I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1534 Emma and Dottie

Before the "Green Lantern Corps Trial", the cosmic trial that had the greatest impact on people on earth was undoubtedly the Carona Trial at the end of last year.

In that trial, Americans officially appeared on the cosmic stage for the first time in a non-crisis moment.

The reason why it is emphasized that it is a "non-crisis moment" is because during a crisis, ordinary people are concerned about their own lives and discussing when the crisis will end, and have no time to think about things like exchanges between cosmic civilizations or the sense of honor of the human race.

For example, as early as Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Earth became the focus of the universe.

Many advanced civilizations also send galactic fleets to the earth to defend the cosmic tuning forks.

People on Earth were also very proud at that time, but every day they saw news reporting that a certain parallel universe was destroyed by antimatter energy. They were definitely more worried about the safety of the main universe, that is, Earth-0, and would not be interested in discussing the role of Earth in the universe. influence in.

The Great Trial of Carona occurred at a non-critical moment. Only when everyone was no longer in danger of their lives could they discuss the performance of the people on earth on the grand stage of the universe.

Harvey Dent is the brightest star of The Trial of Kalona, ​​even on a cosmic scale.

He is not a hero, not a superpower, just an ordinary person, but it resonates more with the people.

"We already have a universe-level prosecutor, and we should build a universe-level court to match it."

I don’t know who started this topic. As public opinion fermented, the US government also began to seriously consider this matter.

Now, a few months later, Metropolis has a landmark building above the sea - the Harvey Dent Galactic Grand Court.

The Grand Commander personally cut the ribbon for it and declared that it was the only Class A trial court in the solar system that met galactic standards.

Less than half a month after the court was built, it was opened for the first time.

An interstellar bounty hunter known as "Bao Lang" came to Earth to kidnap Da Chao. Well, it was kidnapping, and the target was Da Chao.

He received an order to kidnap the last Kryptonian in the universe. They ignored Supergirl Kara.

In short, Bakuro came to Earth on an interstellar motorcycle and fought his way to Metropolis without any disguise, directly facing Super.

That guy had a super physique and the talent of immortality, which caused a lot of damage to Da Chao.

After being finally defeated by Super, in view of his alien status and being very famous in the galaxy, he was sent to the "Harvey Dent Galactic Court" and tried in accordance with the Galaxy's General Crime Law.

Boomstick is not the first alien to commit trouble on Earth. It can only be said that he was lucky and happened to coincide with the opening of the "Harvey Dent Galactic Court".

Now, it’s mid-May 2021.

At half past one in the afternoon, the sky is clear and sunny.

Metropolis, seaside.

Harvey Dent outside the Galactic Court.

"Mom, why can't we ride on an alien speedster?"

In the parking lot three hundred meters away from the court gate, a six or seven-year-old blond boy asked, pointing to the small airships flying in and out of the sky.

The woman wearing a light brown loose sweater closed the car door, looked up at the sky, and said: "The small airship is specially prepared for extraterrestrial guests. Everyone on earth drives a car."

"Why can alien guests ride in flying cars, but we have to drive cars?" the little boy asked again.

The young woman was patient and explained with a smile: "First of all, cars use gasoline and electricity, and we have no shortage of these energy sources.

The most basic airship also abandons fossil fuels and requires energy crystals that cannot be mass-produced on earth.

We cannot abandon cars for at least 20 years. "

The little boy nodded slightly, "We are still a low-level civilization, and flying cars are not yet popular, right?"

"Baby, you are so smart." The woman bent down and held her son in her arms. She also brought her mouth to his little face and kissed him, and then continued: "You see, the 'Green Light Trial' is also starting to go fast. It’s been a week since more than eight million alien tourists came to Earth, but our lives haven’t been disrupted by aliens, right?”

"I see aliens visiting shopping malls on the street every day, and some even come to visit our school," the little boy said.

“They are tourists, so of course they have to visit shopping malls and see everywhere, but our lives have not been greatly affected.

Because ordinary earthlings live on the ground, alien guests can avoid disturbing our lives to the greatest extent by flying directly between hotels and sightseeing spots in a flying car. "

The woman held her son in her arms and explained as she walked towards the door of the court.

"Oh, the flying car also has such a function." The little boy showed a surprised expression and asked: "Why should we worry about being affected by alien guests? I also want to see a few more aliens and talk to them. "

“There are good and bad people on Earth, and there are also good and bad aliens. More importantly, aliens’ habits and culture are different from ours, and there are too many races of aliens coming to this trial.

Even diplomats like my mother cannot accurately describe their habits. Ordinary people communicating with them may cause unnecessary conflicts due to misunderstandings. "

As soon as the woman came to the stairs, an uncertain call came from the side: "Hi, Emma? Is it Emma Bibson?"

"Who? You-" When the woman heard her name, she turned her head suddenly and saw a woman with heavy makeup looking at her nervously and excitedly.

She has thick wavy purple hair, a face that is too delicate to be from Earth, and unusually large breasts.

Emma looked at her carefully for a long time, but could not find anyone similar in her memory.

"I'm Emma, ​​but my surname is no longer Bibberson. Who am I, Miss?" she asked politely.

"Hahaha, it's you. I thought I recognized the wrong person." When the beautiful woman heard what she said, she opened her arms very enthusiastically and carelessly, holding her and her son in her arms.

"Wow, is this your son? He's so old, why did you get married so early? But the little guy is so cute, bum, bum—"

Seeing the woman who was chewing her son's little face like an apple, Emma subconsciously wanted to avoid her and was still very angry, but in a daze she felt that she was somewhat familiar.

"Who are you? I don't seem to know you." She asked again.

"I'm Dottie, Gotham Elite High School, you, me and Serena, we are the dominant high school, even the Galaxy Admiral back then had to avoid our sharp edges." Busty Dottie said with a grin. .

"Oh my God, it's you, Dotty!" Emma was surprised and happy, but also very confused: "How did you become like this? Did a girl change her age at the age of 18? No, no matter how much you change, you won't become completely unrecognizable. Totally unrecognizable.”

Dottie glanced around first.

There were many people in front of the Galaxy Grand Court, including Earthlings and aliens.

They originally didn't pay attention to the two Earth women hugging each other, but when one of them said "Galaxy Admiral" loudly, hundreds of pairs of eyes looked at them with either scrutiny or surprise.

"What are you looking at? We are high school classmates and friends of General Galaxy, not swindlers." Doty puffed up her chest and shouted aggressively: "If you don't believe it, you can scan my face with your phone. Puppy forum accounts have real-name authentication.”


There was a chaotic sound from the crowd, and many people actually took out their mobile phones to take photos of faces and search for people.

Unlike Dottie, who was frank and frank and even posed in a few sexy and enchanting poses, Emma was simply ashamed.

"Dottie, what are you doing? This situation is so shameless." She complained in a low voice while tugging on her sleeves, trying to pull her away.

"But what I said is all the truth." Although Doty followed her pull and squeezed into the crowd, her feet were raised high, and her eyes were restlessly scanning around, looking specifically for the "earthlings in strange costumes" Sweep direction.

The strangely dressed Earthlings are not really Earthlings, but aliens who look similar to Earthlings.

Dotty would wink at anyone who looked at her.

Emma saw her behavior and became more and more embarrassed, "This is the court, not a nightclub."

"This is the Grand Court, but it's also a show stage for celebrities like me. Look -" Doty raised her chin towards the left front.

Emma followed her gaze and saw several women with big butts, like they were walking on a red carpet, posing in front of alien cameras for at least two minutes with every step they took.

"The Kardashians? What are they doing?"

"I told you, this is the show for celebrities like me. Countless aliens are paying attention to this big trial. With such huge traffic, it would be a waste if you don't take advantage of it." Dotty was eager to try, with excitement on his face, and said : "Let's go, Emma, ​​let's go too, let the people of the universe see the peerless style of the Gotham Queens.

It is impossible to say that he can become famous instantly and become a small Internet celebrity in the Galaxy. "

Emma quickly grabbed her and advised: "Forget it, this is really shameless. People in the universe are watching. For the sake of the earth and all mankind, please stay calm."

Dottie tried to break away from her pull and run over alone.

But she happened to meet her little sister many years ago, and she couldn't bear to separate from her immediately.

"Hey, why have you become so boring? You were not like this before." Dottie complained.

"I would like to ask you, why are you still so frivolous at your age?" Emma was also complaining.

"How old?" Dottie exclaimed in horror, "I'm only in my early 30s, so I'm just in my prime. What have you experienced in these years? Could it be that you were affected by the restart of time and became a different person?"

"This is my son Buddy. He is seven years old. Buddy's name is Aunt Dottie."

"Aunt Dottie," the child called honestly.

"Hey, can you call me Sister Dottie? I don't want to be an aunt." Dottie said with a twisted face.

"You are half a year older than me, and we are not young anymore." Emma said, and then asked curiously: "You seem to have changed. Could it be that you were affected by the reboot?"

"Have you heard of the Hex civilization? Sector 48 is a medium-sized civilization that is proficient in facial plastic surgery technology. In terms of plastic surgery technology alone, it is unique in the entire universe."

Doty held her delicate face in her hands and said proudly: "It took a full 6 million Rann coins, equivalent to 6 billion U.S. dollars, to have the 'elf face' sculpted by the corgi master of the Hex civilization.

The ‘elf face’ has been the most popular style in the Galaxy entertainment industry in recent years.

Blitz, the most beautiful woman in the galaxy at that time, became the ideal type in the hearts of men in the galaxy with her elven face that combines purity and sexiness. "

Emma felt like vomiting in her heart, but she didn't know where to start.

"Where did you get so much money?" After a while, she asked.

Doty glanced around hesitantly and said, "This is not a place for private conversations. Let's go to the private room."

"Private box?" Emma looked confused: "You have a ticket for the VIP area? I'm just an ordinary ticket for area C."

The "Harvey Dent Galactic Grand Court" was specially built according to galactic standards and can accommodate up to 100,000 people. It is divided into three areas ABC according to the distance between the seats and the podium.

The super VIP seats in the first three rows are Area A; Area B from the fourth row to the middle is a VIP seat and also has a box; Area C in the back is all ordinary seats.

"It doesn't matter, my box is big and can seat at least four people." Dottie said.

The structure of the box is actually very simple. It just adds a layer of force field wall around the ordinary seats. The color of the wall can be adjusted to isolate other people's sight and also provide sound insulation to a certain extent.

"Originally, I signed a confidentiality agreement with the Dornish civilization, which I shouldn't have said. However, the confidentiality agreement is only valid in public places, and you are not an outsider."

After entering the private room, Dotty briefly told the story of her involvement in the Arkham Island nightclub circle, making friends with alien beauties, and dating a prince from the Dornish civilization during the multidimensional reboot crisis two years ago. .

"That Prince of Dorne is a Xibei kid, disguised by little Luther. You must know that, little Luther, right?"

"The villain leader who directed the multi-faceted reboot crisis? Are you actually having an affair with him?" Emma exclaimed.

Dotty nodded proudly, "That's him. Later, the Dorne Empire gave me a hush money, and I was not allowed to disclose my experience with the fake Dorne prince."

At this point, she sighed regretfully, "Oh, I also plan to write an autobiography based on this story.

The title and plot have been decided. The first part is called "I, a Gotham Socialite, and a Night with the Overlord of the Multiverse Villains", and the second part is "The Multiverse Overlord, who plays with superheroes and super villains from all over the world, is me". Crazy".

The third part, "That Night He Lying in My Arms, Telling the Secret of the Watcher, the Creator of the Universe".

The finale, "Although I love him, I still have to swing my sword to cut off my love for the sake of the earth and all mankind." "

Emma said blankly: "That's crazy."

"What's so crazy about this? Hallie also supported me in writing my memoirs to make money and become famous all over the world." Dottie recounted the story of how she and Hallie met and interacted again.

"Hey, Harley is a very nostalgic and good person. I thought she would ridicule me and ridicule me. Unexpectedly, she was very approachable and talked and laughed with me freely without any strange expression. Later I went to visit her and she didn't refuse. .Last Christmas, when she saw that I was infected with the Luther virus and was very sick, she gave me a magic fruit to replenish my health."

Dottie gestured her biceps to Emma, ​​"Now I can fight ten strong men at once. If Batman wasn't too scary, I would want to try his moves on him."

"Halley." Emma thought again of the shame, anger and unbearable feeling when she left Gotham (ps). No matter how excited she was that day, now she was left with only mixed feelings of sadness.

"Since Hallie supports writing a memoir, why did you give up? Judging from your appearance before, you seemed to want to be famous." she asked.

"Writing a book is also for making money and making money. Being famous for writing a book is just a small hit on the earth. But the Dorn Empire directly put a bank card in front of me. The amount was too huge and I couldn't refuse." Dottie sighed.

"How much?" Emma asked curiously.

"Three hundred million."

Emma frowned and said, "It's not too much. You're at a loss."

"Three hundred million universal universal coins."

"Buy it, the general currency is more valuable than the Lann currency, you are rich." Emma said in shock.

"Well, the exchange rate between general currency and Rann currency is 1 to 10, which is about 1 to 10,000 U.S. dollars, which is almost three trillion U.S. dollars. I was so dizzy that I couldn't help but sign a confidentiality agreement." Dottie said .

"Why do the Dornish people hide this? Are they the victims?" Emma asked confused.

Doty said: "I didn't understand it at first, but later I heard Penguin say that three hundred million general coins is a lot for us, but it's not even a drop in the bucket for the Dorne Empire.

The prince of the empire was replaced without anyone noticing. It would be embarrassing if word spread.

And what little Luther committed was too big.

In order to activate the tuning fork, he destroyed hundreds of planets and deliberately provoked the Rann-Senagon War.

The Dorne Empire is not even considered a high civilization, and they are worried that if the matter is made public, it will trigger bad public opinion.

For example, some hostile forces advocated collusion between them and Little Luther. "

"You are so rich, why do you still want to be a 'Galaxy Little Internet Celebrity'? You previously revealed your identity as 'Galaxy Admiral's classmates and friends' in public and asked them to take photos. Was it because you wanted to be famous?" Emma asked doubtfully.

"Alas, 300 million general currency is not enough. My father took 50 million to develop the alien business, and I saved 50 million for old age. The remaining 200 million was gone after two years of hard work.

Look at my face, if converted into general currency, it would be 600,000.

But this is not my first face. It costs 600,000 yuan at a time. I have to have it repaired two or three times a year, right? Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep up with the trend.

And my teeth, look at-" Dotty opened her mouth and bared her teeth and said: "Senagon porcelain teeth also come from the Hex civilization. It is said that the coating contains trace amounts of N metal. One tooth costs 10 Universal currency.

And my breasts, my waist, my nails, my calves."

Under Emma's shocked eyes, she said triumphantly: "Except for my soul and DNA, there is no part of my body, from the inside out, that does not contain the technology of the Hex civilization.

Most internet celebrities in the galaxy, or in other words many starships and planetary missiles in the universe, are not as technologically advanced as me. "

Emma didn't even know what to say.

Her son Buddy said: "Aunt Dottie, given your conditions, if you become a beauty anchor, it is not difficult to become a Galaxy Internet celebrity."

"Baby, you are so smart." Doty bent down and smacked his face again, but shook her head and said, "I just want the reputation of an Internet celebrity, and I don't really plan to become an Internet celebrity."

Buddy had a puzzled expression on his drool-stained face.

Emma also looked at her in confusion.

Dotty glanced at Barty, then whispered in Emma's ear: "I never thought about being famous on Earth before, there is no point in being famous on Earth.

The purpose of building a reputation this time was just to find a rich man among the aliens who participated in the big trial.

I'm 32 years old and it's time to settle down.

It's best if I can get married, but if I can't be a mistress or a lover, it doesn't matter, as long as he is generous enough to me. "

Dottie retracted her body again and said in a normal voice: "Kardashian is very popular, but who among the rich ladies from the Upper East Side can think highly of her?

The same principle applies to ascending from the earth to the circle of galactic ladies.

I am a high-class socialite on Earth, and I will not lower my stature and become a low-class internet celebrity even if I go to an alien planet. "

(ps: Emma, ​​Dottie, and Serena are Harley's high school classmates who appeared in the first chapter. They also appeared briefly in the middle. Dottie prostituted Little Luther, and Emma said bad things about Harley at school. In revenge by Harley, her father's short movie was publicly played on the TV station (for details, please see Chapter 98, Live Broadcast).

Because she had no face to see anyone, Emma left Gotham with her divorced mother. It was not until today that she reunited with her former friends, which finally brought an ending. )

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