I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1514 Fragmented Reality

Metropolis Earth, Daily Planet Building.

Galaxy Express Observation Room.

"Clark, record this!" Lana Lang said quickly: "Rann Galaxy TV Channel 3, news content - Vega Galaxy, stellar power furnace spacecraft."

She wore headphones, and a 35-inch fish-screen monitor was placed on the desk in front of her. The screen was divided into three sections, which played programs from three alien TV stations.

She could not turn her eyes away and concentrated on watching three TV stations at the same time. She also kept clicking the mouse to change TV programs.

There were several other reporters in the room of about 70 square meters.

Although they all watch the same screen, they are busy with different tasks.

For example, upon hearing Lana's scream, Clark Kent, who wore glasses and looked like an honest man, immediately switched the screen in front of him to Galaxy TV Channel 3.

While watching the news, he quickly coded words with both hands, translating the alien language into standard English.

Then, he edited the content related to the "Vega Galaxy Stellar Power Furnace Spacecraft" from Channel 3 and added English subtitles to the video.

His hand speed is extremely fast, and his brain reaction is even faster. The program on Lann TV has just ended, and a video material of the "Stellar Power Furnace Spaceship" has been released.

"Clark, Lann National TV, big news!" Lana Lang called again, with a high-pitched voice and an excited tone: "The highest level crisis alert at the same level as Blackest Night!

The Lann civilization issued a cosmic crisis warning to the outside world, targeting all civilizations in the universe. "


Clark was shocked and quickly switched to Lann National TV.

Sure enough, there was a bright red crisis alert sign in the upper right corner of the screen.

"Recently, our space border science expedition team discovered an extremely dangerous 'pathogen'. They are blue in color, have no mouth, and have no skin."

The camera turned and a picture of the blue monster appeared on the screen.

"They have extremely strong assimilation capabilities and once alienated billions of people on the entire planet in one hour."

"Oh my God! Lana, this is a big crisis. I have to inform Louise and Perry."

Clark left his seat, quickly walked out of the Galaxy Express observation room, came to the door of deputy editor-in-chief Lois Lane's office, knocked on the door gently, and after getting permission, he went in and told the news about the blue monster.

Louise looked serious and said: "This is big news, but it doesn't need to be disclosed to the public now."

"What do you think?" Clark asked.

"First notify the Justice League and the Galaxy Admiral. The Pentagon also makes a call. Ordinary people cannot intervene in this kind of crisis.

Wait for General Galaxy and Zheng Lian to make a decision, wait for them to choose the right time to announce the news, and then we will do follow-up reports. " Louise said.

Clark calmed down and nodded: "You are right, a crisis without an answer can only create anxiety and turmoil."

"I'll send a text message to Admiral Galaxy to let her know about this first." Louise took out her mobile phone and wrote a message while saying: "Actually, this is not a big deal. No matter how dangerous the blue monster is, it can be compared to How about the Green Light Battle that just passed?

The worst case scenario is to turn on 'Noah's Ark' again. I don't believe that blue monster can infect the Galaxy Admiral. "

Clark relaxed a little and said again: "The news about the Tianyi spacecraft is over. The Invincible Victor and his stellar power furnace spacecraft were driven into a black hole by the 'Colors of Color'."

"Do you have a detailed account of the battle?" Louise asked curiously.

Clark hesitated for a moment and whispered: "The Lann frontline reporters did not dare to get too close to the Tianyi. They did not capture anything useful at all. They were just two experts sitting there to analyze.

They didn't even know that the spacecraft was called "Tianyi", and they didn't know that the owner of the spacecraft was the orphan of the former angelic civilization - the Invincible Victor.

But Kyle personally participated in the entire process, and Zhenglian received a very detailed report on the entire process from start to finish. "

Louise sighed sadly, "It's a pity, it's such a pity. If our Planet Daily also sent frontline reporters, at least 5 series could be produced on the topic of Tianyi.

With detailed reporting from Kyle, I guarantee every issue will be a front-page headline that will shock the universe. "

"Even if you don't send an on-site reporter, you can still use Kyle's report." Clark said.

Louise shook her head, "It can be done, but it will lose its timeliness. Moreover, the news about Tianyi has been placed on the 'Open Eyes to See the Starry Sky' channel and is handled by the 'Galaxy Observation Room'. It would not be good for me to start a new one."

Open Eyes Star Channel specializes in broadcasting extraterrestrial TV programs, such as news, variety shows, movies and TV series, and sports games.

The Daily Planet's own news program is on another channel.

Two different channels, also two different departments within Planet Daily.

Lana Lang and Clark are both reporters in the "Observation Room" because they are fluent in multiple alien languages.

Louise has now learned many alien languages, but she is the top star of Planet Daily and has her own news program. Her shows are often broadcast by extraterrestrials and even make headlines in the universe.

If she went to the observation room to broadcast extraterrestrial TV news, she would be taking the initiative to lower her status and style.

"The blue monster is more eye-catching than the stellar power furnace spacecraft. At least the Lann people pay more attention to the blue monster. Even the national TV station is broadcasting this message." Clark said.

Louise said: "Unless the blue monsters come to Earth, I will not take the initiative to approach them. They cannot communicate and are too dangerous."

"I didn't say we need to conduct live interviews or live broadcasts. You can also invite experts for face-to-face interviews, which is safe and easy." Clark said.

"Forget it, doing this kind of talk show is worse than broadcasting the live broadcast of the alien TV station."

Louise shook her head and asked expectantly: "Besides the Tianyi and the Blue Monster, is there any other cosmic-level news? Well, news from within Zhenglian that the aliens don't know yet."

Her news program hasn’t made Galaxy headlines in several days.

Clark thought for a while and whispered: "The Seven Lantern Corps has now destroyed five of them."

"What?" Louise was surprised and delighted. "This news is exciting. Please tell me in detail."

"The central energy battery of Qingdeng was destroyed."

Clark first explained the situation of the Green Lantern Tribe in detail.

"So it turns out that it's the new central lamp furnace built by Harley, so she can modify the selection rules for the Green Lantern Ring, so Luther will be selected." Louise nodded and said excitedly: "This alone is enough to make a It’s a series of ‘Green Lantern Changes’, you continue.”

"Then the yellow light"

Clark quickly and briefly explained the yellow, red, orange, and blue light changes one by one.

"Oh my god, Harley actually killed Lafleeze. This... this is really shocking news!"

Louise was shocked for a while, and then wondered: "What is the origin of the Rocky Zerg clan? It was so powerful that it destroyed the blue in front of a group of lustful lanterns--"

"Dong dong dong~~" A fierce knock on the door suddenly sounded, followed by Lana Lang's shout: "Clark, Lois, super big news, the Blue Lantern Corps is wiped out!"

Lois and Clark were both shocked when they heard this, "Have you been discovered by alien media so soon?"

They quickly opened the door and asked, "Which TV station is the news on?"

"Lan, Kelu, Jean and more than a dozen Galaxy TV stations are broadcasting this news live. Now the galaxy is shaking and the universe is shaking. We should follow up immediately. It is best to broadcast it live.

Alas, this news is related to us people on earth. If it can be broadcast live, it will definitely make the headlines in the universe. "

At the end of the sentence, Lana Lang had a regretful expression on her face.

"The destruction of the Blue Lantern Corps just happened today. How come the whole universe knew about it all of a sudden?" Clark asked confused.

"Did you know?" Lana Lang was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Has the Justice League received Harley's message?"

"Harley?" Clark was even more confused, "Haley is in the alien news?"

"She's the main character," Lana Land said.

"Aren't you talking about the news about the demise of Blue Lantern?"

"The destruction of Blue Lantern by the Rocky Zerg is just the beginning. At this moment, Harley is hunting down the Rocky Zerg!" Lana Lang explained: "The news said that several advanced civilizations in the Vega Galaxy have received notices from the Green Lantern Corps—— The green light is about to start a meeting and we don’t have time to treat thousands of Zerg soldiers on the battlefield. Please ask higher civilizations to help deal with it.”

When a few people entered the "Galaxy News Observation Room", many colleagues were already gathered in front of the TV screen.

"My dear, are the Loki Zerg so scary? The Blue Lantern headquarters has been tortured like this. What is their origin?"

As soon as Clark entered the door, he heard the editor-in-chief Perry exclaiming.

He stood on tiptoe slightly and looked ahead, seeing a picture of a devastated starry sky playing on the screen.

In the center of the lens is a brown, shriveled "planet" shaped like an apple core.

If the news anchor hadn't said it was Odeum, the headquarters of the Blue Lantern Corps, Clark would have thought it was a deformed meteorite.

"The Loki Zerg are so scary, they actually sucked a beautiful planet into such a ghostly state." Jimmy Olsen took a breath and said with a horrifying expression.

"Of course the Loki Zerg are scary." Jackson from the Sports News Department pointed at the screen and said, "Didn't you hear? The Lann people said that the Loki Zerg are the most terrifying race in the material universe.

They have destroyed countless civilizations and run rampant, but no one dares to provoke them.

Civilizations targeted by them rarely escape successfully.

Fortunately, Oa launched a legion war 20,000 years ago, driving the Zerg outside the borders of the universe at the cost of thousands of casualties, ending the dark age of the Zerg robbing the universe. "

"I don't understand the alien language, please help translate."

"The host speaks a bit fast, but I can roughly understand it myself. The threshold for simultaneous translation is very high. If I could do it, I would have gone to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs long ago."

"Hey, Clark, you came just in time, help us translate in real time."

The editors immediately moved out of the way to let Lois, Lana Long, and Clark in.

Louise and Lana Long can also do simultaneous translation, but they are both company leaders.

They didn't dare ask their leaders for help, so they had to ask Clark, an ordinary employee.

"Where is the Galactic Admiral?" Louise asked.

Perry raised his chin towards the screen, "Look, the scattered warship fragments in the starry sky are all traces of her existence."

"Where is she? How can the alien media be sure that she did it?" Louise asked.

Lana Land said: "The Lann Country Channel 3 previously broadcast footage of the Galaxy Admiral chasing down the Zerg army."

"The distance is too far, the picture is blurry." Perry said, switching the channel back to Lann Country 3.

Channel 3 was broadcasting live, but unfortunately no one could be seen.

The live broadcast camera was pointed at the energy response scanner, and all that could be seen was a golden light spot surrounded by a group of blue dots. Each energy beam could project blurry lines on the scanner, making the whole picture very blurry.

"At least it can be seen that the battle is very fierce." Lana Lang said.

"Is the yellow dot Admiral Galaxy? She seems to be standing there without moving." Someone asked doubtfully.

Louise said strangely: "I just sent her a few long messages. Is she holding her phone and reading my text messages?"

Clark glanced at her and said: "What are you thinking about? Although this is a live TV broadcast, the signal will be delayed for several hours when it reaches the earth. The meeting of the Green Lantern Corps may have ended by now -"

"Buzz buzz—" Before he could finish his words, Clark suddenly felt a dull feeling in his head. The world in front of him seemed to be frozen in time and space, solidified into a transparent crystal.

His lover Louise, his colleagues Perry, Lana Lang and others are like bugs in amber, solidified inside the transparent space-time crystal.

"Click - click -" Then the space-time crystal cracked, and Clark was horrified to see that the solidified Louise was broken into countless pieces, one of which remained in place and became blurry, and the remaining countless pieces were getting further and further away from him. .


He didn't know what was happening and just screamed in fear.

Then his perspective lifted and he "saw" himself.

He was also in a state of frozen time and space, and was broken into countless pieces. One piece remained in place, and it was extremely clear that it was him at this time. The rest were all missing, but there was a vague feeling in the dark.

"Reality seems to be broken like glass? What happened?" He was shocked and confused.

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