I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1601 Darkseid’s Secret

"What are you talking about, you want to be the King of Creation Star God?"

Harley looked at the widow Beka in surprise and wondered: "Aren't you planning to take Ugohyate and the others to Apokolips to seek their own death? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Beca's pretty face darkened slightly, "You think we are bound to die and our desperate efforts will not harm Darkseid?"

The reincarnation of the Heavenly Father she used to meet in her avatar was still driving towards the Hall of Justice in her car. She slowed down a little on the way and waited until the clone finished communicating with her Heavenly Father.

After arriving at the Hall of Justice, Beka's thoughts and plans completely changed.

She hopes that Harley will support her in coronating the Creator Star God King.

If the God King's divine personality can be re-condensed, Heavenly Father's hope of making a comeback will be even greater.

"Although you 16 remnant generals are strong, Apokolips has as many powerful generals as clouds and new gods as rain. If you go to Apokolips to run wild, you probably won't even see Darkseid himself, and you will be chopped into pieces by the dark elite.

Even if he barely managed to rush to Darkseid, it would be useless.

As I said before, we are not sure about Darkseid's status, why he was resurrected from the dead, and why he seems to have changed his body?

How can we succeed if we rush into action without understanding these things? " Harley sighed.

If Darkseid's state wasn't so weird, even if there was a third party around, she would have brought Super, Diana and the 16 remaining Genesis Star remnants to try the power of Darkseid's formula.

But she had a strong feeling that even if she blasted Darkseid's body on the spot, it wouldn't be able to hurt his roots.

That guy was probably really beaten to death by Orion. His body did explode, and the laws of the God King also collapsed, so everyone in the multiverse thought he was dead.

Perhaps it is the power of the equation that allows Darkseid to seize the souls of other people and change their bodies at will. Or maybe Darkseid parasitizes his thoughts in other people's bodies and refines other people's flesh shells into puppet clones?

Harley wasn't sure.

But she was 100% sure of one thing: Darkseid stayed in the ruins of the Genesis Star at that time, just waiting for her.

Since he was waiting for her, he was not afraid that she would get angry and beat him up.

Beka nodded and sighed: "After I went back, I thought about it carefully and thought what you said made sense, so I changed my mind.

We have not given up our determination to fight Darkseid, but we have decided to plan carefully, first improve our own strength, and then join forces with possible allies to try to increase our winning rate.

In addition to hoping that you will support me in becoming the second generation God King of the Genesis Star, I also want to ask you about the identity of the ‘third party’.

I want to join forces with him to fight Darkseid.

To be honest, I only suddenly thought of becoming a God King on the way here.

Because if I am not strong enough, I am not qualified to cooperate with a third party.

Reuniting the God King's divine personality can also be regarded as a bargaining chip for me to negotiate with a third party. "

These words were reasonable and well-founded. Although Harry still felt that her attitude had changed a bit, he did not have any other doubts.

"How should I support you in becoming the God King? I am not the New God of the Creation Star, and I do not have the authority of the New God. My recognition of you is of no use to you."

"It's somewhat useful. After all, you are also a God King and have the authority of a God King. Your approval represents the recognition of a small part of the origin of the universe.

In addition to your approval, I also need the material universe’s affirmation of my identity as the God-King.

For example, through government and media propaganda, let billions of mortals on the earth truly recognize that I am the second generation God King.

If other civilizations in the universe also think this way, the effect will naturally be better. "Becca said.

"You want to use the power of faith to condense the God King's divine personality? But the new god doesn't need the power of faith." Harley asked in surprise.

Beka said helplessly: "Yes, the new god does not need the power of faith. As long as the creation star is there and recognized by the origin of the creation star, the true god king can be condensed.

Just like Orion condensed the godhood of the Dark Lord on Apokolips before receiving the support of the Dark Elite.

But now that the Genesis Star has been destroyed by Darkseid, and the original will of the Genesis Star has dissipated, I can only create a Faith Godhead to simulate the true God King Godhead. "

Harley nodded and said: "It's better than nothing, OK, I will try my best to help you. Well, I will declare to the public that you are the second generation God King."

She acted very quickly and immediately called the commander-in-chief of the United States to tell the matter.

The commander was a little hesitant, "Wasn't the Genesis Star destroyed? Why is there still a second generation of God Kings? The new gods are dead, and there are thousands of corpses falling on the earth. Now God King Beka can Who do you rule?"

"On Earth, many kings have perished, and they can also form exile governments in foreign countries. The Genesis Star was blown up, why can't there be an exiled god-king?

Beka is the widow of Orion and the 'goddaughter' of Heavenly Father. She is legally qualified to inherit the throne of the God King. Moreover, 15 other Genesis Star officials have recognized her identity. "

Becca's father is a good friend of Heavenly Father, who raised Becca as a daughter.

If it weren't for such a close relationship, after being deceived by Harley, Beka would not directly go to Heavenly Father and ask him whether he killed her husband Orion in a fight for power.

Although the Heavenly Father was furious, he didn't really do anything to her.

"Uh, Genesis is going to form a government-in-exile on Earth?"

The commander's expression was a little distorted, "Should we allocate a piece of territory and serve as a provisional government for them?"

Harley said: "How to do it specifically, you can discuss it with Beka and the others in accordance with international practice.

In short, we must treat Becca as a true god-king.

We and Genesis are finally an alliance against Darkseid. If our allies are in trouble, we should help.

When Apokolips invades Earth, they will stand firmly on our side and fight Darkseid. "

"I see."

After the official side was settled, Harley was planning to call Lana Lang, the famous star of the universe, to build momentum for the Widow God King in public opinion.

After opening the phone book, Harley looked at Lana Lang's mobile phone number but hesitated to press it.

Darkseid is not dead. If Lana is allowed to help Beka build momentum, will she be targeted by Apokolips?

Darkseid probably wouldn't care about a little Lana Lang, but among the hundreds of dark elites under his command, there must be some who are willing to help the boss vent his anger.

Lana's husband is disabled and cannot protect her, but needs her to take care of her

"Hey, Louise, do you know Beka? She has become the God King now and needs to tell the world."

After hearing Harley's request, Louise was very excited and agreed happily without any worries.

"Do you have Jane Rowling's contact details?"

Before ending the call, Harley asked again.

"What do you want to do with Jane?" Louise asked doubtfully.

"Discuss the matter of Darkseid."

Hearing Darkseid, Louise's eager heart cooled down a little, and she hesitated and said: "Harley, do you think Darkseid pays attention to TV programs in the main universe?"

Harley understood what she meant and didn't pretend to be confused. She said directly: ""The Legend of Apokolips" has already been aired, so what's the point of worrying about it now?

If you are really scared, after finishing God King Becca's series, you can move into Noah's Ark with your luggage and family.

As long as I don't die, Darkseid can't hurt you. "

"When will Apokolips invade Earth?"

"have no idea."

Louise hesitated: "The TV station cannot do without me, and my program cannot be interrupted. Otherwise, I will hide when Darkseid starts to attack the earth."

"what ever."

Ten minutes later, Harley received a call from Eclipse Jane Rowling.

Louise doesn't have Jane Rowling's phone number either, and they communicate with each other through Internet social accounts.

Louise sent a message to Tian Eclipse Jian first, and Tian Eclipse Jian thought for a moment before casually grabbing a mobile phone from the street and dialing Harley's number.

"I'm at the Hall of Justice. Come find me, or give me your address and we'll meet." Harley said.

Tian Eclipse Jian on the other end of the phone smiled inexplicably and refused directly: "It's not convenient for me right now. It's the same if you have anything to say on the phone."

"You don't dare to come to see me, are you worried that I will take action against you? Jane, you are very smart and capable. There is no need to live so cautiously."

"Be careful and you will live longer, Harry. We didn't have any friendship back then. If you have anything to say, just say it." Tian Eclipse Jian said with a chuckle.

"Okay, let me tell you directly, Darkseid is not dead, do you know now?" Harley asked.

Eclipse Jane was silent for a while and said, "Do you want me to return to Apokolips as an undercover agent to help you find out Darkseid's secrets?"

"Well, you are really smart, you guessed it right away." Harley felt a little embarrassed.

Tian Eclipse Jian is indeed the super villain who caused the secret room murder case, and his brain is very flexible.

"We can make a deal. If you return to Apokolips and report information about Darkseid and Apokolips to me on a regular basis, I will pretend not to see you again if I meet you on Earth in the future. Well, I swear, I will never reach out and slap you to death."

"Witch Harley, you are too arrogant." Tianshi Jian gritted her teeth and sneered.

Harley said: "If you have no plan to return to Apokolips, then just pretend that I didn't contact you today.

If I meet you in the future, I will only arrest you, not kill you.

If you plan to return to Apokolips but refuse my deal, I will actively hunt you down and kill you if caught.

If you doubt my strength, we can have a rehearsal in advance.

As long as you show your face in front of me, no matter what method you use, as long as you escape my pursuit, as long as you are not caught by me within ten minutes, you will win. I will apologize to you and retract the above remarks.

Do you want to try it? Even if you fail, I will let you go once. "

Jane Rowling was silent.

"Think about it carefully. I'll give you a week to slowly weigh the pros and cons." After saying this, Harley hung up the phone.

Jane Rowling is just a casual move. It is best if she can gain something. Harley will not be disappointed if she gains nothing.

She acted so confidently and decisively, but Jane Rowling on the other side began to hesitate and become more stressed.

Before Harley called, she was already hesitating: Should she return to Apokolips and return to Darkseid?

Eclipse Jane went to Apokolips in her early years and became Darkseid's favorite concubine, not because she thought the Dark Lord would do well. At that time, both Harley and Ghost were hunting her, and if she continued to stay on Earth, her life might be in danger.

She is living quite well on Earth in modern times. The ghost has not shown up for a long time, and Harley has not deliberately hunted her down. She is carefree, famous and sought after, and it seems that she no longer needs to rely on Darkseid.

Moreover, she collaborated with Louise on the "The Beloved" series, which exposed many small details of Darkseid's life. Will the Dark Emperor hold a grudge?

Now the Witch Harley came to her door and asked her to be an undercover agent. If she didn't go, then... Well, although she said that if she didn't return to Apokolips, she wouldn't have to be an undercover agent, but Jane Rowling couldn't believe her.

After struggling for two days, Jian Luolin took out the mother box and dialed the number of her kind grandmother.

"Grandma, it's me, Jane."

Back then, she was able to hook up with Darkseid, climb into his dragon bed, and become the beloved concubine of Apokolips. Her kind grandmother had a lot to do with it.

Well, Grandma Xiang is the "General Manager of the Internal Affairs Office" of the God King of Apokolips, and she specializes in helping Darkseid train his concubines.

Grandma has an "orphanage" that abducts gifted children from alien planets who have parents and mothers, first makes them orphans, and then takes them to the orphanage.

She will train them with all her heart, the men will be trained into the dark elite reserve team, and the women will choose the most talented ones to join the Nemesis team.

Big Barda, the wife of Mister Miracle Scott, was once the leader of the Nemesis team.

If a female warrior has poor fighting talent but has a beautiful appearance and enchanting figure, she will be dedicated to Darkseid by her grandmother.

If Darkseid takes a fancy to her, she will rise to the top and become his beloved concubine. What if Darkseid despises the fact that there is a group of dark elites on Apokolips? "Goddess" who can withstand the impact of the new dark god are always a scarce resource.

"Jane Rowling, what do you want from me?"

Grandma's tone was very harsh, which made Tian Eclipse Jian uncomfortable and also felt not good.

"I heard that His Majesty returned to the palace, beat Heavenly Father to death, blasted the creation star, and made incredible achievements that shocked the multiverse!"

"Yes, His Majesty has been back for several days."

Tian Eclipse Jian asked curiously: "How did your Majesty hide it from everyone? At that time, his supreme law collapsed. Could it be the power of the equation?"

"His Majesty's methods are shocking, I can't understand it. You also have His Majesty's number, and you can contact him using the mother box." Grandma said in a cold tone.

"Hey, grandma, you seem to be blaming me? The biggest mistake I made was to leave Apokolips without permission and fail to personally welcome the return of His Majesty the King.

But if Orion hadn't wanted to kill me at that time, I would never have left Apokolips. You know this. "Tianshi Jian said aggrievedly.

Grandma said calmly: "His Majesty has never really disappeared, he has always paid attention to everything that happened on Apokolips.

He also saw that you seduced Orion and spoke ill of His Majesty.

You speak nonsense in public in the material world, making His Majesty the focus of gossip, and Your Majesty is fully aware of it. "

Jian Luolin said awkwardly: "You can't blame me, I thought His Majesty was dead at the time.

We, the dark elites of Apokolips, are all evil gods with unsatisfied desires.

If I guard my body like jade for His Majesty, it would be a blasphemy against the Dark Emperor.

Just like grandma, why should I seduce Orion?

Aren’t you trying to curry favor with him, offering your beauty to him, and snatching my ‘Queen’s position’?

In order to protect myself, I had to serve him humbly.

As a result, he drove me away without even touching me, and I didn't even have time to lose my temper.

Another example is Disad, that old guy is His Majesty’s most loyal confidant. What’s going to happen?

As soon as His Majesty died, he knelt in front of Orion, licked his boots, and took the lead in shouting "Darkseid is dead, King Orion". "

When grandma heard her scolding, she could no longer maintain her aloof and aloof attitude, and felt a little embarrassed inside.

"Desad is still kneeling outside the palace, constantly slapping himself on the big ears. Now everyone in the dark elite of Apokolips is in danger, for fear that His Majesty will pursue them for serving the two masters.

I'm also trying to figure out how to protect myself. No matter what you want to do, I can't help you. "Grandma sighed in a slower tone.

"How does grandma plan to protect herself? Offer a beauty to His Majesty again?" Jian Luolin asked sarcastically.

"A country cannot live without a king for a day, and a king needs a concubine." The kind grandmother said calmly.

Jian Luolin was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you think there is still hope for me?"

"No more." Grandma Xiang said simply.

"I didn't even say anything about hope." Tian Eclipse Jian said displeased.

"Do you still need to explain your flirtatious thoughts?" The kind grandmother sneered and said, "Even before His Majesty faked his death and went into seclusion, he had lost most of his interest in you, and he hasn't had anything to do with you for more than half a year.

I even started secretly choosing his next favorite concubine.

Now that you have done so many things that disgust His Majesty, how is it possible that you still want to come back and continue to gain his favor? "

"Grandma, you don't need to ridicule me like this. I have never given you less benefits in the years I have been your beloved concubine." Tian Eclipse Jian said angrily.

The kind grandma was stunned for a moment and sighed: "I'm not mocking you, I just hope you recognize the facts.

Your Majesty has ruled the universe for tens of millions of years and has had countless women, but His Majesty is eternal and no favorite concubine has ever existed for a long time.

You can come back, not as His Majesty’s favorite concubine, but as a dark elite, just like me—”

Hearing the melancholy and hesitation in grandma's words, Tian Eclipse Jian asked in surprise: "Did you also become a beloved concubine?"

"You think I'm not worthy?"

Eclipse Jian exclaimed: "You are tall and bloated, and your appearance is rough and ugly. Darkseid, I can't imagine that you can get in touch with your favorite concubine."

"Hmph, my appearance when I was young was much better than yours." Grandma said coldly.

She is telling the truth. The difference between her when she was young and her now is as huge as Halle Berry at her peak and Amanda Waller now.

Amanda, who first met Halle more than ten years ago, had delicate features, aura in her eyes, and a better figure and temperament than Hollywood star Halle Berry.

However, the pig-killing knife of time is too deadly.

However, it is true that kindly grandma has never been a favorite concubine.

Darkseid just didn't refuse her first few advances.

Later, he slapped her away for showing off her charm again, and said disgustedly, "Disgusting, get out of here", and the two of them never had anything to do with each other.

"I'll be honest with you, I took Susan to see His Majesty the afternoon before yesterday. Susan, do you still remember that girl who looked exactly like the white people on Earth?

She is extremely intelligent and extremely understanding. You were still fascinated by her back then and wanted to keep her by your side.

Now she takes your place.

When I sent it over, His Majesty did not refuse, and Susan stayed at the Dark Palace that night. "

Eclipse Jane cursed ten thousand words in her heart, "Old woman deserves to die," one hundred thousand words, "Susan Splash deserves to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts," and one million words, "Darkseid, you fucked your grandma."

She suppressed the resentment in her heart and said: "Well, I don't ask you to help me return to His Majesty's harem. You just need to tell me about His Majesty's situation and let me judge whether to return to Apokolips."

The kind grandmother said helplessly: "I actually don't understand what happened. When Heavenly Father fell, Kalibak was pressing Orion's queen on the throne to beat her. He suddenly sensed His Majesty's aura and almost scared Yang Wei. .

Afterwards, His Majesty blew up the Creation Star and returned with endless glory. He didn’t explain anything to us and went straight into the meditation room.

But one thing I can be sure of is that His Majesty is now more enigmatic than before.

We'd better be honest, don't ask questions you shouldn't ask, and don't do things you shouldn't do. "

The last thing she said was profound.

Eclipse Jane was originally just curious about Darkseid's situation. When her grandma said this, she immediately remembered that Harley asked her to be a spy, and she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Grandma, I'm not contacting you today just for my own reasons." After a pause, she said directly: "Witch Harley is looking for me. She wants me to return to His Majesty and help her find out the news."

"You are looking for death!" Grandma said coldly.

"I have never wanted to betray Your Majesty, otherwise I would not have taken the initiative to expose Witch Harley's sinister intentions to you." Tian Eclipse said simply.

Grandma sneered: "If you had no other ideas, why didn't you tell me about this right away?"

"Of course I care more about my future. If my future is not on Apokolips, do I still care about your life and death?" Tian Eclipse Jian said bluntly.

This time it was grandma's turn to be speechless.

"I will send a message to His Majesty for you. Do you take your mother box with you? I will contact you if there is news."

Tian Eclipse simply said: "The mother box can locate my location. For my own safety, of course I will not bring it with me. I will look for you at the same time tomorrow."

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

On the other side of Apokolips, after putting away the mother box, Grandma Kindness got up and left the " Kindness Orphanage" without any delay, and quickly rushed to the Dark Palace.

Darkseid was standing on the balcony on the top floor of the palace, overlooking the millions of demonoids in the square in front of the palace.

The kind grandmother was very surprised. Disad, who was kneeling at the door of the palace and slapping himself last night, was now like a chief eunuch, accompanying His Majesty with a fawning look on his face.

Has His Majesty forgiven him?

The kind grandmother was very pleased. Susan, the beloved concubine she recommended, was smiling and accompanying the Dark Lord.

His Majesty accepted the concubine she sent and seemed to be very satisfied, so he would definitely not pursue her previous flattery to Orion and Kalibak again.

Grandma secretly breathed a sigh of relief and her expression became more natural, "Your Majesty, Eclipse Jane Rowling just contacted me."

She lowered her head and did not look at Darkseid's expression. She just repeated the conversation with Sky Eclipse Jane honestly. After finishing speaking, she did not comment on Sky Eclipse Jane's behavior. She neither slandered Sky Eclipse Jane nor slandered Sky Eclipse Jane. Didn't say anything nice for her.

"I understand, go down." Darkseid's expression was indifferent, his eyes still looking into the distance.

Grandma hesitated and said: "How should I reply to the eclipse?"

"You do whatever you want, and so does she."

Although there was no impatience in Darkseid's tone, the kind grandmother still closed her mouth, took a few steps back neatly, and then turned around and left.

Before walking out of the balcony entrance, she heard Desard saying with a smile: "Witch Harley must be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot right now. She wants to find out the situation of Apokolips and your secrets. Now she is starting to get sick." He went to the hospital randomly.

She actually expected Tian Eclipse to be her undercover agent. If Tian Eclipse could be trusted, she wouldn't be a collection of depraved desires.

However, I can understand Witch Harley's restlessness. Like everyone outside, she was completely shocked by His Majesty's methods. "

The kind grandma was surprised that Desard was so open-minded and dared to say anything in front of His Majesty, and she was also envious that he dared to say such things. He must have repaired the relationship with His Majesty and regained His Majesty's trust.

"Are you also curious about my secret?"

Darkseid glanced at Desaad who looked like an "old slave" out of the corner of his eye.

"It's not just curiosity, but also shock and awe. Your Majesty's methods are beyond my understanding and imagination." Old Disad's eyes were full of sincerity and admiration.

The reason why he is so lethargic is not that Darkseid has forgiven him. Darkseid has never said anything like "Forget it, I forgive you" to anyone.

As long as anyone is useful to the Dark Emperor, there is value in Apokolips.

Now he's very useful to Darkseid.

Because just last night, he personally participated in the research on the Dark Lord's shattered body.

As before, he once again became His Majesty's right-hand man in scientific research.

The familiar feeling and atmosphere are all back.

"You should be able to guess the reason, right?" Darkseid said.

Disad did not pretend to be stupid, and nodded: "It should be the power of the equation. I thought you would use the equation as a weapon, but I never thought you would use it on yourself."

Darkseid has had the formula for many years.

Before the Crisis on Infinite Earths ended, Desaad knew about and participated in Darkseid's plan to plunder the Anti-Life Equation.

The instrument for extracting equations from the remnant body of the Anti-Monitor King was also designed by Darkseid's theoretical guidance and made by Desaad himself.

Later, when Darkseid studied the equation, Desaad also participated in the whole process.

In the past few years, they have successively tested the power of the anti-life equation in other worlds.

Every time it is tested, it is treated as a "virus" that wipes out an individual's will to live.

Therefore, Desaad always thought that the Dark Emperor would use the equation as a weapon to sweep away the New Gods' army on the Genesis Star in the final battle.

"The equation is valid for all life forms, and I am also one of the life forms in the multiverse." Darkseid said.

Disad said cautiously: "Your Majesty, your body is heading toward collapse uncontrollably. It cannot withstand your strength. Do you want me to prepare a more powerful backup body for you?"

"The task I give you is to find a way to prevent the collapse of the divine body." Darkseid said lightly.

Desaad smiled bitterly in his heart, if he could find a way, why should I say "it will inevitably collapse"?

"It would be difficult to completely prevent it. My understanding of the equation is limited to its ability to distort will and genes."

Darkseid said: "If the will of the original owner of this body is not erased, how can I use it without any obstacles?"

——Since you can erase the will of a body, why not change a body like changing clothes? Are there any restrictions that can't be done? Or are there any other secrets?

Desaad had many thoughts running through his mind and said, "With all due respect, the experimental data shows that your body was not strong before."

"It was just a mortal before, a detective from Earth in the main universe."

"A detective at the pinnacle of martial arts like Bateman?" Desard asked.

"Well, he is Bateman, the Bateman of Metropolis, but his body is old and decayed, and he is not strong."

Bateman from Metropolis?

Disad's heart moved, and he immediately used his mind to connect to the mother box and search for "Metropolitan Bateman".

The next moment, he immediately found tens of thousands of relevant information.

The first is a missing person notice from the Daily Planet: Detective Danny Pinto, who is searching for a missing child with super powers, is suspected to have been killed.

Not only is Danny Pinto searching for Earth's super-powered children who were abducted by his kindly grandmother, he's also the first to discover Orion's body.

——Hey, Danny Pinto discovered Orion's body. Whose body was His Majesty using when he killed Orion?

"He's not your first body, right? Why not choose a stronger one?" Desard asked.

Darkseid glanced at him, then turned his head and continued to overlook the square, "My first body was a 'Superman'.

He is the Superman of the Earth-312 universe where we are doing equation experiments.

But it didn't even last a single battle before it was wiped out. "

"The battle with Orion?" Disad asked tentatively.

Darkseid nodded and said: "Even if I use Superman's body of steel, I am still no match for Orion. Fortunately, I had anticipated it and ambush the killer move in advance.

The moment the 'Superman's body' was reduced to ashes, I pulled the trigger.

Immediately afterwards, my will came into contact with another person who was more suitable to serve as my body than Superman.

It was then that I realized that the body that fits the best is the most powerful. "

"Your will? What Danny Pinto touched at that time was Orion's body. Is your will hidden in Orion's body?" Disad asked in surprise.

Darkseid smiled strangely, "Rather than hiding it, it is better to say that my will has infected their souls like a virus."

"They." Disad suddenly realized that neither Orion nor Heavenly Father died immediately. They still had half a breath and revealed some vague information to the person who found their bodies.

He took a breath, His Majesty did it on purpose, deliberately leaving a trace of undissipated and contaminated consciousness in the corpse, in order to cause misunderstandings and frame the witch Harley.

So treacherous!

"If you find a more suitable body, can you get rid of this gradually collapsing body?" Desard asked.

"The fit I want is one that can accommodate the power of the equation. It is difficult to encounter one of these types of bodies among billions of people. If you have enough time to search slowly, you will definitely be able to choose a better one, but we are already being targeted. , there is no time." Darkseid said quietly.

"I understand, and I will try my best to repair your current divine body." Desaad solemnly promised first, and then asked: "What should I do with the flute player? He should not belong to Witch Harley.

Not to mention Witch Harley, even you and I don't know that the flute player's flute can lead to equations.

I've read his memories, and he doesn't know anything. He is a completely unlucky guy who was taken advantage of.

Inexplicably, you became a wanted criminal on Earth, you encountered a 'revelation' inexplicably, you were teleported to Apokolips inexplicably, and you played sad music on the edge of the earth's core lake inexplicably, and then the earth's energy lake boiled, you."

He looked at Darkseid strangely.

If he hadn't watched Flutist's memories, he wouldn't have known that the Dark Lord had never left Apokolips.

He has been incarnating as the "source of dark divine power" and integrated into the core center of Apokolips. Until the flute player's music made the equations in the center of the earth boil, and almost broke free from the shackles of the Dark Lord, Darkseid had no choice but to expose his body, and then the first Time beats Heavenly Father to death and blasts the creation star.

"By the way, we have captured two Earthlings in the past two days. Like the flute player, they were also led to Apokolips by the 'revelation'. How do you plan to deal with them?"

"Throw them all into slave camps." Darkseid said.

Disad asked: "Throw them into a slave camp and lure third-party forces to attack again? Or reveal this news to the earth, wait for the witch Harley to come to rescue them, and then ambush them?"

"Throw them into the slave camp and let them fend for themselves. There is no need to do anything else." Darkseid said.

"What if a third-party force causes trouble again?"

"They have no chance." Darkseid pointed to the rapidly gathering demon-like army below and sneered: "Tomorrow, I will personally lead the dark elite and the demon-like army to take down the heaven."

"Apocalypse from above!"

Susan, the beloved concubine who had been silent and just smiled and cuddled against Darkseid, lost her composure and screamed for the first time.

After shouting, she quickly knelt down and apologized in fear, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I was just too shocked. I didn't expect that it was the old gods from the heaven who were causing trouble. I..."

In fact, Disad was also very shocked and almost screamed, but his beloved concubine beat him to it.

"Are you sure which god-king it is?" he asked.

"Not sure, maybe only one party is involved, or multiple gods are united, but it doesn't matter, my goal is the entire heaven." Darkseid said.

Disad smiled bitterly and said: "I thought that only the Witch Harley firmly believed that you are not dead. I didn't expect that the old gods insisted that you had been completely killed by Orion. The laws of the God King had collapsed, and they could not lie at all. Behind your back, Li Qi, like the witch Harley, has full confidence in you.

No, they are more cunning than Witch Harley.

Witch Harley is just passive defense and does not understand your situation, but they use evil strategies to force you to show up. When we and the Genesis Star and Witch Harley are both defeated, they will jump out and reap the benefits. "

Darkseid shook his head and said: "They are not 100% sure of my condition. If they knew that I was really pretending to be dead, they would not dare to move."

DeSaad wondered: "If they were not sure that you were not dead, how could they come up with a revelation and guide Atom and Flutist to Apokolips?

The purpose of sending the flute player to Apokolips is to force you out.

The Atom and the others lured the Witch Harley and the superheroes over.

When you and Witch Harley meet, you will definitely fight to the death."

"Your judgment is correct. They want me to meet the Witch Harley and kill one of them on the spot. It is certain that the three goddesses of destiny will be involved."

A bloodthirsty cold light flashed in Darkseid's scarlet eyes, "In tomorrow's battle, I can let go of any god system, with the exception of the Olympus god system.

They are the masterminds, no one can escape. "

After a pause, he sighed again: "Witch Harley guessed my truth because she was smart enough. The old gods could know that there was an abnormality on Apokolips, but someone snitched on it."

"Is there a fourth party?" Disad said in a timid voice: "The temptation to restart the fifth world is so great, everyone wants a piece of the pie?"

Sorry, I'm a lot late today. I took a nap after dinner. I planned to sleep for a while, but I fell asleep. I'm really sorry!

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