I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1530 Saving Koruga

"What does it mean when the foundation of the death dimension is broken?" Said wondered.

Hal thought for a while and said: "It seems that the death dimension is leaving the color light purgatory. When I returned to the main universe, I saw that the 'anti-Harley invasion wall' built by the Black Death Emperor was falling at a very fast speed, and I don't know where it fell.

If the realm of death where the Black Death Emperor is located is a city, and the Great Wall he built is the wall of the city, then a bottomless abyss opens on the ground where the city is located, and the city falls into it and disappears without a trace. "

"It's like saying that you destroyed the dimension of death with just your willpower?" the lanterns around said.

"No, I think it's something else."

Hal looked at Harley and was about to ask something when Sinestro said impatiently: "Since you can't do it, let Kyle Rayner do it!"

At the moment, he was preoccupied with Koruga's resurrection and had no intention of exploring the rupture of the foundation of the death dimension.

"try it yourself."

Harley also ended her whisper with Tianzhi, stretched out her hand and handed the seven-colored light ball to Kyle.

With everyone looking expectantly or curiously, Kyle pointed the white light ring in his right hand at the colorful white light and started the light ring charging process.

Like a green light ring replenishing the power of a lantern stove.

The colorful light ball in Harley's palm floated out strands of colorful light, and went straight into the white light ring.


Kyle Rayner groaned, his body flashed with red light, his eyes widened with anger.

Then the light on his body turned orange, and the expression on his face also changed, becoming greedy and twisted.

But the next second, the light emitted by Kyle changed again, turning into cyan, and his face instantly became full of compassion, and the compassion in his eyes almost turned into tears.

Then there were blue, yellow, purple, and green lights, and his expression also changed with the changes in color light.

"Kyle, are you okay?" Guy Gardner swallowed and asked worriedly.

Kyle didn't seem to hear what he said, still like a neon light bulb, his body was drawn out like an electric shock, and his face quickly changed into various colors and expressions.

"He was affected by the emotional element of Fron, and the emotional energy in his body was out of control. Harley Quinn, get rid of the source of Fron quickly." Said said quickly.

Even if he moved the seven-colored light group away from Kyle's lantern ring, he could not immediately return to his previous state.

His body was twitching non-stop, and his face was flashing seven colors and seven expressions.

"What happened to him?" Hal asked in surprise.

"It's like practicing martial arts and becoming possessed." Harley frowned and looked at the seven-colored light in her hand, puzzled: "He gave birth to his own seven-emotional element, why can't he conquer the emotional element in the origin of the evil?"

Said said: "It is precisely because he has a set of balanced emotional factors that he is easily disturbed by external emotional factors.

Kyle Rayner is the most talented Lantern I've ever seen—"

Catching a glimpse of Hal surrounding Kyle, her tone hesitated, and there was an obvious look of hesitation on her face, but she did not change her words and continued: "He has seven emotional elements, but he does not perfectly control each emotion.

He now only controls six other emotions with his will, and the seven emotions reach a fragile balance.

After absorbing the source of the evil, the balance was immediately broken.

Take the emotional element of love as an example.

He has his own emotional elements of love, but his love is different from Furuo's love, and it is very difficult to integrate them.

If they cannot be integrated, they will inevitably conflict. Love and love are already in conflict. If love and the other six emotions are out of balance, the consequences can be imagined. "

"How do you know he can't perfectly control the seven emotions?" John asked doubtfully.

"If he could, there would be no need for us to teach him how to use the six-color light ring.

He can't even use the light ring, which means he can't even control his emotional power.

The more original emotional elements will only be more difficult to control than emotional power. "

Having said this, Said looked around and saw that everyone was doubtful or confused, so he pointed at Harley and said: "You have never experienced the power of the emotional element, but you must know how powerful she is.

Harley Quinn once got the emotional element of love.

Not only was she unable to control it, but her emotions were manipulated, just like Kyle Rayner at this time. "

"Really?" Everyone turned their questioning eyes to Harley.

Harley frowned and said, "What's the point of competing with me? I don't have a destiny of white light, but Kyle does, and Woe Rong absorbed a lot of messy emotions and didn't lose control."

"Kyle's destiny is to cultivate his own white light, and Huirong's destiny is to plunder other people's emotions. Two white lights, two different paths." Said said.

Harley was not sure whether her words were true or false, but now Kyle had proved with facts that he could not use the source of the disaster.

"Then what should we do now?" Sinestro said disappointedly: "Even he can't use the origin of the evil, and the others-"

"Heavenly Father can definitely do it." Orion said immediately.

"Will Heavenly Father help me resurrect Koruga?" Sinestro asked.

"I will convey your request to Him." Orion hesitated.

"So you're not sure?" Sinestro became excited. "Unless Heavenly Father swears to resurrect Koruga, He will not be able to take away the source of the disaster."

Orion glanced at him coldly, turned to Harley and said: "Koruga is not the center of the universe, nor is it necessary for the multiverse to exist. It is not your responsibility to resurrect it."

"What did you say?" Sinestro clenched his fists, and intense fear erupted from his body.

Orion still only looked at Harley and said: "I mean what happened to Koruga deserves mercy. If we can save it, I don't think anyone will refuse.

Neither does Heavenly Father.

But we can't regard saving it as a mission that must be completed. We just do our best and don't have to force it. "

"No, I must save Koruga." Sinestro shouted excitedly: "If Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner can't do it, let me absorb the white light of the evil."

"Sinestro, we don't trust you. If you can absorb white light, I don't believe you will return it honestly." Gagardner said rudely.

Sinestro wanted to go crazy. If Harley hadn't been standing next to him, he would have exploded the origin of fear, forcibly snatched the origin of evil, and by the way tore apart Guy Gardner's big mouth. Although he was right, if he could If you use white light, you will definitely not hand it over again.

"Don't make any noise! ​​Koruga is just one of the objects to be saved. This catastrophe has affected the entire universe and many civilizations have disappeared. They are all our targets." Harley shouted.

"Yes, many people need saving." Several little blue men immediately nodded in agreement.

Harley glanced at them, flew to the side of the stump of Bane, pointed to the crystal ring on his right hand and asked: "Is this the first light ring made by you Maltus people?"

Before Firong had his emotional energy drained away, he transformed into a thousand-meter-tall giant. Later, when Hal drained away his emotional origin, his body changed from an energy state to a mortal body. His size shrank a bit, but he was still as tall as a hundred meters tall. rice.

His light ring was also magnified a thousand times.

This shows that it still contains energy inside and can still operate normally.

If there is no energy, it will lose its magical properties and be broken directly by thick fingers.

"Well, it is the No. 1 light ring that can use seven kinds of energy. It is also the light ring with the greatest authority and no restrictions at all." Said said with a complicated expression.

Harley pressed her hand on the surface of the light ring to activate the yellow light source in her body.

"Buzzing buzzing" the giant crystal lamp ring vibrates gently, gradually turning from transparent crystal to golden color.

The same color and scent as the yellow light ring.

"Whoosh~" It took off from Firong's corpse and put it directly on Harley's finger.

After sensing it for a moment, she smiled and pointed the ring of the No. 1 Lantern Ring at the source of the disaster.

Just like a baby swallow returning to its nest, the source instantly merges into the lamp ring, blending with water and milk without any stagnation.

"Now we don't have to fight, everyone can try." Harley said, holding up the light ring that shone with seven colors of light.

"Can you use it? The conditions for using it are the same as absorbing the source of evil. If you can use it, you can absorb the white light inside." Said was surprised.

"I can only use a single color light, like yellow light."

Harley could also feel the distortion of her emotions, which was more intense than the emotional element of love that she had experienced that day.

But she has level nine white light defense expertise, which makes her immune to the emotional distortion of "Fushi White Light".

Now she can use her emotions to resonate with the light ring, causing it to provide her with a single color of light.

For example, at this time, as she thought, the colorful light ring turned into a yellow light ring again.

"Sinestro, come try it and see if you have the destiny to control it." After playing with it for a while, she took off the light ring and threw it to Sinestro.

She wasn't worried about Sinestro's greed.

She didn't even think he was destined to be a White Lantern.

"I don't believe in destiny now, I only believe in myself." Sinestro took the first lamp and said firmly: "Even if God is destined to destroy Koruga, I will not agree."

"Okay, come on." Harley watched him perform calmly.

Sinestro was about to put the light ring on the middle finger of his right hand when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the yellow light uniform on his body. He stopped and asked, "I am now the host of the Parallax Monster. Do I want to release the 'Parallax Monster' state?"

Harley shook her head and said: "This is also the first time I got the first lantern. I don't know much about it. You can feel it yourself."

"By the way, how did you become the Parallax Demon? The illusion of Koruga's destruction that you saw. Well, it doesn't seem to be an illusion. You really saw the accurate prophecy in the "Book of Darkness"." Her expression and eyes All very weird.

Even though the "Book of Darkness" had been distorted by her, Sinestro could still see the truth of the universe from it.

Is he too talented, or is her dirty power not strong enough?

"In order to prevent the prophecy from happening, you deliberately destroyed the yellow lantern ring and completely cut off your retreat. Why did you change your mind? And I remember that you were still a Green Lantern when you fought against Fron."

Sinestro looked gloomy and said: "I have always had the green light before, but the disaster destroyed the people I care about in front of me, and the will and emotion in my heart became no longer pure.

Green Lantern Sinestro cannot defeat the Scoundrel, so I can only summon Parallax Monster to become Parallax Demon, and transform into the strongest form - Eh! "

He suddenly raised his head and asked doubtfully: "You said you 'remember'? The scene where I fought with Firong, you were not speculating, but observing?"

He became excited instantly, "Were you there at the time? Why didn't you help me?"

Harley said calmly: "Sinestro, please understand one thing first. Koruga is just your home planet.

No matter how much we help you now, you should be grateful to us.

We are under no obligation to do anything for you.

Even if you came to Earth to seek help from me, you didn't get any definite promise. "

Sinestro's face turned red, and the expression on his face was very complicated. There was a flash of resentment, a twisted, apologetic smile that concealed unwillingness, and a real humble plea.

Hal looked at it and felt sad for no reason.

"Sinestro, calm down, don't jump to conclusions before things are clear. Although I don't understand what happened, you also said that the evil just destroyed Koruga, and the Earth is hundreds of millions of light years away. The hero arrived in time, which already shows how much everyone values ​​you and Koruga." He advised.

Sinestro faced Harley, lowered his head and said, "Sorry, I was so excited."

His daughter Natu also felt sorry for her father and couldn't help but interjected: "Hallie has always been on Earth.

After Bane breaks free from the Shadow Cabinet's cage, we meet Simon Baz and Betsy, who talk about Hal Jordan.

From then on, Harley summoned all the magic masters on the earth to study how to save Hal who was trapped in lust purgatory.

Except for one trip to the Creation Star, she never left the earth. She even stayed awake for several days and nights, doing research in the magic laboratory of the Hall of Justice. "

"Harry." Hal's heart surged with heat and his eyes were full of emotion.

Although he had known for a long time that as long as his friends on Earth understood his situation, they would never give up on him, but now he could not help but feel excited when he heard with his own ears how hard Harley had worked for him.

Dr. Natu continued: "We were able to arrive in the Koruga galaxy in time thanks to Harley's reminder.

At that time, Kyle had just taken control of the Purple Lamp of Love, and was still cultivating his soul with Carol, intoxicated with lust and unable to extricate himself."

Natu said this sourly, but it sounded green to Hal's ears.

"What dual soul cultivation? How could they be intoxicated with lust?"

Hal's face turned green, and his scrutinizing eyes swept back and forth on Kyle and Carol's faces.

——Damn it, Carol’s eyes were wrong and she was avoiding him, and Kyle’s eyes were also flickering, as if he was ashamed. What did you do when I was not at home?

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Hal would have screamed excitedly at this moment.

"Hal, don't get me wrong."

Kyle also saw the look in Hal's eyes and quickly blamed Natu: "What are you talking nonsense about?

Carol and I are just communicating about the way of love. There is no need to indulge in lust. Don't use such ambiguous words to mislead others. "

Communicate the way of love?

Hal looked blank. Damn it, this was enough for him to imagine.

Carol also felt that the "Way of Love" was too ambiguous, and explained again: "It is a very serious meditation practice that imitates the emotional communication between good and evil of the Green Lantern Tribe, and was invented by Harley herself."

Harley quickly defended herself: "I only invented the Qingdeng tribe's practice of communication between good and evil. The other evil ways have nothing to do with me. I have never taught you how to communicate between love and desire."

"You've taken the topic too far," Orion said impatiently.

Said looked at Harley and said doubtfully: "Actually, I'm also very curious as to why you were able to detect Koruga's change in the first place."

Gai Gardner also said: "When we received your message, we didn't believe it.

It was you who said with certainty that the evil had gone to Koruga.

You also prevent Sarlac from sending confirmation messages using the light ring.

You said that would put Firong on alert because Firong could 'see' the signal from the light ring.

We asked you why, and you said we should deal with the problem first and talk about it later. "

Everyone looked at her in confusion, hoping to get an answer.

Harley said: "I saw the scene of Sinestro and Fron fighting, not in reality, but on the timeline.

In order to prevent evil from distorting my 'reality', I pulled my timeline out of the river of time and formed an independent undercurrent.

It's like opening a 'time tunnel' under the river of time.

My thoughts have been wrapped around the tunnel.

If there is something in the river of time connected to my time tunnel, I can detect it immediately.

The "reality" of the battle between Sinestro and Fron was suddenly connected to my 'time tunnel'. I watched the fight in an instant, and then I knew that Fron had gone to Koruga. "

"Why is the scene where I fight the Fron connected to your time tunnel?" Sinestro asked.

"After the time tunnel became known to everyone, Guy also asked me to protect his timeline. He said he would rather die than be played by the evildoers." Harley looked at Guy Gardner, "Then I say to you What?"

"You said that as long as I remember you and recall the scenes with you in my heart, the connection between you and me will be strengthened, and evil will not be able to modify our reality."

Guy Gardner picked his head and complained: "The effect is not very good. The evil dragon pulled me into the illusion of time before and dismembered my reality into pieces. It was too painful.

I cried and called your name, but Fu Rong laughed beside me, saying that it was useless even if I broke my throat. "

"Me too." John said with sadness.

"Fu Rong is very hateful, he specifically attacks my best memories, and twists all the good things into nightmares.

At that time, I also thought about Harley and asked her for help loudly. Fu Rong also laughed at me and screamed until I broke my throat. "Kilowog looked at Harry with resentful eyes.

Carol also wanted to complain, but remembering the experience in her distorted life, she shut her mouth again and subconsciously glanced at Kyle Rayner.

By coincidence, Kyle also looked at her strangely.

The two people's eyes touched and then quickly looked away, each with very complicated emotions.

Syd frowned and said, "Although my life has also been distorted, I really don't blame Harley Quinn.

Because our lives are not really twisted.

Everything we experience happens in the illusion of time, which is equivalent to a mirage above the river of time. It is fake. "

"Finally, we have someone who knows what he is doing." Harley pointed at Sinestro and said, "If you think you are miserable, you can compare it with him.

He also had reality distorted, a true distortion.

In the original reality, he burst out with great potential and actually pushed the troublemaker to the ground and beat him.

Maybe this process won't last long, but he doesn't need to completely defeat the disaster, he just needs to buy some time until we arrive.

If this reality is not altered, Sinestro will become Koruga's savior. "

Sinestro's eyes were red and his lips were trembling. He suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself in the face seven or eight times.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

Everyone looked at it inexplicably.

"What are you doing?" Haliqi asked.

"I'm such a big idiot." Sinestro said with regret on his face and choked with sobs: "Although I have always been the greatest Green Lantern, I am actually more suitable for the Yellow Lantern.

If I hadn't destroyed the Yellow Lantern Ring and returned to the Green Lantern Corps.

When the evil comes to Koruga, he will face the Lord of the Yellow Lantern, who has the energy battery in the center of the Yellow Lantern at his back.

The Lord of the Yellow Lantern, who is extremely confident and has no spiritual flaws.

No matter how the disaster distorts reality, I can always exert my strongest strength, instead of being like the green light that I am now, feeling fear because of seeing the people I love die tragically in front of my eyes.

If I wear the yellow light ring, Azona being killed will only make me stronger.

I tried very hard to avoid the mistakes of Oedipus Rex, but in the end I ended up making the same mistakes he did.

I saw the prophecy and made a series of arrangements to avoid it.

As a result, what I did became the condition for the prophecy to come true.

Look at me now, look at Koruga wearing a yellow light uniform, being blown to pieces, it's all exactly as predicted. "

"Which universe overlord is King Oedipus?" Kilovog asked in a low voice.

John said: "He is from Earth, and Sinestro is telling a tragic story on Earth.

A king received a prophecy that his son would kill his father and marry his mother, so he threw his newborn son into the mountains to be carried away by wolves.

Later, the baby was rescued by herdsmen. As an adult, because he did not know his father and mother, and his parents did not know him, the prophecy came true in a vague way.

If the king had raised his son normally, the prophecy would not have come true. "

"Sinestro is so stupid. He knew the story of Oedipus King but still stepped into the trap." said the pig-headed lantern.

"What would you do if it were you?" John asked.

Kilowog rolled his eyes, "I would suggest Sinestro go to Earth to find Harley Quinn.

She is very special, and twisting her destiny is like eating and drinking without having to pay any price.

Even the destiny of the existing spirit can be distorted, let alone his?

Let her suppress Sinestro's soul in the depths of hell, never to be reincarnated.

Everyone is dead, and there are no yellow or green lights. I want to see how this prophecy will come true! "

John was speechless, "It wasn't you who died. Of course you were straightforward and decisive."

"Of course we have to do it. Oedipus's old father just wasn't good enough and didn't cut off his son's head himself. That's what happened later. Didn't Sinestro learn this lesson from the story?" Kilovog said confidently. .

"He has done a great job. He gave up his identity as the Lord of the Yellow Lantern, destroyed the Yellow Lantern Ring, and later destroyed the Yellow Lantern Corps." John said.

Kilowog shook his head and said: "To be cruel to yourself is to be cruel, to be cruel to others is to be cruel. Although I can't be cruel to myself, I can't look down on Sinestro who can't be cruel to the end. Isn't that right?" contradiction."

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