I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1561 Smart Teammates

Harley was unlucky. She had just mastered the "Dragon-Slaying Magic Skill" and was thinking about showing off her skills in a crucial battle when the evil dragon burped first.

Her colorful light film is called "DC Defense Field", which actually mainly targets the life and anti-life equations.

The "Colorful Membrane", which is a fusion of seven types of defense expertise, is an antibody produced by the body during the continuous damage caused by the equation.

Since it is an antibody to the equation, it is naturally the most effective against the equation.

If there are no enemies using the equation, the effect of this colorful light film will definitely still be useful, but without pertinence, the "magic defense effect" is not as good as the "joint defense network" composed of the six basic powers and the connection power defense expertise. .

It's like without the giant dragon, the magical skill of slaying the dragon is almost useless.

Orion is even more unlucky, and can even be said to be quite unlucky.

Finally, destiny came to him, he defeated Darkseid to death, controlled the source of the two universes (Equations), and ascended to the throne of Apokolips. The dark elite surrendered and even suppressed the earth. Even Harley was helpless.

It can be said that he reached the pinnacle of life and reached the climax of life.

Then he burped.

In a dark alley next to Pier C of the Metropolis, his body was tragically found among the garbage.

At this moment, there is a metropolis on the earth.

In a small alley that is still tightly separated by blockades and police.

"It was Orion's body that Pinto first discovered."

Dachao pointed at a middle-aged bald man in a brown windbreaker with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hello, Miss Quinn." When the bald man saw Harley, he quickly spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth and wanted to extend his right hand. He quickly retracted it when he reached half way. When he saw Harley, she also stretched out her hand to show that she was with him. With the intention of shaking hands, he nervously wiped his hand on the hem of his windbreaker twice more, and then stretched out his hand.

"My name is Danny Pinto, a private detective. I am currently investigating the case of missing children with super powers. I suspect that some criminals are transporting children to the dock and taking them out of the United States in containers.

So I chose a quiet time in the middle of the night to sneak into the pier quietly, and walked to a secluded corner. As a result, I almost tripped over a corpse here. "

Dachao explained from the side: "Although Pinto is not a superhero, he is an old friend of Zhenglian and has very rich detective experience. He is nicknamed 'Metropolitan Batman'."

The greasy face of the bald man showed a proud and calm expression.

Apparently, he loves the title "Batman Metropolis" and doesn't feel he's worthy of it.

"Mr. Pinto, how did you find the body?" Harley asked.

The bald man walked to the edge of the garbage pile full of debris, pointed at the image of a corpse sprayed with white spray, and said: "He is right here, his body is still warm, I thought it was a drunk homeless man who collapsed on the ground. Sleeping soundly on the garbage heap.

But he was too hot.

After I tripped, my chin and hands touched his body, as if touching a stove. The temperature exceeded 80 degrees Celsius. If I looked closely, I could even see steam rising from the ground where he was lying. "

"Could he still be talking at that time?" Harley asked again.

"After moaning twice, he completely lost his breath."

"That is to say, he was not completely dead at that time."

Harley frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "Besides moaning, did you leave any words behind?"

"Perhaps, but the sound is muffled and I can't hear it clearly."

"Besides the body, what else was found at the scene?"

"There are only corpses and nothing else. This alley and the surrounding area have been carefully checked at least fifty times by us." Dachao said with certainty.

"Do you want to see his body?" he asked.

"Wait a minute." Harley stepped on the air and walked up to the sky step by step. They watched her gradually rise and disappear from sight.

About half an hour later, she fell rapidly and landed in the alley like a meteor.

"Bang~~" The cement floor did not crack, but only shook slightly.

"What did you find?" Dachao asked curiously.

"Orian probably fell from the sky."

"Then what?"

"I already have a guess about the murderer of Orion, and now I only need to look at his body to confirm the answer." Harley pondered.

She actually didn't find any useful information.

A few days ago, when Orion had just died, she might have gone all the way up, followed the breath from the sky into Limbo, and found the real first crime scene where Orion was killed.

A few days have passed, and now there is no breath left.

However, in the entire DC multiverse, the number of people who can kill Orion so cleanly and neatly can be counted on one hand.

Excluding people who have nothing to do with the New Gods, or in other words, only considering people within the New Gods, the answer is ready to come out - Darkseid!

As for Darkseid being killed by Orion long ago?

Orion's current ending just proves that her suspicion back then was right, that Darkseid was faking his death.

The only thing she doesn't understand now is how Darkseid killed Orion?

Dachao was surprised and happy, "Who is the suspect?"

Pinto also looked at her curiously.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go back first."

Harry glanced at the pier in the distance, which was crowded with melon-eaters and reporters.

There are not only earthly reporters, but also hundreds of inhuman-looking alien reporters wearing bubble hoods.

She added: "Now that the scene has been thoroughly investigated, let's lift the blockade and don't delay the residents' lives and work."

"Don't worry, this dock and the properties near the alley have been bought by Bateman. We can investigate for as long as we want without affecting the economy and people's livelihood." Dachao said.

Harley's mouth twitched, "Is this necessary?"

"Unless the murderer is found, it will always be necessary to investigate the scene again, that's what he said."

Moments later, the Hall of Justice Morgue.

Orion may have died in an assassination, but he did not die in an instant.

He had injuries on his body and his New God uniform was in tatters. It was obvious that he had experienced a fierce struggle before his death.

His fatal injury came from the back of his head. Judging from the injury and the splatter marks on his brain, it looked like someone had shot his head out from the forehead.

But the strange thing is that there is no bullet hole in Orion's forehead, as if a bullet shot from the inside of his head. .

"Either there are two enemies, one is fighting him head-on, and the other is sneaking up on him from behind; or the person who killed him is very cunning and doesn't want to reveal his identity, and deliberately creates 'two enemies, one bright and one dark' An illusion." Bateman analyzed.

"Harry, is that you?" Diana looked complicated and walked to Harley and asked in a low voice.

Although the voice was low, none of the heroes could hear it clearly.

The scene suddenly became as quiet as a cemetery, and everyone looked at Harry with strange eyes.

Harley wanted to punch Diana in the face with her fist and yell "Idiot".

"Can you have some brains? If I kill the people, the Dark Elite of Apokolips and the Heavenly Father of Creation Star, can they be released to Earth?"

Diana's expression changed slightly, "I understand the seriousness of the matter. In fact, not long after Orion's body was found, someone from the Genesis Star came to find him."

"Who? Beca?"

"Metron, the God of Knowledge, asked us to find you as soon as possible, and then you personally take Orion's body to the Creation Star to meet the Heavenly Father. They are waiting for you there," Diana said.

After saying that, she complained: "I don't blame you for assassinating Orion, he deserves to die——"

"Diana!" Dachao shouted seriously.

"Well, killing is definitely wrong. We must adhere to the concept of absolute justice not to kill, and Orion is still our companion.

But Harley is not a justice hero, and she does not have to abide by the concept of absolute justice. "

Diana looked at Harley and scolded: "The key is whether you can be clever and find a place to bury the person. You will not see the person alive or dead, and there will be no evidence of death, and even make it impossible for Apokolips and Genesis to detect it."

"It's impossible not to be aware of it." Bateman reminded: "On the day Orion died, the blood-red sky, the black clouds that blocked the sky, and the scarlet lightning that penetrated the black clouds appeared again above the earth.

Just like the day Darkseid died, there were not only strange phenomena in the sky, but also large-scale power outages in major cities around the world, affecting television, mobile phone and radio signals. "

Oliver's eyes flashed and he whispered: "This is the cleverness of Harley. Since she couldn't hide it, she did the opposite and dumped the body directly on the earth. She was no longer at the scene. After a few days, she Appear"

He asked tentatively: "Harry, you must have found a secret place to practice in seclusion, right?"

"How do you know I'm practicing?" Harry asked numbly.

"You disappeared for two months! During this period, we called Quinn Manor many times, and Ivy kept saying that you were practicing in the meditation room.

When Orion's body was discovered, the situation was urgent and we had to see you immediately. Ivy opened the door of the practice room, only to find that there was no one inside. Hehehehe, you left the meditation room and practiced in a secret place? "

Harley nodded numbly.

Oliver's face looked as if it was true, "If I'm not mistaken, there is no one else around you."

"Why is there no one else? If there is a supreme being as a witness for her absence, wouldn't it be more convincing?" Diane wondered.

Oliver smiled and said, "Dina, you are not as thoughtful as Harry.

Asking the Supreme Being to testify is, first of all, unconvincing.

The one who is willing to testify for Harley must be her best friend.

For example, Sandman Morpheus.

Do you think Heavenly Father is willing to believe Morpheus’s testimony for Harley?

Even if the Heavenly Father is willing to believe, Morpheus may not dare to swear, and the supreme oath is very fatal.

Secondly, the traces are too strong, like an alibi deliberately prepared for a purposeful criminal activity.

Now that Harley has no witnesses, and the body has appeared on Earth, the suspicion is getting bigger and bigger, but it is easy to get rid of the suspicion.

Because she is Harley, the famous witch in the multiverse, everyone knows how smart and cunning she is.

A smart criminal doesn't allow himself to be the prime suspect.

Harley is very smart, and now she has become the biggest suspect. This contradiction proves that she is innocent and was framed. "

"It's so complicated that it makes my head spin." Dinah frowned and said, "But such a complicated crime idea does fit in with Harley's cunning style."

Harry couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Don't be so smart, I didn't kill him."

"Is there anyone else besides you where you practice?" Bateman asked.

"Only me."

Oliver gave Dinah a "Look, I'll tell you" smug smile.

Dinah looked at her husband with admiration in her eyes.

Oliver suddenly stopped smiling and said seriously: "That's right, Harley didn't kill the person."

"Well, Harley wouldn't be stupid enough to leave such obvious traces. She must have been framed." Everyone at the scene nodded in agreement.

Harley was frantic and wanted to roar.

"Yes, it's this very wronged, misunderstood, resentful and helpless expression." Hal Jordan pointed at her face and said, "When you take Orion's body to see Heavenly Father later, Keep this expression as if it’s true, people who don’t know the inside story can easily be deceived by you.”

The Flash stared at Harley's ever-changing expressions and exclaimed: "It's true, looking at Harley, she is definitely a person who has been wronged and wronged.

Unexpectedly, she is not only smart, but also very good at acting. She is amazing. "

"She is the Witch Harley. Many supreme beings have been deceived by her. How can she do it without Oscar-level acting skills?" Animal Man, the winner of Hollywood's Best Supporting Actor, commented.

He is the guardian of the city of Los Angeles. In addition to being a superhero, his main job is to be an actor in Hollywood. In the past two years, he also won a statuette for his superb acting skills.

"You are all very smart, I am convinced." Harley gave a thumbs up, with a look of despair on her face.

"Harry, who are you going to find as a scapegoat? When you were at the dock, you said you already had a guess about the suspect." Dachao asked.

"No need to ask, of course it's Darkseid." Oliver winked at Harley and said with a smile, "Isn't that right?"

It was the first time that Harley felt so powerless.

"Darkseid is dead." Diana wondered.

"Hey, as the saying goes, death never proves anything. If he hadn't died, Harley wouldn't have said he was a suspect. And Harley is different from us. She has always claimed that Darkseid was faking his death.

No, now is the time. "Oliver laughed.

The third smartest person asked in surprise: "Is it possible that Harley was planning to frame Darkseid at that time?"

"As expected of Harley, she is indeed far-sighted, smart and decisive." The Flash praised.

Everyone was also amazed.

Only Bateman kept looking at Harry silently, his expression gradually becoming serious.

When everyone stopped sighing at Harley's treachery, he whispered: "You didn't kill Orion? Is Darkseid really not dead?"

"Alas, the real crisis has officially begun." Harley sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Diana asked confused.

Oliver continued to wink and smile playfully, "This is called professionalism! We should learn from Bateman and stop smiling playfully.

Now that Darkseid murdered Orion, but still hides his whereabouts, and is even suspected of framing Harley, we must be careful. "

Harley glanced at him and said, "I hope you can still accept yourself today when you face Darkseid."

These words were a bit strange. Oliver was stunned and said, "There are no outsiders here, why don't we just make a few jokes?"

"Harley didn't kill Orion. This is a conspiracy. I'm serious." Bateman said seriously: "You guys think about it calmly. If Halle really didn't kill Orion, how dangerous our current situation would be. ?

If you continue to maintain this mentality, disaster is bound to come. "

Da Chao was surprised and asked: "Baitman, are you cooperating with Harley in acting now, or are you serious?"

"I'm serious and serious. If Harley could kill Orion single-handedly and quietly, would she still need to hide it? She would have laughed, put one hand on her hips, pointed at Metron with the other, and said proudly ——I killed the person, how do you treat him?"

The image of Harley with one hand on her hips and one pointing her finger as she laughed triumphantly appeared in everyone's mind. It was very vivid and very her style.

"This" Oliver couldn't accept, "Harley is 'Witch Harley'. She may not be omnipotent, but as long as you give her time and let her plan her plans calmly, there is very little she can't do."

"I really appreciate your confidence in me." Harley said lightly.

"You disappeared for two months this time. Are you just cultivating instead of planning 'big things'? At this critical moment, would you leave the earth just to practice?" Oliver asked doubtfully.

The Flash also said: "Even if you are practicing, you should be able to receive our calls and messages, but we are looking for you through the guard dog, but we still can't contact you. Richie from Paradise Mountain said we can't find anyone."

Bateman glanced at Harley and said: "She doesn't need to lie to us. What we have to do is not to find various reasons to prove that she killed Orion, but to take action immediately to find clues about Darkseid.

He is the most dangerous person in the multiverse.

Now she fakes her death to escape and plots cleverly. She is simply more cunning and cunning than the Witch Harley, and very scary. "

Some looked at each other, while others frowned and fell into deep thought.

Dachao was the first to accept Bateman's judgment and said: "Are the life equation and anti-life equation still in Orion's body? Can they be extracted, or have they been obtained by Darkseid?

Could it be that Darkseid's purpose in pretending to be dead was to merge the two equations into one? "

Cyborg glanced at Harley, with a worried look on his bionic face, "I've checked inside and out several times. Not to mention the two major equations in Orion's body, not even the divine power and the divine king's godhead are missing, only An empty shell.”

"We're in big trouble." Oliver sighed, holding his forehead.

Although he is a bit "too smart", he is not stubborn and now accepts the fact that he just made a big mistake.

Cyborg's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he said nervously: "Harley, I sensed the fluctuations in the sonic boom channel. Someone is probably coming from the Genesis Star."

The visitor is Metron, the god of knowledge.

Seeing that it was him, the heroes' expressions became more relaxed.

"Metron, we just discussed that Orion was not killed by Harley." Da Chao said sincerely.

The nerves in Harry's forehead twitched slightly.

Oliver quickly explained with a smile: "Metron, don't get me wrong, Dachao only treats you as a friend and trusts you very much, so he speaks quickly and expresses his feelings."

"Can you please stop talking and let Metron speak first?" Harley sighed: "I'm obviously not the murderer, but it's hard to explain why I'm being messed with like this."

Metron was also a little confused by them. Are they actively covering up for Witch Harley, or is it Witch Harley's trick to hide it?

"Harley Quinn, take Orion's body and go with me to the Creation Star to meet Heavenly Father." He responded to all changes with an indifferent expression.

"I won't go." Harley refused flatly, "I didn't do it, so why should I go to the Genesis Star to suffer your cowardice?"

"At least so far, every new god on the Creation Star is just waiting for the answer, and did not say that you must have killed Orion." Metron said.

"You are the Almighty God of Knowledge. Does your chair know how Orion died?" Harley asked.

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