I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1517 The Adventures of the Fifth Green Lantern

Simon Baz is no longer sure whether what he has experienced these past few days is bad luck or good luck.

He and his younger brother-in-law went to participate in underground racing, but they got into a car accident. The brother-in-law's spine was eroded, he was paralyzed, and he was unconscious. He was diagnosed by the doctor as brain dead.

How pitiful it is that my brother-in-law and sister's son, his nephew, has just turned one year old.

While treating his brother-in-law, he spent all his savings and was penniless. He didn't even have enough money to buy hamburgers to satisfy his hunger.

In desperation, he stole a high-end business van.

There were too many things to worry about recently, and he was a little distracted. He didn't carefully check what was in the back of the van. As a result, it exploded on its own less than half an hour after it was parked under the bridge.

It blew up the city's subway viaduct, derailed the train, and even alerted Superman. Well, he was very lucky that Superman in Metropolis could hear the screams of Detroit citizens, and then arrived in time to hold the train that was about to fall from the bridge.

But he also became a terrorist and became known to the people across the country.

At the darkest moment of his life, a ring illuminated his lost life with bright green light.

Ten years ago, no one on Earth knew what the Green Lantern Corps was.

Today, ten years later, no one on earth knows about the Green Lantern Ring.

Some of the top 100 up owners of Puppy Video Network can even name the 7,200 members of the Green Lantern Corps!

Even if Simon Baz is not a fan of Green Lantern, he still has a general understanding of the meaning of the Green Lantern ring and its functions after being exposed to it over the years.

In fact, a few years ago, when her sister was still a teenage girl, she was clamoring to join the "Green Lantern Trainee Training Camp" and want to become a Green Lantern Hero of the Galaxy.

But the registration fee for the green light trainee training camp is too expensive, tens of thousands of dollars, and their family can't even afford a thousand dollars.

Even so, my younger sister Paula also followed the up owner of the puppy video network and practiced the "will training method" for half a year.

The exercise method was spread from the "Green Light Trainee Training Camp".

It is said that the tutorial was written by the "Golden Nuclear Bomb" himself.

Simon Baz was already twenty-four or five years old at the time. He had been struggling in society for seven or eight years. Going to prison was like going home. He understood that he and superheroes were not the same people, and he had never had any undue fantasies.

However, he also practiced the will training method with his sister.

The house at home is small, his sister practices every day, and the exercise method is not difficult. She listens to it every day and watches it every day. It is difficult for him to learn even if he doesn't want to.

What really made him practice it for a long time was when he was bored and practiced for a few days while squatting. Then he was surprised to find that he could maintain a high-intensity state of concentration for a long time.

He understands only too well what this means to a racing driver.

After waiting for half a year, my sister Paula did not wait for a Green Lantern ring to fly to her and say "Paula from sector 2814, you have the will to overcome fear, welcome to join the Green Lantern Corps", and gave up the twice-a-day will training method. Finally, Simon still persisted.

He persisted for seven or eight years, and the green light ring did not come to him, but his driving skills became better and better, and he became more and more confident.

He felt it was worth it.

After he got the light ring, it felt even more worthwhile.

He was a little uncomfortable at first, but after using it a few times, he felt like the light ring had become a part of his body.

Even though the light ring was very easy to use, even though he understood the meaning of the light ring very well, when he learned that the light ring belonged to Hal Jordan, he still didn't remember it at all and decided to return it.

Before returning it, he wanted to use it to cure his brother-in-law's illness.

Squirrel Lantern tells him that the light ring can treat simple illnesses, but the green lantern energy itself has no therapeutic effect.

His sister Paula also used green light common sense to persuade him not to waste his efforts.

Simon only said one sentence, "I don't expect to be like Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner, who can use green light energy to create miracles that shock the universe, but their deeds at least prove that green light energy can indeed create miracles."

He skillfully used the will training method and poured all his will into the lantern ring. There were no distracting thoughts such as success, failure, or miracles in his mind.

He only had one thought: Brother-in-law, you can't do this.

Then my brother-in-law woke up and recovered.

Paula looked at him as if she were looking at a real Green Lantern, which made Simon a little uncomfortable.

Squirrel Green Lantern was full of praise for him, saying that he would definitely do great things in the Green Lantern Corps.

But the good fortune stopped there.

Becky, the squirrel Green Lantern, secretly entered the earth to find Hal Jordan.

After curing his brother-in-law, Simon Baz fulfilled his wish and naturally cooperated wholeheartedly with Becky the Squirrel's actions.

Becky the squirrel taught him the basic skills of using the light ring, such as checking the light ring log.

For some unknown reason, his lantern ring log is very confusing.

It contains the experiences of both Hal Jordan and Sinestro, and seems to be a mixture of two diaries.

Both of them had messages for the new Lantern, but unfortunately, the two of them spoke together, their voices were mixed, and their voices were confusing, so he couldn't hear clearly.

After struggling for a long time, he just locked in the time and place of Hal Jordan's accident with the help of Becky the squirrel.

The two of them quietly left the earth and came to a planet called the Diklu civilization.

Simon was puzzled at first as to why he was acting secretly. Later, through Becky the Squirrel's hesitant explanation, he realized that there was also a political struggle within the Green Lantern Corps.

"Well, we can't let the family scandal be publicized, and it's not the time for us to find the Justice League," Becky said.

Simon also doesn’t want to deal with the heroes of Zhenglian.

As a result, the two of them avoided the earth's radar system and quietly arrived at the planet Dikru.

They easily found the spot where Hal Jordan was fighting his enemies.

In a cemetery.

The news is still being broadcast on local TV.

The cemetery battlefield had been cleared by the Ducroux police, but Simon and Becky found nothing.

The two sneaked into the police station and immediately found a very important battlefield relic.

"Oh my God, this is the legendary "Book of Darkness"!" Becky the squirrel held the book in her hand with a look of shock on her face.

"What does it do?" Simon asked curiously.

"Do you know the Book of Oa? It is the Book of Oa of the Black Lantern Corps. It is said that this book contains all the secrets in the universe. Maybe we can understand what Hal Jordan went through through it." Squirrel Becky said excitedly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's open it and take a look." Simon said.

In front of Simon, Becky the squirrel opened the Book of Darkness.

The moment the Book of Darkness was opened, Blackhand, who was imprisoned in the Shadow Cabinet Prison by the Guardian, felt something in his heart.

Hal Jordan and Sinestro were transported to him through the "Book of Darkness".

Black Hand subconsciously activates the anti-summoning function of the Book of Darkness.

After all, he, the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor, is the real master of the "Book of Darkness".

He thought it was the Guardian looking through the Book of Darkness.

Hal and Sinestro were sent to the dimension of death by him, and he was captured by the Guardians immediately. The "Book of Darkness" as a trophy must have been obtained by the Guardians.

He never imagined that after watching the "Book of Darkness", the Guardian's eyes and thoughts were stained, and he threw "the most precious treasure in the universe" like garbage.

"Green Lantern is the little blue man's lackey. You guys will definitely be able to open the cage and let me out."

Blackhand was excited to see the two Green Lanterns, Becky and Simon.

He firmly believes that they are the guardians of the prison.

Their identities as Green Lanterns and the Book of Darkness in their hands are all evidence.

Since he is the cell leader, there must be a way to open the cell door.

He immediately pushed Simon to the ground. Squirrel Lantern Becky's willpower was not as strong as Simon's, and he fainted during the ultra-long-distance cross-border teleportation.

Simon can explain, but he understands that explanations are useless in the face of the extremely vicious Black Death Emperor's spokesperson.

The other party regards human life as nothing, and has massacred countless literary stars and billions of people. Even if he explains, the black hand believes it, wouldn't he be killed?

Black Lantern Corpses are naturally at odds with living people, as anyone who has experienced the Blackest Night knows.

"Go to hell." Simon directly used the green light energy tool to create a bus and knocked away the black hand that rushed towards him.

Black Hand flew in the air, caught a glimpse of the Squirrel Lantern beside Simon, and saw the little blue man pointing in the distance. He felt fierce in his heart, raised his right hand, and opened the door to the death dimension again.

"I only need a hostage. If I kill you, the squirrel will be much more honest."

Without the help of the black light zombie, his strength is greatly reduced. With the little blue man next to him who is indistinguishable from friend to foe, using the dimension of death to devour the enemy is the simplest and fastest way to kill.

"Stop, William Hand, you can't—"

Sure enough, seeing Simon Baz being sucked into the dimension of death, the hesitant little blue man in the distance immediately intervened to break up the fight.

But as soon as their spiritual power overthrew Black Hand to the ground, the door to the death dimension had already closed.

Simon Baz never thought of killing the famous "Spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor" with just one move.

But he thought he could have some dealings with him.

After all, Black Hand's killing move is the Black Lantern Living Corpse, and there are no living corpses around him at the moment.

In Simon's understanding, the Black Hand at this time is the necromancer who has lost his summons and can only fight alone.

As a result, the opponent raised the ring and used a move he had never seen on the puppy video network, knocking him out.

Well, Simon's understanding of black hands almost all comes from the owner of the puppy video website.

The definition of Black Hand by up masters is a necromancer with unlimited magic power and unlimited summons.

If he was killed instantly by Black Hand, Simon would feel a little disappointed at most, feeling that he was sorry for Squirrel Lantern's evaluation of him as "being able to do something great in the Legion".

But he never had the chance to feel the loss.

He was like a grass clipping falling into a whirlpool, being sucked into a dark space that was dark, cold, and smelled like a tomb of decay.

His body temperature and vitality were rapidly passing away. The feeling could not be described in words. It could only be described as terrible, as if his mind was moldy and his body was slowly decaying.


"Uh~~~" He fell heavily to the hard ground and screamed in pain.

While he was in a daze, he vaguely saw a figure appearing above him, followed by a cold and sarcastic voice, "Don't tell me that you are the one who was chosen by the light ring and was supposed to save us. 'Destined Man.'"

"Who?" He groaned in confusion, struggling to get up.

"Hey, man, please take it easy. That fall was really hard. Don't you know how to adjust your posture?" Another concerned voice came from the side, and he supported him and asked him to sit up slowly. .

"Hello, I am Hal Jordan. Are you from Earth? The light ring has chosen you."

"Hal Jordan?" Simon Baz was so excited that he was mostly awake.

He looked towards Hal Jordan. It was dark and gray here, like a moonless night without street lights. He could only see a middle-aged white man next to him - if it was a black man, he wouldn't even be able to see the outline of his face clearly.

"I'm Simon Baz, what happened?" Simon clenched his fist and felt that the light ring on his finger was still there. He subconsciously raised his right hand and manifested a lantern.

The lantern is green, and the light from the lantern is also green, but after the light leaves the range of the lantern, it immediately becomes pale and gray, as if there is no room for any color here.

But at least I can see the people and things around me clearly.

"Oh my God, what a tall city wall!"

In addition to Hal Jordan, who stretched out his hands to cover his eyes and looked surprised, Simon also saw an extremely majestic stone wall.

"Is this the origin wall that up owners are talking about?"

"You're still wearing a light ring?!" The person who had ridiculed him before pounced on him like a hunting cheetah.

"Sinestro?" Simon saw his appearance clearly and saw him staring greedily at his lamp ring.

He subconsciously materialized a van and hit Sinestro head-on.

But the moment the van hit Sinestro, he hesitated.

Everyone on Earth knows that Sinestro is not a good person, but he knows that Sinestro got Hal Jordan's Lantern Ring and became the Green Lantern again.

Green Lantern cannot kill teammates.

"Boom - click click click~~~" Sinestro was like a solid cement block. The van with the green light energy hit him, shattering inch by inch, and the fragments flying everywhere.

"With this kind of will, can he be selected by the Lantern Ring? It's a joke."

Sinestro did not regard Simon as a teammate. He sneered and pushed him to the ground like a hungry tiger pouncing on his prey.

"Get away!" Hal Jordan kicked him from the side, sending Sinestro flying two meters away.

"The Lantern Ring chose him, and he is the Green Lantern. No one can steal his Lantern Ring. This is the rule of the Green Lantern Corps." Hal shouted.

"That's my lamp ring," Sinestro said angrily.

"You are already dead, and the lamp ring has left you on its own initiative." Hal sighed.

"We are not dead. If I get the light ring, I have hope of leaving here. Although he didn't bring any reinforcements, at least he got the light ring back." Sinestro turned his head and stared at the ring on Simon's finger again.

Simon said loudly: "I enjoy the convenience brought by the light ring, but I am self-aware. I am not a hero and am not qualified to own a light ring. I am willing to give it to you, but please answer me a question first. Where are we, what happened?"

"Are you really willing to give up the light ring?" Sinestro asked with narrowed eyes.

"I'll give it to Hal Jordan." Simon said and went to rub the light ring on his finger.

Hal quickly held down his arm, "No, your name is Simon, right? Simon, the light ring has chosen you, and it belongs to you.

Remember, don’t give up your light ring easily.

It is not just a weapon, it has its own will and is your most trustworthy partner. "

"The purpose of Becky and I is to find you and return the light ring to you." Simon looked at him and said.

"What does Becky want with me?" Hal asked.

Simon told Sarlacc about inviting him to jointly denounce the Guardians.

"Alas!" Hal sighed, shook his head, and asked again: "How did you meet the Black Hand? What's the situation outside now?"

Simon quickly and concisely recounted his experience after getting the lamp ring, and asked again: "Where is this place?"

Hal hesitated and said: "It should be the death realm of the color light. You can simply understand it as the hell dedicated to the Lantern."

"We're not the only ones here?"

Simon quickly looked up and saw several shadows in the darkness in the distance.

Hal also followed his gaze and said, "Many people have been dead for too long and have lost consciousness.

However, I have also met a few former teammates who were killed by blue monsters, and they were still able to communicate.

It was also from them that I learned about this place. "

"No, if I die, I will be an undead now, but I can be sure that my body is still there. My clothes, my mobile phone, and the light ring are all on me." He wondered.

"A living person can go to hell," Hal said.

"So, we can indeed go out?"

"Of course we shouldn't give up any hope." Hal plucked his hair and said: "But this place is just like hell, not a real hell that is opposite to heaven.

I suspect that this space is the death dimension where the Black Death Emperor's lair is.

It's possible that Black Death is watching us. "

"Didn't you say that this is the hell for lanterns? Do lanterns with faith have to enter the realm of the Black Death Emperor after death?" Simon asked doubtfully.

Although he has never come into contact with extraordinary beings, in recent years, hell has been lifted, angels have descended, and a lot of occult knowledge has become common sense.

For example, as long as you believe in God, your soul will not be seduced by wild gods after death.

Similarly, as an MSL, if he adheres to his beliefs, he can go to the Kingdom of God after death.

"I understand what you mean, but many alien lanterns have no faith, or after joining the Green Lantern Corps, they gave up their once ignorant belief in gods and firmly believed in the way of the Green Lantern.

If they die in battle, their souls will enter this death world of color and light.

You must have heard the story of Kyle Rayner rebuilding the Green Lantern Corps and resurrecting many sacrificed Lanterns? "

Simon nodded, "I have seen videos of related content on the Puppy Video Network."

Hal said: "The souls of those who were resurrected come from here."

"But I was sucked here by the black hand using the black light ring. The color light and the Black Death Emperor are mortal enemies. Why can the sworn enemy control the hell of the color light army?

Doesn’t this mean that the Black Death Emperor is the master of color and light, just like God controls hell and heaven? Simon said doubtfully.

Hal gave him an appreciative look. The strength and talent of this newbie Lantern were unknown. His clever and flexible brain alone was already above the average level of the Lantern.

"Based on the theory that Harley told me, I speculate that the Black Death Emperor is equivalent to a demon king in God's Hell, and the Color Light Death Realm is a broader area that includes the Death Realm of the Black Death Emperor.

After the Black Death Emperor came to the main universe from 'outside the universe', his death realm officially became part of the 'color and light purgatory'.

Just like when a certain archangel fell into hell and became the fallen angel demon king, he would open up a new territory in hell that was exclusive to him. "

Hal pointed to the high wall and said: "Did you see it? This is the city wall of the Black Death Emperor. Within the city wall is his realm of death. The inside and outside of the wall together form the 'purgatory of color and light'."

We are outside the wall, not controlled by Him, it just happens. Well, it can’t be considered a coincidence.

Black Hand is the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor. He uses the Black Death Emperor’s ‘magic power’ to throw us into the ‘Light Purgatory’, which will of course be close to the Black Death Emperor’s kingdom. "

"I thought it was the Origin Wall." Simon said in confusion: "Why did the Black Death Emperor build a wall? Will he come out to plunder our souls?"

"The wall is built to block Harley's invasion. If he can come out, it means Harley can get in. Therefore, he cannot threaten us at the moment." Hal said strangely.

"What?" Simon thought he was hearing hallucinations, "Who invaded whom?"

"You heard that right, it's the person you know who invaded the Black Death Emperor's hometown."

"But. On the Blackest Night, the Black Death Emperor invaded the main universe. All the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance said so." Simon said blankly.

"We didn't tell the truth at the time. The Black Death Emperor was not what was advertised in the news. He was sealed back to the dimension of death by everyone's concerted efforts.

Although we were all trying our best at the time, Black Death Emperor actually left on his own initiative and was scared away by Harley."

After listening to Hal's detailed account, Simon looked incredulous, "The Galaxy Admiral is so powerful. I thought the publicity about her was exaggerated enough, but I didn't expect her.

Are you sure that behind the wall is the kingdom of the Black Death Emperor?

It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that the Black Death Emperor, the most powerful bully in the multiverse, actually built the Great Wall of Dimensions to protect an ordinary earth girl, which is too exaggerated. "

Sinestro snorted coldly and said, "Which of your eyes sees her as ordinary?

Witch Harley's reputation in the multiverse is more famous than that of Black Death.

To say she is an ordinary girl is simply an insult to all the powerful people who have been deceived, insulted, and bullied by her. "

It was also a humiliation to him, the former master of the yellow lantern.

Simon smiled bitterly and said: "When I met her, the alien was just a legend.

She was only thirteen or fourteen years old at the time, and she was just an ordinary girl. Even the police could surround her and pose a fatal threat to her. Of course, in that shootout in Bali Street, she beat the GCPD with one against a hundred, and beat the GCPD until they were howling like ghosts. The casualties were heavy.

But she was wearing a body armor and was injured.

It has only been more than ten years, less than twenty years, and the target of her bullying has changed from GCPD to Diversity Supreme.

It's too fantasy to be true. "

Hal sighed, "But that's the truth."

"How are you sure that the Black Death Emperor's lair is inside the wall? Are there any characteristics?" Simon asked.

"I can sense the deep darkness and death power behind the wall, which is exactly the same as what I once felt in the dimensional rift." Hal said.

Simon said thoughtfully: "Since the Black Death Emperor lives inside the wall, the Black Death Emperor can also open a passage into the main universe, and we can also go back."


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud sound in the sky, like a creation giant using a hammer to pierce the "shell of the world."

Then a bright green light erupted from the hole in the "Shell of the World".

"Ah, Guardian, I connected his light ring."

"Becky?" Simon raised his head and exclaimed.

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