I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1516: Disaster Escapes

Hearing Harley's voice, the Lanterns were surprised, happy, and a little confused.

When they heard her voice, they felt it was hazy and unreal, like auditory hallucinations in a dream. It seemed that they would forget it the next moment they woke up.

Moreover, they haven't seen her figure yet.

A lantern scanned it with a lantern ring and even reached out to touch it, but still found nothing.

"Harry, what's wrong with you? Come out quickly, we can't hold it anymore." Kyle said urgently.

Harley didn't show up or respond to him.

But in the next moment, "BOOOOM~~~~"

A huge mushroom cloud rose over the Green Lantern headquarters, and the violent air waves swept thousands of blue monsters several kilometers away.

The Green Lanterns who were surrounded by the blue monster in the center were also within the explosion range, but they had fully opened the energy defense shield to resist the blue monster before. Now, even if they were hit by a "Zerg Battleship Missile", they were still rock solid.

"Shit, is it a nuclear bomb? Who dropped the nuclear bomb at the Green Lantern headquarters?" Guy Gardner screamed in horror.

"Who else could it be at this time and with this kind of style?" John scanned the surrounding area. Radiation light waves flickered within the scope of the nuclear explosion, but he couldn't see anything.

But he was certain that the blue monsters surrounding them were gone.

Maybe not dead, but they had the best chance to escape.

"Quick, let's get out of here."

This group of old green lanterns are all experienced, and they react very quickly. They turned into green light with a "swish, swish, swish" and rushed out of the nuclear explosion range and into the empty and uninhabited sky.

"Witch Harley!"

Before they could stand still, they heard the cold shouts of the guardians, shouts made with powerful spiritual power.

"BOOOM!" The psychic shock was too powerful, like a second nuclear explosion.

The mushroom cloud that was rising in the air was blown away.

Although the sky was full of radiation, it no longer blocked their view.

In the center of the nuclear explosion, Harley was holding a big bone stick, making violent swings, and the target was Gunther's big head.

But her figure seemed to be printed in the mural, her body and movements frozen in mid-air.

A dozen little blue people formed a circle, stretched out their hands together, and the light green psychic power directly immobilized Harley.

The terrifying spiritual power gathered in one place, even twisting the time and space around her into a rippling "water ball."

Harley was crucified in the middle of the water balloon.

The power of the mind is not a magic attack. Like physical attacks, it can only be resisted and cannot be immune.

Unless the psychic attack targets her soul.

"Crack, click, click." Harley's arms, legs, and neck all began to bend irregularly.

The guardian wants to crush her into a puddle of flesh.

"Ah ah ah" Harley's head almost turned 180 degrees, and she screamed loudly and miserable.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness bubbled crazily, then quickly slowed down, and finally stopped.

It only lasted about ten seconds.

The experience has increased by 2%. The total amount is actually a lot, worthy of the status of a guardian.

The reason why it lasts so short is because the guardians hate her so much, their malice is stretched to the limit, and their attacks are cruel and ruthless. In addition, Harley doesn't have much defense and the damage is high.

The experience of a single attack is equal to the attack damage multiplied by the malice.

The total experience value is fixed.

The level of damage and malice is high, the experience is quickly drained, and the experience jar stops bubbling.

"Ah, Harley can't do it. Let's go quickly - uh -"

Just as Kyle exclaimed, he saw Harley, whose body was folded into a knot, doing a light forward somersault and instantly breaking free from the shackles of the power of the mind. It was not that he completely got rid of the guardian's telekinesis, but opened up a layer of transparent defense. The golden film blocks all the power of the soul.

Inside the golden film, Harley regained her freedom and shouted softly, "The origin of fear, my authority!"


A circle of golden flames rose from her body, and fear was like a tsunami, sweeping through the hearts of the little blue people around her.

They don't have the emotion of fear, but that doesn't mean that fear and shock are useless to them.

Like the little brother the eunuch cut off, he just can't, can't.

It doesn't mean that you feed him "I love a jackal". He won't be hot and unbearable, have wild thoughts, and hug every firewood.


The guardian's little blue face was twisted and ferocious, his eyes were shining with silver, and he tried his best to suppress the tide of fear rising in his heart.

"Hey, eat my big stick of justice!" Harley did not desperately activate the source of fear to drain their vitality.

She just used the yellow lantern demon's basic skill - fear and shock, to disrupt their minds and consume their spiritual power.

Taking this opportunity, she stepped on it with both feet to activate quantum displacement. Her body seemed to teleport, but it was more unstoppable than teleportation.

When time and space are blocked, teleportation abilities cannot break through the space.

Her quantum displacement is just like teleportation, but it is essentially quantum discontinuous motion, which is difficult to predict and crack.

"Whoosh -" her body pulled out a series of afterimages, raised the bone stick with both hands, and smashed it directly at Ganser's head.

"Don't even think about it!"

Even though Gunther was disturbed by the illusion of fear, he still deftly made the most correct reaction: quickly get out of the way.

He has studied her quantum displacement. It is very strange, but the moving distance is very short. As long as she moves in a wide range, it is easy to avoid.

He dodged, but Harley's afterimage turned midway and turned towards the little blue man with the black beard on the side.

"Bang!" A stick knocked firmly on the mental barrier above the door above his head.

Her movements were fast, but not as fast as her thoughts.

Harry was not discouraged, and just sneered. The defensive golden film wrapped the black-bearded little blue man who was close at hand, and then blew a breath of wind of nothingness inside.

If the power of the mind can resist the wind of nothingness, the Nordic gods will not be afraid of "Twilight of the Gods".

"Crack, click, click."

The little blue man with the black beard was trapped in a golden film cage, unable to escape, and a thin layer of ice crystals quickly solidified on his body.

The next moment, "Bang!"

His big head was like a big watermelon that fell from the 30th floor to the concrete floor. It was smashed to pieces by Harley with a stick, and the juice splashed everywhere.

"Witch Harley, I want you to die~~~"

The other little blue men showed no anger, but this time they all roared coldly and decisively at her.

"Buzz buzz"

Time and space are like coffee stirred by a spoon, with turbid ripples rippling in circles, and a huge three-story-high lamp furnace gradually appears above the guardian's head.

It looked illusory, obviously not real.

The main body of the energy state lamp furnace is green, but the green color is mixed with many colorful light spots.

Inside it, there is a figure that is also composed of seven-colored light spots.

"Let me out~~~" the prisoner in the lamp furnace roared loudly.

"Let me out~~~"

At the same time, the lantern rings in the hands of all the lanterns in the material universe flickered, and this roar was heard.

"What is that thing, and why does it make me unconsciously afraid?" Dr. Natu pointed at the colorful figure and said in horror.

"White light, such violent white light," Kyle murmured in shock, "I don't know who he is, but I know that he controls the white light of life that is comparable to a white lamp."

The guardian shouted sharply, and white energy arcs flashed on the surface of the illusory lamp furnace, entangled with each other to form a "lightning chain" and connected to them.

"Witch Harley, turn into bones~~"

The little blue men shouted together and stretched out their hands to the surprised Harley, "Stab la la - boom!!"

The white light distorted time and space, violated the rules, and fell directly on Harley.

The defensive gold film completely failed!

"Ah——" Harley yelled for half a sound, then stopped suddenly, still wanting to laugh.

The Guardian's white light attack is very powerful, very violent, and has a very high energy level.

The energy level and richness are comparable to the white light of the spirit of existence, but the sharpness and violence of the attack surpass the white light.

Harley felt that her genes were being twisted and rubbed by a pair of invisible hands. If she didn't do anything, she might explode like a firework and explode into a puddle. She didn't know what substance, because white light could turn her into any substance. Mud, a puddle of water, a piece of wood.

Or, as the Guardian said, become a dry bone?

She was only startled, not very scared.

She has level nine white light defense expertise.

But the next moment, after the specialty is activated, the process of life being distorted is only reduced by 99%, but does not completely disappear.

Harley instantly realized: the white light of the guardian is not the white light of the spirit of existence, it is "new power, new white light".

This means that her white light expertise can evolve again - as long as she absorbs enough new white light, and at this time the guardian uses all her strength to "instill" a massive amount of new white light into her body.

Harley almost laughed out loud, and then she continued to scream "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", her screams were even more miserable and painful than before.

Not only did he scream, but he also allowed some of the cells on his body to be slowly distorted by the white light.

At the same time, the stomach acid in her stomach covered her whole body, trying its best to digest the white light energy that fell on her body.

"The discovery of alien white light energy allows the white light defense specialty to complete an evolution. Do you want to absorb it?"

Sure enough, the experience jar deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness conveyed the information she had expected.


There are two improvement modes for defense expertise, one is to upgrade the level and the other is to evolve.

If Harley keeps absorbing the hell power of ordinary demons, as long as there are enough, the hell power defense expertise can be upgraded to level 9.

The level 9 specialty should be immune to all hell attacks, but if she encounters a hell demon, the demon can still hurt her, and she cannot avoid all damage.

This is not a bug in the evolution treasure.

Evolution is essentially change. The world is changing, energy is changing, and defense expertise must change accordingly.

Defense expertise means that whatever energy is absorbed, one becomes immune to attacks from that energy.

Suppose the energy evolves from A to B, but the specialty is opened with A, naturally it will not be completely immune to B's energy.

Even in order to maintain omniscience and omnipotence, God must seriously learn new knowledge and search for new strength every day. The evolution of expertise is aimed at the evolution of power, similar to God's search for new power.

As long as there are enough types of new powers to search for, the expertise level can continue to increase even without leaving the DC multiverse and encountering higher energy levels.

For example, she was clearly in the DC universe, but she raised the power of God and the power of connection to level 10 - the omnipotent universe level, because she absorbed the power of multiple gods and the connection power of multiple creation gods.

Of course, if you can encounter the power of level 10 white light and directly absorb it to increase the white light defense to level 10, it will definitely save more time and effort than slowly evolving.

"Ah ah ah, what kind of white light is this, why is it so violent? Ah ah ah, it is changing my life form, no -" Harley has completed the white light evolution, but she still screamed.

After all, there are only too many fools to have white light delivered to your door for free.

"You idiots, didn't you realize that she was stealing my white light? Her life aura is as strong as an ox, and she didn't suffer any substantial damage at all."

She was not the only smart person, and soon the prisoner in the lantern discovered something strange: the white light energy flowing out of his body was now branded with someone else's spirit, and he was completely insensitive.

The Guardian can extract his white light because his emotional element comes from the little blue man.

Little Blue Man has a partial stake in White Light.

But even if the little blue man takes away his white light, he can still sense the existence of the white light.

Now the white light has completely disappeared.

This is definitely not normal.

"Worse is right. The distortion of our lives is of no use to the Witch Harley. Instead, she is stealing our white light." Ganser heard this and immediately woke up. "The matter of Oa is over. The Green Lantern Corps has been completely destroyed. We Walk!"

Following his greeting, a group of little blue people surrounded the lantern, and their figures quickly faded.

Seeing that they wanted to run away, Harley quit.

"Thief, keep my white light lantern." She shouted, stepped on her feet, and came to the edge of the lantern with a "swish". The defensive force field was fully activated, covering a hundred meters in radius, including the lantern prisoners in the energy state. prison.

"Click, click~~~"

The lantern fell into the force field, and cracks appeared on its surface as if it had been punched hard.

"Hahahaha, I'm free, I finally broke free from this damn prison! Ant, to thank you, I won't play with you, I'll send you to a quick death!"

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