I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1599 Death of Heavenly Father

"I've seen that video. You beat a several-year-old child to death. It's so cruel, so cruel." Harley said.

Mirror Master shouted: "You only saw us beating him to death, but you didn't know that we had used the same method to deal with him many times.

Not only did we deal with him, we also dealt with the first and second generation Flashes.

They have never been able to kill them because they have speed force protection and their bodies are as strong as steel.

That day, we just used to provoke the Flash and let him suffer a big loss in public, and we successfully escaped.

This is the perfect ending that can make the gang of scoundrels happy for several days.

He was beaten to death in one fell swoop, which shocked us all. I swear, I was completely confused. "

"You mean, Bart's loss of the speed force was not an accident, but someone else's conspiracy? Someone used your hands to kill Bart?" Harley said thoughtfully.

When she watched the video before, she also thought Bart was too crispy.

At that time, I just thought that Bart was young and suffered a heavy blow. The pain was too much and he couldn't help but break away from the speed state. As a result, his body lost protection and he was beaten to death.

"I suspect the inertia sucked away the pulse's Speed ​​Force."

"Pulse" is Bart's codename for the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century.

After coming to this world, he inherited the title of "Kid Flash" from the second generation Flash Wally.

But after adding the Teen Titans, it was replaced with a pulse that sounded cooler.

"And that guy was the most aggressive, specifically attacking the vital points of Pulse. We were eventually arrested and imprisoned, but he escaped early and never joined us." Mirror Master said with resentment.

"Even if Inertia secretly stole Bart's Speed ​​Force, it doesn't prove that you are innocent. Inertia is a member of the Rogue Gang and your accomplice. You were indeed ruthless and beat him to death in public in broad daylight. A child." Harley said.

Mirror Master still wanted to argue, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that what she said was the truth.

"If it were a normal trial, I would admit it, but the Flash is obviously seeking revenge and wants us to die tragically. There have been countless murder cases before, but no criminals have ever been exiled to the Hell Planet. That place is not for human beings."

Harley sighed: "His grandson is dead and he has reason to do anything to you, and the one who sentenced you to exile on the Hell Planet is the Central City Justice.

You are a Central City person yourself, don't you know the status of The Flash in Central City?

To be honest, The Flash may not want you to die, but the people of Central City must wish you would never come back. "

At the entrance to the highway on the outskirts of Central City, there is a sign: Welcome to the Flash's city.

In terms of how much city citizens love the city's guardian heroes, even Superhero can't compare to The Flash.

In the end, Mirror Master was thrown into the dimensional rift.

Harley only entrusted Ivy with a set of cloaks sewn from the furs of mythical beasts.

It was one of the artifacts she obtained when she looted Odin's treasure house.

In addition to keeping out the cold, it also has a certain defensive effect.

I thought that the gang was sent to the Hell Planet collectively, which was the end of Bart's case. At most, the follow-up of Barry's pursuit of Inertia was left.

But a week later, another little brother told Harley that the case seemed to have just begun.

"Sister Harley, did this bother you? You have said on TV before that everything that happens on Earth related to Apokolips and Darkseid, no matter how big or small, is very important and must be reported to the Justice League. report.

I'm at Zhenglian headquarters now, using their satellite to contact you.

What I just encountered is very strange, maybe you have some details you want to ask about, so..."

On the other end of the video call, Deadshot looked a little reserved and embarrassed. His head kept hanging down and he didn't dare to look at her.

He hasn't been doing well in the past few years.

In other words, among Harley's younger brothers and friends, he was the worst offender.

Almost all of Harley's "little brothers" who called him "Brother Loudon" followed Harley and successfully cleared their name. Now they have either become billionaires, or even caught up with the interstellar development of earth's civilization and become celebrities who can often be seen on TV. The business tycoons who arrived either entered politics, participated in elections, became members of parliament, or even mayors.

He is the only one who is still a gangster and has become a super villain. In fact, Lawton is not ashamed of his status as a super villain, otherwise he would not have chosen to become a killer.

The main reason is that other super villains are free to do whatever they want, but he is caught in Amanda Waller's weakness - his daughter, and is forced to join the Suicide Squad and do dirty work for the government and the military.

Very undignified.

"What's weird?" Harley didn't have his complicated emotions at all.

She only cared about what he said.

A little brother who hadn't contacted her for a long time suddenly called her, and it was related to Darkseid, so it must be very important.

"Did you know that the Teen Titans' Pulse was beaten to death by the Rogue Gang some time ago? All members of the Rogue Gang were involved in the murder, but not everyone was arrested.

Pulse's nemesis, Inertia, is the Speedster, and it's up to The Flash to capture him.

I took on a mission to capture a flute player and a magician.

They were very cunning and were arrested many times. Their escape process was complicated. I will only tell you the results. In the end, I ambushed them on the train to Mexico. "

Having said this, he paused for a moment, with a look of hesitation on his face, "I accidentally killed the magician. I didn't want to kill anyone, but they were too dishonest. They tried their best, struggled desperately, and -"

Harley interrupted him and said: "Just kill. It's not your first time to kill. I'm not a member of the Justice League who adheres to the concept of not killing."

Deadshot hurriedly explained: "No, I'm not trying to defend myself, Sister Harley, the magician is an FBI undercover agent in the Rogue Gang!

Although I had just received enough of a reduced sentence to leave Suicide Squad two months earlier, Amanda called me personally and asked me to do a small favor. If I committed another crime and went to jail, she would give me a 'special offer'. "

He said this very embarrassingly.

He was dragged into the Suicide Squad by Amanda several years ago. Every time he completes a mission, he will receive a certain reduction in sentence. When the sentence is reduced, he will regain his freedom.

He has regained his freedom five or six times, but every time after he was released from prison, he couldn't help but commit crimes and murders again. Then he was arrested and imprisoned by Bateman, and was sent to Belle Reve Prison under Amanda's supervision, becoming a glorious prisoner. member of the Suicide Squad.

"Let's get to the point." Harley's face didn't show, but she was really a little impatient.

This guy brought up the tempting topic of "related to Darkseid" at the beginning, but he went on for a long time without getting to the main point.

"I accidentally killed the magician and was wounded by two people. I was seriously injured. I temporarily wore the flute player and followed him into the desert. Then a line of words suddenly appeared on the sand."

Harley blurted out, "It says 'Go to Apokolips' on the ground?"

Deadshot was shocked: "How do you know?"

Harley sighed: "This is not the first time a 'revelation' has occurred."

"Revelation? Very appropriate." Deadshot nodded and said: "At other times, I would have suspected that someone was doing something secretly, but after seeing the golden words, I had a feeling that it came from God."

"Why didn't you go to Apokolips then?" Harley asked.

"Why do you want to follow?" Deadshot asked doubtfully.

"You didn't have the urge to believe it and go to Apokolips immediately?"

Deadshot nodded and said: "After seeing the revelation of 'Going to Apokolips', I immediately had an understanding in my mind that I can find the answers to all my questions on Apokolips.

Inexplicably, I believed it.

But I wasn't interested in finding out, and I was at least three kilometers away from the flutist.

In order not to be discovered by him, I used a micro drone to monitor him.

The revelation was also seen on the surveillance screen.

Not to mention that I could suppress the impulse in my heart, even if I wanted to go, it would be too late. "

"I see." Harley thought for a while and asked, "You don't like the life of the Suicide Squad? I can tell Amanda that I won't recruit you in the future.

Well, this message is very useful. You have done great work and deserve to be rewarded. "

Deadshot was delighted at first, and then hesitantly said: "I definitely don't want Amanda to put a bomb in my head, but joining the Suicide Squad seems to be the fastest way to get out of prison."

As long as he commits a crime, Bateman will target him and send him to prison. After that, he has only two choices left: join the Suicide Squad to get a reduced sentence, or escape from prison.

After escaping from prison, he will be targeted by Bateman again. He will be imprisoned again, and he will escape again. It will never end, and he will not even have a chance to visit his daughter - Bateman is an old shady guy. He has been waiting near his daughter's house several times, waiting for him. Automatically come to your door.

Unless he never commits a crime again, can he endure the ordinary life after washing his hands in a golden basin?

"I don't want any reward. I'm very happy to be able to help Sister Harley. Moreover, Apokolips' goal is the entire earth. I don't want to be distorted by Darkseid's equations and turn into a monster." Deadshot said.

"All right."

It was hard for Harry to say anything about the path he chose.

"What does revelation mean? Can you tell me?" Deadshot asked.

"Actually, I'm not too sure. The first revelation was seen by someone under surveillance."

Harley didn't refuse to talk to him about the topic.

She had felt a long time ago that Deadshot had a flexible mind, insight, and leadership talent.

While working for her, he was her fourth-in-command.

The second and third leaders are Ivy and Selina.

"How virtuous and talented is the flute player, that he can be involved in the important matter of fighting for hegemony in the multiverse?"

Deadshot murmured after hearing what Harley had experienced in the past few days.

"I'm also very confused." Harley frowned and said, "If the revelations Jason and Val saw were hoping to lure me, or the heroes of the Alliance, into Apokolips, then I didn't even know the flute player before.

Clearly, the revelation that led him to Apokolips must be for something else, something only he could do. "

"The flute player's ability is sound wave control. He can use sound waves to attack, and he can also use sound waves to influence people's thinking."

Deadshot's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he asked in surprise: "Does the person behind the scenes want to use his ability to control negative emotions?"

"Negative emotions."

At other times, Harry had almost no feeling for this word, but now it was a super sensitive word.

Isn’t the anti-life equation composed of negative emotional elements?

"Isn't the flute player's ability sonic control? Why do you think of negative emotions?"

"The flute player's thought control is not the traditional mental control of the orangutan Grodd. He conveys his emotions through music. The music resonates with other people's emotions and then controls their thoughts."

Harley said weirdly: "So, the flute player is simply the strongest musician in history! He has such talent, what kind of super villain can he be? Why not join the 'Galaxy's Strongest Trainee'? Wouldn't it be better to be an idol trainee?" ?”

Deadshot's facial expression became uncontrollably distorted.

He knew that "Galaxy's Strongest Trainee" was a very popular talent show in the Galaxy recently.

Following the cooperation between Daily Planet and Lann National News TV, Luther Media became the second media company on Earth to cooperate with an alien TV station.

Luther sold several Limbo satellites to the Lann people and earned a large amount of foreign exchange, so he had strong financial resources to purchase interstellar broadcast equipment.

Unlike Daily Planet, which focuses on news, science and education, Luther Media focuses on the entertainment industry.

Alien music, alien TV series, and alien idols are all the main elements of Luther Media.

This move is very powerful.

The Luther Video APP has only been on the shelves for half a year, but the total number of users is already close to that of Harley’s puppy video.

Luther Media is solely responsible for the selection of the "Galaxy's Strongest Trainee" for the Solar System Division.

Players from almost every country have signed up to participate in the talent show, including even idols who have already become famous in Japan and South Korea.

Trainees who enter the finals of the Earth region can not only become famous in the universe and win glory for their country, they can also get endorsements from Galaxy Enterprises, and even become guests of entertainment programs on alien planets, or participate in the filming of alien movies.

The fame and fortune are so huge that governments in many countries have begun to think about it.

Deadshot rarely watches TV and especially hates talent shows.

The reason why he reacted so strongly to "The Strongest Trainee in the Galaxy" had something to do with his daughter.

That little black girl was still in middle school. In order to support her "brother", she stole two million US dollars from her family.

Deadshot can understand buying his brothers' peripherals and attending concerts.

But in order to help her brother achieve success, she actually bought boxes of milk that he endorsed and poured boxes after boxes. She was so stupid and stupid that he almost suffered a brain congestion.

If the strongest trainee in the galaxy hadn't been noticed by the whole people, the impact would have been too great, and Deadshot would have had the urge to quietly blow his brothers' heads off.

"Sister Harley, entertainment programs like 'The Strongest Trainee in the Galaxy' seem to be a conspiracy by aliens. They want to poison the minds of Earth's teenagers, hinder the development of Earth's civilization, and destroy our future." Deadshot said seriously .

"Who did you listen to?" Harley asked curiously.

"A few months ago, when Amanda arranged for us to be responsible for the security of the White House, I heard what General Ryan said. He was complaining to the commander-in-chief that young people were going to become idols to make a lot of money. Who would still be willing to work hard in scientific research?"

"I know the alien's thoughts, the Justice League knows it, and the top brass of the U.S. government know it. We have overheard the alien's plot, but there are some things that cannot be stopped."

Harley sighed and said, "Let's get down to business. The flutist can only control people's negative emotions?"

"Any emotion is acceptable, but he was in a bad state at the time." Deadshot explained: "Actually, neither the flute player nor the magician are normal super villains.

Magic is an FBI undercover agent. He was a villain before, but after meeting Supergirl, he immediately fell in love with her uncontrollably.

It’s not his fault, what normal man on earth wouldn’t want to fall in love with Supergirl?

After failing to court Supergirl, Magic changed his ways and secretly joined the FBI.

The flute player is a sentimental artist who is too sentimental and only likes men.

Him and the magician—"

Deadshot picked his head and said with a troubled face: "I don't know how the magician feels. Anyway, after the magician was killed by me, the flute player was lost, lifeless, and extremely sad.

He was sitting alone in the desert playing the flute. I could feel his sorrow and despair from three kilometers away.

So I guess what the mastermind wanted was a flutist full of negativity.

Otherwise, he could have taken the flute player away early, and there was no need to wait for the magician to die - Oh my god! "

Deadshot exclaimed: "I almost never miss, but this time I missed the bullet when I had the advantage and accidentally killed the magician. I have been upset for a long time. Now it seems that the mastermind behind the scenes has influenced me. .”

"Your guess makes sense."

Harley was also a little annoyed. It seemed useless if she had met the flutist earlier.

Even if the flutist's flute sound really triggers the equation, he would have to be in an extreme mood.

——How did the mastermind know that the flutist had this talent?

Harley was confused.

Deadshot's call from the Justice League Watchtower satellite and his conversation with Harley were all heard by the heroes of the Justice League.

After Deadshot left, Dachao said anxiously: "Harley, is the conspiracy behind the scenes related to the equation? Pushing the flute player into a desperate situation, giving him strong negative emotions, and finally awakening the emotional element?"

"Have you arranged for Mr. Miracle to go to Apokolips to find out information?" Harley asked.

"Did you know? Mister Miracle is indeed on Apokolips and will send news back every day."

"Is there any news about Jason and the others?" Harley asked again,

Dachao shook his head, "There is only one useful piece of news. Darkseid's eldest son Kalibak officially succeeded to the throne of the Dark God King.

In order to consolidate his power, he plans to lead the New God of Darkness to invade the Genesis Star in the near future.

Of course, it may also be a mystery, and Kalibak's real goal is the earth.

The peace agreement with us was signed by Darkseid, and he may not abide by it. "

The reason why Darkseid asked Desaad to poison his mother was because in order to control him, the Queen Mother asked Desaad to poison his lover and then personally chose a queen for him.

Orion is the queen's son and the theoretical eldest son.

Kalibak is the son of the murdered "Dark King's Lover". He is an illegitimate son and the eldest son in age.

"You let Neptune or Diana come back from hell first. If Apokolips really dares to invade the earth, you can easily kill that piece of garbage Kalibak if you join forces."

Dachao worriedly said: "You won't come back? Now that heaven is closed, you can't use teleportation in case of an accident."

"I am the God King now, and my transmission speed is second only to heaven's transmission. If the Supreme approaches the earth from a high dimension, I can still 'see' the huge energy fluctuations."

The authority of the God King can greatly increase the speed of time and space teleportation, but the confidence that allows Harley to not worry about being stolen comes from the space defense expertise.

Now that this specialty is only at level eight, it has the ability to be immune to the constraints of a single body's space.

When she used the light ring to open a micro wormhole and enter the super-light space, she could complete the teleportation process almost instantly due to her zero space restraint.

For example, she used a green lantern to activate long-distance space teleportation to the edge of the universe. It took about an hour and this process also consumed a lot of energy.

But this is already dozens or even hundreds of times faster and energy-saving than the green light ring.

Now she still uses the Green Lantern Ring for ultra-long-distance teleportation, which consumes almost zero emotional energy and the time it takes to travel through super-light space is almost zero.

The transmission from the earth to the boundary of the universe is completed in about half a minute. After all, it takes time for Harley to open the space door.

When the supreme being enters the main universe from Limbo, the body will undergo a process of down-clocking. After the down-clocking is completed and it adapts to the laws of the material world, it will be transferred to the earth. Depending on the supreme strength, the delay will be different, but it will definitely be longer than half the time. Minutes are longer, so Harley is not afraid of Darkseid suddenly jumping out and stealing her hometown.

In fact, if Apokolips wants to invade the earth on a large scale, it will make a lot of preparations in advance.

For example, Apokolips invaded the earth once ten years ago. Before the official invasion, demonoids would sneak into the earth and spread mother boxes everywhere to open transmission channels during the invasion.

Opening the mother box, opening the channel, entering the channel, and passing through the channel all take time.

Time flies so fast, it is now the fourth day that the flute player saw the revelation, and it is also the fourth day that he entered the Apokolips Star.

No one knew what he had gone through, and Mr. Miracle had no trace of him.

Earth, at half past ten in the morning, the sky is clear and blue.

In the Metropolitan National Mall, hundreds of thousands of people held signs of support and cheered excitedly, and dynamic music spread from high platforms to all directions.

"Planet Daily has always focused on serious news programs, why do you want to come to the selection site of 'The Strongest Trainee in the Galaxy'?"

While Jimmy Olsen carefully protected the camera in his hand from being squeezed by crazy fans, he complained loudly to Clark Kent, the "Famous Met" next to him.

Clark adjusted the frame of the glasses and quietly turned on his super vision. His sight penetrated many obstacles and fell on the young and charming young man on the stage.

"There is nothing we can do. The 8th episode of "The Legend of Apokolips" has also been broadcast. The TV station has no hit program and the ratings cannot be guaranteed.

Nothing major has happened recently, so I can only find some news material that the public is interested in to stabilize domestic ratings. "

As a reporter for the daily life column, Clark does not dislike this type of talent show that is popular among the people.

He feels that ordinary people just watch TV to have fun, and there is no need to "make dumplings" every time to have a happy ending, or to sublimate the theme and force people to think.

However, he still frowned at this moment. There was no problem in drafting the idol, but if he hadn't specially used his super vision to take a look at the idol, he would almost be unable to distinguish between men and women.

Most of the Lann people are deliberately distorting the aesthetics of the people on earth.

When this kind of deformed aesthetic becomes the standard of "high-level beauty" in the minds of artists on Earth, the image of Earthlings on alien planets will also be solidified into "goblins."

That's all. Admiral Galaxy is famous in the universe. Her appearance, dress and temperament are all normal and positive, which can strongly dilute the "fairy-like" image of earthlings.

A boy from Earth whose mind can be distorted.

"Boom - click - boom - click click~~~"

When Clark was worried about his country and his people, the sky was dyed blood red in an instant, as if the sky had become a window. At this time, a giant was killed outside the window, and a large amount of blood was splashed on the wound, covering the entire glass window.

In addition to the blood-stained sky, there are also red thunder and lightning that roam the sky and form a dense network.

An extremely depressing and depressing atmosphere enveloped every living person.

The trainee brothers who were singing and dancing rap on the stage were so frightened that they screamed loudly, and the audience in the square also made a lot of noise and noise in nervousness.

If they didn't know what the abnormality in the sky meant, they wouldn't be so frightened.

But similar things have happened twice and a half in the past few months.

The first two times were the deaths of god kings. The latest "half time" was not as grand as the god king, but a main god also died.

So, who died today?


A flaming meteor streaked across the blood-red sky, falling rapidly to the earth, and finally landed on a street two kilometers away from the square.

When Clark and Olson arrived, a circle of isolation tape had been inserted by the main heroes led by Hawkman.

The bolide created a large crater three meters deep and four to five meters in diameter on the cement road. Some of the heroes were at the bottom of the pit, while others stood on the edge of the pit and watched, while the police maintained order outside the isolation zone.

"I am a reporter from the Daily Planet. Who is the fallen person?"

Olson grabbed his press card and rushed inside. The police hesitated for a moment but did not stop him. When the heroes in the inner circle saw Clark, they also gave way to the passage.

"Omaika, it's Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father has been assassinated~~"

After just one look into the pit, Olson shouted in horror.

Clark looked solemn, jumped into the pit, and said solemnly: "He is dead?"

The Father's condition at this time was worse than Orion who was killed that day.

Although Orion's body was covered with scars, the real cause of his death was a divine toxin bullet that shot him in the head, which was painful.

The Heavenly Father's silver shirt was in tatters, and the exposed skin was either bruised and swollen, or was pierced by broken bones under the muscles, and dark red blood flowed with golden bone marrow.

It was hard for Clark to imagine who could beat Him like this.

"It seems like there is still breath." Eagle Man said.

The movement of them lifting His body seemed to alarm Him. Heavenly Father's swollen eyes opened a crack, and the light of pain and despair overflowed from the crack.

"The Witch is...ahem, a witch...ha."

"Oh my God, it was Witch Harley who killed Him? The murderer was Admiral Galaxy?!" Jimmy Olsen, who had just slipped down from the edge of the pit, exclaimed.

Eagle Man immediately turned around and shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about! Heavenly Father is confused and his speech is unclear."

There was also a sharp shout from above the pothole: "Don't try to quibble, I heard it clearly, Heavenly Father is saying, 'The murderer is the witch Harley'!"

Everyone looked up and saw a strong man with a hammer standing on a Frisbee.

His body is extremely large, more than three meters tall and nearly three meters wide. His bulging biceps are bigger than Eagle Man's head.

He is bald, has a fleshy face, and a beard that reaches to his chest. He looks very fierce.

"Oops, it's Ugo, the God of War from the Creation Star. He heard it and couldn't quibble." Jimmy Olsen exclaimed.

Eagle Man wanted to beat the skinny little reporter with freckles to death.

——You are still a reporter who relies on your words to earn a living. Why are you so incapable of speaking?

If you can't speak, then don't speak!

"Ugo, why did you appear at the scene where our Heavenly Father was assassinated?"

Eagle Man's eyes were as sharp as a hawk, like a police officer examining a criminal.

"Shameless traitor, do you still want to accuse me of killing Heavenly Father?"

Ugo, the god of war, was already full of anger, his eyes almost bursting with fire. Now his hair and beard were all flaring, and the big hammer in his hand had been raised high, and he was about to smash it down the next moment.

"Ugo, Heavenly Father is not dead yet, don't delay rescue!" Clark said calmly and quickly.

Ugo was still very excited, but no longer impulsive.

Jimmy Olsen saw Hawkman standing aside, holding a small hammer, and seemed to be on guard against Ugo, so he took the initiative to walk to Heavenly Father and wanted to help Clark lift him up.

"Stab la la -" The moment Olson touched the skin of Heavenly Father's shoulder, a numb and tingling sensation like an electric shock spread throughout his body. At the same time, Heavenly Father was like a 20,000-watt light bulb, suddenly emitting dazzling light. of light.

The light came and went as quickly as it came, disappearing without a trace in the next moment.

"You, you actually sucked away my god -" Heavenly Father opened his left eye, which could still be opened, and stared at Olson who fell by the pit. He couldn't take a breath, tilted his head, and was gone. breath.

"You bastards, how dare you plot to murder Heavenly Father in front of me!" The anger in Ugo's chest could no longer be suppressed. He raised the sledgehammer and smashed it at the people in the pit.

Eagle Man was on guard for a long time, immediately raised his little hammer, and faced him bravely and fearlessly.

"Buzz~~" Two transparent bubbles appeared out of thin air, covering Eagle Man and Ugo respectively.

"Our Heavenly Father has been assassinated, and you are still fighting among each other. How stupid are you?"

Harley's voice first reached everyone's ears, and then they saw her figure soundlessly, as if slowly emerging from the dark bottom of the water.

Very weird.

Ugo didn't even notice the spatial fluctuations.

"Witch Harley, don't pretend to be innocent. It was you who killed Heavenly Father. We all heard it." The God of War of the Creation Star struggled hard, roared angrily, and beat wildly with a hammer with a diameter of nearly 1.5 meters.

But the bubbles were just bulging and concave, as tough as if they were woven from cowhide bands.

Harley removed the bubbles from Hawkman and said coldly: "As Heavenly Father's personal guard, don't you even know how He died and who killed Him?

I think you should stop being the God of War on the Genesis Star. It would be more appropriate to change your name to the ‘God of Confusion on the Genesis Star’. "

Eagle Man said: "Harry, when Heavenly Father was killed, Ugo knew nothing about it. He appeared as soon as Heavenly Father landed on Earth. It is very likely that He was the murderer, or at least an accomplice."

After saying that, he winked at her: Heavenly Father has identified you as the murderer, and now you can only forcefully deny it and mess around.

Harley ignored him, didn't think about the meaning of his eyes, and just looked up at the sky.

Hawkman and Clark were confused for a few seconds, "BOOMBOOOM!!"

More than ten sonic booms exploded in mid-air, and the fifteen most powerful and powerful new gods of the Creation Star appeared on the earth with ugly faces.

"Heavenly Father is above, Heavenly Father is dead~" the widowed goddess of love, Beka, wailed.

"It was Witch Halle. Witch Halle killed Heavenly Father. I heard it with my own ears. Not only did I hear it, but the people on earth also heard it. Heavenly Father said that Witch Halle killed Him!" Ugo said Bubble shouted excitedly.

Unfortunately, after level 120, Bubbles were upgraded again. Not only did the maximum radius increase tenfold and could exist without hands, Bubbles' defense also evolved from pure physical defense to one that could completely block sound and isolate spiritual transmission to a limited extent - except for Harley.

Ugo could hear the shouts outside and could have a normal conversation with Harley. He had not noticed that Bubble was blocking the sound before.

When he saw the confusion on his companion's face, he changed to spiritual transmission and repeated it several times.

The sound was a little blurry, but at a close distance, the New God general still received the message he conveyed.

"Witch Harley, what do you say?" The craftsman god Heate said coldly.

Harry frowned and said, "Heavenly Father is dead and the country cannot live without a king for a day. How about I inherit his position and legacy and become the God King of the Creation Star?"

Clark almost dropped his glasses.

Eagle Man gave her an accusing look: Even if everyone knows that you killed Heavenly Father, you should restrain yourself!

Fighting God Ma Hedron pulled out his long sword and shouted: "Is this what you want to say? Do you admit it openly?"

Harley sighed helplessly: "We really don't have much time. Heavenly Father is definitely not the last person to be killed, but He must be the last person to be assassinated.

After Heavenly Father is killed, the murderer will go into full force and there will be no hiding.

As long as you have any brains, you should return to the Genesis Star with me immediately.

I will be the boss, at the front, and you will work together and help from the side.

All the New Gods form a defense line to defend against the decisive battle that may come at any time. "

"Witch Harley, you are too arrogant." The new gods did not feel relieved, but became even more angry.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, Hawkman jumped out of the pit and said loudly: "If the murderer was Harley, she first killed Orion, then Metron, and now she killed Heavenly Father, and Darkseid had been killed by Orion long ago. .

So she is the only winner, why is there any need to lie?

Or, if she is the murderer, is it necessary to dump the victim's body to the earth again?

At this time, no other god-king can restrain her. Who is she acting for? "

"Do you think we are dead?" Fighting God Mahdron asked.

Eagle Man sighed: "With all due respect, you all together can't beat Heavenly Father, and Heavenly Father——"


The sky, which had just returned to clear skies, was once again dyed blood red, and thunder and lightning were like crazy pythons, swimming wildly among the clouds.


I saw burning meteors streaking through the bloody sky one after another, falling towards the earth.

"What happened?" Eagle Man was confused.


A dull but long-lasting explosion resounded across the sky and the earth. People on Earth's eyes blurred for a while, and they vaguely saw a huge planet emitting holy golden light, exploding in the empty space like fireworks.

"No--" The new god generals looked up to the sky and wailed in unison.

At this time, more bolides fell to the earth.

Clark's pupils shrank and he said in horror: "Those meteors are all corpses. There are many corpses of new gods. They seem to be the new gods of the Creation Star. What happened?"

Harley looked ugly and said: "The Genesis Star was blown up. Except for the dozen stupid pigs in front of you, all the other New Gods fell and were taken away in a wave.

No wonder people say they are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but they are afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

Now not only are the enemies as brave and wise as gods, but these allies are as stupid as pigs.

I'm so stupid, really, I keep accommodating that arrogant fool of Heavenly Father, and tolerate the provocation of the new god, and only think that the Genesis Star and Heavenly Father are the strongest shields of the earth, the Genesis Star is immortal, and the Apocalypse Star will be He doesn’t know how to attack the Earth, but he didn’t expect that the Genesis Star is just a piece of shit. He only disgusts his allies and does no harm to his enemies. Fake! "

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