I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1544 Son of Famine

"The spirit of hunger is the collection of resentment and resentment that humans have when they are hungry.

Belief is the basis of faith, and faith is the basis of belief in God.

Gods can be born from obsession, and demons can also be born from obsession.

Hungry spirit is the last obsession of hungry people.

Therefore, anyone possessed by a hungry spirit will eat crazily.

Refugees in famine eat leaves, mud, and people, and people possessed by hungry spirits also eat leaves, rags, and people.”

"My head is a little dizzy, his tobacco leaves are poisonous." Barry suddenly covered his forehead and shook his body.

The old man was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to explain, Bateman said first: "It's Du Ping, not poison, it's a hallucinogen."

"Very energetic, what is it?" Zha Kang asked excitedly.

"You want some too?" The old priest handed over the small cloth bag containing tobacco leaves, "You can chew it with your mouth, which is a little lighter.

This is a treasure given to us by the spirits of our ancestors.

It is very harmful to mortals, but it is very beneficial to mages in meditation. It is the only thing I can use to entertain guests here. "

Zha Kang actually opened the bag, took out a brown-green leaf and stuffed it into his mouth.

It was very bitter and astringent, but as soon as the saliva fell into the stomach, it immediately felt like a ball of hot lava falling down.

"Oh my God, that's too strong." Zha Kang had mosquito-repellent eyes and a crazy and twisted expression, "Baitman, did my brains spurt out from the top of my head and splash all over you?"

"No." Bateman's eyes were clear, and his voice was as low and hoarse as before.

"Ah, I saw it. My brain fell to the ground. I heard the sound of the earth. My brain splashed into the air. Wow, I'm overlooking the world from the sky." Zha Kang's eyes were slanted, his mouth was crooked, he was dancing and talking nonsense. , "Shit, it turns out there is an earth spirit in the Cuishan tribe, and it takes me to travel across mountains, rivers, land and the long river of time."

"What's wrong with him?" Barry asked nervously.

"Don't worry." The old priest's eyes moved slightly, and he smiled and said to the wary-looking superhero: "You just think he has fallen into a real illusion.

There, he saw a lot about the history of this land, and could feel the origin of the hungry spirits more intuitively. "

"Do you want us to chew tobacco leaves too?" Flash asked.

The old priest shook his head and continued what he said before, "I just explained the origin of Famine Lord Namos. Now you know what the crazy murderers in the United States are, right?"

"The son of Namos, the son of Famine? Why did it massacre the alien guests?" Bateman said.

"The son of Namos also has another identity. He is your American billionaire, the boss of the world's agricultural giant, and the 'Patriot Parker' who was given a chance to be reborn by Harley Quinn."

The old priest stared at Bateman and said faintly: "He was reincarnated as the son of the devil, the son of Namos."

"Oh my God!" Barry exclaimed, "Is Parker a good man who saves the world? Only with great merit can one enter the 'Way of Heaven and Humanity'."

"Parker is a beast." The old priest slapped the straw mat vigorously and said excitedly: "If you, the Justice League, had done a little better work, today's tragedy would not have happened!"

"Why don't we do human affairs?" Barry asked angrily.

"You turned a blind eye to the harm caused by Parker's agricultural company to the African people, and you saw it but didn't know it, and you knew it but ignored it. Thousands of people died of genetic diseases, and those who survived were also suffering in famine.

The prosperous manors turned into dry and cracked "stone land", the dense mountain forests withered and disappeared, and even the underground water seemed to be sucked up by the devil.

Where were you then? Why don't you stop the evil behavior of American researchers? "The old priest asked loudly.

"What are you talking about? Don't change the topic." Barry frowned.

Bateman also said: "When you finish answering our questions, we will answer your questions, what you just said."

At this moment, Zha Kang, who was dancing and going crazy, seemed to wake up from his sleep, suddenly returned to normal, and said with a complicated expression: "I already understand what happened.

Tim Parker's company once conducted secret experiments on alien genetically modified crops here.

They succeeded in turning a wealthy tribe on the road to modernization into a living hell.

There are demons in hell.

Years of famine in the area attracted Namos's attention.

He came and planned to turn the Cuishan tribe into a 'fly' on his body.

This old man sacrificed the faith of the whole clan in exchange for the mercy of the devil.

Namos certainly has no mercy, but he certainly prefers the faith and sacrifice of living humans to a mere hungry spirit.

Anyway, when all the Cuishan tribe members die, the hungry spirits will still belong to him, and they will be even bigger by then.

But old man, you are also a ruthless character."

Zha Kang looked at the skinny old man with more admiration in his eyes, "You used magic potion to seduce Namos and let him have sex with the tribe's 'saint' and give birth to a son of famine.

If your plan succeeds, not only will the Cuishan Tribe not become nourishment for the birth of hungry spirits, but they will also be able to turn against the enemy and gain access to Namos.

Every demon hopes to leave seeds in the world, and every seed is a bridge connecting hell and the world.

At the same time, the Children of Famine are also a deterrent force comparable to nuclear weapons, able to protect the tribe from the abuses of outsiders.

It's a pity that you are not very lucky and it is not right. You old man is very lucky.

You are not Witch Harley. You are not even as good as me. You want to compete with the Demon Lord and still take advantage of it. What are you dreaming about?

Failure now means stopping the loss in time.

Now that the heroes of the Justice League are here, they will definitely not let Namos torment your Cuishan Tribe again. "

The rune-faced little old man smiled bitterly, "If we could rely on the heroes of Zhenglian, we wouldn't end up like this."

Bateman frowned and said, "The son of the devil is Tim Parker? He actually reincarnated and became the son of the devil."

"I don't know whether I should say that old Parker is lucky or has a bad fate." Zha Kang's eyes showed envy and regret, "Reincarnation as the son of the devil, the direct grandson of the devil Beelzebub, this kind of opportunity has been available for millions of years It’s also a rare encounter.

If he is forbearing enough, smart enough, and if he can grow up normally, when his bloodline awakens, he will reach the sky and become a demon god.

If he is smart enough to take the initiative to seek help from Zhenglian when he reaches adulthood, it may not be impossible for him to become the second 'Raven'.

At that time, the sky is high and the birds can fly, and all the great power of immortality is within you. "

"Even if he is not forbearing enough, even if he is stupid, as long as he is not Tim Parker, I will be willing to be my servant and train him to be the guardian of Green Mountain.

When he becomes an adult, I will suggest that he travel across the ocean, go to the United States, become a superhero, associate with you, the gods on earth, and get your protection."

There was deep resentment on the old man's face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "But he is Tim Parker, the biggest enemy of our Cuishan Tribe, and an absolutely unforgivable existence."

"How did you find out his identity?" Bateman asked.

"Haha, that guy was stupid. He took the initiative to speak, and he also pretended to be a god. He pretended to be a god." Zha Kang said with a smile.

"This is really..." Barry and Bateman were speechless after hearing this.

What kind of brain circuit is this? It actually pretends to be a god coming down to earth, and it also pretends to be the god that others believe in.

Zha Kang continued: "The old priest asked him to hand over his secret account to prove his recognition of his identity in this life.

He had no choice but to hand it over.

If there were only U.S. knives and gold in the account, it would be difficult to identify his identity.

However, Old Parker also planned to take back the agricultural company in his next life, and specially reserved some of the original shares for himself. "

The old priest said: "Even if I don't have the original shares, I still have the means to find out his identity. It's impossible for him to disguise himself."

"Then what?" Bateman asked.

"You just asked Motto if he had had lunch. You must have noticed that we had no food to eat, but we looked satisfied and did not feel hungry.

Because the tribe was so hungry, I had no choice but to pray to Namos for a miracle again.

Before Tim Parker was exposed, I had planned to sacrifice a child to Namos last night so that the god of famine could seal the hunger in us all into that child.

That child will suffer the hunger of all of us, worse than going to hell, suffering from extreme hunger every minute, while the rest of us will not feel hunger for a long time and will not starve to death. "

The old priest's tone was sad and sorrowful, "It's cruel to sacrifice him and let the others live, but there's nothing I can do about it.

It's not that I didn't work hard.

I posted a lot of videos on social media asking for help.

As a result, except for Puppy Video Network, all other accounts were blocked.

Even though the puppy video gained some attention from some people online, a group of uploaders immediately came out to crack down on me, claiming that I was related to some terrorist organizations and trying to defraud everyone of their sympathy and money.

Even if someone still sends me money, the donations will be intercepted by the long arm of your US government.

Caring people who want to deliver food to our area are also stopped from a long distance away.

I also took advantage of Blackest Night and the Green Lantern War to enter Noah's Ark, looking for The Flash and many superheroes for help, but you all ignored me. "

"Were you looking for me?" Barry was a little embarrassed and suspicious, "I don't remember you."

"You were too fast. Before I even opened my mouth, you were gone." The old priest said.

Barry felt very aggrieved, "But that doesn't mean I'm ignoring you."

The old priest shook his head, "You have been to our tribe several times. If you really want to, pause for a moment and ask, 'What's going on here' or 'Do you need help?' It's difficult."

"I really don't realize there's anything special about you. I've been to every corner of the world and I've seen too many places that are poorer than you.

At least you have a relatively prosperous town here, with many three- and four-story buildings and network base stations. "Barry said.

"Are other places just like us? The residents got genetic diseases and became fools?" the old man said, raising his voice.

"There are really many." Barry said helplessly: "And I am only the guardian of Central City. It is not for me to interfere in matters related to the local government."

"Excuse!" the old priest said sternly: "When your government uses the Justice League as an example to prove to the world that the United States is the guardian of the earth, a symbol of peace and justice, and a savior that all people on earth should trust, why don't you Say you have nothing to do with politics?

When American soldiers invaded other countries and distributed your posters and toy figurines on the streets to reduce people's resistance, why didn't you declare, 'Don't involve me in regional political conflicts?'

When I posted on the puppy video forum exposing the dangers of alien genetically modified crops and denounced the shamelessness of the U.S. government, and countless trolls refuted me with pictures and videos of you saving the world, where were you? "

"I" Bali was red-faced, hemming and hawing, speechless.

Bateman also pursed his lips and remained silent.

Zha Kang, on the other hand, had nothing to do with himself and was watching the excitement with a smile on his face.

After a while, Bateman said in a hoarse voice: "Even if you want to take revenge on the United States and the United States government, there is no need to attack the alien guests.

First, they are innocent.

Secondly, if an interstellar diplomatic incident occurs that is difficult to end, the entire earth's civilization will suffer, not just the United States. "

"Do you think I have the guts to provoke noble alien guests? Even the American uncle dares to get angry but dare not take action." The old priest's tone was sarcastic, but there was a sad look on his face, "More than ten years ago, you would have dared to destroy My tribe, I will fight for my life to curse Tim Parker and a bunch of bastards in the White House.

But today is different from the past. I have bonds and an entire tribe to take care of, but you have countless superheroes as powerful as gods.

Even Naboo's most powerful 'mankind's first divine wizard' has joined the Justice Society.

I, a mere junior archmage, am using black magic to curse your leader, isn’t that committing suicide?

I am not afraid of death, but if the gentlemen in the White House know that I use black magic to deal with them, they will definitely use methods that are 10,000 times more terrifying than black magic to deal with the Cuishan tribe.

Just like you have done to other countries and peoples countless times in the past and now.

I feel aggrieved, I am cowardly, I dare not offend the American uncle who is protected by the ‘God on Earth’, so the only thing I can do is to actively summon evil spirits to devour the hunger of my people, and then seal the evil spirits into my grandson’s body.”

The old priest burst into tears, "My five grandchildren and two granddaughters all fell into hell due to the torment of endless hunger, and eventually turned into 'flies' on Namos.

Now it's finally the other children's turn and I don't want to, but I can only do this.

I have a tribe to take care of, and I don’t dare to take revenge like some of the great wizards you declared to be terrorists.

The Justice League is too powerful.

Look at the good imams in the Middle East who just quietly sacrificed your former speaker to the devil. You are so excited that you don't even care about the green light trial where foreign guests come.

A group of superheroes cooperated with American soldiers to cause a bloody storm and massacre there. "

"That is not a hero of Zhenglian. We never participate in any political actions." Barry said excitedly.

"But they are all superheroes, whether they are the Zhenglian or the World Governance Association or the Free League."

The old priest sneered, "And don't deny it. You, the Flash and Superman, have participated in rescuing hostages countless times."

"What we are dealing with are terrorists." Barry said.

The old priest shouted: "Who will define their identity? It is not the US government!

They did things in their own country, with the support of their own people, that were not liked by you foreigners, and then they became sinners.

Now the Son of Famine is plundering the United States, and you have to deal with it. Can I, a foreigner, accuse you of besieging the Son of Famine as a terrorist act? If I save the children of famine, am I saving innocent hostages? "

"Priest Moab, your words are too extreme." Bateman said.

"My words are indeed extreme. Not all terrorists are innocent citizens, but what you have done is even more extreme. Not a single American is a good person!" the old priest sneered coldly.

"Where's Admiral Galaxy? She's also an American." Zha Kang asked with a smile.

"Oh, why did God favor the United States so much? Why wasn't she born in our Green Mountain Tribe? We need her more! Now she is an American. I dare to scold any American, but I don't dare to make random comments about her." The old priest lamented.

"Hahaha, what a 'random comment'." Zha Kang laughed.

Bateman frowned and said, "If you weren't controlling the Son of Famine, how could it go to the United States and kill people randomly?"

The old priest said: "Now that I have discovered that he is Tim Parker and is our great enemy, of course I will no longer think about cultivating him to become the 'African God King'.

It just so happened that the next ceremony to seal hunger was coming soon, so I asked him to replace the children in the tribe and become the carrier of hunger among the people.

Not only did I extract all the physical and psychological hunger of the people and seal it in his body, I also made him bear the suffering and darkness accumulated in this land.

Then he went crazy and lost control.

Too much suffering and darkness transformed him into a strange and uncontrollable existence.

I thought he was still hovering on the African continent or going to hell, but I didn't expect that he would directly return to the United States to commit mass murder. "

Having said this, a weird smile appeared on his face, "Hehehe, now I have a guess in my mind.

The tribesmen living in the past and present on this land all have resentment in their hearts against those who persecuted us. People may die, but resentment will not disappear.

Now all the resentment has entered the body of the son of famine, twisting it into a god of vengeance. "

"The alien guests he murdered never offended you." Barry said.

The old priest shrugged, "Maybe it was his own resentment, hating the person who betrayed him, hating the people who attended the banquet together but survived."

"I have said everything I can say now. If you want to arrest me, just come."

He closed his eyes, with an indifferent expression on his face like a dead pig wouldn't be afraid of boiling water.

"You wanted to ask me a question just now." Bateman said.

"I've got the answer," he said.

"What's the answer?" Bateman asked.

"The Justice League is the sword used by the United States to oppress other nations," the old priest said.

"Nonsense, how did you come to this conclusion? What did we say?" Barry said angrily.

The old priest opened his eyes a little, "Didn't you say enough? You kept refuting what I said, without ever a single apology or expression of remorse or reflection.

It shows that you don’t care about today’s reality at all, and today’s reality will continue to be maintained. "

"What you said is wrong, why don't you let me refute it?" Barry said.

The old priest closed his eyes again and stopped talking.

"We are going to take you back to the United States. We will discuss the matter of holding you responsible later. Now, help us deal with the Children of Famine." Bateman said solemnly.

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