I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1507 Killing people thousands of miles away, with clear ideas

Forging the central lamp furnace requires extracting the corresponding emotional energy from the planet.

Planets that can provide emotional psychic energy are often the best locations for legion headquarters.

Because having to support a legion of thousands or even tens of thousands of people consumes a lot of emotional energy every day.

Especially when encountering large-scale cosmic wars, a cannon is worth ten thousand taels of gold, and the energy consumed per unit time cannot be sustained even by the central energy battery in normal state.

To put it bluntly, the central battery is a large portable lamp stove, and the portable lamp is a power bank for the lantern ring. The lantern ring is full of energy, which is only enough for the Lantern to use it for one day.

If the Lantern needs to use a portable lamp to replenish energy at all times on the battlefield, how long can the power bank last?

During the war between the Yellow and Green Legions, the Yellow Lantern Corps directly brought out the central energy battery in order to replenish the energy needed for the Legion's battle.

In order to solve this problem, the Little Blue Man developed a technology that greatly improves the power of the central energy battery: connecting the central energy battery with the emotional psychic planet in series.

To put it simply, the central energy battery is "welded" to the core of the planet.

The central lamp can connect to the emotional energy pool because the material it is made of is very special and naturally connects to the energy pool behind the origin wall.

The main component of the special material - emotional psychic energy, comes from the origin of the "emotional planet", so the planet itself can also connect to the emotional energy pool behind the origin wall.

Welding the central energy battery to the "Emotional Planet" can increase the power of extracting emotional energy from the Origin Wall tenfold or a hundredfold to meet the needs of thousands of Lanterns.

Except for the "waifs" Yellow Lantern Corps who returned from the antimatter universe, the headquarters of the seven color and light legions occupy an entire planet.

On their headquarters planet, except for the Color and Light Legion, there are no other people and no planetary civilization exists.

For example, Oa, except for the little blue people and the Green Lantern Corps, there are no "Oa people" or Oa civilization.

Even if there had been civilization on Nox, where the Qingdeng Tribe was located, it was now desolate, wild and primitive.

There are many Zamaron women on the Zamaron planet of Purple Lantern, but they are not aborigines, and they are all the guardians of Purple Lantern.

Blue Lantern was just established, and it also had its own Odeum star.

Orange lights and red lights also have their own planets.

This is no coincidence.

The headquarters planets chosen by the Color-Light Legion are all "color-light planets" that can provide emotional spiritual energy.

The color-light planet is rich in a single source of emotional laws and is not suitable for the survival and development of civilization.

How can people with a single emotion survive in society?

Affected by the single emotion law of the planet, ordinary people's society can easily become emotionally extreme and eventually lead to destruction.

This is also the reason why many civilizations were born on Nox, but they all ended up self-destructing in a short period of time.

The appearance and scenery of each "color-light planet" that becomes the headquarters of the color-light army perfectly match the characteristics of emotional energy.

When Harley first arrived at Nok, she felt that this cyan planet and the Cyan Lantern Tribe were a perfect match.

She also visited the Ismot planet at the Red Lantern headquarters. She did not enter the interior of the planet. She only saw it from outer space. It was a blood-red planet.

If she falls to the ground, she can see a rare fantasy scene in the universe, the ocean of blood.

The Red Lantern Demon uses a lamp ring to replace the heart, evacuates the blood from the body and excretes it, and replaces the blood with the liquid red light energy. This characteristic of "blood energy" is very consistent with the blood sea of ​​Ismot.

"Hope" is beautiful and desirable.

Odeum Star, the headquarters of the Blue Lantern of Hope, also has the most beautiful scenery and pleasant climate in the universe, just like Hope.

The "Carona Trial" was held on the Algae Core Planet in Sector 0, because that planet is a famous resort and health resort in the universe.

But if you compare it with Odim of Blue Lantern, it’s like Mobei in winter meets Jiangnan in spring.

It can be said that the characteristics of the color lamp headquarters planet correspond to the characteristics of emotional energy.

What does the planet scene look like where greed is evident?

Harley was willing to use only one word to describe it.

Pig pen!

The Qingdeng headquarters planet does not have large areas of high-tech buildings and is very wild.

Okaro, the headquarters of Orange Light, also does not have modern towns and buildings, but it just looks very dirty.

The pigs grunted and drank in the trough, splashing swill everywhere.

It only takes a bundle of rice straw to build a pig nest, and the fat pig burrows into it and sleeps soundly.

The pigs pooped and peed everywhere in the pig pen, and the ground was smelly, wet, and dirty.

The sleeping piles of rice and straw are also soaked in manure and turned into fertilizer. They are pulled out with a rake and can be sent directly to the fields to be used as farm fertilizer.

Harley's senses on the planet Okaro are exactly the same as when she saw the pig pen.

As the Lord of Greed, Lafleeze's lair is not filled with cosmic treasures.

At least not on the surface.

He lives in a cave.

The mountains stretch for tens of thousands of kilometers, almost circling the planet twice.

The highest peak is 20,000 meters, and the lowest one is 10,000 meters above sea level. The mountains are rolling and majestic, like a giant python coiled on the surface of the planet.

But in such a majestic mountain range, plants are rarely seen.

For example, the mountain peak where La Freeze Cave is located is bare, with only sparse curved tree trunks, like skinny black palms sticking out of the soil in a cemetery visited by black light rings.

There is a pool at the entrance of the cave. Perhaps it was once clear and sweet, but now it has become a garbage dump, filled with putrid animal bones.

Many teeth marks can also be seen on the bones.

The broken bone rod clearly shows the traces of the marrow being sucked hard.

"Little dwarf, where are you? Why haven't my barbecue steaks come yet?" Lafleeze's irritable yelling came from inside the cave.

The voice was muffled, as if he was chewing something.

"I have roasted five Ordos lambs and two Dornish black pigs for you, haven't you had enough?"

Harley entered the cave and saw Gunther's wife Syd in the cave outside that looked like a kitchen.

With her little body of less than one meter, she held up a tray as big as a double bed board, on which was placed a six-legged roasted whole "cow".

The roasted beef had just come off the fire, and the sebum was still simmering with oil. It was sprinkled with extraterrestrial spices, and the fragrance even suppressed the stench wafting from the garbage dump outside the cave.

"I am the Lord of Greed, and I am never satisfied!" cried La Freeze.

"How can you still think about eating and drinking at this time?"

Said came out of the room grumbling, holding a tray above his head filled with broken bones.

"Wow!" She poured the bones directly into the stinky pool outside the cave.

"When is this time?" Lafleeze asked disapprovingly.

"Don't you believe Kyle Rayner's prophecy that 'the guardian is a great demon'? The central lamp of the green lamp was destroyed, the central lamp of the yellow lamp was shut down by Sinestro, and the central lamp of the red lamp was poisoned. , also exploded.

There is also the invincible winner who plans to destroy you. Do you think these are all coincidences?

They invited you to form a new Seven Lanterns Alliance to jointly deal with this crisis. Why don't you agree? Said said doubtfully.

Lafleeze tore off a piece of steaming muscle with his mouth, chewed it greedily, and said vaguely: "Short, I'm not a fool. Ever since I saw the Invincible Victor's Tianyi, I knew that I was being beaten by the short They plotted.

I was the one who led the Invincible Victor into the trap, so of course I knew who was the only one who could free him.

But I don't care, that's all the dwarfs can do. "

"If all this is really the work of the guardians, they will do more than that." Said said seriously.

"Hey hey hey, they can't attack me directly. When the invincible victor can't do anything to me, they will be at the end of their rope."

Lafleeze wiped his mouth proudly, touched a squirt of oil, and then wiped his hand a few times on the fur seat cushion beneath him.

The fur blanket was already black and shiny, and the fur was almost in one piece.

"Why don't they attack you directly?" Said asked in surprise.

Lafleeze looked at her strangely with eyes as bright as lamps, and asked, "You have also been a Green Lantern Guardian. Didn't they tell you that?"

"I was a Zamaron for three billion years and was the guardian of the Purple Lantern." Said said.

"Hmph, it seems your Ganser still doesn't trust you enough."

There was a sharp and angry look in Said's eyes for a moment, but he held it back, "Did you have some secret agreement with the Guardian?"

"Haha, little dwarf, you are finally smart for once." Lafleeze said proudly: "As early as 30 million years ago, before the destruction of the angel civilization, in order not to be tricked and killed by the cunning and vicious little dwarf, I decided to A magical contract with legal effects was signed with them - I am the master here, and they can never set foot in this galaxy without my invitation.

So, you understand?

The more times like this, the more I must stay on the Diaoyutai and never form any Seven Lanterns alliance with Kyle Rayner.

Once I leave the Vega Galaxy, they can attack me. "

"Why did they sign this kind of agreement with you?" Said said solemnly.

Lafleeze's eyes were playful and he asked, "What do you think?"

Seid was silent.

"Bang bang bang!!!" Lafleeze slapped the stone table hard and yelled: "You little lazy boy, what are you doing standing here stupidly? Go roast a fat lamb for me!"

"You've eaten hundreds of kilograms of barbecue, and your stomach is still not full?" Said frowned.

Lafleeze put his palms on the table, stood on the chair with two chicken claw-like feet, lifted up the tattered strip of cloth between his crotch with his right hand, and raised his butt behind.

“Pfft, pfft~~~”

The stench was like an exploding incendiary bomb, quickly filling the cave and even blurring the vision.

"Eh~~" Lafleeze groaned happily, and just used his right finger to pick at the eye of his buttocks. He jumped slightly, sat back on the chair, tore into a piece of grilled beef ribs, and continued to eat. Chew and eat.

"My stomach is empty now," he slurred.

Said had no expression on his face, and used his telekinesis to grab the hot, yellow-smoking thing on the ground, and silently walked towards the entrance of the cave.

"If you keep eating meat and not drinking water, won't your mouth get dry?"

"That's right, get me a bottle of wine - who?!"

Lafleeze nodded subconsciously. After reacting, he jumped two meters high like a toad that landed on a hot iron plate, with the hair on his body standing on end.

The terrifying sense of crisis was more sudden and rapid than the rush after eating persimmons.

"Bang!" A big stick of white bones appeared out of thin air, bringing with it a cold black wind, sweeping against his calf.

"Boo~~" The orange light energy shield covering Lafleeze's body shattered like an egg shell.

"Crack——" The leg bone was broken.

"Kacha kacha~~"

Lafleeze didn't have time to scream miserably, and his body was instantly covered with ice crystals, with shock and horror frozen on his face.

His body was like a phantom, turning from real to virtual, disappearing visibly to the naked eye.

Seid, who sensed the abnormality and rushed in from outside the cave immediately, felt his head twitching. The memory of Lafleeze was like an ice cream cone, with a large piece of it being scooped away by a spoon.

She staggered, and a trace of confusion flashed across her face.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily."

Harley appeared next to Lafleeze. The "Bone Stick" that had absorbed the Tears of Destruction and the Wind of Nothingness disappeared in her hand. She clenched a fist with her left hand and struck out quickly.

"BOOOM!" The donkey's head, wrapped in gray ice, broke into seven or eight pieces.

Then the left fist he punched popped out of his index finger, a little weak.

A "Qui's Reincarnation Seal" remained on Lafleeze's soul.

The soul that was about to be pulled into the Tomb of the Gods was forced to stay.

"Hahaha, it's so refreshing!"

Holding Lafleeze's soul in her left hand and his broken body in her right hand, Harley felt that her thoughts were extremely clear, and the frustration of listening to Kyle Rayner's ancient talk two hours ago was completely gone.

Not only because of the story two hours ago, Harley had been unhappy with him for a long time and wanted to kill him.

Today, the "honest man"'s anger tank is full and it explodes.


It was only then that Said, the guardian of the orange lantern, rushed over and shot the psychic spear at Harley.

Although Harley has turned on the defensive force field, she is not completely immune to the impact of the spear transformed by the power of her mind.

There was a dull pain in her head, and her body was like a sparrow shot by a bow and arrow, flying seven or eight meters upside down, knocking a two-meter-deep dent into the stone wall.

"If you dare to take action again, I will kill you." Harley said coldly.

Said's second attack came to an abrupt end.

"Witch Harley, why did you kill him? Seven Lanterns had a peace covenant, and you swore an oath at that time." She said angrily.

"That's Witch Harley's oath. I'm not Witch Harley."

Harley crushed the ice crystals on Lafleeze's palm, took off the orange light ring, and put it on her hand.

The next moment, the center of her eyebrows beat suddenly, and the greedy illusion deep in her soul almost broke free and manifested directly into the human world.

"What's mine, it's all mine, hahahaha!"

An illusory face with a distorted laugh appeared on Harley's face. The crazy and greedy laughter was like a blade scraping glass, which made Said feel uncomfortable.

"You -" She was confused and pointed at her face. She was about to ask something, but in the blink of an eye, the illusive face on Harley's face had disappeared. What she just saw and heard was as unreal as hallucinations. .

"It seems that I also have the talent to be the Lord of Greed." Harley said with a smile.

"You are Witch Harley. Don't think that I can't recognize you just because you changed your clothes." Said said loudly.

"Hmph, you still called me 'Witch Harley' when you saw my clothes. You are really blind."

Harley now put on a bright silver heavenly armor.

Wearing a flying wing helmet on his head, a silver mask covers his face, and behind him is a pair of white archangel wings.

It looks so sacred and majestic that people who don't know it mistakenly think it's the arrival of an angel.

But she didn't cover up her aura at all. Well, when she entered the door before, she wrapped her body with the wind of nothingness, melting her physical body and aura of power. Even other people's memories of her changed without them noticing. Gotta be blurry.

So Seid and Lafleeze didn't notice.

After assassinating Lafleeze with a bone club, she no longer concealed her whereabouts and aura.

"Now, I am the God of War in Heaven!" Archangel Harley said majestically.

"What difference does it make? You have betrayed your oath," cried Seid.

"The difference is huge. If I were just Witch Harley and Lafleeze hadn't offended me, I would have no reason to attack him.

But since I am still a glorious archangel and the god of war in heaven, I must not let go of Lafleeze, the exterminator of the angel clan. "Harry said seriously.

Said was stunned when he heard this, "What do you mean, do the angel clan and the angels in heaven--"

Harry said loudly: "I am the God of War in Heaven. Today, under the orders of the supreme commander of the Silver City garrison, I come to collect the blood debt of the Angel family from La Freeze!

If you are not convinced, we will see the real story under our hands. "

She was so confident that Seid didn't even react: the supreme commander of the Silver City garrison was Harley himself.

She thought that the angel race was really the work of heaven, and that Harry was really performing official duties in heaven this time.

“During the Blackest Night, the agreement between Lafleeze and I was that he would join the Seven Lanterns Alliance, and in return, I would serve the Orange Lantern Corps forever and be the guardian of the Orange Lanterns.

Since the Lord of the Orange Lantern has been replaced," Said hesitated, "Are you going to be the Lord of the Orange Lantern? "

"Whose hand is the ring on now?" Harley shook her right hand with the light ring on it.

"But you are the guardian of the green lantern." Said said.

"Don't worry about who I am, just focus on the Orange Lantern Ring. The Orange Lantern is an army. Whoever wears the Lantern Ring is the 'Orange Lantern Corps', and you serve whomever." Harley said.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Said said with a worried look on his face, "I actually don't mind you killing Lafleeze, but you chose the worst time.

Now that the Color and Light Corps are being killed one after another, everyone should have joined forces and formed an alliance to fight against the enemy.

When you kill Lafleeze, first of all, the seven-color lights are no longer complete, and the seven lights cannot be combined into one. "

"This place stinks so much, let's go out and talk."

Harley carried Lafleeze's body, which turned into a ray of orange light, flashed a few times, and disappeared into the cave.

Said sighed, floated in the air, and followed her to the top of the mountain.

"When the other lanterns learn about your behavior, they will be frightened and lose the basis of mutual trust. But at this time, the seven lanterns need to work together."

Harley sat cross-legged on a big rock. While grabbing Lafleeze's light-orange soul, roughly reading his memory, she used her mind to communicate with the orange light ring to find the central energy battery of the orange light. At the same time, she spoke Said: "If you can't trust it, don't trust it. At worst, Qi Deng will be destroyed, which will satisfy the wish of you little blue people. Anyway, I have no loss."

"You are the guardian of the green lantern." Said emphasized.

Harley smiled lightly, "So Qing Deng listens to me, and they won't have any objection to anything I do.

Syd, face the reality.

I have the strength to surpass the Seven Lantern Corps, and I am the top boss in the multiverse. Why do I have to accommodate you guys who have a professional life span of less than four years?

No matter how dissatisfied the ants are with the giant dragon, will it affect the acquisition of the giant dragon? "

"You are not a dragon, and the colored light army is not an ant. Colored light is the most basic, most important and powerful force in the multiverse. You will soon pay a heavy price for your pride." Said said seriously.

"Oh, tell me, what are the grand plans of those dwarf people who have cut off their emotions?" Harley raised her head and looked at her curiously.

Said pursed his lips and looked hesitant.

"It seems you really know something, and I don't know if Lafleeze knows it."

Harley smiled strangely, and the soul of Lafleeze in her hand twitched more intensely.

Seid couldn't hear the screams, but he could telepathically sense Lafleeze's extreme pain, and couldn't help but ask: "What are you doing?"

"What else can be done? Of course, read his memory. Branded with my reincarnation mark, his soul will completely belong to me."

Seeing the miserable appearance of his former master, Said didn't feel relieved that he had received retribution. Instead, he felt a sense of sadness as if a rabbit had died and a fox had died.

"He doesn't know the Guardians' plans."

"But he knows that you know." Harley stared at her sharply, "Seven Lights Ring goes to Kyle Rayner, are you up to something?

In Lafleeze's memory, I saw him being affected by a force and almost losing his lamp ring.

In order to find out who was behind it, he used an orange light ghost disguised as a light ring and let it fly out.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, he had already become suspicious of you.

He is the lantern master, has lived for tens of millions of years, and has control over orange lanterns far beyond that of other ordinary lanterns.

He feels that the power that affects him comes from you. "

Seid lowered his eyes, pursed his lips, and said, "Yes, I did it. I was guiding the Seven Lights Ring to converge on Kyle Rayner. I must do this."

"Why?" Harley asked curiously.

"This is Kyle Rayna's destiny—"

"Lafleeze, I'm going to kill you!!" A roar of grief and anger like thunder interrupted Said's next words.

“Swish swish~~~”

It's like a meteor shower descending on the Okaro star. Most of the meteors are blue, hundreds or thousands.

"Saint Walker and the Blue Lantern Corps? Why are they here?" Harley was shocked.

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