I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1529 The Unlucky Black Death Emperor (please vote for me at the end of the month, thank you

"You just made a shocking appearance at the critical moment, turned the tide, cut down the enemy, and eliminated the source. You did it with ease and majesty. Why can't you even use white light now?" Harley asked strangely.

Hal sighed: "I am a black light now, and this white light of life is poison to me.

Even the Black Death Emperor cannot absorb white light. He only wants to extinguish all the light of life and never wants to absorb them.

Being able to easily extract the source of evil is not because I am particularly strong.

First of all, it is not a disaster in the first place; secondly, squeezing emotions from the heart is Black Lantern’s talent.

Do you still remember in Blackest Night, when the black lantern corpse dug out hearts and drained emotional energy across the universe?

To put it bluntly, I don’t necessarily control all white lights, but I very much control evil.

Perhaps, this is destiny. "

After a pause, he added: "In addition, there is another hidden story about the Black Death Emperor. The Black Death Emperor now appearing in the material universe is only a projection, not the true body."

"It doesn't matter, we have a lot of talents here. If you can't do it, Kyle can definitely do it. He is an expert." Harley comforted him first, and then looked at White Lantern Kyle Rayner with expectation and trust.

"It seems that although your destiny is late, it has not disappeared after all. Come on, come and resurrect Hal."

Kyle met her and Hal's gaze, lowered his head and said awkwardly: "Sorry, my white light cannot resurrect the dead."

"What are you talking about?" Before Hal and Harley could be surprised, Sinestro flew to him angrily, grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard, "You are the Lord of White Light, you are above time, you can How can you distort reality and not even resurrect the dead?"

Hal's face looked touched. Sinestro saw that he could not be resurrected, but he was so rude, which showed that he really cared about him. Perhaps, he should forgive him for the obscene words he said when he snatched the green light ring.

Then I heard Sinestro say with a ferocious expression: "You can't even resurrect a dead person, and you certainly can't resurrect my home planet of Koruga, right?"

Hal's expression froze, Farke, he is being sentimental.

Kyle looked troubled and said: "Resurrecting the dead requires destiny. Even the spirit of existence cannot resurrect people at will. Resurrecting the planet is even more troublesome. You don't just want the planet Koruga, but you want to resurrect the people on it, right?"

Sorry, I really can't do it.

The white light produced by using the Seven Lamp Ring seems to be a little weak.

It is far inferior to the pure light of life of the Spirit of Existence, and the light of the source of life that Hal voluntarily sacrificed during the crisis of the Sun-Eating Beast. "

Hal's face showed a thoughtful look. The light of his life last time came from the will of the Green Lantern. Maybe

"You are such a waste." Sinestro looked desperate and crazy. He grabbed Kyle's arm and went to rub his white lantern ring. "If you can't do it, just let me do it. I am the greatest Lantern in history. I have No, no, damn destiny, my fate is up to me and not up to God!”


As soon as he touched Kyle's white light ring, he was electrocuted by the white light arc above and twitched all over, flying seven or eight meters away.

"You can't even use it," Kyle sighed.

"Kyle, if you absorb this white light, can you change your destiny and reverse time and space?" Gagardner pointed at the colorful white light in Hal's palm.

"Hal Jordan, give me the source of that white light and let me destroy it." The projection of the Black Death Emperor on the side struggled to rush towards Hal, shouting: "Becoming my slave is your destiny. .Admit it, you can't escape.

Give me your source, and I may show you a little mercy for the rest of eternity. "

"Shut up, I control my own destiny." The black light runes flashed in Hal's eyes, nailing the Black Death Emperor's body again.

"Harley, you want this, right? Here~~" Then, he casually threw the colorful ball of light in front of Harley.

"You really haven't thought about trying it yourself? At least after resurrection, you can become a white light." Harley held the white light ball and said with a complicated expression.

Even she was a little ready to make a move, but he showed no regrets.

Hal shook his head, "I am not destined to be a White Lantern, and I only like to be a Green Lantern."

Harley looked down at the white light and said, "Kyle, try it and see if you can absorb it."


The sound of a sonic boom suddenly exploded in front of her, and a gray-white sonic boom channel opened in the starry sky.

Orion, who was riding a wheelless scooter, flew out of the sonic boom tunnel and shouted from a distance: "Harry, do you remember the promise you made to Heavenly Father that day?"

Harley immediately said: "Don't worry, I am 'honest Harley' and I will definitely keep my word.

Now let Kyle Rayner absorb the source of evil, just to resurrect Hal Jordan, and Koruga, or who else.

After his destiny is fulfilled, he will spit out his original essence and offer it to the Heavenly Father. "

"What's going on? Do you want to give the white light to Heavenly Father?" Said asked with a frown.

"Is it possible that you want it too?"

"If I could absorb this mass of origin, I would have killed the bad guys 3 billion years ago and become a white lantern myself.

But there are emotional elements of the Maltus people in this white light, which outsiders cannot absorb either. Said said.

"If you're not interested, just go away. I don't want to believe a word of your words right now." Harley waved her hand.

"I'm telling the truth," Said said.

Harley said angrily: "You also said that Kyle Rayner was the one destined to solve the big devil. At that time, you also swore and swore."

A little embarrassment appeared on Said Xiaolan's face, "If the prophecy is 100% accurate, it will not be a prophecy but fate.

Although I guessed wrongly, the result remained the same - a man of destiny came and solved the big devil.

It's just that I misunderstood at the time, thinking that only white light can deal with white light, and forgetting that black light can perfectly restrain white light.

Alas, Hal Jordan is the man of destiny, Kyle Rayner. He must also have destiny, but it has not yet arrived. "

"Heavenly Father is omnipotent, it will be easy to absorb this mass of origin." Orion stared at the white light on Harley's hand.

Sinestro's eyes were cold, "I don't care who gets it in the end, but I hope that Kyle Rayner will resurrect Koluga first, as Harley Quinn said."

Orion frowned and said: "Maybe after Heavenly Father gets the white light, he can surpass all the White Lanterns and easily reverse time and space to resurrect Hal Jordan and Koruga."

Sinestro hesitated for a moment and insisted: "Let Kyle Rayner try it first. If he doesn't work, we will talk about other things."

Orion wondered: "If the white light is absorbed, can it be separated? Kyle Rayner is willing to hand over the white light?"

"I don't care about separating the white light from now on." Sinestro shook his head and said: "I don't trust Heavenly Father. Unless I have no choice, I will not give the hope of resurrecting Koruga to your new god."

"Hey, stop arguing, the Black Death Emperor is still watching the fun." Harley waved to Kyle, "Come quickly to absorb it, resurrect Hal first, send the Black Death Emperor away, and we will take the rest slowly discuss."

"Maybe I don't need Kyle's help." Hal suddenly said.

"You want to absorb it yourself?" Kyle paused and retracted his right hand that stretched towards the white light group.

"No, you absorb it." Hal Jordan glanced around and asked: "Salac, do you have any extra light rings on you? Give me one."

"There are many. We resisted the guardians with premeditation and prepared many spare lamp rings and portable lamp stoves."

The acting army commander took out a light ring with a puzzled look on his face, and when he was about to ask "What are you going to do?", the light ring lit up green, broke away from his hand, and came to Hal Jordan with a "swish".

"Hal Jordan from Earth, you have the courage to conquer fear and defeat death. Welcome back."

The green light ring was very smart and actually said a welcome speech that was different from usual.

"A living person may be able to wear more than one light ring, but you have been chosen by the black light ring, and a dead person cannot become a Green Lantern again, hahaha." Black Death Emperor laughed.

Hal smiled at him and said, "You are wrong. There has always been one and only one selection criterion for Green Lantern, and that is 'will'. Don't dead people have wills?"

"Buzz~~~" The green light ring was placed on his right index finger, and a bright green light burst out, and everyone around him couldn't help but reach out to cover his eyes.

The green light was so strong that they couldn't see what was happening at all. They could only hear the Black Death Emperor's unwilling roar: "No, I am your tarsal poison, you can't get rid of me, ah~~~~"

The figure of the Black Death Emperor gradually faded, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

The green light converged, revealing Hal Jordan with a ruddy complexion and a breath of life.

"Crack~~" The black light ring on the middle finger of his right hand was completely shattered, and the Black Death Emperor completely disappeared.

"Holy shit!" Everyone looked at him in disbelief as if God were descending from the earth.

"How did you do it?" Harley was also shocked.

She was 100% sure that the Hal who wore the black light ring before was a dead person, and now the Hal was a living person.

But he only used an ordinary green light ring to turn from death to life?

Who is Kyle Rayna who can't resurrect the dead even if he wears a white light ring? Kyle is still shameless?

"Will can create miracles." Hal looked at the green light ring on his hand, and the light of faith seemed to shine in his eyes.

"Just will?" Sinestro asked blankly.

"Don't you believe in will?" Hal asked.

Sinestro's expression changed several times and he remained silent.

"But this is unreasonable. White light represents life. The green light of will is far inferior to white light and black light only in terms of energy level." Harley said in surprise.

Hal shook his head and said: "The will of green light is only lower limit than white light and black light, but it has no upper limit.

All colored light energy has no limit. At least in this universe, the emotional energy has unlimited potential. It just depends on whether the user can unleash it. "

Sinestro's body trembled, thinking of the previous battle with Firong.

At first, he had a firm belief and an iron will, and the white light scourge could only scream under his fists. At that time, he did not even think about the energy level difference between the green light and the white light, and indeed he did not feel the difference.

He could feel that at that time, his green light was more powerful than the white light of the disaster.

When reality was distorted and Asona was burned into a skeleton on the spot, fear arose in his heart and his will was no longer pure. He was immediately blown up by the evil forces to destroy the planet Koruga. Hal Jordan was right, the limit of color light was set by the upper limit of the Lantern Decide.

"Can you help me resurrect Koruga?" he asked in a difficult tone.

The reality of asking Hal for help made him uncomfortable.

Sinestro felt even more uncomfortable when he found out that he was not as good as Hal, at least in the profession of Green Lantern.

But no matter how proud and uncomfortable he was, for Koruga, he could only bow his noble head to his lifelong enemy.

"No, I can't do it." Hal said simply.

"You broke free from the shackles of the Black Death Emperor and came back to life. Why can't you resurrect Koruga?" Sinestro roared.

Whoever can resurrect his Koruga is his master.

Anyone who fails to live up to his expectations of resurrecting Koruga will be his enemy and will immediately fall out.

So realistic.

Hal frowned and patiently explained: "Although I became a black lantern corpse, I am actually not completely dead.

According to Harley's concept of death, if a living person wants to die completely, he must go through three processes - first from birth to death, the soul leaves the body, but at this time extreme rescue can be carried out; then the soul is taken over by the 'Ms. Death' Entering the realm of death, the soul becomes undead. At this time, death has been certified by the 'Lady of Death' and cannot be rescued to the extreme. Finally, the undead return to the country where they believe in gods. They cannot be resurrected and can only be reincarnated.

I probably only went through the first stage from birth to death, and I got the black light ring before I entered the second step of death.

At that time the soul is locked in the body.

When I empty my body and soul of every last drop of death by the force of my will, I am restored to life. "

"Even so, you have created a miracle." Harley praised.

Hal nodded and said with lingering fear: "A miracle is something that shouldn't happen.

I was able to escape this time because of a very big unexpected factor.

I have actually had the Black Lantern Ring for several days, during which time the Black Death Emperor has been trying to control my soul and make me his slave.

I was able to control him in turn, seize his power, and project a substantial incarnation of the Black Death Emperor's will in the human world, all because of an accident. "

"What accident?" Harley asked curiously.

A look of confusion appeared on Hal's face, "I don't know exactly what happened.

At that time, I struggled hard and pushed my will to the limit. Even the Purgatory of Color Light was shaking violently.

Probably the Black Death Emperor and I competed with each other across a 'dimension wall', which shook the foundation of the Death Dimension where the Black Death Emperor resided.

Anyway, I finally heard the Black Death Emperor scream, "Impossible, how could the foundation of the death dimension be broken?" Then the pressure from him in my soul dropped sharply, and I took control of the origin he left in my body. force. "

Harry's heart moved, and she thought of the past incident when she asked the Voice of Heaven to "buy a murderer": During the Blackest Night, she sneaked into the dimension of death to feast on food. After eating and drinking, she spent hundreds of millions of heavenly merits to let the Voice of Heaven Move the death dimension to the origin wall.

Harley didn't get what she wanted right away.

The Voice of Heaven only tampered with the "root" of the death dimension.

When a critical moment comes in the future, when the dimension of death is shaken, we will take the opportunity to cut off the root and let it slide towards the wall of origin.

At that time, the Black Death Emperor will only blame himself for his bad luck and hate the person who shook the death dimension.

In this matter, Tian Zhi Sheng and Tian Tian have always been pure, upright and upright, neither fighting nor competing for each other, just like the independent fairy Shu on the top of the snow ridge.

Now the "critical moment in the future" promised by the Voice of Heaven seems to have arrived, and Hal Jordan has become the scapegoat?

With a strange expression, Harley secretly came up with an idea and used the big cross to communicate with the voice of heaven.

“Is the dimension of death sliding towards the wall of origin?”

The voice of heaven "admitted" very simply: "Yes, Hal Jordan is the incarnation of will. The battle of wills between him and the Black Death Emperor was earth-shattering, shattering the foundation of the death dimension, causing it to slide towards the origin wall inexplicably. .”

Harley's expression was distorted. Wouldn't lying mean to go to hell? Why is this guy talking nonsense in front of you?

The Voice of Heaven continued: "The Black Death Emperor was at a loss what to do, panicked, and hurriedly used all his strength to stop the sliding trend, but it still didn't help.

Unfortunately, just half an hour ago, the Death Dimension had fallen into the Origin Wall, and the Black Death Emperor was buried inside, and could no longer physically enter the main universe. "

Wasn't it the time when Hal's magic weapon descended from the sky half an hour ago?

So, Hal can control the projection of the Black Death Emperor because the Black Death Emperor fell into the Origin Wall unluckily and was unable to move out despite his strength?

Could it be that Heaven was also involved in this "Disaster of the First Light" incident?

Harley was wondering whether it was a coincidence that Hal made a shocking appearance at a critical moment, or whether a certain dog secretly stretched out its little black paw, when the voice of heaven coldly reminded: "Harley Quinn, you owe 200 million in heavenly merit. If you take a loan, remember to pay back the interest.”

The corner of Harry's mouth twitched and said: "You don't need to remind me, I, the God of War in Heaven, still expect you to pay my salary. I don't dare to rely on you for the money I owe anyone."

"Friendly reminder, if you sacrifice the origin of the disaster to the Lord, you can receive the Lord's gift and waive part of the debt." Tian Zhisheng's tone became particularly gentle.


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