I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1496 The Third Legion

Oa, Guardian Cliff.

"Did you feel the space fluctuation just now?" The black-bearded little blue man suddenly asked.

All the little blue people nodded slightly, "Someone passed through the gate and entered the antimatter universe."

"It should be Witch Harley. She knows about the Green Lantern Tribe." Ganse said.

At this time, he was very different from the past. Well, it was just different from Gunther, who had remarried Said in recent years.

His face is expressionless and cold as ice, almost indistinguishable from the little blue man who cut off his emotions on the spot.

"Don't worry, I did it flawlessly." The bald little blue woman said.

"Witch Harley is not an ordinary person." Gunther said.

The bald little blue woman nodded and said: "I know, but the situation of the Qingdeng tribe is very special, and they deserve to be destroyed."

"I have just returned to the ranks of guardians, and I am not clear about your plan. Please tell me the story in detail." Gunther said.

“Before, we all thought that the Green Lantern Tribe was founded by Abinsu, the ‘biggest Green Lantern traitor in history’. We also wondered how he extracted the ‘emotional psionic energy’ to forge the lamp furnace.

When I went to Planet Nox, I discovered that there was an orphan from the Martus era hidden there—Natama, who was exiled outside the universe. "

"Natama." Ganser thought for a while and suddenly said: "It turns out to be him. We have forgotten him for three billion years. No wonder."

The bald little blue woman continued: “He is different from us, we are free from the shackles of emotions, and time cannot cause any wear and tear on our minds, souls and lives.

However, he has lived on the planet Nok for 3 billion years, witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations, and experienced countless emotional entanglements.

His mind has been corroded by the poison of emotion, and I easily affected his thinking.

However, I didn't actually do much. He was originally weak-willed and had a fragile and sensitive mind.

He didn't even dare to have contact with the outside world because he couldn't bear the intense emotional fluctuations. "

"Pathetic wretch." Gunther said indifferently.

"This is another example of how poisonous emotions are. Gunther, you should be glad that we forcibly cut off the regenerated emotions for you.

Even if you cried bitterly and shouted, "No, I don't want to forget my feelings for Said", now when you regain your absolute rationality, you will only be grateful to us. "The white-haired little blue man said.

Ganser had no expression on his face, shook his head and said: "I won't be happy, nor grateful. Lucky and grateful are both emotions."

"That's right." The white-haired little blue man nodded indifferently.

The bald little blue woman continued: "I didn't do much. When I discovered that his emotional valve was the 'Agreement with Abinsu', I only cleverly connected his thinking to 'Abinsu' in the Book of Mercy." Binsu chapter'.

Let him discover the fact that Abinsu is dead, and then collapse in despair.

Even if I do nothing else, he will still self-destruct the central energy battery.

It's just that his mentality is very abnormal.

It may blow up the battery rudely, but if you don't have the careful thinking, you can avoid future troubles.

I gave him a little more help, reminding him of the self-destruct sequence.

Now the lamp furnace, the lamp ring and even the "Book of Mercy" are completely destroyed, and it is difficult for us to repair them ourselves.

In the end, I also guided Natoma, who was desperate but still wanted to survive in the world, to completely ignite the power of his soul.

This process was easy, and his defenses were riddled with holes and flaws everywhere.

In this way, even if the witch Harley could speak eloquently and successfully seduce Natoma, he would not have the life to help her rebuild the central battery. "

"So, now Witch Harley has gone to the antimatter universe." Gunther said.

The bald little blue man said: "Don't worry, we have already considered this.

Starting a few months ago, we have been secretly clearing out the Kovad people.

After all, they built the yellow light center battery.

As early as the war between the Yellow and Green Legions, the Korvad people had become a thorn in the side of the Guardians. "

"How is it possible to eliminate the Korvad people? As long as the Guardian clan still exists, the destiny of the Korvad people will not end.

As long as there is someone standing in front of the mirror, the person in the mirror will never disappear. " Ganser said.

"What I mean is to clear out the elite weapon-wielders among the Covad people." The bald little blue man explained: "The planet Covad is the reflection of Oa in the antimatter universe, and the social structure of Covad is also very similar to ours. resemblance.

Scientists form weapon bearers and lead the development of civilization; those without scientific research talent join the Thunder Army and become warriors who protect civilization.

There is no literature and art that retards the development of civilization and is most likely to lead a race to self-destruction.

As long as the top dozens of scientists among the weapon holders are eliminated, the remaining weapon holders will not be able to build a lamp furnace.

They have technology, but they don't have the ability to trigger the laws of emotion. "

"The traces of this are too heavy, and Harley Quinn will find out the clues." Gunther said.

"First of all, it's not just us who are doing it. Since the end of the Yellow-Green War, the fellow guardians who were sacrificed by the Black Death Emperor earlier have begun secret operations.

This process lasted a long time.

At that time, we had not returned to the material universe, and the central battery of the Green Lantern was still functioning normally.

Why is Witch Harley so suspicious?

Finally, I want to emphasize that we are playing tricks, but we cannot rely entirely on tricks.

The core of the 'Emotional Annihilation Plan' is not even the destruction of the Seven Lanterns.

The third legion is the key! "

"Yes, the Third Legion is the core of the plan. When the Third Legion is established, all Lanterns will become clowns. Witch Harley is just a big fish in the fishing net, unable to make any waves." The little blue man with black beard said.

"Even if Witch Harley comes in advance, even if we can't defeat Witch Harley, can't we still run away?

She can't even find our identity.

By the time the third legion was formed, the overall situation had been decided, and there was nothing she could do to change it. " said the bald little blue woman.

At the same time, the antimatter universe, the planet Kovad.

"Your chief scientist died? When did it happen? How could it be such a coincidence?" Harley asked in surprise.

During Crisis on Infinite Earths and the War between the Yellow and Green Legions, she saved the Korvads several times.

We have known each other for nearly ten years and are definitely old friends of the people of Kowad.

Her arrival was naturally warmly welcomed by the people of Kwad.

Harley didn't exchange much greetings with them and immediately made her request after meeting.

She understood the social makeup of the Kwad people and directly found the weapon-bearers, who were mainly top scientists and engineers, rather than the Thunder Army, which was good at force.

Then she got two very bad news.

The first piece of news was that the "chief weapon bearer" who received her was a stranger, and the scientific giant she was familiar with was gone.

The second bad news is that it is not only her acquaintances and friends who are being burped, but also a group of weapon bearers who can build a lamp furnace for her.

This is adding insult to injury.

"We suspect that there is an enemy targeting us, and it is probably the Yellow Lantern Demon." The new chief weapon wielder said through gritted teeth.

After saying that, he looked at Harley eagerly, "Haley, you have to help us seek justice!

Wisdom and technology are the roots of us weapon wielders. To assassinate the top weapon wielders is to dig out our roots. "

——Hey, I’m here to ask for your help today!

Harley wanted to remind him loudly.

"Well, when I get back, I will start investigating the Yellow Lantern Corps. But are you sure it is the Yellow Lantern Demon? The Green Lantern Lantern Furnace was just destroyed, and your chief weapon bearer... By the way, when did they die?"

"It's been more than a year since we drove the yellow lantern demon away from Coward. Apart from them, we have no other enemies." The commander of the weapon bearers said.

"More than a year."

Harley, who originally believed it was the Little Blue Man, began to waver.

"You may have guessed wrong. There is a high chance that the little blue man is the monster."

Regardless of whether he is the Little Blue Man or not, it is absolutely right to put the blame on the Little Blue Man. Even if you are wrong, you don’t have to feel guilty.

"We are friends with the Green Lantern Corps." The weapon-bearer commander said doubtfully.

"Oh, forget it, I will investigate this matter to the end and give you justice. Now I have an urgent matter. I am in urgent need of a master who builds the central battery. You really can't find one?" Harley asked.

The commander of the weapon bearers lamented: “Our entire civilization must have more than just a few dozen masters.

But the problem is that during the Sinestro Legion War, the entire group of weapon bearers became slaves, and many masters died at the hands of the brutal Yellow Lantern Demon."

Suddenly, he stopped talking, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Harry, I remembered.

We also have a top engineer whose technology precedes Crisis on Infinite Earths and is also qualified to compete for the position of 'Chief Weaponer'. "

"Oh, who is he and where is he now?" Harley asked quickly.

"He calls himself the 'Weapons Master', and we have always called him that. A few days ago, didn't your main universe experience crises like the Blackest Night and the Whitest Day?

During the White Light, did you know that Sinestro's daughter was kidnapped by the Kwads? "

Harry thought for a while and actually remembered such a bad thing.

Just a few months ago, after the Seven-Lamp Beast was snatched away by Kalona, ​​Kyle Rayner returned to Earth to explain to her the reason why he had not been seen for several days: his new girlfriend, Dr. Natu, was kidnapped by science. Kidnapped by the Walders.

"Hey, Harley, don't get me wrong. The person who kidnapped Sinestro's daughter was not us, but the weapons master. He lived alone and lived alone. He didn't even consult us when he kidnapped her." The commander of the weapon bearers explained.

"Why did he kidnap Natu? She is a Green Lantern, not the same as her father." Harley asked.

"Oh, isn't it because the chief weapon wielder was assassinated consecutively? Although the weapons master is lonely, he loves the planet Kovad very much. One of the victims was his former mentor.

He couldn't bear it anymore and decided to seek revenge on the Yellow Lantern Demon.

He kidnapped Green Lantern Natu not to harm her, but to use her to lure Sinestro to reveal himself.

The weapons master invented a new weapon to kill Sinestro in a head-on duel.

As long as Sinestro dies in a fair duel, first of all, the weapon master can successfully take revenge, and secondly, it can scare the remaining yellow lantern demons so that they dare not harm Coward again. "

"Then Sinestro didn't show up and he was defeated by Kyle Rayner and Gunther?" Harley said.

The leader of the weapon wielders shook his head, "The weapons master is very powerful. After the white light appeared in the darkest night, he began to develop white light weapons.

He built a high-tech shield powered by the white light of life.

Can absorb all emotional energy.

Green Lantern's energy was drained and he drove them around. We also took them in and worked with them to deal with the Weapon Master. "

"What kind of messy plot is this? Isn't the Weapon Master one of your people? And he is standing up for the Kwad people." Harley frowned.

"What happened at that time was indeed a bit chaotic." The weapon holder was a little embarrassed, "The weapons master is a loner and doesn't deal with us very well. Of course, we are not enemies with him.

It’s just that his plan was not discussed with us. Kyle Rayner is from Earth and is our friend.

We can't see him being murdered by the weapons master.

Otherwise, how will we face you in the future? "

Harry suddenly realized that the logic made sense now.

"How can a weapons master create a white light weapon? How is this possible?" The young girl on the side asked doubtfully.

"I don't have to lie, he-"

Harley waved her hand, interrupted his explanation, and said directly: "I believe you, tell me what happened after that, and where the weapon master is now."

"Later, Sinestro arrived, and your Seven Lantern Beast was snatched away by Kalona. He finally had time to deal with his own personal affairs.

Then he has a fair fight with the weapons master."

The commander of the weapon wielders sighed and said with a hint of complaint: "Do you think the weapons master is mentally ill? He is obviously a weapon wielder and has no talent as a warrior, but he has to duel with the most terrifying man in the universe.

His new weapon is indeed very powerful, but if the weapon can 100% determine the outcome of the battle, we Coward people don't need to form a separate Thunder Army organization. "

——Why do you talk so much nonsense?

Harley was impatient, but she couldn't complain to her master. She was the one asking for help at this moment, not someone else asking her for help.

"Then what?"

"The Weapon Master was impressed by Sinestro's charisma and joined the Yellow Lantern Corps and became a Yellow Lantern Demon. Alas, that bastard betrayed the organization and the people after all." The weapon wielder sighed heavily.

"Sinestro has a devilish charisma." The corner of Harley's mouth twitched.

The commander of the weapon bearer said seriously: "Although I regard him as a mortal enemy, I have to admit that he really showed the magnanimity of a peerless strong man at that time."

As he spoke, he began to describe the battle that day in detail, how Sinestro was so heroic and how he used words to break through the weapons master's defenses.

Harley was suspicious that this bastard had also disobeyed his ancestors and was impressed by Sinestro's charm.

"The weapons master has surrendered to Sinestro. Will he still listen to your instructions and forge the central battery of the blue lantern?" Qingnv asked worriedly.

After receiving the news from the weapon master and a Coward communicator from the commander of the weapon bearers, Harley only sat down and had a meal with the weapon bearer, then refused the warm invitation of the Coward people to stay and left.

After returning to the material universe, she took Qingnv and flew directly to Koruga.

Harley said confidently: "He will not reject me."

Can't refuse either.

"Eh, weird."

The red planet Koruga had appeared in front of her, but Harley slowly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Qingnv asked in confusion.

"From the time we approached the outer reaches of the star system until we entered the outer orbit of the planet, not a single yellow lantern demon came out to intercept us." Harley stared at the planet with a thoughtful look on her face.

"They were afraid of you and hid when they saw you coming." Qingnv said.

Harley shook her head slightly, "Probably there are no more Yellow Lantern Corps on the planet Koruga."

"They left?"

"No, destroyed."

Sure enough, when the two of them landed on the ground, they saw thousands of Koruga people in ragged clothes having a carnival in the ruins of a city that had obviously experienced a war.

There was no need to ask anyone specifically, Harry and Qingnu just hid their whereabouts, stood aside and listened, and quickly figured out the matter.

Just half a day ago, Green Lantern Sinestro led another "old friend of the people of Koruga" Green Lantern Hal Jordan to sneak into Koruga quietly, intending to shut down the central battery of the yellow lantern silently, but was killed by the yellow lantern. Public discovery.

Then, a fierce battle broke out between the two lanterns who exposed their hiding place and thousands of yellow lantern demons.

Hundreds of yellow lanterns were killed by Sinestro, but he was still outnumbered. Fortunately, he had a helper.

While Sinestro was restraining the lamp demons, Hal Jordan found an opportunity to get close to the central energy battery of the Yellow Lantern, and used the backdoor Sinestro told him to activate the same self-destruct program as the Green Lantern.

The central energy battery exploded, all light rings failed, and quickly evaporated into energy mist.

Following the Green Lantern Tribe, the Yellow Lantern Corps was also declared extinct.

After rescuing Koruga, Sinestro and Hal Jordan didn't stay long and helped the Koruga people place the prisoners before choosing to leave.

"We are going to the Koruga prison to look for the weapons master next? What if" Qingnv hesitated, "if he has been killed by Sinestro?"

“Don’t worry about bad things that haven’t been confirmed yet.”

Harley first took out the 'Coward Communicator' that was the size of a tape cassette, sent a message on the public channel, and then said: "Let's go to the prison first."

"What did you just do?" Qingnv asked curiously.

"Besides being killed and captured, there is a third possibility, escape. If the weapons master——"

"Didi didi" Before he could finish his sentence, the Coward communicator rang.

Harley laughed, "Look, I guessed it right, the weapons master escaped.

Just now I sent an 'antimatter wave' message that only the Coward people could receive, and now he replied. "

"Who are you?"

As she pressed the answer button, a cautious middle-aged male voice came from the speaker.

"Are you the weapons master? I'm Harley Quinn, do you remember me?"

"Ah, it's you, Master Quinn, of course I remember!" The voice on the other side became both surprised and respectful.

Qingnv quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where are you? I'm going to find you." Harley knew that it would be inconvenient for the other party to come find him at this moment.

"My position is not very good. The Koruga people are searching for me everywhere. I am hiding in a secret base in the city's sewers." The weapons master hesitated.

"It's okay, I'll be right over."

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