Metropolis, Justice League headquarters, in the hallway outside the Dark Arts Laboratory.

"Stop crying, it's not your fault." Dotty comforted Emma who was silently wiping away tears.

Although it was only after she kicked Prince Franco away that he took his last breath. At that time, she was so scared that she almost cried.

But she has now been completely cleared of suspicion.

Justice League experts confirmed that Franco died of extreme starvation caused by black magic.

At this moment, they are still conducting magical anatomy analysis on it in the laboratory.

"I'm crying not because I blame myself, but because I'm sad. Franco is proposing to me, and my heart is racing. I'm about to agree the next moment, but something unexpected happens right away. My life is so miserable." Emma Choked.

"Why is your life so miserable?" Dotty said in a sour tone: "Prince Waldo expressed his love for you before Prince Franco died.

Now that Prince Franco has just died, he immediately came to drive away the FBI who wanted to take you for investigation. He also personally guaranteed you to Ambassador Han Haixing, saying that you would never murder Prince Franco.

Although Prince Waldo is a bit taciturn, his family background is better than Franco's.

Franco was only the third son, with two brothers and four sisters, but Waldo was the eldest son and the first heir to the empire. The territory of the empire was more than ten times larger than Franco's Hanhaixing. "

Emma shook her head and said: "Emotional matters cannot be calculated like this. Prince Waldo and I are just friends, but Franco almost became my husband."

Serena patted her shoulder and whispered: "I speak frankly, don't take it to heart. Although they love you because you are excellent, they have other considerations when marrying you."

Emma was silent.

"What other factors are there?" Doty asked doubtfully.

Serena glanced at Emma and said hesitantly: "Although the two princes were very friendly to Emma from the beginning, they violently pursued her after Harley visited us in the hospital."

Doty recalled the scene that day and said: "Harley didn't know at first that we were also infected with the mutated subamojo virus. She was just dragged by the government to appear in front of the media to appease people.

When she saw me looking around in the crowd wearing a hospital gown, she came over to say hello to me, and then saw you two and the two princes.

He didn't say anything at that time, so why did it affect the two princes? "

Serena said speechlessly: "Haley said something very important, but you didn't pay attention? She recognized Emma immediately when she saw her."

"I recognized Emma immediately when I saw her." Dottie said immediately.

"Emma didn't do much cosmetic surgery, so it was normal for us to recognize her at first glance. What I want to emphasize is Harley's attitude towards her.

She was very happy to see Emma and didn't mind at all that Emma said bad things about her at school. "Serena said.

These words irritated Emma. She raised her head and said, "Many students were either coerced or bribed to slander Harry in front of the media that day. I did not add insult to injury."

"But the scene where you spoke ill of Harley was on TV and she saw it." Serena said.

"The director of the TV station was so bad. He asked me what I thought of Harley, and I told a few truths that didn't sit well with me. At least that was what I felt at the time.

I thought it was just an ordinary interview on the TV station, but the director sandwiched my camera among a group of bastards, as if I had become the person receiving dirty money to smear Harley. Emma said angrily.

"And what I said, you two also said behind your back, it's just that it didn't appear on TV." She emphasized.

"Hey, Harley is so proud of suppressing the three of us every day in school. Of course we have to say weird things, but that's not what I'm talking about today."

Serena waved her hands with a sneer, "Dottie kept talking. After telling Harley about your experiences in the past ten years, Harley felt a little sorry for you. When she left, she even said that she owed you once. What will happen in the future? If you have any trouble, go to her."

Dottie said disapprovingly: "That's just a polite comment. Now that Harley has grown up and become a big shot, her mood must be different from what it was back then.

Even now when I look back on my behavior at school, I feel childish and embarrassed.

Although Hallie in high school stole our limelight, she never deliberately slandered us. She was much better than those Bitchis on the Upper East Side who were called sisters on the surface but green tea behind their backs. "

"Harley is not an ordinary person. If Emma goes to her for help in the future, she will never forget her promise, and her promise can easily affect the rise and fall of a civilization." Serena said seriously.

"Well, the status of 'Friends of Harley' can indeed add a lot of points to the three of us." Doty nodded lightly, "But I think Franco still has a lot of sincerity towards Emma.

Before Emma showed up, I had seduced him several times, and he didn't even raise his head. "

"I think the two princes don't like our elf faces."

Serena held her face and said with some resentment.

She also seduced Waldo, who also showed little interest.

She and Dottie didn't ask to be married to them, they were just out to have fun.

But they didn't even have much thought about having fun.

"What's wrong with the elf face? This is the same pure lust face as the 'Galactic Beauty Blitz'. Didn't you notice the way the Kardashian sisters look at us? They wish they could peel off our skin and put it on their own faces." Dottie He gently rubbed his cheek and said proudly.

"Prince and the others praised Emma for being so beautiful, but they never praised us." Serena said.

"When Emma smiled, her buck teeth were exposed, she looked stupid and stupid——"

Emma immediately replied: "You are stupid and stupid. Your face changes so much that even your mother can't recognize it. Looking at you is like looking at the technology of Hex civilization, cold technological materials, there are What’s good to see?”

"Okay, Emma, ​​you insult me ​​and see if I don't tear your mouth apart."

"Deng Deng Deng~~" The three sisters were fighting and fighting, and Dark Phoenix Dinah was in a hurry, trotting around the corner from the aisle.

Seeing the three of them, she was stunned for a moment and said, "It has nothing to do with you here, just go back."

"I still have to wait for Prince Franco's test results. I want to know who murdered him." Emma said.

Doty then added, "Prince Franco is her husband. He proposed to her today. We are the families of the victims and have the right to know the truth."

Dinah frowned, "You can go back first, and we will announce the news to the public when we have the exact information."

Emma said: "Baitman, the Hell Demon Police and the Hell Detective are performing magic rituals inside, and the results will come soon. Are you coming from outside? What happened?"


Just as Dinah was about to speak, the door to the magic laboratory in front of her opened automatically, and three men walked out.

A Batman wearing a uniform and cape, a man in a black trench coat whose face is hidden in the shadow of a wide-brimmed hat, and a cigarette man wearing a white shirt and a brown Burberry classic trench coat.

"Dina, what's going on?" Bateman asked.

"Similar murders have occurred one after another across the United States. The deceased, like Prince Franco, died of hunger during overeating. The bodies were all skin and bones, and there were flies flying out of the mouth. It should be the same murderer." Dinah said seriously. road.

"Who are all the dead?" asked Zha Kang, holding a cigarette in his mouth.

Dinah said: "35 aliens and 48 earthlings, all dignitaries, have attended the dinner organized by the US government."

Zha Kang whistled.

"Things are getting serious." Hell Demon Policeman Gordon sighed.

"God, why are so many people dead?" The three women also looked pale and screamed.

"This is just the beginning, not the end." Dinah said with a solemn expression.

"Did you find anything?" she asked again.

Bateman glanced at the two experts.

Zha Kang turned his head and looked at Gordon, "I already have the answer in my heart, hell policeman, what about you?"

Demon policeman Gordon said with some embarrassment: "I can only confirm that it is the devil from hell, and I have no idea about the other things.

But I can summon the three-headed hellhound, lock onto the demon's aura of power, and search for it within the confines of Metropolis. "

"The case not only happened in a metropolitan area, it was not a regional murder. The murderer seemed to be targeting a specific group of people." Dinah said.

"I know, but my ability is limited. The three-headed dog's ability is limited, and the search range is limited to one city." Gordon said.

"What's your answer?" Bateman looked at Zha Kang.

“The devil’s name is ‘Namos’, which translates into English as ‘hungry spirit’, the spirit of hunger.

I've only read a few words about it in Zatanna's 'Secret Records of the Ancestors'. Ordinary mages may not have heard of hungry spirits.

Therefore, the guy who created this damn thing must have a very ancient heritage. "Zha Kang said slowly.

"The Hungry Spirit." Gordon said strangely: "The name sounds a bit like the Vengeful Spirit."

Zha Kang shook his head and said: "Although hunger and revenge are both human feelings and states, there is absolutely no connection between the two."

"I know there's no connection. It's just that the names are similar. It's possible that they both need a host." Gordon said uncertainly.

"How to deal with hungry spirits?" Dinah asked.

Zha Kang hesitated and said: "I have no experience before. I have to see it or find the mage who summoned it. Then I can improvise and come up with a technique to dispel it."

Dinah felt unreliable when she heard this, "Are you sure you can adapt to changes when the time comes?"

"I can only adapt to circumstances, or you find a more professional exorcist?" Zha Kang said.

"Deng Deng Deng"

Before they could say a few words, another rush of footsteps came from the corner.

The commander-in-chief, who was sitting sickly in a wheelchair, was pushed by a group of government officials and walked quickly.

He was already old, and he was also infected with the mutated submojo virus that could kill even aliens. His survival was the result of everyone's hard work.

Although a person is alive, his body is broken.

"Who is the murderer? In just two hours, more than 80 alien ambassadors have come to the White House, pointed at my nose, and issued me a stern diplomatic warning."

When the commander-in-chief was speaking, his body was trembling, and several people around him were worried that he would suddenly pass over, collapse, and belch.

"We are investigating. How can we find the murderer in such a short time?" Dinah said impatiently.

Whenever an alien ambassador came to see the Commander-in-Chief, the Commander-in-Chief would call her in public and have a video connection with her, asking her to be scolded by the alien man along with him. She couldn't help it anymore and hid in the laboratory. Thinking of him running over in person.

"Can you guys do it? If not, call me General Galaxy." The commander shouted, slapping the handrail.

General Ryan, who helped him push the wheelchair, reminded: "You called Harley, and she recommended the 'Hell Demon Police', which is her exorcism spokesperson."

"Hell Demon Police?" the commander shouted.

Gordon took a step forward and said: "Commander, if you are willing, I can station the three-headed hell dog in the White House to protect you and the safety of the people of Metropolis."

The commander's eyes lit up, "Can you protect the entire metropolis?"

"No, it's just that when a hungry spirit appears in Metropolis, the three-headed dog will sense it." Gordon said.

"Commander, please leave here first. Your presence will affect the speed of the investigation." Bateman said calmly.

"I won't leave. I want to fight on the front line to protect the people and the alien guests!" The commander-in-chief said passionately with his chest raised, and then he lowered his tone and said, "You are busy with your business, pretend that I am does not exist."

Bateman's eyes swept over him and the three women, and said: "Dina, take them to the guest room on the side.

General Lane, please notify all alien guests who attended the government's welcome banquet and ask them to come to the Hall of Justice.

You can live in it directly, or you can float the airship nearby.

Now Hell Detective and I are looking for the murderer.

Hell Demon Police, you immediately summon a three-headed dog to patrol the metropolis. "

Zha Kang asked curiously: "What clues do you have? How do you plan to find them?"

"Search one by one to find the black magician who knows the ancient secrets." Bateman said.

"When will we find this?" Zha Kang frowned.

"Let's first find famous masters like Zatanna, Madam Xanadu, and Sage Ochi, and then ask them about the black magicians who know the secret technique of hungry spirits. We should have results soon."

Two minutes later, Zha Kang agreed with Bateman's statement: there will be results soon.

Because the Flash is helping them run.

One second they were still at the Zhenglian headquarters of the Metropolis, and the next second they were at the residence of Madam Xanadu in the Metropolis.

Ten minutes later, they visited Sage Ochi, and half an hour later, they had already identified 30 suspects.

In the afternoon, Zha Kang, Bateman, and Flash stood on the top of the African Green Mountain with solemn expressions.

"Are you sure?" Bateman's deep voice could not contain his excitement.

Zha Kang nodded slightly, "About 24 hours, a large-scale black magic ceremony was held here. The entire land was shrouded in a layer of shadow, and the aura was very obvious, like a fart in the elevator."

"Let's go down and take a look." Bateman said.

Cuishan was originally a prosperous tribe with a population of more than 200,000, but now it has declined into a village with a population of less than 10,000.

Most of the once cement streets were covered by loess, and many of the buildings that didn't look too old were empty and without a single person.

Only when you come to the edge of the town, beside a semi-dried stream, can you see the skinny residents with numb and dull expressions.

"They have a problem," Constantine whispered.

"It looks like a zombie, and the town was empty before, which makes me feel uneasy." Barry said with twinkling eyes.

"They should be sick, neurological and intellectual diseases." Bateman expressed his judgment.

"That's not what I'm talking about. They are very satisfied. Look at their faces, as if they have just had a big meal. They are sitting outside in the sun with gluttonous expressions.

But they were obviously malnourished and had probably not had enough to eat for many years. "Constantine said.

"You are..." At this moment, a black child recognized them, his eyes were bright, and he shouted excitedly: "Batman, Flash, Brother God, I see living superheroes."

As he shouted, seven or eight children and more than thirty adults and elderly people gathered around him out of curiosity.

Seeing that he was talking about Spain, Bateman showed a gentle expression and asked in Spanish: "Have you just had lunch?"

The black child was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, there's no need. God has blessed us, and we don't have to go hungry anymore."

"Moto!" A low shout came from behind him, attracting the attention of several heroes.

"Ah, Grandpa Priest!" All the tribesmen saluted respectfully to the skinny little old man.

"Old guy, it's you!" Zha Kang stared at him and sneered.

The old man smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You guys come with me, this is not the place to talk."

The three of them were not afraid of him setting up an ambush and followed him straight to a thatched shed with drafts on all sides.

The old man didn't prepare any tea or drinks for them. He just sat cross-legged on a straw mat, shook the Tiantianshan mobile phone in his hand that was pulpy to the touch, and said: "After reading the news, I knew you Sooner or later he will come looking for you.

Alas, so many alien nobles have died, things are going big! "

"Aren't you controlling the hungry spirits and creating terrorist attacks?" Bateman asked.

The old man, whose face was covered with colorful rune marks, tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then said: "I'll answer your question first, and you can answer mine honestly later, okay?"

Bateman nodded slightly.

"That's not a hungry spirit, but the son of Namos, a hungry demon."

"Isn't Namos just a hungry spirit?" Bateman glanced at Zha Kang.

Zha Kang touched his nose and said, "This old man obviously knows more about Namos than I do, so I heard him right. By the way, old man, I am John Constantine, what is your name?"

"Call me 'Moab'." The old man put down his cell phone, picked up a cigarette, knocked out the ashes, filled it with tobacco and lit it, while holding the brass cigarette holder with enjoyment on his face, and slowly smoked Explained: “Namos is the eldest son of Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, a king of hell who controls hunger and controls famine.

The 'god god' that Motuo called just now was Namos.

As for the hungry spirit, it usually refers to the flies on Namos.

You must know Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies.

One of the former three kings of hell, alongside Lucifer and Belial.

His Majesty Beelzebub looks like a giant fly, and Namos also has the head of a human and the body of a fly.

He is always surrounded by a swarm of flies, each representing a city or race exterminated by famine.

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