I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1522 All seven lights are extinguished

Harley still returned to Earth with the "Martus Black Hole Spacecraft".

She wants the little blue men dead, but the Cabinet of Shadows is not the Guardian of the Universe she's dealing with.

Moreover, their clan had just been wiped out, and there were only a few old men and women left in the entire clan. Even the group of little blue people who were resurrected by Kyle when the Green Lantern Corps was rebuilt were all dead. It was so tragic.

Kyle, Kilowog and other "Green Lantern remnants" also temporarily stayed on Earth to avoid disaster.

"What's your plan?" Bateman asked, looking at the Lanterns.

At this time, many heroes gathered in the Hall of Justice.

Every B-level and above hero will receive a text message notification.

Anyone who is willing to attend and can arrive in time can participate in this "Disaster of the World" seminar.

Well, Fu Rong is causing trouble in the world right now.

On the way back, Green Lantern Corps leader Salak received several distress signals from Sector 0 - the mysterious man in the energy state drained the entire planet of living life with white light.

These distress messages all come from higher civilizations.

Only advanced civilizations can barely resist one or two and have a chance to transmit the signal.

It is conceivable that even high-level civilizations have been robbed, and there will only be more middle- and low-level civilizations that are quietly destroyed.

"Actually, the plan has been in place for a long time." Gagardner pointed at Kyle and said: "Sed's plan is for Kyle to practice the seven-lamp technique to control the power of white light.

White light against white light, Kyle against Bane. "

"Oh, now it seems that Seid is still prescient." Carol said with a complex expression: "She predicted Kyle's destiny - only he who controls all the power of seven-color light can deal with the 'big devil'!"

Carol, Saint Walker, Archilo and other "sexy righteous men" were originally on the same side as Kyle.

They have been lying in ambush near Oa, waiting for Kyle to "throw the cup as a signal", and then rush out to fight against the Guardian of the Universe.

It's a pity that the Guardians are more skilled and always control the overall situation, keeping the Green Lantern Corps in check.

In just one wave, the green light was wiped out by the group, and there was no grand trial of words at all.

When the blue monsters surrounded the old green lanterns, they also wanted to summon Carol and others to cooperate inside and outside to open a way out.

"We will continue to implement Said's plan, help Kyle control the power of white light as soon as possible, and then go to fight against the evil together." Saint Walker said.

"Kyle, how long will it take to fully control the white light?" Dachao asked.

Before Kyle could speak, Harley said: "What's the point of asking this kind of question? Who can fully control the cultivation matters?"

Dachao said worriedly: "Every minute and every second, people are drained of life and emotion by evil forces. Every minute of delay, tens of millions or hundreds of millions more people may die."

"So you are under a lot of psychological pressure, and you want to transfer all the pressure to Kyle's shoulders, making him feel heavy and upset, unable to practice with peace of mind, and unable to control the white light in a few months or a few years?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Dachao shook his head quickly and said, "I just asked Kyle to give an approximate time, and then we will evaluate whether to prepare a second plan."

"What's your plan?" Harley asked.

Dachao pointed at himself, "I can also enter the River of Time, and Neptune has rich experience in fighting the River of Time.

If Barry takes another trip to the 31st century, he can find more time travelers.

Remember back in Crisis on Infinite Earths, many of our allies were able to travel through time, such as the Time Lord Rip Hunter. "

Harley thought he was looking for death.

Being able to enter the River of Time and fighting in the River of Time against the scourge that controls the River of Time are completely different things.

Let's take Neptune's "rich experience in fighting the River of Time" as an example. He only received a slap from Time Demon Hal, but his body was like a bullet, penetrating the entire River of Time, and he almost farted.

"Dachao, to be honest, I don't have the confidence to fight the evil forces in the river of time." Neptune smiled bitterly and said: "The most valuable experience I gained in the river of time is not to fight with time beings in the river of time.

Too passive.

First of all, we can’t lock the target without knowing the direction; secondly, the opponent can come and go freely, and if we can’t fight, we can run away, but we can’t catch up; finally, in the river of time, close combat is not the norm, and we don’t know what tricks the enemy uses.

For example, if the disaster is avoided and only distorts our timeline, how can we stop it? "

"Aren't there experts here?" Harley raised her chin towards the old lady of the little blue man, "Is Dachao's plan feasible? How did you arrest Firong in the first place?"

"Yes, the Martus people once suppressed the evil spirits." Everyone quickly turned their expectant eyes to the old blue man.

Old Mrs. Palco hesitated and said: "I can't comment on Superman's plan because I don't know what Superman's strength is or what Neptune's strength is."

Before she met Harley, she would have confidently scorned Chao's plan.

Harley's performance made her look at the "civilized heroes" of this era countless times, and felt that they must be unfathomable if they could become her companions.

The old lady continued: "However, Fu Rong should not be knocked down by 'close combat'. He controls the white light of life, which is life itself, and his recovery ability is infinitely powerful.

This is not the first time that disaster has brought disaster to the world.

Three billion years ago, he was just like today, destroying civilization wantonly and squeezing life's emotions crazily.

He is never satisfied and even wants to attack our Martus civilization.

The level of civilization development in your era is far less than it was 3 billion years ago.

At that time, in addition to Martus being a super civilization, there were at least 500 lesser super civilizations.

That is to say, it is the top advanced civilization that has one foot on the threshold of super civilization.

In this era, there is not even a single being that has touched the realm of super civilization. "

Harley sneered: "Why do you think there is no top civilization that has reached the threshold of super civilization in this era?"

Old Mrs. Palco was stunned, "Miss Quinn, you seem to have something in your words?"

"Those who have touched the threshold of super civilization have long been murdered by the guardians of the universe, just like the 'angel civilization' thousands of years ago. Is that what you mean, Harley?" Guy Gardner said.

Old Mrs. Palco smiled awkwardly, "It shouldn't be so. What I mean is that all the top civilizations joined forces to form several River of Time troops and Star Power Rangers, but they all failed miserably.

All 500 top civilizations were destroyed, even Maltus lost several resident stars, hundreds of millions of people were killed and injured, and the population dropped sharply. "

"So miserable? All 500 top civilizations destroyed?" Da Chao exclaimed.

"If it weren't for this, we wouldn't have formed a huge shadow cabinet specifically for a single scourge." Old Mrs. Palco sighed.

"Then how did you win in the end?" Bateman asked.

"All Martus people join forces and use powerful spiritual power to erase the rules of the universe around Bane.

Without the rules of time, he cannot use the rules of time to distort reality.

Without the rules of space, he would not be able to escape instantly.

Without the rules of life, the white light talent that instantly resurrects with full blood becomes useless.

Without all the rules, he can only compete with us to see who has greater 'strength'.

In order to prevent him from escaping from prison, we also specially imprisoned him in the shadow zone where the rules of the universe are thin. "

The old lady's words made everyone despair.

"In terms of technological level, we can't compare to the 500 top civilizations joining forces. In terms of spiritual power, we can't even compare to a Martus person."

Dachao no longer mentioned the formation of the "River of Time Team", and only comforted everyone: "Don't be afraid, we have Kyle and Harley, Harley can protect the earth's timeline and ensure the safety of the rear area.

As long as Kyle's magical power is completed, we will definitely be able to defeat the disaster. "

"Kyle, please go down first. This kind of meeting doesn't mean much to you. It's better to spend more time practicing color light skills." Bateman said.

Kyle hesitated for a moment, nodded and left the venue.

"To deal with Firong, we should first understand him." Bateman's eyes swept around the faces of Harley and Old Palco, and asked: "Is Firong a hidden history that we don't know, or is it a hidden history that we don't know about? A byproduct of a cosmic reboot?

Three billion years ago, he traversed the universe, fought against invincible opponents all over the world, and twisted the river of time as easily as eating and drinking. Is this real history, or is it like the "Biography of the God of War" on Earth? "

"Of course the disaster is real. I have personally experienced those years. If he is fake, what does our shadow cabinet mean?" Old Mrs. Palco said firmly.

"It must be false." Harley's tone was also very certain, "Gunther has admitted that the Scourge is a twisted product that only appeared after the Crisis on Infinite Earths."

"Gunser's words do not represent the truth. His thinking has been corrupted by the guardians. He is cut off his emotions, restored to his emotions, and cut off his emotions again. He is already mentally abnormal." Mrs. Palco was excited. road.

If the disaster is a false and distorted history, what is the meaning of their persistence for three billion years?

"Do you still remember how the Bane came to Maltus?" Harley asked.

Palco was stunned for a moment and said: "He traveled through time and space and came from the earth in the parallel universe in the future."

“He appeared during Kalona’s experiment to observe the origin of time, when Kalona saw a hand of creation wearing a ring of lights.

After the disaster was suppressed by you, several years passed before Kalona saw the hands of creation again.

The problem is that in Crisis on Infinite Earths, we personally visited the place where time originated and only saw the ‘Carona’s Observation Window’ once.

The Anti-Monitor King and the Ghost are both waiting for Kalona's observation window to appear, because that is the beginning of the division of the universe.

If the history of Bronco is true, we will definitely be able to see his figure at the origin of time, see his ‘ringed hand of creation’, and see the window of Carona.

Everyone knows what the outcome will be. "

"We didn't see anything except an observation window." Da Chao muttered.

"We didn't see it. It can only mean that the history of the disaster occurred after the universe was restarted.

It happened that he traveled to a time before Carona observed the creation hands. After his story ended, the single universe split into a multiverse.

Such a contradiction, there is only one possibility, his history is a distortion after restarting. " Harley said.

All the heroes and lanterns who had experienced the Crisis on Infinite Earths nodded slightly and agreed with her analysis.

"If the disaster is fake, then what is the prison of the Shadow Cabinet? Are so many of us Maltus people fake?" the old blue man said loudly.

"The history of King Martial God is also the product of reality being distorted, but this does not affect earth archaeologists from excavating a large number of relics of King Martial God tens of thousands of years ago." Bateman said.

Old Mrs. Palco's expression changed several times, and finally she let out a long sigh and looked gloomy.

"But his power is real. Even if we know that he is a by-product of the restart, it will not be of much use in solving the current predicament." Dachao sighed.

Bateman said solemnly: "At least we can be sure that he is not as invincible as he thinks.

He didn't really twist the river of time to eat and drink, nor did he fight against all the invincible enemies in the world. "

Cyborg suddenly stood up and said: "Colored light energy users entered the solar system very quickly, ignored warnings, and rushed directly to the earth. Superman, you are fast, please go to sector 32 to intercept immediately -"

Carol glanced at the shining purple light ring and said quickly: "Don't be nervous, he is one of us, my companion."

Cyborg was surprised, "Another colored light energy has entered the solar system. Harley, it's the Green Lantern. They are also heading straight towards the earth like crazy."

Harley looked down at her right hand, her fingers were empty.

"John, give me back the lamp ring."

"Oh, I almost forgot." John quickly took out the green lantern ring from his pocket.

"Oops, I haven't received a lot of messages. No, my Green Lantern tribe was also wiped out." Harley's face turned blue.

A moment later, the Hall of Justice.

The Zamaron man with a thin bamboo body and a long awl face hugged Carol and cried sadly, "The purple lantern is over, everyone is dead, everyone is dead, woo woo woo."

"Is this also a little blue man? Why does he look different from Seid?" Guy asked the Green Lanterns beside him in a low voice.

"This is also the first time I have seen a real Zamaron." Sarak shook his head.

"Monica, who died?" Old Blue Man Palco said tremblingly.

"You -" the tall blue man with the awl face turned his head, wiped the tears from his face, and said in surprise: "Palco, is it you? Have you left the Shadow Cabinet? Where are they?"

"They are all dead. Their emotions were drained by the disaster, and their lives were exhausted." The old blue man talked about the sad things, and his voice began to choke again: "Only me, Toronto, and Parker, a few old guys, relied on everyone's indoctrination before they died. He survived by luck with the power of his mind.”

"The Zamarun people are all dead, and only Seid and I are left." The tall blue man with the awl face burst into tears.

"All dead?"

"Three thousand five hundred and eighty-two Zamaronites and five thousand seven hundred and three Blue Star Stones (Purple Lanterns) were all murdered by the Scoundrel. That beast played with our lives and made us suffer in endless reincarnations. Torturing everyone is like a toy in his hand, being played with until the life is exhausted and the emotions are drained, what a cruel heart!"

"Yes, he is so cruel."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The tall Zamarun and the short old blue man hugged each other and cried loudly. They were not at all like the introverted and indifferent little blue man.

If the Green Lantern Tribe hadn't been gloomy as well, Harley might have laughed out loud.

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