I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1531 Editing and Cutout

Harley ignored the whispers of several Lanterns and said: "Guy Gardner remembers the scenes of getting along with me, which can strengthen his connection with me, thereby indirectly obtaining protection and ensuring that the timeline is stable and uninterrupted.

On the other hand, if I remember the scenes when I got along with you and take the initiative to strengthen the connection with you, your timeline can also be protected.

I could see the 'reality' of Sinestro being cut off by the Bane, probably because I had promised him to keep an eye on Koruga. "

"But Koruga's reality was not protected. The reality that Sinestro successfully protected Koruga was distorted by the evil." Said said.

Harley looked puzzled and said in an uncertain tone: "What Firong changed was Sinestro's reality. Koruga, I don't know what Firong did at that time, but he was the attacker and had absolute initiative.

My shelter is only a passive defense, like a city wall.

When the enemy sees a city wall in front of them, they will definitely try their best to find loopholes in the wall. "

Sinestro said thoughtfully: "Fu Rong was very proud at the time, as if he had achieved great success, and told me some theories about film editing.

He said his fight with me was "Battle of Koruga 1".

Although he cannot observe your future, just because he cannot see through the plot of "War 2", he is sure that you will definitely participate in "War 2" next.

Your participation makes the plot of "War 2" unpredictable.

But just because he can't see through the plot of "War 2" in which you participated, doesn't mean that he can't modify the plot of "War 2".

For example, he can see through the plot of "War 1" in which I am the protagonist, and can control the finale of "War 1" so that I die and cannot participate in the performance of "War 2" as a male pig's foot. "

Harley really wanted to remind him that in the past "War 2", you didn't die, and you didn't become a male pig's foot.

The male pig knuckle in "War 2" is Hal Jordan, which even she didn't expect.

Sinestro continued: ""Battle 1" has not yet been released, and the film is still in the editing room. He modified it at will and paid a very low price.

Once "Battle 1" is released and seen by the audience, it is almost impossible to modify the ending, and even modifications are extremely costly.

It seems that he found a loophole in your 'timeline protection' and temporarily separated your timeline from Koruga through the 'movie editing room'. "

Harley put her hands on her hips and nodded suddenly: "So that's it, the scene of falling into the 'time tunnel' - Sinestro angrily beating the Scoundrel is the reality that was cut off by the Scoundrel.

My timeline protection can only protect the determined 'past', when the Battle of Koruga was taking place.

As a being that transcends time, the battle process of Firong is non-linear.

For example, he is still fighting with you this second, but he has already seen the outcome of his failure three seconds later.

Before the ending came, before it completely became a reality, he modified it at this moment, three seconds before the ending came.

The 'reality' he modified only had a bud, and was not yet fully formed. It was not considered a real modification of reality, so it avoided me and did not completely avoid it. I still got the spores of an 'unrealized reality'. "

"What on earth are you talking about? I was confused and didn't understand it at all." Gagardner said blankly.

"Don't think about those theories, just listen to Sinestro's film editing theory. Our experience is the "Battle of Koruga" series of movies, and Firong is only the director of "Battle 1". Do you understand this?" Hal road.

"You understand?" Guy asked doubtfully.

Hal smiled proudly, "I have also been above time and had personal experience."

"Sinestro, do you want to try the first light ring? If not, give it to me. Heavenly Father is waiting for you." Orion urged again.


"Uh ah ah~~~" Sinestro's body erupted with a strong white light, and his expression was distorted because of too much exertion, like a constipated person excreting the "hard currency" accumulated for more than half a month in the toilet.

In the starry sky, the meteorite fragments produced by the explosion of the planet Koruga were shrouded in a layer of white light, and were slowly pulled together into an irregular spherical shape.

There are also illusory figures and illusory cities made of white light on the surface of the planet.

"Is this a success?" the lanterns exclaimed.

At this time, Sinestro has been released from the Parallax Demon state and put on the No. 1 Lantern Ring.

The first light was repelling him, but he still controlled it with his strong will and inspired a brilliant white light.

"He failed. Just like Hal that day, he was just using color light energy to simulate phantoms." Harley sighed.

This was not the first time she had seen this scene.

When the seaside city was destroyed, Hal Jordan also acted like a madman, using green light energy tools to create lifelike cities and people.

The embodied person can still speak.

But when the energy is exhausted, all scenes disappear like a mirage.

Sinestro is not as good as Hal, or in other words, his goal is too big. There are billions of people on a planet, which is larger and more complex than Beach City, and it is harder to realize it perfectly.

At this moment, he had clearly exerted all his energy, but even the planet was incomplete, like a pile of lumps stacked together.

"Sinestro, okay, let's replace him with someone else." Hal shouted.

"No, I can still persist." The veins on Sinestro's forehead were exposed, and the muscles on his face were clearly defined.

"The energy in the light ring is limited. If you waste too much, even if someone else can resurrect Koruga later, they may not have enough energy and fail." Harley said calmly.

Sinestro relaxed his strength, the white light converged, the illusion mirror disappeared, and the meteorites gathered together slowly dispersed under the gravity of the star.

"Isn't my determination to resurrect Koruga strong enough? Why can't I succeed?" He took off the lamp ring dejectedly and said unwillingly.

"No matter how strong the hope is, it still needs something to rely on." Saint Walker sighed with deep understanding.

"Who's next?" Harley asked, holding the first lantern.

"I'll give it a try." Orion was ready to make a move.

Harley handed over the light ring.

Orion couldn't wait to stretch out his right hand, and the next moment the light ring shot out a beam of colorful arcs.


"Ouch~~" Orion didn't even touch it, so he backed away with his hands covered, "Why did it reject me?"

"Next one." Harry didn't even bother to answer his question.

"Let me try." Gagardner geared up.


"Who else?"

Even Seid tried once, but no one could do it.

Even if someone forcibly wears the light ring, they cannot drive the energy inside like Sinestro.

"It seems that destiny only belongs to the Supreme Father. Harley, give me the lamp ring." Orion said.

Harry frowned slightly. Heavenly Father would not even show his face. Expecting Him to change Koruga's fate against the will of God would be a luxury.

The Ring of Light was given to Orion, and they never saw it again.

Maybe when she goes to the Creation Star, it will be difficult for her to even see the face of her Heavenly Father.

She's not necessarily responsible for Koruga.

Even when she first learned that Koruga was destroyed, she didn't feel any burden in her heart.

She never gave Sinestro a clear promise. She would help if she could, and she had a clear conscience if she couldn't help.

It's just that resurrecting Koruga is just one of the final actions of "The Scourge of the First Light".

If Koruga's reality can be distorted, it means that the timeline of the entire universe can be restarted.

To put it bluntly, they are working hard now, not only for Koruga, but also for the countless civilizations in the universe who died unjustly.

This time, the "Disaster of the First Light" first affected the Third Legion, and then the disaster. Too many civilizations were harmed. It was so tragic.

Harley suspected that the main universe was suddenly half empty.

"I will fulfill my promise, and this light ring will eventually be handed over to Heavenly Father. But now we have to save Koruga and save the civilization that was destroyed like Koruga.

We hope that the user of the lantern ring can restart the timeline of the main universe and set the time back before the scourge harmed the universe. "Harry made the request very bluntly.

"That's right, if Heavenly Father wants to get the lamp ring, he must first resurrect Koruga." Sinestro quickly agreed.

Everyone looked at Orion expectantly.

Orion hesitated and said: "There is more than one way to restart the timeline. For example, The Flash can also restart time."

"You asked Barry to go back in time and fight the Bane on the timeline? What a joke." Harley said displeased.

"The misfortune is dead."

Harley shook her head and said, "If I do that, the light ring in my hand may disappear, and the evil may once again transcend time, which is equivalent to a different kind of resurrection."

"If I meet him alone on the river of time, I might not be able to escape." Barry said with a bitter smile.

"It's not like Heavenly Father has never been to the material world. Do us a favor. It won't waste much time, right?" Dachao asked puzzled.

Orion quietly sent a message to Harry mentally and said, "Harry, to be honest, Heavenly Father cannot do what you ask for."

"Heavenly Father hasn't done it yet, how do you know He can't do it? I have full confidence in Him." Harley said.

Although she had considered that Heavenly Father had the same diarrhea as Kyle, she had to try it before she could be sure.

"The New God can only obey the destiny, and cannot even violate his own divinity, let alone restart the timeline of the main universe without authorization." Orion said helplessly.

Harley was silent for a while and said to Sinestro: "How about this is it for today, the light ring is given to Orion, and the restart of time is left to the future.

The multiverse has been in turmoil in recent years. We have encountered three reboot crises in less than ten years. Maybe the next reboot will come soon.

When the time comes, we will work together to help you resurrect Koruga. "

"Why doesn't Heavenly Father come over?" Sinestro asked anxiously.

"Heavenly Father." Harry looked embarrassed. He was afraid of losing face to his Heavenly Father if he told the truth. Orion had sworn before that his Heavenly Father would be able to use the First Light to save the world.

The words were too much for him to say, and she couldn't even tell a lie.

"Isn't it obvious? Orion is bragging, but Heavenly Father can't do it." She had no choice but to send a message to Sinestro quietly, "Give me face, don't make it public, and give Heavenly Father face."

Sinestro's expression was distorted, "But-"

Harley said impatiently: "It's not like I didn't let you try. You tried, but it didn't work. Everyone else can't, so what else can you do?

We can't hold a "Multiverse Lantern Trials" and let the heroes of the multiverse try out one by one. "

She threw the light ring to Orion, looked around and said: ""The First Light 2 - The Battle of Koruga" is over, but the movie series has just begun.

We must keep in mind the grievances of Koruga and the destroyed civilization of the universe, and compose a song "War 3: Koruga's Resurrection" in the future - eh! "

Harley suddenly turned her head and shouted towards Orion who was about to open the sonic boom channel: "Hey, Orion, wait a minute and give me the light ring. I seem to be able to use it."

"What?" Orion stopped activating the mother box and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you try it just now?"

Sinestro didn't ask why, and said hurriedly: "If she wants to try, just let her try again."

"This time is different. I just suddenly picked up the first edition film of "Battle of Koruga 1" that was cut by Firong.

There is no need to restart the timeline, just 're-release' the existing timeline. "Harry said with a strange expression.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand at all." Orion said blankly.

Sinestro understood and said excitedly: "You mean, you picked up the 'reality' of me defeating the Fron, and you can still let it replace the current false one, where I was defeated by the Fron and Koruga was destroyed." 'Fantasy'?"

"Although what you said is very wrong, you understood it correctly."

Harley glanced at him and explained to everyone who looked suspicious: "The film cut off by Firong fell into my 'time tunnel', and it has not disappeared. As long as I have read it, I can still remember the information on it, It just disappears.

I thought it was just a false message before.

But just now, when I was planning to undo the 'time tunnel', stretch my timeline, and reconnect it to the river of time, I discovered that the 'film' also represented a 'reality'.

Represents a 'timeline embryo' belonging to Sinestro and Koruga.

You can use it to overwrite the current 'Sinestro Timeline'.

It only affects the timeline of Sinestro alone, while the river of time in the universe as a whole remains unchanged, which is equivalent to cutting out pictures for little fresh meat and fairies during the filming process.

Sinestro is the little guy whose pictures were cut out. "

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