I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1545 Heavenly Father’s Conspiracy

The Genesis Star, the golden city floating in mid-air, the southern school grounds.

"Can you guys do it? I'm almost asleep."

In a transparent ball, Harley was wearing a white sportswear, leaning against the air, with her right elbow leaning against the air, her head propped up on her palms, yawning, and her left hand still waving around her mouth.

"It feels like you are not attacking me, but giving me a massage. It feels so comfortable, hehe~~~"

Around her, seven or eight male and female New God warriors were holding swords, guns, swords and halberds. They were sweating profusely and squatting on the ground panting.

Outside them, there were more New God warriors holding weapons and eager to try.

"Don't be too arrogant!!"

Hearing Harley's provocation, the 2.5-meter-tall muscular female warrior in the queue roared, lifted it up to a height of 3,000 meters, held a four-meter-long mace in both hands, and shouted "Ahhh" and smashed it from the sky. Come down.

Her speed was as fast as thunder, and the friction between the mace and the air produced red flames.

When it was about to reach the ground, it had already turned into a flaming meteor.


Ten meters above Harry's head, a transparent barrier appeared out of thin air. The flaming meteors hit it and splashed with fire, and the barrier rippled with light golden ripples.

"Well, this has some flavor, but it's still far from breaking through my defensive shield." Harley said lazily: "Why don't you just follow my instructions and build a 'Ten Thousand Gods Array', thousands of The combined power of thousands of people adds up.”

"The New God Warrior is unique in his divinity, so he will not use the 'Ten Thousand Gods Array'. Let me break your defensive force field."

"Whoosh!" Dozens of New God Warriors flashed and disappeared into the crowd.

They either charged in a straight line, or circled and attacked sideways, or jumped up and slashed downwards like the previous female warriors. The speed of each New God warrior exceeded the speed of sound dozens of times, so fast that only phantoms could be seen.

And only when the attack falls, the shadow can be seen.

Dozens of people rushed together quickly, looking like dozens of fleas besieging a glass ball.

With the talent of controlling the void out of thin air, Harley used the air as a chair and commented lazily: "It's boring, it's really boring. It's just that it's powerful in words, but it's still so bad when it comes to fighting.

Really, listen to my advice.

There is nothing wrong with becoming a screw in the array of gods. At least you can save your life.

For you, being able to save your life in the final battle is already a blessing from Heavenly Father. "

"Ahhhh~~" The New God Warrior's anger value increased by 100, and his attack power and speed increased again by 30%.

"Gudong, Gudong." In the depths of Harry's consciousness, the experience jar kept popping up bubbles one after another.

It's like putting a one-ton iron pot on a candle.

The bubbling is long-lasting, but the total amount of bubbles is very small.


Just when Harry was thinking about whether to say a few more exciting words, the rapid beating of a bell came from the center of the city.

At the same time, the stick attached to her waist also vibrated slightly.

The swing baton is just a regular tactical telescoping baton.

It is less than 20 centimeters long and about the thickness of a thumb. It is made of the ninth divine gold and is her conventional weapon.

Harley now has four sticks. The first one is the God's stick that she has used since her debut. It is made of the eighth god's gold and heavenly silver, and is blended with the tears of the Holy Spirit. When struck on the body, it can make people repent.

The second stick is the Blood Killing Stick, which is also made of the eighth divine gold and blended with the painful blood and tears of the Angel King Gabriel. The special effect is extreme pain.

The third stick was made by using an entire calf bone from her "divine body" to absorb the tears of death and the wind of nothingness. It was purely natural and not forged.

Because the leg bones are her own, and because she has the vitality defense expertise of controlling life forms, the bone stick can travel around her body and exist in any part of her body.

For example, if you point your finger out, the finger will be instantly replaced by the cells of the white bone stick, becoming a Yin Feng finger bone.

If her enemies hadn't always started at the highest level, the bone stick would have been very effective in plotting against her enemies.

The above three sticks are too "harmful" and can only be used against the enemy.

As the instructor of the Creation Star and the Heaven Guard, she would also fight with her apprentices in person on weekdays, and she often needed to use weapons to practice moves.

Then, she created the fourth magic stick, the Magic Stick.

The New God's special product - the Mother Box, can change into any form, and can be integrated with weapons and even bodies.

Harley, like most of the New Gods, incorporated the Mother Boxes into her weapons.

"BOOOM~~~" The defensive golden film rapidly expanded ten times in size, and the powerful impact pushed back and flew hundreds of meters away from the New God "soldiers" who were surrounding her.

"Heavenly Father is summoning all the high-level new god generals. I have also been invited to rush to the Palace of Justice immediately. You can train on your own first."

Although any one of these New God soldiers on Earth is an S-class superpower, their status within the New Gods is not high.

There are too many strong people.

"Instructor Quinn, are we going to announce the Equation of Life in such a big battle?" asked the strong woman holding a mace.

Everyone on the Creation Star knows that Heavenly Father is looking for the Life Equation, and they all know that Heavenly Father obtained the evil white light some time ago, and they all hope that Heavenly Father will use the white light to elicit the Life Equation, and then defeat Darkseid and obtain the key to the final battle. victory.

There was absolutely no idea of ​​secrecy.

Everyone on Apokolips must know.

Harley wanted to know what Darkseid was thinking and doing these days.

"It's very possible. It's been almost two months since the Disaster Rebellion ended. It's time for a result."

Harley took off the swing stick from her waist and swung it hard, "Kaka!"

The swing stick, which is less than 20 centimeters, stretches out in three sections, and the total length immediately exceeds half a meter.

She grabbed the middle part of the stick and flew into the sky with a "swish".

It's a bit like flying with a sword, except that she doesn't have a flying sword with her feet, but flies with a weapon in her hand.

This is also one of the basic functions of the mother box, floating and flying at high speed.

Except for a very few new gods whose divinity is related to flying, all the new gods cannot fly.

Even Darkseid has to fly on a floating flying disc.

However, with the help of the mother box, many times it is not obvious that they cannot fly.

At this moment, several new god generals floated from the ground. There were no floating flying discs under their feet, and only the weapons they carried shone with a faint light.

They don't even have to take out their weapons like Harley.

Those who are close to the Palace of Justice can fly, and those who are farther away can directly open the sonic boom channel.

When Harry landed, he saw what looked like firecrackers being set off on the metal steps outside the palace.


"Hi, Harley~" Orion stopped her on the steps and quickly approached on a wheelless scooter, "What are you doing recently?"

"What did I do?" Harley asked confused.

"You don't train your soldiers properly, you just lie there and let them attack your defense shield." Orion's eyes were suspicious, "What good will this do to you?"

——As expected, no matter what she does, they will all think about her intentions and the benefits she can get.

Harley asked back: "You haven't paid much attention to the training of the New God recently. What are you busy with?"

"If I didn't pay attention to the training of the soldiers, would I have discovered your inexplicable behavior?" Orion said.

In fact, he himself didn't care about what Hallie did. He asked about it on behalf of his Heavenly Father.

"Huh, if you really understood the situation, you wouldn't think I'm confused." Harley said.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

"This time Heavenly Father summoned us for the Life Equation, right?" Harley looked worried: "The day Heavenly Father gets the Life Equation is when the countdown to the final war begins.

I don’t know how many soldiers will be sacrificed by then.

Their personal combat power has reached its limit, at least in a short period of time.

Therefore, I plan to study a Nine Palaces Bagua Formation, or Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, to bring together the power of many ordinary soldiers to cause huge damage to the enemy and ensure maximum safety for myself. "

"I have never heard of the Nine Palaces Bagua Formation and the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation." Orion frowned.

"You have been a superhero on Earth for several years. Haven't you watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "The Legend of the Gods"?" Harley asked.

Orion really hasn't seen it yet.

He connected his mind to the mother box, quickly found these two novels, and took a rough look at them.

"Well, it's very unreliable to learn formations from novels." He said with a strange expression.

It was indeed unreliable. Harley just found a persuasive excuse to let thousands of New God warriors attack her.

The day the Heavenly Father gets the equation of life may be the time when the final battle comes.

But she is still 120% away from reaching level 120. She needs experience so much now.

"Let me ask you, what are the chances of winning with 10,000 New God warriors besieging Darkseid using ordinary methods?"

Orion shook his head and said: "There is no chance of winning. One million or one hundred million ordinary soldiers are useless. Quantitative changes cannot lead to qualitative changes. The only one who can deal with Darkseid is the Supreme Father."

"But the 'Ten Thousand Immortals Formation' can defeat a 'saint'. The saint in "The List of Gods" is the highest." Harry was talking nonsense, but his expression was very solemn.

"The problem is, the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is fake." Orian said.

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Array in the book is fake, but can't we develop the Ten Thousand Immortals Array belonging to the new gods?" Harley said.

"What did you study?" he asked curiously.

Then he came to his senses and shouted: "No, I'm asking you about being surrounded and attacked by soldiers. Where did you go?"

Harley said: "Even you don't believe in the Ten Thousand Gods Array, and the soldiers are even more suspicious. They advocate the independence and uniqueness of divinity, and are unwilling to give up their personal bravery, and are unwilling to hand over their divine power and divinity to others. a screw on.

So I used myself as an example to prove to them that there is no future in fighting alone, rushing and fighting, and even my defense cannot be broken. When the time comes to face Darkseid or the Dark Elite, they will be like grass under the sickle. "

Harley also didn't expect that it would be so difficult to promote the combined attack formation in New Gods.

The new god soldiers on the Creation Star all have a bit of divinity to some extent. Each person's divinity is different and their personality is very strong.

In other words, it is precisely because of their strong character and unique characteristics that they can develop divinity.

However, Harley's "Array of All Gods" requires a group of new gods to hand over their power and divinity to the leader, while the others are like screws in the machine.

They are resistant.

"I see, Harry, you have good intentions." Orion suddenly realized, and the suspicion in his eyes quickly dissipated.

"Have you researched a specific formation? Show it to me and Heavenly Father. If it is really effective, we can promote it throughout the army." Orian said.

The superiors don't care about the personalities of the soldiers, they just want the final victory.

"They are unwilling to cooperate with me. We are still in the stage of convincing them with examples." Harley said.

"Olian, what has Heavenly Father called us for?" Ugo, the god of war, came over and asked loudly, carrying a big mallet.

Seeing all the new god generals looking over, Harley and Orion stopped whispering.

Orion looked solemn and said: "Heavenly Father has found the equation of life."

"Hahaha, great, we will be able to poke Darkseid's ass right away, I'm really looking forward to it." Ugo said with an excited smile, waving a big mallet as thick as a bucket.

Harley stared at Orion's face and asked: "You don't seem too excited. Said also said that outsiders cannot use the origin of the evil. Has Heavenly Father encountered some trouble?"

Orion hesitated for a moment and said, "There was indeed a little accident."

"What accident?"

"I'm not sure. Heavenly Father has been staying with Metron these days, and I didn't see Him until today." After a pause, Orion asked again: "You took away the soul of Woe Rong at that time, right? "

"I sacrificed the souls of the evil spirits to Brother God." Harley said.

In exchange for 30 million heavenly merits.

At that time, the Voice of Heaven wanted the source of white light more, but Harley took the overall situation of "The Final Battle of the New Gods" into account and was worried that the incomplete white light of evil would not be able to create a complete equation of life.

She was not optimistic about Heavenly Father, and felt that He was far inferior to Darkseid. If he secretly withheld the source of white light, Heavenly Father, who was holding the incomplete life equation, would not be able to even change the limit.

The Heavenly Father was beaten to death, Darkseid didn't even have "yellow blood", so wasn't she the one who suffered in the end?

But Harley didn't want to offend Brother God, so she sold Firong's soul to the Voice of Heaven.

Some sweet water can also be squeezed out of chewed sugar cane pulp.

What's more, Wo Rong's soul is very complete and he must be able to squeeze out something useful to God.

Orion frowned and said: "The soul of Woe Rong may be related to the equation of life. Why did you dedicate him to God?"

Harley shrugged, giving no explanation and no suggestive expression.

Orion gradually showed a thoughtful look.

"Olian, come here and stand next to me."

The two said a few words, and then Heavenly Father strode in.

Meng Buli, the God of Knowledge, is sitting on the Mobius Chair and floating behind Him.

"With the blessing of the source, I successfully obtained the Life Equation a month ago." Heavenly Father said without any nonsense, "But unfortunately, after a month of testing, I do not have the destiny to control it."

"Heavenly Father, you are the Lord of the New God, how could you not control the equation of life?" The big man Ugo said excitedly.

"If destiny does not belong to you, then who can use the Life Equation? Without the Life Equation, how can we deal with Darkseid?" Beka, the God of Love, worried.

"Over the years, we have spent so much money searching for the Life Equation. We finally got it, but why can't we use it?" All the new gods looked excited and couldn't accept it.

The Heavenly Father pressed down his hands, waited for everyone to calm down, and then said in a loud voice: "Since the equation of life has appeared, it means that the destiny belonging to it will definitely follow.

There is no doubt about this, there must be someone destined to use it.

Just like after Darkseid obtained the Anti-Life Equation, the Life Equation destined to be opposite to it by destiny would inevitably come to the world soon after.

At best, destiny comes in ways we don’t expect. "

Heavenly Father glanced at Harley and said: "During the War of Disaster, everyone thought that destiny belonged to Kyle Rayner, who had cultivated white light, but it turned out that Hal Jordan's magic weapon descended from the sky and ended the War of Disaster.

At that time, the Lanterns in the material world and us who were paying attention to the situation did not expect such an ending.

But destiny will eventually come, and this will never change.

Since the life equation appears but I cannot use it, then it is very likely that the destined person is among you. "

Harry was shocked. What did Heavenly Father mean by this, did he mean to hand over the equation of life to someone present?

"Heavenly Father, what do you mean, let's use the equation of life?" Light God Light exclaimed.

Heavenly Father nodded slightly, stretched out his right hand, opened his palm, and a white mosaic shimmered and danced in his palm.

"This is the equation of life. Come and try it out to see who has the highest adaptability."

The gods either looked at each other in confusion, or their eyes flickered, not knowing what they were thinking. There were also new gods looking left and right, eager to try.

"Harry, I'm very optimistic about you, you come first."

Contrary to Harry's expectation, she, who stood at the back, was the first to be named by Heavenly Father.

"Me?" She was stunned for a moment, looked at the Prince of Creation Star next to her Heavenly Father, and said, "Let Orion come first, I think he has destiny."

Heavenly Father was surprised: “Why do you say that?”

——What's the reason? He is your appointed prince, so I will just be polite.

Harry was just complaining in his mind, when suddenly a thought flashed through his mind: Heavenly Father's surprised expression, could it be that destiny really lies in Orion, and Heavenly Father has known about it for a long time?

"Below you, among the gods, Orion has the most god-king temperament. As your heir, he has the greatest chance of receiving the destiny." She analyzed seriously.

Orion grinned.

Heavenly Father nodded, a complex look flashed in his eyes, and said, "What you said makes sense, but I would rather you take on this destiny."

Harley feels more and more strange that the equation of life represents the fate of a decisive battle with Darkseid, and Darkseid represents the darkness and evil of the multiverse. His old enemy naturally has a destiny of light and justice.

If she has the destiny to use the Life Equation, doesn't it mean that she has obtained the Jade Seal of the Creation Star?

"Come here quickly, the others are still waiting." Heavenly Father urged.

"Oh" Harry couldn't guess what Heavenly Father was thinking, so he quickly walked up to Him and opened the 11 major defensive specialties. He only opened the God's defensive force field.

She was worried that her expertise would be combined and the equation of life would be taken over by her.

Well, if Heavenly Father hid the Life Equation as a treasure, she would still have a "disobedient heart."

But now that Heavenly Father has a strange attitude, it is better for her to be cautious.

"How to try?"

Harley stared at the white mosaic that was constantly changing its shape in His hand, and asked doubtfully.

"Absorb it just like absorbing the source of white light." Heavenly Father said.

Harley slowly covered the wriggling and deformed mosaic with her little hand.

"Eh~~~" She groaned in the next moment, and her whole body twitched like an electric shock.

The tingling sensation spread from the palm of my hand to every cell in my body in an instant.

Harley could also clearly feel that every cell in her body was being mosaicized. The cells were turning into a mosaic, and then changing from mosaic to other forms.

The equation of life wants to modify her genes and body structure!

Harley understood clearly.

"It's so strange. My body seems to be torn into countless pieces, and each piece will turn into something else." She also retracted her palms as if she was electrocuted, and said in confusion.

Heavenly Father was not surprised, "Don't resist its changes on you. Although you are powerful, from an evolutionary perspective, your genes are relatively primitive. It can allow your body and genes to evolve perfectly and evolve into a god."

Harry was not tempted at all, shook his head and said: "There is a very dangerous feeling in my spiritual sense."

This is the truth and it is also a lie.

She had a feeling that after turning on the seven basic power defense specialties, she could resist the "evolution" of the life equation.

But if she didn't resist and activate her defense expertise, she was really not sure what she would be twisted into.

Could it be said that it turned into a sticky pile of polymer organic matter?

Harley didn't want to try.

Her evolutionary treasure has helped her determine the direction of evolution. Even if the life equation can really help people evolve without side effects, she won't be surprised.

Heavenly Father said with some regret: "The next one."

"Father, let me try." Orion said eagerly.

Metron, who had always been expressionless, staring intently, and his eyes were empty, gave him a strange look that Harley didn't quite understand.

"You are last." Heavenly Father pushed the prince away.

"I'm coming." Beka, the God of Love, walked a few steps quickly and came to Heavenly Father before the gods.

"Don't force yourself. If you feel in danger, retreat immediately." Heavenly Father warned.

Harry frowned slightly. Judging from Heavenly Father's behavior, it seemed that He didn't want Beca to take risks, but He had previously advised her to "try again" and didn't even mind the changes to her life equation.

Does He really want her, "Greedy Witch Harley", to get the Life Equation?


"Uh-huh -" While Harley was thinking wildly, the God of Love Beca had already inhaled half of the life equation like eating noodles, and screamed miserably.

Two meat buns were seen bulging out from her plump and muscular shoulders, and the meat buns were also in the shape of a mosaic.

Can't tell what exactly it is.

I saw them getting bigger and bigger, almost becoming the second or third head.

"Be still and concentrate!"

The Heavenly Father gave a low shout, and the power of divine light erupted from his body, causing the three-headed Beka to stagger back.

The equation of life is like a roundworm stuck in a child's ass, struggling and twisting to be pulled out of Beca's palm.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Harley seemed to hear a struggling cry of "chirp".

But after the life equation left Beka's body, the two meat bags on her shoulders did not disappear.

Breaking free from the equation of life and halting evolution, the meat buns shed their mosaic coat, allowing people to see their final form.

Not a head, but two misshapen lobster claws.

Harley was dumbfounded, is this a perfect evolution?

Beka is the Goddess of Love, the "Aphrodite" of the new Protoss.

Who would love a cupid with two lobster claw arms? Crusu Demon God?

"Heavenly Father, what's going on?" Beka's face turned pale and she almost cried in fear.

"Don't worry, evolution isn't complete yet."

Heavenly Father holds the equation of life, and two beams of white light appear in his eyes.

The white light fell on the pliers and immediately ignited two white flames.

Amidst Beka's screams, the flames burned the pliers completely.

Except for some tatters in the tight purple leather jacket, Beca's shoulders were smooth and round, without any discordant remnants.

"Don't force it." Heavenly Father said to Ugo, the third person who came up to try.

"I understand - hum -"

Ugo groaned, quickly retracted his right hand, and said helplessly: "I can't control it, but it wants to control my body and soul. It's terrible."

After that, the gods went up to test one by one, but none of them succeeded.

There are also new gods who are stronger in nature and insist on forcefully, but in the end they become even more terrifying monsters than Beka.

It's the kind of weird existence that can cause confusion in anyone's mind just by looking at it.

But what surprised Harry was that every time someone was alienated, Heavenly Father could easily help them return to normal.

——He really can’t use the life equation?

"Uh ah ah~~~~" Orion screamed sadly, but his condition was better than everyone else.

An unknown shape of white mosaic turned into a long chain and penetrated into his palm and into his flesh.

Like a snake snaking under the flat sheets, strange flesh lines bulged out from Orion's body.

But that's all, there was no change in his body.

Gradually, his screams stopped, his body exuded a very strange but also very powerful aura, and the strange flesh lines disappeared.

"Ouch~~~~" Orion clenched his fists and let out a hearty roar. Then he looked at the Heavenly Father and said excitedly and confidently: "I am the destined person, and it is now under my control."

Heavenly Father pursed his lips and looked at him for a while, then smiled and patted Orion on the shoulder with a big hand, "Okay, okay, okay! Orion, destiny is yours, I am very happy."

"Hahaha!" Orion also laughed heartily.

"Orian, how do you feel?" Harley asked curiously.

Orion turned to look at her, with a strange light flickering in his eyes. For a moment, Harry seemed to have had all his clothes ripped off, and was being looked at from all angles by a hundred pairs of cold eyes.

She activates all defensive feats reflexively.

Orion frowned and said in an unhappy voice, "What did you do?"

"What are you doing?" Harley was also unhappy.

"I want to know your secret. I can see through your soul just a little bit. Why should you hide it?" Orion said in a questioning tone.

"Why are you checking my secret? Since it's a secret, of course it can't be known to outsiders." Hallie was only half angry, but more surprised.

Orion's personality seems to have changed.

He might have been reckless and impulsive before, but he wouldn't be as arrogant and rude as he is now.

Is this his nature, was it just a lack of strength before, or is the equation of life affecting him?

"No life has secrets in front of me, and no life should have secrets from me." Orion raised his chin slightly and said proudly.

After saying that, his eyes flickered again, and his eyes were like the undefeated embroidery needle from the East, jabbing hard into Harry's body.

Before Harry could attack, Heavenly Father took a step forward and pressed his palms as big as palms on Orion's shoulders again, interrupting his movement.

"You have just integrated the Life Equation and are not familiar with its power yet, so don't activate it hastily."

Then, He turned to Harley and said: "Don't mind, he suddenly gained great power, his mind was unstable, he got a little carried away, and he rashly used the Life Equation on you."

Finally, Heavenly Father said to the new god generals with different expressions: "Olian got the Life Equation because it was his destiny.

Now that destiny has arrived, the next final divine battle is already around the corner.

Go back and prepare your troops and wait for my assembly order. "

Except for Metron, the God of Knowledge, all the new gods could only turn around and leave, no matter what they were thinking or what they wanted to ask.

When everyone was gone, Heavenly Father looked at Orion with complex eyes, his right hand still resting on his shoulder, and said softly: "Do you understand what the destiny of the 'Life Equation' is?"

Orion said proudly: "Of course, my destiny is to kill Darkseid who holds the Anti-Life Equation in the final battle."

Heavenly Father nodded slightly and sighed: "But he is your biological father after all."

"There is no coexistence between good and evil. Light and darkness will always decide the outcome. I choose the light, and I choose you. You are my father." Orion looked decisive, without any hesitation.

The Heavenly Father's expression became more complicated, and he opened his mouth. He obviously had something to say, but it was stuck in his throat and he could not spit it out.

Metron saw him on the side and said, "Orian, I heard the conversation you had with Witch Harley just now.

She was right. On the battlefield of the final battle, ordinary soldiers were like ants under the feet of elephants. Their lives were fragile and useless.

The result of the final battle is the result of the battle between you and Darkseid.

If you win, the Genesis Star will win. When the fifth world is restarted, justice and light will overwhelm evil and darkness. "

"I will definitely win, I will defeat Darkseid, I swear." Orion said confidently, clenching his fists.

Metron said quietly: "If, I mean if, if we strike first, we can kill Darkseid and Harley Quinn first before the decisive battle. There will be no need to deal with any life-saving magic circle. The Genesis Star Tens of millions of New God soldiers will not die miserably."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Orion's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "When I become familiar with the power of the life equation, I will go to Apokolips.

In front of Darkseid, the ordinary soldiers of the Genesis Star were like ants under the feet of the elephants.

In front of me, who is integrated with the equation of life, the soldiers of Apokolips are like ants. They are completely unable to affect the battle situation between me and Darkseid. "

Metron asked: "Have you really decided that way?"

Just as Orion was about to speak, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Heavenly Father beside him. He immediately turned around and asked for instructions: "Father, what do you think?"

It felt like a big walnut was stuck in Heavenly Father's throat, and he said with difficulty: "Destiny is yours, you can use your camera."

"Okay, that's it. I'll be able to catch Darkseid off guard then." Orion rubbed his palms together and said excitedly: "I can't wait. Father, I want to find a place to practice the life equation skills." .”

"Well, you go ahead." Heavenly Father said.

When Orion left happily, there was a hint of reluctance and hesitation on his face, "Is this really the only way?"

Metron said indifferently: "You are not Witch Harley. Witch Harley deceives people like drinking water and breaks oaths like farting. In addition to disgusting others, she smiles and has no loss at all.

You are different. You must strictly abide by the rules set by the origin of the universe for the new gods.

First, you cannot betray an oath uttered in the witness of the laws of the multiverse.

But you have signed a peace agreement with Darkseid, and Orion is part of the oath.

Secondly, the new gods cannot directly kill relatives.

This is an iron law that cannot be broken by any new god.

You and Darkseid are brothers. If you kill him, you will definitely suffer cruel punishment from your origin.

If it weren't for this new god's commandment, your father Yuga Khan would have eaten your brothers long ago.

If it weren't for this new god's commandment, your mother might have killed the then 'Prince Darkseid'.

Also because of this commandment, even if Darkseid hated the Queen Mother to death, he could only use conspiracy to force the Queen Mother's favored minister Disad to turn against his master and drug the Queen Mother to death.

They all fear the retribution of parricide. "

"But Orion is also a new god. I am Darkseid's brother, and he is Darkseid's son. His parricide will also have retribution." Heavenly Father sighed.

Metron said: "On the Creation Star, only you and Orion have the authority to fuse the life equation. You are the royal bloodline among the New Gods. It's either you or him.

The Genesis Star cannot do without you, and the reconstruction of the fifth world must be completed by you. "

"I thought Darkseid would take action first." Heavenly Father said bitterly: "From the beginning, I did not hide the news about the life equation. I hoped that he would not be able to sit still and take action against me first.

As long as the oath is broken by him, the oath will lose its binding force on me.

As long as he commits parricide, it will be unjust for him, and I will obey God's orders by killing him. "

Metron said: "Darkseid would have done it long ago if he wanted to.

His ability to endure is well known to us who know his past.

Billions of years ago, before the new gods had risen, you were all slaves of the old gods.

With Darkseid's character, how could he endure such humiliation?

He had long wanted to rebel, but he still gritted his teeth and endured for tens of thousands of years, until he was strong enough to murder the first old god.

When Yuga Khan was in power, he hid his ambitions and desires and remained an obedient prince for millions of years.

When the Queen Mother poisoned his lover, he held back and planned for a long time until he forced Disard to betray the Queen Mother.

Even now, he has become the supreme being in the multiverse. After being framed by the Witch Harley, he still chose to temporarily endure the humiliation and negotiate with her.

He has endured so many humiliating years in the past and present. How can you expect him to be the first to break his oath?

He didn't even have a reason to strike first. The longer it took, the better it would be for him.

As far as I know, he will soon be launching his fourth round of Anti-Life Equation testing.

His strength will only get stronger and stronger.

You know your situation yourself.

After more than a month of testing, you can use the life equation, but you cannot use the equation to continuously improve your realm and cognition like him. "

Heavenly Father's expression changed, and he muttered: "I was counting on Harley Quinn to shoulder this destiny. If she could kill Darkseid, neither Orion nor I would have to commit the crime of parricide."

"If she uses the Life Equation to kill Darkseid, the co-owner of Apokolips and Genesis, she can only do it." Metron said.

Heavenly Father said quietly: "Even if she can kill Darkseid, she will definitely be severely injured and her life will not be long."

Metron was silent for a moment and said: "There is a prophecy among the New Gods that has been passed down for thousands of years - Orion will kill Darkseid and replace him, becoming the new God King of Apokolips.

This is Orion's destiny, and he will succeed.

He obeys fate, so you don't have to worry too much about him. "

"I hope so. I hope he can fulfill the prophecy and replace Darkseid as the master of Apokolips. By then, the fifth world will usher in final peace and light." A look of yearning appeared on the face of Heavenly Father.

"The prophecy comes from the origin, is the manifestation of destiny, and is also the revelation of the final battle. It will definitely come true." Metron said very confidently.

Heavenly Father's expression became more relaxed and he said: "In this case, we must also finish the finishing work early, and it is best to add an insurance policy for Orion.

Well, let Harley Quinn capture the formation for him, and I will capture the formation for her."

After saying that, he activated his mother box and dialed Harley's mother box number.

"." There was no response for a long time.

"She didn't answer my call? Is she still angry about what happened before?" Heavenly Father frowned.

A series of images flashed quickly in Metron's eyes, and he said: "She has returned to Earth. As long as she returns to Earth, she will put the Mother Box back into the weapons depot.

She is cautious and understands that the Mother Box can collect information about her and be viewed by us. "

"If she was careless, she wouldn't be the witch Harley." Heavenly Father didn't care at all about Harley's vigilance about the Mother Box, and only wondered: "Isn't she doing some kind of Array of Gods? Why did she return to Earth in such a blink of an eye?"

Metron said: "A big thing happened on the earth. The Sons of Famine plundered the United States and massacred hundreds of American dignitaries and rich people. Even the alien envoys suffered heavy casualties.

Now the whole world is panicked, the Milky Way is shocked, and the universe is shocked. The commander-in-chief of the United States is shouting at the top of his lungs, "Admiral of the Galaxy." "

"Alas, the earth is such a rotten cesspit, and it refuses to stop for a day." Heavenly Father shook his head and closed the Mother Box, "On the first day I took control of the equation of life, I had an uncontrollable impulse.

I want to bring the light of the New Gods to Earth and transform it into a perfect new world. "

"Harley Quinn won't agree." Metron said.

"I know, so I held back. But I'm afraid that Orion can't hold back. The instinct that guides the perfect evolution of life in the universe comes from the equation of life.

In other words, allowing life to evolve perfectly is the destiny of those who control the equation of life.

The earth has huge potential, and it has a greater future than the Martus people back then.

But people on Earth have been wasting their talents.

They indulge in desire, choose to fall, and do not want to make progress. "

The expression on Heavenly Father's face seemed to be both ridicule and regret.

"Such an earth and such earthlings are fatally tempting to those who control the equation of life. They cannot help but want to fulfill their destiny of perfect evolution." He sighed.

"Before Darkseid is killed, it is best not to attack the earth. When the final battle is over, you can do whatever you want." Metron advised.

"I understand. I will keep an eye on Orion. The key now is Darkseid."

ps: The setting of the New Gods has been revised many times by DC. The father-son-brother relationship between Heavenly Father, Darkseid, and Yuga Khan is a relatively mainstream setting. The rules that new gods cannot break oaths and cannot kill relatives are also comic settings. I am not bringing the settings from the previous book "Game of Thrones" here. I can only say that sacred oaths and parricide are common to gringos. moral requirements. Not only Waiguoren, we Chinese people also have similar rules. For example, if I kneel down to my son, my life will be shortened.

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