I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1535 Poisoning the entire universe

"Sugar daddy is not a noble act." Emma said bluntly.

“It’s normal in the upper-class circles to be like a dragon or a phoenix. As long as you have fun, you don’t feel you have wronged yourself.

Moreover, I also want to find an honest, wealthy alien to marry, and then live a peaceful life as a noble lady.

It's just that if you go out to play and don't prepare for the worst, you will only be hurt in the end. "

Speaking of which, Dottie asked doubtfully: "When did you get married? Since you transferred schools in your senior year of high school, you haven't been back to Gotham for more than ten years. Where have you been?"

"After that incident, my mother and my father divorced. On the recommendation of my grandpa, she found a job as an ambassador abroad. I have been studying in Asia through high school and college, and after graduation, I and Bati Dad is married.

He is my senior and a family member of an envoy stationed abroad. After we got married, we stayed in Europe all year round until last year.”

Emma's expression was gloomy, her eyes were sad, and she fell silent.

Little Barty's eyes were also slightly red.

As soon as Dotty saw the two women's faces, she guessed that the "senior" had met with misfortune.

"Last year's Green Lantern War crisis? My cousin Sam, do you remember? You still wanted to be his girlfriend back then.

He was the mayor of Blüdhaven and didn't even leave his ashes. The green light thief should have been tried long ago. "She gritted her teeth.

"Oh, I shouldn't have let him leave Noah's Ark in the first place." Emma regretted.

"The environment of the Ark was really bad, I almost couldn't help but run down." Doty said with lingering fear: "You know I was on vacation in Blüdhaven at the time.

Fortunately, I learned a big lesson last time during the Blackest Night. I was chased by the black lantern corpse for several streets. This time I didn't dare to come down again. "

"Bang bang~~" The small door of the private room was knocked several times, "Dottie?"

Dottie quickly said to Emma who was a little stunned: "It's Serena, we are reunited today."

She manipulated the console next to the armrest of the chair a few times, and the frosted glass-style force field wall opened a portal, and then a woman with the same heavy makeup as Dottie walked in.

Emma stared at her face for a while. It was also the "elf face" of the Hex civilization, but if she looked carefully, she still retained some of the features that belonged to Serena back then.

"Oh my God, Emma, ​​is that you?" Like Dottie, after seeing Emma's original face, Serena immediately recognized her old friend, and then excitedly rushed over and hugged her tightly.

"Serena still has guests." Emma was also very excited, but she saw that Serena did not come alone, and there were two "Earthlings in fancy clothes" - alien youths who looked like white people from Earth behind. .

"Oh, this is Prince Franco, this is Prince Waldo, they are from..." Serena quickly introduced the two alien guests.

Emma was a little reserved, but the two handsome young men were actually princes of an alien civilization empire.

"This is my good friend Emma, ​​Emma—"

Serena got stuck halfway through the introduction, wondering where Emma was now.

Doty took over the words in a natural tone and said: "Emma is more promising than us. She is now a popular bombshell of the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the future, she may be sent to the home planet of the two princes as an ambassador."

Emma's face was a little red. She did work in the embassy, ​​but she and her deceased husband were only senior civilian staff, several steps behind the ambassadors. If they were sent to other planets, it would not be her turn.

However, she didn't go out of her way to correct Dottie's remarks. She didn't know the two princes personally and had no intention of having a close relationship. It didn't matter if there were any misunderstandings.

"Miss Emma, ​​you are so beautiful - cough cough cough -" Prince Franco had probably practiced in advance and learned European and American etiquette to kiss the back of Emma's hand, but Emma acted naturally.

But as soon as his mouth reached the back of his hand, the prince blushed and coughed violently.

"Sorry, complications from the cold." The prince coughed for a while before he could catch his breath, and he quickly saluted and apologized again.

"Is it Luther's Flu?" Emma asked.

"Maybe, but you don't have to worry about me. Before I went out this morning, the accompanying palace doctor had already injected me with an immune drug." Prince Franco said casually.

Emma wanted to say, I'm worried about myself and my son!

If Dottie and Serena hadn't been present and leaving rashly would hurt their face, Emma would have wanted to leave immediately with her son in her arms.

"Emma, ​​have you and Barty ever had Luther's cold?" Dottie asked.

Emma nodded slightly, "I've had it four times in the past six months."

Dottie smiled, "That's okay, you already have antibodies in your body."

Seeing that Dottie still cared about her, Emma felt warm in her heart and completely gave up the thought of saying goodbye and leaving.

Soon, the great trial began. They stopped chatting and looked down at the trial hall.

The "Green Lantern Corps Trial" has lasted for nearly a week, and the victims' statements or victim statistics have not been completed until today.

Many civilizations were directly wiped out and had no chance to appear on the stage. They could only rely on nearby higher civilizations to help count the death toll.

".As of May 12, 2021, Earth time, there are 2.38572 million confirmed destroyed planets. Cough cough cough."

Prosecutor Lan, who was reporting the data on the stage, suddenly turned pale and started coughing violently.

"Oops, no, Prosecutor Dominic is also suffering from Luther Flu!" Emma said.

"Look at the first row of auditoriums, there are several alien leaders covering their mouths and coughing quietly." Doty pointed to the super VIP seats.

Emma took a closer look, and sure enough, they were either coughing quietly, blowing their noses, or feeling dizzy or dazed. They probably had a fever in their heads and were confused.

Not only are there aliens that look just like humans, but weird aliens are also showing symptoms of Luther Flu.

"Oh my God, the prime minister of the rare earth empire seems to be a silicon-based life form, right? Why is he coughing too?" Emma exclaimed.

Serena was about to poke her head to take a look when she felt her arm sink. Prince Franco beside her had already staggered and fainted.

"Ah, Prince Franco, what's wrong with you?"

"Wow, it's so hot!" Dotty put her hand on the prince's head, then immediately pulled it back, exclaiming: "Prince Franco has a fever, a super high fever, at least 80 degrees Celsius."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can it be 80? Hiss, it's so hot, at least a hundred degrees!" Emma held her right hand and said in disbelief: "It's already blistered."

Prince Waldo advised: "Don't be nervous, Prince Franco is not from Earth, his physique -"

"Mom, look at Prince Franco's feet?" Buddy suddenly shouted.

When several people looked down, they saw that the prince's feet, which were wearing golden Chelsea shoes, seemed to have swelled so much that the shoes could hardly fit in them. The exposed skin was developing gray-brown horniness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Omaika, this, is this the transformation of Yamo Zhuo? It's impossible, the Yamo Zhuo virus has completely disappeared."

"Hoho~~" The fainted Prince Franco suddenly jumped up, his eyes were red, and he let out a violent roar.

"Oh, No—save—"

"Stab-" The golden and red electric light flashed, and Emma's eyes were dazzled. She had already arrived at a football field with a wide view from the VIP box of the court.

"Is it the Flash? Cough cough cough -" There was an uncontrollable heat and itching in her throat, and she couldn't help but bend down and cough violently.

"No, I've been infected with the Yamojo virus! Barty, Barty, where are you?"

When you see a cockroach in your home, it means that there are too many cockroaches in the dark place to squeeze in.

The grand trial persisted for another two days and then had to be temporarily suspended.

Because there are no healthy prosecutors left.

"Harry, something big happened. Where are you? Come back quickly."

On the third day, even Harley, who was training the New God Warriors on the Genesis Star, was urgently called back.

"What's the use of looking for me? I don't know how to treat illnesses."

Seeing that there was an obvious layer of white hair on General Lane's head, Harley suppressed her impatience and asked, "Is the situation serious?"

"Many people died, including earthlings and aliens, high-level officials of the metropolitan government and alien leaders. Even the grand trial that had just entered the Gao Dynasty could only be interrupted.

Now the people are panicked and the alien guests are at a loss. Only you can quickly stabilize people's hearts and stabilize the overall situation. "

General Ryan's voice was hoarse, with a look of remorse on his face, "If I had known that something like this would happen, I should have listened to you and not held any cosmic trial.

Well now, at least 135 alien leaders have had trouble on earth.

How should we explain such a major diplomatic incident to those advanced civilized countries? "

"What? 135 of them, and they are all leaders? What about ordinary people?" Harley was shocked.

General Lane was crestfallen, with deep despair in his voice, "Our commander-in-chief was admitted to the ICU, Roxy passed away last night, Defense Minister Sam and Foreign Minister Thrace also passed away early this morning.

In addition to them, a total of 45 congressmen and 325 celebrities and dignitaries died within two days. The US government was close to paralysis.

Among the alien guests, in addition to 135 leaders who died of illness, 1,293 accompanying officials were dead or dying.

In addition, 38,968 alien tourists have died, and more than 3 million patients with Luthor virus or Yamandra virus are waiting for treatment. "

"My dear, this is too tragic. Why didn't you inform me earlier?" Harley complained.

"It's useless to come to you earlier, you don't know how to treat illnesses." General Lane repeated what she said before.

"Although I can't cure diseases, my intervention can stabilize people's hearts and stabilize the overall situation!" Harley said.

Wonder Woman, who was standing aside with a frustrated expression, couldn't bear to hear this. "Are you turning the wheel? Two sentences were said between the two of them."

"You still have the nerve to complain about me? Aren't you Zhenglian responsible for the security of the grand trial?" Harley said.

"We only deal with super villains, Luther Flu is under the government's control," Diana shouted.

General Lane sighed: "It's all Luther's fault. He said we can just ask experts for this kind of thing. It's useless to call you back."

"Even if the Luther virus gets out of control, so many people won't die." Harley said puzzled.

"Luther Flu won't do much harm to us humans on Earth, but aliens are different from us." General Lane said.

Harley was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "That's right, Xiaodouzi is based on the genes of humans on Earth and has evolved the submojo vaccine virus with minimal side effects.

Luther Flu is only minimally harmful to humans on Earth.

The genes and body structure of aliens are different from those on Earth. To them, the Luther Flu virus may not be less of a threat than the Biamodro virus. "

"Why hasn't such a huge loophole been discovered before?" she frowned.

She has the right to question them confidently, even if she ignored this big bug before, because she is not an expert.

She also used the Lutheran Flu as an excuse to dissuade them from holding a trial with a large gathering of tens of thousands of people.

"This is Luther's responsibility, it is his fault." General Lane said.

"Sam Lane, if you continue to slander me with nonsense, be careful about my lawyer's letter."

The conference room door creaked open, and Luther, wearing a white coat, walked in with a dark face.

"Am I slandering you?" General Lane was not afraid of the warning from his lawyer's letter. He shouted at a high voice and asked: "Are you the chief infectious disease consultant to the commander-in-chief?

As the chief advisor to the commander-in-chief, whose responsibility is this not yours? "

Luther said coldly: "I'm just an honorary consultant, you know what I mean.

You didn't even save a seat for me in the first three rows of VIP seats.

High-end dignitaries also shut me out of parties, fearing that I would steal your agency rights for alien high-tech industries.

At the end of the day, our friendship is all about face. "

"Even if it is a superficial friendship, as a consultant and the developer of Luther Flu, isn't it your duty to remind us?" General Lane said excitedly.

Luther's eyes flashed and he said: "I have been busy developing the second generation Limbo satellite recently. You don't want me to participate in the Great Trial, so naturally I will not pay attention to the Great Trial."

He was actually a little embarrassed and guilty because, like Harley, he had also forgotten the bug that the Luther virus only had low side effects on people on Earth.

Harley could forget because she wasn't an expert, but he couldn't.

But he will not admit on any occasion that he has failed in his duties.

"The Luther flu virus should have mutated, otherwise it would not have killed so many patients on Earth." Wonder Woman reminded.

Luther said quickly: "Yes, Luther's influenza has mutated at least 3,500 times. This is the source of the heavy casualties."

"What? In just a few days, there have been 3,500 mutations?" Harley said in disbelief.

"It's not a natural mutation, it's a directed mutation caused by human intervention." Luther said seriously.

Harley's eyes narrowed, "Is there a super villain secretly causing trouble?"

Luther shook his head and said: "That's not true, it's a directed mutation led by alien guests.

We reminded them that there was an outbreak of Luther Flu on Earth, and told them the precautionary measures, and they all brought their own doctors with them.

After discovering a cold and fever, they immediately injected themselves with medicine to eliminate the cold.

Then something happened.

The Yamozo virus plus the Luther virus are equivalent to influenza viruses with extremely low side effects. This is equivalent to a chemical reaction.

Taking a drug that eliminates influenza viruses is equivalent to the reverse reaction of a chemical reaction - a decomposition reaction.

The Luther Flu decomposes the submojo virus, which is still a mutated submojo virus.

So the current situation is very complicated and troublesome. "

"Something happened, something big happened~~~" Louise, wearing a light blue women's suit, sweating on her forehead, rushed in from the outside at a trot, and said with an ugly face: "The latest news from Lann National Radio 2, yesterday evening, Thousands of people suspected of being infected with the Yamojo virus have occurred in Moore City on New Lann."

"Shit, there is an alien patient carrying Luther Flu and leaving the earth!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"How many alien tourists have left the earth in the past few days?" Harley asked.

General Lane looked pale and said: "There is at least 500,000 people flow every day, 500,000 come in, and 500,000 leave.

The earth is so big, you can visit it all in a few days.

If they can't get tickets to enter the trial hall to watch the scene, they will choose to leave. "

"Even the Earth's customs has quarantine and killing alien viruses. Their technology is more advanced, why would such a thing happen?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"Probably underestimated the Luther flu." Luther said.

"Oh, stop talking. Quickly inform all alien spacecraft that have visited Earth about this, and broadcast the dangers of Luther Flu to the galaxy." Harley sighed.

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