I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1533 The Trial of the Green Lantern Corps

"Ryan, are you speaking too absolutely? Without the brand name of 'Admiral of the Galaxy', this trial will not be easy to succeed." Speaker Roxy scolded him in the car leaving the manor for the airport.

The Commander-in-Chief also said euphemistically: "If this Great Trial of the Universe succeeds and creates a grand scene where all nations come to court, each of us will have a name in history, be firmly remembered by human civilization, and be praised by millions of future generations. Year.

This is one of them.

In addition, while receiving thousands of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, it also means that the United States has established friendly relations with thousands of extraterrestrial representatives. How much benefit does this represent?

Look at Tesla, the former commander-in-chief, who has resigned, but still helped his son-in-law get the exclusive agency of Algae Nucleus’ beauty seaweed in the solar system. "

General Lane frowned and said, "But Harley also made it very clear that only by overcoming the 'final crisis' can we have a future.

If it fails, human civilization will end. What’s the point of succeeding in the Great Trial? "

"With the Galaxy Admiral here, I believe that the 'Final Crisis' will not spread to the earth." Old lady Roxy said confidently.

"The big boss of 'Final Crisis' is Darkseid, the incarnation of evil and darkness in the multiverse. On the Puppy Video Network, Darkseid has always ranked first on the 'List of Most Threatening Villains in Multiverse'.

Brother Eye Satellite, is it powerful? Millions of Omac almost destroyed the earth, but after it surrendered to Darkseid, it was just an ordinary dark elite. General Lane said seriously.

Roxy waved her hand and said, "I know how powerful Darkseid is, but his goal is only for the Earth, not for the people on Earth.

When the final crisis comes and we can go to Heaven Mountain to escape the disaster, we will go to Heaven Mountain.

If there are too many people to go, you can also go to other planets.

Overall, the 'Final Crisis' poses less of a threat to us than the 'First Light Disaster' that just passed. "

At this point, the old lady laughed and said, "Have you paid attention to the news about 'Cosmic Inspector' Harvey Dent?

Hahaha, not long ago, he announced in an unusually high-profile manner that he would accept the offer from the 'Kelu Galaxy Legal Assistance Organization' and go to the planet Kelu to be a cosmic prosecutor.

The whole family left the earth the next day.

Corruco is Brainiac's mother civilization and possesses the most advanced intelligence and biotechnology in the universe.

As a result, seven resident planets in the Kolu civilization were brutally poisoned by the scourge, and the entire planet died, adding up to tens of billions of victims.

Harvey Dent, the fierce and upright prosecutor who was not afraid of death, was so frightened that he quickly sent his wife and children back to earth, hahaha. "

"If the final crisis comes, the Harvey Dent family staying on the planet Kelu will be the safest." said the Diplomatic Commander.

"So we must insist on holding this 'Green Lantern Corps Trial' well, make more alien friends, and only ask others for help when we encounter trouble." The old lady said firmly.

"Harry's attitude is obvious." The commander of the Ministry of National Defense hesitated.

"I understand, and I can understand that she is busy with the Final Crisis and has no time or energy to participate in the big trial, but..." Mrs. Roxy hesitated: "Can the Justice League represent her?

All the alien allies are here because of her name.

If she shows no performance at all, the allies will be disappointed and lost.

It is our fault not to be able to serve our friends and not allow them to come and return with satisfaction. "

"Sam, I leave this matter to you. You represent the government to go to the Justice League to discuss the trial. It is best for them to become the representatives of the Galaxy Admiral.

Harry doesn’t need to do anything, just put on a name and let us give an explanation to our alien allies. "The commander-in-chief said.

General Lane nodded and agreed.

"Admiral Galaxy can only make the Grand Trial more successful. As long as Harley does not clearly object, this Grand Trial will definitely be held." The Commander-in-Chief rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "We have come to terms with Harley. She left it to us to decide.

So, we should discuss how to hold it now.

For example, what small gifts should you give to your alien allies? What food are provided to them?

Last time we were in Algae Core, we could eat longevity-prolonging seafood every day. We can’t entertain guests with steaks and burgers this time, right? "

"The fruits and vegetables in Paradise Mountain are very good. They are rarer than the seafood from Algae Core Planet. They will definitely shock the alien allies." Old lady Roxy smacked her mouth in response to the taste.

"Don't count on it. Even if Harley fully supports us in holding a grand trial, she will not agree to turn Paradise Mountain into a vegetable garden. It is a sacred place bathed in God's light and is God's domain." Ryan frowned.

"Visitors who return from Paradise Mountain on weekdays can also bring some souvenirs back to Earth." Roxy said reluctantly.

"Can the suppliers of local products and fruits and vegetables be the same?" Ryan said.

"How do you know if you don't ask?"

Ryan said: "You can ask, I'm just telling you my opinion."

Roxy looked at him with old eyes, "Aren't you responsible for this?"

"Isn't it annoying to do something you know you can't do? Harley and I are old friends, so naturally we can't deliberately disgust her.

Moreover, I am even somewhat persuaded by her now and feel that holding a big trial is not a good thing.

We can't even handle the food from the alien friendly countries, accommodation, venue, security. We have Luther Flu here. Alas, just thinking about these things makes my head hurt. "

Ryan pressed his temples, "I'm just a soldier, responsible for superhuman criminal activities. Don't count on me for other things."

"Do you plan to be a soldier for the rest of your life?" Roxy's eyes flickered: "Your predecessor, General Minos, immediately became a congressman after leaving the Pentagon and was also elected as the Chairman of the Military Committee. I think you can also consider taking this path. road."

General Ryan said disapprovingly: "Beisan, if you change your example, it might be more tempting. I don't want to follow General Minos' old path. It's too unlucky."

Bethan Roxy shook her head and sighed: "It's a pity for General Minos. He obviously got a very good hand, but he played it to pieces.

But you can't blame him entirely.

It was his first time to experience reincarnation, and it happened suddenly, without any preparation.

But with his lessons in front of us, we will definitely learn from them. "

As she said that, she looked at Ryan meaningfully and said strangely: "Don't say you didn't change your will."

General Lane was stunned for a while before he understood what she meant, and said with a wry smile: "What should I change in my will? Unlike General Minos, I left a large fortune and political legacy.

I have two daughters and one husband. The eldest daughter is much richer than me, and the second daughter is also a soldier.

The upper limit for women joining the military is there, and she can't inherit more from me. "

"That's right, your family's population is relatively simple." Roxy nodded and added, "However, I don't believe you didn't prepare a secret account for yourself."

General Lane had heard about the recent popularity of personal private accounts among the powerful: leaving a secret account to store a large amount of inheritance before death. When reincarnated, the wealth accumulated in previous lives can still be enjoyed in this life.

"Do you really trust Swiss banks?" He asked puzzledly: "Forget those brainless Shabi tycoons, but you and I both know very well that the so-called neutrality and the so-called century-old credibility are not as good as the words of a woman standing on the streets of Brown Street in the metropolis. The words of love you speak are reliable."

"Sam, you better understand." Several military and political leaders laughed ambiguously.

General Lane coughed a few times and said unnaturally: "My wife passed away before Lucy (Louise's sister) went to junior high school, and the current wife came from the restart of the universe.

During the intervening period of more than ten years, I was a normal male. I had not passed Brown Street for several years. "

"Understood, understood." Everyone still smiled ambiguously.

Ms. Roxy was not affected by the sexual jokes of several male colleagues at all, and only said calmly: "In front of us, those banks are indeed no different from the street women on Brown Street - they will obey you if you have the power, so you are worried what?

If you dare to hack any reincarnation's money, the old guy who is still alive will not let it go. "

"One of the lessons learned by General Minos is that it is best not to reveal the identity of the reincarnated person before you grow up. If your identity is exposed, your parents who originally regarded you as their own flesh and blood will not only not love and protect you, but will treat you as someone who is trying to steal their own children." The enemy of life."

General Lane sighed, shook his head and said, "But you have already gone to the bank to withdraw money, and you still want to hide your identity?"

"At our suggestion, the bank launched a new business of online anonymous account and secret key access," said Lockheed.

"It's useless. The electronic products produced in our country basically have back-end management and monitoring systems. Even if you use our razors, you have to be careful whether there are listening chips hidden inside." General Lane shook his head.

"You are stupid. The United States is not the only country on earth." Roxy rolled her eyes at him.

"It's still useless. There is no land in the United States that is not under surveillance." General Lane said.

"If you are really worried, you can wait until you reach adulthood before using the inheritance in the account." Datong said.

"Or, you can be reincarnated and go abroad." The defense minister added.

"Going abroad is indeed a good choice. The upper class circle in the United States is so large and everyone is so familiar with it that you can't hide it even if you want.

Anyway, I can't imitate General Minos. Reincarnation in the United States doesn't count. He also deliberately chose to live in a metropolis, which is too eye-catching. "Roxy said.

General Lane frowned and said, "Are you thinking too much? With the six gates of reincarnation, how can you be sure to be reincarnated into a rich and powerful family?"

"Why not? If you enter the reincarnation gate, you are guaranteed to become a human. Which gate you enter in the future depends on you. As long as you are determined and have a strong will, it is possible to travel through time and space.

I don't believe it, my will is weaker than General Minos. "Old lady Roxy said confidently.

"Don't underestimate General Minos. He is a hard-blooded veteran who has been on the battlefield and fought in battles. He rose up step by step from an ordinary person." General Lane said.

"Hey, you can doubt that my fighting will is not as good as Minos, but my desire for identity and status cannot be questioned by God." Roxy said proudly.

General Lane was speechless.

"Although Bei Shan's words are direct, when it comes to power and social status in the next life, everyone will do their best." The leader said.

"But after becoming a foreigner, you can't serve the United States. If you can't become a patriot, what will you do in the next life?" General Lane frowned.

As soon as he said this, all the military and political leaders present looked at him as if they were aliens.

"What did I say wrong?" General Lane asked doubtfully.

"Who says foreigners can't love America?" Roxy smiled.

Everyone laughed, "How many foreign leaders say and do everything to serve our rice emperor?

Many of them even have American nationality!

If they had not taken the public's reaction into consideration, based on their merits, they could have applied to the Commander-in-Chief for the 'Patriot Medal'. "

General Lane was silent.

The Justice League did not refuse General Lane's request and was willing to hold this trial in its own name and provide security for the trial process.

"If there is no problem with Harley, we can be her spokesperson." Da Chao said to his old father-in-law.

"This requires you to persuade Harley, she is not very happy." Ryan said.

Da Chao immediately flew to Quinn Manor, "We only want the naming rights and we will do things in your name without your presence or wasting your time."

"Why are you so active? It's not just for the sake of being famous in history and benefiting the future, right?" Harley asked strangely.

"This is actually Hal's request." Dachao sighed: "They have returned to Oa to rebuild the Green Lantern headquarters that was destroyed in the interstellar bomb.

With the help of Palco and Said, the central energy battery is about to be completed.

The forging of the lantern ring is on the agenda, and lanterns will soon be recruited across the universe.

Everything seems to be back to normal.

But Hal knew, and we all knew, that something had been changed forever.

Hal doesn't expect a grand trial to allow the Green Lantern Corps to regain the trust of civilization across the universe.

He just needs a chance to explain the reason to everyone and let everyone understand that the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians are not equal.

At the same time, he will also announce to the entire universe the new rules and regulations of the Green Lantern Corps and the new team building program after the trial. "

"Then there is no need to hold a grand trial on Earth! Just yesterday, the number of patients suffering from Luther Flu in Gotham increased by 4,000. This happened despite everyone's strict prevention.

Can you imagine what it would be like if millions or tens of millions of alien tourists flocked to Earth? " Harley said.

Dachao said helplessly: "Besides the earth and you, everyone really has no other choice.

Representatives of the Red Lake Civilization in Sector 3590 once told us that even the Green Lantern Corps cannot be trusted now. Apart from the Galactic Admiral, who has saved the universe many times and has an outstanding reputation, and whose reputation has never collapsed, who can we rely on?

He shouted these words with a tearful voice and a face full of grief, anger and sadness.

Representatives of the Red Lake Civilization are not an exception.

It's not a coincidence that everyone came to Earth unexpectedly, without any prior consultation.

In fact, in today's universe, you are the only one qualified and powerful enough to judge the Green Lantern Corps.

Think about it, what kind of punishment is given to the Green Lantern Corps in the trial? Which civilization has the ability to punish the Green Lantern Corps?

If the Green Lantern Corps makes mistakes again in the future, who has the strength to blame and stop them?

Before you appeared, the Green Lantern Corps was the most powerful force in the main universe.

Now it's really you who have to judge them.

Especially since everyone knows that you have already tried La Freeze and set the rules for the Yellow Lantern Corps, the people of the universe are very willing to believe you. "

Harley turned her head and glared at Ivy and Selina with dissatisfaction, "You know I'm not at home, why don't you collect news about these alien friends and wait for me to come back?

Especially those heartfelt words spoken with tears.

If I can't hear them, wouldn't I be sorry for their sincerity? "

"I know you like to hear this kind of flattery, but I get goosebumps and feel uncomfortable all over." Selena said angrily.

Ivy also said: "I have seen this piece of news, the prime time evening news of Planet Daily.

The news still caused a huge response on the Internet. The people of the earth were very shocked and very happy. They knew that you had great influence, but they had no idea that your influence was actually the Nanbo Bay of the universe.

However, I think aliens always use flattering words to flatter you and want you to do things for them, so there is no need to pay attention to them. "

"But they are telling the truth! The people of the universe need me, and Hal also needs me." Harley sighed: "If I don't come out of the current universe, what will happen to the world?

In the past, I always thought that the sky was falling and tall people were tops. Now, I am the tallest under the sky. What can I do? "

"You have the thickest skin under the sky." Selena complained.

"Then you agreed?"

Although Dachao also felt awkward, as if he had become one of the flatterers, there was still a look of expectation on his face.

"Let's sign an agency contract. I will entrust all naming rights and responsibilities to the Justice League. If anything happens during the trial, you, the Justice League, will be responsible.

After the trial, if the Green Lantern Corps does something again, I will punish them, how about it? " Harley said.

"What do you think will happen during the trial?" Dachao asked in surprise.

"I don't know what will happen, but when you do things, something will happen. That's for sure. The agency contract must be made public for everyone to know, lest something happens and ruin my good reputation." Harley said.

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