I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1524 Howl on the River of Time

Harley definitely wants the source of the evil.

The origin of the Bane not only contains the massive power of white light, but also the elements of the seven emotions that make people become White Lanterns.

Taking away all his origins and being able to absorb his origins and become a new generation of White Lanterns is not a fantasy.

To say that the greedy and cunning "Witch Harley" has no interest in it is simply to slander that dogs don't like eating daddy.

But today, Harley really didn't intend to snatch the source of the disaster.

First of all, the source of disaster is not that indispensable to her.

At this time, her white light defense expertise has reached level nine.

The origin of the Bane cannot allow the expertise to continue to be upgraded, and even the evolution of the expertise is completed in the process of gaining experience.

Harley understands that only experience levels and defensive expertise are her foundation.

There's no need to be greedy about feats and upgrading useless powers.

Secondly, the origin of Fu Rong may not be suitable for her.

If the "Second Generation Lantern No. 1" was so good, the little blue man would have drained his roots and become the "No. 1 Lantern" that transcends time.

Harley has learned from the old blue man Palco that the little blue man doesn't want to seize the source of the disaster, but he really can't bear it.

The little blue man's body cannot adapt to the origin of the evil.

After the white light enters their bodies, they will feel as if they are suffering from radiation sickness, and dense tumors will bulge in their skin and flesh.

The white light was distorting the fabric of their existence.

The flash-in-the-pan Third Legion is a creation of little blue men's cancer cells under the evil white light.

Little Blue Man can’t use it, can Harley use it?

If you just squeeze out the trouble and get a lot of white light energy, it will be like smashing a photolithography machine and selling it as scrap metal, which is a waste.

Harley also stores a large amount of white light source in her stomach.

Of course, if there is a chance to get the white light of the disaster, Harley will definitely not refuse it and will try her best to fight for it, but she understands that there is another person staring at it.

Heavenly Father!

To be honest, Harley really hopes that Heavenly Father will get the white light of the evil, and then use the white light to open the life equation. In the end, he and Darkseid, who holds the anti-life equation, will die together.

At the end, she stood beside their corpses, with the life equation in her left hand and the anti-life equation in her right hand, throwing her head back and laughing like a villain.

If Heavenly Father cannot defeat Darkseid and is beaten to death, one can imagine the fate of the Genesis Star.

When the Genesis Star is destroyed and the new dark god of Apokolips reaches its peak in strength and morale, he will set his sights on the Earth.

Can the earth stop it?

Instead of engaging in a desperate fight to the death on Earth, it is better to put the battlefield on the Genesis Star and assist Heavenly Father so that He does not die so simply. It is best to exchange Darkseid for one.

You can't exchange one for one at the limit, one for 0.8. It's okay to let Harley take over a Darkseid with 0.2 remaining health.

Due to the above reasons and the fact that Harley couldn't stand Fu Rong's crazy killings, she deliberately created a situation to force Heavenly Father to make an early decision and go to the battlefield early to avoid the thunder, and don't think about reaping the benefits.

She was full of confidence before, and what she said to the Lantern and the heroes about "using the power of disaster to restart the timeline plan" was completely nonsense.

She may not be able to use the source of evil, and she may not be able to become the "First Light No. 2". How to restart the timeline?

And every time the timeline is restarted, there will be a huge price to pay, whether it's power, destiny or someone else's life. Is she willing to pay a heavy price for a group of people she doesn't know?

She said that just to stimulate Heavenly Father and force Heavenly Father to enter the game earlier, and don't think about making a shocking debut at the critical moment.

Creation Star, Floating City, Court of Glory.

Just like the Queen Mother opening a peach feast, the senior generals of the New God took their seats one after another, with joy and anticipation on their faces. The maids of the New God came carrying fruit plates, wine bottles and barbecued meats.

In the center of the seat, there is a graceful goddess singing and dancing.

There are flowers, trees, waterfalls and springs surrounding the seats. The scenery is beautiful and fascinating.

But everyone's eyes fell on Metron, which was floating in the air.

No matter when or where, Metron, the god of knowledge, sits on the "Mobius Chair".

That chair is a super artifact that can observe everything that is happening in the world, and can search for all the secrets and past events that have happened in the world.

At this moment, it projects the scene on the river of time in mid-air for everyone to watch.

Although the Heavenly Father opened the sonic boom channel and left the Creation Star, He had to enter the material world, and then enter the river of time from the material world into the main universe, so he could not start a war immediately.

However, everyone can also see many wonders on the river of time.

For example, the scene of Fu Rong playing with other people's lives.

Before, Harley guessed that Firong used the illusion of time to confuse sentient beings, but now she found that she was only half right.

It is true that the disaster did not come in person, nor did it really change a person's reality, but the methods he used were not pure illusions.

The life of the person being played with is truly projected onto the river of time, and can become reality after paying a certain price.

At this time, Fu Rong stood proudly on the nearly boiling surging river, surrounded by layers of scenes.

Just like the curved screen has evolved into a cylindrical shape, the diameter of the cylindrical screen is from small to large, from the inside to the outside, layer after layer, and Firong stands in the concentric circles.

On the cylindrical screen, there are pictures of the lives of people in the main universe.

Firong is like a great editor, performing various renderings, color corrections and editing on their lives.

Every time they adjust their lives, they are either in extreme pain, extreme fear, or extreme anger. Thousands of extreme emotional changes occur in an instant. Huge emotional power explodes in them, and their lives also rapidly explode in the emotional explosion. withered.

Metron's "Mobius Chair" is so powerful that even the picture on the Yuantong screen - the details of the timeline modified by Furuong can be fully presented in front of everyone.

"Won't he notice if you stare at him like this?" Harley asked curiously.

Metron said: "Of course he has feelings, but there are too many people paying attention to him at this time. Standing in the middle of thousands of people, feeling the gazes of thousands of people, he has no choice but to escape.

Although he can transcend time, the river of time in the main universe is a public place and he cannot cover it. "

Having said this, He turned his head, stared into her eyes, and said: "But no one can see 'you', even if you are still in the River of Time, even if the River of Time belongs to a public place.

Even with the Möbius Chair, you can't view your timeline in the river. How did you do that? "

"You really can't see it? Try it." Harley said.

Metron shook his head and said: "I haven't tried it, and I won't try it. Because my crisis sense sent a warning that there is danger ahead."

Harley smiled and said, "This is the legendary 'Manhattan Power'."

"As expected, you have had the power of Manhattan for some years, and now you are more skilled in controlling and using it." Metron nodded, as if he had expected it.

"Hai Rong, stop your evil behavior!"

Heavenly Father is here!

He was surrounded by bright holy light, illuminating the river of time, and the "cylindrical screens" of disaster melted and disappeared like ice and snow in the sun.

His majestic and solemn voice of judgment is louder than the thunder that is close to the ears, shaking thousands of waves in the river of time.

Even Metron's observation screen seemed to have poor signal and was blurry for a while.

"Great Heavenly Father." Prince Orion raised his glass and shouted.

"The light of justice is invincible."

The passionate shouts of the new gods and generals were even more exciting than the fans at the World Cup cheering for their homeland team.

"Long live Heavenly Father, punish rape and eradicate evil, and defend justice!" Hallie also shouted loudly while holding a wine glass, just like she did when watching a football game.

"Are you a new god?" Fu Rong was furious and said in a sinister voice, "No matter the new god or the old god, you are always looking for death~~~"


The brilliant white light of life burst out, and the river of time almost flowed backwards.

The blazing white light and the light of justice of the Heavenly Father are intertwined, showing a rivalry.

For a moment, everyone could only see the white light filling the screen, the sound could not be heard clearly, and the picture could not be seen.

Harley felt very unhappy. She wanted to see Firong and Heavenly Father punch me and kick me, and make me howl in agony when you vomit blood.

"Metron, can you filter the light of battle and let me see Brother Eliza's fighting style——"

"Ouch~~~" A scream shook the river of time and calmed the Court of Glory.

Harley's mouth was enlarged and her expression was a little dull.

The scream came from her Heavenly Father, and it contained pain and a touch of fear that she had never seen before?

"Brother Heavenly Father was injured, and the calamity will definitely be worse. He didn't even scream, maybe he was beaten to death directly." She said sarcastically.

"Hahaha, even the new gods dare to act wild in front of me!"

Firong's arrogant and rampant laughter was full of power and courage, leaving Harry and the gods in the courtyard speechless and shocked.

"Brother Heavenly Father is brave and invincible. Firong must have used conspiracy and tricks." But Harley still persisted and said firmly: "Firong stood in the middle of thousands of people and felt all kinds of malicious and calculating eyes, but he still remained the same. His expression remained unchanged and he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the distortion of the timeline, indicating that he was well prepared.

That bastard actually set a trap to harm our upright Heavenly Father. How abominable! "

At the end of the sentence, she began to grit her teeth.

"The gods and demons I have slaughtered can fill your entire creation star. You are just a new god. Your laws are given by God. You cannot control your emotions independently. You are not yet proficient in the laws of time. You dare to act wild in front of me. You really don't know the word 'death'." What was written?”

The misfortune roared proudly, and the roar dispersed the fog of battle, allowing the river of time to return to its "sea, clear, and flowing" state again, and everyone could clearly see the situation on the battlefield.

The Heavenly Father’s face was turned upwards, his limbs were spread out, like a roasted suckling pig hanging on a shelf, and Fugong’s right hand penetrated his back and was held high above his head.

"This is impossible!!" The gods shouted, and Harley was shocked.

This time she was really shocked, without any pretense.

How long has it been since?

Not to mention warm wine and cooked meat, she didn't even finish a sentence.

If Heavenly Father had a big fight and ended up losing, she would accept it.

After all, Fu Rong is Bai Leng at the moment, and his strength and realm are similar to those of the Supreme.

But Heavenly Father is the King of the New Gods and is known as the "Double of Good and Evil" together with Darkseid!

If he's so bad, how can Harley expect him to trade with Darkseid's ultimate limit?

"No, Heavenly Father~~"

Orion's eyes were about to burst. He stood up and summoned his scooter, about to open the sonic boom channel.

"I will go with you."

Harley stood up suddenly and acted more actively than the new god who was still in a daze.

"Harry, you-" Prince Orion's eyes were slightly red, he was both anxious and a little moved.

"Harley Quinn, you can't enter the river of time." Metron, the God of Knowledge, is full of energy, and he is still there, not anxious or confused.

"But I can't care anymore." Harley said anxiously.

"You don't need to go, we can deal with the disaster." War God Ugo said.

"You don't have to go, Heavenly Father has come back. The scene you see now is just an illusion deliberately maintained by the evil forces." Mitron said.



The sound of sonic boom sounded outside the palace, followed by the exclamations of the Protoss soldiers.

Everyone ran out to take a look, and sure enough they saw Heavenly Father.

A large hole penetrated his body in his lower abdomen, golden blood was flowing gurglingly, and the internal beating organs could be vaguely seen. He was lying on the ground now, and it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to get up.

"Omag, brother Isaya, you can't die. The multiverse needs you, the Genesis planet needs you, and I also need you to lead us through the difficulties!" Harley howled.

"Father, Heavenly Father, no~~~~" Orion pushed away the soldiers around who wanted to lift Heavenly Father, and lay on Him and howled.

"Stop screaming, I'm not dead, I'm fine"

Heavenly Father was still lying on the ground and did not move, but his voice was loud, full of anger, and filled with shame and anger.

"Ah, brother, I thought you died before your ambitions were fulfilled." Harley stopped howling and wondered: "Since you are so good, why can't you get up from lying on the ground?"

——Fake, do I still have the dignity to meet people like this? In vain, you are usually cunning and clever, why can't you see the situation clearly now? Just let me lie on the ground and pretend to be dead for a while, and let the soldiers carry me directly to a ward isolated from outsiders, leaving me alone for a while. As for you, be wise, walk away silently, forget everything that happened today, and meet again tomorrow, we have collective amnesia.

Heavenly Father cursed ten thousand "idiot Harley" in his heart, one hundred thousand "idiot Orion", and one million "Fakmetron".

Harley didn't blink, but she just howled.

Prince Orion was even more expressionless. He not only cried and stopped the soldiers from carrying him away, but also wanted to move his body over from crawling to lying on the ground.

But lying on the ground, can’t everyone see His face?

He has no face to see people now.

Metron was even more hateful. When He came back, he specially sent a message using the Mother Box, asking Metron to disperse everyone and go to the operating room to help Him heal.

As a result, that guy didn't do anything. He just sat on the chair and looked down at Him lying on the ground.

"I fell into the trap of evil! He used tricks to disrupt my emotional thinking. I need time to calm down my thoughts." Heavenly Father sighed.

"Brother Ishaya, let me help you get rid of your emotional wounds."

Harry squatted down, put his hand on the back of his head, and activated the color light defense field and God force field.

The Heavenly Father let out a surprised "Huh" and asked curiously: "What kind of power is this? The power of the seven emotions in the sea of ​​consciousness before was like a tarsal maggot, clinging to my emotional thoughts, making me become violent and lose my temper.

Now they are starting to dissolve automatically and will be eliminated soon. "

"Hey, this is God descending to earth. Have you felt the sacred aura of my God brother?" Harley said proudly.

"Well, it does have some flavor." Heavenly Father suddenly understood.

"Father, how come you can't defeat Firong?"

Prince Orion didn't open any pot, and he screamed very loudly.

Before Heavenly Father could say anything, Harley shouted: "Isn't it obvious? Heavenly Father fell into a trap. He didn't expect that the evil forces would set up the Formation of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and he didn't even use half of his strength."

"What is the formation of seven emotions and six desires?" Orion asked doubtfully.

"It's an evil magic circle that forcibly activates seven emotions." Harry said seriously: "Heavenly Father is a man of temperament and has very rich emotions.

This time he learned that the people in the world were suffering from evil and cruel deeds, and he was filled with righteous indignation and extremely angry.

But anger is one of the seven emotions, and Firong immediately took advantage of it. In the end, the Heavenly Father was so angry that he lost his cool, allowing the evil villain Firong to take advantage of him. "

"Really?" Orion looked at his old father.

Heavenly Father nodded repeatedly, "As expected of Harry, he has seen through everything."

What he said was quite sincere.

Because he is indeed, as Harley said, a Qi Qing controlled by the evil forces.

Losing control of his emotions and disordering his divine power led to a sharp decrease in combat effectiveness.

But the emotion he was manipulated was not anger, but greed, the greed of orange light.

He is greedy for the origin of harming Rong.

"Alas, Firong's manipulation of emotions can affect the highest.

It's not how strong he is, but the white light that represents the emotional essence of life is too strong.

It can be said that any sentient life will have its emotions controlled by white light.

In addition, I am not familiar with the river of time, so it would not be unfair to lose to the evil force. "The Heavenly Father sighed.

(ps: In the comics, Firong and Heavenly Father have never fought. However, Kyle Rayner was manipulated by Firong in the timeline. After Kyle Rayner awakened to the white light, Heavenly Father did not dare to rob him by force and could only rely on deception. , tricking Kyle into handing over the white light.

Therefore, I think Heavenly Father should not be able to defeat evil spirits.

In fact, this conclusion can also be drawn from the structure of the Essence Society. In the Essence Society, Heavenly Father and Ganse are on an equal footing.

If the Heavenly Father can crush the evil spirits, it means that He can defeat the Maltus clan. With such strength, would He still be colleagues with Gunther? )

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