I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1523: Warm wine to kill Hua Xiong, cooked meat to destroy the troublemaker

During the earlier crisis of the Green Lantern War, the Blue Lantern, Green Lantern, and Red Lantern Corps were worried that their lamp beasts would be snatched away, so they found a host for the lamp beasts. The three hosts were all from Earth.

As a result, it was Carona's plan to gather the lantern beast hosts in one place.

He raided the Justice League and forcibly removed the lamp beast from its host.

Three earthlings who had reached the sky in one fell swoop were suddenly knocked back to their original shape.

Later, after Kyle released the lantern beast, the freed lantern beast did not look back and went to look for them again.

The three major legions also looked down upon them, feeling that they were too unqualified as hosts to be unable to protect even lamp beasts.

The three earth hosts were abandoned and left on the earth to continue living ordinary lives. At most, they participated in a third-rate talk show, telling the audience what it was like to be the host of a lamp beast and the cruelty of Kalona.

This phenomenon continued until the central lamp furnace of the Green Lantern was destroyed and Harley rebuilt the Green Lantern Tribe.

The new Green Lantern Tribe has changed the past lantern selection rules. There are two lantern rings in one sector, one for good and one for evil.

The most unsympathetic person in Sector 2814 was Luther. Luther gave up the light ring, and the ring soon found fellow Earthling Shane Thompson, a former convert.

The convert is the name of the host of the Green Lantern beast, similar to the "Ion Man" of the Green Lantern.

"Thompson, you did a good job. You didn't embarrass the people on earth, nor did you embarrass the Qinglan tribe."

Harley first praised the bald Green Lantern, and then asked curiously: "Did the disaster attack you? How did you escape?"

This earthling lantern has made a great contribution!

Among the 7,200 lanterns of the Green Lantern Tribe, the 203 who survived all depended on him to activate ultra-long-distance teleportation and take them away from Nox.

"I don't know," Thompson smiled.

Although he was a fellow Earthling, Harley didn't like him much from the time he became a convert.

It wasn't that he had done anything that disgusted her, but that his expression was too weird, and he kept a sick smile all the time, like a foolish believer who had been brainwashed into cerebral palsy by a cult.

Seeing him, Harley couldn't help but think of the "War Boy" in "Mad Max."

No, the Qingdeng tribe was all wiped out, and he still had a compassionate smile on his face.

This guy now has cyan tattoos of the Qingdeng Tribe logo on every inch of his body, including on his face.

The green lantern tattoo combined with Mercy's silly smile makes it look even weirder.

"You don't know?" Harley raised her voice and reminded, "You were right there and experienced all this, how could you not know?"

The green lantern boy still had a morbidly compassionate smile on his face, but his tone was very respectful, "Your Excellency Guardian, I am just a novice lantern, and I don't know much about Firong and Bai Lantern.

I don’t understand what you mean by ‘disasters squeeze out emotions and cause life to dry up’.

I was in the meditation room reading from the New Bible purchased from Gotham Cathedral when the disaster occurred.

Hearing the screams outside, I quickly ran out to check and saw that my companions seemed to be twisted wantonly by a pair of invisible hands. Their postures were weird, their bones were broken, their skin quickly darkened, and their muscles gradually shriveled.

Even the legion leader was screaming in pain.

I don't know what happened, but I understand that crisis is coming and only you can save us.

So I quickly sent you a few messages.

After waiting for about three minutes, there was no response, but more and more of my companions turned into mummy corpses with twisted limbs. I couldn't wait any longer, so I immediately started super long-distance teleportation and took everyone who was still alive away from the scene.

Strangely enough, after leaving the tribe, their condition immediately eased.

But if you ask me what happened, I really don’t know. "

Harley frowned and said, "Show me the light ring."

The green lantern boy hesitated and finally stopped laughing. He was worried and puzzled: "What do you want to do?"

He was afraid that his lamp ring would be taken away.

"I want to see your light ring log. Do you know the light ring log? It is your 'driving recorder'."

Qing Dengzi breathed a sigh of relief and put on his sickly smile again, "I can retrieve the data and send it to you."


Thompson wasn't lying. The information in the Lantern Ring Diary was exactly what he said.

"Why is this happening?" The lanterns around asked curiously.

Harley put away her lamp ring and said uncertainly: "The disaster that befell the Green Lantern Tribe at that time should have been a time clone.

And the way he extracts the power of emotion may be just an illusion of time, that is, simulating a distorted timeline in the river of time.

Firong didn't pay much attention to the Qingdeng tribe, Thompson. Do you still have contact with the Kaifeng? "

"How do we call it contact? After putting on the light ring, I vaguely noticed that she was hiding inside the planet Nok. I seemed to be able to feel her emotions, but I had never communicated with her." Thompson said.

Harley sighed: "You are lucky. You are in the state of half-step 'convert'. The energy level of the blue lantern is much higher than that of ordinary lanterns, and you are immune to the illusion of time casually imposed by the evil spirits."

"Are you saying that in order to save power and improve the efficiency of extracting emotions, Firong has set up different levels of timeline distortion illusions for different targets?" Bateman asked.

"I guess so, for the Shadow Cabinet, he came in person, for the Color and Light Legion, he sent a clone, and for ordinary planets, he might just pay attention.

In this way, he can single-handedly cause monstrous killings across the universe.

If he really wanted to squeeze out his emotions face to face, one planet would be enough for him to spend a lifetime. "Harry said with a heavy tone.

If her guess is correct, it proves that Fu Rong is rapidly growing stronger every second.

This is not good news.

Bateman also thought of this, and said with a solemn expression: "Can we do anything to interrupt his process of robbing emotions?"

Harley was also a little anxious.

Even though she didn't know any of the aliens whose emotions had been drained by the scourge, she still felt angry when she thought of so many people being harmed by a bastard.

Especially the bastard who made her angry was still getting great benefits.

However, she did not show any anxiety on her face, but smiled calmly, "Don't worry, no matter how much emotional energy he plunders, he will never be Kyle Rayner's opponent.

Kyle is a man of destiny, and his destiny given to him by the multiverse is to conquer evil. "

Nowadays, disasters are wreaking havoc on the universe, and countless gods, kings, demons, and supreme beings have cast their sights on it.

Not only are they keeping an eye on the disaster, they will definitely pay attention to their every move.

Some people with ulterior motives may still be planning something.

If she expresses all her inner thoughts, it will be difficult for her to get what she wants.

For example, she now thought of Heavenly Father, the “big brother of justice”.

"Hai Rong has had white light for three billion years, and now he is plundering the universe. His strength is increasing rapidly every minute. Even if Kyle masters the Seven Lanterns technique and cultivates white light, can he be his opponent?" Dachao asked worriedly.

Harley said disapprovingly: "How can the Lantern's strength depend on the training time?

When Beach City was destroyed, Hal was just an ordinary Lantern, but the Green Lantern Corps had thousands of Green Lanterns and a dozen Guardians who had lived for billions of years.

Theoretically, when Hal goes to Oua, he will hit an egg with an egg.

But what's the result?

When fate strikes, the combat effectiveness of the destined people cannot be inferred by common sense at all.

They can explode at any moment, just like the protagonists in the movie. "

Said agreed: "In the destiny I see, Kyle is the nemesis of the big devil.

The day when Kyle's seven lantern skills are perfected is when the fate of the evil will end. "

"Even if Kyle is the nemesis of the disaster, now the universe is full of tragedies, and countless innocent people have been drained of their emotions. Aren't you anxious to stop his atrocities?" Da Chao clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Harley's eyes flashed and she said, "What happens now may not be a foregone conclusion."

"What do you mean?" Dachao asked confused.

"Should the Scoundrel die?" Harley asked.

The anger on his face immediately turned into confusion and hesitation, "If possible."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Are you still insisting on the 'no killing principle'?"

Dachao nodded slightly, "You can lock him into the shadow space again."

"The cage was broken. I don't know why. It suddenly became structurally fragile and was smashed to pieces by the angry Scoundrel." The silver eyes of the old blue man were full of hatred. "The Scoundrel deserves to die. He will be cut into pieces with a thousand swords." It's not enough to pay for his sins. If you have a way to kill him, Harley, I'm willing to do my best to cooperate with you."

Dachao sighed and fell silent.

Harley said: "I want to eat him!"

"What?" The heroes and lanterns looked at her in shock, "Eating people?"

"Wirong is actually an energy body. I will drain his white light source, just like he drains the emotions of all living beings."

Harley's eyes shone, and her expression gradually became excited, even excited, "When I get all his power, I will be the new 'Lantern No. 1', and I will have the power to twist the river of time at will."

It will be easy to restart the timeline at that time.

When the main universe timeline is restarted, won’t everyone be alive again? "

"This is a good method!" The old blue man's eyes lit up, with a strong look of flattery on his face, "If Harley you can really take away all the power of the disaster, with your ability, it will definitely be possible to restart the timeline. When the time comes, .Everyone who dies can return.”

"Harley Quinn, if the plan works, I will support your actions." The Zamaron woman also showed an expectant expression and quickly expressed her attitude.

"Of course it's possible. Do you remember the finale of Zero Time Crisis?" Harley smiled.

Flash Barry suddenly said: "When the Zero Hour Crisis ended, we fine-tuned the timeline to keep the lives of the current people unchanged and only resurrected those affected by the restart.

This time is the same as last time, stabilizing the timeline of the living and resurrecting those who died in vain, right?

Therefore, the only difficulty in this plan is how to capture the power of the disaster. "

Harley said proudly: "With Kyle's cooperation, the source of the disaster must be in my possession, and no one can take it away.

White Lantern Kyle plus you and me, who can rival us in the multiverse? "

Everyone recognized her judgment, saw the dawn of victory, and their expressions relaxed.

Thinking that the dead can still come back to life in the restart, even Da Chao no longer worries.


When the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, a strong sonic boom sound suddenly came from outside the hall.

Everyone looked around in surprise and saw Orion, the prince of the creation star, flying towards them on a scooter.

From a distance, he shouted: "Halley, Hally, are you there? Heavenly Father is looking for you."

Harry secretly thought, "It's really here," with a look of surprise on his face, "Brother Isaya, what are you doing to me now? We are discussing how to deal with the 'Wrath of the First Light'."

Orion said: "Heavenly Father came to you to discuss this matter. He brought disaster to the world, slaughtered all living beings like pigs and dogs, and was cruel and bloody beyond Darkseid. The Lord of Justice was very angry."

Harley sneered in her heart and looked hesitant, "We already have a plan to deal with the disaster."

"A trip to the Genesis Star won't waste much time." Orion said.

"Okay." She walked to Him with a reluctant look on her face.

"BOOOM!" The sonic boom channel opened, and a moment later they arrived at the Creation Star Floating City.

"Harry, are you okay?" Heavenly Father was waiting at the door. When he saw Harley, he greeted him with concern: "The river of time in the main universe seems to be divided into two layers. Your timeline is separated from the main river. It's you." Made it?

Well, judging from your weak breath, you must have paid a heavy price, right? "

Harry said in surprise: "Brother Heavenly Father, you really have such sharp eyesight that you can see through my reality at a glance."

——How can you continue the topic without showing weakness?

Heavenly Father stroked his thick beard and said in deep thought: "I already know about the situation of Wo Rong. The Genesis Star will never tolerate his atrocities."

Harley's eyes lit up, "With my brother's help, I -"

Heavenly Father waved his hand, "Most of your attention is spent on the separation timeline. At this time, you have more than enough energy but not enough energy, so don't worry about the disaster."

"Brother, do you mean to ask Kyle to cooperate with you?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"No, we can wait, but the wailing people in the universe cannot wait." The majestic face of Heavenly Father emits the divine light of justice. Anyone who takes a look at it will know how bright, majestic, magnanimous and upright He is.

Harley was silent for a while and said frankly: "I don't hide my thoughts from you, brother. At present, I can protect the earth from disasters, but I don't care at all how many aliens die in the universe.

When Kyle's magical power is completed, I will definitely be able to easily kill the troublemaker by joining forces with him, and then seize his origin.

This is a once-in-a-million-year opportunity.

Unlike Kyle Rayner who uses his own emotional elements to condense the white light, the emotional elements and origins of Bane all come from plunder.

He can rob others, and others can rob him.

No one can take away Kyle Rayna's white light, but as long as he defeats Furu, he will be slaughtered by others, like a fat pig. "

Heavenly Father heard this and felt his heart become hot and anxious.

As early as when the Seven Lights Ring failed to create the Life Scepter, Harley analyzed it for him: the emotional elements of the Woe came from the little blue man and could be plundered.

That's when He got his thoughts on his mind.

It's just that He knows the background of the Martus people better than Harley.

Ganser's ability to become the "Universe Essence Society" standing side by side with him and Zeus does not rely on face and friendship, but on real strength.

Not only is Ganser's own strength, but the key is that the Martus tribe he represents is equivalent to the "human race of gods".

To rob someone by force will not only make you look bad, but will also bring shame on you.

At that time, He was just itching.

Now that Furuo himself jumped out, he was immediately ready to take action and gave him the highest attention immediately.

The first reason why I didn't take action right away was because as the New God King, I had to be restrained and not be too impatient or greedy.

Secondly, Fu Rong's strength made him hesitate.

Maybe he can wait until Witch Harley cripples him, and then he can jump out and take advantage?

This is what He and Metron discussed.

Finally, there’s Harley’s attitude.

Does Harley have any thoughts on Bane? Or does she have other ideas? Will the disaster be a big trap?

Now He knew what she was thinking: she wanted to possess His own woe.

Fu Rong is not a big pit, he is a big treasure.

She didn't have any conspiracy, she just wanted to steal his origin, and she told it frankly.

Heavenly Father was a little anxious.

He frowned and glanced at her, then turned to glance at Metron, the "God of Chairs".

"Harley Quinn, Darkseid has tested the anti-life equation once, and the Earth in a parallel universe was completely destroyed."

Metron lightly tapped the armrest of the chair, "Buzz~~~"

A picture is projected in mid-air.

In the dilapidated and desolate Gotham, a skeleton hanging with a Batsuit was nailed to the top of Wayne Tower.

In a metropolis where the streets are full of walking dead, Superman with gray skin and a rotten mouth stands in the sky, overlooking the ruined city like a king.

In a park in Star City, Zombie Flash is squatting on the ground, eating Green Arrow's entrails.

"Is this a biohazard?" Harley asked in surprise.

"It is the corruption of life by the anti-life equation. It can also be understood as an incurable virus." Metron said in a heavy tone.

Harley put her right thumb on her chin, pursed her lips, and was lost in thought.

Heavenly Father, Metron and other new gods looked at her calmly and did not speak.

After a while, Harley said with great reluctance: "Only the life equation can fight against the anti-life equation?"

"You know the answer." Metron said.

"Understood, in order to fight against Darkseid, Heavenly Father, you must get the Life Equation.

Defeating the evil one and taking away his origin may be your destiny, Heavenly Father, otherwise he would not appear just when you need the white light. "Harry looked emotional, but couldn't hide the loss and disappointment in his eyes.

Heavenly Father was very satisfied with her statement and said solemnly: "For the sake of the multiverse, I am duty-bound."

Harley's eyes flickered and said: "Are you going to take action now? Do you want my help? Or, when Kyle Rayner's magic power is completed, we can do it together to have the best chance."

"No, I can't wait even a moment when I think about the millions of lives being devastated by disaster."

——Considering your ambitions against the source of evil, how dare I let you participate in the operation, and also with Kyle Rayner? When the time comes when you see magic, your eyes will gleam, your legs will be unable to walk, you will forget all the overall situation and righteousness, and just snatch it away, what should I do?

Heavenly Father did not give Harley a chance to persuade him. He took his scepter and activated the mother box to open the sonic boom channel.

Before leaving, he also left a message: "Orian, take Harry to the 'Garden of Glory' and prepare wine and barbecue. Before the golden roast lamb is cooked, I will come back with the head of Woe Rong to accept you." Toast."

——Oh, in ancient times, clouds were warmed and wine was used to kill Hua Xiong, but today, the fragrance of Heavenly Father’s meat is used to destroy the enemy?

Harley turned her attention to Orion, "Where can I see the Battle of the River of Time on Genesis?"

Orion pointed at Metron and said: "His chair can see everything that is happening in the universe."

——For example, your previous conversation with the heroes of the Zhenglian and the remnants of the Seven Lanterns in the Hall of Justice.

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