I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1506 The Invincible Winner

At this moment, in the Hall of Justice, Harley has finished talking to Paula.

Barry sent her back in an instant.

"What's the gain?" Da Chao walked in and asked with a tired look.

"Are you tired? Are there a lot of super criminal activities in Metropolis recently?" Harley asked curiously.

It's Diana's turn to be on duty these days, responsible for stationing in the Hall of Justice. He has always been free, does not have to work overtime, and is not directly involved in the bad things of the Color and Light Legion. In theory, he should be relatively free.

Dachao rubbed his temples, shook his head and said: "There are criminal activities, but there has not been a large-scale outbreak, but don't forget the Luther virus.

The price for the Amojo virus being quickly suppressed was that the Luther flu virus ravaged the entire United States. "

At first, the Yamozo virus spread across the United States, centered on metropolitan areas, causing many cities to turn into "zombie nations."

Even the tyrant Bug Doudou could not solve the submojo virus that evolved from the power of black death.

Thanks to Luther's use of genetic technology to help the "Pox God" complete a directed evolution, a "virus vaccine" that can be fused with the submojo virus was produced.

The "pox god virus" and the Yamozo virus undergo a biochemical reaction to generate a Lutheran influenza virus with extremely low harm.

The Amozo virus has spread across the United States. After using the "pox god virus" as a vaccine, the newly born Luther flu virus will naturally spread across the United States.

"What does Luther's cold have to do with you?" Harley asked.

Dachao pointed to his bloodshot eyes and said: "I use X-rays to scan the body temperature of metropolitan citizens every day.

Once patients are found, they should be sent for treatment to prevent the Lutheran virus from spreading widely in the community. "

“Don’t there be thermometers in the Met?”

"The thermometer is not accurate, but my super vision can see the Luther virus in citizens' bodies with 100% accuracy.

Super vision combined with the super computing power of a super brain can scan thousands of people at a glance, and the efficiency is also very high.

Mayor Enge personally found me and asked me to use Kryptonian super vision to find patients carrying the Luthor virus and the Yamodra virus. " Dachao sighed.

"You mayor are really talented, you can discover the use of super vision." Harley said strangely.

"You are wrong, Enge is a fool." Louise sneered and sneered: "When the Yamodra virus broke out, he was unprepared and turned the metropolis into a zombie country.

When Luther's cold spread throughout the metropolis, he did nothing and made absurd remarks. He and President Tesla even suggested that everyone use disinfectant to sterilize their mouths.

During that time, Superman joined the volunteer team and used super vision to help find patients every day. The whole city knew about this, but the mayor never made any move.

Until a large number of citizens proposed lifting the blockade in interviews, allowing everyone to return to normal life, and leaving the task of finding patients to Superman.

Using super vision to find patients will inevitably involve a lot of personal privacy and must gain public support and legal authorization. "

"The Luther virus is also spreading in Gotham. It is also an important economic and financial center in the world. The people of Gotham also need to work and live. How about you go to Gotham and scan it?" Harley said.

Louise immediately waved her hand, "No, if he is just flying over the city, he is not actually tired, but having super vision turned on for a long time and the brain's mental power is highly concentrated, it is very exhausting.

Just being in the metropolis made him exhausted. He fell asleep every night as soon as he hit the bed. He was so tired. "

"We're talking about business now," Diana reminded.

"Although you were not present in the conversation between Paula and I just now, you must have listened to the full name of the camera. Is there anything else you want to ask?" Harley said.

"We heard your conversation, and now we want to know your opinion." Da Chao said.

"Simon Baz is finished, most likely at the hands of the little blue man."

"Why the Guardians? I don't seem to hear any suspicion on their part." Diana said.

“First of all, it’s all the Green Lanterns who disappeared.

If this was a crime and the victims were all Green Lanterns, what would you think of?

Secondly, only the Guardians have the ability to monitor Green Lantern.

Only the Guardians can locate them and find them at any time.

Finally, Abinsu and Natoma of the Blue Lantern Corps saw the prophecy that 'after the Blackest Night, the Guardian will transform into a great demon' in their early years.

Now Sinestro also said that he saw the prophecy of the Guardian's destruction of the Seven Lantern Corps in the "Book of Darkness".

What can you think of? "

Dachao nodded and said: "Although there is no complete evidence, the guardian should be the first suspect."

"Cyborg, send a message to John Stewart and Kyle Rayner, asking them to be wary of the little blue men. After finishing what they are doing, don't go back to Oa, and stay on Earth to avoid disasters."

Harley thought for a while and then said: "Also, in my name, contact the 'old friends' in the Green Lantern Corps.

It’s the old Green Lantern who survived Crisis on Infinite Earths all the way.

They can live for so long, they are certainly not stupid, and they are very sensitive to crises.

Tell them what happened to Hal and Simon Baz, as well as my guess. "

The first to return to Earth was John Stewart.

"I received a mission to go undercover in sector 1417 to cover a large interstellar pirate organization.

During this period, he has been pretending to be an interstellar wanderer, so the light ring must not be used.

I didn't see the message from Cyborg until early this morning. "John said with a serious look on his face.

"Is the undercover mission completed?" Harley asked.

John shook his head and said: "The Guardian asked me to find evidence of their collusion with the Candace Empire in Sector 1417. This is a long-term task.

I have just confirmed the identity of the person behind the pirate group and haven't had time to contact him yet. "

"You will stay in the Hall of Justice from now on, and never act alone."

"Is the matter so serious?" John asked in surprise.

"It's not serious, but the overall strength of the Guardians is there. As long as we stick to the earth, even if all the people in the universe die, we will still be safe.

To say it's not serious, Hal and Sinestro received lunch boxes one after another. The Guardian must have a big plan this time, and the strength and madness are far beyond our imagination.

As the Green Lantern who is very easy to destroy, you'd better take it easy. " Harley said.

John's expression was slightly distorted, "You can't just do nothing, right?"

"Why didn't you do it? Didn't I inform the old Green Lantern of the Green Lantern Corps and tell them all the speculations?

If you really have nothing to do, go find your old buddy Guy Gardner.

We need his strength, and as an unemployed Lantern, he's not in a safe position. " Harley said.

Before Kyle Rayner could respond, Guy Gardner was bailed out by John Stewart first.

Well, Guy Gardner was in jail.

"Isn't it just that you were expelled from the Green Lantern Corps? Why are you so decadent?"

Seeing his haggard state, where he had lost all energy and spirit, Harley said in confusion.

Guy Gardner was already in his early 40s, but now that he has gone through so much trouble, he has a few obvious white hairs on his head, making him look like an old man.

"What bothers me is not being fired, but the reason for being fired," Gai lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"You were drunk and disobeyed your superior's orders? What does this mean?" Diana asked confused.

Guy shook his head and said: "This is just a reason announced to the outside world, to protect the reputation of the Green Lantern Corps.

The reason why I was deprived of my Lantern status was because I killed my colleagues and the alien people we were escorting. "

"Oh, this is the first time I've heard of it." Harley glanced at John, who had a complicated expression and did not deny Guy's statement.

"Don't blame yourself, it must be the little blue man who is planning to harm you."

"You didn't ask what the escort mission was or what the process was like. How did you come to this conclusion?" Gai asked in surprise.

"No need to ask. You and Hal were expelled one after another. It can only be a conspiracy."

Harley spit out a green lantern ring, shook it, and asked, "I can lend it to you for a period of time so that you have the power to complete your own redemption. Are you willing?"

"How to redeem? The person is already dead." Gai said dejectedly.

"There are more people alive. If the little blue man is really crazy and plans to destroy the Seven Lantern Corps, you can save more cosmic civilians and Green Lantern teammates." Dachao comforted him.

"We can also find out the truth at that time. Maybe Harley is right. It was really a trick of the little blue man." Diana said.

Gai raised his head, a small fire flashing in his eyes.

Harley threw her green lantern ring to him and said, "Remember to return it to me later."

Another day passed before Kyle Rayner responded.

He connected to John Stewart's lamp ring and appeared in front of everyone as a holographic projection.

"Sorry, we entered the Invincible Victor's 'Tianyi' spaceship before and had no chance to contact you."

"What kind of spaceship can block the light ring signal?" John asked puzzledly.

"It was a spaceship larger than the solar system. It used the sun as briquettes and burned it in a boiler. It flew out of a black hole, and its internal rules were very weird, very different from the main universe.

Not to mention receiving signals from outside, when I was inside the spacecraft, the light ring signals were often interfered with. "

Harry's heart moved, and Kyle went to find La Freeze, who was in the Vega Galaxy. Louise had told her before that a "stellar power furnace spacecraft" suspected of being a super civilization was discovered in the Vega Galaxy next to the Milky Way.

Such a coincidence?

She asked her doubts.

"Well, that's it, Tianyi. Its owner is called 'Invincible Victor'." Kyle said.

"That's a weird name," Diana said.

Harley also complained: "Although it all means the same thing, it is far different from the artistic conception of 'Dugu Qiu' and 'Eastern Invincible'."

"But he lives up to his name. Even several lamp owners and I can't defeat him." Kyle said.

"Didn't you go find Lafleeze?" Dachao asked doubtfully.

"Yes, we met La Freeze. He said that his light ring was also interfered with by abnormal signals and wanted to leave him. He is the Lord of Greed, and of course he will not allow this to happen.

So, he deliberately used an orange light ghost to disguise himself as a light ring, and wanted to investigate the person behind the robbery of the light ring.

He told us that the abnormal signal came from Tianyi. "

"And you believed it? Then you found out that you were cheated?" Harley had a faint sarcasm on her face.

Kyle was startled and asked curiously: "How do you know he is lying?"

"Because I watched the news broadcast about the 'Super Civilization Spaceship' on 'Planet Daily TV'."

"Uh, so what?" Kyle looked confused.

Harley said: "This is the first time for people in the entire universe to see that kind of weird spaceship. Many experts from advanced civilizations also speculate that it comes from a super civilization.

How could this kind of spaceship, which appeared in the main universe for the first time, have anything to do with you, an Earthling?

No one in the universe knows him, but he knows you, and yet he beats the bush and uses some unknown conspiracy to harm you. Do you think this is reasonable, or is it more reasonable for Lafleeze to lie? "

Kyle hesitated for a while, then hummed: "Carol, Saint Walker, and Blitz were all present at the time, and they all believed it.

By the way, later the Blue Lantern Muenko, the Weapon Master of the Yellow Lantern Corps and Archilo also came over one after another, and they all entered the Tianyi with me.

No one had any doubts about Lafleeze's words. "

"So you want to say that everyone is stupid?"

"It's not stupid, it's just that I didn't expect Lafleeze to lie to others." Kyle corrected.

Harry was speechless. Did Lafleeze have good credit before? Better than her?

In the past, no matter what she said to them, they would always look wary and suspicious.

Even if she has a bad reputation, Lafleeze is the Lord of Greed, and "Witch Harley" is not even qualified to obtain a Ring of Greed.

"Why did Lafleeze lie to you? This kind of scam is easy to expose, as long as you see the invincible winner himself." Dachao said.

"The Invincible Winner is La Freeze's mortal enemy. He left the black hole dimension this time to seek revenge on La Freeze.

Lafleeze knows that he is no match for the invincible winner, so he drags us into a trap.

We forced our way into the Tianyi and had a fierce conflict with the Invincible Victor. "Kyle said indignantly.

"How did Lafleeze get involved with the Invincible Winner?" Dachao asked in confusion.

Kyle explained: “Although the Orange Lantern has only become known to us in recent years, it has been tens of millions of years since La Freeze got the Orange Lantern ring.

Lafleeze is the lamp owner second only to Atrocitus and has lived for tens of millions of years.

The Guardians have lied to us before. They have always said that there are only green lights and purple lights in the universe.

This is a huge lie.

As early as tens of millions of years ago, the Guardians knew about the existence of the Orange Lantern, and even reached a secret agreement with La Freeze - La Freeze would not let others discover his existence, and would limit his activities to the Vega Galaxy. The Green Lantern Corps acquiesces to his existence, and the Lanterns in Sector 2814 will not enter the Vega galaxy on the edge of the Milky Way.

When LaFreeze told me this, I didn't believe it at all, but I am the Green Lantern of Sector 2814.

When I cracked the light ring permissions, I found that the sector map was missing a corner.

The Ring of Light will never receive a distress signal from the Vega Galaxy.

Because Vega is so small compared to the entire 2814 sector, we didn't notice this before. "

"It's strange, Lafleeze is not Darkseid. There is no need for the Green Lantern Corps to compromise with him." Diana looked puzzled.

"What is the origin of the Invincible Victor, and what did La Freeze do to him?" Harley asked.

"Tens of millions of years ago, there was a tribe of angels in the Vega galaxy. They looked almost exactly like the angels in heaven, with human bodies and a pair of white angel wings on their backs.

It's just that they are larger in size, generally close to five meters tall.

The angel civilization is very developed, and almost every angel tribesman has endless lifespan and powerful spiritual energy.

I feel like they are more like angels than real angels.

Although their own civilization is extremely developed, they have never oppressed or discriminated against other civilizations.

On the contrary, their highest ideal is to protect the weak, punish evil and promote good.

With their support, countless primitive civilizations have evolved from barbarism to civilization, and have evolved from low-level disorder to reason and civilization.

Then they clashed with La Freeze, who was burning, killing and looting.

In order to vent his anger, Lafleeze massacred a 'stone race' - a race of silicon-based life forms - who were protected by the angel race.

Although they are stone people, there is no evil thought in their characters and they are as pure as angels.

The Angel Clan is particularly fond of the Stone Man Clan, and they are extremely angry when they see their friends being exterminated.

And their anger just fell into Lafleeze's trick.

When their entire army was dispatched to look for La Freeze, hundreds of thousands of orange lantern ghosts raided the main planet of the Angel Clan. They bloodbathed the ordinary people of the Angel Clan, leaving no one behind.

In short, Lafleeze was too cunning, even if the angels were extremely powerful, they would all be cannibalized by him in the end.

The orange lantern ghosts are not afraid of death, and one of the angels will die less.

But the angel tribe has a very terrifying talent - dead angel tribe members can give their spiritual power to the living tribe members.

The angel clan was destroyed, leaving only one 'invincible victor'.

With the power of his entire clan, he easily crushed the orange lantern ghost army, but fell into a trap again and was sealed into the black hole dimension. He only recently escaped unexpectedly. "

"The Angel Clan sounds a bit like the Little Blue Man. The development path of civilization is very similar to the secret agreement between La Freeze and the Little Blue Man. The Angel Clan was defeated inexplicably. I think there is a conspiracy." Diana hesitated.

"I also think the Guardian used dishonorable means." Cyborg and John nodded.

Kyle frowned and said: "The Invincible Victor never said that the destruction of angel civilization was related to the guardians."

Harry's eyes flashed with sarcasm, and with a calm expression on his face, he asked, "Have you reconciled with the Invincible Winner?"

Kyle shook his head and said in a complicated tone: "The Invincible Winner may have been a good person before, but now he is crazy.

He was so obsessed with everything he had lost in the past that he even used genes to clone the race destroyed by La Freeze.

The Celestial Instrument is larger than the solar system and contains eighteen planets.

Each planet is inhabited by a civilization that was destroyed by La Freeze tens of millions of years ago.

They were all cloned by him and have been reproduced for millions of years.

Now the invincible winner wants to use these planets to replace the planets of the same type in the main universe.

For example, millions of years ago, the Atlantis civilization existed on the earth, and La Freeze massacred all the Atlantis.

The invincible winner created a new earth in the black hole dimension.

And use the genes of the Atlanteans to resurrect the Atlantean civilization on the new earth.

Now that a new human civilization has been born on the earth, the Invincible Victors believe that we are wrong and should not exist. They want to blow up the current earth and release the new earth in the Tianyi to replace the old earth.

Not only did he think so, he also did it, and several planets had already been blown up by him.

We sympathize with him, but we cannot stand this crazy and cruel behavior. "

"Alas!" All the heroes of the Zhenglian League sighed in complicated tones.

"The main purpose of the invincible winner's return is to seek revenge on La Freeze, right?" Harley asked.

"Well, he drove the Celestial Instrument all the way to La Freeze's home planet Okaro. In the end, La Freeze chose to join forces with us and threw the invincible winner back into the black hole."


When the heroes heard this, they were stunned at first, and then each of them had complicated expressions, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable in their hearts.

Kyle saw their expressions and said helplessly: "The invincible winner exploded all the way to the stars, destroyed five planets, and slaughtered 20 billion people. What can I do?"

"Oh, that's too bad!" Diana frowned and sighed deeply.

"What else do you have to say? Saint Walker is urging me." Kyle said.

"What are you urging me to do?"

"Go to rescue Odeum Star. There are enemies attacking the Blue Lantern headquarters."

Kyle said and turned to the two Earth Lanterns, "John, Guy, come too. The blue light needs to be merged with other colors of light to launch a lethal attack."

"Rafleeze is still with you?" Harley suddenly asked.

"No, he doesn't want to leave his nest."

"Well, that's good." Harley yawned, a little tiredness appeared on her face, "John, Guy, you go support Kyle. I want to go home and rest for a while, so don't disturb me."

"Harry, it's morning now." Da Chao frowned.

Harley's expression froze and she said calmly: "I stayed up late last night and now I want to catch up on some sleep. What's the problem?"

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