I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1497 The Black Hand Resurrection

Even on Earth, 99% of superheroes and supervillains cannot stand up to the government once it takes action.

Of course, that's assuming the superheroes and villains don't team up.

The Koruga civilization is hundreds of years more advanced than the Earth. During the era of Sinestro's rule, the technological level was at least a hundred years more advanced than the Earth. They had invented an "interstellar bomb" that surpassed nuclear weapons and could independently build their own constants. Star spaceships have certain space combat capabilities.

At that time, no group of space villains with average strength dared to provoke Koruga.

Not so much now.

In the ten years after Sinestro was overthrown, Koruga was in constant turmoil. It was affected many times in cosmic crises, and even became a secondary battlefield in crises large and small.

Well, the main battlefield has always been the earth.

Science and technology stagnated, industrial chains collapsed, factories were destroyed, technicians died in civil wars and foreign wars, and the level of national power dropped to one percent of its original level, or even lower.

Even so, the furious Koruga people were still able to deal with the yellow lantern demon who had lost his lamp ring with all his strength.

Most yellow lantern demons are just ordinary bullies without their lantern rings.

Such as the weapons master from the antimatter universe.

In order to escape the capture of the Koruga people, he had to crawl into the dirty and smelly sewers like a rat.

"I'm sorry, Master Quinn, for letting you see me in such a mess and for letting you come to such a dirty place." The weapons master rubbed his hands and said nervously.

He was over two meters tall and already looked very cramped standing in the "underground secret room" which was less than two meters high. Now he was nervous and embarrassed, and the expression on his face was even more cramped.

He has thick, dirty, oily, half-long hair that looks like a lion's mane. He is wearing suspender work clothes, holding a wrench in his hand, and is tossing in front of a machine.

Coupled with the current sewer environment, Harley looked at him and couldn't help but think of Super Mario.

"Sit down and talk."

Seeing his respectful attitude, she understood that the matter of the lamp and stove was almost done, so she couldn't help but feel very good, and her attitude was naturally very gentle.

"How did you find this place? It's not like a temporary shelter." She asked after looking around.

According to the information sent by the weapons master, she found him in an underground "cavity" 20 meters above the ground.

It is about 70 square meters, with cement walls on the top, bottom, left and right.

Although there is a sewer outside the door, the cement cavity is clean and tidy, with special ventilation holes above the head, and many high-tech equipment and tools are placed indoors.

It looks more like a secret laboratory.

The weapons master gave the only "esports chair" to Harley, half-crouched in front of her, and said: "I have been joining the Sinestro Corps for a while.

From the moment I entered the planet Koruga, I wanted to build a secret laboratory for myself.

Away from the crowd and undisturbed, you can conduct research with peace of mind. "

Harry thought of what the commander of the weapon wielders had said about him: he lived alone, had a withdrawn personality, and was a pure technical geek.

The weapons master continued to sigh: "Especially after the news came that Sinestro had betrayed and joined the Green Lantern Corps, I was even more worried about my situation and started looking for a secret base that could be reached quickly.

Then I settled on the city sewer system.

No matter how cruel Sinestro is, he will not use tactics of mass destruction in the city.

Moreover, it is very close to my residence in the Yellow Lantern Corps, which makes it convenient to transport experimental equipment and to escape in time when danger strikes. "

"Did you expect that there would be a big battle today?" Harley asked in surprise.

She raised her head and glanced towards the corner of the laboratory.

There was also a huge alien figure with an alien head and an extremely ugly appearance curled up there.

The selection criteria for the Yellow Lantern Corps is to inflict fear on others, which is very detrimental to those who are handsome and have a kind temperament.

Being ugly, ferocious and intimidating is a plus.

So most members of the Yellow Lantern Corps are ugly.

This alien with an alien face is so ugly, and he is still with the weapons master, so he is probably also a yellow lantern demon.

However, he never introduced himself. From the moment Harley and Qingnv came in, he huddled in the corner and said nothing, pretending to be transparent.

"Is he your colleague? Since we were prepared, why did only the two of you escape?"

When he met her gaze, the ugly man with the alien face looked secretly into her eyes, but immediately shifted his gaze in a panic and squeezed his body into the corner.

He is obviously larger than the two-meter-two-meter weapons master, but at this moment it seems that the space he occupies is less than that of a 96-liter small refrigerator.

"I know him. His name is Aquilo, the deputy commander of the Yellow Lantern Corps. Probably when Sinestro was away, he was in charge of the Yellow Lantern Corps." Qingnv introduced.

Harley glanced at him curiously twice more, and he squeezed into the corner twice more.

"Yes, Aquilo is the second in command of the legion and Sinestro's top confidant." The weapons master nodded.

Hearing this, Aqilo's face showed a look of anger. He opened his mouth to say something, but when he met Harley's curious eyes, he quickly closed his mouth, lowered his head, and continued to shrink inward.

In fact, his body has shrunk to its limit.

Even if I try my best to feed him, I can't make him look any smaller overall.

His efforts to shrink his body were all in vain.

But even though he knew it was useless, he still couldn't control it and instinctively wanted to avoid her gaze.

"He suffered post-war psychological trauma and can't speak?" Harley asked curiously.

She had no impression of him.

The Yellow Lantern Corps is so ugly that Harley can't remember "a little green among all the green."

"He was yelling at Sinestro just now. His voice was loud and arrogant, and he almost alerted the Koruga special police above." The weapons master said.

Harley thought thoughtfully and smiled: "Akilo, right? You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm here to see the weapons master today. I can only ask you a few questions."

Aquilo was really afraid of her.

When I see her, I can't help but recall the experience of her smiling and using the source of fear to control my fearful emotions on the day of the battle between the Yellow and Green Legions.

Even though he used reason to comfort himself that Witch Harley was not here to find him this time, his body couldn't control it and reacted instinctively.

But after all, he is the deputy commander of the Yellow Lantern, a Yellow Lantern Demon whose source is fear.

After she expressed her inner fear in front of everyone, he felt a sense of courage in his extreme shame and became less afraid.

"I'm not afraid of you, I'm not afraid of death," he shouted.

Harley looked at the light yellow power of fear floating out of his seven orifices and smiled without saying a word.

"I'm really not afraid of you." Aqilo's voice was louder, as if the volume could embolden him.

"Weapons Master, you were well prepared, why did only the two of you escape?" Harley ignored him and just repeated the previous question.

"Even saving him was an accident. I didn't think about saving anyone." The weapons master glanced at the alien face, "When I entered the sewer, he happened to fall from the sky.

If he were dead or fainted, I wouldn't care about him, but he just lost his ability to fly due to a malfunction of his lantern ring, and fell freely from mid-air. He didn't fall to death, nor did he faint.

He saw me lifting the manhole cover.

In order to prevent him from selling me out, I could only drag him and jump into the sewer. "

"Why did you prepare your retreat so early? Are you like the traitor Sinestro, who betrayed the Legion long ago?" Aquilo said angrily.

The weapons master glared at him hard, "I'm just smarter than you.

Before Sinestro left, he gave us the order to protect Koruga.

But when the news came that he was joining the Green Lantern Corps, you all went crazy.

You compete to kill people every day, including the elderly, women, and children, no matter how cruel you are.

From that moment on, your conflict with Sinestro was inevitable.

I don't want to join you, I hate your killing of innocent people.

If you win, you will definitely wipe out Koruga. I can't defeat you, so I can only turn a blind eye and leave Koruga.

If Sinestro wins, he will definitely not let go of any yellow lantern demon.

Just like after he destroyed the central energy battery, all Yellow Lantern members were executed on the spot.

If Hal Jordan hadn't tried to stop him, the corpses of the Yellow Lantern Demon would have piled up into a hill in Koruga Square. "

"He ordered us to help him guard his home, and we did it exactly. For Koruga, we lost more than a thousand brothers in the Green Lantern War, but none of us complained.

For Sinestro!

Even when we were dying in battle, we chanted this.

But how does he treat us? "

Archiro stood up excitedly and vented his anger towards Sinestro into a roar, "He actually gave up his identity as Lord of the Yellow Lantern and became a dog in the Green Lantern Corps.

What a cruel betrayal!

The slogan "Fear is the source of Sai's authority" has become a big joke.

All the people who sacrificed for him have become a joke and died worthless.

Shouldn't we take revenge on him?

He cares about his people and treats us like nothing, right? Then we will destroy the love of his heart! "

"What are you yelling at me? I'm not Sinestro, I saved you." The weapons master yelled.

Aquilo was startled, then glanced at Harley who looked displeased, and shrank back.

"Akilo, who told you about Sinestro's betrayal of Yellow Lantern? You have been stationed in the Koruga system, so you probably haven't had frequent contact with the outside world, right?" Harley asked.

"We received a video of Sinestro entering and exiting Oa in his Green Light uniform."

"Who gave you the video?"

"have no idea."

"You only saw the video and you believed a stranger's lies?" Harley said.

"Of course we don't believe it. In order to appease the legion members and prove Sinestro's innocence, I even took the risk to go to Oa and guard the outside of Oa until I got a green light.

I captured the Lantern, destroyed his will with fear, and squeezed information related to Sinestro from his mind."

Aquilo's expression began to twist again, "Even so, I am still loyal to him.

I told the Yellow Lanterns that there might be something going on that we don't know about, and only Sinestro himself can tell us the truth.

If I hadn't tried my best to dissuade him, the day the Yellow Lantern Demon confirmed the truth of the news, he would have bloodbathed Koruga and pushed all the planets into the stars.

Turns out we're waiting for a Green Lantern, Sinestro.

After meeting without any explanation, he fired an energy cannon and blew up Amiz, who was guarding the central battery.

Then he kills people on sight, ruthlessly and without mercy. "

Harley sighed inwardly, turned to the weapons master and said, "I'm looking for you today to repair the central energy battery of the Qinglantern.

Before that, I had been to the planet Korvad, the commander of the weapon bearers said"

She explained the reason why she came to the door and what happened.

"As long as Star Nox can really extract the spiritual energy of compassion, I promise to build a brand new central lamp of Qinglan within a week." The weapons master responded without hesitation and immediately patted his chest.

Harley nodded with satisfaction.

The young girl also looked happy.

"Is it convenient for you now? The storm is coming, and we'd better rush to Nox immediately." Harley said.

The weapons master glanced at the experimental table, and the hesitation on his face turned into determination, "Everything is subject to Master Quinn's arrangements."

"What do you seem to be building?" Harley noticed his eyes and looked at the experimental table.

A yellow metal ingot the size of a rice cooker was placed there.

"Hey, are you forging the central energy battery of the yellow light? Is this the power of fear and emotion?" she asked in surprise.

The weapons master nodded and said: "Aquilo needs strength to take revenge, and I also want to give Sinestro retribution.

I plan to let Archie re-establish the Yellow Lantern Corps, with him as the commander and I as the guardian."

He hesitated for a moment, then switched to telepathy, and said: "After the failure of the duel that day, I was indeed impressed by Sinestro's strong demeanor.

But there is another reason to join the Yellow Lantern Corps - to investigate the villain who assassinated the weapon wielder.

I found that we Coward people seemed to have made a mistake. It was not Sinestro and the Yellow Lantern Demon who were doing evil.

Sinestro only cared about Koruga and never paid any attention to Korvad.

The yellow lantern demon has no authority, so Sinestro can do whatever he says. "

"You seem to have a new plan now?" Harley also asked via voice message.

"If I become the Guardian of the Yellow Lantern Corps, I can control the most powerful force in the universe.

With this power, he can investigate the assassin and protect Korvad when needed. "The weapons master said.

Harley was a little impressed by this guy.

Although he is a technical geek, his wisdom and strategy are obviously far beyond those of ordinary weapon wielders.

The key professional and technical capabilities are still very strong and can build a central light furnace in the sewer.

"Where did you extract the 'emotional psychic energy'?" She asked this in public.

"Sinestro's previous central energy battery was what he forced me to build earlier. I still have some materials left in my hand."

After hesitating for a moment, the weapons master turned to Aquilo and said, "As you can see, I have something urgent, and our agreement may not be able to go ahead."

"I can wait a few days." Aquilo said hurriedly.

"You can wait, but they can't wait! The Koruga people hate us and will soon execute all the Yellow Lantern prisoners." The weapons master sighed.

His original plan was to build the Yellow Lantern Central Energy Battery as soon as possible, allowing Archiro to rescue more than 4,000 Yellow Lantern prisoners of war who had lost their Lantern Rings, and the Yellow Lantern Corps could be resurrected instantly.

"Even if I'm the only one left, I will rebuild the Yellow Lantern Corps." Aquilo said firmly.

The weapons master was hesitant. He valued the Yellow Lantern Corps, which had thousands of warriors, rather than Aquilo, who might not be his own opponent if he fought alone.

If he really wanted to rebuild the legion from scratch, he might as well do it himself.

"Take him with you and let's go to Nox together. Then you will have a lot of time to discuss slowly." Harley said.

"All right."

"Shit, where is the black hand?"

When the weapons master came to Nox and began to extract emotional energy from the "Green Pool", Harley, who was completely relaxed, suddenly remembered a life-threatening event.

"William Hand, a native of Earth, the human spokesperson of the Black Death Emperor. After the end of the Blackest Night, the black hand who was forced to wear the Green Lantern Ring by you has disappeared." Harley said to the Green Girl with an ugly expression.

Qingnv's expression changed greatly when she heard this, and she quickly said: "Let's search around again, we can't say that he is hiding."

Harry took a look at "Dog Nose" Muenke, "Go to the place where your hiking practice ends, and search carefully within ten kilometers with that place as the center.

You will definitely not see anyone alive, so pay more attention to the blood on the ground. "

Muenke once again proved his "dog nose" strength.

After searching specifically, it only took him ten minutes to find the blood stain left by William Hand at the bottom of a 50-meter-high cliff.

The colors of the blood stains are obviously divided into two types, one is dark red and crusted, and the other is black and sticky.

Dark red scabbed blood stains appeared on the stone in the shape of splatters.

There was only a small pool of black, sticky, smelly liquid.

"Alas, William Hand jumped off the cliff and fell to his death. The blood splattered at that time belonged to a living person, and the blood dried and turned dark red.

This sticky substance exudes a strong stench of living corpses and the smell of the power of death.

Obviously, after falling to death, he immediately gained the attention of the Black Death Emperor and transformed into the Black Hand again. "Harry frowned.

"Guardian, you have been responsible for monitoring the death dimension. Have you noticed any changes in the Black Death Emperor?" Qingnv asked.

"There seems to be no movement. The black hand is probably the same as Carona before. He only does things secretly and will not reappear in the Blackest Night." Harley said.

Even if the Black Hand has intentions, the Black Death Emperor is willing to strongly support it, and the Blackest Night will never be repeated again.

Unless they find a second supreme being to serve as a battery, they cannot create infinite zombie lantern rings.

"Ivy, inform the Justice League that Black Hand has been resurrected. Well, he should be resurrected. Especially let Hal Jordan know about this, he is Black Hand's lifelong enemy."

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