I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1527 Return of Hal

"Wha—" Kyle Rayner's eyes blurred as the scene changed. He returned from the Koruga Space Battlefield to a familiar yet unfamiliar room.

"This is..." He first looked down at his hands and body.

Still wearing the white light uniform, there is a white light ring on the index finger of his right hand - it was originally a green light ring, but after merging with six other color light rings, it became a white light ring.

Kyle quickly calmed down and shouted toward the roof: "Failong, I know it's you who is doing the trick, and I saw you, put away your little tricks."

Firong slowly fell from above, and his jelly body passed through the roof like a phantom, floating in front of Kyle.

"This is no small trick, this is the most important episode in your life."

"This is just my projection in the river of time, it's the illusion of time." Kyle said casually, raised the light ring, and shot a beam of white light at Firong.

"Buzz~~" Fu Rong raised his hand lightly, and his palm was like a mirror, which directly reflected the white beam back, knocking Kyle away three or four meters away.

"If I could be hurt by white light, that would be the biggest joke in the world."

He smiled sarcastically at Kyle and reminded: "Think about it again, where is this place?"

Kyle shook his head and subconsciously looked around.

"This is my home, the house I rented with Alex before I was selected by Gunther——"


When Kyle remembered the furnishings in the room and recalled that time, the scene changed again.

"Listen Kyle, before you become 'Picasso', you'd better accept the profession of comic book artist." Alex was still standing in front of him, frowning and persuading: "Just like I also dream of becoming the second Lu. Yislaine, but I can only start as a street photographer."

"My dear, Alex, are you alive?" Kyle rushed over with surprise on his face.

At this time, the white light uniform and white light ring on his body had disappeared.

"What are you crazy about? Of course I am a living person."

Kyle stared deeply into her eyes, "I almost forgot about this time. Really, Alyx, you are so charming now."

"What's wrong with you?" Alix pointed at his chest and asked in surprise.

Kyle is once again covered in a white light uniform, with a huge white light symbol on his chest.

"Fu Rong is a bastard, but his timeline distortion is not without merit. At least you now are the real you, not an illusion."

"You really surprised me." The white light flashed, and the surprised Alyx turned into a look of surprise.

Kyle was hugging Alyx before, but now he is hugging Firong, their faces touching each other in an ambiguous posture.

"No one who falls into the river of time can escape the time projection so quickly, especially the 'most heartwarming moment in life' that I specially selected for you.

I thought you would be intoxicated even if you were alert.

After all, the most difficult scam in the world is to lie to yourself. "

"I'm also a white lantern." Kyle said.

"You? You're not even close!" Fu Rong sneered, and the scene around Kyle changed again.

He returned to his boyhood, and his mother looked at him tenderly. At the same moment, he came to another scene, and he saw his old father again. He was not an agent who pretended to die and retired to protect their mother and son, but a coward. , a car mechanic who was blackmailed by a gangster. Seeing him being spat on by a gangster, Kyle's blood boiled and he couldn't help but rush forward. In the third scene, he and Jade were romantically involved, and in the fourth scene.

In each scene, there are plots that make Kyle very excited.

Maybe he knew this was just an illusion of time, but he still felt nostalgic in his heart.

One scene is nostalgic, one thousand or ten thousand scenes, his resistance decreases exponentially.

Koruga galaxy, on the battlefield.

"Firong, this little trick is of no use to me." Harley looked at Firong opposite and said calmly.

The space environment, once bright with stars, has become foggy.

Just like the riverside in the morning or evening, the water is hazy and the light is unclear.

Harley stood there without moving, nor did Bane, and no one moved, but at this moment she lost everyone's trace.

The "water mist" blocked her vision, and she could only see the misfortune on the other side.

Fu Rong stood there with a strange smile, and the ten fingers of his hands separated thousands of colorful rays of light.

The other end of the light thread was submerged in the mist, and seemed to be wrapped around someone.

His ten fingers kept moving, looking like a puppeteer controlling a puppet.

In fact, he is the puppeteer at the moment, manipulating everyone's emotions.

"I never expected the time illusion to work on you."

A gluttonous smile appeared on Fu Rong's face, looking like he was enjoying himself, "For people whose timelines are pulled into the 'River of Time World', everything they experience is no different from the real world.

Even as long as the 'River of Time Simulated World' is put into the egg of the universe, a true parallel universe can be born.

But a fantasy is a fantasy after all, and no real distortion of reality can affect you, let alone ‘The Sims’?

But my goal is not you, do you see? "

He raised his hands, letting her see the light connected to his ten fingers.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and white, eight colors of light.

At this time, the light was shining brightly, as if something was flowing along the light from the mist to Fu Rong's body.

"Ah, the endless flow of emotions is so delicious~~~" He looked at her provocatively and said: "I am playing with the emotions of your companions in front of you and squeezing their emotional energy. What can you do to me?

Although I can't kill you, you can't touch me either.

You only have one physical attack, but I can instantly travel through countless gaps in time and space.

I’m standing here, but I’m not here, hahaha~~~”

Harley ignored him, only turned her gaze in the direction of Kyle in the mist, frowned and said: "You even extracted the white light, what is that guy Kyle doing?"

"Hehe, you have too high expectations for him. He is just a newbie who has just condensed the white light, and I also take special care of him.

When dealing with other people, I try my best to let them experience pain, regret, fear, and all kinds of miserable endings.

To Kyle Rayner, I was like an experienced madam, doing whatever I felt comfortable with, and of course he didn't want to wake up. "Fu Rong said with a proud smile.

"Well, I still expected him to be blessed with destiny, to have his magic soldiers descend from the sky, to defeat him in one battle, and to go home after the battle." Harley shook her head and sighed: "I didn't expect that in the end it would be me who would turn the tide at the critical moment."

"Huhuhu~~~" She opened her mouth, and the golden glow burst out, forming a golden hurricane.

Wherever the hurricane swept, the fog dissipated, and the lanterns and heroes inside reappeared.

They were like insects caught in a spider's web, their bodies covered with white threads of light, and the other ends of the threads were on the ten fingers of Furuo.

Each thread is like a conduit, extracting seven colors of emotional energy from the lantern and the hero, and concentrating it on the evildoer.

"What is this?" Fu Rong stretched out his right hand in surprise, wanting to touch the golden hurricane.

But as soon as the jelly-like right hand came into contact with the golden wind, it immediately felt like an iron weight falling into a pool of sulfuric acid. Bubbles appeared on the skin, and the "jelly muscles" slowly melted away.

Harley's mouth was full of wind, but she still ignored him, and only controlled the mist of stomach acid to sweep through the white light that entangled the hero's timeline.

"Boom boom~~~" The silk threads that bound everyone broke apart, and they woke up again.

"What just happened?"

"Damn it, it was indeed a time illusion just now, we fell into the trap of disaster."

"Farke, he played with his life without knowing it. Fortunately, it's not true."

Some people were confused, some people suddenly woke up, and some people cursed after waking up.

Then everyone was on guard, looking at Fu Rong with fear and hatred in their eyes.

"Kyle, what are you doing? Hurry up and use your destiny to defeat the evil!" Guy Gardner shouted.

"I" Kyle looked hesitant, turned to Said and said: "I can transcend time and can control the river of time to a certain extent. But the tricks I know can be used by the enemy, but I may not know the tricks he knows. What should I do now? ?

Or should I be a supporter, team up with Superboy, The Flash and the others to trap Firong, force him into the material world, and let him face Harley face to face, fist to fist?

This doesn't seem to be my destiny. "

How can there be a destiny protagonist who helps others?

Said said calmly and calmly: "Destiny will definitely happen. When destiny happens, no one can stop it. But when it has not yet come, no one can accurately tell the result."

"Does that mean you don't know?" Kyle wanted to curse.

"Harley, I'd better assist you." He no longer hesitated, and white light burst out all over his body. He first solidified the surrounding time and space, and then used the same method as Firong to try to control Firong's reality.

"Kacha. Kacha~~"

Firong is like a bug sealed in amber, frozen in a transparent space-time crystal, and the crystal is slowly cracking.

"Bang~~" The crystal only broke into five pieces, and each piece had the same scene: Firong was tightly bound by the energy chains manifested by the Lanterns.


The next moment, the scene switched to reality, and all the Lanterns took action together, shooting emotional beams of seven colors at Firong.

Theoretically, Firong can absorb or bounce the beam just like before.

But his reality was predetermined.

The colored light energy tools were made into chains, tightly binding the evil spirits - almost exactly the same as the scene in the time illusion.

Kyle changed the reality of disaster!

Instead of adjusting the past to affect the present, he chooses the "future" where he is trapped by the Lanterns from the "present".

The "future" happens in the next moment, arrives and becomes reality.

"Whoosh -" Harley turned into a golden light and came to Furuo at the moment he was bound by chains.

The defensive force field was opened, and his right hand was like a knife, thrust straight into Firong's chest.

"Pfft--" It was easier than piercing the belly of a chicken with a sharp knife.

The defensive force field broke up the structure of his energy body, and Harley's palm knife triggered a quantum critical strike, instantly piercing his chest and abdomen.

"呲呲——" After pulling hard, a colorful heart appeared on Harley's right hand.

"Bang bang~~bang bang~~~"

The heart is beating vigorously, and with each beat, its color becomes more golden.

Eventually, the colorful heart completely turned golden, and the flowing blood also changed from colorful to golden liquid.

Yellow represents fear.

The trouble is fear, and Harley's source of fear arouses the fear in his heart.

"Bah!" Harley squeezed hard, and the golden heart shattered into juice, which then evaporated into a thick yellow mist.

"Huh~~~" She opened her mouth and breathed gently, sucking all the power of fear into her belly, with a look of intoxication on her face, "Fu Rong, I accept your fear, it's so delicious."

"You hurt me." Fu Rong's eyes were cold and sarcastic, "But so what? I am the first Lantern, the God of White Light."


Firong is like Eren who bit himself in "Attack on Titan" and instantly exploded from a height of two meters into a thousand-meter-tall white light giant.

Under the powerful shock wave, the energy chains of the Lanterns seemed to be turned into paper and torn to pieces.

Harley, who was so close, was like a projectile, being bounced hundreds of kilometers away.

The giant Scoundrel roared into the starry sky, "You treat me as a mortal? Do you think you can kill me by digging out my heart and damaging my body? You are too childish and stupid.

I am Lantern No. 1, the embodiment of life, and will never die from physical attacks! "


He stomped down, time and space collapsed, the void shattered, and several lanterns who failed to react were turned into flesh on the spot.

"I didn't just crush you before because I cherished my food rations. Now that I have Kyle Rayna, I'm satisfied. You trash can all go to hell!"

He slapped her again, like an ordinary person slapping a mosquito resting on the wall after sucking blood.

"Bah~~~" The remaining limbs flew around, and blood spilled into the starry sky.

"Barry, enter the river of time and run out of a wall of speed force to separate the river of time from the battlefield.

Da Chao, Arthur, and several other lamp owners, please help me raid the formation. Once Fu Rong plans to withdraw from the battlefield, you will immediately stop them.

Kyle, nail that bastard for me, I'm going to devour him!

No matter how fat the pig is, it cannot withstand the continuous deboning and meat removal. "Harry gritted his teeth.

Losing a heart did not stop the disaster.

This didn't surprise her.

But if he loses a thousand or ten thousand hearts in a row, will he still be able to survive?

Harley confronted him today.


In the spaceship, Flash Barry stepped onto the cosmic treadmill and his body disappeared instantly.

Dachao pulled Neptune into a ray of light and followed him into the river of time.

"Boom - click~~~" A layer of clouds mixed with golden and red lightning slowly descended above the giant Firong's head.

The wall of the speed force has taken shape, isolating the starry sky from the river of time.

If Firong wants to enter the river of time again, he must first tear apart the wall of speed force in front of him.

"You must have lost your mind. You dare to compete with me on your ability to control the river of time." Fu Rong sneered, and stretched out his hands, intending to tear apart the wall of speed power above his head like a plastic bag of instant noodles.

"Woe, I'm not alone." Barry's voice came from behind the wall of the Speed ​​Force, and it was very vague.

"Whoosh -" Da Chao rushed out of the wall of speed and hit Furuo's outstretched hand like a bullet.

"Boom——" Fu Rong's right hand exploded into a shower of light.

"Ah~~~" Fu Rong covered his broken arm and howled in pain, "Mortal, you are looking for——"

Brilliant white light exploded above his head. Kyle pressed his hands down, and the endless white light condensed the time and space below into a solid state.

"That's it, crucify him and watch me -"

"Harry, go ahead and let me do it. I am your destiny!"

A familiar voice interrupted Harry's movement towards Fu Rong's brow.

Then, a dark shadow with an unfamiliar aura, carrying the power of darkness and death that covered the sky, appeared in the center of the battlefield as if teleporting.

"Hal? You-" Harley was shocked, "How did you become a black lantern corpse?"

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