I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1528 The Greatest Black Lantern Corpse in History

Death events can also occur in the Land of the Dead.

The underworld is a place of death, but the living Sun Dasheng can enter it and beat the people inside.

Hell is the place of death for God's believers. Living fallen mages and psychics who explore mysteries can enter it and be beaten to death by the demons inside, or the demons inside are beaten to death.

Color Light Purgatory is the place of death for Color Light energy users. Living lanterns can also enter it due to accidents or initiative. And so far, Hal Jordan has not encountered a crisis that threatens his life in Color Light Purgatory. If he insists, In the event of death, he can choose to commit suicide.

A few days ago, the Purgatory of Color and Light was on the edge of a hundred-foot-high cliff.

Hal looked down at the bottomless abyss, his expression changing constantly.

The lantern ghost behind him saw his thoughts and said in shock: "You want to commit suicide? Hal, I advise you not to do this.

Although I didn't like you when I was alive, I am a Green Lantern, and Zetu and the others also proved that voting to expel you from the Green Lantern Corps that day was a huge mistake and was a conspiracy of the Guardians.

I don't want to see any more Lantern deaths, I've seen too many of them today. "

Just now, hundreds of new undead suddenly appeared in the Purgatory of Color and Light. They were all acquaintances and were the Lanterns of the Green Lantern Corps.

Their arrival also brought the latest news to Hal: the Guardians went crazy and used "fake medicine" to kill all the Green Lanterns, and the Green Lantern Corps was wiped out again.

"Thomas, like you, I am also a Green Lantern. I also don't want to see my old friends and relatives die again, so I did this." Hal said quietly as he looked at the bottom of the valley.

Green Lantern Ghost said: "Salac and Kyle Rayner have not been injected with the 'Amadra vaccine', they are still alive, and they are probably trying to save you now.

The Dead Zone is not only filled with many ghosts of Lanterns, but also hundreds of little blue men.

They are the 'jail keepers' of the Shadow Cabinet.

They brought more news, Fron was out of trouble, the cage was broken, Witch Harley fought Fron, Simon Baz, Becky and Sinestro have returned to the material universe. "

When Hal heard this, there was a little hesitation on his face, "But the Book of Darkness has fallen into the purgatory of lust and light. How are they going to save me?"

"You are the one being rescued now, just wait for the rescue with peace of mind. The question of how to save you is left to the living people outside to consider. Even if you come up with the answer, they won't be able to hear it, and you don't know the resources they can use. "Green Lantern Ghost said.

Hal followed his advice and left the cliff with the lamp ring and the "Book of Death" that he took from William Hand.

But only half a day later, he came to the edge of the cliff again.

In the past half day, he met many undead souls with green lanterns, red lanterns, and purple lanterns, hundreds of them.

They brought very bad news: disasters were killing the world and all life in the universe was in ruins.

"There is no other choice." Hal said firmly.

"Why don't you believe in the living people outside, Kyle Rayner, Sarlacc, Sinestro, and even Harley Quinn? Believe that they can solve the problem." Green Lantern Ghost said in confusion.

"Thomas, this is a very simple multiple-choice question." Hal looked at him calmly and said slowly: "Countless people die every minute in the universe. If Harley and the others can solve the problem before I go out, Rong, at most I will die unjustly.

If I help them defeat the scourge one minute earlier after I go out, I can save countless more people, and even save the friends and teammates I care about.

One or countless, how to choose? It’s very simple, right? "

The green lantern ghost's soul trembled and he murmured: "But this is your own life."

——How can one’s own life and other people’s lives have the same status in one’s heart?

Hal smiled calmly and said: "Every Green Lantern has the willpower to overcome fear, and every Lantern is not afraid of death.

Don’t we know that the average professional lifespan of a Lantern is less than three and a half years?

But have we ever flinched, feared, or hesitated?

If I choose to stay here and wait for death, maybe I can survive in the end, but I will lose more. "

"I'm sorry, Legion Commander. You are indeed the greatest Green Lantern in history. We were all wrong. We were terribly wrong." The Green Lantern Ghost lowered his head and said in regret.

"The title 'Best in History' is too big and too illusory." Hal shook his head and said: "As long as I can be recognized by everyone and say that I am worthy of a green light ring, I will be satisfied."

Green Lantern Ghost was even more moved, and thought more seriously from Hal's perspective: "The last two questions, even if you really die, there is no guarantee that you can use the Black Hand's light ring.

Even if you go back as a black lantern zombie, how can a mere black lantern zombie change the situation of the battle? "

Hal smiled confidently: "Both questions have the same answer - will, by my will."

"Just will?" Ghost Shadow's soul was shocked again.

"For Green Lantern, will is everything and will can do anything."

The Ghost Lantern seemed to see his face glowing, a light of confidence that shocked him beyond measure.

——Perhaps, this is the magnanimity of the greatest Green Lantern in history?

It's a pity that he was always regarded as a lucky kid from Earth.

Fortunately I was able to meet him after death.

I hope he gets his wish and becomes the greatest Black Lantern in history even if he dies.

Probably the Lantern used too much colored light energy while alive, and will have to pay the price for wasting colored light during his death.

They will lose all emotions and memories in purgatory, and gradually become numb and confused, like a stone.

Besides gray and black, there is no other color in Purgatory.

In the gray-black space, he could only see the movement two or three meters in front of him, which was just a blurry black shadow.

"Hoo ho ho"

Hal couldn't see the bottom of the valley, and could only judge from the sound of wind in his ears that he was falling freely, getting faster and faster.

——It’s so strange that the Purgatory of Color and Light, which is not in the form of a planet, actually has gravity.

"Bah!" This thought came to an abrupt end.

He fell to the bottom of the cliff, his head split into pieces, his eyeballs popped out of his sockets, and the ground beneath him was soaked with blood in an instant.

Hal is dead.

But not only did his fire of will not go out, but it exploded with powerful power at this moment.

"Lamp Ring, come here!"

"Buzzing" the black light ring in his pocket vibrated slightly, and Hal's dim and inactive pupils lit up the black light symbol with a "swish".

"Whoosh~~" The black light ring flew out of his trouser pocket and was put on the middle finger of his right hand.

"Hal Jordan from Earth, wake up."

The eyeball popped out of the eye socket and turned left and right a few times before being pulled toward the eye socket by the nerves connected to it.

"Boo~~" The eyes retracted into their sockets and regained their energy.

He slowly got up.

"Oh my god, he succeeded."

"How is this possible? How did he do it?"

Shocked murmurs came from the darkness around them.

Many newly deceased Green Lanterns gathered around to witness this miraculous moment: a Green Lantern snatched the Black Lantern ring from the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor.

"Hal Jordan, you actually succeeded."

Hal forced a smile on his bloodless dead face, "I said, will can create miracles."

"But how will the Black Death Emperor react?" Green Lantern Ghost asked worriedly.

"He - ah~~~" Hal Jordan suddenly held his head and howled miserably.

"Now that you have put on my ring, you will be my spokesman in place of William Hand, for you are better than him.

I will open the door to the real universe for you, go and kill.

Slaughter all human life and promote the majesty of death. "

The Black Death Emperor's voice was like a steel drill drilling hard into Hal's soul.

"No, I will not surrender to you, Black Death Emperor. You are just my ladder to return to the main universe, and your tool to defeat the evil spirits~~~" Black Lantern Corpse Hal curled up into a ball, rolling on the ground and howling miserably.

"The Black Death Emperor has indeed come to our door."

The dead ghost lanterns who had been surrounding them all retreated in panic. In the blink of an eye, there was not a single spectator left, leaving Hal alone to resist the double distortion of the soul and body by the Black Death Emperor.

Now three days later.

"Hal, why did you become a black lantern corpse?" Harley asked in surprise.

Don't blame her for seeing that he turned into a black lantern corpse at a glance, it was because the aura of death exuding from his body was too obvious.

Hal Jordan's body showed no signs of decay, except that his skin was pale and bloodless, and he looked little different from a living person, but he was wearing a Black Lantern uniform - a tights with the Black Lantern Corps logo on the chest.

"Are you still you?" she asked hesitantly.

In addition to turning into a living corpse, Hal's aura changed even more.

Especially the power of death hidden in his body, so dark and profound.

If it was said that the Black Death Emperor leaned over him, Harry would believe it.

"I am not a black lantern corpse, I am a black lantern, a user of death emotional energy." Hal stared at Firong and said calmly: "These trivial matters can be discussed later, but this is an excellent opportunity that cannot be missed."

"Well, you're right." Harley glanced at the giant Terror, whose figure was temporarily fixed, and nodded.

The two of them seemed to have talked a lot, but in fact the spiritual communication only lasted a moment.

At this moment, Flash Barry used the Wall of Speed ​​Force to temporarily block Fron's escape to the River of Time. Superboy also launched an attack from the River of Time, shattering Fron's right hand near the "river".

Kyle Rayner worked even harder, trying his best to use white light to distort the reality of the disaster.

It's not about changing the past of the disaster - by hurting him in the past, you can affect him in the present.

Kyle's operation at this time is more like Dr. Manhattan's "creating a cause for an effect", creating an inevitable "cause" in the present for an "effect" in the future.

This is distorting the "future reality" of the disaster.

"In the next half minute, the evil will stay in the material universe and cannot move." This is the "result" promised by Kyle.

Under normal circumstances, Fu Rong would not be unable to move anyway, so he was said to have distorted reality.

Of course, the "result" Kyle wanted could not be perfectly realized.

For example, he hoped to give Harley half a minute to deal with Firong calmly, but he could not create a "cause" for half a minute. Firong might be free in a second or two.

So Harley has to hurry up.

"Hal, you raid the formation for me. If Firong breaks free, you-"

Hal interrupted her and said: "No, Harley, you will be the support today. Use your god to lower the magic resistance of Firong, and let me kill Firong."

"Are you sure? You are just a black lantern corpse. Even the Black Death Emperor can't kill the white lantern." Harley doubted.

"Destiny is mine, believe me."


Harley flew at high speed with the energy of the yellow light, teleporting to the center of Fu Rong's eyebrows, using all her defensive specialties.

She didn't use her body as a bullet to blast out the troublemaker's eyebrows - this was the previous plan, but now Hal had to hold back his ultimate move. If she caused a strong stimulation to him, he would immediately break free from his restraints and regain his freedom.

"Wake up, Black Death Emperor!" Hal clenched his fists and roared through gritted teeth.


It's very similar to Fron's transformation into a giant just now. It's like the transformation of "Attack on Titan": a sudden burst of violent power, transforming into a giant. This time Hal didn't transform into a giant himself, but summoned the giant Fron. "Puppets" of the same size.

"Oh my god, is that the Black Death Emperor?" the lanterns around him exclaimed.

What was summoned by Hal Jordan was the giant "Black Death Emperor" holding a death scythe.

"Shit, Hal used the black light ring to summon the Black Death Emperor to the material world? He became the Black Death Emperor's lackey. Oh my god, Harley, be careful, the Black Death Emperor is going to chop you with a scythe!" Guy Gardner exclaimed.

Hal turned pale, glared at him, and said: "Black Death Emperor, I am the controller of corpses, and you are the dead, you must also obey my orders to attack Lantern No. 1 Bane!"

"Fuck you!" The Black Death Emperor slapped him like a table tennis ball, knocking him several hundred meters away.

"I am the darkness before the birth of light, the incarnation of the death of the universe. I can only order you, Black Lantern Living Corpse Hal Jordan, not you order me."

"Well, I was wrong. Hal didn't become a traitor, but he seemed to have messed up." Guy Gardner said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hal, can you do it?"

As soon as Harley looked back, a huge force fell on her.

Firong broke free.

He opened his mouth, sprayed out a column of colorful energy, pressed her body and rubbed against the fragments of time and space.

"Crack, click, click~~~" The starry sky is like a flat and transparent mirror, and Harley is like a steel bean. The steel bean is pressed into the glass with great force, rolling out a clear crack in time and space.

Hal Jordan stabilized his body, raised his right hand, and pointed the light ring at the Black Death Emperor. The black arc jumped wildly on the light ring and him.

His expression was twisted and crazy, and the willpower in his soul was stimulated to the limit, "Listen to my command and do as I say. Now you are just my 'dead corpse'!"

"No -" The look in the Black Death Emperor's eyes gradually disappeared, and like a puppet, it came to the front of Furuo mechanically.

"Stab it—" The black light flashed, and the huge sickle had cut half of the giant Firong's body open.

"What the hell are you?" Fu Rong howled miserably, the expression on his face was both shocked and confused.

He has seen the scene of the Blackest Night from the River of Time, and is no stranger to the Black Death Emperor.

But that kind of indirect understanding is far less shocking than facing the Black Death Emperor directly.

Especially as a white lamp, he obviously felt that the power of life in his body was restrained by the power of death.

"Black Death Emperor" did not answer his words. At this moment, it was just a body controlled by Hal's will.

"Chichi—" It just exerted force, and the death scythe cut the giant Forong into two pieces.

From the left shoulder to the right waist, there is only a layer of colorful white light connecting the two bodies.

And the power of black death at the wound was still eroding his white light.

"Uh~~~" Fu Rong struggled to retreat, but his movements became stiff and slow, and then he was hit on the forehead by the death scythe, and his screams became even more miserable and frightening.

"No, I am the white light of life, I will not be hurt by any attacks, ah ah~~~"

"Wait a minute, don't rush to kill him."

Feeling that Firong's aura quickly fell to the bottom, Harley was surprised and shocked. It took her a while to remember Firong's origin.

"Let me take away his origin first." She flew to the top of Fu Rong's head and was about to drill into his split head.

"If you just take away his emotional power, there's no need to go to such trouble."

Hal stopped him, just stretched out his right hand and pointed the black light ring at Firong's colorful heart.

"Stab~~~" The black light ring shot out a black lightning.

After lightning penetrated into Firong's heart, it was like pouring a bottle of ink into a clear pool of water. Firong's body composed of white light and colorful emotions was immediately dyed black.

"No -" Fu Rong's screams were not only more painful, but also filled with deep fear. His body was visibly losing white light and colorful emotions.

And Hal's right hand, which is wearing a black light ring, has a white light ball containing colorful light.

Although Firong is still in the form of a giant, his jelly-like energy body gradually turns into flesh and blood.

"What did you do to me?" He lowered his head and looked at Hal blankly.

When he saw the light ball, the confusion on his face disappeared, and he howled excitedly: "No, this is my white light, I want to use it to dominate all things, you can't-"

"Stab~~" The Black Death Emperor waved his scythe, and the flesh-and-blood giant Hurong was instantly cut in two. This time, there was no white light to heal the wound.

Two mutilated corpses fell to the ground, spraying blood like a waterfall.

The temperature in outer space is extremely low, and the blood quickly solidifies into red ice crystals, and the body is quickly covered with a thin layer of ice.

"I am the master of all things, no one can defeat me." Firong's mouth was still murmuring, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

"You are just an ant, the dead soul under my scythe." At this time, the Black Death Emperor began to speak again, and he opened his mouth and sucked in the remains of the disaster.

An illusory soul floated out from the corpse of Furuo and quickly flew towards the rotting mouth of the Black Death Emperor.

"What a beautiful thought!" Harley's eyes moved away from the white ball of light in Hal's hand, and she came to the soul of Firong, tapping his eyebrow with one finger.

"Hum~~" An "H" rune that belonged exclusively to Death God Harley was branded on Firong's forehead. It immediately broke away from the sucking power of the Black Death Emperor's foul mouth and fell into Harley's hand.

"Witch Harley, how dare you snatch food from a tiger's mouth!" The Black Death Emperor was furious and raised his sickle——

"Stop!" Hal shouted, and the Black Death Emperor froze in his movements.

"Now that your mission is completed, you can go back." Hal ordered at it with the black light ring.

"Idiot, from the moment you put on the black light ring, you are my beacon in the main universe. Unless you return to the death dimension with me, I will never disappear, hahahaha~~" The Black Death Emperor said happily laughed.

Hal's expression changed.

"You have a bunch of white light energy in your hand, and you still don't know how to use it to resurrect yourself?" Harley reminded.

Hal looked at the colorful white light held in his right hand, shook his head and said, "I don't have the destiny to become a white lantern, so I can't use this white light."

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