I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1560: The master of magical skills wants to slay the dragon

“The Father said no.”

Earth, Hall of Justice, Harley recounted her experiences on the Genesis Star.

"Why? Aren't you and Him friends for many years?" Dachao asked puzzled.

"Alas, Darkseid is dead." Harley sighed.

"What does this have to do with Darkseid?" Dachao asked strangely.

"When facing a common threat, people with different positions and ideas can also become allies. If there is no common threat, think about the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union before and after the end of World War II." Bateman said.

"Well, it turns out that friends who have been friends for many years are just fair-weather friends. I thought that Harley was 'the best friend in all our dealings'." Dachao looked at Harley and chuckled.

Harley glanced at him and said calmly: "Are you and Hal fair-weather friends, or like-minded best friends?"

"Of course not fair-weather friends." Da Chao said immediately.

"Then when you see him being put on a big hat that shocked the universe by Kyle, will you feel heartbroken for him?" Harley asked again.

"Why bother with me?" Hal said unhappy.

Harley still stared at Chao.

Dachao nodded, "I'm very sad for him, but now that the matter has come to this, it's better to open up your mind, choose to forgive, and embrace the future."

"You feel sorry for him now. What did you do when his scandals were all over the world?" Harley said.

Without waiting for Da Chao to answer, she quickly said: "If you didn't persuade him to calm down, it means you didn't really care about him at all."

"I persuaded you, really." Dachao said quickly.

Harry sneered and said, "You tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen. It turns out you are fair-weather friends."

Dachao was speechless.

"Aren't you asking for trouble if you quarrel with her?" Diana muttered in a low voice, then reminded loudly: "Now we are discussing the 'Olean Crisis'."

"Why does he have to force the people on earth to evolve? If there is no interest, he does not need to insist so much, but if there is interest, what is the interest?" Bateman frowned.

"You guys can discuss it slowly. I'm going back first. From being a widow to now, I've been working hard for several days without taking a good rest. My body and mind are tired," said Harley.

"Hey, we have just started, why are you leaving?" Dinah grabbed her sleeve and shouted: "Olian may come to the earth again at any time, or even sneak to the earth, and suddenly cast the light of evolution, making us unable to guard against it. "

"Orian has been a superhero on Earth for many years and is very familiar with us. If he sneaks in quietly, it will be difficult for us to guard against him." Cyborg said worriedly.

"It's great that you guys have thought about this and are starting to figure it out."

After a pause, Harry added: "Even if I stay, I will only listen to your discussion. If I have a good idea, I would have told you."

"But you always know more than us. You have fought against Orion and understand the power of the equation." Bateman said.

——I want to go back early, isn’t it just to study the equation in my stomach as soon as possible?

Harley rubbed her belly, hesitating whether to reveal this secret.

If she tells them, and they know about it, both the new and old gods in the fifth dimension will know about it.

If she didn't tell him, Orion would only be sure that he had lost part of the equation. It might be obtained by her, it might be dissipated, or it might be taken away by the dog god hiding behind the scenes.

"Didn't I bring back a few Muzians? They are all samples. The chip on Cyborg also records the attack effects of the equation."

She decided to study it quietly first, and then make it public when she had the results.

Lest some shameless supreme masters take advantage of her and snatch the treasure away before she has control over the equation.

"Judging from Orion's current performance, it seems that the equation only has the ability to force evolution and distort life. What is the purpose of Darkseid studying the equation for ten years? It can't be that it also distorts life. What does this mean to him? Bateman asked.

Harley said with certainty: "Distorting life is only one of the most basic effects of the equation. Orion has just obtained the equation. Currently, he only uses this basic function because his ability is limited and he has not yet developed the main function of the equation."

"What is the main function of the equation?" Mr. Zhuo Yue asked.

"I don't know." Harry gradually became impatient, "The basis of the discussion is certain research results. Instead of talking nonsense here, why not go to the laboratory and sort out the existing 'experimental materials'.

After I have rested, I will also go to heaven and go to other supreme friends to inquire about equations. "

Dachao nodded and said: "We can discuss the characteristics of the equation later. Now let's talk about how to prevent Orion from sneaking in."

Diana said: "The white light evolution of Muz Star lasted for five minutes. We can select fast heroes to form a 'crisis emergency team'. As soon as the white light is detected, we will rush to stop it.

We don’t necessarily have to defeat Orion immediately, we just need to wait for time. Well, we have to form another ‘Orion Hunting Team’, select powerful heroes, and arrive in time after the ‘emergency team’ entangles Orion. "

Dachao glanced at Harley and frowned: "Haley told Heavenly Father to kill Orion before, just to remind Him of the seriousness of the matter, not really to kill Orion.

Just defeat him. Orion is still good in nature, but now his mind is controlled by the equation. "

Diana shook her head and said: "Only with the mentality of killing him and using all our strength can we have a slight chance of remaining undefeated.

Just undefeated, not victorious.

If you always think about defeating him without hurting him, you will only end up being destroyed by him.

The God King Orion who got two equations is not the same person as the Orion you know in terms of strength or personality.

He has the strength to kill us and the determination to kill us.

Instead of worrying about us hurting him, we should consider what tactics can save a few heroes of justice on our side. "

For the next few days, the Earth remained in an oppressive calm.

Of course, ordinary people don't know anything and are just enjoying the peace at the moment. Well, the ordinary people's lives are not very peaceful either. The super villain who has been holding back for half a year during the "Grand Trial" is still committing "revenge crimes" ", dozens or hundreds of super crime incidents occur every day.

The only people who feel depressed are those who know the inside story but are unable to change the situation.

Harley only stayed at home for half a day before hiding her whereabouts and leaving the earth quietly.

She found the equations too dangerous and couldn't control them.

If an accident occurs at home, it will most likely affect Ivy, Selina and the others.

She didn't go to Heaven Mountain either. It was God's territory. The Dog God must be very rare about equations. What if He came to ask for it with a shameless face, or was more sinister and asked some archangel to steal or rob? What would she do? ?

In order to avoid being noticed and for safety, Harley quietly came to the Origin Wall and found a hole to get in.

There are no natural caves in the Origin Wall, but the giant spirits hanging on the wall are thousands or tens of thousands of meters high. Their rock bodies have many holes that can be drilled, such as nostrils and ears.

At this moment, Harley got into the mouth of a roaring stone sculpture, followed the throat and entered the belly. The space inside was not small.

She also carved a few large characters behind the front teeth of the stone statue, "Kuiyin Shenjun Cave".

No matter how loud the movement is while fiddling with equations in "Quin Cave", no one outside will notice.

Just like that, half a month passed.

Harley finally realized something: she had no destiny and couldn't understand that thing.

It was embarrassing. She got nearly a quarter of the Life Equation and a quarter of the Anti-Life Equation, but she didn't know how to use the treasures in her hands.

It wasn't completely unusable. When she used the power of her soul to get close to Equation, Equation was like a shark that smelled blood, struggling to pounce and merge into her soul.

Somehow, her spiritual sense sensed a crisis: it was easy to integrate with him, but it was difficult to separate from him.

Therefore, she did not dare to imitate Orion and use her soul to fuse the equation.

Isn't it stupid to sacrifice your most important soul without even understanding it?

But it is difficult to understand it without being in harmony with its soul.

After struggling for another two days, Harley gave up completely.

Give up understanding it and controlling it, and instead adapt to it and defend against it.

"Since I can't kill everyone with the equation in my hand, I'll turn on my defense expertise so that Orion, who is holding the equation, can't kill everyone in front of me."

Harley began to stimulate the equation in various ways to make it produce absorbable energy.

As long as energy is generated, she can activate her defense expertise.

In the previous battle with Orion, she gained 20% of the experience. With the addition of the Muzi Protoss, her experience level reached 119 and 15%. She was only 85% away from unlocking new specialties.

She originally planned to choose the power of space as her 12th defense specialty, but her plan failed to keep up with the change.

Another week has passed.

Harley once again had the idea of ​​giving up.

She was not sure whether the equation could generate energy, but she was sure that even if it could generate energy, it must be controlled first.

After temporarily giving up the plan to activate the equation defense expertise, Harley could only study how to use the existing 11 major defense expertise to form the most effective resistance to the equation.

Her method is very simple and crude: let the equation twist her body spontaneously, and let the defense expertise in her body react naturally to generate resistance.

If a person lives in a nuclear-contaminated environment all year round, he will get cancer and die; if tens of billions of people live in a nuclear-contaminated environment all year round, hundreds of millions of people may get cancer, but some will always survive and become resistant to nuclear radiation. people.

Harley is only one person, but she has countless opportunities.

Whenever irreparable distortion occurs in the body, she immediately uses her vitality defense expertise to annihilate the activity of "cancer cells".

Just like this, she kept experimenting day and night. After a few days, her body actually produced benign changes: the six basic power defenses and the connection power defense began to merge with each other.

A long time ago, Harley discovered that the seven basic forces of the DC universe can form a "joint defense network" under the influence of the power of connection.

Multiple defensive specialties are stacked together to achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

The Joint Defense Network is a physical response.

The power of connection is cement, which connects bricks, steel bars, stone slabs and other building materials together to defend against attacks from the DC multiverse in the form of a castle.

The bricks in the castle structure are still bricks, and the stone slabs are still stone slabs. They are just combined together without qualitative changes.

Under the constant life distortion of the equation, a chemical reaction occurred between the basic force and the connection power defense expertise. The six basic forces and the connection power merged with each other to form a new "DC defense force field".

The DC defensive force field is not a castle to defend against enemies, but a "King Kong Shield" made of new materials.

Although it is still not 100% immune to the influence of the equation, the defense effect has been improved several times compared to before.

As Harley increases the intensity of the equation's distortion of life, the "Adamantium Shield" will continue to increase.

"Hahaha, finally the magic is accomplished!"

September 2021, two months after Orion first landed on Earth.

Beside the origin wall, Harley, whose body was surrounded by a layer of colorful light film, laughed triumphantly while hitting the origin wall like a ping-pong ball.

The colorful light film is the new "DC defensive force field", a "compound" that is the fusion of the six basic forces and the power of connection.

Different from the "defensive gold film" whose defense effect is equivalent to that of the physical body, the colorful light film is purely composed of seven major defense specialties. It is completely ineffective against physical attacks and can only defend against "magic attacks" from the DC universe.

An ordinary person can punch through the colorful light film.

But its defense effect against special energy is more than ten times stronger than the previous "Joint Defense Network"!

At this time, Orion used the equation attack on her, which did less than one-tenth of the damage it did on Muzi Star.

For example, now, Harley turned on the colorful light film and hit the origin wall. Not only was it not stuck, but it bounced back.

When there was no colorful light film, she hit the original wall and blew her nose against the wall. She could break free, but it was sticky and difficult to separate.

"Olian, let's try this move!"

Harley was so high-spirited that she couldn't wait to go to Apokolips to practice with Orion.

She was really looking forward to fighting Orion.

Even if she still can't beat her, she can still evolve her "Colorful Golden Film" under Orion's formula attack.

She cannot control the equation in her body. There is a limit to the damage the equation can cause to her body. Now that it has reached its limit, the colorful light film cannot be improved.

Orion controls more equations and can cause more damage to her.

Colorful light films may continue to evolve.

"Beep beep beep" Suddenly, the mobile phone in her pocket vibrated like a convulsion.

There is information and a phone call. It's urgent.


Dachao shouted excitedly: "Harry, where are you? Orion is dead!"

"What?" Harley almost crushed the phone in her hand.

"Olian was shot in the head and has been dead for several days. Did you do it? Where are you and why haven't you answered the phone for so many days?" Da Chao lowered his voice, his tone a little strange.

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