I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1515 The Dawn of Level 120

The battle with the Rocky Zerg was the most exciting masturbation experience Harley had ever had in her life.

The angels in heaven and the new gods on the creation star can also provide her with a lot of experience.

But her identity in heaven is as a guard in Silver City, and in Genesis she is a foreign martial arts instructor. Everything she says and does must follow the rules and be in line with common sense. She cannot yell, "You trash, come and besiege me."

Her fortune history is so fantastic that many people are staring at her, trying to figure out her secret.

Any abnormal behavior on her part will attract excessive attention and thinking from others.

If thousands of angels or new gods attack her, even if others cannot guess her purpose, they will definitely suspect that she can benefit from being attacked.

But in Star Wars, it would be unusual for her not to be surrounded by thousands of people.

It's just that the interstellar war takes place in the material world, and the total experience points that ordinary space soldiers in the material world can provide are not even as good as ordinary earthlings.

Harley has personally verified that among ordinary people, Earthlings have the highest single-body experience.

The Rocky Zerg are very special. They are called Zerg civilization, but their main arms are "superheroes" wearing Zerg armor.

The experience value of a single Blue Beetle soldier is very high, nearly half of the average level of Earth's C-level heroes.

The total experience of ordinary New God warriors on the Genesis Star is less than one percent of the average C-level hero.

The total amount of experience a single life can provide is determined by strength and influence.

Every Blue Beetle warrior is the last orphan of a planet and the strongest warrior of a civilized race.

Perhaps the last orphan and the strongest warrior will be followed by "one", but even so, their influence is "planet-level".

Although they are just soldiers of the Rocky Zerg tribe, in their own civilization, all of them are legendary heroes, similar to the heroes of the Zhenglian.

The siege of millions of Blue Beetle warriors helped Harley upgrade two levels in just a few hours, from nearly 116 to 118 by 35%!

If her identity is not exposed, the main force of the Rocky Zerg will not flee.

If the mother insect was stupider, even if she saw that millions of blue beetles were useless to her, she would still be stubborn and insist on arranging for the remaining tens of millions of blue beetles to take turns besieging her.

Harley is even confident that she can reach level 130 in one day, becoming the highest "indigenous" in the DC multiverse.

God is not a native of DC, He does not count.

As long as they are natives born in the DC multiverse, they have a level 120 limit.

The world is so big, no matter how long you grow, you can never grow bigger than the world that contains you.

At level 130, Darkseid cannot be slapped to death, but no one can slap her to death.

None of them can break through the defense.

It's a pity that she was too dazzling and did nothing. She stood there and let Blue Beetle output its maximum firepower without being killed or injured, and its screams were still loud.

She stood there and activated the source of fear, and the Blue Beetle warriors within the battlefield uncontrollably remembered the great horror when the genocide was exterminated and the planet was reduced to Zerg rations.

When she uses fear to take away the sanity of thousands of blue beetles, the Rocky Zerg will also suspect that she is a born yellow lantern demon, and the yellow lantern demon restrains the blue beetles.

When she manipulated the fearful emotions of millions of blue beetles so that the fearful yellow light emerging from their heads formed a surging river that could be seen with the naked eye, the female Loki bugs became suspicious of her identity.

"You are not the 'Invincible Starry Sky' Lishanjun, you are the Witch Harley!"

At that time, the sharp howling resounded through the starry sky, and the terrifying psychological impact even made Harley's head buzz.

"The only one in the multiverse who can play with the emotion of fear on such a large scale is Harley. Harley, you are so cunning and shameless. You even disguised yourself as an ordinary yellow lantern demon and shamelessly shouted 'For Archero'. "

Not only are female insects not stupid, they are also very smart.

Smart people don't lose their minds.

"The Blue Beetle Army is retreating. Witch Harley is the master of fear. Numbers are of no use to her. Activate the highest power 'anti-emotional energy mass cannon' and focus fire on her. I will capture her and make her the strongest Blue Beetle!"

Although Harley's identity was confirmed, the Rocky Zerg did not escape immediately.

They are very brave and want to try to capture Harley.

If he had been an ordinary Lantern, he might have been killed on the spot.

Because the Zerg's energy cannon is specifically aimed at Lanterns, it has a strong ablation effect on emotional energy.

It does not directly break the defense of the yellow light energy shield, nor does it destabilize the yellow light energy structure, but is similar to a chemical reaction - the Zerg energy cannon is like hydrogen, Harley's yellow light energy is like oxygen, and hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form Water, but water is not oxygen and is no longer emotional energy.

This attack specifically targeting Lanterns is very strange.

Under constant attacks, ordinary lanterns can easily quickly consume the emotional energy stored in their lantern rings.

When the energy of the lantern ring is exhausted, the lantern loses its fighting power and can only be slaughtered by others.

If a large number of Blue Beetle warriors are assisted, the color army can be greatly restrained.

The Zerg energy cannon, which can restrain the Lantern, is of no use to Harley.

First of all, the Zerg cannot break through her defensive golden film.

After several hours of fighting, millions of Blue Beetles were paralyzed on the battlefield, and hundreds of battleships were broken into pieces. She was still neatly dressed and her hair was not messy, which made people despair just looking at her.

Secondly, the Zerg cannot stop her fear and emotional manipulation.

Zerg energy cannons can only dissolve emotional energy.

Harley's attack method is the source of fear, not an energy beam or energy manifestation attack.

Probably not due to psychological trauma, the true Zerg are more resistant to the source of fear than the Blue Beetle.

But war is an ongoing process.

The true Zerg race continues to be squeezed out of fear by the source of fear. People will not die immediately, but life will gradually dry up as the emotions pass.

Attack cannot break her defense; defense can be easily broken by her.

This battle cannot be fought.

Female bugs are very pragmatic.

After discovering that Harley was looking for its true form, it decisively chose to retreat.

A suicide squad was left behind to hold Harley back while the main force split up and ran away.

Harley didn't give chase at all.

Those reports about her chasing the Zerg to the end of the universe are all fake news.

Although she really wanted to chase them to the end of the universe to gain more experience, the Zerg had already entered the super-light space and there was no way to pursue them.

"Alas, I have changed my appearance, but I am still recognized. This world is too difficult for me."

In the starry sky near the Odeum galaxy, Harley was like an inconspicuous speck of dust, suspended in the dark void, "staring" and sighing at the experience jar that was only one and a half levels away from reaching level 120.

There will definitely be a life-and-death "super god battle" between Apokolips and Creation Star.

She will definitely participate in it, whether it is for the objective needs of "fighting heaven, aiding creation, and protecting the earth", or for her own experience level, or for her commitment to new gods such as Heavenly Father.

In a melee of that level, anything could happen.

If you can upgrade to level 120, it will be much safer.

At level 120, the Space Power Defense Specialty is enabled, which at least makes running easier.

Moreover, level 120 also represents the cosmic authority of the God King, which will definitely have additional benefits.

After sighing for a while, Harley took out her phone.

John Stewart's message again.

When she was fighting the interstellar war with the Loki Zerg, she received several messages, but she ignored them.

When she turned on her cell phone, she saw that the Green Lantern Corps' party was about to begin, and she was asked to go to Oa to support their rebellion.

However, the reasons they gave were more sufficient and novel than before: she was a witness and guarantor of the new green light law, and had the responsibility and authority to participate in this operation.

"Alas, what you lack is never strength, but determination and consciousness."

Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner are two big bugs. Any one of them can overwhelm the Green Lantern Corps.

John Stewart and Guy Gardner are also once-in-a-million heroes of the Legion. They have the ability to become the commander of the Legion and can use several kinds of light rings.

If they had just acted, the Guardians would have become history.

Calling her to go to Oua now, to put it bluntly, she is cowardly and does not have the courage and ruthlessness to kill.

"Hey!" Thinking of killing someone, Harley suddenly stood up and looked at the message on the phone screen with a change of expression.

She was not afraid of killing people, but she was afraid that they would stop her from going on a killing spree and make her die of suffocation.

But what if we give her one or two levels of experience?

She immediately stopped feeling aggrieved.

Thinking of the nearly 10,000 Green Lanterns and the level 120 so close at hand, Harley's heart surged. She immediately summoned the Voice of Heaven and spent 10,000 Heavenly Merits to instantly teleport to the outskirts of Oa.

She planned to use the Wind of Nothingness and the Tears of Death to become completely invisible, sneak up on Oa, and make a shocking appearance at the critical moment.

It's not that she wants to be like Ghost. If she appears too early, they might not be able to fight.

At this moment, Oa.

"Gunther, why are you doing this?"

Seeing the blue monster approaching, Kyle shouted angrily: "You are the Green Lantern Guardians! Your responsibility is to protect the Green Lantern Corps and provide wise guidance to the Green Lanterns. Have you forgotten your mission and oath?"

The white-haired and bald little blue man said coldly: "We are the guardians of the universe, not just the guardians of the green light.

Protecting the peace and order of the universe is our most important mission.

In order to complete this mission, we formed the First Legion, the Machine Hunters, 3 billion years ago.

When the machine hunters proved unreliable, we did not hesitate and immediately destroyed most of the machine hunters, ending the era of the First Legion.

Next, we create the second Corps - the Green Lantern Corps.

You guys lasted longer than Robo Hunters.

But three billion years have passed, and we still cannot see the dawn of absolute order and peace.

On the contrary, with the rise of the colored light army in recent years, the universe has fallen into long-term turmoil, and it is difficult to see a peaceful future.

The strife and chaos will never end, and even we guardians can't find any way out.

We have worked hard, we prohibit you from contacting other members of the Color Light, and discuss with you plans to wipe out the other Color Light Legions.

You all know the outcome.

Since the Second Legion has also proven its failure with facts, we can only destroy it and create a perfect Third Legion that has no flaws in the First and Second Legions. "

"As you can see, they are the Third Legion!" Ganser pointed at the blue monsters around him and announced loudly.

"Why do we have to destroy other color-light legions? Why can't we live in peace?" Kyle said excitedly.

"This childish idea you have under the control of emotions is one of the reasons why we decided to eliminate the Green Lantern Corps." Ganser said lightly: "If the Color and Light Corps could live in peace, the Color and Light War would not break out.

The seven color-light legions were able to become allies before only because of a common and powerful enemy.

Once the common enemy is no longer around, the seven color-light armies born from and controlled by emotions will inevitably struggle.

Just like a person's seven emotions and six desires, there will always be conflicts.

There is always one emotion that takes over and overwhelms the others.

This is the nature of lust, which cannot be overcome. Struggle and friction will be the eternal theme between you.

Sarlacc and Kyle Rayner, you are very angry and angry, but tell me, how can the current Green Lantern Corps restore order and peace to the universe?

Seven points of color and light means seven points of power.

The Green Lantern Corps does not need the right to rule, but to manage the order of the universe and maintain the peace of the universe, we need unified rules and regulations. Each Corps has different ideas and laws. How can they be harmonious and unified?

As early as 3 billion years ago, we realized this, so we only created the Green Lantern Corps and tried our best to avoid the birth of other color-light corps. "

Kyle said loudly: "You also said that humans are born with seven emotions and six desires, and one of them is indispensable. Since the universe is composed of sentient beings like us, why can't we accept the fact that the color and light armies exist at the same time?

Even if there will be friction and conflict among the Colored Light Legion, to eliminate this small friction, destroying all the Colored Light Legion and all sentient life, wouldn’t it be a waste of food due to choking?

There is a lot of pain, sorrow and suffering in life. Do we simply stop living in order to avoid experiencing those pains? "

The bald little blue woman said coldly: "What you say is very nice, but why should the vast majority of life in the universe pay the price with their lives for the friction between the color and light armies?

How many years has it been since the rise of color light?

In just two or three years, how many people died in the universe because of the seven legions?

Moreover, this chaos will last forever unless all chromatic light users are eliminated. "

"You want to use these monsters to destroy the entire universe, and you still have the nerve to say 'for all sentient beings in the universe'?" Gai shouted.

"Is he a living being?" Ganser asked, pointing to a blue monster that had completed alienation.

"It used to be a Green Lantern, but now they have become your killing weapons. They don't even have independent consciousness, so who are they?" Kyle said sadly.

Ganser said: "He was once a being with seven emotions and six desires. Now we have only changed his form, erasing all emotions, adjusting genes, and eliminating all distinctive features, but it is still a life.

Just like after our guardians cut off their emotions, they are still the guardians of the universe and the Martus.

Since he is also a life, why not replace the chaotic and corrupt you with them who have absolute order and will never create chaos?

It is a great evolution for us to cut off our emotions and become the guardians of the ordered universe.

Your transformation from lower beings dominated by emotions to the 'Third Legion' that is not troubled by emotions and is absolutely harmonious and unified is also a great evolution. "

"Crazy, you are really crazy. This is definitely not what a normal person should think." Kyle shook his head repeatedly, and the look in his eyes at the guardian became very scary, as if he was seeing a terrifying monster.

Guy Gardner also shouted: "With the elimination of differences and emotions, are humans still humans? That's right. If you cut off emotions, you are no longer human. That's why you have this terrible idea of ​​being inhuman."

Ganse's expression remained calm: "How can you know the joy of fish if you are not a fish?

I was once a human and now a fish, so I know the suffering of humans and the happiness of fish.

I remember clearly that at that time I had not yet cut off my emotions. Just like you, my heart was full of emotions and desires.

I was jealous of Carona. He gave me the answer with just one glance to a problem I had been pondering for half a year.

I was jealous of him, I wanted to see him suffer misfortune, and I was secretly happy when I saw him bring about the ‘Disaster of Time Origin Observation’. This is despicable me.

But I also clearly understand that the gap in wisdom between me and him will never be bridged in my lifetime. This is the despair of me.

After cutting off my emotions, although he is still smarter than me, it can no longer bother me.

My heart is like water, calm and calm.

Your lower civilizations suffer more from unattainable desires than we do.

Such as appearance, wealth, and origin.

The lifetime salary of an ordinary worker is not enough to provide a rich person with a day's pocket money.

Ordinary people may not be able to have their own house and wife after working all their lives.

The toilets of rich people are bigger than their houses, and the maids who carry the toilet bowls for rich people are all dream goddesses that are out of reach for ordinary people.

Is this cruel difference really a necessary label for ‘human’?

In the eyes of the rich and powerful, the vast majority of ordinary people are not human beings at all.

If everyone is the same 'human', why don't the powerful work 16 hours a day but demand others to work more, take less rest, and get less pay as a matter of course?

Compared with a handful of powerful people, do most ordinary people really live a ‘human’ life?

If they are considered human beings, then who are the powerful?


You earthlings have a wise saying - happiness and joy have no absolute values, they are relative values ​​derived from comparison.

To put it bluntly, differences allow some people to obtain satisfaction and happiness by exploiting the majority of people.

How despicable and cruel is such a life?

Every being in the Third Legion has the same genes, the same appearance, and the same status. They have no emotions or differences. Aren't they more "human" than you? "

Kyle was dumbfounded, squeezing his neck and said: "I'm not handsome, nor rich, but I never envy rich people.

There is more to life than fame and fortune, and you emotionless monsters will never understand that. "

Ganser shook his head and said: "We have had emotions and a life richer than yours.

We have been to Shannan and Shanbei.

Based on our 3 billion years of perception, we select the most beautiful scenery from the south and north of Shanshan and bring it to everyone.

You have always lived in a corner of the south of the mountain, but you have rightfully denied the existence and beauty of the north of the mountain. "

John Stewart said sincerely: "Gunther, you not only went from the south of the mountain to the north of the mountain, but also from the north of the mountain back to the south of the mountain.

When you return to Shannan, you are determined not to go to Shanbei again.

It was they who forcibly cut off your emotions and pulled you back to the north of the mountain regardless of your struggles and wailings.

Do you still remember Said looking at the starry sky at the entrance of Okaro Mountain, waiting for you to come back? "

Gunther remained indifferent and unmoved.

"Emotions are like chains and poison. They tempt and bind people. They are the biggest obstacle on the road to human evolution and the absolute enemy of the order of the universe. That's why we formed the Third Legion."

"Alas, there is no way to communicate. They and we have completely become two different species." Kilowog sighed.

"You are right, you now cannot understand our great ideas and concepts in establishing the Third Army, but we will help you."

The guardians took a few steps back, and the blue monster rushed towards the more than thirty lanterns trapped in Gaixin like a tide.

This group of lanterns has been through battles for a long time and does not panic.

Some people have green light energy walls to protect them, while the rest are free to attack.

"Whoosh whoosh~~" The dense energy beam like rain fell on the blue monster near the "green city wall". The effect was like peeing against the corner, with no visible effect.

"The blue monster can absorb emotional energy, and my shield can't hold on anymore!"

Soon they discovered that the situation was even worse. The blue monster was like a sponge, and energy attacks and energy defense shields could be absorbed by them.

"Why is this happening? Even those infected by Yamojo are not immune to damage." Gai shouted angrily.

Kyle stared at the monsters that were beating the green light wall hard, and said solemnly: "They seem to have the power of white light in their bodies."

"White light?" John's heart moved and he shouted: "Kyle, this is your destiny! Said is right, only your white light can deal with the 'big devil', please activate your white light."

"I can't do it!" Kyle was anxious and regretful.

If he had known that the Guardians would bring out the Third Legion, he would have just asked Carona to kill them that day.

"Boom, click~~~"

The outermost green light energy wall has been broken into dregs like biscuits under leather boots.

"Kyle, if you really can't do it, we have to retreat quickly." Sarak shouted.

"I tried, but time and space are blocked and space teleportation is impossible." Kilowog said.

"Let's break out with all our strength." Sarak said solemnly.

Can you rush out?

The old lanterns felt heavy in their hearts as they looked at the army of blue monsters that covered the sky.

"We still have allies who can attack from inside and outside and open a channel." John suddenly said.

Kyle hesitated and said: "You mean Carol, Saint Walker and the others? But the blue monster obviously restrained the Lantern."

John said calmly: "I know there will be many casualties, but it is better than being wiped out.

Kyle, you are the hope to end the crisis, so nothing can happen to you. "

"Send them a signal, tell them the dangers of the blue monster, and let them decide for themselves." Guy said quickly.

Sarak's heart moved and he said: "Can you contact Harley Quinn urgently? I know she has the teleportation technology and can get here in an instant.

And she is not afraid of white light or black light, and may be able to overcome the blue monster. "

"I'll try." John immediately dialed Harley's number with the light ring.

"Dingling bells" a melodious ringing of bells rang in the air beside them.

All the lanterns looked over in shock. It was empty, with nothing there.

"Harley?" Kyle rubbed his eyes and shouted softly.

"Oh, I have completely hidden my identity, but you still remember me. What a strong obsession!"

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