes, Witch Harley.'

He probably wanted to say 'Harley is right' rather than 'Harley is the murderer'. "

"Well, it's possible." Hawkman rubbed his nose awkwardly and muttered: "Since you know Harley is right, why do you still call her 'Witch Harley'?

Seeing him not closing his eyes and calling Harley a "witch" full of resentment, I subconsciously understood that Harley was the murderer. "

"Is this the point? Darkseid is right in front of us." Wonder Woman said.

After the flute player was teleported to Apokolips by revelation, Diana ended her "special training in hell" and returned to Earth to cooperate with Super in preventing the "Third Generation Dark God King" Kalibak who might invade the Earth.

The God of War of the Genesis Star squeezed the handle of the hammer, looked sideways at Harley, and said mentally: "Darkseid is there, let's work together to kill him!"

Harley's eyes flashed and she sent a message to all the New Gods: "Please be patient for a moment. I'm going to explore Darkseid's true identity."

After saying that, she took the initiative to fly towards Darkseid, who was standing there quietly with his hands behind his back.

He had already blown up the Genesis Star, but he still stayed at the scene and did not leave. He saw them, but did not take action, and still stood there quietly.

Obviously, he is also waiting for them, or in other words, waiting for her specifically. Is there something he wants to talk to her about?

Harley didn't want to start a war directly at the moment.

"You are so awesome. The entire multiverse has been played with by you, and the Supreme is no exception. I admire you, I admire you!"

She gave a thumbs up, showing admiration without hesitation on her face, "It would be great if you were the one who formed an alliance with me instead of Heavenly Father."

"Do you want to fight?" Darkseid asked calmly.

"I don't really want to fight, and you probably don't want to fight either, right?" Harley said.

Darkseid nodded and said: "I have got what I want. I will lead the restart of the fifth world, and I will wait for the day of restart.

As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke, Apokolips will not invade the earth again.

Therefore, we have no fundamental contradiction. "

Harley raised her eyebrows and said, "This seems to be different from your earlier plan. You made no secret of your intention to invade the earth."

"Back then you were just a minion, now you are the God King"

There was some hesitation on Darkseid's face, and he added: "I'll tell you the truth, this attack on the Genesis Star was a forced and helpless choice.

I originally planned to appear in front of that idiot Isaya when he was most anxious, excited, and full of hope on the eve of the restart of the fifth world, and beat him to death with one punch after another in front of the New God. "

"A third party broke in?" Harley asked.

Darkseid's rough gray-black face also showed a look of appreciation, "I also hope that you will be my ally."

"A person like you still longs for allies?"

Darkseid said calmly: "I am the only one in heaven and on earth, and I really don't need allies.

The more I appreciate someone, the more I want to beat her to death. "

Harley said in her mind, "I want to beat you to death too," and asked, "Who is the third party and what did he do?"

"We are not allies. What needs to be said has been said, and today's exchange ends here."

Darkseid left this sentence, took a few steps back, looked directly at her as she opened the sonic boom channel, walked in slowly, and then disappeared instantly.

War God Ugo flew over and shouted angrily: "Witch Harley, why did you let Darkseid go?"

Harley turned around and nodded with one finger, "Boo~~"

First, a layer of transparent bubbles enveloped his whole body.

He was like a mortal who couldn't swim and fell into the river. He couldn't find any strength in the bubbles, and his hands and feet were scratching around, sinking and floating.

Before he and others could react, Harley's right index finger passed through the bubble membrane silently and touched Ugo's forehead.

Ugo's screams stopped suddenly, his struggling movements became stiff, and drops of sweat were visible on his forehead.

"If you dare to shout rudely to me again, I will stab you to death with one finger. Do you understand?" Harley said coldly.

Ugo still didn't dare to move at all, but he rolled his eyes upwards and glanced at the fingers 0.1 centimeters away from his forehead.

Harley's skin is fair and delicate, and her fingers are green and slender. She is originally very beautiful and eye-catching.

But now the flesh on her index finger turned translucent gray-black, and the white bones inside could be seen. The finger was also surrounded by a gray-black mist that made his soul tremble and make him feel inexplicable fear.

Ugo is the god of war and has experienced countless life-and-death battles in his life, but he has never felt such a fatal crisis like now.

His combat sense told him that as long as he poked it with his finger, first his head might be broken, and then his soul would suffer an unknown disaster.

To put it simply, he could easily be killed by her in one move.

This feeling was unbelievable and difficult for him to understand.

Although he didn't know why, he was still worried and a little afraid of Harley.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Ugo hesitated and did not speak, and the widow Beka called out.

Harley retracted her finger, canceled the bubble, looked around the New Gods, and said calmly: "I accommodated you before because Darkseid and I made an agreement that the Creation Star will never be destroyed and the Apokolips Star will never invade the earth.

For the sake of the earth, I put down my identity and face as the God King and let you do whatever you want.

Now that the Genesis Star has exploded and Heavenly Father is dead, you have not established friendship or friendship with me in the past. There is no need for me to tolerate any of your stupid behaviors or stupid remarks.

Just like you won't tolerate a rude Earthling who is much weaker than you and can be killed by one of your moves. "

This statement is very straightforward and unpleasant, but it is also very realistic and true.

Everyone among the New God generals looked ugly, but no one made any provocation or curse.

"Harry, don't be like this, we are all friends and allies."

Dachao touched her arm and spoke softly to break the awkwardness of the scene.

Harry sneered and said: "Your friends will regard you as their most hated enemy, speak dirty words when they open their mouths, and show their teeth and claws when facing you?"

Dachao was so speechless by her that he could only turn to the new god general and said with a forced smile: "Hali was right all along, but you doubted her and didn't listen to her explanation, which ultimately led to a catastrophe. She It is inevitable to feel angry.

However, you don’t need to take her angry words to heart.

Now the misunderstanding has been resolved and we are still good friends. "

He's not just being a good guy.

The 16 surviving New Gods are all the essence of the Creation Star and are the most powerful New God leaders under Heavenly Father.

At this time, Darkseid destroyed the Genesis Star, and they had a deep hatred with him. They would not stop until death, and there was no possibility of compromise.

And Darkseid's next target is Earth.

With them here, the earth has 16 more powerful allies who are willing to risk their lives.

Even if there is no friendship, just to win over them, Da Chao is willing to accompany them with a smile and say a few nice words.

The new gods were silent.

After a while, Beca looked at Harley and said, "It turns out that we did misunderstand you before, but you can't blame us entirely.

Darkseid is so cunning, even though the laws of the God King have collapsed, he is still not dead.

Not to mention us, countless gods and demons in the multiverse do not believe that he faked his death and escaped.

Not only did he hide it from everyone in the world, he also deliberately created an illusion to make everyone mistakenly think that you are the murderer."

"It's not that we are stupid, it's just that Darkseid is too insidious." She lamented.

Eagle Man also sighed: "Darkseid is very cunning. Even if Heavenly Father is killed, as long as you, the most powerful new gods, stay on the Genesis Star, he will not be able to quickly explode the Genesis Star.

As long as he cannot explode the Genesis Star immediately, Harley and we will rush to support him immediately.

The worst result is that a defense line can be established on the Genesis Star and a tug-of-war with Apokolips Star.

Alas, in terms of Darkseid's ability to play with people's human nature and engage in conspiracy, Harley is probably the only one in the entire multiverse who can rival him.

When Harley saw Heavenly Father's body, she guessed that the Genesis Star was in danger and asked you to go back immediately."

At this point, he had to sigh in his heart: Harley was absolutely right when she called their teammates pigs. If only they had listened to her seriously once, they wouldn't have ended up in the miserable ending they have now.

The majestic Heavenly Father, the majestic Creation Star, and millions of new gods all died worthless, like a joke.

"It doesn't make much sense to say this now." Diana looked at Harley and said, "What did you say to Darkseid before? Why didn't you surround him and kill him?"

All the new gods looked at Harley.

"Go back to Earth first."

Harley didn't want to say it again now or repeat it when she returned to Earth and faced other heroes' questions.

Half an hour later, the Hall of Justice.

"That's just the way it is."

Harley fully recounted the events on the Genesis Star and her conversation with Darkseid.

She then explained: "I didn't do it for three reasons. First, I wasn't sure about Darkseid's status.

Orion blasted his body and took away his God King godhead. He was obviously dead, but he was still alive.

If we blasted his body, would he die? "

"Even if he doesn't die completely, blowing up his body will still cause him to suffer heavy injuries. This will be of great benefit to us without any harm." The craftsman god Heate said.

When Harley returned to Earth, she did not call the New Gods, and the New God generals were hesitant. However, Dachao issued a sincere invitation to them. They had reason and face to follow them all the way to the Hall of Justice.

"How do you get the confidence to defeat him without getting hurt?" Harley said calmly.

"I'm not afraid of death. Heavenly Father is dead, the Creation Star has been destroyed, and I have the consciousness to go to hell with Radakseid." God Craftsman said proudly.

Harley gave him a look of disdain, "If you want to drag him to hell, you must at least find the right person."

Dachao asked in surprise: "Isn't it Darkseid we saw?"

"How tall is Darkseid?" Harley asked.

Dachao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that she would ask this, and he didn't know how to answer.

"2.67 meters."

After a moment of silence, Green Arrow suddenly blurted out.

"I only know that he is about 2.5 meters tall, but you know him very well, down to centimeters." Harley said in surprise.

Green Arrow sneered and said: "I have read "The Legend of Apokolips", and it showed Darkseid's height and..."

He had an ambiguous expression and gave everyone a "you all understand" look.

Harley asked again: "How tall is the Darkseid we just saw?"

Dachao said in surprise: "It seems that it just appeared from two meters away."

"Father, I actually ignored such a big flaw. That Darkseid is a fake!" Beka exclaimed.

Harley shook her head and said: "It's not necessarily fake. You ignore his height, which just shows that he is probably real, because the height and appearance can be easily changed, and the breath and strength cannot be perfectly disguised."

"Why did he suddenly become shorter?" Wonder Woman asked.

"I also have a lot of doubts in my heart, so I am unwilling to start a war immediately." Harley sighed: "In addition to his strange state, the inevitable third party forces also make me wary.

Darkseid probably didn't lie, he originally planned to hide until the last moment.

If he takes action now, it must be a third party that has done something, leaving him with no other choice and having to take action in advance.

If we had fought with Darkseid on the ruins of the Genesis Star, would a third-party force have reaped the benefits?

It's better to wait first. The third party has already set its sights on Darkseid. Let them bite the dog first, while we sit on the sidelines and understand their true and false intentions. "

The heroes nodded thoughtfully.

"What if Darkseid is lying? He has made up countless lies and deceived us miserably." God of War asked.

Hawkman said: "Darkseid is studying two equations, and he is definitely willing to delay the time until the end, giving him more time to control the power of the equations.

If he didn't want to waste time, he should have taken action on the Genesis Star long after killing Orion. "

"Well, if we don't kill him now, won't we also give him more time to study equations?" Hal Jordan sighed.

"I also need time to improve myself. This is the last reason why I didn't take action." Harley said.

Bateman asked: "Do you believe what he said, give up the conquest of the earth, and just stay on Apokolips and wait for the restart of the fifth world?"

The new gods had complicated expressions.

If Darkseid does not invade the earth, the earth and them will no longer have a common goal and will no longer be absolute allies.

"Do you believe it?" Harley asked.

"Rationally speaking, the risk is the lowest if you stay peacefully on Apokolips and wait for the restart. But he is Darkseid, so I remain skeptical of anything he says." Bateman said.

Harley nodded and said, "I think Earth's next strategy is to defend and counterattack.

Be vigilant, take strict precautions, and monitor Darkseid's every move. If he doesn't move, we will definitely not move.

No matter what happens on Apokolips, we won't move.

If Darkseid invades Earth, we will strive for opportunities to fight back on the basis of defense. "

"Wouldn't this be too passive?" Hal Jordan frowned.

"It is indeed passive. This is just my suggestion. If you have better ideas, you can put them forward for everyone to discuss." Harley said.

Many heroes communicated and whispered to each other.

Seeing that no one raised any objections for a while, Widow Beka stood up and said firmly: "If you choose to be passive defensive, then the New God of Creation Star will have no choice but to part ways with you.

We will never sit back and watch Darkseid safely complete his reboot! "

Harley sighed: "It's not sweet if you force yourself to do something. We won't force others to do anything."

"Let's go." Beka stood up and said to the new god general.

They stood up silently and followed Beca to leave the Hall of Justice.

"Where are you going?" Dachao asked.

"We will stay on Earth for about two days. Once we are ready, we will go to Apokolips to seek revenge from Darkseid."

Beka's eyes were determined, and he was already determined to die, and none of the other 15 god generals flinched.

Hal advised: "Becca, you don't need to be so radical. If Darkseid invades the earth and joins forces with us, the winning rate will be higher.

If Darkseid didn't lie, it wouldn't be too late to wait for the last moment before going to Apokolips. "

"We can't wait. The longer we wait, the stronger Darkseid will become. Now that he is entangled by a third-party force, it is a good opportunity to take action.

Maybe we can join forces with a third party.

No matter who the other party is, I am willing to cooperate with him as long as he can kill Darkseid and avenge the Genesis Star. "Ugo said loudly.

Hal sighed and stopped persuading.

After the New God General left, Harley said: "I chose to defend and counterattack, just because the main purpose of this crisis is to restart the fifth world.

If it were to restart the material universe, I would fight for control, but Limbo is on the second floor, and our first floor has been decorated.

The biggest impact of the decoration and changes on the second floor on the first floor is probably the noise caused by the construction.

A little noise won't fundamentally change our world.

In this case, we have room for compromise and concession.

Let those careerists work hard in restarting the fifth world, and we can just protect the earth. "

The heroes nodded slightly, acknowledging her statement.

They have never interfered with the ambitions of the fifth world, and they don’t know how to interfere. They don’t even have any idea about restarting.

If Darkseid hadn't invaded Earth, they wouldn't have cared about what happened in the New God's Domain.

Harley continued: “Defensive counterattacks may seem negative, but actually they require a lot of effort and planning.

Darkseid's greatest ambition for the earth is not to occupy the planet, nor simply to kill everyone. His goal is the people of the earth.

Knowing this makes it much easier to deal with it.

On the eve of the invasion, transfer all the people on earth to the stomach dimension. Fight if you can, and run if you can't. We will come back when the restart begins and when Darkseid returns without success. "

"Although passive, this method is absolutely safe." A relaxed smile appeared on Dachao's face.

Bateman frowned and said, "We know this. Darkseid is so cunning and must know that we will use this method to deal with him. Therefore, he will definitely not let us get what we want."

Harley gave him an appreciative look, "Yes, Darkseid is too treacherous.

I once told Heavenly Father that my equations came from Orion and were plundered during battles, but Heavenly Father refused to believe it.

Darkseid faked his death and hid, and realized that I had stolen some of the equations. He immediately used this to concoct the Orion murder case and successfully framed the blame on me.

Darkseid, who pays so much attention to details and is so good at calculations, must be able to think of our plan to use the stomach bag dimension as the final harbor of refuge and make countermeasures. "

Da Chao said: "We sent people to track Apokolips, all areas around the solar system, and then strengthen the internal defense of the earth.

If you do this well, it shouldn't be difficult to predict the battle in advance.

As long as we buy half an hour, we can easily transfer all the people on earth to the dimension of Harley's stomach bag. "

Neptune shook his head and sighed: “Actually, it’s not Orion’s case that shocks me the most.

Darkseid threw the body of his heavenly father to the earth, attracting all the powerful new gods to the earth, thus creating an emptiness in the creation star, allowing him to succeed in one strike.

This trick is more ingenious and simpler. It seems to be done casually and at your fingertips, but the effect is amazing.

Darkseid has treachery almost burned into his soul.

Facing him like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get what we want and complete the population transfer before the war comes.

Anyway, I don’t have the confidence to do this, so why not start the transfer now, and the Atlanteans will also transfer.

Harley, can the dimension of your stomach create an ocean? "

Diana was surprised and said: "As for that? The previous wars had very little impact on the people under the sea."

Neptune said: "Hide in Harry's belly for three to five months, and you will gain 100% peace of mind and safety. Stay at the bottom of the sea and be frightened for three to five months, but in the end there is a certain chance that the entire family will be destroyed.

Comparing the two, I think it’s better to be on the safe side.

Anyway, I could bear the crowding on Noah’s Ark, but I couldn’t face the tragedy of destroying my family and my entire family. "

Harley smiled and said: "Half a month ago, I couldn't afford to add an ocean to the dimension of my stomach bag.

The continent of order created by Naboo was the limit of what I could bear at that time.

Things are much better now because I have become the God King.

Give me time and I can create a whole world myself.

In fact, when I was practicing in seclusion a few days ago, I had been observing the legal structure of the Order Continent.

Like knitting a sweater, Nabu threw a palm-sized woolen handkerchief in the stomach pocket. I observed its stitching, then tried to thread the needle and thread, and continued to knit and expand. "

Dachao said happily: "Now that the handkerchief has become bigger, the area of ​​​​the Order Continent will expand infinitely?"

Harry shook his head and said, "It can only expand two or three times before the restart comes."

"Two or three times is enough. It's at least ten times more comfortable than before." Oliver said.

Bateman frowned and said: "Darkseid's notoriety may scare the people into suffering patiently for three to five days, but if it takes three to five months, I'm afraid they won't be willing, and the earth won't be able to bear it. After all, we have to be born. develop."

Neptune immediately said: "Based on the principle of voluntariness, if you are willing to choose absolute safety, you can board the ship in advance. If you can't stand it, you can wait for the war to come."

Bateman said: "There must not be many people who voluntarily enter the Ark, and the vast majority of the people still stay on the earth.

To fully protect the people in a crisis, we should come up with better ways to protect these majority people. "

Harry nodded and said, "This is exactly the focus of our discussion now."

Hal raised his hand and said: "I have a question. What if Darkseid becomes the King of Gods after the restart and then settles accounts with us?"

"Taking the people of Earth to run away is just the worst case scenario. We will definitely not let Darkseid do whatever he wants and get what he wants easily." Harley said.

On one side, the heroes of the Justice League gathered together to discuss how to better "escape the final battle." On the other side, the 16 orphans of the Genesis Star also gathered together to discuss how to start the "final decisive battle."

They did not leave the earth immediately. The Genesis Star was exploded. Where can they go after leaving the earth now?

No place is as safe as Earth.

"We may be here for a while."

Widow Beka said with mixed emotions as she looked around at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment in the spacious living room.

A group of them left the Hall of Justice and came to a luxurious villa by the sea.

Although it is located on the seaside, this villa is not far away from the bustling city. Standing on the rooftop, you can see the "Galaxy Court" a few hundred meters away.

Well, that's where the Green Light Trial takes place.

"This building has a very Genesis Star style." Ugo said while looking around.

Beka said: "The Americans want to formally establish diplomatic relations with Genesis and plan to use this house as an embassy.

Orion did not refuse and helped to explain, but the Heavenly Father was unwilling to establish equal diplomatic relations with lower mortal civilizations.

This house became his private residence, and my clone would sometimes come over to stay for a few days. "

The person who came to Earth to become a superhero was just a clone of Orion, and the person who lived in this house was also a clone of Beka.

This is my first time here.

"How long do you want to stay here?" Dou Shen asked while sitting on the sofa.

Beka's eyes flickered and said: "There are many spies from the Genesis Star on Apokolips. They used the Mother Box to contact them and asked them to find a way to find the 'third party' that made Darkseid feel threatened. We will join forces with him."

Even Earthlings know how to plant spies on Apokolips and Creation Star, and Creation Star, which has been hostile to Apokolips for tens of millions of years, will certainly not be an exception.

"Who is the third party? Is it reliable?" asked the craftsman god Hyate.

"How do I know who the third party is?" Beca shook her head.

"I think Witch Harley has some guesses about the identity of the third party. I might be able to gain something by asking her," Dou Shen said.

Including Beka, all the New God generals fell silent.

After a long time, the God of Craftsman said bitterly: "I didn't expect that Witch Harley was right all along. If we had listened to her earlier, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now."

"It's not that we're too stupid, it's just that Darkseid is too cunning. He and Witch Harley are on the same level, so they can see through each other's plots," God of War Ugo said.

Beca stood up and said: "I will go to the Justice League again and ask Harley Quinn to find out the identity of the 'third party'."

She did not activate the sonic boom channel this time.

Opening a sonic boom channel in the city is too eye-catching. When they came just now, they attracted many strange looks from the people.

Moreover, the garage contains Oreo and the luxury car she purchased in her early years.

Beca had just turned the corner in the blue Cadillac when she suddenly felt in a trance and heard a vaguely familiar voice.

"Becca, Becca"

"Squeak~~" Beka suddenly stepped on the brakes, opened the car door, and looked at the entrance of the alley with a shocked look, where there was an old man with gray hair and a dementia-like face.

He was sitting in a wheelchair, his head tilted, drool dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were dim.

"Heavenly Father!"

She quickly looked around, saw the camera on the roadside, and immediately stopped opening the car door.

She had no expression on her face, continued to obey the traffic rules of the earth, and drove towards the Hall of Justice.

But another Beka, her clone, appeared quietly in the alley, and the mother box also covered up her figure and aura.

"Heavenly Father, is it you?" She said to the entrance of the alley.

"It's me." His voice was old and weak, but he gave a definite answer.

"Creation God, what's going on? Are you not dead?"

The old man was still sitting in the wheelchair, looking blankly at the road, his lips moved, and his voice faintly reached Beka's ears behind him: "I'm dead, but I got inspiration from the witch Harley's reincarnation seal and did it in advance. Arrangements are made for souls to be reincarnated on earth.

Not only me, but all the new gods with godlike status on the Genesis Star have been reincarnated on Earth.

If you die, your soul also enters the body of an Earthling. "

"I don't quite understand." Beca muttered.

"Although I was manipulated by Darkseid, I am still the King of Gods and the supreme being on par with him. This method is not surprising." There was a hint of stubborn pride in the old man's weak voice.

Beka said quickly: "I'm not doubting your ability. If you prepare in advance, it is not difficult to anchor our souls to mortals on earth.

I'm just confused, since you have believed Harley's words and believed that Darkseid is not dead, why?"

The old man said bitterly: "Do you think I used this trick to guard against Darkseid?"

"Is not it?"

The old man shook his head and said: "I am on guard against Witch Harley! If she no longer conceals her ambition to attack me, and if the worst happens, this is our retreat.

If I had known that she was right and that it was Darkseid who was doing the trick, I would never have come up with such a bad plan. If Harley and I join forces, no one can be our opponent. "

At the end of the sentence, the old man's tone was full of helplessness and regret.

"Uh" Beca was speechless.

Fortunately, she thought she had misjudged Heavenly Father before. He was not honest. He was on the same level as Darkseid and Witch Harley. He was also an old scheming person who had planned everything in advance.

I didn't expect that he would still be a fool in the end.

"Why did you reincarnate as a disabled old man? Wouldn't it be more convenient to choose a healthy body?" she asked doubtfully.

"The soul of this body has returned to Limbo, and only the body is alive, which means it is brain dead.

I could occupy it effortlessly and without arousing anyone's suspicion.

Even if Witch Harley is standing in front of me, I can't see anything out of the ordinary.

If it were a healthy young person, his soul would be struggling. I may not be able to succeed, and even if I succeed, it will leave great hidden dangers.

Anyway, we are just temporarily living in the body of a mortal, and it doesn’t matter what our physical condition or gender is. ” Heavenly Father explained.

Beka nodded and asked, "Since you can be reborn, why didn't you expect Darkseid to be reborn too?"

"Well, you'll understand after you die. My backup plan can only ensure the immortality of the new god's heroic spirit, but except for the heroic spirit, there is nothing left. The divine power, divinity, divine personality, and even the authority of the divine king will all follow. The body disappears.

It makes no sense for Darkseid to choose this kind of fake death, because it is no different from real death. "The old man sighed.

Beca blurted out: "It's meaningless, why are you bothering?"

"The fifth world is a restart, not a destruction. Do you understand what this means?" The old man said meaningfully: "Even if the Genesis Star is blown up, it can still come back after restarting, and the same goes for the dead New Gods. Like the original multiverse.”

"Ah, we can all be reborn?" Beca was surprised and happy.

"It's not rebirth, it's a reboot. The you after the reboot is the same as you now. Well, refer to what the Witch Harley did in Crisis on Infinite Earths. My backup plan can ensure that all of us complete the reboot without the reboot distorting our memories and lives. We It will be perfectly reborn in the restart," the old man said.

Beca once again felt admiration for her Heavenly Father. Although he was not as sinister as Darkseid and Witch Harley, his Heavenly Father was not a useless fool.

If you can be reborn perfectly, you can at least guarantee that you won't lose or lose too badly.

The old man said: "Becca, we still have a chance. When I originally arranged this back-up plan, I thought Witch Harley was the murderer.

If she attacks us, none of us will survive.

Since she is not the murderer, you and Ugo are both alive, and you can still hide behind Witch Harley until the day when the fifth world is restarted. Hehe, we may not be without the possibility of a comeback by then. "

When Beka heard this, she was excited at first, and then hesitantly said: "Although your soul is still there, you have lost the divine personality and power of the God King. Can you still participate in the restart?"

"Your divine power is my divine power, and the God King is the leader of the new gods. As long as you are recognized by the origin, you can also become the second generation God King of the Creation Star, just like Kalibak."

"Me? I can't." Beca shook her head quickly, "Haley has become the God King now, why not let her be the 'second generation God King'?"

"When the fifth world restarts, you will hand over the authority and power of the God King to me. Will she?" the old man asked.

Beca was silent.

The old man continued: "One more thing. When I was dying, an Earthling touched me. He had freckles on his face. He didn't seem to be a superhero."

"What's up with him?"

"He absorbed all my divine power and divinity."

"What? How is this possible?" Beca exclaimed.

"I'm also very confused. You have to find him and monitor his every move. I want to know whether his ability to absorb divine power is just a strange talent that suddenly awakens, or is part of Darkseid's conspiracy." The old man said.

"Should we inform Harry about this?"

The old man immediately said: "No, you must not let her know that I still expect you to help me regain my divine power from that earthling and let me make an extreme comeback in the restart!

Harley is the most notorious magic thief in the multiverse.

Let her know that an earthling has all my powers and she will go crazy with excitement. "

"Heavenly Father, she does not plan to attack Darkseid."

Beka explained Harley's plan to defend and counterattack, and said: "As long as Darkseid doesn't die, let alone regaining his divine power, even if you are at your peak, you will not be able to make a huge comeback."

"Darkseid will not let the earth go. There is something he wants on the earth."

"Now that a third party is intruding, anything can happen." Beka said.

"The third party." The old man thought for a moment and said, "First find out who the third party is, and I will contact you another day.

Before, we were in the light and the enemy was in the dark, so we were passive everywhere.

Now that we are in the dark, we can plan calmly and take the long term. "

——This time it’s time for us to engage in conspiracy!

"I plan to take Ugo and the others to leave the earth and kill Apokolips." Beka explained his plan, and then said: "This plan will definitely not work now, but how can I explain it to Ugo and the others?

I suddenly changed my mind. Will Harley become suspicious? "

The old man said: "I trust you completely. You can tell Ugo and the others about my existence. Just hide it from the earth and the witch Harley."

Beka worried: "Many new gods have died on the Genesis Star. They have all been reincarnated. Will their identities be exposed?"

"Since it was my back-up plan arranged in advance, of course it won't leave such a big flaw."

The old man said proudly: "After they are reincarnated on the earth, a message will immediately awaken in their souls to understand what happened and how to contact me."

"I see."

"I'm waiting for news from you."

Beca's clone was released silently, and the old man numbly turned his wheelchair and walked slowly along the road.

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