I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1495 Recasting the Lamp Furnace

The best that Harry's fleshy palm could do was to smash Natoma's head into a rotten watermelon.

But now she shaped the defensive golden film into a giant palm and pressed it entirely on Natoma.

Even though her physical attributes are not growing as fast as her defense, her strength now exceeds 60 points, which is more than enough to carry a container of several hundred tons.

All the force pressed on the mortal body of Natoma was like an ordinary person stepping on a tomato with his feet.

"Bah!" Natoma turned into a "rotten tomato" stuck to the ground.

"The green lantern is up there, guardian, what are you doing?" Qingnv exclaimed.

Harley ignored her for the time being. He opened his mouth first, and the yellow light of fear spurted out, turning into a golden blazing flame.

"Crack!" Just like putting a handful of hair on the stove to burn, Natoma's corpse, which kept bulging with flesh bubbles in an attempt to reassemble its human form, immediately burned into a ball of ashes.

"I asked you to save me, why did you kill me?!"

An illusory shadow howled out of the flames, and wisps of black smoke came out of its body, obviously full of resentment.

Even if most of his soul is burned, and even if it is still burning right now, his bloodline as a little blue man still gives him enough spiritual power to condense into a "ghost".

Just like when Carona was deprived of her body by the Guardians, she died more completely than being shot or killed in the electric chair, but the remaining immortal soul still survived for 3 billion years.

Finally, he used his illusory spiritual power to condense his physical body.

"I am just saving you. If I slap you to death now, the burning momentum of your soul may slow down.

If I waste time and come up with some crappy 'life-saving remedies', it will only make your soul burn to ashes and you will die completely. "

As Harry spoke, he stretched out his right hand and tapped Natomo's undead forehead like lightning.

A rune in the shape of "H" disappeared in a flash and sank into the core of Natoma's soul.

"Chichi~~" Like the sound of coals falling into icy water, the "flame" on the surface of Natoma's soul disappeared instantly, and his condition stabilized.

"What did you do? You stopped my soul from spontaneously burning." He said in surprise.

Harley smiled and said: "In addition to the guardian of the green lantern, I am also a god of death."

Even though his body died, Natoma still did not "die" just now, did not enter the realm of death, and did not see the second sister of death.

This is very different from ordinary people. The little blue man's way of existence is mainly spiritual, and physical death is not considered death.

Since he is still "alive", his soul will continue to burn, just like the fragments of the lamp that destroyed itself before.

If Harley left him alone, nothing would be left of him and he would completely degrade into Limbo's nourishment.

"What Death?" Natoma said blankly: "I seem to have lost control of my soul. This is not normal. We Martus people have the power of the mind to distort the rules of the universe.

We can even defeat death with the power of our mind. As long as we don't want to die, we won't die completely. "

Harry said calmly: "Birth, old age, illness and death can indeed be distorted by the powerful power of the mind.

Ordinary people's attacks can only hurt your physical body and can hardly kill you.

But when the power level is raised to a certain level, even the rules can be annihilated, let alone the mind?

In the past two years, batch after batch of little blue people have died. None of them wanted to die, but they still died completely.

Another example is me. I was understatement just now and didn't use any divine power or magic power. I just used my death authority to determine your death.

If you can't resist, you will really die.

Your soul is still here, but you have entered the realm of death and completed the death process.

Now that you have died, your soul belongs to 'death', and the process of burning your soul to commit suicide is over. "

In order to increase her persuasion, she also activated the "Quishi Reincarnation Mark" in the core of Natoma's soul.

"Ah~~~" Natoma immediately shouted, "I can't control myself. There is a supreme force that is so powerful that it is hard to shake. I am you. What are you doing?"

"As long as I have a thought, you will immediately enter reincarnation and get rid of the lowly status of Maltus bastard and become a glorious earthling. Do you want to try it?

For the sake of our colleagues, I will give you another blessing, allowing you to become an American who considers himself a superior person on earth, a superior person among Americans - a minority group. "Harry said with a strange smile.

Natomo's face twisted, and he waved his hands like an electrocuted toad, shouting in horror: "No, I have noble Martus blood, I don't want to be reincarnated!

It is better to completely return to the origin than to become a savage, uncivilized and lowly monkey. "

Harley's face turned cold, "You bastard, how dare you look down on Earthlings?"

"I can despise any race on an evolutionary level except the noble full citizens of Maltus," cried Natoma.

Harley completely gave up her plan to help him plan a good future, "Sure enough, the second Japs are more annoying and deserve to die than the real Japs."

Although Natoma was annoying, his performance also solved several doubts in her mind.

For example, why when we first met him, he looked old, dull-eyed, and looked like he was about to die.

He has ignited his soul. He is not looking like he is about to die, but he is really going to die, or he is completely distraught and completely destroyed.

For example, why he was so desperate after learning that Abinsu died.

This guy has been completely tamed by the "Martus Supreme Evolutionary Theory" and feels from the bottom of his soul that the little blue man is extremely noble and powerful.

Probably he regarded Abinsu as a spiritual support, and it was also because Abinsu showed his spirit and spirit of not being afraid of the little blue man in front of him.

In Natoma's eyes, the little blue man is the supreme god.

Abinsu dared to challenge the gods, and he was the "unparalleled hero" in his heart.

Thinking of this, Harley began to regret. If she had known he was such a thing, she wouldn't have wasted so much saliva just now. She directly scolded the little blue man with a firm look and showed her fearless spirit of vowing to kill the little blue man. Well. , No, he didn’t believe that someone could kill the little blue man. If she said that, he would 100% treat her as mentally ill.

Shit, this bitch is so difficult to take care of!

She should first ask him about his condition, then slap him to death, and then...

Harley narrowed her eyes and said, "I want to forge the complete set of techniques for the Qingdeng Lantern Furnace. Give it to me."

"No, you're not Maltus-ah~~"

As soon as Natomo had an unyielding look on his face and said a few words of rejection, Harry impatiently stretched out his right hand, like Mei Chaofeng practicing the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, and inserted his sharp five fingers into his ghost's head.

Powerful thoughts were like sharp swords, penetrating his mental defenses and roughly browsing his memories.

Natoma's soul body was shaking like chaff, and he couldn't even scream.

Harley didn't smile, her brows gradually furrowed.

"Guardian, what are you doing?" Qingnv swallowed and asked dryly.

"As you can see, I'm reading his memory." Harley said generously.

A look of pity appeared on Qingnu's face, "Natama seems to be in pain."

"It's not just painful, it hurts so much that it hurts to the bone, and life is worse than death."

Qing She hesitated and wanted to persuade, but she knew the necessity of Harley's behavior.

She wanted to say nothing, but her compassion didn't allow it. Her heart was tormented and uncomfortable.

"The process doesn't seem to be going well?" Muenke asked.

If he can be selected by Qing Lan, he must be full of evil and do many evil things, and he will be ranked on the list of evil people in the universe.

Such people naturally don't care about Harley's little tricks.

He only asked because he knew how to read people's words and noticed that something was wrong with Harley's expression.

“His mind was very disordered, like a ball of yarn that had been tossed by ten cats for two days and two nights, it became a mess but was connected to a thread.

The memory is connected in a straight line, but the thoughts and emotions are messy. " Harley said.

"What does this mean? He is resisting?" Muenke asked doubtfully.

"I suspect that he was plotted by others. The destruction of the central energy battery today was not an accident." Harley said.

"But when we talked just now, he seemed very logical." Qingnv said.

"I didn't say that his memory was confused, he was confused about his emotions and thinking, just like..." Harley's tone was not sure, "It's like a person who is in a low mood, but he doesn't commit suicide.

I guided his emotions to make him even lower, so low that he lost interest in living, and he would commit suicide.

The situation is more complicated than what I said. It's not just about enhancing an emotion. Alas, maybe I'm wrong.

This guy is alive today, almost in a weird state where he is still sane but half crazy.

Perhaps, he has always had this kind of disordered emotions and thinking. "

"Have you found the technology to forge a lamp furnace?" Muenko asked.

Harley nodded slightly, "His memory is still intact. The forging technology is not complicated, but it is difficult to do."

"What's the difficulty?"

Harley sighed and threw the undead in his hand casually.

With a "swish", a cloud of black smoke shrank into a point and disappeared from the eyes of several people.

“For me, there are always difficulties, such as extracting the ‘planetary emotional energy’ to create materials for reshaping the lamp furnace.

The central energy battery does not create emotional energy out of thin air.

It is just a 'reservoir' connected to the emotional energy pool within the Origin Wall.

Ordinary materials, let alone the emotional energy pool connected to the inside of the origin wall, will lose their nature and turn into rocks no matter how they touch the origin wall.

But the Origin Wall is also part of the multiverse.

No matter how powerful the sword in the swordsman's hand is, it can cut off all things, but it can't cut off the flesh on his own body.

If you want to avoid being 'cut' by the Origin Wall, you have to find the 'swordsman's flesh' to make a lamp furnace material.

That is, the ‘meat’ of the multiverse.

The multiverse is made up of countless universes, and the universe is made up of countless planets.

Theoretically, the origin of the planets is also the origin of the universe and is the ‘meat’ of the multiverse.

If the origin of the planet also has emotional characteristics - equivalent to the planet having the qualifications to become a lantern, a substance called "emotional psionic energy" by the little blue man can be extracted from the origin.

The lamp furnace forged from the material of emotional energy is not only immune to the damage of the origin wall, but also can resonate with the emotional energy pool in the origin wall. "

Qingnv waited for her to finish speaking, then asked with a worried look: "What did you do to him?"

"Who?" Harley was stunned for a moment before reacting, "You mean Natomo? He completed his mission, retired with success, and was reincarnated."

Qingnv first breathed a sigh of relief, then asked curiously: "He was reincarnated as a human being on earth?"

Harley shook her head, "He is a Noxian. He loves this earth deeply and doesn't bother to be a lowly Earthling. How can I have the nerve to go against his will and let him stay away from his homeland?"

"There is no one on Planet Nok. There may have been civilization here millions of years ago, but the civilization has been destroyed long ago, and there is only Natoma." Qingnv asked doubtfully.

"There just aren't any modern people."

Qingnv didn't understand her subtext, but emphasized: "There are not even primitive tribes here."

"Have you ever heard of the history of human evolution?" Harley smiled strangely, "According to the theory of geobiologist Darwin, humans originated from forest apes and went through multiple stages of ape man, primitive man, Homo sapiens, and modern man."

"The green lantern is here, he became a monkey in the forest?!" Qingnv exclaimed.

Harley said with a straight face: "As the Lord of the Green Lantern, how can you discriminate against the 'Forest Ape Man'?"

Under normal circumstances, her reincarnation seal will not cause the soul to be reincarnated into an animal without intelligence.

There are six reincarnation gates on Hero Island, and there is the beast path, but that is just to bluff people.

Animals and humans are two different "reincarnation systems of death."

Even if a wicked person with many evil deeds enters the gate of reincarnation, at most he will receive various retributions in the next life and will not become a beast.

But there is a premise here. The undead reincarnate normally and Harley did not interfere.

If she insists on stuffing the undead into the belly of the female ape, the reincarnation seal will still work.

But she usually doesn't do anything immoral unless she meets an immoral person.

Natoma just dared to laugh at the fact that humans on earth were primitive monkeys, and they deserved retribution and were reincarnated as true monkeys.

"Natoma definitely doesn't want to be a 'forest ape man'. He attaches great importance to genes and evolution." Qingnv said.

Harry continued with a straight face and said: "As the saying goes, sweeping the floor is afraid of killing ants, but cherishing moths and gauze lamps.

As the guardian of the green lantern, he should be compassionate to all living beings and treat all beings equally. How could he be greedy for false genetic evolution? "

Qingnu was stunned by what she said, "We Qingdeng practice daily, we only need to repent of our mistakes, there is no need to 'sweep the floor for fear of hurting the lives of ants, cherish the moths and cover the lamp with gauze'.

As long as you can sincerely repent, compassion will naturally arise. "

"Alas, you have led thousands of Green Lantern Walkers and practiced for more than ten years, but apart from you, who among them has achieved complete enlightenment?

As soon as the lantern ring was taken off, everything ran away, and ten years of hard work were all in vain. "Harry shook his head and sighed.

Munke heard some subtext from her words and asked expectantly: "Guardian, do you plan to change the tribe's existence model in the process of recasting the lamp furnace?"

"Well, I do have this idea. You need a new set of theories to guide your practice. The new Green Lantern Tribe can no longer restrict the lanterns' freedom of thought. The 'Green Lantern Slaves' will completely become history.

As the guardian of the green lantern, my compassionate heart cannot bear that the people I protect are like slaves, not allowed to be free from body to soul, from behavior to thinking. " Harley said.

Mu Enke immediately said excitedly: "Your Excellency Guardian, I support you! Abinsu treats us as slaves, and Natoma also treats us as Abinsu's experiments.

Only if you have mercy on us who are full of sins, you are the true guardian of mercy. "

——This big man with a chin in coconut shoes is very smart and can become the deputy leader of the tribe!

Harley was satisfied, but the expression on her face was very humble.

“Only life in the world is worthy of respect, and freedom and dignity are more important than life,” she said with emotion.

"I wonder what kind of blue lantern system the Guardian plans to formulate?" Muenke asked respectfully.

Qingnv frowned and said: "The focus now is the central energy battery!

Guardian, you just explained the concept of 'planetary emotional psionic energy'. If I understand correctly, we are going to find a planet with a 'cyan spectrum origin', just like Mogo of the Green Lantern Corps.

Mogo is a planet and also possesses will and emotion. By extracting its 'spiritual energy', the material for the central battery of the Green Lantern can be forged.

If we are Qingdeng, we have to look for an existence similar to Mogo, except that its emotion is pity, right? "

"No need to look for it." Harry stamped his feet, "This is it. Deep in the heart of the mountain where the central lamp was previously placed, there is a 'blue pool', which contains rich spiritual energy of compassion."

"Oh, this is the place where Abinsu and Natoma forged the central battery? So, the Nok planet we are on is also a 'Lantern Planet'?" Qingnv said happily.

Harley looked down at the ground beneath her feet and said hesitantly: "Nox probably doesn't have a mature sense of independence.

Perhaps it once had consciousness, and died as civilization came to an end.

Or maybe it never gave birth to self-will. "

Anyway, she didn't sense the breath of the planet spirit.

She sent out spiritual shocks to the depths of the earth, but there was no response.

"Without independent will, how can emotions be born?" Qingnv asked doubtfully.

"The extract is not pure emotional energy, it is a natural product under the laws of emotion. Just like..." Harley thought for a while and asked: "Do you know about the swamp monsters on the earth?

It is the incarnation of the greenness of all things, and it gave me a magical fruit in my early years.

After eating, I gained the ability to 'walk on trees'.

Well, walking in the trees is walking through the green of all things.

That divine fruit is the energy crystal generated by the rules of plant life. "

Seeing the blank look on Qingshen's face, Harley changed another example, "Similar to this is the fire mage's sacred artifact of practice, the fire crystal stone.

Fire crystal stone and fire elemental stone have similar names, but they are very different.

The fire element stone only contains elemental power, which is equivalent to the fire element compressed into crystals.

Fire crystal is the material manifestation of the law of fire.

It is the embodiment of the law and may not contain much fire elemental power.

In addition to the magical fruit, Swamp Monster also gave me a lot of fruits. Those fruits are rich in vitality, but have no power of law.

After eating the magic fruit, I received gifts related to plant life.

Eating fruit makes me just healthy and full of energy.

The multiverse has the law of plant life, the law of the element of fire, and of course the law of the emotional spectrum.

You lanterns' daily use of emotional energy is also a practice of the laws of emotion.

Since 'emotional spirituality' is the embodiment of the law of emotion, it must have a very direct connection with the law.

The emotional energy pool behind the origin wall is the emotional law itself.

Therefore, using 'emotional psychic energy' as the material, a central energy lamp furnace can be created. "

The green girl pondered and said: "Only the Martus people can contact the law of emotion. You can't extract the 'compassion energy' from the clear water pool. We can only find other little blue people?"

"That's not necessary. In addition to the little blue men, there are also the Kowads in this world. Although the Kowads look like white people on Earth, and their appearance is very different from the little blue people, they are actually the little blue people's descendants in the antimatter universe. mapping.

Just like the planet Kovad is the reflection of Oa in the antimatter universe. "

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