I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1505 The Greatest Black Lantern Corpse in History

Hal was able to quickly find the Black Hand, who was directly related to Sinestro.

After learning that he had joined the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was very eager to eliminate the Yellow Lantern Corps.

Worry about the suffering of the people of Koruga was one reason, but his daughter Natu was what made him angry.

The news that Koruga became the temporary headquarters of the Yellow Lantern Corps was not a secret. Natu had known about it for a long time.

But Natu now also understands Sinestro's love for his hometown, and knows that although his father is a yellow lantern demon who does all evil, he will not let the Yellow Lantern Corps harm Koruga.

During the Green Lantern War, Natu was also controlled by the Green Lantern poison and became a civilized butcher under the control of Kalona.

She couldn't protect Koruga, but the Yellow Lantern Demon was fighting for Koruga.

Naturally, she no longer had the position to accuse her father of using Koruga as the headquarters of the Yellow Light.

But things changed when Sinestro joined the Green Lantern Corps.

Dr. Natu has always been paying attention to his home planet, and he immediately knew that his father's "abandonment of darkness to the light" was discovered by the Yellow Lantern Demon, who is now torturing the Koruga people.

She wants to go home and be the savior!

Sinestro didn't want his daughter to be outnumbered, humiliated, and die miserably, so he eagerly found Hal to take down Koruga's Yellow Lantern Corps before Natu.

In addition to protecting his daughter and Koruga, Sinestro is eager to deal with the Yellow Lantern Corps for a more practical reason - the reason why he entered the palace three times and became a Green Lantern for the third time was to destroy the Seven Lantern Corps for the Guardians. prophecy.

He has "business" to do and no time or energy to waste on "unimportant" trivial matters.

Sinestro is a thoughtful and well-planned man.

He didn't sit around with the Green Lantern Corps and wait for the prophecy to come true.

The day after he chose to wear the Lantern Ring and become the Green Lantern, he came to Earth with a purpose and entrusted Harley with the "last hope" to change Koruga's destructive fate.

Then he found Hal Jordan and planned to form a team with him to face the "Guardian Prophecy" together.

He gave Hal Jordan a light ring.

Using a temporary light ring copied from his own green light ring, he can control all the rights of the temporary light ring.

Hal, who had just reconciled with Carol at the time, rejected him without hesitation.

Sinestro didn't stay on Earth to wait for him to change his mind.

After leaving the solar system, he immediately inquired about Lisa's whereabouts.

Lisa was originally in charge of the "Book of Parallax" of the Yellow Lantern Corps, but later became the administrator of the "Book of Darkness" by accident.

During the Green Lantern War, Carona was arrested and tried, and Lisa was missing.

Not long after Kyle Rayner used the "Book of Darkness" to free several lamp owners, the "Book of Darkness" suddenly disappeared.

Sinestro believes that Lisa summoned the Book of Darkness.

He is looking for Lisa not only for the "Book of Darkness", but also intends to ask Lisa to help him decipher the details of the "Guardian Prophecy" in the book.

Finally, Lisa and the "Book of Darkness" were used to convince several other lamp owners to form an alliance with themselves.

After several days of searching, he had pinpointed Lisa's approximate location.

But before he could take action, news of Koruga's changes reached his ears.

Sinestro could only find Hal Jordan again and invite him to act with him.

Asking Hal Jordan for help had nothing to do with confidence, he was just worried that an interstellar war would destroy Koruga.

If you can't fight, you can only outwit.

He used himself to attract the hatred of the Yellow Lantern Demon, creating conditions for Hal Jordan to paralyze the Yellow Lantern's central energy battery.

When all the yellow lantern demons are wiped out, Sinestro will of course continue with his previous plan.

Hal was disgusted by his insidious behavior of trying to kill all the yellow lanterns who had lost their lantern rings, so he did not go with him to find Lisa.

But a few days after he returned to Earth, news of "Black Hand's resurrection" spread to the Justice League.

Hal immediately decided to solve this hidden danger personally.

After thinking for a moment, he thought of the "Book of Darkness".

Using the "Book of Darkness" to locate the Black Hand is as convenient as using the "Book of Oa" to locate the Green Lantern.

And he happened to know that Sinestro was looking for Lisa and the "Book of Darkness", so he immediately sent a message to his old friend.

At that time, Sinestro happened to get the "Book of Darkness" and captured the traitor Lisa.

He did not refuse Hal's request and was willing to work with Hal to deal with the Black Hand.

The two successfully activated the positioning function of the "Book of Darkness" and teleported directly to sector 3566, Planet Dikru, a public grave.

Black hands are digging the grave.

He is an Earth super villain and should have returned to Earth to cause trouble.

But although his brain is dead, his IQ is online, and he understands how much his return will stimulate the Justice League and Harley.

They will definitely regard him as their number one target.

They also have the power to crush him to ashes.

Therefore, Blackhand plans to keep up with the times, open his eyes to the universe, and expand the business of super villains to alien planets.

The sudden arrival of Sinestro and Hal Jordan startled him.

But he was not afraid of them, even though they were indeed powerful and broke his body into pieces several times.

But he is the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor.

Only the white light of seven lamps combined into one can cause serious damage to him.

If Sinestro is a yellow lantern demon and merges with Hal's green lantern, he can also destroy Black Hand's black lantern ring.

But both of them had the green light, and they couldn't even kill the corpses in the cemetery that were resurrected by Black Hand.

They shouldn't have suppressed Black Hand to fight, but they preferred death. The "Book of Darkness" was teleported to Black Hand with them, and the moment Black Hand got the book, he saw a prophecy in the book - ha Jordan is the greatest black lantern corpse in history!

"No, this is impossible, I am the greatest Black Lantern Corpse!"

Black Hand was in disbelief, extremely angry, and worried: If he killed Hal Jordan, would a Black Lantern ring fly over and turn him into a Black Lantern corpse like himself?

Will Hal, the Black Lantern Corpse, compete with him for the Black Death Emperor's favor?

Hal and Sinestro didn't understand what he was howling, so they took advantage of his illness to kill him. Together, they used the green light energy tool to create a steel cable and tied the black hand into a rice dumpling.

But just when they were about to start the teleportation and bring Black Hand to Earth, "Buzz!"

A space door made of green light opened in mid-air, and the guardians headed by Ganser walked out.

Their faces were expressionless, and they did not speak to the two lanterns. They directly stretched out their right hands, and the emerald green psychic energy was like a laser gun, shooting into Black Hand's chest.


Black Hand let out a miserable howl, and the green light energy chain tied to his body broke inch by inch.

"You are doing useless work. Pure green light energy cannot destroy him. We need other colors of light. I suggest locking him up first." Sinestro couldn't help but remind him.

Hal swallowed and said harshly: "No, they are not destroying him. I feel the breath of white light. The power of the guardian is not pure green light energy. They shit, run quickly, they are instilling energy into Black Hand's body." , they want to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

He screamed in disbelief, turned his head, pulled the surprised Sinestro and flew into the sky.

At this time, Black Hand had already undergone a change.

A white light symbol appears in his left eye, and a black light appears in his right eye.

His skin was like the little blue man's before, with disgusting tumors bulging out.

"Black Hand, use your light ring to open the realm of death and let the darkness swallow them." Ganse said coldly.

Black Hand raised the light ring with a dull expression, "BOOOM!"

Black and white energy burst out at the same time, and the sky seemed to have been cut open by a scythe of death.

Behind the gap is the kingdom of death, and a huge suction force comes from inside.

Hal and Sinestro were like kites on a string.

The kite string is held in the hands of the God of Death. The God of Death stands in the Kingdom of Death and slowly twists the rope to pull back the kite that escaped from the Kingdom of Death along the crack.

"Ahhhh~~~" Hal and Sinestro exerted all their strength, their bodies glowed green, and the veins on their faces were exposed, but they still took one step after another, and were uncontrollably sucked into the "death crack".

"Warning, Lantern's life is in danger. Sector 2813.1 Green Lantern Sinestro died."

There are now two Green Lanterns in each universe sector, and the Lantern's number also has an extra 1 or 2 after it.

"What's going on? I'm obviously not dead, so why has the light ring pronounced me dead?"

Sinestro clenched his fists and shouted in shock.

Although Lantern Ring struggled fiercely, it was still held firmly by his willpower.

"The same goes for my lamp ring. It has judged our death and wants to break free from my finger." Hal looked back at the dark and deep "Death Crack", and his heart trembled suddenly, thinking of "Death Harley" death theory.

"Damn, I understand, we have fallen into the realm of death! The black hand has directly opened the dimension of death. As long as our bodies enter it, it is equivalent to completing the process from life to death."

"Sinestro, we must release the lantern ring and leave." Faced with such a critical situation, Hal quickly calmed down, weighed the pros and cons, and said: "We are definitely doomed this time. The guardian is outside, and we can't escape the suction of the death dimension. Will be kicked back by them again.

But we can pass the news on, warn Harley and the others, and look forward to their rescue. "

"You mean the light ring summons?" Sinestro immediately understood what he meant.

"It's a good idea, but the guardians are outside, and our light rings are their toys.

I thought I controlled the light ring and blocked it from sending signals to the outside world, but I didn't expect that the guardian still came to find me.

Obviously, I failed. My modifications to the lamp ring still failed to exceed the guardian's authority.

They may have been watching my every move.

Now once we release the light ring, they immediately take it away and no message can be conveyed. "

"Don't worry, I can destroy the connection between the light ring and the Book of Oa." Hal said.

"You, seriously?" Sinestro asked in surprise.

"I have been the leader of the Green Lantern Corps for more than ten times longer than you have."

Without asking any more questions, Sinestro entered a message into his lamp ring and released it.

Hal also did the same thing, except that instead of simply shooting the light ring out, he used strong willpower to control it, and at the same time controlled Sinestro's light ring.

"Buzz buzz~~~"

The two light rings perform high-frequency twin star motions and rotate into a green light group.

The ball of light had no fancy flight trajectory. It moved in a straight line and rushed directly out of the realm of death. It rushed into the air at extremely high speed. When Gunther stretched out his right hand to grab it, "BOOOOM!"

The green light group exploded violently, and the terrifying green light opened up a green mushroom cloud with a radius of several kilometers.

Ganser, who was so close, couldn't help but close his eyes and retreated several hundred meters continuously.

"Where did the light ring go?" The bald female little blue man looked up at the sky, "I didn't see it fly away."

"It was destroyed. The two light rings exploded with the remaining green light energy at the same time and exploded into pieces." Ganse said calmly.

"It was indeed destroyed. I just checked it using the "Book of Oa" and it has completely disappeared." The little blue man with long braids said.

The bald little blue man looked at the two Green Lanterns disappearing in mid-air, frowning, "What do they want to do, and why do they blow up their lantern rings?"

Without the lamp ring, Hal and Sinestro were unable to resist and were instantly pulled into the dimension of death.

At this moment, even the cracks in the death dimension have been closed, and the guardians can't see anything.

"What did you do to me?"

Black Hand lowered his head and looked at his body. The "tumors" on his skin had disappeared, and the white light symbols under his eyes had also disappeared. He once again regained control of his body and consciousness.

But the feeling of being like a puppet before, as well as the residual burning pain in his body at this time, told him that everything that happened before was not an illusion.

"We are just using the power of the mind to help you realize your greatest potential. Maybe we have just been exposed to white light, and the power of white light entering our bodies has caused some side effects." The black-bearded little blue man said.

"I couldn't control my body at all just now, and even my consciousness was almost frozen. You are not helping me, you are using my hands to kill people." Black Hand said angrily.

"Don't you want them to die? If we hadn't taken action, you would have become their captive and taken to Witch Harley. You understand her methods and you definitely don't want to face that ending." Gunther said.

"Idiot, you don't understand anything!" Black Hand said excitedly: "Hal Jordan cannot die, he must live, otherwise he will replace me and become the greatest Black Lantern Corpse in history."

Gunther frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"This is the prophecy I saw in the Book of Darkness." Black Hand said, holding up the book in his hand.

"It's really the "Book of Darkness"!" Ganser casually took the "Book of Darkness" and subconsciously searched for information about the "Third Legion".

He planned to check the guardian's plan to see if anyone had discovered it.

But as soon as his consciousness sank into it, he immediately saw the exciting scene of himself being pushed down on the bed by Atrocitus.

"Damn it, what is this?" He almost broke his guard and felt emotions such as excitement, anger, and shame.

"Let's see - oops, no, that's not true, The Book of Darkness is crazy."

"Let me see - damn, how is this possible!"

Soon, a group of little blue people were poisoned and their eyes and minds were blinded, and each of them abandoned the "Book of Darkness", the most precious treasure in the universe.

The books were thrown on the ground and everyone avoided them.

"Obviously, the Book of Darkness is crazy." After a while, Ganser, who had recovered his breath, said to Black Hand: "There are no predictions in it, it is all absurd, such as 'Hal Jordan will become the greatest Black Lantern Corpse'.

This is absolutely impossible and you don’t have to worry about it at all.

Now, we give you a chance to pledge your allegiance to us and become our Lantern. "

"You are the ones who are really crazy. You were obviously the Guardians, but you killed the two most powerful Green Lanterns. You knew that I was the spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor, but you actually wanted me to surrender to you." Black Hand's face was filled with bewilderment.

"We're not negotiating with you."

The guardian stretched out his right hand at the same time, and the powerful psychic power distorted the void around the black hand.

"Buzz~~" His eyes blurred, and he had arrived at a cell with a closed door.

"Where is this place and why do you have so many guardians?"

He looked around and saw hundreds of little blue men.

"Hello, we are from Maltus." A female blue man with long blond hair walked out of the crowd, looked at Black Hand curiously, and said: "This is the prison of the Shadow Cabinet, and you were imprisoned by the guardian.

Remember, you should have met them just now, right? "

"I don't understand. I was on the planet Dicru just now. There was no prison there," Black Hand said blankly.

"Well, just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist." The blond little blue man sighed and said slowly: "You can use the prison as a pocket dimension.

At this time, the guardians have mastered the master control room of the shadow dimension, and the prison has become a portable space that can be taken to any corner of the universe by them. "

"Boom, boom, boom!" Black Hand was listening in a daze when a fierce sound suddenly came from the dim green wall.

"Let me out. Guardians, I will kill you all. Let me out~~~"

“Who is he and why am I scared?”

Black Hand stared at the green wall with several cracks, trembling all over.

"He is the No. 1 Lantern. He is currently locked in another cell. If he can't make it, you don't have to be afraid," the blonde and blue woman comforted him softly.

"Lantern No. 1." Black Hand murmured a few words, and Fu Ling was concerned and asked eagerly: "Does he have the power of the white lantern? Only when facing the white lantern do I feel similar fear."

"Hey, you." The little blue-haired woman looked at him for a moment and suddenly said: "So you are the spokesperson of Black Light, no wonder."

Decrux, Cemetery.

"Blackhand has been locked up in a cell with members of the Shadow Cabinet. They will keep an eye on him." Gunther said.

"Well, we may need the power of the Black Hand in the future."

The bald little blue man looked around. The aftermath of the explosion of the light ring had not dissipated, and the sky was still flashing with a faint green light. However, the huge explosion had alarmed the residents of the planet. At this time, an aircraft was rapidly approaching.

"Let's go!"

The guardian flew into outer space silently, still closely followed by the huge energy lamp furnace.

"Let me out, Guardians, I will kill you!" Lantern No. 1 roared angrily in the cage.

Two hours later, the Ducroux police left the scene of the explosion with only a strange "black book".

The dim green light in the sky above the cemetery shrank suddenly, and all the green light converged into one place, solidifying into a faint green light ring.

"Sector 2813 Green Lantern Sennis - stab - Hal Jordan, death, go to nearby sectors to scan for life with the will to overcome fear - stab - program error - go to sector 2814, looking for people on earth Harley Quinn—stab—program error—scan sector 2814 for the Earth Lantern—"

Two more hours later, Earth, Michigan, midnight.

"Boom!" The city subway passed quickly overhead. Simon Baz absently parked the stolen car beside the bridge pier and looked around. There was no one nearby.

He felt relieved and turned into an alley with a familiar road.

In the warehouse at the end of the alley, there was the buyer he was looking for.

"Whoosh -" A little green light flashed across the night sky and landed on top of his head.

"Intelligent life has been locked, Simon Baz from Earth, you have a strong will to overcome fear, welcome to join the Green Lantern Corps."

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