I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1562 Heavenly Father’s Thoughts

Metron took a deep look at Harley and said: "My Mobius Chair can 'see' 99.999% of the truth in the universe, but there are always some people who can avoid my detection.

Like you, like the person who murdered Orion. "

Da Chao said: "Can you see Darkseid? He faked his death and escaped, secretly killing people and blaming the Earth.

Harley suspected that Darkseid wouldn't die that easily, and she was right. "

"I couldn't see Orion's death, but I saw with my own eyes the whole process of Darkseid being killed by Orion. Not only did I see it, but countless gods, demon kings, and supreme god kings in the multiverse also saw it with my own eyes. It represents darkness. The collapse of the evil laws of the universe also proves this fact." Metron said lightly.

"How about you come and check Orion's body?" Diana suggested: "We don't know the New Protoss as well as you do.

Compared to you, who is omniscient and omnipotent, your detection methods are also slightly behind.

Maybe you can analyze the cause of Orion's death. "

"No need. As soon as Orion died, I went to the scene to determine the cause of his death."

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo said: "Did he die from a bullet to the head? What kind of bullet can kill a god-king who controls two equations?

Moreover, the wound left no traces of gunpowder or other energy reactions.

The process of the headshot is also very weird. On the surface, it seems that it is shot from behind and hits the back of the head. However, judging from the ballistic traces, it is more like shooting from the inside of the head. One shot blasts the back of the skull and the bullet flies out. Therefore, only the back of the head has any damage. There were bullet holes, no injuries on the forehead, and no bullet lodged in the skull.

This kind of weird method is obviously not Harley's style. "

Metron's brows furrowed, his mouth opened slightly but he hesitated to speak.

"Metron, you are our old friend, feel free to say anything you want." Dachao said.

"Orian died the night before yesterday. Yesterday afternoon, under the leadership of Heavenly Father, all the gods performed a soul-calling ceremony on him, but the ceremony failed. Orion's soul was scattered, not even a remnant of his soul was left." Metron looked at Harley. road.

"You can try to summon Darkseid. Maybe you will have some reaction, because he is not dead." Harley said.

"Darkseid is dead, and summoning him may pull his soul out of the tombs of the gods, giving him a chance to be resurrected."

Metron shook his head and said quietly: "The soul-calling ritual failed. Combined with Orion's injuries, I have basically determined the way to kill him."

"What is it?" All the heroes and Harley looked at him curiously.

Metron still only stared at Harley's eyes and said: "He died of divine poison, which is the fusion of the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness."

Diana exclaimed, "Harry has the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness."

Everyone turned to Harley with strange expressions.

"Bullshit!" Harley said with certainty: "Just because I have Tears of Death and Wind of Nothingness, and merged them into weapons, I know their limits very well.

They have no effect on Orion at all.

Not to mention Orion, most of the Supreme Beings and God-Kings are not very affected by them. I have personally tried it. When dealing with ordinary demon gods, one can use it accurately and it can be called a big killer.

But in the face of the supreme master who controls the 'source' and the existence equivalent to the supreme, they are very powerless. "

"Divine poison is not equal to the mixture of tears of death and wind of nothingness, they..." Metron had a strange expression, as if he wanted to say something but was hesitant and unwilling to say it.

——If the person was killed by Witch Harley, just say it. Anyway, she already knows the secret of the divine poison. But if she is innocent, or she did not know the secret of the divine poison when she killed Orion, and the bullet came from the dog god, and now that he has made the secret public, doesn't it mean that he is complicit and makes the witch even more powerful?

"Shit! I understand." Harley suddenly had an idea and thought of something.

"Metron, is that so?" She turned on the "DC Defense Field" very excitedly.

"Buzzing~~~" A colorful light film emerged around her, and the six basic forces underwent a "combination reaction" and fused together under the catalysis of the power of connection.

"The Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness are not simply fusion, but like a chemical reaction, generating new 'matter'?"

Metron's pupils contracted and he said harshly: "You"

"Hey, you didn't expect that I could break the secret of the fusion of the basic powers of the universe, right? God is blessing me. As soon as I merged several basic powers, you told me about the 'divine poison', which made me understand by analogy, hahaha! "Harry was very proud and his face was full of joy.

Her colorful light film is not a fusion of basic power, but a fusion of basic power defense expertise.

But this does not prevent her from drawing inferences.

Even defense expertise can be integrated, and basic power integration is more natural.

In fact, she should have understood this a long time ago, just like in the world of Xianxia, ​​two is born, two is born, and three is born, and three is born.

The two forces of yin and yang evolve in countless ways.

The seven basic forces of the DC universe can also "generate all things", combining with each other to derive all the laws, energy and matter of the DC universe.

The tears of death and the wind of nothingness can produce "divine poison".

Metron said coldly: "I didn't expect that you actually murdered Orion."

The smile on Harley's face faded, "Aren't we talking about divine toxins? Where are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending, you are too complacent and have already exposed the evidence."

"What did I reveal?" Harley asked confused.

"Hmph, how do you explain the power of the equation on your body?" Metron said sarcastically.

"Equation" Harley looked down at the colorful light film around her, and a look of surprise gradually appeared on her face.

Before, I had been using the equation to stimulate the evolution of the colorful light film. Now that I turned on the colorful light film, I subconsciously revealed the aura of the equation in my body.

"If I said that the aura of Formula on my body came from the battle two months ago when Orion attacked, I was seriously injured and had a lot of Formula power entangled in my body. I have been undergoing detoxification recently, would you believe it?"

Metron said expressionlessly: "Do you think I'm a fool? Orion died of a divine toxin bullet, how did that bullet get fired?

Why does it seem to be ejected from the head?

Why does Orion have traces of battle on his body, as if he was attacked and assassinated during the battle?

There is only one answer!

Someone fought him head-on, and also threw a bullet head-on. Her method was very clever, like water floating on a lake, causing the bullet to have two special effects: quantum displacement and quantum critical strike.

The quantum displacement caused the bullet to pass through Orion's forehead and directly enter the inside of his skull, followed by a quantum critical strike that penetrated the brain and shattered the back of the skull.

For the God King, the divine body has become a law, and this small injury cannot kill him. However, the bullet is made of divine poison, and it is a special divine poison specially prepared for the new Gods.

Orion was immediately stunned.

In the end, the equation and the divine power of the God King were taken away from him, leaving only an empty body. "

"So that's it. As expected of the God of Knowledge, he suddenly revealed the doubts that have troubled us for a long time." More than ten of the more than twenty superheroes present showed expressions of sudden realization.

Harley said strangely: "If I shout with grief and anger now, 'Old thief Darkseid, you are so cruel,' will it make you change your mind?"

"Harley." Dachao, Diana, Hal and other heroes all had complicated expressions, with complaints and worries in their eyes.

"It's useless to talk more. Harley Quinn, take Orion's body and come with me." Metron said coldly.

"If I say, give me half a year, I will investigate the case thoroughly and give an explanation to brother Isaya and the damned Orion, is that okay?" Harley asked.

"Our conversation was watched by Heavenly Father. He must see you now, right away. It's useless what you say." Mitron said.

Harry sighed secretly in his heart, completely gave up the idea of ​​fooling around, stepped on the air, and took a few steps to Metron's side.

Metron's muscles were tense all over his body, and his lazily sitting posture with his back on the chair immediately changed to straightening his back and holding on to the armrests.

There is still a faint fluctuation of the law of time around him, and the Mobius Chair can take him to escape to the river of time in the next moment.

Harley gave him a funny look, this guy really thought she was a murderer.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to whisper to you."

"What do you want to say? When you get to the Genesis Star, you can talk to Heavenly Father face to face." Metron said.

Harry shook his head and said, "I am now worse off than Liu Zi who was falsely accused of eating two bowls of rice noodles. If I open my stomach, I will be able to take out two bowls of rice noodles. Although those two bowls of rice noodles were eaten at my home, I can't tell for sure. "

Metron originally didn't understand the idea of ​​"the six sons who ate two bowls of powder", but he is the god of knowledge. Sitting on the Mobius chair, he can see all the truth in the world, and he immediately finished reading one of the quintessences of the Chinese dynasty. "Let the bullets fly".

"You want to refuse? Heavenly Father will not allow rejection, and it is useless for you to refuse."

Harley whispered: "Are you threatening me?"

"I'm telling the truth. Apokolips and Genesis are both staring at this case. If not, a war will break out on Earth." Metron said.

Harley smiled strangely, "Do you know why I want to whisper to you?"

"What do you want to say?"

Harley hooked her hand at him and pointed at her mouth, "Ah~~ look."

Metron looked closely and saw a "lightning bolt" as scarlet as blood emerging from her throat.

His pupils immediately contracted, "Anti-life equation! It's really you."

"Look again, ah~~"

The scarlet lightning flashed down from his stomach, and a ball of white lightning emerged again.

"Equation of Life, and he said it wasn't you!"

Harley swallowed the equation in her mouth, patted his shoulder, and asked meaningfully: "Can Heavenly Father beat Orion who is holding two equations?"

Metron was stunned for a moment and said with a gloomy face: "Are you threatening Heavenly Father?"

Harley did not answer, but continued: "You are a smart person, and you must understand a simple truth. If I can easily kill the God King Orion holding two equations, I will definitely be more powerful than I was before holding two equations. powerful."

——Heavenly Father can’t even defeat Orion, who is holding two equations, so why should he threaten me, who is holding two equations?

Metron was silent.

Harley wrapped her mental power with God's force field and said: "Actually, the words 'Heavenly Father threatens me' are a paradox.

If He has a reason to threaten me (I killed Orion), he must not have the ability to threaten me (if I can kill Orion, I can kill him).

If He had the ability to threaten me (I didn't kill Orion or get the equation), He wouldn't have the need to threaten me.

On the contrary, no matter what the outcome, Heavenly Father should win me over and be on good terms with me.

If I killed the person, he should befriend me to protect himself; if he was not killed by me, he should befriend me to protect himself, because Darkseid can let anyone go, but he will never let him go. Heavenly Father. "

Metron found himself completely unable to refute.

He looked at her deeply and left the earth without saying a word.

"Harry, what did you say to Metron? Why did he leave suddenly?" Hal asked.

"I told others that I was not the one who killed him. He believed that I was an honest person and left." Harley said.

"Stop talking nonsense, no fool will believe your nonsense now." Hal sneered.

Diana also complained: "I was so miserably deceived by you just now. I thought you really didn't kill Orion."

"Even I was deceived." Oliver said with a bitter smile: "As expected of the witch Harley, she even deceived her own people, no wonder she can deceive the best."

Da Chao glanced at Batman resentfully, "I don't object to you cooperating with her in acting, but you can't take advantage of my unconditional trust in you."

Bateman was also a little shaken, but still insisted: "Harley really didn't kill Orion. Everything was a coincidence, or everything was Darkseid's conspiracy."

"Come on, the murder method, the motive, the tools, the witnesses and the evidence are all available, so why rely on us? Even if we are convinced, no one else will believe it. We can only deceive our own people. What's the point?" Dinah didn't. Good luck.

"It doesn't matter whether Harley kills people now. What matters is the reaction from Apokolips and Genesis." Neptune said worriedly.

"Harley, tell the truth, can you synthesize the 'divine toxin bullets'? If so, prepare more for us," Diana said.

"I also want divine poison bullets."

Harley looked around, and the heroes on the scene looked suspicious, obviously still doubting her acting skills.

She said solemnly: "Darkseid at this time is more terrifying than any enemy we have encountered before. If you hope that I will kill Orion and live in peace and security from now on, it won't be long before the Island of Heroes will usher in a crisis." A horde of undead.

Don’t blame me for not reminding you that after the ‘Green Light Trial’, I published a ‘Letter to All Citizens of the Earth’.

I explained to them the affairs of Hero Island, Paradise Mountain, and the Gate of Reincarnation, and swore that the "Patriot List" would be handed over to the public for supervision and that the U.S. government would never be allowed to bend the law for personal gain.

The 'Hero List' will also strictly implement the system of 'selecting grass-headed gods based on merit'.

Before, you didn't have enough merit to be accommodating, but now I have sworn that I can't be accommodating.

A hero who has committed too many sins must not go to Heaven Mountain to become a grass-headed god.

If you are a little self-conscious, you should cheer up and be cautious, so as not to die young for no reason and lose the opportunity to redeem yourself in the rest of your life. "

The expressions of the heroes became serious.

Bateman asked: "You have the Tears of Death and the Wind of Nothingness. Can you try to synthesize the 'Divine Toxin Bullet'?"

"I will try hard, but I'm not sure if or when I will succeed."

Creation Star.

"It's unreasonable that Witch Harley is threatening me." Heavenly Father puffed his beard and glared, his majestic and upright face full of anger.

"Heavenly Father, declare war on the earth, my ax is already hungry and thirsty!" Ugo, the God of War on the Creation Star, said excitedly.

"God of Light" Guangguang advised: "I don't think Harley is that kind of person. The Orion matter needs to continue to be investigated."

"Isn't this obvious? How can we investigate?" Goddess Carpenter said.

"All evidence can be forged, only what you see with your own eyes is correct." Guang Guang said.

Beca, the God of Love, said angrily: "We saw Darkseid's death with our own eyes, and you still want to defend Witch Harley?"

Guang Guang's expression froze, and his eyes flickered again: "The root of the final crisis is that the fifth world is about to be restarted, and Heavenly Father wants to compete with Darkseid for the dominance of restarting the fifth world.

Whoever gets the dominance will be the God King of the new fifth world.

If Harley is not lying, and the person who killed Orion is Darkseid, then we must be careful not to start a war with the earth at this time.

If Harley lied, Darkseid was indeed dead.

Now that Orion has also been killed, Heavenly Father is the destined ‘King of Gods in the Fifth World’. "

His expression became excited, and his eyes looking at Heavenly Father were full of expectation and respect, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

No one will compete with you anymore and soon you will be the master of the fifth world.

At that time, your power will be at its strongest, and you will be invincible in the world, and it will be easy to suppress Harley. "

The gods and generals calmed down thoughtfully.

The Heavenly Father slapped the armrest of the throne hard and said angrily: "Olian is my son. My son was murdered, but you told me about the King of Gods and what a competitor. I don't care about anything now, I just want to avenge him!"

The light was stunned.

"That's right, we want to avenge Orion, and we can't let the witch Harley go." Beka, the God of Love, immediately shouted excitedly.

"Becca, you immediately gather people and go to Earth in person. I want to see Harley Quinn as soon as possible." Heavenly Father said solemnly.

"As you command!"

When the generals exited, Metron frowned and said, "Other than irritating Harley Quinn, what's the point of doing this? Beca is definitely no match for her and the Justice League."

He didn't understand, because he had obviously told Heavenly Father about Harley's "whispers".

"Becca loves Orion very much, and now she is very angry." Heavenly Father said softly.

"That's why I don't understand why you asked her to go find Witch Harley. Beca now only does bad things." Metron said.

Heavenly Father said quietly: "Did you hear what Guang Guang said just now? To be honest, his suggestion was exactly what I was thinking at this time.

But I’m not sure what Witch Harley really thinks, and I can’t wait for the day of restart with peace of mind.

Did she kill Orion just for the equation and to eliminate hidden dangers, or did she have other intentions?

The attitude and way she treats Becca next may give me a glimpse of the truth. "

"Do you suspect that Witch Harley has an idea about the position of the New God King? It's impossible, she is not very keen on power." Metron said in surprise.

"Everything is possible, don't forget that authority also represents endless divine power."

"Even if it is necessary to be on guard against others, what can Becca detect?" Metron still didn't quite understand.

"Becca loves Orion very much and is very angry now. She will definitely anger Witch Harley deeply.

An angry person is most likely to show his true temperament.

If she didn't fall in love with her old love and killed Beka brutally, I would have to be careful and vigilant, or even strike first. "The Heavenly Father said quietly.

"What if she really didn't kill Orion? In addition to being a powerful enemy, Witch Harley can also be a very good helper." Metron asked.

"She said she didn't kill her, do you believe it?" Heavenly Father sneered.

Metron said: "I don't believe it, but maybe you can try to believe it. After all, if you make a mistake, you will lose miserably."

"The equations are all on her, how can she make a mistake?" Heavenly Father said disapprovingly.

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